Veto Day delivered for Big Brother 20 Feeds as the sides prepared for the chances of new nominees hitting the Block as everyone jockeyed to be in the best position. Now we’ve got the POV results and know what to expect and what that could mean for this week’s BB Power App. This should be fun.
Missed the Friday daytime Feed Highlights? Go back and read all the important highlights here.
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Big Brother 20 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, June 29, 2018:
9:11 PM BBT – Feeds return from the Veto comp. Faysal won.
9:14 PM BBT – Sam is upset and Angela is trying to comfort her. It sounds like she almost won but she was distracted by a production assistant.
9:16 PM BBT – Tyler is now consoling Sam who says she’s going home. Tyler tells her that she isn’t.
9:37 PM BBT – Rachel tells Kaycee and Angela they should convince the other side to give Sam a sympathy vote and they can all vote to save her too. They now think JC has the power and might be able to save Sam.
9:50 PM BBT – Faysal comes down on JC for telling people he won’t be using the veto. He didn’t want people knowing his plans already.
10:03 PM BBT – Sam is crying again and Kaycee tells her they are trying to find a way to keep her but to not let on like she thinks she could stay.
10:05 PM BBT – Faysal is still wearing the Veto medallion. He wants to talk with Steve and make sure he’s not going to be upset at him for not using the Veto. Faysal and SC are confident that Sam is going home.
11:15 PM BBT – Faysal promises Steve he’ll be set for making it to Jury if they band together and survive this week.
10:20 PM BBT – Winston and Brett are upset and discuss how Sam was angry about production during the competition. They’re disappointed in Swaggy’s performance and Scottie’s as well. (Scottie was bitten by a snake as a child and couldn’t overcome that fear here, apparently.)
10:40 PM BBT – Scottie and Steve run through the votes as they try to figure out if they have enough to keep Steve.
11:25 PM BBT – Tyler tells Rachel and Kaycee that Faysal has agreed to not use the Veto. He warns that Bayleigh will go up if Faysal changes his mind. Kaycee says they need to keep Sam since Steve is going to the other side.
11:35 PM BBT – Rachel wonders if they can convince Haleigh to throw a sympathy vote to Sam and then surprise them with a one-vote over eviction against Steve.
11:40 PM BBT – Tyler and Kaycee don’t like SC’s cockiness as the declared leader of the other side and start discussing the idea of trying to Backdoor him when they can.
11:45 PM BBT – HOH group is going with “Level 6” alliance as they celebrate their plans. Tyler, Angela, Kaycee, Winston, Brett, and Rachel.
11:50 PM BBT – Tyler says he’s going to continue to tell Swaggy’s side that he’s planning for Sam to go this week. He lets Brett and Winston know that SC was bragging how he was playing them (Brett and Winston).
12:25 AM BBT – Bayleigh questions Swag on his Veto performance. She wonders if he threw it, but he promises he did not.
12:50 AM BBT – Tyler camtalks that it’s hard work to play both sides, but he’s trying to get them to dislike each other to cement those positions.
2:00 AM BBT- JC is upstairs chatting with Tyler and Haleigh who are hanging out in the HOH bed. JC was discussing votes and general plans.
2:25 AM BBT – Tyler and Sam are alone in the kitchen talking game. She’s amazed at how drawn people are to SC but doesn’t want to get pulled in like that since he’s so driven and focused on getting the win.
2:30 AM BBT – Tyler returns to HOH room and says it was Angie he talked with downstairs instead of Sam.
3:15 AM BBT – Faysal tells SC, if he wins HOH then he’ll nominate Kaycee and Rachel. He suspects Angela has the Power App.
3:30 AM BBT – HGs are off to bed.
Lots of great game playing so far this season and that’s awesome! Sam has her special power that only Tyler knows about while the sides are battling it out for the numbers in this week’s vote. Next up we’ll have the Veto Ceremony in the next few days and then it’s just Thursday’s vote. I imagine there will be plenty of drama between now and then.
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