Big Brother 20 Live Feeds Week 1: Saturday Highlights

JC plays pool on Big Brother 20

Saturday in the Big Brother 20 house usually delivers the Veto comp, but we got that on Friday so this week the HGs spent the day plotting and planning as the house continues to shift around its divide. If the power comes in to play this week then both of the sides will retain their numbers, but few HGs are privvy to that expectation. By the end of the night the vote counting continued while several HGs are keeping their hope alive for a bigger target.

If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

Big Brother 20 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Saturday, June 30, 2018:

8:40 AM BBT – Steve & Winston are up ahead of the rest of the HGs. Chatting in the kitchen before going to hang out in the Lounge.

9:50 AM BBT – Wake up call arrived and HGs are up for the day.

10:40 AM BBT – Kaycee and Tyler revive the talk of saving Sam for their continued plan. Tyler suggests that even if it’s a losing effort the group should still vote against Steve instead of going with a big group consensus vote for the house.

11:50 AM BBT – Feeds returned from an extended break, possibly for house repairs.

12:20 PM BBT – RoboSam’s return is announced. Sam has to head back to the DR to swap out.

12:27 PM BBT – Scottie asks Tyler about where Kaitlyn is in the game. Scottie says Kaitlyn had said she’d vote to keep Steve, but he isn’t sure what she’s doing now. Scottie also wonders about hearing that Kaitlyn was planning to target him (Scottie).

12:30 PM BBT – Chris tells Bayleigh that he’s confident if he gets sent to the Block then viewers will award him a power app.

12:35 PM BBT – RoboSam is back from DR.

12:45 PM BBT – Faysal promises Kaitlyn that he’ll always save her with the Veto if she picks him to play in POV. She asks him what he’ll do with the Veto. Faysal plans to leave the nominations alone. He doesn’t want Bayleigh to go up since it’d just cause drama and she’d say anyway.

1:00 PM BBT – Angela worries with that the other side will win HOH and pick them off one by one. Kaycee is banking on someone flipping sides over to them.

1:10 PM BBT – Angela hopes someone will get HOH and put up Swaggy and Faysal together then alert the other side that they’re just being played as puppets by those two guys. Kaycee agrees and says they need to get Swaggy out sooner than later.

1:15 PM BBT – JC joins Anglea and Kaycee’s talk. He’s sure they’ve got the votes to keep Sam and believes he’s worked hard enough to sway HGs over.

1:50 PM BBT – Haleigh and Kaitlyn discuss getting Winston out. They’d like to do it this week but know Tyler won’t renom Winston. Both consider sending Sam out this week to be a cop out. Haleigh wants to get HOH and put Angela up next to Winston then renom Brett or Rachel if Angela escapes the Block.

1:55 PM BBT – Kaitlyn and Haleigh promise to stick together to the end.

3:00 PM BBT – Faysal and SC try to decide which side of the house is more popular with viewers. Chris is sure it’s his side but concedes Angela may be popular.

3:10 PM BBT – Bayleigh, Angela, and Kaitlyn discuss how Winston and Brett are always together. Their bromance is practically a showmance, the group decides.

4:05 PM BBT – Backyard has opened up! Houseguests head outside.

5:45 PM BBT – Rachel and Tyler discuss the votes. Rachel mentions JC is very confident about having the votes to keep Sam, but Tyler counters that JC doesn’t have Haleigh like he thinks he does. Rachel is getting frustrated with JC over this.

6:40 PM BBT – Rachel talks with Kaycee that JC isn’t helping their cause. They want him to be explicit about what votes he’s so sure he has. Both agree they need to start working now to secure Sam’s safety instead of waiting for it to happen.

6:45 PM BBT – Angela suggests to JC to join her, Kaitlyn, and Haleigh in an alliance. JC declines and says they need to see what happens with the HOH first.

6:50 PM BBT – Tyler and RoboSam talk plans for getting her to gametalk. Sam wants to wait until she’s regular Sam again to talk with Haleigh.

7:55 PM BBT – Sam checks in with Rachel, Angela, and Kaycee about her odds on getting the votes. The ladies promise they’re working hard for her. Rachel wants Sam to be sad and try to use emotional sway on the other HGs.

8:05 PM BBT – Angela warns Sam that the other side is very against her (Sam) right now, so she should work on apologizing to Kaitlyn. Kaycee tells Sam she can trust Tyler that he’s on Sam’s side in this.

8:20 PM BBT – Scottie advises Steve he needs to up his social game since that’s the older guy’s advantage in most seasons. Steve worries he’s not as social as Kevin was last year.

8:30 PM BBT – Kaitlyn tells Sam it’s a waste to send either her or Steve out this week. Kaitlyn wishes a bigger target would go up at the Veto meeting.

8:40 PM BBT – Sam says she just wishes someone would give her something definite on whether she’s in danger. Kaitlyn says they can’t yet because HGs are still undecided. She tells Sam to talk with her and Haleigh later because they’ve been trying to think of a plan. Kaitlyn promises she hasn’t been campaigning against Sam.

8:55 PM BBT – Kaitlyn explains to Sam that Faysal won’t use the Veto since Tyler doesn’t want to have to do a renom.

9:15 PM BBT – Kaitlyn talks with Swaggy and Bayleigh about this week’s moves so far. She’s frustrated and wants something bigger to happen.

10:15 PM BBT – JC promises Sam he’ll figure out the votes after she stays and let her know who voted against her.

10:15 PM BBT – Winston tells L6 group that Steve said Scottie is playing both sides and Winston believes that’s true.

11:05 PM BBT – Steve is going through the votes with Angie and thinks he has it at least 7-6 over Sam. He’s worried by the close margin. Both wish that Tyler would have been willing to make a move on a bigger target this week.

11:15 PM BBT – Steve hopes he has the Bromance with him for a 9-4 vote, but suspects there’s a chance he won’t and he considers that a huge mistake on the guys part to not side with him.

11:20 PM BBT – Bayleigh and Swaggy are having some showmantic time alone. Bayleigh is worried they could end up like Cody and Jessica last season. Chris is confident America loves him. Bayleigh reminds him there have only been two episodes so far. Swaggy says he wants the two of them to be huge with fans on Big Brother then they can go dominate Amazing Race too.

11:45 PM BBT – Angie tells Faysal and Steve she is confident that Brett has the power. Faysal doesn’t consider Brett an immediate target. He wants to go after Angela though. Steve is frustrated that Tyler won’t go for a bigger target this week. Angie says Tyler wants to float instead. They’re soon back to counting votes and Steve still thinks he’s got it 7-6.

12:10 AM BBT – Haleigh lets Tyler know that Steve doesn’t trust Winston. She says Steve told her his plan is to nominate the Bros and use Angela as a renom.

12:30 AM BBT – Tyler and Rachel still trying to figure out who has the power. They suspect it could be JC.

12:35 AM BBT – JC joins the HOH talk and says he’s sure it’s Brett with the power.

1:40 AM BBT – Faysal and Kaitlyn agree they trust Swaggy, but Faysal worries they may be winning too much too soon.

2:25 AM BBT – Bayleigh was down in bed but now back up and crying. She tells Kaitlyn she heard she (Bayleigh) would be Tyler’s renom at the Veto meeting if something changes. Both ladies want Angela targeted instead.

3:00 AM BBT – HGs are off to bed for the night.

If Sam gets nervous then she’ll play her power app and likely keep both her and Steve in the house, if it works the same way as other past BB powers have. Now we’re just waiting to see if the L6 side can grow their numbers to make certain she’s safe.

Veto meeting should be coming up today or tomorrow and then this week’s noms will be set. Several HGs continue to hope Tyler will make a bigger move but we know he won’t. Especially not a move that involves going after members of his own L6 group.

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