‘Big Brother 19’ Spoilers: Who Was Voted Out Last Night In The Double Eviction?

Julie Chen hosts Big Brother 19 Double Eviction night

Buckle up! The Big Brother 19 Double Eviction arrived and we have results who who was voted out last night when two Houseguests were sent out the door and off to Jury. It was a high stakes night in a fast paced series of events so read on for the results from our coverage of the show.

If you’re not familiar with a Double Eviction then get ready for a week’s worth of Big Brother events wrapped up in less than an hour. These are exciting, action packed nights. We’ll kick things off with the first eviction then race to a new HoH, nominations, a Veto comp, ceremony, and then the second elimination vote of the night. Get ready!

Don’t miss this week’s eviction episode! You can stream it live on CBS’s All Access in most markets across the US so you don’t have to miss any of the fun even if you’re out. Get the Free Trial now.

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The last time we had a DE there were three nominees but this time around there are just four votes. The season is coming to a close soon!

Big Brother 19 Results – Week 10 Votes:

  • Alex votes to evict: Kevin
  • Raven votes to evict: Jason
  • Paul votes to evict: Kevin
  • Josh votes to evict: Jason
  • It’s a tie!

Christmas is the tiebreaker. She must make the decision in front of everyone and announce her vote… Jason Dent is evicted.

Jason storms out of the house and refuses to say goodbye to anyone. Alex shouts that it wasn’t her as he rushes out. Paul and Josh start a fake fight and Josh takes all the blame. This was all part of Paul’s plan to put the eviction on Josh and Christmas to cover himself.

In their goodbye messages Josh reveals Paul’s sneaky game play! Josh tells Jason that this was all Paul’s plan and he actually has a F3 with Paul and Christmas. Jason tells Julie that Paul is done. Wow! That could have a huge impact on the Jury!

Once the voting is over and tonight’s first evictee is out the door the HGs will have just a few minutes to prepare for the next competition and the rush to get through the rest of the Double Eviction’s events.

Big Brother 19 Results – Week 10.5 HoH Comp – “Fake News”:

  • Round 1: Everyone gets a point
  • Round 2: Raven, Kevin, & Alex get a point
  • Round 3: Everyone gets a point
  • Round 4: All but Kevin gets a point
  • Round 5: Alex & Josh get a point
  • Round 6: Everyone gets a point
  • Round 7: Everyone gets a point

Alex wins HoH! She was Paul’s big plan. This is good fun for us.

The new Head of Household will have just a few moments decide who should go up on the Block. They usually get a little longer. This was very rushed. But of course, Alex is Alex and doesn’t go after the actual F3 in the house.

Big Brother 19 Results – Week 10.5 Nominations:

  • Alex nominates: Kevin & Raven

With only six Houseguests left in the season all of them will get to play in the Veto competition. No more hopes of a Backdoor in that situation.

Big Brother 19 Results – Week 10.5 Veto Comp – “Lime Drop”:

HGs have to dig through a pit of lemons to find a “lime” ball then drop it down a distance in to a tube. The balls are large and the tubes are narrow. First HG to get 4 limes in the tube then hit the buzzer will win Veto.

This was close. Alex had a solid lead but then lost it as Raven and Josh caught up before Josh surpassed them for the win.

  • Josh wins Veto

And now it’s time for Josh’s decision, but we already know he won’t do anything.

Big Brother 19 Results – Week 10.5 Veto Ceremony:

  • Josh does not use the Veto.

Houseguests will head back inside the Diary Room for their second vote of the night. Either Raven or Raven or please, please let it be Raven. Or Kevin.

Big Brother 19 Results – Week 10.5 Votes:

  • Paul votes to evict: Raven
  • Christmas votes to evict: Raven
  • That’s enough votes.
  • Josh votes to evict: Kevin

Raven Walton was evicted 2-1.

Raven sobs on her way out the door then does a cartwheel. Good grief. She tells Julie she understands why HGs kept Kevin. Julie more or less tells Raven she didn’t have any game herself. Heh. Nicely done.

Big Brother 19 Results – Week 11 HoH:

The show ended without a new HoH, but that issue was soon resolved. HGs went to the backyard late last night and competed for control, but with Alex as the outgoing HoH, it didn’t particularly matter who won as they were all planning to take her out next.

HUGE NEWS! Julie Chen just revealed there will be a Celebrity Big Brother this winter! WHOA! Amazing! Here are the early details. This is awesome!

twitter-tweet" data-lang="en">

CBS Announces: #BBCelebrity! A new season of Celeb BB arrives this winter & yes there will be Live Feeds! Read: https://t.co/uEr4nw8qXH

— Big Brother Network (@bigbrothernet) September 8, 2017

Julie also reveals next Wednesday will have a bonus eviction show which will be taped on Tuesday, so expect down Feeds those days, then another live eviction show next Thursday.

We’ll end the night without a Head of Household, but that should be resolved later tonight and we’ll have spoilers when those results come in. In the meantime we’ll be watching the Feeds to see tonight’s fallout and how the house reacts to what just went down.

If you haven’t signed up for the Live Feeds yet, then you can get a 1-week Free Trial, no promo code required. That’ll get you through the next week of events and final stages of plotting this season.

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  1. Its gotten to the point where I dont care who wins, just not Paul, Raven, or Xmas. Well maybe I care alittle bit.

  2. Am I legitimately the only person who finds Christmas’ little hamster cheeks more and more adorable as time goes by?? I hated her at first and I know she technically shouldn’t be in the game… but I just want her to win now lol (don’t hate on me too hard hahaha)

  3. To anyone with the feeds. Any chance of Kevin self evicting tonight and saving Jason? Thanks for sharing the info.

    • Would that actually save Jason?? It doesn’t seem fair as the vote should still dictate if he leaves or not? Is there a precedent for it in the past?

  4. For the first time in a while, I’m completely relaxed going into the DE.

    Sometimes, it pays not having someone to root for in this game.

    • What did josh do???
      He cowared lime the cry baby he is!!! Talks big and then backs out.
      If he had a set on him, he would have done something allready.
      He knows what’s happening but won’t pull trigger!!

  5. I have to laugh when they try to make it look like they are going to do something when they are not.

  6. Josh just won Americas Favorite Player. oscar winning performance. if he would faint dramatically…would be even better.

  7. Blah..blah..blah Prove it tonight Meatball!..I think it’s all talk..The ‘I can blow up this house’..that’s scripted for us. lol

  8. I know Kevin has a wife and kids but I think he has spent tooo much time with the women in his life.
    He’s primping and manscaping is better than mine lol

  9. Look at Paul acting it out, Josh letting it known he voted against him. These people are so stupid omg JOSH YOU ARE EMBARRASSING

  10. Josh knows Paul’s scheme and he is still letting Paul throw him under the bus…does this get any more confusing.

    • nothing confusing at all. Josh is am emotional idiot. I cant believe 1) he is crying so much 2) let it be known he voted against Jason and 3) have Paul question him like that and then answer it

    • No he let Jason know in his goodbye that it was all Paul’s idea. Smart because Paul has no idea Josh just sent the poison to jury. Lol

    • They have final 3 deal w Xmas .. he has final 2 w Alex , so either way he’s going unless someone takes him out . He still win or lose played the best social. I would be surprised if he didn’t win. Little let down , but .. he may b back again 😂

    • Yeah , didn’t know that was all part of whatever they were doing .. was weird. I’m sure Alex will not use veto , she wants kevin out and he’s a vote for her !!

      • I hole up are correct!!!
        Thus could be a very very bitter jury!!!!!!! I hope they prevent him from winning just to spit cbs!!!

      • If he wins 2nd again they’ll just bring him back for celebrity big brother. And if he loses that too next summer will probably be all stars, and they’ll bring him back then, and give him safety for half the season.

    • I loved that Paul just continued to lie in his goodbye message. I think after a cooling off period that somebody like Jason might respect the move if he’d have come out and said, look, this was my plan to get myself to the end in a position to win. But by lying… Yeah, we might get that bitter jury.

      • Is the game , u can’t go in there thinking I’m gonna make friends and all are going to like me and I’m gonna tell everyone my moves , that’s bb suicide . Yes paul likes to talk about himself and how he did this and that and he’s prepared to lose , again … but out of all of them, I just can’t see them handing it to anyone but him , the jury usually settles down but they played all so personal and it wasn’t , it’s pure game strategy and he did what he had too . I don’t know how I would handle that house , probably self evict after stabbing some one w a fork !

      • I tend to disagree with this. Jury management is an important factor. I don’t consider it a bitter jury so much if you’re being lied to in a goodbye message so much. He could have played it vague rather than blatantly continued his lies when there’s a chance he could be outed in the jury house even if not in someone else’s goodbye. Yes, most people don’t vote bitter, but most aren’t blindsided and then blatantly lied to in a goodbye message. That is where I think it will bite him with Jason, but I believe that Cody, Mark, Elena and probably Maven still vote for Paul because they either see him as the best player or in Maven’s case, they still probably believe they have F3 with him.

  11. I’m so glad Josh told him what’s up then Paul lies. Hahaha he won’t get Jasons vote.

      • Exactly! No one who wins spends the summer telling no lies and not faking it at one point or another. No winner tells the household what they’re up to. You people act like this is an All Saints game.

      • Exactly , has there ever been a winner who was straight up and didn’t lie or deceive or played like a saint ??? Never

    • I was just about to type the same thing. Paul doesn’t realize that Josh goodbye message will throw him under the bus.

      • Well then now can everyone say this is not rigged ??? If they heard that and rigged for paul then they wouldn’t have shown him . All this time Kevin been sweating it and he was safe twice ! 😜🕊

      • Are u kidding me?? Not rigged?? What show are u watching???
        Xmas being cleared to run in a foot race? PAUL getting 3 weeks safety?
        Come on now, get real??

    • Unless Alex make it to jury and change his mine. Paul just sold her a very convincing story and Josh cosigned smh

      • If she has to pick with message real she will choose Paul’s message over Josh and therefore tell Jason not to believe Josh

      • if alex goes haywire on josh it might just push him to reveal the paul plan to her about jason- one can hope

  12. Oh wow…I just caught the last 45 seconds of that…Jason looked like he was going to puke and cry at the same time.

  13. That’s pretty bad if they don’t see this as a GAME, Paul has been saying that all season…he has played the best game, by far!

  14. Wow , he was not happy at all ! Didn’t say goodbye … this is not a game of “friendship” ding dings , they all act so shocked .. only ONE wins ! Geeze !

    • I KNOW. These HGs act so ignorant sometimes, I wonder how much they’re getting paid to just play big dummies. Seriously! There’s no way in h#LL I wouldn’t have asked Josh, “Dude, what is wrong?! Tell me! Hey, I’m not one of those little girls you mess with; I’m a grown-@ss woman (Christmas style) & you need to tell me right now!” =D

    • But he had a back up plan and covered all corners no matter who won- including Alex although she was his next target

  15. Good bye josh or christmas! Alex is HOH. Is her dislike for Kevin worse than the betrayal of votes against Jason?

    • Christmas and Josh would have made better sense. She still believe in Paul. Christmas made the final decision. She knows Kevin like Jason… WHY? That’s what hatred does blind you to common sense.

  16. Whoa…does she not know who actually voted which way?

    Or did Paul manage to whisper to her as they were walking through the door?

  17. I hate her, but I’m glad she won, but of course she continues with Paul’s plan. Raven is so nervous.

  18. Wow alex seriously…. Raven and Kevin.. Lol you should of put up josh and christmas since they DID technically blindside jason! LOL wth?

  19. Wow alex seriously…. Raven and Kevin.. Lol you should of put up josh and christmas since they DID technically blindside jason! LOL wth? srsly

  20. Silly Alex, she should have nominated Josh and Christmas…….she is still drinking Paul,s Kool- aid

      • She wasn’t playing BD. She thought everyone was on board to get Kevin out. Josh was sobbing and blubbering so badly that he could barely speak. I wonder if he’s been told that hurricane Irma is headed straight to Miami?

  21. Guys last night I checked the wiki and it said that the season was already planned out and Paul won. Ofc its fake, but the way the votes went. and the hoh…..
    Its the same as the wiki said…. o_o

  22. Can’t believe she didn’t put up Josh. Paul probably got in her ear after the eviction when Julie was talking to Jason. Wish they wouldn’t of gave him time.

  23. Like srsly how can that happen I check wiki last night it said that all this happened o_O

  24. Alex is an idiot. Paul’s message to Jason made me sick. What a good liar he is and that is nothing to be proud of.

    • Look at it this way hopefully annoying scammer Raven will go. Rather it would be Paul but she’s my second choice.

      • We should have a contest & see who makes up the best, most creatively
        imagined disease for Raven to say she caught while in the BB house. “Rough knee cap syndrome” my @ss! I nearly fell out into the floor when I heard that.

    • That is why I say it is scripted. She is pissed at Josh and Xmas but will not put them up? Makes zero sense.

  25. worst season ever I hope they get a good wake up call when they leave and read all the comments people have made about them
    will they get it? who knows they will be running to Paul for validation

  26. I’m sooo mad! I fell asleep and woke up just as Paul was telling the last 10 seconds or so of his speech to Jason. SHOOT!

    • Think she was tired of him, and he was going sooner or later .. since Alex and paul still have f2?

  27. Paul better hope Josh isn’t in f2 with him if he gets that far. Josh just set up jury to his favor.

    • They were thinking they could slow everybody down to aim for the tube while Halloween hops up and down the stairs on 1 foot to catch up, but they said they wouldn’t alter any comps for her. I hope she makes it to final 3 now because I really want to see how they plan on “not” altering that endurance comp for her.

  28. kinda hoping one of them fall of the railing and end up with the tube inserted down their throat

  29. OMG I just got home…This is EXACTLY what I thought would happen! An hour ago I actually called out that Alex would win this next HoH and put up Kevin and Raven…CRAZY!

    And Josh is a douche.

  30. I would find one lime, put in tube, then find bunch of limes, stack to side then lime tube lime tube

  31. I’m just glad Raven didn’t win. I don’t want Josh going up, but if he tells Alex Paul can go up.

    • Hope he can get in her ear. Otherwise, Paul’s safe. In which case, hopefully Raven gets the boot.

  32. Did I see Paul trying to block Josh from getting to his buzzer. Josh needs to get go Alex now or his game is done.

  33. Go Kevin! Win that veto to ensure your safety! Do not let Alex take you out! Let Raven go to the jury house!

  34. Why didn’t Alex put up Christmas? Christmas voted out Jason! This is the most clueless house guests in Big Brother history. They are giving the game to Paul.

  35. DANG!!!! Would have been the time to nom paul.
    But guess Josh too scared to stay in house if paul didn’t get 2 votes out.

  36. I swear to god I saved a picture of the wiki last night, like for 4 minutes it said the season was planned out. So far this turned out the exact same.. COULD IT BE RIGGED?

  37. Poor Josh, the water works didn’t start yet. Wait until he is home watching and seeing how they really felt about it. Not only is he going to still be a misfit but a broken person.

  38. Take it to the $500K, Paul!

    They had him where they wanted him, and they were still too chicken to take a shot at Paul. Unfortunately, Josh may not find Paul as eager to protect him. Suits me fine, because he’s masterminded the entire House this season. Like I said about 6 weeks ago…

    Paul rules and the rest of the HGs drool.

  39. JOSH IS SUCH A COWARD! He’s too concerned with “fitting in” as he put it. This is a GAME, not high school! I saw Paul’s face, he actually looked worried that Josh was going to use the veto. Course, it also could have been an act. Probably was. Watching this season has been a waste. I’ve never seen so many horrible players in my life. At this point, I hope Alex wins. Though I think she’s an idiot too for not nominating Paul or Christmas. Heck, Christmas EVICTED Jason! Anyway, this episode has made my ears bleed. I should have stayed on the football game.

  40. Raven – at least she doesn’t have the orange t-shirt on. on way to jury, she can see doc for her tum-tum

  41. They should another episode after the season is over and just record all them watching the season back so they can see how stupid they are.

    • I say that every year. That would be way better than those stupid recap episodes they do during the season.