‘Big Brother 19’ Spoilers: Who Was Voted Out Last Night & Who Won HoH?

Julie Chen hosts Big Brother 19 eviction

Eviction night arrived for Big Brother 19 as the last showmance of the season would be thankfully put out of our misery one way or the other. Either Raven Walton or Matthew “Have-Not Rules Don’t Apply To Me” Clines was set to go. After the vote was final it was time for the HGs to crown a new Head of Household but that brought its own drama, more unusual than most.

It’s been a very heated few days in the Big Brother house and with most of that peaking after the Veto meeting we should have plenty of interesting content to watch leading up to the live portion of the night. Matthew and Raven let loose on Jason before Matthew deciding to abandon his place as a participant in the game and wait out his final days with complete disregard for the rules of the game. I’ll be glad to see him gone.

Don’t miss this week’s eviction episode! You can stream it live on CBS’s All Access in most markets across the US so you don’t have to miss any of the fun even if you’re out tonight.

Big Brother episodes live on CBS All Access

Along with Thursday’s votes will be one extra vote for Matthew as a penalty for his flagrant violation of the Big Brother rules. This vote works as one extra vote cast him from the start.

Big Brother 19 Results – Week 9 Votes:

  • Production votes to evict: Matthew
  • Alex votes to evict: Matthew
  • Kevin votes to evict: Matthew
  • Paul votes to evict: Matthew
  • That’s enough votes
  • Christmas votes to evict: Matthew
  • Josh votes to evict: Matthew

By a vote of 6-0, Matthew Clines has been evicted from Big Brother 19.

The HoH competition was delayed due to rain, the first time that’s ever happened, said Julie Chen. It was the running, track start competition where HGs have to hold a button and then the last in each race is eliminated. After 90 minutes of down Feeds we got the surprising results.

Big Brother 19 Results – Week 10 HoH Comp:

Julie Chen announced that next week is a Double Eviction, but we already talked about that happening so now big surprise. Still fun news to have it confirmed.

After the show we’ll be racing back to the Live Feeds for the eviction fallout and the next rounds of planning for this week’s target. Grab the Free Trial and join us there!

CBS All Access - Big Brother Live Feeds

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      • I’m watching a high school football game. My nephew just started his Sr year and had 12 offers from major colleges to play but is choosing to play for University of TN. This happens to be one of 2 of his games that will be televised. We also have left over Harvey coming our way. Luckily, we’ve been in a lull for a few hours. Hope it lasts a little longer.

      • It ain’t hit us yet and I am 50 miles north of Nashville….Its raining lightly and a little wind but nothing major yet..

      • We had a lot of rain from the bands. Today was ok though. I am worried about the new hurricane in the Atlantic.

      • Close and getting closer. Not liking this. And tomorrow is suppose to be worse. I feel bad speaking about it because of what others have been through, but we all have family to worry about in our area. Tornadoes are so unpredictable.

      • It looks terrible on radar. Still west of me. According to hourly, it won’t be here until around 12:00. Stay safe, littlefly. Hope you don’t lose your connection.

      • as long as Pc is up I think I’M GOOD but can’t post much cause too much traffic knocks me out….will post later but trust me I am watching..

      • I’m southeast of Nashville. The rain started yesterday evening here but it stopped about 4:00PM. Later tonight and tomorrow is suppose to be the worst. I’m honestly glad it has moved away from Texas and hope it moves through fast.

      • Raven is wearing Matt’s red shirt! Didn’t you say something about hoping she didn’t keep one? Hope your nephew does well ๐Ÿ˜Š

      • Yep, I did. I shouldn’t have said it out loud. Good Golly Miss Molly! I’m DVRing it but had to turn to see. I guess we’ll get to see it a lot more now, huh? :(

      • Yep, ugh. They ( Matt and Raven) probably think it’s cute and viewers are loving it ๐Ÿ™„

      • Matt can’t wait to have a relationship with her when it’s all over. Bet that changes a month and a half from now.

      • You really think it will take that long? I give them 1 week after the show ends. OK, by the end of Sept. there will be no Maven.

      • And thanks for the good wishes. He’s 6’6” and a slim very fast TE with an almost perfect grade point avg. Also a very mannerly, polite, kind and thoughtful young man. So I am very proud of him.

      • Congrats for your nephew. Glad to see he has so many offers. Not sure about the college pick, (HA HA) since we are also in the SEC being at USC. Been having wind for last 3 days and rain started tonight.

      • That’s very kind. He actually had an offer from USC. His father played at UT and he has grown up there so it’s just home…..and he loves his Mama. lol Hope your weather improves soon. It was very sweet of you to take the time to post to me.

      • It’s only 5:59 PM
        Oooooh wait it just turned 6 PMโ€ฆโ€ฆ

        I will patiently wait for my East Coast friends to fill me in :-)

  1. I want to see the HOH comp. Though we will probably have to endure Matt and Raven ranting for thirty minutes.

  2. I don’t care about this week’s eviction unless Julie will announce a punishment for Matt. I do want to see the comps and if Alex is as stupid as I think she is.

    • It’d be great if after he’s evicted, production directs him out via the Diary Room with no goodbye chat with Julie. They can’t punish him that way when he’s talking to her in front of the house.. too awkward and risky.

    • Matt didn’t get anything but the one vote. He had the interview and recorded good byes . Such a disappointment.

  3. Who am I?

    “Are you sh*tting me…….!?
    Are you sh*tting me!……?
    Are you sh*tting meโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ!” ๐Ÿคก ๐Ÿ’ฉ

    • Ready for an answer to the big question of the evening — what shirt is Matt wearing ? ;)

      • Can’t wait!..go baby go..baby go. ha..I want Raven to win just because! I’m a trouble maker. haha. Imagine if she wins?..that’ll be insane!!!

      • I’m telling you Tr8pp! stay with me here..lol talking about a ‘mental ward Big Brother. ha!

      • The blue one is the one he wears when dressing up. Since he knows he is leaving, maybe he’ll wear jeans instead of basketball shorts.

      • I was thinking the blue one because it’s more “dressed up” however, Julie did comment on his orange shirt so maybe he will wear it specially for her LOL

      • I SAY the Orange one. (Just because Julie commented on it.)

        My husband says the blue one WaWa……..

        Our daughter says no shirt! Whhhhhaaat!!!?!??
        Taken them teenage eyes OFF OF them muscles!! ๐Ÿ’ช

        I am very interested what Julie Chen will say to Matt or how she will treat him because he blatantly broke the rules and had ZERO respect for Big Brother!
        I hope she tears him a new one……. nonchalantly of course.
        I don’t recall Julie ever completely being rude to anyone?!? Has she?

      • No never rude but she can be direct and I think she will call him out for the HN nonsens

      • Were we wrong! She was so easy on him it was pathetic!
        And Alison G’s answer to that whole situation with Matt was just as pathetic as this season!
        She needs to be fired!

  4. RE: Matt being a complete poor sport loser!!โ€ฆโ€ฆEasy solution!

    BB should’ve taken away/not provided any more cereal this week!
    We ALL know Matt NEEDS his cereal!!!!!

    Sure, eat whatever you want LOSER!!!! but we are taking away your cereal!

    “NO more cereal for you!” ๐Ÿ˜‰

    “Are you sh*ttin me right now Big Brother!?!? Give Matt his cereal! Are you sh*ttin me?””

  5. So Jason did tell Raven he would pull her off. I thought it was just another of her lies. She is the little girl who cried wolf.

    • Yes, sad but true. Raven was actually telling the truth for once. They showed it on last nights episode. But, that’s the game. For her to think she is safe simply because Jason said that to her immediately following the nomination ceremony doesn’t make it true! Has she not seen big brother before! Zero sympathy!

  6. Dirty game? Weren’t they going after him if they would of won? Maybe you should win something Maven.

  7. Yes. Hiding in a room you can go find him in. With Alex. And several other HGs who’ve gone in there after the meeting. Ha!

      When I was watching those fees I was laughing thinking Matt you can easily just walk into the storage room! Others are!
      Plus, Jason gave you both the opportunity to speak! Dumba$$es

      • They didn’t ask for clarity…Ravish heard him once, but didn’t feel the need to clarify ever again. Safety was in her pocket all along! :-)

  8. How much more time do you need together, Raven? Aren’t you already hanging on him 24/7???

  9. I have cbs all access and can’t watch tonight. Blocked me out. Never had this happen before

  10. Matt and Ravens voices sound so werid to me because they havent done anything for this entire season.

    • it looks like Julie is gonna be dusting and cleaning with her sleeves.
      As a home ec major from many years ago with clothing design and such, the orange and gray/brown cuffs do not go together, besides the fact of the great difference in textures that REALLY REALLY don’t go together at all.
      ICK !!!
      Does she even look in the mirror???
      Is she color blind?

  11. I pay for CBS All Access. They have preempted the schedule tonight to show football. Isn’t there some way for me to watch Big Brother?

  12. West Coast girl here. I don’t see what Julia’s wearing but, everyone is talking about her sleeves.
    Perhaps she is over dramatizing her sleeves vs Matt never wearing a shirt with sleeves???
    A little shot at him so to speak!?

  13. bwahahahahaaha…Matt, the viewers are laughing at you. Youโ€™ve done nothing for 75% of the season, why do you even care?

  14. Paul dodged a bullet when Jason asked Raven and Matt when he never said he would pull them off block.

  15. Wow so Matt is pissed that him and his girlfriend are going home but they haven’t done anything all season. Should have done something other than eat cereal and plow Raven this whole time, loser!

  16. meh its NFL preseason game on cbs tonight…..guess ill stick on forum to see who’s voted out

    • There’s places to watch online, and the CBS sister station (channel 10 for us in NY with Verizon Fios).

  17. I can’t stand Matt he’s acting like a little girl. Dude know one owes you anything.

    • Trying to become the next Kim Kardashian with a leaked sex tape! Instead all we are seeing is a ghost bobbing up-and-down under a sheet near Matt’s penis!๐Ÿ‘ป
      Can I say penis? Penis penis penis!
      Sorry Raven, Matt made sure that sheet stayed over you!
      No sex tape for you!! Boooo
      But you played a good ghost ๐Ÿ‘ป

    • My guess she is there to play on Americas heartstrings, which I’m not stupid enough to buy into her lies and I think most of America feels the same I would think. And she is there to have a showmance,

    • Trying to become the next Kim Kardashian with a leaked sex tape! Instead all we are seeing is a ghost bobbing up-and-down under a sheet near Matt’s penis!๐Ÿ‘ป
      Can I say penis? Penis penis penis!
      Sorry Raven, Matt made sure that sheet stayed over you!
      No sex tape for you!
      But you played a good ghost ๐Ÿ‘ป

  18. “Why would I throw myself under the bus?”

    Good question, but it’s lost on these people.

    • Why would he admit to it. Poor Jason isn’t into confrontation and Kevin looked scared.

    • Thank god!
      I was saying they should’ve taken all the cereal out of the house and not provided any more once Matt started breaking the rules and eating etc. torture him LOL

  19. Here we go again. Trying to control who can talk to who. Whoever gets rid of Paul gets my vote for AFP.

  20. Josh is yelling at him and is WRONG and then has the audacity to tell Kevin to not yell at him

  21. Ummmmm Josh, what about selling about your whole team for safety. How come no one brings that up

    • Especially once they have set their sight on one target. It’s torment city for the rest of the week. Isolation and group arguments

      • It’s really sad and heat wrenching to watch. The others could handle the gang attack but to watch it happen to Kevin was on a new level of low.

      • Thanks for the info…Kevin seems to seem like a really nice man. I hope it doesn’t make me sick. WAIT—Is Kevin the recipient of the rape comment?

      • Yes. Jason got caught up in the hate bashing moment and said he would rape Kevin’s wife and/or daughter. That was after Alex accused Kevin of being a murderer

      • Yep. Could NOT have handled that sh*t. Wtf is going ON?! So much ugliness in the real world; I don’t want it in my entertainment, too. Hopefully it’ll get easier to watch from now on. I’d kind of like to get back into the show. I need a distraction right now…but not if this is what I have to look forward to.

      • Look at the clip posted below by Captain 555. That’s from this weekend when they started on Kevin

    • But why though. He started it….and he’s the one that’s crying??

      • He always like to play the victim. It must be a momma’s boy side effect or something

      • When he watch how Paul played him like a fiddle, he will be so embarrassed of himself.

  22. Josh, go jump in a volcano you bully. Crying like a darn sissy. You get threatened because you are a bully!!!

      • To me S15 still crazier than this. Everyday you see them on ‘mainstream media. Who lost their job, their bosses speaking, etc. Amanda is just one character. lol remember Spencer?

      • Spencer always picked his nose, and he looked like Yukon Cornelius from ‘Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer.’ GinaMarie was a PIG. Amanda was muy loco. She terrorized Rachel’s sister—I really liked her, but can’t remember her name.

    • At this point I don’t think Paul needs to even levitate. He can just tell them all he did and they were all believe him!

  23. Wish Josh had hit himself in the head with the pots and pans when he was doing the meatball dance…….a lobotomy would knock some sense into the whiny crybaby

    • Cuz Josh misses his Mommy!

      Josh has not been breast-fed or had his diaper changed ALL SUMMER! ๐Ÿ’ฉ
      That’s got to be uncomfortable ๐Ÿ˜‰

      BAD diaper rash! ๐Ÿ˜ณ

    • Feeds were down for an hour and nothing happened. Josh was crying and did they ask Kevin to act out that scene again because when he went towards Josh he had a glass in his hand and slammed it on the counter.

      • OMG!! I have been wondering what was up with the “glass situation” because I never saw a glass in Kevin’s hand, so I just figured it happened after the feeds cut. I just assumed it was a second incident. WTF!

        Did they seriously make him act it out again!!?! Unreal

      • Right!!!!!
        Just when I think I might start liking Josh, he reminds me why I disliked him since the very beginning!
        The “good side” of Josh I reallly wanna cheer for!
        Josh actually can be a nice guy, levelheaded and says he “doesn’t want to attack people anymore” but no sooner does he say those things, he then pounces on someone! & turns into the Josh we all hate!
        Pick a personality Josh and stick to it!

        He gives me whiplash!

      • And it’s always the same. He can’t assume what he does. He held and attack. Then finished as a victim. Sad.

      • Very sad! I wouldn’t want to be him on the outside of this house! That kid is going to be nonstop crying

  24. Matt is wearing a different outfit and Raven is keeping the dingy orange shirt. It suits her perfectly.

    • I think it was KSGB (is that right, haha) that said earlier she hoped she wouldn’t keep that shirt as a reminder.

      • Ah-ha-ha-ha! I almost said that….
        I hope you’re enjoying the season. Wow…seems REALLY confrontational. I’m not sure I could have watched the whole thing. Kind of glad I’m coming in now.

      • This was/is a challenging season to watch. This is the first season I don’t mind missing an episode and rarely watch since two weeks ago. I read more than I watch.

      • Well, I just saw the rape comment…so I’m wondering if I even want to subject myself to any of this ugliness. I need a distraction right now…but this isn’t the right kind. This isn’t a FUN distraction.

      • Oh my, there was a lot of disgusting behavior this season.

        I tuned in tonight to see how they would handle Matt’s sore loser, tantrum throwing attitude and it was a waste, could have read that also.

        I am excited for Survivor. I didn’t see a Ken or Joe in the new group but no returning players, happy for that.

      • Thank God for Survivor. I’m looking forward to that.

        I won’t be returning to this—not after that rape comment—which people seems to be minimizing. It’s not funny to even say…to even utter aloud to someone else, ‘I’d like to rape his wife and make his children watch.’ NOT OK. I’ll see you at Survivor, Georgia!
        God…now I’m all wound up. Lol….

      • Completely understand. I don’t even comment on it, it upsets me more than anything. It is very serious and never a laughing matter.

        Don’t let it get you wound up :-), do not give it your energy!

        Hope for a great Survivor season, see you there! Be well :-)

  25. So sad to see a big guy like Lou, crying. (Sorry…I’m new—Josh, to me, reminds me of some kind of mutant Lou Ferrigno) What a douche.

    • Hey, “Lauren.” You must not have seen any previous episodes as Josh/Lou cries almost every episode. If he’s not crying, he’s yelling and/or banging pans together.

      • Nope…haven’t watched anything, except for the few brief, shining moments—like tonight’s chaotic hell—have I seen anything this season. First time since Season 1 that I haven’t watched. Don’t think I’ve seen you here before, Kelly…nice to ‘meet’ you. :)

      • Nice to ‘meet’ you, also. My first season but didn’t start posting for awhile. My iMac doesn’t quite do too much with outdated operating system. Even this used lap top had old operating system and ‘flash’ and software not able to update anymore. The squirrels sure do get a work out making the wheels go around and around and around and . . .

      • Lol…I totally understand. Last year, because of all the traffic, my old laptop would give up the ghost while I was writing a comment. Drove me nuts.

    • It’s more funny than sad. He’s a crybully. He picks a fight then cries about it after and acts like the victim. He’s done it almost every week.

      • I finally figured out who he is…the pots and pans guy, right? I’m SO glad I didn’t start watching until now! Honest to god, he would have driven me out of my mind.

  26. I swear if I hear one more thing about Raven’s pacemaker I’m going to freaking lose it.

  27. They should tweak the rules a bit so that if you get a penalty vote and then continue doing whatever idiotic thing earned you that penalty vote, you start losing days’ worth of stipend.

    • Oh for sure! That is a stupid penalty. One year on BBC one of the HG’s accidentally ate a grape and another one (I think) I accidentally ate a piece of popcorn, (something simple like that) & the entire house was put on slot for 24 hours!
      You don’t want to piss off the house, especially the HOH!
      Stupid penalty Matt received!

      • It’s stupid. Many more people should had done it. I thought it could be way more serious to break that rule.

      • And that is exactly what I said to my husband! People who were have-nots that either knew they were safe or knew for sure they were going home should’ve just broken that rule! One penalty vote, big deal!

    • I hope he stays away from her. She had no interest in him in the house – time for them both to move on. (Marks clinginess will eventually get on her nerves)

  28. That’s right, Cody. Paul very obviously handed it to her. Because Christmas sucked at that comp.

  29. So we’re losing Matt, but keeping his stupid orange tank. No win situation here.

  30. So they are not going to show Matts behavior this week and therefore Julie isnt going to bring it up. I hope she at leasts shades him and says he hasnt done anything all summer

  31. Jessica is probably drooling all over her TV and shorted it out by trying to *u** Cody through the glass.

  32. I was gonna say, they have to mention the Penalty Vote. Of course, they could have SHOWN it!!!

  33. Did he wash that shirt b4 he gave it to her….Never mind, she probably likes that funk.

    • She probably told him not to! So she can remember his smell…ewwww…Did I really say that?

  34. by the chart above, looks like 7 rounds of questions with the losers going out after each question.
    GO KEVIN!!!

  35. Raven, fake cry or real? Oh and definitely fake hug from Christmas for camera. She said she hated her.

  36. Don’t cry too hard Raven or u might sprain your tear duct and we’ll have to hear about it for the next week!

  37. Noticed how no one said “awe” when he talked about Raven lol. No one likes their showmance!

  38. Goodbye Matt. The single worst player in Big Brother history. Just didn’t care about anything except cereal and sex.

  39. No booing, but minimal claps and very silent audience tonight. Only laughter when Julie made a joke, but this show is rigged to the max. Chima should sue.

  40. OK, I am officially done with the show. People threaten that all the time, but I’m done til next season. I am SO annoyed at how CBS/BB has handled things this season and most recently, the Matt situation. Disgusted.

    • I don’t know where you see a good edit, she’s just bubbly and smiling in the DRs to try and play up how nice she is. On the show they show she constantly lies and is controlling

      • Well she was horrible to Kevin. Tell him he look old, throw his food and more. We just saw her acting nice. They never show her true color and she’s really ugly mean petty person.

      • Jason made a joke about Kevin’s wife saying he would rape her, tie up Kevin’s daughters and make them watch

      • You’re effing kidding me. Jason—the HOH?—said that about KEVIN?
        Yeah, maybe this was a good season for me to miss most of…

      • I wish I was kidding; what’s equally disgusting is that he made the joke in front of a few of the house guests and they just laughed.

      • In all fairness and this is not an apology for jason he said that the worst thing he could say to Kevin is he would have sex with his wife and tie up his daughters and make them watch.

      • I don’t care. Any kind of ‘joke’ about rape isn’t remotely funny. And if others were there and laughed along—they’re pukes too. There’s too much f’ing ugliness in the world right now….this is just wrong. This pisses me off. I really need a gd distraction—but this isn’t the kind of distraction I need. Is this really what Allison Grodner calls entertainment? I was appalled when Frankie talked about raping all of Victoria’s openings, and everyone laughed, including Derrick…but, this involves a man’s CHILDREN!!!


      • This is the tone of the season. I’ve said before, no one in that house is going to leave this season without being embarrassed by their behavior. The season can’t end too soon for me. There is no one I’m rooting for to win or for AFP and that is a first in all 19 seasons

  41. So disappointed in CBS. Well, the Steelers are on. I have to say it, Good Night Big Brother!

  42. Matt gets to go to the jury house and do exactly what he did in the big brother house…NOTHING