Big Brother 19 sent another Houseguest out the door and that means it’s time to crown another Head of Household. Ready for some more Big Brother spoilers? We know who is in charge of nominations this week and that’s more important than ever this season as the target list thins.
This week’s competition is the sprint challenge that requires Houseguests to hold a button until the screen displays “Go!” Any false starts and you’re out of the comp. Well I guess we can be sure that Christmas won’t be running…
Paul’s plan going in was to convince Alex, Raven, and Kevin to throw the comp to Josh or Christmas. Obviously Christmas is out of the equation now, right? RIGHT?! If Josh got HoH he’d be targeting Alex and Jason with Jason as the primary objective.
Due to a rain delay, the first ever according to Julie Chen, we didn’t get to see the HoH comp start. Then, unlike the last time this was a HoH comp (BB17), we didn’t get to see it on the Feeds. 90 minutes after the show ended the Feeds came back to this shocker.
Okay, this isn’t a joke. These are the real results. Again, I’m not joking about who just won the running competition.
Big Brother 19 Week 10 HoH Comp:
- Christmas won HoH… in a foot race… with a broken foot.
Gallery: HGs react to HoH Comp
Christmas thanked the other HGs for messing up. So here’s what I think happened. You’ll remember that Paul had convinced everyone to throw this challenge, including this week’s targets, or at least the one member of Alex and Jason who could compete. Then this comp requires you to hold a button until the right time or you’re disqualified. If everyone let go of the button early then she could win without ever moving an inch. This is basically a joke of a win. She didn’t win, everyone else just lost.
Update: HGs’ discussions confirmed my suspicions. Christmas won because everyone disqualified themselves out of the comp. She said she never even moved, but had planned on trying to hop to the finish line. This is suspicious though as Christmas said last week that doctors wouldn’t clear her putting weight on her broken foot for at least a couple more weeks. Hmm.
Nominations will be held on Friday then the Veto comp will be on Saturday. It’ll be a very busy weekend!
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I’m sure I’m not the only one who is astonished/disturbed by this.
Why would she have been allowed to play?
Because I guess she can ‘walk.’ Plus, if she wasn’t cleared, then Josh would’ve probably won.
She can’t walk on her foot yet.
She just said she hopped on one foot.
Hence I put walk in quotes.
Oh sorry my bad missed that.
Exactly. They should of said she wasn’t cleared to play. She’s not allowed to walk on her foot yet. Every other physical comp she wasn’t allowed. But production wants to protect their baby Paul and he told them everyone would throw it. Sad.
It was clear on the show tonite when I saw, when we all saw X-mas foot/ boot wrapped in that plastic when she was sitting on the couch.
She shouldn’t have even been allowed to stay in the game.
Okay, this is gonna be an interesting comp to watch on Sunday. Shame we missed out on it on the feeds.
This season has been a joke, but I don’t hear much laughing.
This is the worst season ever! Paul & Christmas are running the house. So boring & what idiots! Christmas should never have been allowed back in the game.t
I agree, in pissed
It IS the worst season ever. But we pretty much say that EVERY year and keep watching.
Frankly, I’m ready to be done. None of the remaining houseguests deserve to win, except maybe Kevin. He is the least objectionable of what’s left.
I’m sure there has always been production manipulation, but this season is just so obvious that it’s making a mockery of the show.
Agree 100%
It’s not Big Brother. It’s the Paul Show.
It’s sad how it started so exciting then turned out to be a disappointment.
If Paul told the others to jump off a bridge, you can bet they would follow his orders! I honestly think they are all evil, mentally unbalanced bullies. No matter what you think of them, Cody and Jess saw through everyone. The gang mentality really makes me cringe. How do these people function in the real world?
So, J & C could see through everyone, what good did it do them……get to the end, that’s the name of the game!
Shh can’t you read ?!? Clearly based on people’s comments on here if you play a great game … you’re boring and it sucks . You’re not allowed to root for Paul because he’s playing to good … the comments on here …you guys need to give your head a shake… and no production isn’t protecting Christmas… and yes she should of been allowed back in the house ….bb isn’t just about the physical game play ….idiots !
Because Christmas had to leave the house several times, overnight, and days at a time, she should NOT have been allowed back in the game. There have been medical issues in the past, but those players were back the same day. And Paul is not playing a good game. The other players are just that stupid that they are handing him the game. Big difference.
Paul looks into the camera befuddled every week and shrugs about why he hasn’t been voted out. He is unaware of the HG conversation that took place early on where they openly discussed Paul’s huge following on social media. They basically agreed that, since they all can’t win $500k, they are there for publicity for their various ongoing or future business interests. Having Paul’s fans come down on them in social media would not be helpful.
They don’t want FAN blood on their hands!
So, Paul, that’s why one big reason you’re protected.
You just don’t know it!
Calm down brother and just because we don’t share your views doesn’t make us idiots.
It is not about fair play for all CBS should clean house in production wasn’t there laws about fair game play & rigged game shows were outlawed”.they made a movie about it. Is this show above the law?I would guess no..Not fair chance for all even though they spend their time thinking they have a chance Sad get a blister on Survivor your out Here they fix comps so you can stay with broken bones or let you just sit out if it is a comp that everyone else must compete in or have to leave the house Why ?
agree. It is the Paul show. Everyone else are bullies who cry when it happens to them and boring.
That’s what everyone said last season. As a matter of fact I hear it every season.
Welcome to the Paul show worst season ever
Christmas should’ve been kicked out of the game when she broke her foot. It’s so unfair she got to stay in the house
I beg to differ. Having a good social game is essential to doing well in the house, and she can also win mental comps.
I agree. One could argue that she has a disadvantage for the physical comps. If everyone else jumped the gun intentionally, then in a sense she deserved the win. Regardless, it gets old seeing these players plot to throw the HOH more often than trying to win it, even if it might be good strategy.
They’re making a farce of the game and taking the opportunity away from people that would kill to get on the show and play. This season is a joke.
You make a good point there. This season is definitely not like any other and not one to use as an example of why people should watch.
I’ve watched since season one and am a live feeder. I love this show and even when people that I’m rooting for get evicted I still enjoy the show. Don’t always like the winner but still love the show. This season isn’t like any season I’ve ever watched. Nobody wants to play. And even people saying Paul is playing a great game. No he’s not because nobody is giving him any competition. They’re handing it to him he’s not earning it. Matt saying basically F.U. to production and production not doing anything. It’s all a farce this season. I’ll still watch because I love the show but hate what is happening this season.
Agree, It is sad to watch but will watch how it plays out.
I started Season 14 after my oldest was out of my house, but became hooked and knew how the game was to be played in no time. All about human conditioning too…which is soo fascinating to me!
I have watched since season one too. I agree that Paul has had to do nothing all season.
I will continue to watch but these people have made a joke out of a game I love. They are all pathetic.
I don’t know where you come up with Paul has had to do nothing….he has stayed a step ahead of everyone in the game, he comes up with a plan and sticks with it. Like him or hate him, he is the only one playing the game in a smart way.
not to mention staying off the block. Not once has he gotten on the block this season.
Cody’s week, Paul went on the block
Therefore, the pendant saved his ass… forgot that lol
Doesn’t matter if the pendant did save him. He has kept his self off the block this entire time. Over 70 days and there are 19 days left in that house and NEVER has he been on the block.
not true. He was saved by the temptation therefore, he nominated Christmas. Therefore, leaving Paul to NEVER be on the block.
Paul and Kevin has never been on the block. None this season. Everyone else has. Think these two will be in F4. Jason and Alex are gone this week. Well one of them. Christmas wants them gone.
Very well put
How Matt behaved and was treated with velvet gloves beat me.
Ugigi….I think the way they let Matt walk all over the show when in the past the same issue was dealt with differently, will make me never watch again. I actually no longer care who wins and am a minute away from no longer watching.
A joke and a scam…
She’s won nothing
Well that’s not true because she did win HOH twice. If you rephrased your statement to something along the lines of she basically had competitions handed to her, then I would agree with you.
She didn’t win. It was given to her. That’s not winning it’s a given.
I agree. This season is awful. I’ve been watching since season one as well, and while there have been some winners that really irritated me (Andy), this season has produced the most ridiculous moments since Chicken George’s conspiracy theory.
Lol, you’re saying that because you don’t like that she WON. A win within the rules is a win, no matter how it’s obtained.
No it’s a given sorry. She earned crap. I don’t call people like that winners. Maybe you do. Sorry.
I suspect Xmas may be on her way to some big prize, maybe the $50k second prize and even some future role with CBS, because, frankly, they have liability for her career-ruining injury in their game on their property–even though Jason was involved in the dangerous horseplay that they allowed. That would be the only reason she would stay yet not compete. Totally unfair advantage.
I wouldn’t even doubt Production “encouraged” an idea to throw her this HoH. We’re supposed to believe nobody else wants to control any moves as HoH? What kind of snowflakes are these controlled non-competitors???
Terrible season.
CBS isn’t liable. They would have to be found negligent. She was physically horsing around and her cast mate fell. How is CBS responsible for that? California is a comparative negligence state. If the guy had tripped over something that should have been secured better, she might have a partial case. But she allowed herself to be carried, if she didn’t jump on his back, and the guy tripped.
I am a lawyer. You should better understand liberal California law before you comment.
@disqus_uMyjAiWtZ4:disqus I have been saying this for a long time. THEY kept her in the game for fear of lawsuit. They trying to make her get the 500k or alteast 50k so then she won money and sueing them would look bad. YOU can’t compete in a physical activaty. RUNNING is the WORSE one of all comps yet she competes? This is the WORSE season and it is so rigged by how the producers want it to go. THIS is why I love UK version fans vote and not up to the producers. Most of the house mates in the house wouldn’t be there if fans voted.
Yep, Christmas has been suspiciously a BB producer favorite sense the foot fall on the slick BB grass. Lawsuit would have been filed and she would have won damages, paid by the insurance carrier. Insurance rates would have gone up for all of the slick stunts done on show and there you go, another rigged HOH contest for Christmas. Sickening.
Reality TV is a bigger con that WWE. At least most people KNOW the WWE is a joke.
She couldn’t even win the mental comp, Paul threw that one to her as well. Two HOHs for her because everyone else lost, not ‘cuz she won. This is getting beyond stupid, down to 7 and still throwing comps, with an upcoming DE. If someone doesn’t vote out Paul by Thursday, the $ is all but his.
She didn’t win the mental comp Paul threw it to her
no its paul that should never have beenallowed back in the game he won$50,000 last yr 2nd place ,top 4 from any previous season should automatically be disqualified ,it.s unfair to people who have never played the game before,it shows AG,S favoritism.
All about the ratings…
I don’t mind so much if veterans come back. Unless the show is all veterans, the one vet usually doesn’t win. But the manipulation of production this year is through the roof. It’s not like they are even trying to hide their favoritism with Christmas. If she had to go out for more than a few hours, she should have been taken out of the game. That’s what was done in the past. Many house guests needed medical attention, but were only gone for hours at a time. She had to go to a hospital, be alone with medical staff without production monitoring as I”m sure they weren’t allowed in the OR and immediate post op recovery.
no its paul that should never have beenallowed back in the game he won$50,000 last yr 2nd place ,top 4 from any previous season should automatically be disqualified ,it.s unfair to people who have never played the game.
I agree with you! If a vet comes in first or second place in prior seasons should not come back to a new season. It’s definitely an unfair advantage. Paul’s manipulation to the other HG all season and due to the fact the HG are falling for it. Paul looks like he may win the $500K. Paul could win $550K total cuz of the second place winning last year. How is that fair for the other HG? IMO that really sucks cuz Paul a final 2 last season will probably be in position dor a final 2 this season too win the $500K.
I would think with her competitive nature, she would be mortified to have “won” twice only because it was handed to her on a silver platter.
The only hope is her foot is ruined because of her stupid greed!!!
Hate to be crass but f her and motherly instincts to josh!!
She should have been kicked out a long time ago, plus the fact she can’t really compeat in the final hoh competitions unless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CBS caters to her because they always have a ” physical ” comp that no way she could compete in!!!!
So you have to win comps to win BB, news to me?! Hmm, Kevin and Raven haven’t won a comp and they’re still there – and they can compete in ALL comps!! C’mon!!
It’s different. Xmas is “excused” and gets a bye. Totally unfair.
No, but you aren’t allowed to leave the house for days at a time. If she went out for xrays and came back hours later on crutches, I don’t see why she couldn’t stay. Even if she couldn’t compete. It’s the leaving the house a few times and then for a few days for surgery that I have a problem with.
that’s just mean of you that you hope her foot is ruined because of her stupid greed!!! what a troll you are..
Now the line will be drawn in the sand. Looks like everyone did just as Paul instructed- throw the comp to Christmas
So I guess they all want Jason out of the house, including Alex. Man they are all stupid. Paul is pretty much breaking up all the duos so he’s no longer the third wheel.
Alex doesn’t want him out.
Then why did she throw the HOH comp?
Because she thinks the target is Kevin. Once Kevin lost, she was safe to throw it.
Thank you. Took the words right out of my mouth.
Wow, she can’t be that stupid. It’s obvious that Jason is the target especially after he went against the group.
She was kept in the dark because she couldn’t convince Jason to do what Paul wanted. Paul only told Christmas and Josh who to target next since Jason couldn’t participate in the HoH this week.
She’ll find out the hard way. Being blindsided. Hope that sets her after Christmas, Josh and Paul.
I will enjoy the look on Alex’s face when Jason is blindsided and she looks at Paul’s face, finally thinks and goes WAAAAaaaaHHHH!!!
She threw it because Paul told her, let Christmas evict Kevin- don’t waste a HOH. He told that to everyone but the actual plan is to evict Jason but Jason and Alex think it’s going to be Kevin
They sure do and then Alex Is right behind him on DE night. Unless she wins HOH and gets out Christmas for backdooring her partner.
Starting to make for an interesting show finally.
Alex doesn’t know Christmas is putting them up. That’s why! Jason is starting to get a little cocky. Especially making rape jokes about Kevin. Its time for him to go. Alex and Jason are the strongest players any ways. Its best to get them out first.
Alex still wants Kevin out.
It’s double eviction. Jason and Kevin are probably both gone.
And Paul keeps his hand clean. Let everyone else do the dirty work.
Seems like that’s how Derrick played.
No comparison to Derrick. Derrick didn t have to stoop as low as the nasty gnome.
He acts like he gets off on causing and watching the nastiness unfold.
You re talking about Paul right Dreamer. If so, I agree 120%
Yeah, Paul. Sorry.
He does! His DRs say it all!
Yep. To me that shows his true character.
I find him increasingly nasty and I was a fan last year and earlier this season
Last year I did find him some what comical.
That dissipated.
I saw his nastiness last year but many were enthralled with him, last season no one listened to me so I gave up and again this year I didn’t care fr him so I decided t not say much about it until the masses seen what I saw last year. Paul didn’t deserve the win last year and neither did Nicole the blonde ambition bimbo. Paul does not deserve it this year either but I may lean towards Christmas for this year over the rest.
What did you say Willie, I wasn t listening. JK, always listen to you and you know that but I didn t believe you last year, now I agree with you my friend
Sadly I know a lot of people like Paul, so once they actually grow up they are really decent people. I suspect Paul will be a great person one day after he grows up.
Well we can hope. I’m afraid that this experience will go to his head and reinforce the behavior we’re seeing this season
Then we shall see how hard and fast he falls.
Willie, I try not to be a mean girl, we’re leaving that to Alex now that Jess is out of the house, but I would really and truly like to see the nasty gnome fall fast and hard. 😒😋😁
Who said you were mean? Don’t make me get Jessica and Alex to take care of them for you.
Can you imagine those two joining forces, get out of the way if they do LOL. Duck and cover.
too bad they can,t abstain from voting because they all sucked big green ones this yr.
Paul’s game is terrific. Sorry but, look hows he is playing. Its terrific.
Except Josh and Christmas will never see F3 with Paul. Paul if he is that brilliant will take a single person from either Maven, Jalex, Joshmas or Kevin with him. No way he will take Joshmas to F3. However, if you really believe instigating hate and destruction in this house along with discontent is a brilliant game move, you are sadly mistaken.
And what Alex and Jason are doing is ok? Jason talking about raping Kevin’s wife. Alex bullying Kevin. Everyone in this house are bullies so just play the game.
You obviously have not read many if any of my other post’s. So I will AGAIN reiterate this for you. Alex was my favorite and I was rooting for her to win but I have since changed my mine about her and expect her to be gone this Thursday unless she can pull out the next HOH or VETO win. About two to three weeks ago, I was starting to lose respect for her and her game play. I even said she was a petty, player and what she has said to other HG’s and how she blindly follows Paul will be her undoing, sadly this was only part of her undoing because the way she went off on the other HG’s in the last two weeks sealed her fate to Jury. Jason on the other hand, I never mentioned him a whole lot and actually didn’t praise him for anything other than playing his game this past week. I also said I would punch him in the face if that is how he truly feels about Kevin’s family and the way he may treat Senior Citizen’s.
I still believe everyone are bullies. And no, I haven’t read any of your other comments. I refuse to sit here and scroll down every single comment to read. This is a reality show and that is all it is.
Exactly, we all have our favorites and we want who we want to win and get upset if they don’t. Well, I don’t get upset, I just move on.
I was with you brother and with Cody “I hate the guy” on my impression of Paul last year. He was a real piece of work and the way he would talk to other HG’s like he was some kind of Wunderkind interrogator. He has a true Napoleonic complex.
now we know why Cody hated him,because of how an arrogant ass he is,Cody was right about his arrogant ass.
Mark and Elena has admitted in the jury house that Cody was right from the beginning. They wish Paul just get evicted so everyone can play their game.
too bad all the others in the house are either very stupid or brain dead,and can,t see that Paul is a jackass and making them all look like the fools that they are
He appears to have a big ego. Every time things go his way, he takes all the credit. It gets to be annoying after a while, even if he’s right, ha ha.
The problem is that he’s playing with morons, so it makes him think he’s this great player. He’s not. Derrick was also working with a bunch of morons, but he never wallowed in the gutter like Paul does.
playing for a half million dollars makes you greedy and into something you are not. Look at Alex she is starting to bully and Paul actually stopped it. But, Paul is greedy for half a million. You will play dirty because, BB is a dirty game.
Only if you let it. Derrick never played dirty. Lying and changing your alliances are a part of the game. But you don’t have to belittle people or stir up a gang mentality to do it. Sadly, there are some that will sink to the lowest depths to make money. It does tell a lot about someone’s character. But you don’t have to be a scumbag to play the game well.
He knows this will win him the money. Last year he almost beat Nicole. this year he will have answers to why he should win the half million dollars. And he will win.
unless final 3 is xmas, josh and him. Paul doesn’t win HOH then one of them two will evict Paul and them two will go to the F2.
But why should Kevin also throw the competition going by what he went through this week. He should see himself as the clear target.
He knows Blood will be on Xmas’s hands for putting up alex and Jason.
Very good point, BBN.
HASH TAG PRODUCTION…sorry for all caps BBN I love you dont ban me. kthxbye
I’m guessing she was only restricted from actually running. I don’t see any harm in letting her hold the button (assuming this was the HOH we think it was) on the off chance everyone screwed up.
Or maybe they cleared her to scoot along like she’s been doing. When Josh went out crying after his confrontation with Kevin… Xmas was pretty much booking across the yard (well booking for her, lol) after him.
Who really knows though considering everything that’s happened this season.
Must have let her use her scooter.
To be in the blocks?
It looked like it was some sort of race. And we all know Christmas can’t run yet.
Exactly. She’s never been cleared before for physical comps. They want to protect their favorite Paul and he told production don’t worry I have everyone quitting and Santa doesn’t have to do a thing except scoot on down on her scooter to hit the button.
they allowed Christmas to get healthy and now she is kicking ass
… Um, hi. What show are you watching?
I stop watching . Its like a midget with special powers
Paul told everyone to throw it to her
What? Why was she even allowed to participate in this HOH? All of the other physical comps, she wasn’t allowed to…she still has a boot on her foot. This season just got stranger..I was wondering why Josh was doing a dance in the SR.
Let’s see if Kevin bothers to go for the temptation tomorrow. Or maybe jason will!!!
Only if Paul says it’s ok to take an apple…these people are clowns
There’s only one useful reward up there anyway. Only a 25% chance they would get it.
this proves the game is so fixed. impossible how did she get in the game when she can’t run
It wasn’t as much of a sprinting competition as making sure your finger doesn’t leave the button prematurely.
What are you referring to lol?
Please let Xmas get Alex out of the house! I mean, considering some of the stuff Jason has been “joking” about lately, I wouldn’t be sad to see him go either. I just am really starting to loathe Alex.
I think Jason is the target.
Yeah, I was guessing he would be. It makes sense to get rid of the potential threats before their more annoying counterparts (Matt before Raven as the example).
It would be a lot more satisfying to see the more annoying go first though, lol.
It’s called payback from Paul since Jason wouldn’t put Kevin otb! Now Kevin’s only ally will go instead.
Makes sense. Jason seems to be getting his physical comp game working to his advantage so he would be a threat moving forward.
Plus, I keep hearing that Alex is gaining a decent amount of weight, and I really don’t see her doing much exercise (don’t have feeds, so she might during the day). She definitely didn’t seem to be handling that last endurance comp as well as she did the first one.
WTF does weight have to do with anything. Your just as bad as the houseguests.
Now, now Lavendargirl, I know you are a Alex fan, but she has gained a lot of weight since she started BB. There is no sin in that, but she doesn’t appear to do that much except sit around and eat and drink.
Fan or not and to be honest the last few weeks I’m not much of a fan but you don’t body shame. Funny everyone flipped out when they were doing that to Josh. SMDH
And no one in that house is obese or has even gained a lot of weight. Most have put on some weight but so what
I agree. There is not really much else for them to do. Happens every year.
It was mentioned here that she was struggling in the endurance comp compared to the first one. There was a suggestion made that it might be the fact that Alex is gaining weight. If that affects her ability to compete and win… Its worth discussing.
For what its worth, I’ve been trying to lose 20 pounds myself so I’m as chubby as the next guy, lol.
And stress makes me want to eat so I have sympathy for these people locked up in the loony bin
I’m more of a bored kind of eater. If I’m bored, I tend to watch TV and eat while watching. I can vouch first hand that I am not in the same shape as I was 20 pounds ago as far as doing physical activities goes.
Absolutely, especially when they have so many goodies to eat all day long. I think anxiety plays a role in their overeating as well.
Hopefully, the Jury House will give them a chance to unwind and get back into a routine that’s more like what they would do outside the house. Anxiety can definitely be a factor in overeating, and Production constantly stocking the house with all sorts of food doesn’t help either.
Heck, I know I’d be eating more than I usually do if I was in a situation like that.
I know I would! Well, Cody and Elena looked relaxed and happy tonight, so I think the Jury House is a nice change from the BB House.
Yeah, they looked like they were happy and getting along well. I think that if Paul, and Christmas stay in charge, their elimination order will keep the peace pretty well in the house too.
It was good to see that Cody actually looked happy to be with Elena and Mark. I liked that Cody told Mark that Elena didn’t miss him and then mouthed that she missed him A LOT, lol.
Cody was downright sociable.
It was nice to see.
Now they’ll have to convince Matt that it was Paul as much as Jason (getting him out). Lol
I was very happy for Mark that Elena was so happy to see him too.
Bubba thanks you!
Exactly. Alex probably weighs 100lbs soaking wet. And people wonder why some people have eating disorders.
100 pounds? No way.
Has nothing to do with Body shaming… Has to do totally with getting out of shape and not being able to hang in the physical comps. Fortunately, none of us will have to deal with Alex for much longer. Double Eviction coming and she and Jason will be out the door.
I hope we all can finally say Buh Bye to Alex, but I am hoping Jason sticks around.
I’m not all psyched up about Jason leaving. I think he is just the first target of the duo from what the other HGs have been saying.
I don’t think anyone is body shaming by suggesting Alex has gained a lot of weight. Why is it not okay to mention this but okay to ridicule and bash Raven or Christmas or ????
So you think body shaming and calling Raven a scammer is the same? Guess you don’t get it.
Sorry, I am not going to play this shame game with you.
That’s why people have eating disorders from people like you that think it’s ok to body shame.
You know… The sooner you come to grips with the fact that Alex makes Paul look like a nice guy (inside of the BB House) by comparison, and also the fact that she is soon to go home… The better off you’re going to be.
Sorry, but Alex is a witch and she’s going home… Soon.
Have a good evening.
Stop this nonsense. You obviously know nothing about eating disorders, it is an illness.
No really. I’ve only worked in the medical field for 40yrs but yeah I don’t know anything about it. Go away.
There was no body shaming. Alex HAS gained a substantial amount of weight, fact. Other HGs have said that they believe this weight gain has negatively affected her performances in some competitions and could continue to do so, which obviously would harm her chances of winning while helping theirs.
she gained weight and bcame a bigger bitch than she already was
I hadn’t noticed her gaining weight. I was referring to what has been pointed out right here on this site. Take a chill pill and relax.
Just because your fave is becoming a witch is no reason to attack like her, LOL
Well, she had gained weight but she’s not looking bad (or even looks better) at it. Moreover, she’s not the fattest/biggest of the girls who are still pretty this season.
That said, her real game in the house is over. She is now completely playing for Paul (more than she has ever been) to the detriment of others. She should go. Let Jason stay and see what happens.
If she makes it to F3 the extra weight may cost her the endurance comp and $500K, that’s what it has to do with it.
Hearing? It’s pretty obvious.
you are correct cap’n
Funny how Christmas stopped talking game when Alex came into the room where she was! :-)
He dang sure better be!
He’s got a great resume and he and Alex together are too dangerous in comps (when not throwing them).
You know it’s bad when somebody who is on CRUTCHES won the running HOH. Can we give Paul the money now? I say that every week but it’s the truth. Paul is running this game. And once gain, Christmas will not target him. Will be curious to see if she does put up Jason and Alex. Boy wouldn’t they feel stupid.
Get over it people!! She was cleared to be in the blocks, not to RUN!! Every threw it to her – be mad at them!!
Agreed. And nobody is forced to watch a reality show they think is fixed.
I..don’t..understand…your point. You’re actually saying that people have a CHOICE of whether they decide to watch a show? No, no way…I thought we were all being forced to watch!! LMAO
Thank you for saying what I’ve been thinking this whole time! I don’t understand hate-watching a show.
Funny she’s never been cleared for any physical comps and still isn’t allowed to walk on her foot but they clear her for a comp that involves running. Okay.
She didn’t RUN!! She was cleared to be in the BLOCKS!! Everyone threw it to her – had someone chosen to run she would have just stayed there!!
The comp involved running. You don’t say you can play in part of the comp but not the rest. What don’t you get???
She would have lost immediately if someone chose to run!! The comp involved more than physical!! Everybody faulted and no one did anything physical – pretty simple concept!!!
She can’t walk on her foot. She shouldn’t have been cleared period. Like I said you don’t get cleared for part of a comp. That would be like OTEV she’s cleared to play but can’t go down the slide. SMH. She hasn’t been cleared for any previous physical comps. Funny how she was conveniently able to play in this one. Pretty simple concept!!!!!!
It’s not physical if it involves a reactionary component!!! Wtf?? Otev you HAVE TO MOVE!! Technically this comp didn’t involve movement!! Hence the win for CHRISTMAS!! Get over it!!
You get over it. It was a physical comp bye. Please don’t comment to me anymore.
WAIT?! Who won a comp that didn’t involve a single movement? Oh yeah, Christmas did!! Guess it wasn’t physical- don’t let your personal hate dictate unfactional info.
First of all I don’t hate her. So don’t put words in my mouth. Second don’t let your personal ignorance dictate facts. It’s a comp that involves running. Guess that’s not physical. I’m done with your ignorance so please refrain from commenting anymore on my posts.
I think she is a production favorite? She has been getting breaks all along. They need to rid of her and Paul. Sounds like a broken record.
Just posted this on the other thread:
Jason is my new favourite on the show.
Josh is always instigating then crying. Whatever…
Kevin is my second fave.
Matt is cool. Too bad it took him 69 days to find his voice on the show.
Paul and Alex are on the ish list
Matt is cool. Hmm.. what led you to that conclusion?
No kidding. Lol
No offense but Matt appeared to be cool, but if you have been watching all along you’d probably think otherwise. Definitely not cool.
All the cool people leave used condoms beside their beds!
Yeah, Jason was definitely my favorite up until the comments about Kevin’s wife & daughters. Some jokes just aren’t funny, and he hasn’t done anything that brings him back to the front.
So Christmas has been given two HOH’s. She should be proud. What a comp beast.
Thanks to Paul.
She has a freaking cast on!! You do see it right!! Yes, they were given to her – it’s part of the GAME!!
I want to upvote your comment multiple times.
The GAME left for parts unknown, it was fed up
And it did not leave a forwarding address..
No really. She has a broken foot. Wow didn’t know that. Thanks. Oh I know you’re in love with Santa but she’s a baaaaad player.
lmao…yeah such a bad ass
I hate alex a little more each day
What does she have to do with Christmas being given HOH?
To be fair they all (except Jason) have something to do with that. They all threw it to her. They all took what’s usually a fun competition to watch and made a mockery of it.
Doesn’t have anything to do with Xmas “winning”… It’s just Alex’s personality.
She’s gone overboard with the bullying and the fighting, and her personality is pretty rotten too lately. I’m really liking Alex less with each passing day.
They’ve all bullied and gone overboard. Every single one of them.
She probably threw the comp. Hoping for an Alex eviction next week.
Hoping for a Raven eviction. Crossing my fingers Jason picks an apple and gets second veto.
On tweeter Raven told X-mas that she was staying up in the hoh room with her after nominations. I hope X-mas told her hell to the no you’re not…
All you all saying this will draw a line in the sand still wrong. Paul will tell Alex they have to cut Jason because of what he did this week and she will still go along. He will remind her the have the “secret” alliance that no one knows.
So not a fan of Paul anymore. He lost our vote.
well I wish Paul would let Kevin win an H.O.H.
All in due time mary ann :)
I hope Alex and Jason goes on the block and Jason wins pov just to ensure Alex goes home, can’t stand her anymore!!!
Please let that happen!
My kingdom for a Jason PoV win.
OMG, it’s the orange shirt !!! Raven is wearing the shirt and now she’s eating cereals. LOL
She just tucked Matt into bed (the heart pillow). Gawwwwwd!
Yea, that was weird.
She’s going to sleep with the condoms.
She’s a silly young pup of 23.
A scammer
She is 23 years old, learning how to be a human in this crazy world. She might be as scammer, it certainly points in that direction. But I can’t help feeling sorry for her.
I’m not feeling sorry for her anymore. They close her gofoundme account too early . She will need lots of money for a big therapy.
She might have a mental illness, you know? It might explain all the bizarre behavior. She’s only 23 years old. I admit it has been very entertaining to watch, but something’s not right.
I agree with you. I was just ranting. I’ve never ever seen something like that. And mama isn’t any better.
No worries! I think we are all baffled by the Miss Raven, and her “ride or die,” Matt. Both characters are perplexing to say the least! I hear ya!
its called being a compulsive liar inherited from her mom apparently
Or make a necklace out of them to keep her idiot close
That orange shirt should suffice.
Noooooo…ewwwww! Em, where are you when I need that puke bucket? LOL
So F2, Xmas’ big speech. ;
‘YOu should vote for me cos I won 2 HoH’s …..that were thrown to me. How great is that?’. Waits for applause
You don’t mention her social game.
Are you impressed with it?
Somewhat. For example, she ripped apart Mark and Elena’s game in front of the whole house. She’s been able basically fly under the radar by not having a big target on her back (hence why she’s stayed off the block since week 2). I’m sure there are a many other examples, but it’s a little baffling that people overlook Xmas’ social game. Even though she still follows Paul, it’s been vastly better than most of the HGs imo.
It’s appears to be that way. Unfortunately, she did blow her close connection with Kevin, but all along she had the ability to appear to others that she was caring and trustworthy, but I really think she was getting info and trying to earn trust.
Not at all. And how did she even get cleared to compete in a physical comp, hon??
Mama Day knows shade when she sees it, lol
Thank you!!
Not at all
Xmas’ social game is in the top 5 out of the 17 HGs imo.
Xmas speech: I was given 2 HOH’s and kept my head up Paul’s butt. Vote for me please. I deserve it!
Actually, she should say I got to the final 2 w/ a flippin cast on!! What are the odds?!!
Nah, I think it will be… “You should vote for me ’cause my social game is so awesome that I convinced people to throw HOH comps to me.”
Or ‘You should vote for me cos Paul thought I was such a non threat that he convinced people to throw HoH comps to me’, lol
Any new insight? Same concept everyone has been saying since week 1!
Heck, she might as well just go with…
“Vote for me because Paul’s social game is so awesome and he’s so cool. Wait a minute… Paul, are you sure this speech is going to win me their votes?”
Right, lol. Her being in F2 would be funny if it wasnt so sad
I’ll tell you one thing. If Paul manages to pull this whole thing off and win… I’d love to hear him give some honest interviews. You know the guy has to be completely shocked that this season is progressing the way it is (in regards to how much control he has).
Yeah, an honest interview from him and then interview Alex, Christmas and Raven and ask how they fell for it and how stupid do they feel now. That would be good tv
Quick question: Who do you think is more surprised by the amount of control Paul has had in the game going back to week 1? Paul or Cody?
I honestly couldn’t begin to guess. I think they are both shocked, lol.
Yeah, that s a good question. I never thought it would last this long. I was wrong. My expectations of these people were too high. Not usually my problem lol
I was super psyched when Paul came walking through that door. I never would have thought he would have been “The Guy” right from the start. I really thought he was going to have to pull off another season like 18 where he was on the block every other week.
I guess my expectations of the other HGs were too high as well.
Oh for real. I don’t think they’ll have Will give the jurors the talk before voting. Looks like it’ll be Derrick from now on! LOLOL
Given the level of this season, it might as well be Jozea
STOP THAT..I don’t want another nightmare tonight!
Jozea, Jozea, Jozea, lol
Alex, an avowed fan, and Raven both knew Paul before being selected ad HGs (another advantge for Paul!) Raven even had her picture made with him at one of his music gigs.
A stacked deck for sure.
just wait for paul’s cam talks tonight.
saw one in the green apple room, not sure where all else he “does it.”
During the ‘talk’ I saw, he chastised the camera person for starting to zoom in on the blue Toucan. So what does camera do? zoom back out. Might as well give paul control of the whole station, program, production and outcome !!!
LMAO! Good one, Carvin. She might as well, she has NO BB resume, might as well be a good minion instead.
Paul sitting right there next to her in the finale giving her the “Thumbs Up” when she asks if she’s giving the right speech, lol.
Why not have Paul stand up and say no Xmas I speak for you now just like before
Oh! He could stand up and pretend to pull her strings and try to imitate her voice while he talked for her!
So many scenarios, LOL
He did a good Raven impression…but Raven wasn’t in the room then! LOLOL
Let me (p) adjust my hand up your (c) back, FARTHER, so I can have your mouth work at the same time as when the words come out of MY mouth. That way NO ONE will KNOW or even suspect !!!
When it suits Paul to do so. ;)
I can’t believe this weird comp. How did Xmas even compete? Just strange.
She said she was able to hop on one foot for this.
she didn’t. the others didn’t compete either.
I think it will be this, “you should vote for me because I would have been great in the game if it weren’t for my injury along with my social game. And because I’m the prettiest girl here!”
Nope, you were just one of the pack, Christmas…
;) If only these HG were half as cute, hehe
IKR? Reminds me of my daycare days when I took the kids to the zoo! LOL Always had that one that would let go and wonder off..LOLOL
And Josh is off leash somewhere lol
Josh refused to hold onto the rope! LOL
Yep running amok!
Dancing with a smile on his face
Well, I would definitely agree with her that she was the prettiest, lol.
I’ll be interested in how she can compete if she gets to the finals. BB has said they wouldn’t change any comps just because of her injury, so there will be at least two that are physical (speed, endurance) where she can’t compete at all or barely/ very slowly/awkwardly. We’ll see if Production let’s it happen or throws in a “helpful Temptation” for her, etc.
Gee, that would be fun to watch (NOT)
Worsst seaason ever
Stop watching
So you want the show cancelled because people stop watching?
CBS really won’t give a damn about constant complaints and pleas if the ratings are still viable.
I hope paul lets Alex go next
why not throw it to raven?
Dont do that to me!!!
How can you just unite with the house not thinking for once they are plotting against you? ALEX?! Like fr she so scared to go against the house or better yet paul that she doesnt realize either way shes a target. Ugh. Im prepared to watch her turn on Jason…
Oh she will in a second…no loyalty from that little rat
My kingdom for a Jason Veto win.
Kevin should have stood out and ran against Xmas. Maybe the only comp he could have won.
I think Paul convinced Kevin to throw it as well.
But of course! Paul covered his a** when Kev wasn’t put on the block.
At this point I am waiting for finale night when they bring back the house guest who got evicted and been watching. Wait till Jess fills this cast in…
Yea but would they believe her…
At that point why would they think she would still be lying. Will have to get them thinking. Especially if the crowd cheers and Cody wins AFP
…with her fingers.
They don’t get to watch the feeds in jury. Only info they get is what the other jury members say and the recording of the comps
Okay, so I am assuming Christmas’s doctor cleared her medically to be in a running competition? *cough* Bullsh*t! smh… Wow.
This season just keeps getting more & more bizarre!
That and the ‘rain’ make for an interesting few hours
Yeah brutal. Production knew they were all gonna throw it and couldnt put it on live tv.
Right? IN fact, Jokers posted a caption of the weather in Studio City… no rain. And if it did, it was only for a short while & with the heat, it would have dried up right away. This whole thing is fishy if you ask me.
With you there sis
I can’t wait to see how it plays out. No editing will save the joke of a HOH comp.
Me to LG. Me too. I don’t think any editing can save this joke of a season honestly…
They never got out of the blocks!! Why is that so hard to comprehend?!
this has left me with such a bad taste in my mouth
You and me both.
it’s gotten ridiculous. I mean, this is a comp Christmas should have had to sit out of.
Yes, and apparently some *non existent* rain delayed the comp too for some time. I am just dumbfounded MG. WTF is happening to BB this season?
Wait I’m confused girl. So xmas run now?
No. It was the comp where you hold the button uuntil the light says go & then everyone takes off running…remember last year Paulie I think won that comp, anyhow, all the other HG let go of their buttons and Xmas won by default!! smdh! It’s seriously fu**ing bullsh*t!!
She shouldn t even have been in it to have it thrown to her
Right. According to what they’ve said in the past in regards to physical comps…she should have needed a medical clearance to even be eligible. So, wtf?? Surely they’re not trying to say she’s been medically cleared to run!
I smell someting very disagreeable my friend
Reason why we were lied to by CBS and they cut the feeds.
I think its Putin, he s taken over CBS. Shhh, dont tell anyone
Not even Putin would waste his time on this.
That is probably true
There’s something fishy here & no, it’s not Raven blowdrying her crotch!! LOLOL!!
STOP THAT! You’re getting as bad as tr8pping! LOL
Hey that s my little sis, she s training to be as bad as me lol
Zoom zoom! LOL
Tee Hee…;) Did you see that? smdh. Does that girl have absolutely NO shame. Who stands right in front of a camera, looks up at it and starts blow drying themselves between the legs?? I mean, wtf??
Just one of many pictures this season I have to shake out of my head. As Phoebe Bouffay would say MY EYES, MY EYES!
I’m right there with ya, tr8p!
Thats it! Loved Phoebe LOL
You’re so good to me T
I aim to please sis! Where else am I going to get those cool hand me downs?? ;) Not from K, that’s for sure. hehe
Yeah, she doesn’t share well. Now I need to go to bed. One more favor from you sis, Dr. Will winking at me and then I can have sweet dreams. Please, pretty please!
Your wish, my pleasure sis!
Will says good night… ;)
Good night lovely and you too T. Ha Ha.
Thank you, merci, gracias, danke schoen.
I am going to sleep happy
Good night sweetie… :) Now you can have sweet dreams. Then all is good. :)
Damn thorns again, huh? haha
She’s too mean to share with the baby. She makes tr8p share with me. hahaha
Ahahahaha…I just bet!
And if we get out of line…
So K’s shown you her spoon, huh? I showed her mine and said, “now this is a spoon”. It was a shovel! hahahaha
Oh you too like to play rough I take it.
Her & K have been training me well!! hahahaha
And you are a good learner, we are proud of you tehe
Yep. That’s what good little sisters do…they observe & emulate. Good thing you guys are such a positive influence on me. ;) hehe
Sucker! hahahaha
LMBO! Joni, you did it again! ;) Good thing I have my handy-dandy spit towel ready. hahaha
Miss Fiddle giving the stink eye
Yup..arrested bitch face!
OMG! I was thinking almost the exact same thing. Too funny. :)
Don’t tell me K switched you two at birth just for Em’s benefit.
I told K I couldn’t…just couldn’t become a follower when I’ve been my own boss for years now! :-)
Oh I talk back, trust me, but then I get the spoon… Now I speak my mind, then post a few Dr. Will gifs to distract the predator in her and I’m all good. hehehe
Ahahahahahaha You sly fox you!
Who did you want to win Joni?
Jason or Alex..but not anymore.
Why not? I do. I hate’m both.
Because Paul is in the way.
O my word! What the?
Yep very strange, my friend. Very strange. However, let’s see if she makes her *big* move this time. Huh?? ;) Or should we say Paul’s big move?
Giggles! At this point in the game, you can’t be a punk. Who do you want out T?
All of them. hehehe!! Okay, so I still like Kevin, but he doesn’t deserve to win BB. Paul deserves the win, but he’s playing against a sub-par HG this season.
It’s like this… I could run the fastest hundred yard dash ever–if I was running in the special Olympics! That’s Paul’s win this season. Any vet should be able to win against these braintrusts! hahaha
And here I’m thinking that wouldve made it more difficult. Lol. They are like children.
Yes, being led along by their crossing guard. hehe See my gif posted earlier below…
Lol No didn’t see anywhere?
NASCAR drives in races in the rain for awhile. Why couldn’t these start the comp and see how far they go? Surely could have gotten in a few of the ‘run’ ‘heats.’
RAIN ??!!?? Does BB think we feeders and threaders are blind, stupid and dumb? Let’s see: checking the past weather for Studio City, CA. And what don’t I see? No green rain indicators. Hhmmmmm, what’s going on????? Can cbs / BB say “nothing suspicious?”
cbs / BB got wind of the sham run and comp throw to Jingle Bells and decided they (cbs / BB) didn’t want the word to get out to the neetwork public innocently watching a ‘fixed’ comp !!!
She hopped on one foot or was carried.
Yep, Paul’s toucan helped her get the win!!
Maybe it was like Victoria from BB16 and a bird came and carried Xmas to victory
Guess that crow learned how to become a chameleon! LOL
Yep, Trogan the toucan hopped Xmas all the way to the finish line. haha
I would vote JoniGab out of this site if this was Big Brother
Blocked long ago. No time for idiots.
Paul carrying Christmas in today’s comp.
Where’s his briefcase with the $500K?
Josh is guarding it for him
Paul and Josh remind me of Spike and Chester of the Looney Tunes cartoons.
No that little dog is too cute to be Paul, lol
Actually, the little dog more like Josh. He wouldn’t shut up in the cartoons, just like Josh on BB.
Are these two ‘characters’ friends of yours?
Have seen you all on the cartoon circuit.
He hid it in the Paris room!
It’s already been sent to his momma’s house
He used it all for tattoo removal.
lol. didn’t think of that, but you are correct.
Hilarious lol
Why is anyone surprised they threw a comp? So far, they’ve thrown the whole season to Paul!
So sad and true
This reminds me of a joke I heard by Katt Williams: “the last place you want to be in a foot race, is behind a M*therf*cker with NO FOOTS!”
Well they had both of those in that comp Jolima, lol
Is xmas taking a direct shot at jalex or backdoor?
I would guess backdoor because these HGs are too spineless to challenge someone to their face.
No xmas is going straight at them.
She might give them the ol’ “you’re just pawns” line,
But I agree she’ll put them both up together.
No backdoor Christmas says.
Hey Joni. That’s gonna be some good eatin’!
I’m countin on it! DE here we come too!
I think xmas has the balls
Direct shot
Thought so. Boy O Boy are we in for some good tv!
that’s for sure.
Hey Cyril! I’m going to Sam’s club and get me a jumbo bag of Skinny Pop. Lol
lol Better do Sams Club!
Me too!
Are you watching now? Paul prepping his gang. ( alot of whispering) lol He’s gonna be busy this week.
I don’t have feeds, I’m waiting for bbad. Cant wait! Lol
Looks like Josh will be too!
We only had to wait several weeks for some action! Finally!
Yep…direct shot. If either wins veto and pulls themself down, the other goes.
Great! Hope Alex loses.
She may go directly or get Kevin and raven to hate her.
I would think direct shot. Everyone plays in Veto except the host so I don’t see her rushing one of them winning veto Ann’s saving the other. They’re both strong competitors.
Just checked live feeds to see what I could see. (have been off grid for a computer test had to take and haven’t even checked/read anything on threads)
So, first scene I see is gawd awfull!!!
Miss Lonely Hearts in the orange cutout T, crying sniffles, mascara clown marks down cheeks, AND squeezing the Matt substitute, heart pillow that she stole from the bedrooms.
Pathetic!! And it’s only hour : TWO !!!
She’s having a bad case of LackofMattparesis.
I had to get my vacuum cleaner out. When she got on the screen with that ridiculous shirt, Indrop the bowl of chips I had in my hand.
Oh my god…
medically cleared just proves bb was in in the rig,
The fix has been in all summer
Why didn’t they rig it for Kevin. It would have been much more an interesting week.
Houseguests this year have made a mockery of the game… I thought they revamped the selection process? You can’t have a good show when your cast is this dumb.
They did. They’re going for “proficiency for drama” over “exemplary gameplay.”
I remember in the early part of the game, I’ve commented many times, that HG’s will only start comparing notes when they get to the Jury house, and that’s what’s happening.’s happening! Bwhahahahaha!
No its not. No one so far was on the Paul train so hasnt happened yet
You must have missed the jury segment. They all said Paul’s been running the house.
Buuuuut…with this cast, do you think they will sweetly and maturely pop their popcorn, pour a drink, gather around the table and calmly and objectively compare notes without any personal feeling toward each other?
I don’t think they get a therapist in jury, and they have been isolated so long they will still have tensions running high. PLUS, you’re going to have Cody in the house, which will be distracting for a lot of them, and I hate to say it – maybe Paul-haters will love it – they might even have Stockholm syndrome for Paul. “What? No! We had an alliance, I was his favorite, no matter what you say!!”
idk..He did something to them the first week. It’s by design. lol
Lol I know, but I’m saying, this is an almost irrationally explosive-prone cast…and pretty much everyone that was at the center of the fights is in jury or going to be in jury.
And, think about the fact that they all want to feel special. Paul made his allies feel special and like they were better than anyone else in the house he was seen talking to. It almost like a pack of prostitutes, and their pimp tells each of them that she his favorite. They might fight amongst each other and say things that could blow up the pimp’s game, but when they go to sleep at night, they still secretly think that they were the pimp’s favorite (no disrespect to prostitutes).
Very descriptive analogy! 😁 I 💙 it!
Yeah, they’ll have to explain to Matt that it was Paul as much as it was Jason.
Just how sick is Raven??? She eats like a horse and never slows down….at first, the way she told it she was very restricted on activity and diet. I have not seen any of this. Is her “illness” the reason HG’s do not want to get her out?
She said she’s purged a lot. No evidence of her puking in the bathroom yet!
True! I’m thinking she is not to bright! or a liar!!
She’s a compulsive liar that hates liars. So contradictory it isn’t funny.
She cannot eat shepherd pie because it’s found beef, so she eat tacos with the same ground beef. Chicken will kill her, so she has parmasen chicken. No diary product but ice-cream every day. Go figure what type of diet she’s on.
Did you see that thick burger she made last nigh?
Update: Kevin threw it in 1st round (according to Paul telling Xmas this right now)
alex/raven can’t shovel the food in fast enough
Don’t you know ????
SSHE”S EATING FOR TWO NOW!!! Three &/or four if you count the two heart pillows.
Ahahaha…next the cereal will be attacked! Watch and see!
Who the hell throws a comp this late in the game? If anyone other than Paul wins, BB will literally be giving away money for doing nothing.
Guess money really does grow on trees
Matt’s such a crybaby punk.
Let’s get one thing straight here – if wasn’t just a physical comp, you could fault w/ out moving. Therefore, she prob was cleared to be in the blocks and had someone run she would have been eliminated immediately. They prob all faulted to throw it to her hence the victory. What the heck is wrong w/ that? Blame the others, not Christmas!!
Wow well don’t expect xmas to be making any “big moves” she doesn’t make her own decisions…
No one in the BB house does. Those who defy Paul are the next to go unfortunately.
Sad to see Jason be a target actually. His going rogue actually made me like him lol
What do you expect her to do? Nominations? And the votes she would have to evict her big move?
If she had any balls she would put up a big player like Paul and Alex.. Paul needs to be shook. And she already mentioned not fully trusting him, but she won’t do anything about it. Why is everyone so afraid of Paul? And Paul tried to bitch at Kevin for making good with people going to jury when that’s exactly what Paul does! This house is rediculous! Paul gets everything he wants it’s so annoying
If she would put Paul up, who would VTE him?
She wants Jason out so that will be the big move for the HGs.
Xmas is a bipolar witch! She snaps at people over nothing. First mark for eating her slop bc it looked like regular slip and she never specified she “makes it a certain way” and then Kevin bc he asked her if she was gonna go swimming?! Are you serious?!? She is probably such a rude b in the real world! Raven too!
It could be that time of the month.
Been that time of the month for Xmas for what 70+ days, lol
Well, if Jingle Bells”makes it a certain way” then it’s not slop and probably has some NH items in it.
Let the game begin and end quickly.
Quick question – who actually ran in this comp?! Oh, that’s right – NOBODY!! I wouldn’t call that a physical comp!
What can I say..Paul is a control freak…that’s his strategy. lol
Paul is simply playing a part. The entire farce is scripted.
I keep telling myself 5 more minutes and then I have to sign off but I m reminded of the quote from the Godfather
Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in
OR the one from Brokeback Mountain
I can t quit you.
It’s can do an hour more.
But I have to get up in 6 hours, Girl needs her beauty sleep or I could look like Raven at the end of an endurance comp. Yikes!
Ok. Good night. Now!! ;)
Scared ya with that Raven picture didn t I
Yup!!! It cannot be unseen.
Ahahahahahaha…My bad! :-)
I don’t really like Xmas anymore, but if she makes it to f2 IN A CAST…and she’s not sitting not to Paul, I say give it to her.
Am I the only one that is desapointed about the edit of alex on the tv show? They make her look smart, nice and clam. While she’s stupid vile and hyper all the time. I don’t get it. Why???
lol I know!
All the HGs this season are 10 times worse than what they air on tv. Remember when Jody was on the block and they gave them the “America’s Sweethearts’ edit?
Alex is gonna get hers..this will be the week….Its her turn to get shunned and belittled….It will happen…
I was really expecting to see some of her horrible moment with Kevin this week. I guess they use all the time for matt since he was leaving.
….does it make me a bad person that I’m really looking forward to watching that? You’re right. She’s gonna get hers. Has it coming to her. Can’t wait. :o)
Alex & Christmas both got a sweetheart of an edit in that show! They didn’t show how Xmas really went off on Kevin about the “swimming” question. wow! And Alex…she’s nothing more than Paul’s yes man, not to mention she’s vile & loathsome in her character, but thanks to this perfect edit, she comes across as a savvy, strategic player. smdh. Unbelievable.
I know I also notice for Christmas but she’s light compare to vile alex. The way she treats Kevin is horrible. And she doesn’t have a single reason to do that. He was going to hell he game!!
This one is stupid.
Yeah, I use to like Alex, not anymore. I know she is a serious game player and she knows what she is doing. I know big brother is all about lies and doing what you have to do to win. I guess I admire those who can win and still be decent to the others. You don’t have to be evil to others in order to win. Even though Evil Dick was fun to watch. Alex of all of the people should know how Paul is.
All these houseguest do is eat, shower, bash Kevin, eat shower bash Kevin and repeat, come on, enough already!!
And then next week it will be eat, shower, bash (insert name of Pauls new target) and repeat
They have to keep up the farce to throw Jason and Alex off!
Why can I hear Christmas and Alex, but not Raven? Is that something I may be doing on purpose? Wow…I’m a magician.
I think BB turned off Matt and Raven’s mics since last night…no joke! Last night, If you watched the feeds in the “quad view”, you could hear them, but when I would try to go to the camera that was just on them, both their mics were off.
Matt & Raven probably turned or tok them off cuz the mics and string would be in the way of their last night. Sure hope they took our their condoms, used or not. OR maybe Raven didn’t used condom so they could maybe a threesome for themselves.
I didn’t know that…I was kidding about not hearing Raven talking with Christmas and Alex after the HoH comp. Nothing wrong with her audio. I was zoning her out on purpose! It was rare I’d even try to listen to Raven and Matt when the cams were on them. I would switch immediately to a camera that didn’t have them on it. haha
This entire season illustrates what many people have thought for years, reality tv shows are scams.
Hop on ONE leg Matt
Wait .. didn’t they vote Matt out ?
Haaha! Evil Dick said,
Compared to this cast, Victoria was a strategic genius.
Better days I hope will follow…time for me to say goodnight for now! Stayed tune for further manipulation by Paul with his subliminal messages to his sheeple!
He’s already working on it..He touches them and whispher some kind of command to their ear..and…done!
I know…already saw him whisper to Josh to do damage control!
The stupidity is growing like a baby elephant
The stupidity is beyond the grasp of the human intellect. Every single player throwing the hoh this late in the game!!!!!!
These people should be executed with midieval torture mechanisms. Now that would make good tv. 😲
Lose in a foot race to someone with a broken foot,just give the check to Paul seriously people.
No one raced!! C’mon people!! Know the facts before you comment
Sicko, where have you and your objective voice of reason been ?? (don’t remember seeing you on here before) I’m pretty much stalking you with upvotes lol
Thanks Jolima07!! I try to refrain but I couldn’t help myself tonight- ha! What’s your story?
Ha! My story…I love people who play the game – and on a pure game level. I hated Paul last season until half-way through…now I appreciate where he’s coming from. Also, being from a city where people are fair-weather fans (I’m NOT) I don’t get an obsession with “I just want to be surprised by the outcome, no matter who deserves to win.” I want who EARNED it to win it. Still think it was stupid Dan (my favorite) didn’t win his 2nd season.
Thank you!!! I’ve only been watching for three plus years (thanks to an ex gf – boo!) but like yourself I appreciate the game value!! I don’t get caught up in the politics etc. It’s a game w/ people secluded from everyday life and of course inappropriate behavior will occur. I only take it for face value and nothing more – it’s a game fcol! If you don’t mind me asking, where are you from?
I’m from Oregon (Portland born and raised). What about you? :)
I’ve read a lot of your comments as well and I enjoy your insights!
I’m really curious to see this comp on Sunday. And also if it is that obvious they thrown it to Christmas, it will be interesting to see the current jury looking at it.
Matt said in the iPad interview that he believe raven is the best player out their!!!! Whohahahaha.
Bit of think raven will win. She said “see us after the game”. She’s not going to jury?? And then they have travelling plan with the money she will earn.
Seriously if raven’s win, I’m going to California and do a protest!!!
Wait wait…Matt said that??
What was his cereal laced with??
And he said it more then once!!! Interview is on YouTube. Hilarious.
Now that I’ve stopped laughing…are we sure that this guy was not a mental hospital escapee, or off his meds??? Homeboy was so delusional this entire game. I actually thought in week 2 that he was just playing along with Paul and was going to be the one to turn on him and take him out. I also thought he was throwing comps this entire time. Didn’t realize he’s actually inept, incompetent, and WORSE, Cody was right!! lmao, he really is an “Expert Loser.”
Lol. But seriously I couldn’t stop laughing when he lost it on jason. The way he got hyper exited, walk, talk… even his voice was different. It was hilariously pathetic!! People say Paul is a gnome. No no no. Matt is the gnome. I guess raven disease are contagious. He got crazy as well.
For fun I read back the first article of BBN about players prediction. Matthew Boyer put matt as the top one winner. We’re all fools. What a desapointement.
I remember that!
I feel like the next time I got to Trader Joe’s to pick out my weekly lemons, I’m going to squeeze one and be like,”oh, I got a good Matt right there!”
Totally a gnome! Not to mention, he can’t stop smiling, even when trying to fight! Tyra Banks would be like “Look at that boy smight!” (smile + fight)
I can not believe he said that lol he is so clueless, he probably thinks raven is “americas sweetheart”
He is going to be in for a shock when he sees the show from home and I would think he would get the live feeds so he can go back and watch everything.
I’ll go with you Nope, I moved back home to Oregon a year ago after living there for a while, and can weave in and out of traffic California-style ;)
Perfect. Pick me up at the airport!!
Not the money she EARNED the money that she is getting DONATED! She and Matt discussed going on a GP awareness tour, that she is going to be a spokesperson and donations or a GP charity will pay for her speaking, appearances and travel?
I think she’s been fired from all GP association. On Reddit people are really pissed of the way she is NOT representing them. All lies are affecting them. Misinformation is worst then no information in this case.
I know about her reputation is not great in GP communities. I have GP, but it isn’t my main issue, I logged on a few GP forums I hadn’t been on in awhile and she isn’t liked or people feel bad like she must have some mental health problems that cause her lying and misinformation. Raven is going to be in for a surprise when she doesn’t have a paid tour. I do think she will make some local news or maybe one national program with CBS help. I hate to say it but she could land a Dr. Oz( she needs Dr. Phil). I watch 90 day fiancée and there was a women that had Tourette’s and did not know it was genetic. For two seasons she said Tourette’s is not hereditary. Forums were mad about her misinformation, average viewers seem to know it was passed on to kids (50/50) but TLC helped her become a national spokesperson for Tourette’s ! She had such limited knowledge of her condition and was misinformed but she was speaking in DC. So I fear Raven will get some token opportunity, not a world tour but enough for her to exaggerate how important she is to the cause.
Oh. Sorry about your gp. Can I ask what you personally think about how she talk about this condition? In your case is it as serious (fatal?) as she describes it?
Because of her I read a bit about that. It seems it really really sucks, but it doesn’t seems she’s well describing/communicating what it really is.
I’m well aware of Tourette. When I was a teen, I work in summer camp for challenge children. 2 of them had that syndrome.
I have EDS type 4 , it is genetic and this causes autonomic dysfunction. GP or delayed gastric emptying is an autonomic condition, meaning it is something your body should automatically do, like saliva, tears, sweating, blood pressure regulation.
I had odd eating habits since I was little but I didn’t know it was GP, I would just refuse to eat breakfast skip lunch at school because food just sat in my stomach and made me feel bad. If I didn’t eat I felt better. My calories were ice cream, fish and eggs. My lack of being able to control my blood pressure is what got my dx. I literally had such low blood pressure when I would try to stand up I would not be able to stand (50/30). I went to the Mayo Clinic and they check everything, I told them about my diet and eating habits and they found food was in my stomach from 4 days earlier still. No wonder I always felt full.
The Mayo Clinic had all options available to me. The medications were either Reglan (this stuff works, but the side effects make you shake like Parkinson’s for me and many others so that didn’t work), Erythromycin, it is an antibodics, and you can take small doses everyday, not to get graphic but this is an antibodic that has a side effect of Diarrhea so you take it and it help move you colon along. The last medicine is domperdone, it was actually banded by the FDA but the Mayo Clinic was willing to help patients buy it overseas, this Is a drug I didn’t try but because I felt uncomftable getting medication this way.
The pacemaker was explained to me. The Mayo Clinic was not a big advocate (I also went to Mass General (Harvard) and they did not advocate the pacemaker. It had a low success rate. I my many trips to the Mayo Clinic and others doctors I have met met anyone who had long term success with the pacemaker. Just a side note the pacemaker was covered by most insurance besides Medicaid. I know Medicare (disability), blue cross, atena and even my dinky small Utah HMO covered it.
So I went for the diet. I had dietician go to the grocery store with me. I showed her my favorite food and we made a realistic plan. I could never eat the amount Raven eats, but the Speed she eats is incredible. I don’t tell many people about my GP, my very low blood pressure making me sit in odd positions or lay on my stomach when I’m talking to friends is odd enough. Everyone who knows me would say I’m the slowest eat they ever met. I eat one full meal a day , dinner and it takes 3-4 hours. I always take a few sips of flat coke after my dinner, it is what the ER uses for GP, but in a tube down your nose, so why not take a few sips for .10 at home instead of running uomER bills. Coke breaks down the food that is slow or doesn’t digest. I’m not saying my diet could work for Raven or everyone but parts of what I do I see many others with GP do, it is kind of common sense? I wake up and if I know my stomach didn’t empty or my colon is slow, I drink prune juice, yuck, I never ever thought I would drink it, but it works. If I felt okay I still drink plenty, 32 in of water and 32oz of Powerade and 16oz of 100% juice mix. I don’t eat any food , just fluids that really helps the digestion to move. My one thing in common with Raven is i do ice cream every night, it is my calories.
I don’t see Raven as severe at all. I think of myself as mild-moderate. If I’m at home, I have my routine and it is not a big deal. I have a full life and food of the lack of food doesnt concern me. I have people that need me everyday and I focus on family, work etc. If I have to eat at someone’s house, awkward , it I usually just talk and don’t eat, travel is very hard. The closest dr is 310 miles each way. I leave at 8, see the doctor at 2 and then we drive home, whoever drives with me wants to eat but if I eat I know I’ll get sick or be in pain when traveling so I don’t eat the whole day. It is more socially hard to not eat, people feel bad eating in front of me but if I eat there is nowhere to stop and no cell service for most of the 310 miles so I can’t risk it.
Also not to get too personal, I sure could not have the sex Raven had everyday. Either she has a mild case or it is very controlled or she was not enjoying those nightly sessions if she has GP, it is hard to believe she could feel up to the 2 acts her and Matt did every night for 60 night straight.
Too sum up my long post , my daughter and I were sitting watching the first cast interviews, and saw Raven had GP, our first comments were about will she get slop, she is Going to be another kryssie and won’t be in the sun, and what was the cause of the GP since she was a dancer, we thought she had Another type of EDS. So she got the slop pass, hmm..solved that easy, I’m still shocked she was able to sit in the sun, I’m super pale and only see sunlight going from my car to the store or school, I could never imagine sunbathing (I can’t sweat, which is common in GP/autonomic disorders), and I really thought at first she was saying EDS was her cause. I thought maybe she can’t explain it, doesn’t know the name, but then all the weird terminal stuff came out and I was like yikes, this is out of control and just doesn’t make sense. My daughter And took her old IKEA wipeboard and put down some of her illness and stories and we have a few theories of how maybe some little truths became big lies? I also believe her mom taught her in some way that illness gets you attention and now with gofundme and social media illness can get you money. I looked at Ravens instragram once and saw her mom with a dr and her mom was trying to control the doctor to say what benefited Raven stories , it was clear her mom has certainly part of the reason Raven is the way she is today making things worse then they are.
Right now I think the frustration is Raven is doing way more then the vast majority of GP suffers can do. She drives, tRvels, owns a business and works, eats what she wants and fast, has a regular sex life, runs, dances, sunbathes and has a pretty normal lifestyle without restrictions. I would sure like Ravens level of functioning and I most people I know would be thrilled to be as well as Raven is. I so wish rVen had come on BB and said I have GP, the pacemaker worked, and I got my life back and now I want to help others. Instead she turned an oppunrtunity to educate and help into making herself look like a liar and the disease fake.
Wow. Thanking for sharing your personal experience with the disease as well as your perspective on Raven’s situation. You sound very brave and very humble. I wish u well.
Thank you for sharing your story, Anjealka, and you have now educated others.
Oh, one more last question if you don’t mind (and by the way if you don’t want to share it’s all ok).
Looking at raven in the house, what she eats, she obviously gain weight. She doesn’t seem to vomit or have nausea all the time… what do you think about her condition? The severity?
I have the feeling being away from her mom and the drame she creates (let be honest, we saw multiple videos of her) might help raven.
I wanted Kevin to have hoh. Didn’t happen.
So now I’m requesting he gets pov and remove jason. Then bebye alex.
How anyone in that house has not seen through Paul for who he is, IS Astonishing. The man was a piece of garbage last year and is not a great game player. He is a true piece of %#%&>.
Hr has fostered a season of hatred, bullying and disrespect. He is just a vile human being who deserves to suffer to a young END.
I wish Kevin would have gotten HOH. I liked him from day one and I also liked Jason. I did as in DID, not anymore liked Christmas. I have tried to like her and respect her game play. It just really bothers me how she puts Josh up to picking on others. I personally feels he does that because he wants to be accepted and liked. She gives him attention and in turn, he does her dirty work. But, more than that, I think I stopped like Christmas when she started looking at the other house guests like she is better than they are. It’s hard to explain. But, the look on her face is like she is sizing them up and she has a look of disgust when she does it. I think the reason I don’t like it is that my mother in law would do that. We would be out to eat and she would make a comment on how she never judges people or looks down on a person. That is until a person that is heavier and not too pretty walks into the restaurant. All of the sudden her eyes dart towards the person and she would get this snarl on her face. She would never say anything, but you could tell what she was thinking because she stared right at them and I was mortified to be with her. If I noticed it, others did too. In the car she would say something to the affect of, “why would someone so fat choose to go out and eat?” Once I told her that she shouldn’t be talking since she is a large woman too and she enjoyed going out to eat. But, I think that is my problem with Christmas. NO respect for others and has a holier than though attitude.
Hmm…what game are you watching?! Paul instructs others to incite personal attacks!! And your issue w/ personal weight attacks has nothing to do w/ Christmas?? Get a clue!!
I know that Paul is doing that. But Christmas is also egging Josh on. She will tell him to keep doing what he is doing and keep on them. I have heard her doing this a number of times. And when things get heated she will tell him that he is doing good and to keep it up. She is far from innocent on this. There has been times she tells him to keep up the good work and hugs him and will pat him on the head like he is a good puppy dog.
Did you just watch the last episode? She told Josh not to interfere w/ her disagreement w/ Kevin?
Yes, I did watch that. The live feeds go on my TV all the time. So, I have them going on my ROKU most of the time. The TV I watch the feeds on are only for the feeds. That way I can do other things. So, I did see that. There are many other times that she doesn’t tell him that. She tells him to keep it up until production has to tell them to knock it off.
I’m sorry Sandie, I also have the live feeds and I’m trying to give you the benefit of the doubt but I don’t see Christmas egging him on like you say. I see Paul being the primary puppet master – not Christmas
I totally agree that he is the puppetmaster in that house and they all should know what is going on. I can’t believe Alex and some of the others are letting him do what he is doing. I mean, he is playing a good game and I guess if they allow him to do what he is doing, he is playing the best game.
I also think production should have removed Matt since they have removed players like Chima for throwing her mic. I would have loved to see that happen and then see what Raven would have thought when she was sent packing since she was on the block also. I don’t think Matt deserves to be in the jury and he should have been sent home. Thats just my own feelings. I wish they would have done that. Now future houseguests will think they can get away with things
But that’s done! The game moves on
Yeah, I also think they should have caught on by now but I only take the game from a fave value perspective. It’s easy to make claims on the outside but we’ll never know what it’s like on the inside – as long as I keep an open mind and I’m entertained
I feel the same way. I would prefer this I guess over people sleeping all day and all night. I would never want to be on this show and have my life under a microscope