‘Big Brother 19’ Spoilers: Who Was Voted Out Last Night In The Double Eviction?

Julie Chen hosts Big Brother 19 Double Eviction night

Buckle up! The Big Brother 19 Double Eviction arrived and we’ve got last night’s results on who was voted out in the first and second round eliminations. It was a high stakes night in a fast paced series of events so read on for the results from our coverage of the show.

If you’re not familiar with a Double Eviction then get ready for a week’s worth of Big Brother events wrapped up in less than an hour. These are exciting, action packed nights. We’ll kick things off with the first eviction then race to a new HoH, nominations, a Veto comp, ceremony, and then the second elimination vote of the night. Get ready!

Don’t miss this week’s eviction episode! You can stream it live on CBS’s All Access in most markets across the US so you don’t have to miss any of the fun even if you’re out tonight. Use Promo Code BB19SALE to get a full month free of All Access with your Free Trial.

Big Brother episodes live on CBS All Access

Cody, Elena, and Matthew face off here for the seven votes to decide which of them will become the first Juror of the BB19 season.

Big Brother 19 Results – Week 7 Votes:

  • Paul votes to evict: Cody
  • Mark votes to evict: Cody
  • Kevin votes to evict: Cody
  • Josh votes to evict: Cody
  • That’s enough votes.
  • Raven votes to evict: Cody
  • Jason votes to evict: Cody
  • Christmas votes to evict: Cody

By a vote of 7-0-0, Cody Nickson has been evicted from Big Brother 19. Cody walks over the coffee table to quickly exit the game. Julie asks if Cody plans to marry Jessica and he says he does.

Gallery: DE’s First Eviction

This competition will be like the shuffleboard practice the HGs had yesterday in the backyard but this time it’s set up as a duel.

Big Brother 19 Results – Week 7.5 HoH Comp – “Let It Slide”:

  • Round 1: Matthew vs Josh – Matthew eliminated
  • Round 2: Mark vs Elena – Elena eliminated
  • Round 3: Christmas vs Josh – Josh eliminated
  • Round 4: Mark vs Raven – Raven eliminated
  • Round 5: Kevin vs Christmas – Kevin eliminated
  • Round 6: Mark vs Jason – Mark eliminated
  • Round 7: Christmas vs Paul – Paul eliminated
  • Round 8: Christmas vs Jason – Christmas eliminated

Jason Dent wins HoH!

Gallery: DE HoH Competition

The new Head of Household will have just a few minutes to decide who should go up on the Block. The HGs go back inside and Jason is quickly freaking out. He tries to pull Mark in to the Lounge but everyone follows them in. Jason tells Mark he’ll be okay. Is Jason going to make a big move? I’d be shocked.

Nope, no big move from Jason. He gives a long, meandering speech that doesn’t mean much of anything. Jason says he can’t trust Mark and has no beef with Elena. Then he says he doesn’t have a target and wants the house to decide.

Big Brother 19 Results – Week 7.5 Nominations:

  • Jason nominates: Mark & Elena

Six players will compete for the Veto to change the noms or keep them locked in. Random draw selected Raven, Josh, and Matthew to play along with Jason, Mark, and Elena.

HGs have to finish 3 puzzles first and race back to hit their buzzer to win the Power of Veto tonight.

Big Brother 19 Results – Week 7.5 Veto Comp – “Kenya Solve It”:

  • Mark wins Veto!

Gallery: DE Veto Comp

Mark barely beat out Jason in the comp while most of the other HGs are far behind them. Mark is sniffling after the comp, but Elena tells him it’s okay. If/when he saves himself Elena will be going out the door.

Time to decide who will be the final noms in the Double Eviction.

Big Brother 19 Results – Week 7.5 Veto Ceremony:

  • Mark saves himself
  • Jason renoms Matthew

Houseguests will head back inside the Diary Room for their second vote of the night.

Big Brother 19 Results – Week 7.5 Votes:

  • Raven votes to evict: Elena
  • Alex votes to evict: Elena
  • Mark votes to evict: Matthew
  • Josh votes to evict: Elena
  • Paul votes to evict: Elena
  • That’s enough votes.
  • Christmas votes to evict: Elena
  • Kevin votes to evict: Elena

By a vote of 6-1, Elena Davies has been evicted from Big Brother.

Gallery: DE’s Second Eviction

Two Houseguests have joined the Jury tonight leaving the house a little lighter.

Don’t forget we’ve got a special Friday bonus episode of Big Brother, featuring a visit from BB16’s winner Derrick Levasseur, coming up tomorrow night at 8/7c on CBS and streaming live on All Access. Once that show is over on the west coast we’ll get the return of the Feeds, so until then we’ll be anxiously waiting for more news and results.

If you haven’t signed up for the Live Feeds yet, then you can get a 1-month Free Trial with promo code BB19SALE. That’ll get you through the entire rest of the season’s Feeds for free! So yeah.

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    • Just evicting Cody should do it. It is THE thing that they all had in common, get rid of Cody. Now he will be gone. They won’t have that anymore.

      • But they still have Paul. Cody was a common enemy, yes, but with Paul in the house, no one will think for themselves. That’s why Mark has to win HOH – he’s the only one who will have the guts to make a dramatic move.

      • I don’t have your faith, Cap. Glad that you’re optimistic, though, and I pray you’re right while totally expecting me to be right.

      • With double eviction sometimes their strategy flies out the window when they are in a hurry.
        Watch Paul stay close to whoever wins HOH

      • If anyone other than Mark winning the order will be Mark,Matt,Elena for eviction
        Per Sir Paul

      • Hi handsome. I’m not staying…I just thought I’d drop in for a sec before the show started. Tell everyone I said ‘Hey,’ OK? Miss you!

      • Hey, nice to hear from you. Cyril should be here in a few minutes. stick around a little bit.

      • Nothing is going to change! They r ALL a bunch of pussys!
        Hate Josh, Christmas, PAUL AND ALL THE OTHER SHEEP!!!

      • Agree completely, I want grab them thru the TV and shake some sense into them. Bunch of idiots!

      • I’m curious, what is your reasoning for the change? Paul has targeted Mark, has Kevin lined up for immediately following. The entire house is on board with that. Then Raven and Matthew, apparently, and the remaining folks support that move. There are at least two people, potentially four before the core alliance has to start eating itself, THEN something might happen…but honestly I just see them deferring to Paul until he’s the standing next to (likely) Alex or Jason at the end, both of whom are “honored” to hand him the win.

      • Paul, the Tyrant ain’t no Dummy…Smdh! Paul is having his Minions Rallying around the target of Kevin now. Remember Paul said that he was going to drop a Bomb tonight, most likely on Kevin.

      • You must live in some sad alternate reality where you have nothing better to do than just hate on Paul….Hate to break it to you but its Alex and Jason who are all gung-ho about getting rid of Kevin since Josh told them Kevin got the $25,000. IF anything Paul was trying to keep him around with that, he was going to say something to him thing….You obviously didn’t pay attention to the ACTUAL conversation they had, since Paul was fine after that.

      • Excuse me …But Paul told Alex & Jason that Kevin got the $25,000?! Because Kevin Told Paul “You know I’m the one who brought You back into the House, because I took the Money.”

        You must be drinking the Same Kool-Aid that Jason, Matt, Raven, Josh Christmas & Alex are drink?!?! Because Everyone knows paul is Controlling the Game & everyone his Uncle can’t STAND Paul’s Elf Sized Behind!!! The Former Veteran of BB can’t Stand Paul, or the Game he is Playing…So you just take “Several Seats” Boo Boo…Smdh?!

        Now go bother someone else about your LOVE of Paul, because I never Cared!

      • Yes I am perfect, TY for Noticing…U need to mind Your “own” business, because Nobody was talking to you Boo Boo…Smdh?!

    • Hope dies last lol … everything happened as per general’s plan, I am happy Mark saved himself…there is still hope!

  1. To accomplish all these competitions and nominations and voting in a single hour (with only about 43 minutes of airtime) is risky. Everything has to work out perfectly in the time allotted.

    • Thats cause its all an NWO/CBS/Illuminati conspiracy designed so that they can rig the game…Didn’t you know that production already knows who they want to win, so they’re feeding people drugs in the water that turn the frogs gay and make the houseguests do exactly what they want through the subliminal messages they play when they’re sleeping…..Isn’t that how the general mental midget Big Brother conspiracy theory usually goes…Last season it was Paul, before that it was Frankie, before that it was Amanda, weird though all the pathetic conspiracy nuts swear its rigged and yet all the people its rigged for keep losing almost as if there isn’t a conspiracy….

      • Is that the most intelligent input you can contribute?

        If you knew anything about television video production, you would have understood the point of my comment.

  2. My computer’s acting up, for some oddball reason, so if I’m in and out tonight, you know why.

  3. Paul needs to go. His “friendship” is such a ploy and those in the game are stupid to fall for it. If he is a final 3 he will win in a landslide.

    • Sorry to disappoint you. I really wish that would have happened. But these people are too stupid for that. To actually play their OWN games and make big time moves. Not this season of Big Brother. My faves were Jess and Cody. They were the only ones who saw past Paul’s BS. Mark and Elena too. Ironically, the people i just mentioned, 3 of the 4 have been evicted. Paul has to be laughing his but off thinking are these people for real?

    • Not even hearing his voice but watching his lips flap makes me irritated. (But for the record, when Paul or Josh are in the DR, the volume goes down exponentially.)

  4. Guess we can expect a second DE at some point this season, as there’s still over half the house left.

  5. I just miss the suspense in the game.
    There was a time we didn’t know for sure, who was getting vote out. They tried too mess with our head a little.
    Now we know every wk, and three wks ahead, who is leaving. Lol…SMH

  6. Matthew should be voted out for being an idiot. Elena should be gone for being greedy.

  7. If Mark or Elena win HOH is it a bad move to put up Paul from the perspective of I dont think people will vote him out?

    • It would only be a bad move if neither of them were being targeted. But they already are. Nothing they do now will make a difference. Plus, Paul will have to campaign to save himself rather than his fellow nominee, so there’s a bonus.

  8. Elena girl, Josh is baiting you into getting angry. Also Josh, no one told her the plan on how to vote

    • And he made it all up but it is possible that it could have happened. Sadly it didn’t.

  9. Elana’s speeches are idiotic!
    I don’t watch after dark or live feeds, but what Cody said was a lie, right?

  10. That’s RIGHT!!!!! Cody! Sorry, not a sore loser BUT after the treatment, I wouldn’t hug or say bye to ANY of them!

  11. Cody showing personality! In another world, without Jessica (and vice versa) and without production clearly favouring one player, he might have gone further in this game

    • He reminds me of my son. He was all happy going to change the world. Then he joined the Marines. Proud momma here, but disappointed they don’t take care of the guys with PTSD. Jessica could be good for him. She may talk him into getting the help he needs. Wish him the best.

      • Yes, he clearly has some anger / temper / trust issues….or maybe its more control issues, like he has to be in charge but I’ve seen some good in him. I hope it works out well for them

    • I don’t know. They clearly geared the battle back competition for him which Paul lost. The only blatantly sketchy think Prod has done so far (IMO) was Paul’s Temptation. And I think that actually was a smart thing for Prod to do, to keep Paul in the game. He (like some other past vets) would have been first out the door. But unfortunately, it overcompensated once Paul found his bearings.

      • imo it all started with Paul. Paul should have won last year, I have no idea why those clowns voted for Nicole. With that said, I hate returning players. Giving Paul 3 weeks safety was beyond ridiculous. THREE WEEKS?? And obviously he was going to get it because he had a built in base. And that caused Cody to nominate 5! people

  12. I actually liked the Cody-Julie interview. But, he’s not going to marry Jessica. It’s not going to last.

    • When he sees her behaviour outside of the house, that’ll change. He is not going to like her much.

    • exactly do you really think she wants to be a step mom and marry a bi polar headcase

  13. Thanks for the reminder captain!
    I know Cody is gone!
    What else do I need to know?
    Who is hog?? You East Coasters know yet?

  14. This has got to be the worse Big Brother ever…. I am so over the Paul show… Looks like I am out for the rest of the season. Hopefully CBS will do better next year

  15. SAME ol shite….Once Mark and Elena are gone, THEN what are you people gonna do?!?

      • hes just overly aggressive and when Mark got out he clapped obnoxiously and then when they went back in the house he is kinda shouting at Mark ‘bye bye’

        Hes annoying.

  16. no surprise here Mark Elena go up if either of you win veto does not count one of you is going home boring boring boring

  17. Alex is classless. What a fool to call Cody a tool. She for sure won’t get this vote in Jury.

    I hope Jason makes the big move and rid of Paul. He need to do it tonight!

      • I know you are right, but one would hope they would all wake up. If they get rid of Paul tonight anyone else could win it’s wide open.

    • Alex is a tacky, smug little biotch. Don’t like anything about her game. I thought she wanted to win the money, but instead she is up under Paul like a mindless fool. The way she jumps around when her side wins is beyond petty.

      • You hit on the money. I think Paul will turn on her much sooner than many think. If Mark can somehow win HOH I hope he puts up Jason and Josh. At the end of the week backdoor Paul or Alex. Put some fear in Alex.

  18. Does everyone know how to spell
    P.R.E.D.I.C.T.A.B.L.E ……….!!!
    IF y’all didn’t before this season, you most certainly know how to now! 💤

  19. Worst season yet.Giving Paul 3 weeks of safety in the beginning was not only staged but it ruined the game of new players.

  20. jason – “I have no target” ?????

    Why nominated them then. “Let the house decide” – jason is a wuss

  21. Paul still treating the rest of the HG’s like his pets. Come on somebody have the guts and make the move to get him out tonight!

  22. Last few years showmances have not worked out, hook up outside the house if you want to win

  23. Season is boring when everything is predictable. Elena is going home, then Mark. Unless Mark wins the next HOH.

    • Paul and Alex has already warned the HG u nom Paul and your game is over. No one will vote to evict Paul. So sad

      • I’d love to see somebody with get some courage and say of all night’s tonight is the wrong night to pull that with us and goodbye!

      • Really!? They were warned LOL
        WHY WHY WHY can’t these “other HGs” come together and work on getting Alex and Paul out??
        OOOOOOh, that’s right because they’re not there to “play the game!”
        At this point I want Paul to stay and win because he’s the only one that is “playing to win” the game. Everyone else is just playing for a jury or second & of course their 15 minutes of fame! SMH

  24. Why they don’t give the money to Paul right now? -_- I can’t believe that all this houseguest are so silly!

  25. if all you want to see is Paul evicted then I can see why you are disappointed and will be for a few more weeks.

      • I dont mind the predictability now. As tight as the house is now when they do turn on each other. It will be awesome.

      • Pecking order after Elena and mark will be Matt Raven, Kevin, Xmas, JASON, ALEX Paul and Josh final 2 as no one will vote for Josh. Paul wins. Oh boy

      • I know totally unacceptable. Paul learned his lesson last year taking Nicole plus who do most of the HG dislike more Paul or Josh. The answer is Josh what easier way to win

      • Elena can go for all I care. I just don’t want to lose Mark. He’s our best bet against Paul.

      • But he said last night he wouldn’t go after him. Do you think he would? Now if Elena goes he’s going to be alone like Cody and Paul will swoop right in.

  26. What a classless move to nominate himself and Elena. Are Alex and Paul that dumb to realize they need Elena’s vote in jury?

  27. He crying, aww. I like Mark. I really did judge him a bit because of his size but I thunk hes a really good guy tbh

  28. Please… Mark will probably save Elena and go home. I hope not, but it won’t surprise me.

  29. Good. Mark won. Elaina will be sent to jury. Time for the next HOH! Mark has to win that or he is gone next week!

  30. If Cody hates everyone why would he stick around in the jury house? Why not just bolt and start stalking Jessica?

  31. They should put Paul up and backdoor him! Perfect time to do it! He will not expect it and cannot get off!

  32. Look at all those sheep in that house. This is the most pathetic season ever. The fact that CBS can give Paul 3 weeks of safety, week one, is just sad. This is just a setup for Paul to win this and these house guests are too dumb to see it.

    • Jason is useless. He should have made the move tonight. They are all scared of him!

    • Paul does have an agent and of course his agent gets a percentage of whatever Paul wins so, I am sure his agent worked out a sweet sweet deal w/ BB!!

    • Are we still complaining about this? I don’t mean to be mean but come on, just don’t watch it anymore.

      • I do not dislike the show itself, just this season, but I will continue to watch. I mean they take a veteran and do a national vote week one? They are no dummies.

      • I agree. I’m hoping Alex is in F2 but if not yeah I’ll be disappointed but I’ll sit back and relax and enjoy this show.

  33. happy dance 💃🏼 happy dance 💃🏼

    At least one thing didn’t work out for Paul & his “Well-trained wanna be Pittbul Poodles!”


  34. Mark is done, if not next week then the week after. No way he wins veto or HOH every week.

    • He’s won the past four weeks, and it’s getting harder to backdoor as the weeks progress. I think he has a good shot at beasting through! At least I hope so…everyone else is super annoying lol

  35. Way to go Mark. Now you gotta win the next HOH comp or you’re gone next week.

    • of what is left in the house I’m pulling for Mark. The only one in the house who spoke up about the HG’s behavior towards Cody and Jessica.

  36. If Matt makes it to the finale…he can at least say he was the best pawn Big Brother ever had

  37. Dang man, Matt gotta be either the dumbest player in BB history or the most loyal. The guy is always the go to pawn.

  38. Surprise! Not! It was either him or Raven. I hope he/Matt goes (for being a dumbarse)!

  39. Best case scenario for Cody, actually. He might actually survive the jury house with Elena for the week.

  40. You can complain all you want, but the truth is Mark and Elena screwed themselves over. They wouldn’t have been targets so early on if they would have both kept their cool and stayed on the same page with the alliance. Cody coming back screwed them both over

    • No, Mark & Elena chose not to hate on Jody, like the rest of Paul’s minion’s. They never made it personal

  41. Next to Go


    Alex, Christmas, Paul, Josh, Jason final 5….no need to watch the next few weeks

  42. Big Alliance or Paul always missed the first round.. Not This Week! right Capt?…next week! ha!

      • Not any more than the Veto was setup for Mark to win. Come on, 5th graders could have beat the rest of the Veto players.

      • I’ve substituted many a time in several schools and grades. In one instance, I think it was kindergarten, I know lower elementary. And math class.

        (There is a game called “TanGrams” or “Tanograms.” There are about 7 plastic geometric shapes and a pamphlet to use those pieces to make the shapes that are solid black with the pieces.)

        Anyway- the young students had to make the outline of the shaded black shapes with the plastic pieces (in their case, cardboard). Many were very good and speedy at it. Of course, they didn’t have $500K at stake, only learning and their future.