‘Big Brother 19’ Spoilers: Who Was Voted Out Last Night & Who Won HoH?

Are you ready to find out who was voted out last night from Big Brother 19 after a tough week of campaigning and vote-battling to secure control of this week’s eviction? It wa finally time for the BB19 Houseguests to go inside the Diary Room and answer Julie Chen’s important question. But wait, there’s more! An online HoH Comp followed this week’s eviction episode so get ready!

Julie Chen hosts Big Brother 19

Between the two nominees, Christmas Abbott has faced a broken foot this week while Jillian Parker has had not one, not two, but three opponents on the Block against her and there was even a fourth named that helped crumble Cody Nickson’s week away as HoH. Now it’s time to see if all his work has paid off or not as the HGs plan to reveal their votes.

Ready to find out who was voted off Big Brother and who takes control in tonight’s Endurance Comp on the Live Feeds starting at 10PM ET? Here is our live recap of Thursday’s results show with all the answers. Download our Big Brother App, find us on Facebook & Twitter, and get our Email Updates for the latest Big Brother spoilers all summer!

Big Brother 18 Live Feeds featuring HoH endurance comp

Big Brother 19 Results – Week 1 Votes:

  • Jessica votes to evict: Christmas
  • Jason votes to evict: Christmas
  • Kevin votes to evict: Jillian
  • Matthew votes to evict: Jillian
  • Raven votes to evict: Jillian
  • Paul votes to evict: Jillian
  • Ramses votes to evict: Christmas
  • Dominique votes to evict: Jillian
  • Alex votes to evict: Christmas
  • Elena votes to evict: Jillian
  • Mark votes to evict: Jillian
  • That’s enough votes.
  • Josh votes to evict: Jillian

By a vote of 8-4, Jillian Parker has been evicted from BB19! She is jaw-dropped SHOCKED.

Gallery: Houseguests React To Live Eviction

The house is HOT right now! Cody got up on Mark but did it quietly. Jessica was not quiet. She started yelling at Christmas who argued back. Oh this is going to be a good night on the Feeds!

After the vote is over the Houseguests better get ready because a big ol’ competition awaits them in the backyard. Who do you want to win HoH for Week 2 of Big Brother 19? You can watch it all play out live on the Feeds right now but you’ll need All Access so sign up for the Free Trial and join us there!

Big Brother 18 Live Feeds featuring HoH endurance comp

Big Brother 19 Week 2 HoH comp:

When tonight’s episode ends we’ll be racing back to the Big Brother Feeds to watch the live endurance competition! Join us on there with the Live Feeds’ Free Trial & see what the fun is all about.



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    • Agreed. I’m expecting 7-5 to 9-3 range vote with Jillian going and then fireworks.

      • I think Josh & Kevin flip. But we’ll see. I was hoping they would stick with Alex, Jason and Ramses. The look on the couples faces.

    • Don’t think it s going to be that large of a gap, but we shall see.

  1. I guess this is the place. I have no idea on the vote. They have been all over the place.

  2. I’m expecting a 7-5 vote since Josh seems like the swing vote here. Hopefully it doesn’t come down to a tie

  3. It’s hard to believe with everything that’s happened that this is the first eviction.

  4. Sorry I’m late, all, but I’m totally ready for the first (second? third?) eviction of 2017.

    • If Kevin jumps ship it’s 8-4 to evict Jillian. But the current vote I know of is 7-5

    • And you know that if Christmas is staying by either of those votes, 8-4 or 9-3, Julie will announce it as ‘by a vote of 8-4, Christmas you are ………..safe, Jillian you have been evicted. Prolong the suspense, lol

      • “Jillian, you’ll have a few minutes to gather your things and exit the door!”

  5. Wow. Paul’s entire defense is kinda flat. Mr. “I Trust My Allies Completely” didn’t trust his allies to keep him if he was up on the block and that’s why he took the temptation? Cody may have shown Paul his colors, but Paul just revealed quite a lot about his own loyalties here.

  6. At first I was OK with Cody, not anymore. He may be nice looking on the outside, but he is ugly on the inside. I hope Christmas stays. She has really been through the ringers and can still smile

  7. Jessica to Cody: “You don’t get a vote.”

    Um… there’s 12 HGs voting this week, Jess. He MIGHT get a vote. I doubt it, but still. It’s the principal of the matter.

  8. Mark does not impress me, not someone you would want to depend on in this game

  9. Jillian looks like she’s dressed to go out the door. Christmas does not.

      • Yeah, probably. The camera was too far away to pick that up. And as good as their body mics are, I don’t think they’re that good.

      • Thought the same thing when I heard it. Just typical big brother making everything dramatic

    • Well on the feeds she went a few days later for an MRI and came back in and said she broke two bones. Don’t know if they’ll show it.

  10. Just wait until Paul screws the outsiders over after they voted Jillian out for him.

    • Not so sure about Ramses or Alex (the mistress, hah ha)

      These 2 could see the writing on the wall and go after Jody

      • He’s safe. Can’t get him out. So might as well use him to kick someone we don’t like, out of the game. You know he’s going after Jess-Cody.

      • True. But that’s less numbers Alex has. I wanted her to be able to use Jess and Cody for a couple weeks to get out a few of the couples then get them out.

  11. Paul you are the spine in my side Please go away even if it takes 2 more weeks of you

    • Yeap, we’re stuck with him for 2 weeks, might as well make the better of the situation.

  12. First episode of the season had me extremely dissapointed, BUT… and thats a big BUT, I must say its starting to get interesting.
    Im sure im not the only one who feels this way: Whats with Jessica’s stank attitude? I was rooting for her, but shes reminding me of people I dont like. you know, assholes…

  13. As son as Julie said Jillian your evicted Cody was instantly pissed. You could it in his face.

  14. I’m on the live feeds and it’s still showing cats? Is anyone else watching?

  15. Worst interview ever with Jillian. I kinda see what the feedsters were talking about now. Why is my pc saying feedsters isn’t a word, of course it is.

    • Julie’s biase /and the producers biase is to blame for that.

      I don’t believe Christmas broke her leg/foot. I like Christmas. …It just looks unbelievable!

  16. Ohhh! Shut up! YOU CryBaby Beyotch…Josh!

    Josh has been nothing but a Whiny Big Baby M-F’er!

    I have had enough of these nutjobs! Josh walked in and talked like a Bully from the beginning and looked like a f00l…..now he is Crying! Pfffft!

  17. I can’t stand Josh. He is such a baby. And Christmas acting psycho??? seriously? it is a GAME

  18. Does big Brother realize how many people over 60 yrs old watch their show…Why don’t they have a Senior Big Brother it would be so much more fun….

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