‘Big Brother 19’ Spoilers: Who Won HoH Endurance Comp Last Night?

The first Big Brother 19 endurance competition for Head of Household arrived following the first live eviction of the season. Fans were able to watch this backyard battle play out live online as the sides face off for control of the next nominations. Find out who won the power this week for the new HoH.

Big Brother HoH competition

You could follow along with our live updates below or watch the HoH Endurance Comp streamed live on the Big Brother Live Feeds through All Access. Use the Free Trial now and see what all the fuss is about, but you’ve been warned, Feeds are fun and addictive!

So who won the Big Brother HoH comp? Read on for the spoilers & details.

Big Brother 18 Live Feeds featuring HoH endurance comp

The competition is themed for Candy Crush and requires the HGs to find “candy”, break it open to collect tickets, then turn those tickets in for balls to roll down three different ramps to hit one pocket. First HG to complete the challenge, which must be done in turns, one at a time, will be the new HoH!

Big Brother 19 Week 2 HoH Comp:

  • 7:05 PM BBT – Waiting on the Feeds to return…
  • 7:22 PM BBT – Feeds are back! HGs scrambling to find tickets.
  • 7:27 PM BBT – Paul took a shot at the ramp, but this is NOT going to be easy!
  • 7:33 PM BBT – Kevin had a close one a bit ago. Lots of attempts but it’s still going.
  • 7:37 PM BBT – Paul was soooo close! His ball bounced off the rim of the hole.
  • 7:39 PM BBT – Paul wins!

Paul hit the pocket using the curved ramp to land it in. Paul is the new Head of Household! Congrats to Paul. Watch out, Cody.

Gallery: Head Of Household Competition

Nominations should be coming up on Friday already so get ready for those spoilers soon, then Power of Veto comp will be held on Saturday. It’ll be a very busy weekend! Download our Big Brother App then join us on Facebook & Twitter for the updates.



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  1. I don’t really consider this an endurance comp. I want whoever will put and evict Cody to win HOH.

    • Agreed on both points.
      Wasn’t his face priceless after the eviction? I’m gonna need to replay that a few (dozen) times…

      • Not sure why she was so shocked. She didn’t even campaign. I’m glad she’s gone.

      • Her good friends cody & Jessica told her they were gonna protect her and she would be safe…She did not see a need to campaign.. Worked out real well for Christmas….

      • Cody and Jessica assured her she was safe. She should have protect her own but instead of depending on those two.

      • You should never depend on what others tell you, it’s BB. It’s always a safe bet to assume everyone is lying to you.

      • Looks like Jillian took the loser and lazy way out and just decided that she would rely on Cody and Jessica’s perception of how the votes would go. They didn’t lie to her, they were just wrong and Jillian did nothing on her own to determine her vulnerability by testing and observing the rest of the house.

      • Couldn’t agree more. Jillian didn’t do a damn thing to save herself and the result was, she was evicted. Still can’t believe she was surprised by the votes, dumb girl.

      • My thoughts exactly! She was on the block, she should have at least considered the possibility she’d be leaving…

      • Haha 😂
        But I would rather see Jessica and Cody’s faces….
        Western time remember! LOL still waiting………..

      • It finally hit me after seeing this post. This eviction was so much fun because James wasn’t there to ruin the outcome. Nothing as enjoyable as a surprise eviction!

      • Someone called it the “psycho serial killer stare” on here and I died. I have been saying the same thing to my husband about his stare. that he looks like a creppy serial killer unibomber stare

      • CODY aka TED BUNDY the 2nd ,he looks just like a young TB,same evil looking eyes and same smartass attitude

      • I’ve already compared Cody to an actor that played a serial killer last week so totally agree. He’s nuts.

      • This is so weird, I was thinking the same way. He looks like a SK! I’m glad I’m not the only one seeing that! But, he is so calm when talking in the DR!

      • And not just calm either, he’s almost likeable at times in DR.

        IIRC, one of the adjectives he used to describe himself in his bio was ‘charming’. I’m wondering if he was abducted by aliens right before BB started and it’s actually an alien in a Cody-Skin-Suit.
        Frankly, that theory is more believable than the idea that anyone has ever found him charming…

        Oh, just checked, he also said he was sweet. Skin suit feeling more and more likely…

    • I truly dislike this guy. I think hes prejudice against anyone he feels isnt a male or female clone of himself. He already called everyone who he doesnt think is “cool” OUTSIDERS. That bugs me! And if he doesnt like someone he is so rude to them..hes probably my most hated person ever on this show thus far.

      • I think that dubious honor goes to Vanessa for me but he’s definitely the worst this season for me.

        I find cockiness and arrogance disgusting so I have to keep reminding myself that he may be cocky now, but depending on who wins thus week could be very satisfying.

      • I’d like to see him have to grovel and do all the things he finds so disgusting in other players.

      • Ha, that toothbrush is making my mom crazy too, and she’s obsessed with oral hygiene!

        I keep making jokes about him feeling the need to clean his mouth because of various activities he may be performing on Jessica….and I’m not talking about kissing, though I’d want to shower after shaking that girl’s hand so… *shrug*

      • I do agree, Jess is a “VIP” cocktail waitress and we all know that is the worlds oldest profession. Just sayin

      • He won’t grovel. It’s below him. Did you read his bio? He said he’s NEVER been offended, ever. It’s like he doesn’t have the ability to actually FEEL any type of emotion. He’s an empty soul. I kinda feel sad for him (but I still don’t like him one iota!)

      • Oh the look on his face the last two shows, he was definitely feeling something — offended? definitely pi^^ed

      • Anyone else think hes obsessed with Alex? She needs to watch her back with him.

      • He might do them but 1) he’ll never admit it and 2) will try to explain his behavior as just another part of his secret “plan”. He tried to play off last night’s eviction failure (and earlier nominations) as putting a target on his back which he considers a ” badge of honor” – what a arrogant jerk.

      • I don’t like Cody either, but I think Arrayn-nation and racist Ginamarie from season 15 still tops him.

      • they were pretty bad too. I just dont like how rude he his to people he doesnt like. Dude there are always going to be people we dont like or get on nerves but good lord show them some respect. I dunno what is is but I find him vile

      • I would really like to see a segment on his family before he is evicted. Always interesting to see what family members have to say about a house guest that you can’t stand.

      • Cody is this season’s Mike Boogie to me – arrogant self centered egomaniac. Boogie is my all time least favorite houseguest.

      • Oh Lord, Stephen King may have some pretty creepy and hated characters, but don’t insult his creativity like that man! Even SK wouldn’t come up with a creep like Cody Nickson! Aaack!! LOL

    • My thoughts exactly! Can’t stand Cody, he’s too arrogant and he looks like he wants to murder everyone there. One creepy guy.

    • So……..Paul hosted the Candy Crush television special? Did Paul, during his time in the television studio where he hosted that television special, have access to the same HOH game we just viewed? If “yes” to the above, how can any reasonable person not conclude that Paul could have or did get in a whole bunch of practice on that said-same game? Paul being given three weeks of safety, combined with an HOH competition that was something he potentially got to practice with for who knows how long, could be construed as a a good measure more than Production meddling, up to and including concluding houseguests, other than Paul, are not only playing against each other, but are additionally competing against the combined team/alliance of, CBS and Paul. Going forward, any future houseguest would be making a foolish mistake to not view any returning vet to a new season as anything other than an alliance between Production and that veteran.

    • Jessica had a huge set of balls confronting Christmas like that… especially since she had plenty PLENTTTTYYY of opportunities to sit down and talk with her. If she spent more time focusing on her game and less time being up codys ass and reporting to him she would be in a better position this week.

      • As long as Paul doesn’t win the entire thing I will be glad. I am sick of the returnees who couldn’t win the first time coming back in. Last year with Nicole, this year with a possible Paul…..they sure are handing it to him that is for sure. One possible bright side is if Paul does win, that will be the end of returnee which might make it worth it.

      • At least he’s talking game with them whereas Nicole wouldn’t. She just got lucky is all.

      • Could be right. I just had repeats……I never liked Paul and I am in a huge minority on that. I don’t see the appeal. I think he is rather fake.

      • I just liked the fact that Paul produced some real fun and entertainment into his game. That secret agent punishment could have been totally boring and tedious but the way he ran with it (literally) it was hilarious and then there was the floatee and the eagle (if memory serves). I only laughed more with Dr. Will – still laugh when I think of the phone bit in the DR. I’m looking for the fun and the clever in this game and it ain’t happening with these people.

      • ERRRRR MAAAH GAWWWD!!! I never made the connection until now, after reading your comment. But Paul is that humor thats missing in a lot of these characters. I think any other person would’ve probably flaunted that chain immediately. He played it smart, and elegantly. haha. I wonder if DR. Will will ever make a return….

      • She was an asp. Classless. And it appeared she called X the c-word since they bleeped it and Paul turned around and was like no, no.

        She is so vile. It’s not just mean girl either. Nasty piece of work. Moses! No sympathy for her crying tail this week. She can go home this week. Zero flips given.

      • I was laughing when Jessica called Christmas a coward. If Christmas wasn’t hobbled… she could literally break Jessica in half. Jessica is such a smoke show but man… Medusa is really showing her true self. She’s getting uglier and uglier by the day.

        This week is gonna be great!

      • Yea… I found it hilarious how she tried to confront XMAS calling her a coward when shes the one trying to start a fight with a person who is (at the moment) not really able to do much. Even tho im 99% sure xmas can destroy her crutches and all.

      • Yeah! Jessica better learn to shut her Yap! Of course Christmas won’t lay her hands on her, because she’s smart enough to not automatically get sent home over it. But yes, Christmas “could” snap that little snake like a twig!
        Christmas on crutches, broken foot or not, can Still make Jessica’s life in the house a pure hell though! Psycho Cody can’t protect her from Everything! LOL. And Now, with the majority of the house against them, Paul as HOH, and Hopefully if Christmas can get the power of Temptation, Cody will Be Evicted Next!
        Jessica will be On her Own…Oh Oh! Whatever will Jessica do then? Hide in a closet all day & night and only come out for comps? Nobody’s going to believe her kissass schmoozing anymore!!

      • Don’t look for Cody to protect Jessica or anyone else but himself. BB isn’t a team sport but does require, at least early on, a certain level of team play (even if it’s disingenuous). Cody doesn’t seem to understand (or accept) that fact and it might easily be his downfall. He’s linked up too soon and is playing as a single player way too hard and too early. I see him being one of Paul’s nominees this week but I won’t count him out until he’s actually sitting on the stool next to Julie listening to his farewell messages (which could be priceless).

      • Jessica makes me Sick! She’s nothing but a lying, mean-girl, jealous, racist little snake! She hooked up with Ugly psycho boy simply because she has NO game and is playing completely with her looks and sex appeal! Cody always has a toothbrush in his mouth hoping to ward off orally contracted diseases, sorry buddy…Toothpaste doesn’t kill off that kind of Eeewww! He’s been pulling at the crotch of his shorts ALOT lately too…Oh No! Well, he better get Evicted Fast so he can Seek proper medical attention at the nearest STD clinic! Once he does…Jessica better be the Next to go so she can’t try to hook up with any of the Other guys!! Like she told Cody when she hadn’t liked something he’d said”Oh, well keep saying that or things like that, because there ARE other guys in this house you know!” Jessica could NEVER make it as a Solo player without a “Showmance” Ick!
        I am SO over the chaos she causes already! Like when she called Alex a Panda, yet made Megan look like a Liar when she told Alex about it, and Alex stormed in to confront Jessica about it. Everyone had been hanging up on Megan for absolutely Nothing, the girl never did anything wrong to anyone.
        Bad enough that they set off her PTSD from when she’d been in the service, and had to go to the hospital for a few days because her anxiety was so bad. And from the hospital back to home to her service dog. The two guys yelling at her set it off, and Jessica sent it over the top. But talks of Megan leaving were already in the works by then anyway. Jessica just made it happen then and there by snapping the last straw. What I also found Digusting…Megan was NOT the Only person who heard Jessica use the Panda remark, and still to this day, they have NOT told Alex the Truth! They’ve had controversy on a prior season for someone acting racist, and being sent home, why Not little miss Alex too? She’s Nothing Special!

      • I am by no means a fan of Jessica or Cody. I want them out of the house so badly, but Jessica did not call Alex a panda, she called her Pao Pao (after a previous houseguest because she reminded her of her). What they all failed to do was tell Alex that Megan may have misheard and honestly thought Jessica called her a Panda when in fact she called her Pao Pao. That would have cleared the air. Again I am by no means a fan and sticking up for her, but lets keep the facts straight or we are no better than they.

      • Jessica is just a groupie. Everyone in LA knows what VIP concerge really means.

  2. I don’t want it to be a season of “endurance” comps. I know they don’t wanna do questions every Thursday episode, but I wanna know who is HOH before the show ends, not have it be endurance every week and we find out at the end. I miss the older days!

    • It’s not an endurance comp. The comp will be over and done by the time the feeds are back up.

      • I put endurance in quotes for that main reason. They called the perfect shot HOH comp, that Paul won last year, an “endurance” comp. I just want them to do a short comp and not a long one, like this one! -_- Save the endurance for a “merge/breaking of teams”, the beginning, and final 3, like yesteryear!

      • I miss the q&a comps. I know they still have em, but not as much as they used to. It was always great to see who was paying attention and really playing the game not just physically but mentally as well.

      • Gotcha and I was wrong, it does seem to be an endurance comp of some kind.

      • No the comp was still going on and the feeds didn’t come back on until 7:20BBT

    • I don’t know why the hate for the guy as far as his choices of possible eviction……He had to put up 5 people. Obviously he will have to piss someone off. If this group were smart they would have voted off Christmas who is a very strong player. I think when people walk in the house, they lose their brains. Now as far as personality…..Cody has NONE. But the hate for him is over the top and ridiculous.

      • Its actually not ridiculous at all. I dont hate the guy, but I really dislike him. Not only did he almost lead the sheep to the slaughter (his old team who thank goodness did the right thing by sticking true to xmas) but he has also made this game personal. Like when he told Megan his reason for putting her up was that he just didn’t like her, in a very cold insensitive way. Its ok for Cody to be an asshole in real life, but in Big Brother a game that requires you to be a social butterfly you need to play with respect and dignity. People remember these things and the power shifts all the time. At the end of the day your not HOH forever and you deff need to build relationships w people inside the house, but also the fans. Every person goes into that house knowing just how many people are watching. So if he has no concern about how hes coming across to people why should any of us give a flying f*** about liking him?

      • Bob….I agree 100%. I was thinking exactly what you wrote. I find it amazing how emotional people get toward the people on the show and the nasty comments bloggers write. In the end this is a game. It was really stupid that they did not vote Christmas off because she is good and will be a threat to their game. Jillian was not a threat and could have been evicted easily later.

      • Thats exactly how those “non threatening” people end up winning the game people. Nicole, Ian Terry, ugh STEVE!!!!
        As far as not understanding how some of us fans can be passionate and emotional about these people well its quite simple, DIE HARD FANS. Just like you have in Sports, video games etc… Its a game that people love to watch. Been watching faithfully since season 1, so when I see just how the times are changing, and casting has become so blah, its very easy for some to get emotional.

      • I hope CODY gets a whole case of Tofu this week LMAO (Adam ya hear me?)

      • BINGO! Everyone in this game should be considered a threat. As soon as you fail to acknowledge someone else’s strengths (regardless of what they might be) you have immediately increased their chance to go the distance. How many times have we seen a “non-threat” taking home half a million bucks? Too many in my opinion. Perfect example (without looking any further than last season) is Nicole – the players knew from the very beginning that, as a returnee, Nicole had a big advantage yet evicting her was put off over and over to go after a preceived “bigger” threat. I love this game and have never missed an episode since season one and I always hope for a more “pure” season but have to put up with returnees and gimmicks season after season. If you think any player in this game isn’t a threat on some level you don’t know BB well enough to be in that house.

      • They gone learn today (In my Kevin Hart voice lol)
        You articulated what I wanted to say perfectly.

      • There is always going to be a player we dislike each year. Cody comes off as emotionless and guarded.

      • In the beginning, I didn’t care for his personality but I thought he was smart to play his cards close to the vest. I realize he had to nominate 5 people, but he has shown he really has no game plan. I think the only reason he didn’t nominate Jason or Ramses is because they are friends with Alex and he likes Alex. (I thought that was priceless when he called Jessica by Alex’s name LOL). He was stupid to turn on his own team right off the bat.

      • I think it is creepy that people have to write such comments like you because someone has a different point of view. I like Cody and I think he was put in a difficult position. No matter what he did someone would have been mad at him. But I do not get emotional involved in BB. I would prefer to keep an open mind.

      • The pot calling the kettle black? Anywho, Freedom of speech is what I call it. And he had MANY MOVES to make that couldve worked for him, ACTUALLY, he shouldve made cuz look wheres hes at now? no alliance, no friends, and from the looks of it barely any fans. Thats cool you like him. Many dont, and thats because of the kind of person hes showing himself to be on the show. Its simple, be a nice person. He is not.

      • And btw its not being emotional either cuz honestly I dont think about Cody or the show when im not watching or on this wonderful site. My life continues, but I do enjoy SPEAKING MY MIND when I FEEL LIKE IT.

      • Hmmm……I am not going to make judgment on any of the people on the show but I find it interesting that you and many others do based on watching it on t.v. or the live feds. It is so easy for anyone to say what they would have done but you do not know because it was NOT you in the situation. DO YOU FEEL BETTER THAT YOU GOT TO SPEAK YOUR MIND? Yes your comments are emotional. You made the comment that a blogger was creepy…that was a rude comment.

      • No I didnt, I SAID, its creepy to know cody has fans. Your obviously just trying to get a rise out of people. Take my comments how you want but this is the beauty of Big Brother. We all have our own opinions.

      • Try and justify it anyway you like…..maybe state you do not agree with the blogger but you have to admit there are some comments that would make someone think there are “haters” and some that are “emotional”. That is the impression I got reading a lot of the comments. To assume I am trying to get a rise out of someone is comical. Not everything is about getting a rise our of someone just because they do not agree with you or like your comment.

      • You’re not going to make a judgement about anyone on the show but you’re Okay with doing it about others on this page??? hmmmm Your ‘DO YOU FEEL BETTER’ comment’ can be said said about you too and in the exact same tone (cyber perceived) as you meant it.

      • Grow up Cassi…….I think you need to learn to read and comprehend. At least Kelly who is the blogger I was having the discussion with understood what I said. A little sensitive are you?

  3. I want to see more of the argument between Christmas and Jessica right after the eviction. That was fun!

    • Me too, but what I don’ get is why was Jess in Christmas face in the first place?

      • Because of Xmas final speech calling Jessica out when Jessica couldn’t respond.

      • Because Jessica is a Spoiled little Rich girl, with a Big Mouth who always needs to Create DRAMA! BUT….She Better start learning Whose Face to NOT step up into like that! Karma is a biotch! By the looks of Where the power in the house is Now, we Could Very well be saying Adios Cody! Who is little miss Jessica going to run to for protection then?? She may do Well stapling her Lips Shut, and finding a Closet to hide in !

    • The way this show is, I don’t count them out. Someone will become the target before nominations….bank on it. Paul is so weak that he probably could be talked into putting up someone else.

      • On the feeds they are already making Ramses a target and he’s thinking about using his curse this week so……my hopes of Jess and Cody going bye bye have went down 😔

  4. OMG, that was an amazing episode. Christmas and Jessica going at it at the end and GRody going right for Hodor, not even caring that Jillian was leaving! The drama is going to be so good on the feed tonight!!

      • I’m watching the normal show right now. I usually watch a livestream so I can chat on the feeds. I’m living for the last 5 minutes of the show.

      • It’s cool to chat here while watching a long comp. Like a real endurance. this is not it.

      • I’m just glad I am able to see the live show at the same time being here. I have my Kindle HD Fire with the CBS app on it. I can watch feeds too, but it just doesn’t have the feeds chat menu with it on that tablet. I like chatting with my feedsters too! I may just watch HoH comps that continue after live show without chatting with them since it’s a lot of fun here chatting while that’s going on!

    • I am a gambler ..and I would bet that Jessica would not have been yelling/arguing with Christmas had she not been on crutches ..I could easily bet that Jessica would not have been in her face otherwise…And for the big money I’d put it on Christmas to wipe the floor with that smart mouth twit Jessica.. even with a broke foot I believe Christmas would whoop her ass…

      • Hey….. Good to see u too…hope u are well…I been in and out reading comments ..to early to make a lot of predictions except that CODY & JESSICA ain’t likely to get far in the game..but then again I could be wrong..

      • Sometimes people stay longer by accident on BB. I’m just hoping it’s not those two. After that, BB will be played the way it should! Wonder if Jess and Cody are HNs this week too. Those two deserve each other. You should hear how they talk about others….do you think by acting like that is going to give them any advantages we viewers get to give to the more deserving HGs? I voted for them to get the Ring of Replacement temptation as well.

      • Christmas should have made good on her promise to Jessica. “I’m gonna be kicking, baby”!!!!

      • IDK Jessica said on the first night of feeds she was constantly getting in fights in high school with other girls, physical fights. She really is that mean girl.

    • I just think cody was smart to evict 2 huge threats: Christmas & paul.
      He just doesnt have a good social game

      • I agree. Even though I like both Christmas and Paul, they are indeed huge threats. But Cody said he wanted to play with the competitors and not the floaters and those two fit the bill, so I’m not sure if he was sincere. His lack of social game will be his undoing for sure. Same for Jessica.

    • I have a feeling this is a stupid question , but what does “Hodor” mean ?

      • LOL, not a stupid question at all. Hodor is a character in the Game of Thrones. He’s a huge lumbering guy who never speaks, only says Hodor. He was killed off last season and he reminds me of Mark. :)

      • I know, it drives me nuts they keep them in the cages. I’ve named the 2 that play in the open, Oscar(orange one) and Gizmo.

      • It’s a loop. If you watch them long enough, you will see they just keep playing the same thing.

      • Yeah, I can see the loop, still enjoy it more than the fish.

      • That’s why they’re up for adoption, so they don’t have to be very much longer. But you knew that! :-)

      • I did know that and I love that they are doing something of worth finally. Such a brilliant idea! :)

      • feeds won’t come on for another 1 1/2 hours and the comp will definitely be over.

      • I guess I was wrong, the feeds are up and running. Honestly, they are so worth it. It is the best money I spend all summer long. Less that $20 bucks for the whole kit and kaboodle.

  5. That stupid cowboy is the one that injured Christmas and he voted her out…no respect

    • Maybe she shouldn’t have jumped on his back. So she is just as much to blame as him. I don’t feel that he owes her anything. Plus maybe they shouldn’t have been up in his face all the damn time. he didn’t want to be bullied into a choice and told what to do!

    • I think both to blame on that one – it was a stupid stunt. Sometimes you are the bucker and sometimes you are the buckee. BTW – two “Linda’s” here – I am the other one.

    • Christmas is a coward? Jessica is the one that sat up in that room for the last however many days, I can’t stand that dumb bitch.

  6. What do you think Cody and Jessica would do if the 8 house guests that saved Christmas started handing all their tickets to Paul or Christmas? I’d definitely pay money to see the look on their faces if that happened.

    • I was thinking I’d probably tell X to be near the counter and I’d hand her all my tickets. Ha

  7. There’s a technique on rolling those balls. Someone will learn it. Alex and Paul has been trying hard.

  8. Mark and Matt haven’t been doing well, Jason was close. Paul very close, but not quite.

  9. They’ve done this comp in OTT right?..or similar to it. Two times, Paul almost got it tonight

      • So Paul’s Pendant – 3 evictions worth of protection… Does that mean since he’s HoH, that he’s protected an additional week by the pregnant? Instead of two more weeks since he used it this week, but is HoH now, that he has another 2 evictions???

      • Really? You don’t think he can win the VETO competition. Trust me, he will try very hard to win it and he is a pretty good competitor. Not sure why the hate for him……..I bet anyone in his position of picking 5 nominees in one week would have caused drama……it is the first time in the history of the show that it happened.

      • The “hate” for Cody is this. He stated to Christmas that he wanted them to make it to Jury together. He then proceeds to put her up on the block breaking his word to her. He in effect lied. Now, I know this is Big Brother and lying is part of the game, but Cody makes this big deal out of anyone else lying and goes on about how it’s disgusting (or something similar) yada, yada, yada and decides to go after them. Christmas hadn’t lied to him about anything, but he lied to her. He had other choices to put up, them being Ramses, Jason, Kevin and Josh. He chose someone from his alliance. He had the nerve to state that Megan was being selfish when she went to talk to him after he won HOH. Yet he has been selfish as well. He sees Christmas laying on the ground and walks by the door sending Dominque out to check on her. Talk about cold. Yes he did help Mark carry her in, but he really didn’t show any concern or real compassion. He is just very cold and uncaring. He is a very egotistical, cold and heartless person. He is self-centered and thinks he never does any wrong. He thinks that if he does or says it it’s ok, but woe to be the others who do.

  10. Of course Paul won. It doesn’t really matter is not like he can be voted out this week anyway.

    • Nope, but he can get rid of the people who tried to get rid of him and change the focus of the game

      • So you want Paul to win the game????? Good grief. Last year Nicole won and now Paul…..how boring. I hope Paul is out at first opportunity. He had his chance and failed…..let someone else win.

    • Well he can sure show that dumb butt Cody how you hit the target you’re aiming for. Go Paul!

  11. Can someone explain to me how this comp works? They find a gold ticket then what?

  12. To me Jessica is fake and does half the stuff she does for camera time. Gosh, I can only hope. How cool would it be if it were a double eviction, Cody goes out the door then Jessica follows…..

    • lol. Double Eviction at week 2? Doubtful especially since they are already 1 contestant down…..probably only 1 double eviction this year due to that and it won’t be till the middle of the game at least. And I bet Cody nor Jessica leave next week. This game is very unpredictable. And with a goof like Paul, who knows who he will put up.

    • Cry baby cry, wipe your weeping eyes, now put your hands on your hip and let your backbone slip, awww shake to the east, now shake it to the west, now shake it to the one that you love the best. Oh, that would be Cooody…

  13. Somebody tell us what the look on Cody and Jessica’s faces were… I have to live vicariously through the people with the feeds!

  14. Now we will have to listen to Cody whine about Paul playing similar comp before…whaaa whaaa whaaa

  15. Well, he was safe anyway. Might as well be HOH…

    … Wait, hold up. I just remembered something. Paul hosted this comp for OTT. Didn’t he also play around with it after the HOH was crowned???

    • Since things change each week, Cody will probably get Paul on his side again.

  16. What is lost about Cody is that if Paul doesn’t get in the house, is coddled by production, and doesn’t have his hand in Blue Hair quitting, it’s a quiet week and Cody’s alliance is safe. I really can’t stand Paul.

  17. What was production saying just now? Did anyone else here that right after the HOH comp? What are they not allowed to say?

  18. Well, that’s it for me tonight. I gotta get up at 6:30 in the morning to get ready for work. Have a good night, everyone!

  19. Paul is saying he gets a note from “his momma” – should be an explosive week

  20. Can’t believe I’m saying this. “Can’t wait to see Paul’s HOH room”

  21. Hopefully there is a temptation that Paul removes the beard for an advantage.

  22. Cody just left. Went straight to the bathroom.Poor guy. and Paul is HoH..He’s gonna be ‘loud, animated over the top, annoying HoH..lol How is he gonna take this?

  23. So. Step one. Nominate Jess and a Pawn. Step 2, have the “outsiders selected for POV and win.” Step three save Pawn and backdoor Cody #2

  24. now cody and jess lose their hiding spot no hoh room for them anymore

  25. I hope he doesn’t put Jessica and Cody on the block together. Jessica will go and I want Cody to go first. Next week she could go and it is better to keep her this week since she is a weaker player. Paul is 10 face so let’s see what he does.

    • When has a plan ever worked on Big Brother? Never. So many twists and turns to come. I wouldn’t be surprised if it is someone that we have no thoughts on who leaves. Like Rames if he uses his mandatory nomination…..that would be a hoot if he got kicked to the curb during this week with Cody and Jessica in a bad spot.

  26. Cody & Jess whining to each other in the pantry. Jess says she has been blindsided day after day. Boo hoo! Says she is going to backstab & do whatever. Just like she has all game

  27. So… Jess & Cody up on the block? And all Cody had to do was play it safe and nominate Ramses……

    • Impressive that Big Brother makes it onto the trending list, that is, if it’s BB’s Jillian that’s being trended.

  28. Thank God Paul won! I hate Cody and Jessica. Cody gives me the creeps. No emotion except anger. Talk about a God complex. That guy is unreal. Jessica is irrelevant. Keep her around as a bigger target.

  29. Jillian guessing who flipped. Says it would not be Kevin. Guessed Josh (correct) & even Alex or Jason

    • Like it matters. 8 people voted her out. Only 4 Voted Christmas out and even if Kevin would have voted for Christmas, Jillian would have been out.

  30. Never watched a post eviction Live feed before. Didn’t know Jeff interviewed the evicted houseguest right after the eviction

  31. Really people? Why would you keep Paul? Cody had the right idea, the voter’s choice messed him up. The new players need to be thinking about how Paul lied to them. Not very smart to target new players before getting rid of a old player that almost won!

      • The best thing he could do, but Cody has a huge chance of winning the veto. I think maybe it will be best to put him up right away.

      • If he’s not nominated he might not get drawn to play for veto. If you nominate him, he WILL play for veto. BB101

      • Me too, nominate Jessica and Jason, if noms stay the same send home Jess, veto will most likely get used regardless who wins bc everyone wants Cody out so he’s the easy backdoor replacement nominee.

    • he should nom cody and jason cuz if cody wins veto jess takes his place

      • I think that’s why he would nominate Jess and Jason. Cody is the obvious replacement if veto is used and most likely it will be used bc they most all want Cody out and will save Jason. You don’t want to give Cody the option to plat veto. Jessica most likely won’t win and Jason has a good chance, he doesn’t want Jason going home so it’s good to nominate someone who has a good chance of winning veto when you want a backdoor.

  32. Now we get to find out what Paul’s master plan is!! YES! Jessica is a “you know what!”

  33. ugh i dunno why jillian even needs an exit interview…i just can’t with her

  34. What game did Jessica think she was playing? Look in the mirror Jessica. Oh wait you can’t cause Cody’s still gazing at his own reflection. Big Babies!

  35. Yay Paul!!! Not a huge fan of having a vet back, but super happy to see someone take a shot at Jody :)

  36. Toothbrush boy and Messica are pressed!! LOL

  37. Cody is tearing up! I can’t wait to see Cody and Jessica do some hardcore campaigning against each other.

    • I still say put up her and a pawn so you can keep Cody from competing for POV. Then you backdoor him

  38. cody reminds me of pauly without the disrespectful woman hating…bad vibes there

    • make cody play for the veto knowing if he comes off the block jess goes up…

      • i think alex already told him to go on the bachelor, but you’re right he might not care lol

      • Yeah, but I’m not convinced that Cody would give a crap if Jessica took his place. I think Cody going home would effect Jessica much more than the other way around. I mean, Cody would still be almost alone, but I just don’t think he cares about Jessica. A guy doesn’t get that kind of attitude by caring about people.

    • Straight up Backdoor with assurance that Cody will not be playing for the POV

  39. I don’t think Jessica was thinking that the other side of the house was ever going to win HOH. She has watched the game before, but plays like an idiot.
    Now Cody has a lot to say to Paul.

  40. I still don’t get how Cody and Jess have seen this before and had no idea that in BB when you back stab multiple people they win HOH the next week. This should have been Ramses week to go

  41. Newbies being controlled by Paul for another week….ugh…Really CBS a 3 week pass for your boy Paul!!!!! Losing interest already.
    Since when does CBS let you give your chances to help another player!!! I was hoping for Alex to win.

    • I’m with you, but he is there to stay for at least a couple of weeks. Hopefully he’ll get rid of Cody or Jessica.

      • I cannot believe the other 2 guys switched..usually the guys always stick with their alliance…

  42. Jess is crying and Cody consoling her. Paul came in and Cody told him to watch after his girl when he (cody) is gone.

    Cody is a fool. Didn’t have to be this way

  43. Don’t forget. Give the temptation to Christmas. Complete the circle

  44. Why are Cody and Jessica in the have not room? They don’t belong there and Josh should have kicked them out.

  45. Dang it! Why did Paul have to win?!?! I want him out as soon as his 3 weeks end! Similarly to Neda from BBCAN5, I want his safety to end and an Instant Eviction so he doesn’t even have a chance to save himself with a veto!

    • If he stays to the end, he will ruin the game this season just like Nicole did last time.

      • Not if he actually deserves to win it by the time the season ends unlike Nicole, who definitely did NOT deserve to win last season. It took a few weeks for me to like Paul last season after actively disliking him. He’s got the game play (social and competition) to not only pull out the win… But to also deserve the win.

      • Exactly. If he legitimately plays the game, there is no reason he couldn’t and shouldn’t win.

      • I agree, but I don’t like Paul. If these fools fall for his schemes after watching how he did it last season and still believe him, then he deserves to win.

      • This is week one, so I’m sure a lot will change in the coming weeks but… From a game play perspective, Paul is heads and shoulders above his competition. He’s playing on a much higher level right now.

  46. So now Cody is lording over the have not room. I wish he would just hit somebody and get kicked out. He’s annoying.

    • With any luck at all, somebody will come into the Have Not room, catch Cody lying on the spike bed and… Jump up and down on him.

  47. I have a feeling this can possibly cause a showmance divorce of Jody. I think Jessica will blame cody for thier demise. Too late now baby! After Cody is out the girls will devour her. This is just too good! If nothing else goes my way this season I’m already satisfied.

      • Who is there to sell? He’s the HOH. Cody tried to backdoor him so it’s a given Paul will return the favor. Nominate Jess and Jason and hope Jason wins veto.