‘Big Brother 19’ Polls: Vote For Your ‘Most Likely’ Houseguests

We’ve seen the Houseguests for Big Brother 19 and watched their interviews on All Access, but we’ve hardly had the chance to get to know them as this season’s HGs. When next week’s season premiere rolls around on Wednesday night that should all start to change, but until then let’s see if we can make some early predictions.

Big Brother 19 Houseguests

Which BB19 cast member will flop and be the first evictee? Who can dodge danger and make it to the end? Which Houseguest will grate our nerves with endless Diary Room shouting? There’s so much to discover!

We’ve compiled a list of polls featuring all sixteen Houseguests with your opportunity to vote for which of them you think will be the “most likely.” Voting will remain open for the next few days and you can vote again each day to support your pick. Be sure to scroll through the entire list and vote in them all.

Trying to remember who all the HGs are in the Big Brother 19 cast? We’ve got the full list with bio details here. Now on to the voting! Remember, this is just for fun.

Most Likely To: Be Evicted First

Most Likely To: Be The First To Breakdown

Most Likely To: Make Another HG Cry

Most Likely To: Call A House Meeting

Most Likely To: Start A Showmance

Most Likely To: Make You Mute Your Feeds

Most Likely To: Threaten Self-Eviction

Most Likely To: Shout In Diary Room

Most Likely To: Be A Repeat Pawn

Most Likely To: Win Big Brother 19

Now that you’ve voted be sure to share your thoughts on your favorite polls and how you made your picks. Then check back early next week for the results as we countdown to the premiere of Big Brother 19 on Wednesday, June 28th at 8/7c on CBS & CBS All Access!



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    • It’ll be really interesting if they go in there and surprise us on those things, but yeah, I’m kinda expecting some of the worst from those two. Alex has first-boot written all over her to me.

      • โ˜˜๏ธ๐Ÿ€โ„ฑั—แธ“แธ“โ„“ฮตรฮตฮตรฮตe๐Ÿ€โ˜˜๏ธ says:

        Alex reminds me so much of Pao Pao.

      • โ˜˜๏ธ๐Ÿ€โ„ฑั—แธ“แธ“โ„“ฮตรฮตฮตรฮตe๐Ÿ€โ˜˜๏ธ says:

        So glad it is all newbies!! :)

      • I haven’t seen any vid interviews, but Raven looks like she has a SUPER high annoyance potential!!!

  1. I’m still not sure what I think of Josh, but one thing I do know is he is going to be very entertaining on feeds. If he actually plays the way he talked in his interviews the first 1-3 weeks should be win for team feeds. I think the polls show most of us feel this way about him. I could see him flaming out similar to Devin from BB16.

  2. I’d like to suggest a couple other categories:
    * Most likely to win first HOH
    * Most likely to declare themselves Messiah
    * Most likely to get backdoored
    * Most likely to streak
    * Most likely to be yelled at by production

  3. I’ve seen some Cody hate on Twitter…anybody know why? Didn’t come off bad in his interview, seemed pretty level headed, at least to me. What gives?

  4. For the first time in years I’m actually excited and looking forward to this new season! They’ve given the house and BY some cool and interesting updates and it looks like we may be on track for an all-newbie summer!

    And all newbies means hopefully NO NICOREY!!! Although that might be expecting too much…

    • Might not be an all-newbie summer after all. Some pretty credible twitter rumors going around this afternoon saying that BB18 Paul might be returning this season. Hope not though.

      • I don’t think there will be any returning players. They’ve already got 16 houseguests and to add more they’ll likely have to eliminate someone at the start of the week and I don’t think they’ll do that two seasons in a row, or they will have to amp up the number of double/triple evicts as this is already a shorter seasons than most. We’re losing about 2 weeks between the late premiere and early scheduled finale.

      • They don’t have to do any of that. They can add however many they want. It doesn’t have to be a 2 person final. It can be a 3 person final, 4 person, 10 person. They can have double evictions, triple evictions, team evictions. The confines of schedule doesn’t dictate how they want to do something.

      • I see your point, but when there are already 16 houseguests the likelihood of them bringing back 1 or 2 vets is very slim, and IMHO pointless. They can do double/triple evicts like they always do, but the fact is they are losing two weeks and BB has never done anything other than a final 2. So I do think the schedule does confine them slightly and it gives merit to my point. But again, my opinion.

      • Oh, my apologies, I didn’t watch OTT. I guess there’s that chance then, we’ll have to see.

      • Possibly not, this could all be for nothing. But, I read on twitter that Kryssie from BBOTT said that Paul’s band had postponed an upcoming show.

  5. This cast feels like an OTT cast hopefully this changes when the game starts they just don’t seem like the normal big brother players!!!

  6. Comparisions (i tend to do this sue me):
    Alex- Pao Pao
    Cameron- Poor man’s Ian/Steve
    Christmas- Vanessa
    Cody- Either Corey or Victor
    Dominique- JoJo
    Elena- Victoria
    Jason- Either James or Paul
    Jessica- Alison Irwin
    Jillian- Zakiyah
    Josh- Either Jeremy or Willie
    Kevin- Either Donny (loveable and sweet) Or Jerry (rude and perverted)
    Mark- Frank comp wise and Victor personality wise
    Matthew- Derrick
    Megan- Nicole in BB16
    Ramses- Steve
    Raven- Meg

  7. anyone who voted for cameron to win you are WRONG he is the first houseguest to leave. im glad i didnt like him

  8. PLEASE BIG BROTHER: Stop brings the vets in. I can’t believe you brought Paul back. He is so annoying…I hope he gets the backdoor.

  9. Please Big Brother: Stop bringing vets back. I can’t believe you brought Paul back. He is so annoying…I hope he gets the backdoor.

  10. If this show allows the bullying to continue, this show is not for me. Bulling is wrong no matter if it is a game or not and for Paul to get the whole house to do it is wrong, Josh is week and Paul knows he can control him. Big Brother do something about this NOW.

  11. OK I have to say this . . HG Kevin . . . I Love this Guy !!! BB should have put him on the payroll… He really helped many House guests get thru there day…. Although there were days that I thought he needed a hug and if I could have put my arms thru my TV I Would have given him a hug myself. If you read this Kevin We Love you in Philadelphia Buddy !!!

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