‘Big Brother 19’ Veto Meeting Plans – Week 3

It’s Veto Meeting Day for the Big Brother 19 Houseguests and someone better tell this week’s PoV holder that a decision will need to be made because the plans have been changing with the wind here.

Update: Results are back! Get the spoilers on what happened with the Veto this week.

Jason is stressing out on BB19

It’s silly how many times things have gone back and forth over what Jason decided he’d definitely be doing with the Veto. He’s using it. No he’s not using it. Oh yeah, he’s definitely using it. Wait, no chance he’s going to do that. We can take a look at his last two conversations about the Veto plans from last night to see his latest thinking, but I don’t think he’ll know for sure enough the ceremony is over later today.

Flashback to 1:45 AM BBT 7/17 Cams 1/2 on your Live Feeds (get the Free Trial now).

Jason is outside alone with Mark and Elena. They’re debating what Jason’s going to do with his Veto power. Jason is so unsure of what to do he even asks Elena to clarify what she thinks the plan is. Putting Mark up as the renom, she reminds him. Mark says what he doesn’t understand is the “why” for him being such a hot topic target. It makes him uncomfortable.

Fine, Jason says. He won’t use it. That’s it. Not going to happen! “I’m going to go tell…” “Alex,” suggests Elena. “Alex,” confirms Jason. “It’s dead in the f**king water right now… We’re not changing it again.” Heh. I’ll believe it when I see it. Mark reminds Jason that if that changes and he uses it then he (Mark) will be going up and they don’t know why.

Elena says that before it made sense. There might have been a little uncertainty in the effort to get Dominique out, but after she blew up there’s no doubt and no need for Jason to put the Veto in to play.

“I’m not using it. I’m not using it. I’m not using it,” Jason promises Mark. “I trust you,” Mark replies. “If something changes, I’ll let you know,” adds Jason with a laugh before leaping around hugging Mark.

Gallery: Jason Debates Using The Veto

Jump forward to 2:25 AM BBT Cams 3/4. Alex has come to visit Jason in the HNs room when he lets her know he isn’t going to use it. “Why not?!” She still wants him to use the Veto. Jason assures Alex that Dominique is going home without a doubt. Alex points out that she wants Mark up so they can test the votes. She wants to use this as a chance to catch who is flipping the votes as it sounds like they’re on to Kevin again about those hinky votes.

Jason runs through the votes and says they’ve got eight votes (Alex later corrects him that it’s seven) without Paul, Kevin, or Josh. Alex says they’ve got Josh’s vote so that’s nine (eight) against Dominique. Jason feels good that they have the votes and do not need to go through this renom sideshow. Alex agrees and the conversation ends as Paul enters the room.

So at the moment Jason and Alex have agreed to call off the renom with Mark, but with these two I’m going to keep watching and waiting for more talks this morning. Whatever happens, I agree that Dominique is done so it doesn’t really matter, but for the drama factor I wouldn’t mind a stressed out Mark up there. Otherwise we’ll just be waiting out the next few days.

We’ll be watching for the Veto Ceremony later this afternoon and will have the spoiler results then. What do you think of Jason’s Veto plan? Which way will he decide to go?

Get the results when they’re announced. Grab our Big Brother App and we’ll send you an alert when the spoilers are in. Join us on Facebook, Twitter, and by Email Updates to get more results all season.

Update: Jason confirmed to Alex this morning that he wasn’t going to use the Veto after momentarily suggesting they renom Kevin. Oh, and Alex revealed she thinks Paul is prevented from lying to her because of the Friendship bracelets and his obligation to America and his fan base. Sigh.



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  1. I want Jess out for strategic reasons. I want Dom out cos she’s out there and very annoying with her accusations that apparently god is telling her. I want Mark OTB to see his anxiety rise. Wow, I sort of sound like Jason.
    Who knows what he’ll do, he sure doesn’t. One thing for sure, I will be anticipating the result of this Veto ceremony almost as much as when Cody tried to blindside Paul

    • While having access to a Bible in the BB house is a good thing..There is in Dominiques case “Too much of a good thing” … .

      • She’s trying to play Day’s game with the I swear to God stuff and God’s talking to me stuff and then when things go wrong for her, playing the race card– and its just not going to work. It didn’t work for Day, either.

        Dominique, it isn’t about God and it isn’t about race. It’s about terrible gameplay. Doing your talkshow or whatever it was that early in the season put yourself out there way too much. Interviewing people that were already in the crosshairs gave them a platform to talk garbage which, of course was going to come back to haunt you because you were the catalyst of it and gave it a platform.

        Bonehead move on your part. That’s why you deserve to go home. It has nothing to do with God or race.

    • I agree with all of that. The only thing I want Jess out but not right now. I want Cody to come back then see what drama these two stir up. Love me some drama!

      • What drama, they are going to go hide in a bedroom away from everybody and fool around.

      • Not if one of them wins HOH. Cody was on the block and new he was going that’s why they did nothing. And also the look on their faces if Cody wins his way back.

      • If one of them win HoH, they are going to hide in the HoH room for another week, just like they did before. What make you think any of this will change ?

        I rather have Jess out and if Cody come back, he play the game instead of hiding in a bedroom.

      • What I don’t understand is WHY they are having a Battle Back, if a BB member can prevent them from returning? Isn’t that what Julie said? No one if given that power is going to let them back in.. what am I missing on this?

      • It kills me, but that’s what will happen if they don’t evict Jess ’cause it’s pretty certain Cody gonna win battle back when you think about who’s eligible. Would love Dom out for sure but dislike Cody even more jess and he just plain mean and not playing a humane game.

  2. off topic the cameras on my feeds are not working…Ideas as to why??? Suggestions to fix???

    • That guy is a brain aneurysm waiting to happen…If this is the season of “curses” Jason is on the top 5 list..

      • I look at him with his hat and think of the Scarecrow on Wizard of Oz singing ‘If I Only Had a Brain” Oh Jason, SMH

      • I disagree. Alex says Paul won’t lie because he won’t ruin “Friendship” with America. Now that’s a dumb dumb.

      • I actually think Paul really wants to work with Alex. I wasn’t so sure if he was playing her like he is all the others but after watching his DR’s last night he sounds like she’s his Victor.

  3. I see the good and bad side of things, am maybe I misinterpreted this, at some point did Jason ask Jessica’s opinion?

    I so wish that Alex trusted Ramses as much as the house thinks she does because we might get where her head is at about the veto at this point because I suspect she did start to find some merit in the Paul is the snake thing and that he’d use this against Jason like sooner rather than later and she doesn’t want him messed with like that. But, alas, she doesn’t so there isn’t any sorting stuff out.

    • Jason got friendly with Cody & Jess before Cody left..I think Cody made deal with Jason to protect & befriend Jessica..

      • Yeah, I think so, but as she isn’t in danger since Dom has gone full Aubrey, its not necessary. But I meant sometime in the past 36 hours, did Jason actually ask Jessica’s opinion? And then Jess has actually been doing a very good job of being nice and friendly to everyone.

      • damn autocorrect (and what is funnier about that autocorrect is that Aubrey is the preferred default). Off hand, I don’t know any Aubreys.

      • You could be thinking of Aubry Bracco, who competed on Survivor in two recent seasons?

      • Nope, and I can’t tell you what my phone was thinking of either (I’m at my desktop now).

  4. Should Paul go through with the “black face snake” plan I don’t think I wanna watch it…I think its a really bad idea and people are not gonna find it funny….Paul is a jerk of the highest order but I have never had a reason to call him “racist”..I would think that Production (season 15 memories) will not allow him to do the stunt..Any color snake but black I could tolerate..

    • and he wants to use a whip as well (that apparently he got from hosting the PoV comp).

    • I am a fan of Paul’s play overall but there are times when he goes overboard for a show. This is one of them and it’s a side of him I don’t care for.

      • Exactly!! He will lose a lot of fans if he goes through with such a “sick” plan.

  5. Now I don’t have the feeds so I haven’t witnessed all the drama but I still think it’d be a bad idea to leave Jessica up on the block if the end goal is to get rid of Dominique. I think she’s still too much of a temptation to get out after all that transpired the first couple of weeks. I actually agreed with Jason that putting Jessica on the block was a waste since she didn’t have anyone. But I can understand Alex wanting to appease the other side of the house, at least at first. But I think now she needs to Jessica to come down and put someone else up beside Dom to ensure she’s the one that goes.

    • Jason is the one who wants to leave the noms the same, after he said to Jess he would use it on her. It’s so confusing, really hehe.

      • Yes, I know now. But originally in discussions with who to put up, he was telling Alex NOT to nominate Jess. But yes, it’s totally confusing as to what he’s going to do now. LOL

    • Which house? Paul’s house? Coz Paul ain’t gonna be happy. That’s why I am really hoping he won’t use it.

  6. Jason is dumb if he does not pull Jessica up from the block. They risk the large alliance voting her out! If he is looking at the bigger picture, he should just listen to Alex and take her cue! If Jessica is voted out, he runs the risk of him and Alex being the next targets if Matthew, Dominique, Raven or others become the HOH! Alex cannot play for HOH and very much vulnerable this coming week. Sure we have the battle back but, you do not know how the Halting Hex will work regardng the incoming winner from the Battle Back. What if the big alliance gets the Halting Hex and opt to bar the winner from coming into the house?

    • I agree, Listen to Jason and Kevin talk about they are the only ones that can win a competition that Raven, Matt and Mark can’t win. They are delusional if they think that, as seen in the past anyone can win a competition well maybe not Kathy from BB12 lol. Putting up Mark guarantees that they can’t flip the vote because he won’t campaign for Dom to stay. If Jessica is up after Veto nobody can stop him from campaigning against her, I would be laying low right now if i were her as well until after the veto, if you know you are going out then blow up everyone’s game. Maybe the sheep will catch on to Paul.

    • Paul wants Dom out which means his group will evict Dom. Actually whatever Paul want’s is what EVERYONE will do.
      Alex wanting to “test the votes” could get Mark evicted.

      • I agree. If Mark goes, then Alex will be in big trouble with the majority of the house and Paul will pretend to be innocent.

    • I want Jessica out, but supposedly Alex is working with Paul so he is the one deciding for the house anyway. Paul will of course betray her and suck up to next HOH winner. I hope Ramses wins and Paul will try to tell him what to do and he will says, yes, yes, and then do his own thing.

  7. i think it would be funny if they don’t put Mark up and there is another Hinky vote then Paul can blame Mark lol.

  8. What does Paul want Jason to do? I’m sure if Paul tells him this is what you will do with the veto puppet, then he will immediately decide on that.

  9. Thank you Jason. Paul is not your parent so you don’t need to let him know your plans.

  10. Jason, wow. Terrible player. No, wait, he isn’t terrible. Wait yes he is. Actually, no he isn’t. I mean it this time I’m absolutely not going to change my mind about him being terrible because he absolutely is terrible. Except that he’s not. Well actually yes he is. And I think he’s playing a brilliant game. Not.

    (Copy, paste and repaste that block of text until your fingers fall off)


    • I like Jason and his talks with Kevin made sense. The fact that Jason is on to Paul makes him a great player (so far) in my eyes.

      • He’s not even sure if he’s indecisive and if he can’t even make the little decisions how is he ever going to make the necessary big ones towards the end of the game? I’m sorry, he’s not a good player. And only an idiot would not be on to Paul. Anyone who has ever watched the show would be able to clearly see Paul’s game if they merely opened their eyes.

        I said it a while ago, Paul is playing a dangerous game and it isn’t going to last.

        If you want to control the house for an entire season then the only way I know of to do it is the way Derek did it where you lay low and control it from the Shadows. Then, people don’t even know you’re controlling it. But when you are doing it so out in the open like Paul is doing, it never works, it always fails and we have 18 seasons of examples of that.

      • They all want to believe that Paul is manipulating the other alliances but not the one he made with them. I can’t believe the other night when both him and Dominique were discussing their “team” that Alex, Jason and Josh didn’t catch on. He has made multiple alliances, and if you were smart you would know that if you were a couple AKA Raven and Matt that Paul would never align with you because in the final three he would not be chosen to go to final two..WAKE UP HOUSEGUESTS LOL.

    • That is funny! Jason literally drives me crazy..I am pulling my hair out watching this guy TRY and play this game..he is awful at it! It will be fun to watch if Kevin gets an inkling that they are onto him and his hinky votes the last two evictions..he BS’s his way out of every single thing he does..so let’s see how it spins this one!

    • loved it…wait I did not love….oh maybe I loved it….ops I guess I dont love it. LOL

  11. I think they need to get rid of Paul. I can’t believe he only knows one word, f–k. He is the problem, he had a chance to win once, now get him out! Don’t think that Christmas should be aloud back in cause she can’t do the challenges.

    • I think they allowed him back in the house in exchange for him keeping his mouth shut regarding the whole James and Nicole cheating scandal that the producers covered up last year.

      • That’s a little too conspiratorial for me and I love a good conspiracy. Paul was well liked by the end of the season last year. Many fans thought that was his game to win and he was cheated. BB probably thought bringing Paul back would be a Mea Culpa of some sort. I like Paul but he seems to really rile up the masses. Would have preferred an all newbie cast but I’m not that bothered by him being there.

  12. Maybe I’m wrong, but if Jessica stays and Cody returns, it seems like, it could be back to square one. If Jessica goes, she competes in the comp and Cody (likely) comes back?

      • Cant stand her but have to admit I didn’t understand the urgency. It like came out of nowhere.

    • Agreed, but I want them to get rid of Dom, she is awful, really awful. As much as I can’t stand Jess, Dom is now worse to me.

      • I don’t know about awful when she isn’t trying to speak in Metafores she makes sense, if she would quit being so crazy and focus on the GAME she could do some damage. Look at Bridgette last year when they turned the tables on Paulie.

    • But it will be so much fun to see what the two of them stir up. They can go in a few weeks but I like all this drama. Makes the feeds exciting. Lol

  13. Funny just heard Raven say she has NEVER mouth kissed anyone in AR in her 23 years.

      • At this point aren’t they all annoying and easy targets!! Guess some are more than others…

      • And that is exactly the reason why she should not be evicted, why vote someone out who is not a treat? Really stupid.

      • Completely agree. I’m surprised her alliance turned on her so fast after wanting Jessica out after Cody.

      • Dom Gets on my nerves but I don’t understand the urgency to get her out. I wouldn’t waste my hoh on her. Throughout this whole Dominique process I’ve heard Alex repeatedly say “I want Jessica out” well dumb dumb here’s your shot. You dont know if you’ll have another shot.

  14. Sweet mother of pearl this is ridiculous. I can’t even read everything bc the previous line contradicts the next! Why would they play veto when the target is on the block? Jason and Alex really want Mark to not like them huh? He’s not stupid enough to vote to save Dominique when she so obviously wants Elena evicted. He knows his name is being tossed left and right so he knows not to mess up and vote the wrong person. Like come on guys give him some credit!

  15. This show is becoming Paul’s Big Brother. I was so happy when Paul came back but now I have buyer’s remorse because all the houseguests are following him like sheep. Wow…can’t believe we’re getting another summer fill with sheep.

    • because he has 3 weeks of immunity, come next week, if he doesn’t win HOH, he’s probably heading out the back door

  16. BB19 needs to get Josh out of that house, he’s a big cry baby and can’t deal with life or the bb19 house, send him home to his momma, he’s a cry baby with zero life skills. Get Dominique out as well, she is not what she seemed to be in the beginning, both Josh and Dominique are low life cry babies.

  17. Haha, now Jessica is calling Josh out, the dude is such a liar and a cry baby. He can’t take his own heat, he’s such a nut job. Jessica, haha, Jessica called him out and he can’t even take it but he runs his mouth and then will probably cry soon. Go home Josh, you’re no match for the BB house or anything else in life.

  18. Josh is such a punk, bye bye momma’s boy. That house is going to eat you up and spit you out. LMBO, too funny!

  19. Josh, you’re ugly butt will be going home and soon. No one respects such a punk & fool like you.

  20. What I don’t understand is WHY they are having a Battle Back, if a BB member can prevent them from returning? Isn’t that what Julie said? No one if given that power is going to let them back in.. what am I missing on this?

  21. Seems like most of the women fans want Jessica out of the house. As a red blooded American male who is getting bored with these Paul controlled Lemmings, I plead with them to keep Jessica in the house because she is the Shortie Hottie who brings some eye candy to the proceedings.

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