This week’s Veto Ceremony is over and we have our final Big Brother 19 noms. Read on for the latest Big Brother spoilers for Week 3’s Power of Veto events.
There was plenty of back and forth this week as Jason, this week’s Veto winner, was trying to decide whether or not to save Jessica and let Alex renom someone from the other side. They didn’t want a new target, they were just considering toying with the nominations and seeing if anything came out of it with the hinky votes. Not sure if that’s a good enough reason or not, but hey, Feeds drama potential.
Power of Veto Ceremony Spoilers – Week 3
- Jason decided to not use the Veto.
- Dominique & Jessica are this week’s final noms
This was a HOT meeting from what we’re hearing. Dominique apparently called out a lot of HGs as either minions or snakes and the house was riled up when Feeds came back. Paul wore a snake costume complete with a diamond on his forehead and may have even “hissed” at her. That goes back to Dominique calling him a snake the other night. Dominique has continued to argue with the other HGs and that’s not going to help her cause this week if she can’t change tactics.
Gallery: Power of Veto Ceremony Fallout
Want to watch the meeting fallout and next moves made this week? Grab the Live Feeds’ Free Trial and start watching what’s going on inside the house right now!
Who do you think will be evicted this week? Cast your vote in our poll below.
If they only knew that Cody was likely to return, Jessica would be out of there so fast she wouldn’t even bounce.
I think that’s the only thing I can defend about keeping Jess- THEY DON’T KNOW!
Really? Did they go out of their way to cast people who know nothing of the show/game? They’ve been doing battle backs for the past 2-4 seasons. Paul and Ramses at the very least, should know this is happening after 4 weeks. For Paul to think there was going to be an eviction on Sunday, was just ludicrous. The house is already down a player with Meagan leaving early. Plus the show lives for two double evictions. The naivety of the players is only adding to boringness of the season so far, a lot of floating, to the point that the show has to throw in so many twists and temptations, that the kitchen sink doesn’t stand a chance of getting any recognition.
Like I said this is Survivor Redemption Island all over again.
Deja Vu you are so right
Everyone is being an idiot.
Jillian: Didn’t fight hard enough
Cody: Didn’t connect with anyone and backdoored Paul without any consulting
Dominique: Her talk show.
Mark: Muscle head
Alex: Playing too safe.
Elena: Dumb blonde
Josh: Just… Josh
Jessica: Forgot she was on Big Brother and plays for Bachlorette
Matt: Hasn’t done much
Raven: Same as Matt
Agreed, but even if Cody does come back what difference does it make if Jessica is there or not? Cody is going to come back playing hard, not hiding in a bedroom making out with Jessica. I mean I could be wrong! I have been wrong about a lot of the HG’s. I expected the men & some of the women to be stronger and not follow Paul around because at this point anyway, it doesn’t look like anyone is going to turn on Paul come Thursday when he is no longer safe.
( sorry, veered off topic there) LOL
Who cares? Cody doesn’t really have any allies left. He’ll be easy to get out again, even if Jessica is still there.
Agreed. It’s not like Jessica is a power house ally, I can really only see her winning a comp based on pure luck
People said that about Vic though and he made it to Top 5.
You never know
Difference is Victor actually had allies! And his biggest one is playing this season too! Cody has no allies! So yeah, even if he comes back, he’ll likely walk out the front door again this time with no buyback to save him!
Plus Victor changed his attitude when he came back.
Cody probably won’t change
Cody told Paul he would like to work with him if he comes back into the house. The show will really be boring if that happens.
What’s boring about that? Sounds like the most entertaining scenario to me.
When 1 alliance dominates the house and everyone votes with the house…that’s a boring scenario!!
But Cody told Julie he would do it all over again if he got the chance
That won’t happen! Remember, Paul caused his demise! So I think he’ll sed Cody right back out the front door again if he comes back!
Truthfully, I think Paul is smart enough to realize that you keep your friends close and your enemies closer. A Paul/Cody alliance would be … very powerful, and I think both of them realize it.
Maybe that is why they won’t vote Jess out because they remember people coming back but they aren’t saying anything about it. So Paul might have the plan to get with Cody if he comes back.
it’s true that he doesn’t currently have any allies. But if/when he does come back, the people on the bottom of the heap will be anxious to make a deal with him. All but Josh LOL.
You’re darn tootin!!!
so true !!! I want him back ! It will be fabulous !! TONS of drama !!
So true! ๐
Oh good. Let’s hope in the next 3 days, they come to their sense and evict Jessica.
Considering they don’t know about Battle Back….
Pretty much all of them have mentionned at some point or another that they expect someone to come back.
If anything, Paul should know that
I like Alex but I don’t know what she’s thinking.
I get it that people may not know about battle back competition but is evicting Dom a smart idea?
Though to be fair its erroneous to say if Cody will come back.
Cody coming back will bite Alex in the behind if she stays loyal to Paul, unless Jessica changes his mind about Paul. Alex did nominate Jess though.
Honestly if Cody comes back, I could see him trying to work with both Alex and Paul. He thinks those two are the only “alphas” in the house, and that seems to be the only thing he bases his respect on.
That’s Cody’s problem- he plays this game personally and emotionally…. oh wait I forgot who I was talking about! Lol
Joking aside he needs to put personal feelings aside and focus on one step at a time.
Alex and Jason were talking this morning that they need to get rid of Paul before long. If Cody does come back I think they would take him in and getting rid of Dom would weaken the rest of the other side. I’m not a Cody fan but it could get interesting.
Add Dom to that too and watch out Paul!!! LOLOL
I don’t think it will weaken them. There is 2 couples 4 people that won’t vote against each other.
America this and America that. Season of idiots. They think that something will come out of this show,. No entertainment career for you dummies.
they will be able to suck the Class D celebrity teat full of colostrum and foetor
I think from past experience and BB fan Paul and Ramses should know a BB battle back is coming.
Paul seems oblivious. Or he may know and not want to have others plan for Cody’s return, only him.
Paul is not oblivious. He just doesn’t look too far into the future…plays week to week. Cody will more than likely team up with Paul who is very good at playing both sides! :-)
I sure hope so Joni.
Nooooo if Paul and Cody team up the season is over. They will run over the remaining houseguest and the season will become too predictable.
Lol i said that a week ago. If those two team up, the rest just pack up. Lol
I agree….They need to get Paul out!!..He was obnoxious last season and even more so now!
so true ,he actually is the snake in the grass.
I think having that immunity for 3 weeks caused him to become a bit complacent and live in the present.
Not complacement….just safe! LOL He knows after his safety is up, he won’t be nearly as confident! :-)
We forget that Paul did not watch a single episode before he was cast on last season. So, he only has one season’s worth of knowledge. Ramses is a recent fan, as in three seasons ago. So, I doubt he recalls any previous pre juror comeback scenarios.
That’s right Dominique, snakes and minions, how dare they play the game against you when you so clearly deserve to say whatever you want and be given total impunity for all the stupid things you say about people all the time….pfffft…. At least if she goes, they can take out the other crybaby and spoilsport at any time and not have to worry about her coming back, although it would be pretty funny to see Cody step on his own dill to let Jessica Large Forehead win the Battle Back.
Seems the veto meetings this year are more heated than nominations and eviction night!
I still think it’s a bad move to leave Jessica up on the Block and not take her down and put another person from that side of the house up. I’m not a Jessica fan by any means but she’s one person (she has no one else at this point) and could be a vote for Alex. Even if Cody comes back (which they don’t know about) then it’s still only Cody and Jessica versus everyone else. I think they can easily get either of them out again. With Jessica up there, that leaves a very tempting eviction for the others who may want to keep Dominique. And if the other side is smart, the WOULD keep Dominique so they have another number on their side and someone who would push against Paul.
If Dominique stays i bet she will end up back with Paul. He’ll sweet talk her. If I were Alex I’d get rid of Jessica. They are still very distant and icey to one another. Now, they just tolorate each other…that wouldn’t be good enough for me to work with her. Plus Jessica’s social game is a tab bit better than Alex’s post Cody. I believe she will reposition herself and go after Alex and josh when the time is right.
The creator of this website.. are you going to address how the house is being racist and Paul’s racist plans to put on a black face to mock Dominique at the eviction night?
Get a life……………….
Nobody is going home this week. The Halting Hex Temptation will go to Dominique, she will halt the eviction during the live show, the house will blow up. Good times ahead
What will the consequence be?
I don’t know. Since Temptation voting ends midday wednesday i’m guessing the houseguests will enter the Den either wednesday night or thursday morning and it will be edited in the live broadcast so we will probably find out then. But that’s just me guessing. But the consequence must be something big since the Temptation is rather big
Nope. The Temptation Den twist will be done after the eviction this week.
Friday night will be the battle back. Once there is a winner, then the Temptation will be awarded. If the player choose the Halting Hex, the curse will be that the player who won the battle back will enter the house.
The Halting Hex isn’t in play until next week. Getting used this week would interfere with the Battle Back.
The cbs site states “they can hlalt any one of the next four evictions during the live show” so next four is including this week in my book?
The next 4 after it is awarded.
But Julie also said the Battle Back would feature this week’s evictee. As in it’s set in stone that someone is getting evicted this week.
I bet that is how they can stop the returning person from coming back?
Great comment. I hadn’t thought of that!
But wait, wouldn’t she be gone before it’s revealed?
So much for that theory.
Production can do anything to change that theory to benefit Dom…just wait!
You think they care that much about her? If you want to include production conspiracies, I think they didn’t want Jessica out this week. This Dom thing came out of nowhere.
It sure did!
The Halting Hex temptation is tied to the Battle Back. If winner of the Temptation refuse the Halting Hex, then the winner of the Battle Back doesn’t enter the house. That’s what Julie meant when she said one player could block the returning palyer from coming in.
But the Temptation is design so nobody will turn it down and the curse will happen. 2 things that BB want to see happen.
Agreed!! That sounds like the most logical and interesting theory so far, Capt. So, who do you think is coming back? Cody the super sniper or Cameron the super geek? ;) Y’know, I’d love to see Cameron back, just to see if he’s a decent player or not. I already know Cody is not a good BB player! haha
Yeap, me too, I hope Cameron can come back. I want to see what he’s got.
Me too. We know he’s a super fan & that’s it. I’d like to see him get a chance to play.
Assuming it’s a similar 1v1 format to last year, I expect Cameron to beat Jillian fairly easily. Cody will most likely have the advantage over Cameron in the next round, but if it ends up being something mental/skill based in addition to physical, I think Cameron is athletic enough that it could maybe go either way. It’s hard to say how Dom would do because we haven’t really seen her compete much. 50/50 against Cameron, lower odds against Cody probably.
Lol smh. I feel so dumb because I’m still confused. I wish you guys draw me a picture…lol
The Battle Back will be held this week too airing it on Friday.
Exactly. So the Den of Temptation will be revealed at the end of the friday show or at the beginning of the sunday show.
That’s what I thought mg. But then again, I’ve been sick for a week and I’ve missed a lot. ;)
You sure have! Lol Glad you’re better though. And don’t feel bad, I’m confused too lol
If she gets it, she’ll be able to use it on herself…since she’s not yet gone due to the Battle Back.
She’ll be able to cancel her own eviction!
Ok so is there still a battle back if she does that?
We’ll have to wait and see. If not, it won’t ever get played…if she was the recipient of it.
Maybe the battle back will become a three way?
There is still going to be a battle back regardless!
With 3 ppl?
I guess the HoH on Thursday will involve those evictees, to be shown on Friday episode of Battle Back. If one of the evictees wins HoH, he or she is guaranteed to reenter the house. If one of the HGs wins the HoH instead, she or he prevents the evictees from reentering the house. Just my idea.
Thank you but I am so confused. Not that you are negligently explaining it, im just not comprehending. Lol
That’s what is perplexing me. LOL
Idk, Julie seemed pretty confident there would be an eviction on Thursday.. You’d think she’d have hinted at there being the possibility of a “no eviction” situation.
It all depends on who gets the DoT too. She told Cody he may have a chance to come back into the game in the Battle Back…guess we’ll just have to wait to see how it all unfolds. If Dom is evicted and has to battle Cody…I can only hope he beats her. After this week, I don’t want Dom to return now.
Me too. Plus, Cody vs. Paul makes for fun feeds! haha
Do you think the person will be able to use it by then? Voting ends Wed. right?
Voting ends on Wed. They can enter the Den on Wed night and use it on Live Eviction on Thu.
Do you think they will?
Idk, Julie didn’t even hint at there not being an eviction. What she did say was the a HG might prevent another HG return and, to me, that hints towards the DoT use, not this week’s eviction.
That’s about battle back. Halting Hex is a completely different thing.
Of course Julie can’t hint there could be a non-eviction coz she doesn’t know who are gonna be nominated and who’s gonna win the temptation.
Since I am not in Productions ear, I can’t say for sure and you could be right, but even so…I doubt Dom won the halting hex, do you?
so…I doubt it’ll be used this week even if it is in play. I bet Alex won it.
Jessica is the popular choice to win it on other sites. Here she’s somehow still disliked.
Really??!! Jessica is the popular choice??!! Wow! Okay, so things have *drastically* changed since last week. She was detested on both twitter & Jokers last week. How in the heck did she turn that around so fast?? And iif she did, then that’s impressive!
She didn’t really do anything. It’s Paul that suddenly decide Dom was bad for his game.
Just have a look at Jokers’ HG Ratings. Jess and Cody are up. Paul falls hard and Raven is at bottom.
Wow! I see that. Cray-zy! Last I checked, Jessica was at the very bottom of the charts. I’ve seen in the feeds since Cody left & she’s definitely been more social…looks like it’s working.
What shocks me in these new Joker ratings is Jason!!! C’mon, 3rd?? Seriously?!!! The guy is ALL-over the place!
And we all know how polls turn out too!
Most polls I’ve seen on twitter has Kevin leading. I’m certainly giving him my 10 votes every day.
Wow! See how a week changes everything. I didn’t vote at all for five days coz I was sick, but today I gave my votes to Alex. It seemed she was the fave last week. This was before she won HOH tho, so…gues that’s changing. I’m still trying to catch up Capt. been out of the game for a week!! haha
That’s who I’ve been giving the most of my votes to. Never gave them to Dom…but scattered a few to Kevin and Jason.
I am glad that Alex is still loved here and on Jokers of course. On Reddit every other comment is about hating her hehehe.
Because they jealous!
Nope, they are tie together.
Again, your experience and logic? You know, I will come for you if it doesn’t happen, coz you sound like your boy, Paul now. Hehehe.
I’ll gladly eat crow if it doesn’t work like that.
Well since I can’t see you eat crow or chocolate I might as well take your words for it.
Everything is virtual on the internet. LOL
NO. It will be awarded after the eviction.
How do you know that? Does it say on the CBS site?
Experience and logic.
Let’s see if your experience and logic prevails … like Paul insisted there would eviction on Sunday because veto was on Friday.
There was a 2 day lockdown as well after the Veto comp.
I never believed that.
If they awared the Halting Hex before Thrusday eviction, there would be a massive problem with what Julie sayed to Cody: “Next week, on Friday, you and the other 3 players that got out, may be can get back into the house.”
If the den was before the eviction, that would make false Julie sentence. So, it will happen after the eviction (probably the HOH will be a question-answer game) and the winner will accept or not on that same night. They can tape the Friday show in the morning and show the competition in the evening with the winner returning to the house live.
I’d be very surprised if Dom wins anything … Ever.
Haha, yeah. This is really a moot point because in no way do I see Dominique winning it.
That’s been my understanding too, but some others don’t think it will go into effect until the eviction after that.
Ramses needs to win HOH.
You really like Ramses huh? Lol
I always like the underdogs. I’m hoping he wins to put 2 players that I don’t like. He has done nothing and they are after him. I hate the couples and PAUL. I hope if he wins 2 of them are up on the block.
Funny you mentioned that because I was thinking this was the FIRST year, I dont like the underdogs. Its weird for me. Never happened before. Its just somet about the ppl on that side I dont like.
Idk that’s what’s weird. Its usually just a feeling I cant articulate.. I dont like Ramses, Josh, Kevin, and especially Jason. I want to root for them but I just cant. I dont have a connection with them.
I like all of those except Josh and Alex is also an underdog who is now up Paul’s A**hole so I’m not sure if I want to root for her. I’ll wait another week. I’m hoping Jason stops trying to throw Kevin under the bus. They are buddies.
That’s the only smart thing I’ve seen Jason do. He’s correct not to trust kevin. Kevin is following Paul and Paul surely will be coming for Jason after Ramses and snaky Kevin will deliver him on a silver platter to Paul no doubt.
Have you heard Kevin talking bad about Jason?
Not yet.
He was talking to Christmas about Jason earlier, giving away that Jason would put up a couple guys if he wins HoH, but not who Christmas would expect. While not directly anything bad about Jason, any talk like that always has a chance to cause problems.
Alex and Jason are onto Kevin, They want to go after him next per their recent convo today after veto.
While Kevin genuinely wants F4 with him, Paul, Alex and Jason.
I don’t see him doing much with it even if he wins HOH.
You’ll be quite surprised. He knows how the game is played. And he’s been quite observant too, more than we know.
I’m waiting to be”tempted” to agree. ๐๐
He is a big fan of the show, so I think he is waiting for his turn.
He’s playing a “safe” game.
So chances are pretty slim.
You think he doesn’t want it? I have a feeling Ramses is ready to do some serious damage! Lol
Not saying he isn’t playing the game, but he’s trying to keep calm and try to play a more strategical game as opposed to a physical game.
Well he isnt doing a good job. He’s is at least 4 ppls targets in the house. If he doesnt win after this hoh He’s in serious trouble.
Kevin or Jason need to win HOH
So my comment got deleted. Smh. No one is going to address Paul being a blatant racist in wanting to do black face? This is disgusting.
Yes, it is disgusting, but he didn’t do it. What is just as disgusting is people trying to bait a “race war”. He didn’t do it, there isn’t anything to discuss. Now if he had, that would be a different story.
He might be informed by the production tho. MIGHT … to avoid any controversy.
That maybe true. But, it didn’t happen. It’s not necessary to stir up something that didn’t happen. This isn’t like the times racists remarks and deeds were actually said/done. I am glad it was stopped/didn’t happen. Color of skin shouldn’t matter, we are all people.
He simply made a snake costume for himself
Show us where it happened
Really Joni? You didn’t know about it? It’s been all over twitter and other sites even TMZ. I guess this site is pretty mellow. Lots of things are not being talked here.
Question- did Paul actually do it though?
He talked about it and might have been informed by the production to not do that to avoid any controversy. Anyway I am actually glad he didn’t go thru with it coz I don’t want Dom to be harassed with this kind of sh!t.
The only make up Paul did was his “snake” costume.
Yeah when it comes to potshots, Paul doesn’t backdown— Big Meech anyone?
Calling a girl a C-word and doing what he wanted to do at first on the Veto ceremony are two different things.
It wasn’t the snake costume that people were raging about anyway.
That was in reference to Angry Fan! LOL
Yet it didn’t happen
He just drew arrows on his face. Using the color black is not racist.
That’s pretty much in reference of the snake comment Dom made.
I know. He dressed up like a snake. I think he had a dress on.
I think what has people upset is Paul saying something about wearing a black face. But they conveniently leave out the mask at the end. He was talking about a black face mask. I guess saying the word black is racist nowadays.
If they knew about the battle back…I think they’d vote Jess out…Considering they don’t I think it’s pretty likely that D is gonna get the vote out
Elena and especially raven are so confident that they will make it to jury. Not that they will win though.
That’s all they’ve really wanted since the beginning, though!
True. No real aspiration for BB greatness there! haha
That’s what I hate about some casting… not everyone wants to win. Sure getting to jury is a first step, but after that people just roll over and die.
Meh, Nicole said early last season she just wanted to get to jury, but then she still went and won the whole thing anyway. What these houseguests say now doesn’t necessarily hold up to what they’ll actually do later.
I think I’m referring to people who just roll over and die once they reach jury. As if they stopped trying. Nicole kept going which is why she won.
Yeah nobody is gung-ho saying I want to win, it would probably put target on their backs.
Jessica doesn’t let others talk. Blah, blah.
Can someone pls recheck about POV?? Other sites are saying it was used and Mark was put up???
Not sure what sites those are, but here & Joker’s both say that Jason did NOT use the POV.
Wow! I get sick for a week & the entire house flips! Last I had heard, before I caught the worst summer chest cold ever, was Jessica was next to go after Cody, and now, I see Dominique has completely imploded and her game is totally ruined! Trying to get caught up here, but it looks like Paul set this whole thing in motion. Never really liked Dom b/c she likes to use God as a cosigner for her word too often for my taste, but wth! What happened to make her public enemy numero uno??
Wondered where you went! Welcome back! Alex had her in mind after she and Elena talked. Dom has rubbed Alex the wrong way from the get go.
Hey Joni! Thank you, glad to be back. Heck, I’m glad to be conscious and not feeling like you know what!! haha
Yeah, all day I’ve been checking jokers’ quick view and then going back and watching feeds. I can’t believe how Do has just… *kapow* exploded her game. She is feeding right into Paul’s plan, but then again, I don’t really care fr her, so I won’t shed a tear if she goes.
She needs to rein herself in big time. May not be enough by then. She truly has shown her true colors once her safety was jeopardized.
I know. I have been catching up on the feeds and she is losing it. Accusing Elena of being the second head of the snake, when Elena was one of the *only* people going to bat for her to stay!
She just got into it with Christmas too a little while ago.
She’s definitely sealed her fate I think.
Aaahh…the drama! I missed Big Brother!! ;)
Heck Dom was part of the deal Elena made with Alex.
I know right! But Dom totally attacked Elena today. I think she’s done…but who knows, according to her, God is going to get the people who betrayed her, so that might make a really interesting episode of BB huh? BB the wrath of Dominique the Dominator! hahaha
She’d isolated herself for the first day and a half after being nommed like Cody did. I thought, oh Gosh, not another Audrey.
I think that’s where she made the mistake. Anyone talks bad about Paul and they will go down. None of these HGs know how to keep their mouths shut. They tell Paul everything. Paul pulls the strings and the puppets do as he says. She should have gone and talked to the whole house about Paul and why he is against her now.
Lol! I saw her wearing the sunglasses and shutting herself off & I thought all she needs is a blanket and it’s Audrey 2.0. ;)
Dom is obnoxious with everything she does and says.
Dom’s true colors came out after she went onto the block, just as I predicted they would. Before that, I’d made a comment that some in that house was feeling way tooo safe!
I agree. Mostly the 3 girls and Kevin. Christ, Rav and Elena.
Yeah, as I said never really liked her, but most of the HG did. Today I’ve been catching up on the feeds and saw the crazy blowout she had with Paul in the HOH room w/pretty much the entire house present after she was nom’d…I guess shes just gone downhill from there huh?
I hope you’re feeling much better. The simplest answer to what happened with Dom is that she does not play well with others. I’m not a psychiatrist who plays golf, so there won’t be a direct diagnosis. 5 cents!
Thanks hon! I am. Ugh. Nothing worse than being sick, especially when it makes me miss BB! hehe!
I think what bothers me the most about Dom is how she uses God to further her game. As if God is in the house and can actually speak up for her or do her dirty work. It’s disturbing actually.
As I’ve stated in the past…religion and Big Brother do not belong in the same sentence. Did Dom really think that people shouldn’t lie, cheat and steal in this game?
Exactly. I mean, think about it…Who is considered pretty much the best *all around* BB player of ALL TIME? Will Kirby, right? And if anyone has watched WK’s season of BB they would know he lied, manipulated and straight up sabotaged people all the while smiling to their faces and feeling absolutely NO empathy for their suffering!
THAT is BB! Don’t play the game if you can’t handle it is all I have to say…and please don’t bring religion into it!!!!
Time for Paul to go!! Don’t wavy to see him win.
Be patient. Next week :)
Paul will be evicted when they have a double eviction.
Rumor has it they’re doing a quadruple eviction instead of a double.
Whaaaaaaaat? Seriously, or are you messing with us???
Haha yeah I totally made that up. But I wouldn’t put it past them. I expect them to at least try a triple at some point.
They’ve done a triple on BB Canada, in season 3 and 5.
Seriously? Now that would be a twist…
Very serious. Fun to watch. If you ever want to watch one of the BB Canada season, let me know.
Don’t do that! I’ve been out of the game for a week coz I was sick! You about game me a coronary! hehehe!
That was a good one tho. :)
While getting Jess out is the best move, Dom has herself to blame.
(message to the HG’s)
You realize you’re on Big Brother right?
Lol! Exactly, Dan! It’s like they’re surprised when someone lies to them or backstabs them! I mean, seriously, have you *ever* watched the show or what?? ;)
Welcome to BB Dom…
And this is another reason why Paul was miscast.
Almost everyone is an idiot.
Yeah, except Alex. I know she seems like she’s playing Paul’s game right now, but if you listen to her…she is not all googley eyed like the rest of the house. She’s playing nice now, but I think Alex will take a shot at Paul if she gets the chance–and especially if Cody comes back. I bet she aims him right at Paul pronto!
The problem is Alex is convinced that Paul won’t lie to her. Jason’s trying to get it through to her that Paul will do whatever he has to, but she still thinks his “friendship” persona from last season won’t allow him to backstab her.
Idk. She says that to Jason, but Alex knows how this game is played too and she’s watching Paul. I actually like Paul, so I wouldn’t mind them working together, but Paul sometimes does not know when to just shut up and I think he’ll say or do something to let Alex know he isn’t really on anyone’s team but his own, so I don’t think it’ll last.
I think she’s pretty much playing Paul for some time.
IKR? hahaha
The best move for who? I’d argue that the majority of the voters are better off evicting Dominique.
Not saying you’re wrong, but I’m honestly curious of how it would help.
Because the counterargument would be that Cody would return.
Well getting out Dom is definitely the best move for Jason, Kevin, Ramses, and Josh. I don’t think there’s any question about that. And now since she’s been nominated, she’s turned against Paul and Elena. So I think they’re better off getting rid of her too. Alex is also sort of “an outsider” so if it were a tie, I think she should evict Dom because if Dom stayed, she’d be more with the big group than Jessica would be. Mark is better off evicting Jessica, and I’m not really sure where Matt, Raven, and Christmas stand. So my count is 6 should evict Dom, 1 should evict Jessica, 3 unsure, and the tiebreaker should evict Dom.
Also, I don’t think Cody would be too big of a threat even with Jessica there because she’s really all he has. Maybe he’d win the first HOH, but he should be easy to take out the week after if they want.
Dom is a hot mess but I would get Jessica out.
I wouldn’t…Dom needs to go as soon as God gives her the all clear.
All Dom had to do was keep quiet and lay low.
It’s sad when JESS of all people is staying out of drama.
Wow that was quick – Dom went from under-the-radar to reviled target faster than Oprah devouring her daily weight watcher rations!
And not to trigger anyone here, but for someone who’s never watched bb, she sure seems to be playing Day’s game!
I now! I was sick fr a week and I came back yesterday & was like WTH happened to Dominique’s game?? Not even Cody imploded that fast! haha
Well I was watching and I still cant tell you what happened with Dominique! Lol it came out of nowhere
Cody started it when he told Paul that both Mark & Dom knew about his plans.
After that, it was only a matter of time before Paul targeted her. He wanted Mark up there as well this week. I think Elena got that quashed!
That’s not correct. Cody clarified to Paul that Dominique and Mark didn’t know about his plans of backdooring Paul. Paul has come out of nowhere with this using it as a reason to come after them. Paul knows straight from Cody’s mouth Dom and Mark are innocent. That’s what i meant by I don’t know what this stems from.
Not true. He did tell Mark and Dom, but that was before the other teammates told him to change his mind about trying that that week.
No no In the hoh Paul and Cody one on one talk, Paul specifically asked Cody did Mark and Dominique know Cody was backdooring him. Cody said ” no they didn’t know”but their was small talk about xmas. Paul knows they wasnt in the plan, Paul is up to something. Paul asked him twice! No one knows but Paul that Cody cleared them in privately. Go back and watch you’ll see. Paul is actually doing what Cody intended to do but Cody didn’t do it well enough. Paul’s finishing what Cody started for his own agenda.
Must have totally missed that talk…dang it. Where was I? Geesh! Thnx for the clarity on this!
The night of the last talk show is when they talked in the hoh. Afterwards.
I noticed a lot of ppl think it happened they way you thought. It’s why they are giving Cody underserved credit for stirring the pot. He didn’t even do that right bcz he told Paul the truth. The whole point was to get to Paul’s head. If he were good he would’ve lied and said they knew. So, I still dont know why he wants Dom out. Btwn you and I, I believe production wanted Dominique out and told Paul to make it happen.
Paul knows his immunity will be up next eviction and he’ll be a target so he’s using what Cody said to create new targets.
Exactly! The point I was making was ppl talking about Cody stirred the pot as if he’s some brilliant master mind. He tried but he failed. In order for that execution to be a success, people wld have had to believe it, no one did. He goes up to hoh and Paul the truth! Great job stirring the pot Cody. The objective is to create reasonable doubt.duh! He failed. The way most ppl take in this show blows my mind! Like, what are they watching?? Lol
The guilt caught up with her. She and Mark were the two that knew what Cody was planning to do. Mark got flustered about voting Cody out and Dom, being the host of her “show” wasn’t afraid he’d spill who those two people were when she questioned him on it.
Dominique had such a great game going…until she was nominated. Really shows how much the pressure can get to you in this game
Because Dominique is a fraud. I dont believe for a second she is as deep as say’s. She cracked in one day.
I think her talk show screwed her game up! I never like it and thought it seemed strange. She seemed to think she could ask anything and be immune from the game somehow. Doesn’t work that way!
Hey, Cheryl here. Your’e right, but where she really messed up was when she said ‘organic alliances and what not, an alliance that she she was a part of. That’s what raised a red flag with Paul.
What game? She thinks she’s playing on the Dating game and she’s the host!
Do yall think Cody will work with Paul? I don’t trust that. If so, no longer than two weeks tops.
Two alphas are meant to go at each other. He says he will still follow his heart instead of his head, so yeah Cody will still go after your boy, Paul.
Agree. One of them will have to go. I cant see them getting along in that house, but this time Cody needs to use his brain.
He can only use his brain if Jessica stays away and doesn’t fog his head by sex again
As much as I dislike Jessica, I cant blame her for his terrible game. He came in dumb as rocks.
He ain’t dumb. Others are betas to not see what a snake Paul is. Not Cody’s fault.
And it’s all about the timing too of when to strike! :-)
Screwed by production. Call it a cheat in front of Julie. Hahaha.
Well he sho aint smart! What’s the opposite of that??
I don’t think he’s dumb, but he’s not a good BB player. Jessica even said she is going to get him a coffee mug that says “worst BB player ever!” I actually found that moment between them amusing.
He’s humbly accepting it. Unlike some boy named Paul.
But Paul is a good BB player. He can lie, manipulate and not feel sorry for the people he’s back stabbing… all the while telling them he’s their friend and on their side.
That IS a good BB player!
And if you don’t take my word for that, just watch season 2 & 7 of BB and Will Kirby in action.
I don’t question what you just mentioned.
I meant: “worst BB player ever!” —> Cody’s humbly accepting it. Unlike some boy named Paul (coz you know him well).
You forgot to add “ie” onto that! hahahaha
Don’t drag Paulie into this. Or I am gonna Zakiyah you with it.
Her continuing to support Cody didn’t help either.
He made the choices without her involvement whatsoever. Her dumb bells rang when she decided not to fix. Dumb and dummer.
Ok send me an email at: mail at captain555 dot com.
I will put a whole season on a google drive for you, so you can watch it at your leisure.
I can give you season 3, 4 or 5.
I think they will be frenemies. On the surface, they will be buddies. Behind closed doors, they will plot against each other.
That’s not working together. Lol
That’s exactly what a BB player should do and basically what your boy Paul has been doing. Hence targeting Dom this week.
Cody don’t have the skill to play like Paul. He’d be back out that door without an hoh. Paul can survive til his next win.
Cody’s got the skill, just not the social game to go with it!
Social game is what i consider skill.
Maybe, but not always.
He has, but let it too late. Dom is up on the nom partly because of Cody.
Plus, Alex wanted to see what Dom was made of too, since she’d yet seen Dom compete yet or had a connection with as well. Dom doesn’t blame Alex for her being on the block (another mistake). She’s been blaming others.
Because Dom believes that Paul is on Alex’s ear, which is correct by the way. But Dom warned Alex tho that they would come after her next week.
And Dom knows so much about the game!
Totally agree, Joni. This game is not real life. If you can’t put your ego aside for a moment, you will not go far.
Thank you.
YW mg!
Cody’s biggest problem was he couldn’t disassociate the game from RL. BB encourages HG to be liars, cheaters and manipulators. If you can’t do that, you really won’t go far. Look at Nicole. In BB 16, she played an honest game and she lost. Last season she played way dirtier and she won.
Look at Will Kirby, he lied, cheated, manipulated and backstabbed everyone *except Boogie…moreover, he did it all with a smile on his face.. it’s part of the game. Cody just couldn’t get that.
Whaaat? Nicole won last season???
Nobody needs to play like Paul. It’s not a Paul’s house. Besides, next week Paul is going to be evicted anyway (hopefully hehehehe).
They dont need to play like Paul, they need to play smarter and not like your boy Cody. That’s why he’s on the other side of that door. “Hehehehe”
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Cody …. you all betas!
Knock knock. Who’s not home in the bbhouse? I’ll let you answer.;-)
Your boy next week.
Theres no one in the house by that name so it looks like I have to help you with this: that would be Cody.:) the “knock” off alpha.
So you meant no alphas in the house? Just betas? That’s why Cody will surely enter the house this Friday!
Never mind. It went over your head akin to how Paul went over Cody’s;-(
LOL!!!! You crazy!
If and/or when Cody comes back, Paul will just…
Ha haaa! Yep!
Agreed. I think Cody will be more patient this time if he comes back.
That is…unless Alex stirs him up in order for him to get his hands dirty and not her own.
I was really thinking Dom had a good chance at this game, but her talk show got her. She got more consumed with that than playing BB. You can’t ask uncomfortable/awkward questions and think that you are immune just because you’re hosting your “talk show” meanwhile blowing everyone’s games up.
You hit the nail on the head!
It’s not really about the talkshow, it’s more about Paul playing eenie meenie miney mo with Dom and Mark to ensure target is not on his back once his safety expires next week. It happened to land on Dom that Alex supported. So of course Paul went overdrive to “blow” Dom’s game.
Yes, absolutely! He doesn’t want to have a target on his back, but I think her “talk show” questions stirred the pot a little bit.
Yup, that and also what Cody said. Also Dom falsely accused Elena while Elena was actually defending her.
Another mistake!
Plus she keeps accusing the HGs of jealous of her hehehe.
Wash, rinse and repeat..yup!
They just got through talking about Paul doing black face in the case of Dom 2 min ago on TMZ, they had Marcellis from season 3 on there via sype
Just went to tmz and saw it
Lost all the respect for Alex!!!!!!!!!! Wasted HOH.
That’s because she let Paul run her HOH
I saw you saying exactly the same thing a few times now. Can you say something else? Hehehe.
Not really a wasted HoH…she’s diminishing the numbers on one side, eliminating a vote by them.
How is her HOH wasted? She is getting out another side of the house, plus she is building trust with Paul, which she can use to keep her self safe when that side eventually wins HOH again. Not too mention, by keeping Jessica, she builds her own numbers if/when Cody comes back! Cody has already expressed a desire to work w/Alex.
Imo, Alex is playing an extremely smart game of BB.
I’m sorry, but Paul may think he is playing her, but if you really watch Alex, I think she is totally on to him and she’s the one playing him, not vice versa!
Paul should be far more wary of Alex than he is imo.
Shhhhh, remember, he’s still asleep and acting it all out in his dreams! He’s a warrior there!
:) There you are!
How about evicting Jess? Would you earn her respect back? ..ha!
Can`t wait to watch Cody and Jessica reunited in Thursday, and Jessica winning HOH<
She better stop throwing comps then.
Battle back isn’t until Friday.
He’s still in a dreamstate…let’s not confuse him more! LOL
Oh come on Joni. Play nice hehehe.
Hahahaha! Where’s your Gifs Joni! Last time I was on BBN you were all about the Gifs!
I can’t find one for that one! hahaha
It’s mojos day!!!
How about this look??
Nawwww…not what I was going for!
More like this!
lol I can’t even see Jessica winning a sandwich, I think she is so sorry, Cody was exciting but she brought him down bad! He became whipped by her succubus ways very quickly!
As much as I want Cody to come back and gung-ho kicking Paul all the way to his mom’s mansion, I prefer Cameron to reenter the house. Poor guy doesn’t have a chance and he’s a super fan. He deserves at least a few more hours in the house.
Agreed, I don’t want Any showmances I bet once everyone looses their showmance and Paul leaves it would turn into a true bloodbath of backstabbing. I wish so bad this happens I want to see these guys fidget and fight for their right in the house!
I agree. I’d really like to see what kind of player, Cameron is. I already know Cody is a pretty bad BB player! I’d like to see what Cameron”s got.
Why is everyone discounting Jillian as a possible returnee???
Coz it’s Jillian?’re ruining my sarcasm! LOL
Who’s Jillian?
I would like to see Cameron come back, too, I just don’t know how he’ll fit in with the people there. I mean they voted him out, over Christmas. I think he would just be an easy out. Cody could cause some drama.
Both need to go, but don’t care as long as Cody does NOT come back !!!
Depending on the comps… he’s coming back. Jillian and Dom won’t beat him in a physical comp. Don’t know about Cameron because we didn’t see him get to compete much, but he’s still going up against someone who’s beaten him in a physical/endurance comp before.
I think it would be smart to get rid of Jessica but I really don’t care who they pick this week. For me it is just kind of a meh week. But everyone has to go.
I don’t think Jess will go. Although WHY Paul isn’t sending her home…??? Totally not getting it. It would make sense for Paul to get rid of her considering Jessica is (and always will be) on Cody’s side, but he seems to have let that go for some reason.
Not sure why considering he *should* know there will be a Battle Back-I mean, hello, his biggest ally (Vic) returned 3 freaking times last season…
But, if it bites him in the bum, then he’ll have no one to blame but himself cuz he got this Dom train a’rollin.
Pssst….yeh, you. You forgot that it’s Alex’s HoH, that’s why! LOLOL
Is that what you think??
He did Alex a favor by getting Cody out and splitting one showmance up. Alex is now getting rid of someone that could become an ally for Jess and Cody when he returns…hahaha
I think Alex is working with Paul right now b/c it is in her best interest…
She’s smart. I think she has a good chance of winning it if she keeps putting big targets in front of herself.
As well as minimizing the impact to herself!
If she is using Paul, otherwise as long as she sticks with him it may cost her.
I don’t think so b/c he will always be a bigger target than her. Plus, she is letting him have the big blowouts with everyone…while staying relatively bloodless.
Not to mention, if Cody comes back, Cody wants to work with Alex. Keeping Jessica is another number if Alex decides to work with Cody.
I don’t think Paul will be a target for the majority of the house. If Paul wants Alex out, she will go.
But that is why it’s smart for Alex to keep Jessica. If Cody comes back, that is two votes her way. Plus, she isn’t targeting Paul. She’s playing nice. That’s why she got so pissed at Jason when he was going to rock the boat. She told him if he did anything to screw up what she had going on, she couldn’t help him anymore.
I’m telling you, she’s on to Paul, but she wants to work with him until it comes time to take her shot.
IMO, that is smart BB game playing.
Oh yeah, I won’t feel bad at all if Cody comes back and it bites Paul. I feel like these people can’t settle on a target and keep their sites on the person for longer than 2 days. As soon as they see something shiny they change direction.
It would be funny to see Cody and Jessica having to compete against each other to get back into the game. I hope she will be evicted and that becomes a reality.
LOL, Dom is sinking her own ship. All Jess needs to do is keep laying low, and she’s safe for at least another week.
Yup! Why can’t she just chill?? This is exactly what Alex was wanting to see to make up her mind that Dom needs to go!
She sure is! Like the titanic!
Why is Josh arguing? I missed it.
Go Josh. Talk about everyone. Blow it up.
Bye Jessica. please!!
Lol well Jessica will be a number for your boy Ramses. You do know he has like 4 hits out on him in the house?
Until Cody comes back.
Dom must win DOT at this point
Honestly I don’t really see what the differences if Cody comes back & Jessica is still there or not? Sure a duo, but no different than all the other duos & strong alliances (most of the house in Paul’s back pocket) if anything, I hope Cody can come back, repair some relationships and open peoples eyes & make them stop following Paul around! It is pretty pathetic! It’s not like Paul is Channing Tatum! LOL
So I don’t quite understand what difference it would make if she is still there or not!?
I’m hoping if Cody returns he is going to shake the house up a lot! Open up people eyes & make them realize that Paul is “running the show” & that he is no longer safe, so hopefully Cody can get people to start flipping on each!
Cody will have a lot of work to do though! & hopefully Jessica has been mending some relationships!? So her still being in the house might make it more exciting.โฆโฆ
Of course, we don’t even know if it will be Cody.
I’m disappointed with Jason! He said even before he got picked to play in the Veto comp that he was going to use it to “save Jessica no matter what!” I was like “good for you, do your thing Jason!”
Sure, I get he’s not sitting pretty! But I still wanted to see itโฆโฆ
AND Dom…… she really really messed up any chances she had to campaign against Jessica! What was she thinking?! Seriously! I thought she was a lot more levelheaded than this!
Do you think there’s any chance whatsoever that Dominique can stay alive in the game? Or is she ๐ฏ% done?
Paul needs to be evicted!! Not sure why they even brought him back.
We could really jump start some powerful moves people. Let vote to give Dominique the hex. She will take her self and Jessica off the block. Cody will return from the buy back, and it will be the sexiest hot you have evert seen. Everyone will be playing all out, no more puppets!!! Many of us voted for Alex but she is weak, she talked a good game and is not as smart as she lead us to believe. Take a chance America vote Dom.
Just being devils advocate…what if Cody doesn’t make it back in? Stranger things have happened. The battle backs are not just physical, just saying
Did I miss Dominique use the #racecard yet?
Trust me ….. #production will see to it that #cody comes back #duhhhhhhhh
the thing that really gets under my skin is the fact they are letting Christmas stay on the show ,it not fair to the others that she cannot compete. let her come back next year just not now
I totally agree…I’m disappointed, I thought she was more of a competitive person, I would of thought she would want to go home and take care of herself and come back next year so she would be able to participate in the game instead of just floating hoping to get enough pity from other HG’s. Such a waste…
The next one that needs to leave is Raven….
I cannot believe the HOH is not trying to take down a big threat. Jessica is not a threat right now but others such as Josh, Matt, Christmas, Mark, and Raven are threats. They have the numbers that need to be broken up. How and these players be so stupid when it comes to big plays! I just don’t get it!
All Dominique had to do was to be quiet!!!!! But nooo
The frustrating part is the two people have Paul’s number are either gone (Cody) or going to be gone soon (Dom). Need someone to start plotting against Paul or it’s just not that interesting. He is a snake because he wriggles out of every situation. If he were gone maybe we’d see some other people actually step up and start playing.