Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Weekend Roundup – Week 5

Houseguests didn’t have much time to rest amid the arguments and competitions this weekend on Big Brother 19. Things got pretty hot on Friday night and have just barely calmed down. There’s definitely going to be way more to cover than CBS can get in the episodes so catch up now on what’s been happening.

Jessica Graf on Big Brother 19

Last we saw on TV the Houseguests had just competed for HoH with Paul Abrahamian coming out on top for his second round as HoH. Here’s everything that’s happened in the game since then.

Big Brother 19 Spoilers – Weekend 5 – Roundup:

Temptation Competition:

The twist was revealed to the HGs and it took a bit to figure out how they’d handle the situation. Paul was quick to work on convincing all his allies to participate, cause really, what’s it to him if they lose. Whoever came out last would go up on the Block, but since Paul was HoH he wasn’t eligible to play and have a shot at blocking Cody from winning safety.

Speaking of Cody being in need to safety this week, well Jessica talked him out of competing. He soon regretted that decision when things were over. Had he competed and won then in theory he could have had a shot at winning Veto and then both he and Jessica would be safe and they could use their Hex power next week instead. Nope. Didn’t happen.

Instead Mark went on to win the first Temptation Competition and Jason came in last. Paul was upset since Mark was his Plan B, but it turns out he didn’t need one. Read More >>


Jessica had the HGs worried that maybe she couldn’t be nominated thanks to her Temptation. She hoped to bluff them by opting not to compete in the Temptation Comp, but it didn’t work. Paul went for it and sure enough they were eligible to be nominated.

The nominations set off a series of confrontations first with Cody and Paul shouting at each other right after the Ceremony then Josh and Mark got in on the action and it nearly turned physical, or at least looked like it would. Yikes.

Jessica and Cody were sent to the Block and with them both on there was no chance at escape without using Jessica’s Halting Hex this week. Read More >>

Gallery: Fight Night On BB19

Have Nots:

Last week it was the first few to fall in the HoH competition, but this week they went with HoH’s choice and that meant volunteers. It was the ladies round as Alex, Christmas, and Elena took on the Slop but they weren’t alone. Mark was still on his double duty for HN after picking the wrong box in the HN Gamble.

Speaking of gambling on being a HN, Elena went for it last night and… picked the wrong box. She’ll be a HN for two weeks now. So far only Paul has correctly guessed which lockbox had the “escape” token. And to be sure, Elena did check the other box to confirm both didn’t hold the bonus punishment.

Power of Veto:

The PoV offered the return of the Big Brother Storm Watch. This competition prep kept the HGs up all night studying bursts of weather announcements and that was all before HGs even knew if they’d be participating! Not everyone was too worried though.

Jessica and Cody didn’t bother to study, but HGs think he must have been listening in at least a little. When it came time for the comp Kevin and Raven were selected to join in. Cody was just a point between those two while Paul pulled out the win.

That should catch you up on everything since Thursday’s episode ended. The PoV Ceremony is coming up on Monday and we’ll get the latest results when it’s over.

What do you think of this weekend’s Big Brother spoilers? Are you happy with the results or did you want someone else to pull off the wins? If you have our Big Brother App then you received alert notifications as these results arrived. If you don’t have it, then be sure to download our app now!



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  1. Did I read the convos right? Jessica won’t use the Hex and let them evict Cody this week (meaning she’ll be able to use it next week to save herself if needed) IF they agree not to nominate her even as a pawn??? Basically, you’ll let Cody go if everyone lets you win???

    Paul should evict her this week (because of her social game) and not worry about Cody winning HoH next week. Paul will have the votes to stay if he doesn’t get POV. Cody won’t send home Mark, Elena, Alex, or Kevin. He might put up Xmas against Paul or Raven. Xmas might head to Jury to rest/recover as Paul called it.

    • It’s been an idea Paul & co have been tossing around. He’s working on it again this afternoon. I’d be shocked if he pulled it off & she let Cody go, but you never know.

    • No. One week of promised safety would not be enough since she is already safe for one week if she doesn’t use the HH this week. Even if she uses the HH, Cody would then still be around next week and a bigger target than Jessica. Of course, to this point Jody hasn’t shown the ability to think through strategy like this so who knows what they’ll do.

    • I’m all for a triple eviction: Raven, Matt, and, Christmas; all useless players imo.

      • I’m ready for Jessica and Cody to be gone so Paul can turn cannibal. Once he shows his fangs, the others will run scared and start trying to win comps and doing the safety comp.

      • I don’t think Christmas is useless honestly. She has a really good social game. I think her major potential was ruined though because of her foot injury, but that’s not really her fault

    • I would hope that if she doesn’t use the HH, then house takes the opportunity to evict Jessica along with the HH, then they wouldn’t have to worry about it being used later. I’d like to see Cody’s game without Jessica.

  2. Paul should use the veto to take Jess off and replace her with Josh. That might keep her from using the Hex.

    • It could work. Jess and Cody would probably think that Josh is legit going home LOL

    • I think it is best for her to use it and have it be out of the way. She won’t have safety next week so that will be a great thing. If Cody stays on the block her infatuation with him will make her use it.

  3. It’s amazing how Cody’s ride or die has a power to stop the eviction in full, and he’s such an idiot that he’s still finding a way to screw himself over

  4. Thank you Matt for mentioning that Elena did check the other lockbox to see that both boxes did not contain the extended Have Not card. Hopefully that shuts that production interference theory down.

    • You do know that the box has an opening in the back also. Production had just enough time to remove the other Have Not card. :D

      • You need to go back to the Saturday Highlights thread and see what Cyril has posted, right up your conspiracy theory alley, lol

      • Dear anita, Cy is hilarious, a natural. I’m not in his league, but you are sweet to laugh at my corniness. Some people just don’t get it and that’s ok. Here’s a true story that happened earlier today. I walked into my bathroom. The toilet is in a separate area with a door. On the door is a floor length mirror. I was looking down for some reason as I approached the door, which was closed. I looked up and screamed bloody murder. It was me in the mirror. I’m hopeless. :(

      • I welcome your corniness, one day I almost fell off my chair laughing. Some people don’t get it, it’s a game, that’s all it is but you can’t convince them they just don’t get it…..

    • Did Elena get it? I was hoping she got 3 more weeks. I can’t stand her and her eating habits are disgusting. She’s constantly complaining about being fat and doesn’t stop eating.

  5. Paul is a horrible bully. I was not a CODY fan, but geez the man is a veteran and fought for all of us and I am sure is suffering from some form of PTSD and for BB to allow such bullying is uncalled for! Josh is such a loser and a bully along with Paul! I did not like Cody at first but after Paul’s constant bullying I hope Cody and Jessica make it all the way to final 2. BIG BROTHER should be ashamed for allowing the bulling and cannot stand that horrible excuse for a human being PAUL. HE is disgusting!

    • Have you EVER watched BB before? It doesn’t sound like it. You should have seen Evil Dick’s season!!!

    • Why are people watching this show and constantly saying military veteran and PTSD. Just because you went to war doesn’t mean you will automatically suffer from this. Cody suffers from being an arrogant a**hole and I’m sure he was like that years before he even joined the military. I know many men like that who have never joined and are just egotistical and stubborn. He is being judged as a player and nothing else. I’m sure some of these people are lovely in their real lives, but on the show I could give them a few not so nice names.
      Paul is a two faced a**hole not a bully. These are adults not school aged children. Paul is 24 yrs old. One of the youngest in the house and I can’t stand him, but they allow it.

    • IF Cody has PTSD, that would indicate to me that besides being arrogant and egotistical he has very poor judgement in locking himself up in a house where there is bound to be pressure.

    • Because he’s a Veteran he should get special treatment? It’s his own fault if he’s never watched bb before, let them play he signed up for it

    • hmm…interesting post…so how did you feel when cody callously addressed megan (who also served and is a former police officer)?

    • Cody is a grown a@@ man(supposedly) who was supposedly in a war zone. If he can’t take some bullying on BB, how did he ever survive a war zone???? SMDH

    • Paul has been on the BB “podium” before and knows the game inside out. The noobies worship him. It’s so unfair. He is so calculated and nothing he does is spontaneous. Can’t stand him and the floaters.

  6. Well now the cat is out of the bag about Cody saying Week 1 that he’s saving Alex to take out Jessica. Now Jessica is puffed up? Girl, think about your game. Early on, Cody was just her “strategy”. Both caught feelings so laugh about it now and move on. What’s best for your $500k game???

    • And, she’ll be over it by the time they go to bed. She is going to stick with that robot to the end. SMH. What was that saying of Maya Angelou — ‘When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time’ . He has, she didn’t, he has again, she won’t

      • Cody is nice to Jessica. I don’t get what’s happening. Someone fill me in. I missed most of yesterday’s feeds.

      • When Cody was HOH that 1st week, he told his “guys”, I’m not sure who all was present, that they needed to keep certain people in the game specifically to take out their showmance partners. Paul just told Jess about it and she asked Cody who lied and said he never did that.

      • Thank you. That was before he had fallen for her though, so I don’t think Jess will care. I want them both out and they could have a nice life however they want outside the BB house. Paul is a manipulative dork and Jess is the smartest girl in the house even if her HOH was a waste.

      • Oh, she was upset and they had some words from what I’m reading. She just told Paul that she wouldn’t use the HH to keep Cody safe. Now she could be playing Paul, which he deserves, lol. It’s only Sunday and a whole lot can happen in that house before then. I wouldn’t put it past Cody to self evict.

      • Ever since Cody and Jess had the 3 hour breakup and got back together all I see is them attached to each other.

      • Why didn’t someone tell me there were 2 different BB on tv, I’m not watching the same one as you.

      • lol. Jessica sees right through Paul, but unfortunately is not using her smarts.

      • A ridiculous remark too, when was the last time any of us ate slop for a week, hopped around like frogs, spent days on end in the sun, slept on spikes, and plotted to kick out a member of your household each week?

        Real life?


    • I wonder if Alex and Cody knew each other before the show started. I don’t see them aligned in any way.

    • She’s going to have to go without him eventually. Even if this Hex works, if Jess and Cody get nominated again, I don’t see them evicting Jess over Cody, but I could be wrong.

  7. Jessica was stupid not to compete including Cody. They would have had nothing to lose because they would be put on the block anyways! If one of them won, VETO could have saved both of them and extended the life of the Halting Hex by one extra week! Anyway, what is done is done! Those saying Cody is dragging Jessica down is wrong! Jessica is making way too many mistakes in this game by not using her head! Nobody can teach you common sense. Also, Jessica told Cody to take her cue and follow her when he re-entered the house so, her decision not to take Ramses off the block is hers alone! She had the VETO and not Cody.

    • She’s making decisions based on her personal feelings for Cody and you can’t win that way, it’s a nice way of saying what guy’s are always accused of thinking with. Showmances rarely work in this game but they are always encouraged judging from the skimpy wardrobe choices, if this doesn’t change, this tendency to bring in curvy women n buffed up doods than I might sit out next season.

  8. Sun 2:55 PM BBT”Jessica
    reminds them Cody is a marine that was trained by the gov, he is still
    getting over things. She is not defending his acts”

    Then in my opinion, he shouldn’t have signed up for BB and BB shouldn’t have allowed him in…he’s most definitely not ready. But then again, he say’s this is how he is in his real life.

    • Sun 2:57 PM BBTJessica asks everyone to be nice about their expressions about Cody so he is not negatively impacted in the real world. NT – TiaTia777
      Sun 2:57 PM BBTJessica
      asks that people be sensitive to Cody and what he is going through.
      She does not want to be portrayed in a negative way. NT – PattyinVA
      Sun 2:56 PM BBTShe will continue to support him. Paul said you should not turn your back on him. It’s just not a good environment for him. NT – TiaTia777
      Sun 2:56 PM BBTJessica also states that Cody was in war and he is still dealing with post-war things. NT – PattyinVA

      • I have no idea what type of VIPs Jess encounters/assists in her VIP concierge job. She possibly is invited to and/or attends many public functions and does a lot of socializing. I can’t imagine him fitting in her world, ever, or her giving it up to live in a travel trailer off the grid with 2 watch dogs, junky vehicles in the overgrown yard, a fake deer for target shooting, “Trespassers will be shot signs”, and Chucky the Doll to play with.

      • You paint such an attractive picture, ROFL. No wonder he says that he likes to be alone

      • Jessica sure does make alot of demands! Trying to protect Cody will be the end of her game..if it isn’t already over. Cody is a lunatic.

      • Yet they stated they’d destroy Josh outside the house and ruin his rep. Not defending Josh; just noting the turnabout. No pity for anyone but themselves.

    • Jessica is infatuated and making excuses for his behavior. I believe that this is how Cody is and probably has been like that all of his life.

      • She is also probably trying to justify his behavior in her own mind to make herself feel better for defending him.

  9. Do the HG’s know that Jess can also use her power next week? Or are they planning on targeting Mark?

  10. Cody is feeling defeated and wants to quit. This is normal behavior for egotistical people

    • It wouldn’t surprise me if he did quit. People like him like to think they do things on their own terms. In his mind, he’s probably thinking he wouldn’t want to give others the satisfaction of evicting him.

      • I really hope for his sake that once he’s through with this he gets some counselling. In the end, he needs help and someone somewhere needs to convince him of that

      • He does, I’m just basing my opinion on what he says on ‘feeds. It’s out of the norm…Baby Meatball just needs to grow up..he’s a baby…that’s the difference.

    • he is a fish out of water there he just needs to go away and deal…

    • what would be awesome is if she didn’t use the hex and then they vote her and cody is forced into going into jury with all those people he hates lol

      • I was thinking the same. Only after Jess leaves Cody self evicts. They get a double header. Two for one.

    • But she’s asking the DR if she can use the Hex AFTER the vote.
      She claims her card stated it could be used “anytime”.

      My thought was, she had to speak up before the votes were announced (or took place). I hope this is true and that she cannot wait for the vote count.

      • That’s a good point. But I’m wondering what Productions’ answer was. That is, did Jess summarize the HH rule and say “anytime”, like Ciere tried to use Sara’s “non-transferable” idol (for an extra vote)? Ciere thought she had read it correctly. Jess could have misunderstood the rules like Ciere. I’m also thinking that CBS would want to control it’s use and have it broadcast LIVE; Julie keeps tantalizing us with statements about: ‘Will there be an eviction this Thursday? Be sure to tune in.’ (Something like that.) I mean, how anti-climatic for the general viewing audience if Julie says something like, Jessica used her HH in the kitchen the other day – so here’s the taped version.

  11. Wow, Cody is a piece of work…anyone watching live feeds? After Jessica defended his behavior (sort of) to other houseguests he is either being manipulative or just clueless. He’s basically saying if somebody doesn’t agree with him wholeheartedly then he’s not happy. And that’s why he has no friends and estranged from family. So is he trying to dump her or manipulate her?

    • “He’s a maniac, maniac that’s for sure
      he will kill your cat and nail him to your door.”

      • Yikes, maybe not that far, haha. And I didn’t know that was original words to song, the last part. Had to look it up!

      • I’m not sure if that is part of the original version, but I’ve heard something similar to what I posted before. I put it in quotations just because I was singing. So don’t quote me. :)

      • My version is a shout out to our meatball Josh
        ‘He’s a maniac, maniac on the floor
        And he’s dancin like he’s never danced before”

      • Yikes! I wouldn’t go that far however, I love my cats so, after your statement I wouldn’t risk him being around my kitty cats LOL 🐱

      • isn’t it…
        🎵He’s a maniac, maniac on the floor and he’s dancing like he’s never danced befooooorrreee…….he’s a maniac maniac……🎵
        YOU ARE SO LUCKY you only had to read that and not hear me sing it LMAO 😂

  12. Cody just said he has a headache. It’s probably a result of no caffeine. I’ve had them before. Paul switched the caffeinated and decaf coffee. lol

    • I can tell the difference!
      And I’m just curious, although it is kind of funny, i’m surprised they are allowed to do that.
      It could seriously mess with someone’s emotions LOL if I didn’t have my coffee in the morning I would be a hot mess!

  13. I’m already over this season. Paul is steam rolling the whole house. They should feel like idiots.

    • It will change after Cody and Jessica leave. Paul can’t compete in every HoH. :)

  14. Paul is going to continue herding his sheep until they all walk off a cliff. There are no other houseguests with a combination of brains, brawn and brashness to go all the way. Half the cast is socially stunted, and many are emotionally and/or intellectually deficient as well. It’s almost as if the casting department went to Substandard Contestants R Us.

  15. I have been thinking about some comments that were made last night and today/tonight……
    Paul asking his minions/ordering his minions not to play in the competition so he/Paul can win it and be safe next week if Cody or Jessica get the HOH!
    One more person has to go before jury. (Hopefully Josh!) sooooooo
    this MIGHT ‘wake up’ Paul’s minions and they might start flipping on him.
    It’s likely Paul is going to tell them all NOT to compete so he can get safety! Cody/Jessica will likely not compete (because of the threat of losing and becoming the third nominee.)
    If Paul TELLS his minions not to play then one of his minions is in jeopardy of leaving before Jury! But at this point, we all know these mindless morons are just there for a ‘vacation,’ to listen to Paul and do as he tells them to do! Don’t play for the $500,000 & give it to Paul! They are all just excited for their next adventure at the “Big Brother Jury Resort!”
    However some of them do want to stay and fight till the end…… (Alex, Jason, Kevin Sorta)
    I think they might not listen to Paul and they will compete because if not one of them will be headed home, not to the jury house!
    If they don’t play, all of them deserve to lose! They are just handing it to Paul with the threat of one of them going next week, again if Jessica/Cody win HOH. One of them has to go! If Cody/Jessica have the HOH and they cannot put up Paul then they are going to go after Josh, Matt, Raven, Alex etc. likely Josh and Alex but if Jessica/Cody keep their mouth shut and do not tell anyone who they are planning on putting up, this should make them all paranoid enough to play and not just hand it to Paul!
    Make sense???

    (Sorry, I was a little repetitive and could’ve shorten this but now I’m too lazy!) Plus I am on the West Coast so I want to go watch BB
    See y’all shortly XO 😘

  16. Josh needs to go home !!!!! I hope he will be discussed with himself when he watches his actions at home. I understand its a game but there is no need to act the way he does. If the tables were turned I am sure he would be in the diary room crying over the way people were treating him. He is acting like a bully.

  17. Change the name of the show to “Big Paul” so people will know what they are watching. This season is disgusting.

    • Don’t get your panties in a wad. lol Production will pay him that little bonus and tell him it’s time to go to jury soon. Paul did his job well.

      “He worked hard for the money
      So hard for it, honey
      He worked hard for the money
      And I know they’ll treat him right”

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