‘Big Brother 19’ Spoilers: Week 2 Veto Ceremony Results

This week’s Veto Ceremony is over and we have our final Big Brother 19 noms. Read on for the latest Big Brother spoilers for Week 2’s Power of Veto events.

Power of Veto Medallion on Big Brother

This week’s Veto winner had the chance to change up the noms and force renom to keep marching forward on the group’s Backdoor plans.

Once we knew Paul had won the Veto, narrowly beating out Ramses apparently, there was no question over what would happen next. Paul had been working the past few days to prepare his team to take out his biggest opponent. Today he moved one step closer.

Power of Veto Ceremony Spoilers – Week 2

  • Paul decided to use the Veto on Josh
  • Paul named Cody as the renom.
  • Alex, Cody, & Ramses are this week’s final noms

Feeds returned quickly to fighting between Jessica and Josh as they shouted back and forth. Jessica called Josh a pawn for both sides while Josh taunted her that she’d go home next. Good times. Flashback to 11:33 AM BBT to see it play out.

Gallery: Veto Ceremony Fallout

With Ramses’s self-nomination this week we’ll end up with three nominees on Thursday night, but so far I don’t see that impacting the final decision. The numbers are stacking up against Cody and he’s likely going out the door lest some serious shake up comes along in the next few days.

Want to watch the meeting fallout and next moves made this week? Grab the Live FeedsFree Trial and start watching what’s going on inside the house right now!

Who do you think will be evicted this week? Cast your vote in our poll below.



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  1. Cody and Jessica are both disgusting people, It will be good riddance to get rid of them.

    • Maybe you are right but without Cody this season will be boring, the rest of the house guess will follow Paul like sheep

      • They don’t have one brain between them. Paul will call all the shots and “his people” will follow his lead.

      • They treat Paul as their cult leader. Paul has everyone so convinced that Cody is a danger (really only to Paul and Christmas) and that he is “friendship.” Stupid HGs. They simply empowered Paul, and Christmas.

      • I don’t find people like Cody or Jessica, obnoxious assholes, to be entertaining at all. I don’t hate Paul but I just don’t see why he is popular. After they get Cody and Jessica out, I see the others turning on Paul. Then again, there has been twists that have allowed evicted HGs to come back. Cody will fight like hell to get back into the house. Instead of continuing to act like a spoiled little rich boy and huge asshole, he should be making an apology tour. He lost the trust and respect of his alliance, and then showed his true colors when they turned the tables on him. He needs to be kissing up and making friends in case this happens. And who knows? Maybe he’ll be able to convince enough people to split the votes to where Alex or Rames goes.

      • Agree with everything you say. People like Cody, who think they’re better, smarter, better looking, than everyone else are really disgusting to me, and I don’t find them entertaining at all.

        Also – it’s still Big Brother and we still have some big personalities who may have more air time and more time to shine once Cody is gone. I doubt the drama will cease because one jerk leaves.

      • Besides Jess is still there, Elena is still (still the drama between her and Dom and Mark), Josh is still there (loose cannon)

      • Yep, exactly! I’m looking for some fireworks in that love triangle here soon.

      • Dan, I don’t really see it myself, but it’s being said that Elena is just messing with Mark & using him as a meat shield and that Dom really does like him. It’s also been said that Elena is jealous of the time Mark & Dom spend together talking. Not sure what the truth is.

      • That’s what people are saying – there will be tension between them regardless of the real reason for it.

      • Hahahaha, Dan! Will do….What’s funny to me is that even though Mark wants to kiss & cuddle with Elena (or maybe just her boobs Hah!), he opens his heart to Dom because he trusts her with it. He was talking to Dom about missing his mother yesterday….that’s a big deal for a dude, even one as admittedly emotional as Mark is.

      • didn’t she say at one point that god told her to like Mark? haha. I think Dom is a little off her nut to be kind

      • She might have, but I missed that one. Haha I think she takes some religious things a bit too literally, but that’s not mine to judge. 😊

      • I certainly could be wrong, but I do think Dom really likes Mark and having said that, I also believe her “advice” to Mark (all negative with regard to Elena) is totally self-serving and that is a bit of a flaw in the old character IMO.

      • Interesting…. I wasn’t aware of all that. But I could tell Elena wasn’t all that into Mark… sad. But I like Dom – I think they’d be cute!

      • I saw on AD that Dom was having a heart to heart with Mark and telling him that she felt a real connection between them.

      • Problem with Cody is- he doesn’t learn. He still blames everyone but himself for his game blowing up. Besides the only friend he has (other than Jess) is Jason (who last I check is a dumb jock). Nobody will trust him after the stunt he pulled. He pretty much Devined himself.

      • As long as Christmas will have her ring of replacement and Cody doesn’t win HOH, Cody will go right back out

      • I think they may want Alex, Josh and Jason out, but if they are smart they can get rid of Paul after Jessica.

      • All Cody did was have to nominate 5 people without having his alliance tell him what to do. Does he have a personality? No. But he really did nothing wrong. Played his own game and Paul’s minions turned on him. Maybe you should watch Paul on the feeds to see what a really disgusting bully is.

      • Cody’s alliance turned on him before they became “Paul’s minions”.

      • Nope. They’ve worshipped Paul since he walked in the house. I’m surprise they call him Paul and not Master. I mean after all this is the Paul show.

      • They will all turn on each other eventually. Everyone can’t be allies when the numbers start to dwindle.

      • True but there is still Josh (emotionally unstable) and Elena (bitch in sheeps clothing) and Jessica (do I need to say anything?)

      • No, it won’t be boring, now, everyone wll start turning on everyone. Great move, get Cody out, then Jessica

      • Remember after this week Paul only has one more week of safety. After next Thursday (7/20), Paul will have to win HOH to stay safe. By then I believe that Kevin will begin to assert himself and his position in the game. Look at how well Kevin played Cody on who voted for Jillian thing. Cody and Jessica brought Kevin’s line.

      • I feel the same! It is like Paul is being set up to win. Sorry guys, he had his chance.

      • Maybe not. I enjoyed last season just as much after Paulie was evicted. Can’t stand Cody and won’t be sorry to see him go. The only action he shows is teeth brushing.

    • Cody and Jessica are just representatives of the kind of people I can’t stand. They taunt and bully others into doing things there way, and when the tables are turned, they throw temper tantrums. I guess these snowflakes were so used to everything going their way all of their lives that they haven’t gotten a dose of reality. Yes, I know Cody is a vet, and I am grateful for his service, but he is still a bully and an asshole.

      • They are spoiled little rich kids that are used to having their own way ,and when they can,t they show their true colors ,bitch, moan,and bully others

      • Not to mention, Jessica NEVER has the frog hat on and or hob! Why is she getting away with not following the rules???

      • because she is an entitled little biotch millenial that thinks the rules dont apply to her

      • LOL, careful using the word snowflake when it comes to these 2 idiots in frog suits. I had people coming at me yesterday for saying the same thing. SMDH

      • I agree, i saw so many Cody’s and Jessica’s when i was in high school. I wanted to slap each and everyone of them.

    • Jessica said in her bio she was going to team up with the best male competitor as her strategy. Too bad for her she didn’t consider a mental competitor instead of just a physical one. Now she is screwed and she won’t be able to just flirt her way out of it.

    • problem with jessica and what will be her downfall is she didnt let go of cody when she saw the ice berg hit the ship and she tough it would continue to float. had she bailed from cody last eviction when chrismast was saved and go over the other side she would had been ok,but once again the romance came betewen a game move and a heart move wich we all know is never or rarely good in this house

      • Well I think she realized that after they did the dirty on camera she couldn’t turn away from him haha

    • Wish the viewers could choose to evict houseguests… Obnoxious, Annoying & rude players are not entertaining. I’d get rid of Cody, Jessica YESTERDAY. GAG! Jason, Josh & Alex are annoying. And why do the sound guys let them mumble? When you watch BB After Dark I want to hear game talk and what is going on; not pool & chess tourns. BORING. You’re on Nat’l TV, cmon. I like watching Paul, Mark (sweetie)- Matt, Raven & those with cool heads and are nice. Get rid of the Dom/ Kevin interviews- boring. (Even though I like them as people). Need someone with a sense of humor if you’re going to interview houseguests…. last show on After Dark was an hour of boredom. Enuf of the cursing though. Hope Coy & Jessica go for good. Just venting.

  2. Jess can’t just keep her trap shut for once. Please get her up out that house next.

    • do you like a show where people are just gonna follow paul around and comfort a grown man name josh that cries more than a newborn baby?

  3. I think Cody could have bounced back if he never got involved with Jessica. All they did this past week was stick together feeding off each other’s anger and misery. Cody did come out to participate a few times, even though his face said he hated it lol

      • His alliance ditched him because he kept things from them. If he would have been less arrogant and explained why he did it, then they may have stuck with him. I think letting them know that they are friendly with Paul and didn’t want him knowing that he will go up. Or any, many, reasons why Paul should go. He chose arrogance and isolation from the group instead. I hope he goes and learns from his mistakes, but he is too full of himself to think he made any.

    • Yes, I keep thinking back to Dr Will and no matter what situation he was in he’d go up to the HoH and throw out some crafty logic that would often put doubt in their minds about other HG’s and throw the attention off of himself. Not saying that Cody is anywhere near a Will but at least try. We’ve seen people get out of some pretty hairy situations before, why give up before it’s over.

    • I agree. If he would’ve kept playing, instead of isolating himself & Jess, he would have a snowballs chance of staying.

      The 2 other showmances are followers. 1st him, now Paul. While they are mad at Cody for last week’s maverick moves, they are also pissed at Ramses for almost winning veto & breaking up their new happy homes.

      If Cody was a good BB player, he could use this. Start talking up that Ramses needs to go since he is SOOOO untrustworthy & a snake. Both to him & Jess and to your “new” team. Add on top of that – talk to them about how hard Paul is playing. And they shouldn’t trust him. He needs some data from last year to concoct a story. Say this is why he targeted him in the 1st place. Apologize for his mistake of going rogue (which unfortunately he doesn’t see) and try to open their eyes. If he could get the showmances + Jason + Jess, it isn’t impossible that Ramses would be leaving.

      Now, this will never happen because Cody isn’t a good BB player, really.

      • Understand what you are saying but it’s too late for that. The others in his former alliance would just think Cody is saying those things to avoid eviction.

  4. I loved watching Cody and Jess stomping around the house like petulant childrem. Cody is just way too one dimenshional to be good at this game. Finesse and long-game strategy aren’t really his strong suits. Also, I didn’t really like how he divided the house into two groups, based essentially on the pretty people and the less attractive ones (outsiders). He’s just kind of a D. Jess is even more nauseating in my opinion. Just seems like a toxic person to be around.

    • I wanna say they’re Brendon and Rachel…. but even Brendon and Rachel would look at these two and say, “Glad we’re not them.”

      • I hated Brendon and Rachel but I would never group them in the same category as these 2 fully grown crybabies. Brendan and Rachel could game and strategize. The only thing these 2 know how to do is call out other people for what they themselves are doing in spades.

      • Heck in Season 12 Brendon was nicer after Rachel left. Plus he even bonded with the Brigade when he was isolated.

        Rachel later improved her attitude in Season 13 and made friends with Porsche, Jordan and Adam.

        Honestly I’d rather hang out with Brenchel than listen to Jody bitch and moan all day.

  5. Why do I get the feeling Jess is gonna get expelled? She acts like an overgrown toddler when things don’t go her way. She acts arrogant when Alex got nominated yet whines when Alex wins veto. She insults Josh when he doesn’t vote her way. She argues with Christmas for daring to have her own mind….

    Yeah Jess is gonna pull a Chima in my opinion. Won’t be surprised if she does.

  6. Paul talks so much sh**. I’m hoping that he will be shut soon by being evicted.

    • Just watched Candy Crush. Feel so good seeing him (suck for Day tho) lose and place last, even behind Frankie. Hehehe.

      • I HAAAAAAATE Frankie. I watched it cringing and hoping he lost. Thank goodness he wasn’t there at the end. I thought D’avonne and Caleb should have been paired and Paul and Frankie so they can get eliminated first. Unfortunately I had to watch him posing and twirling for the camera for too long. Survivor has better players.

    • In a weird way, Paul doesn’t annoy me as much this season as he did last season….but the season is not over yet lol!

      • To be fair Paul was more inept in his first season especially in the beginning. But here he’s the go to source to people whenever they need game advice…. then again he IS safe.

      • Yes. He’s just a two bit punk, but he’s moderated it this time around. Seems to have sucked in enough followers. Lots of weak sauce in the house this year. This will be interesting to watch.

      • You are right. I am still annoyed from last season where he got worse as the weeks went by.

    • Nope, he’s here for awhile and I’m loving every minute of it!

  7. 11:33 I just watched Jess/Josh fight. She called Josh a pussy, and Jess and Cody left the kitchen hopping..ha!..they look so stupid

  8. Even if I think Cody is a total douche-bag, he does make for good TV. I wouldn’t be sad to see him win the Battle Back & then win HoH & start the drama all over again! . I doubt he would nominate Alex or Kevin, and they are my favs.

    • He looks like the only one with enough ‘nads to tell Paul what Paul needs to hear. Cody sure had Paul throwing tantrums! Good stuff.

      • He really should have talked about it with “his core” (Matt/Mark) first …. But IMO, it was only a bad move to nominate Paul for eviction because Paul had the magic necklace.
        If he had talked to the 2 guys first, they still would have had his back, and brought the “arm candy” back into the fold.

      • Yep. Seemed like his unilateral decisions offended his associates, absolutely. Not a team player. That worked out well, huh? :oD Nobody knew Paul had immunity though. Hard to fault cody for that. Even Paul said he was a big target and expected to get tossed out.

  9. Jessica is one of those girls who glides through life purely using their looks to get what they want. She defines people solely on their looks and also how much they are prepared to bow down and cater to her. She has no empathy and no depth and no real beauty. I have news for her …eventually everyone ages ….and if you have built a life based on cashing in on your looks, then you will end up very alone and disillusioned.

    Cody is the male version of that same attitude. I would have thought being a marine and serving your country for several years would have developed strength of character and personal dignity. He exhibits neither. He is completely lacking in social skills because for him being social means showing off your physical strength and intimidating people into doing what you want.

    I think if he and Jessica actually did get together after the show it wouldn’t last long. There is not enough room in any relationship for two such huge and selfish egos.

    • :oD Yep! Jess is hot enough to get plenty of guys groveling at her feet and is obviously used to that. I bet she’s a huge club rat running around teasing guys for drinks all night. But don’t they make the perfect couple? It’s true love! If they continue, you KNOW Cody will eventually use for a punching bag. Likely as he done with any other women in his life. Same ole’ for Jess. Attracted to jerk #487. :oD

  10. Cody is the the bathroom area with Jessica after Veto Cetemony and picks up a bottle of mouthwash, takes the cap off, then takes a swig from the bottle..then spits it out in sink and doesn’t run any water to wash his spit down the drain. Yuck!

  11. Well it looks like Cody will be gone thursday. I doubt he’ll be able to weasel out of this. Unless Paul does say something stupid of course.

      • THAT was funny! I can’t believe the HGs fell for that one. Boy was that a save.

        If Cody is gone, who could Messica glom onto next? I mean, which other guy is the kind of total jerk she always goes for? Only Paul that I can see, and she messed up her chance for a big romance with him. He’s enough of a jerk but I bet the beard smells like an old fridge that’s been off for a year. :oD

  12. If I was Cody, I would have “in front of the whole house” said: Paul, I was the pawn in this scheme because of being head of household and everyone wanted you back doored. It might have been his only shot at surviving this week and even if it didn’t work, it would have blown the house up beautifully. Just sayin

  13. Also glad Cody let Alex win, ever since she would join n had the balls to say she’d split up all the shomances, I wanna see her win it.

  14. So if Christmas is put out of the game by her drs will they not send anyone home and everyone on the block stays because they’ll lose a player in Christmas?

  15. Well production should be proud, Big Brother Paul is going well , what a jokelol

    • “The Paul Show”. Yeah, sucked real bad last year. Not much better this year. If they lose too much eye candy, I’m gone. The way I watch, I can easily skip along going past the scenes when Paul is popping off. That would make the episodes what? 10 minutes? :oD

  16. I like Cody at the beginning until he started to show his true colors, now I can’t stand him and hope he does not get back in the house with the battle back. I actually like Paul this season and I hated him last season. I also like Mark, I thought he would be an asshole when I first saw him, but after watching, I think he is a sweet heart

  17. Wish people would stop picking on Josh and Ramses. Especially since Josh is more of a baby and more off kilter than I thought, and who can blame Ramses for trying when on the block.

  18. this season is gonna be boring we have cry baby josh and the only person with balls and is not a sheep is cody. Countdown to season 20

    • If this series ratings keeps tanking the way they have been, there may not be a season 20. I dunno who does the casting for this series, but they sure are screwing up that job. Out of how many applicants? 10s of thousands? This is what they choose?

      • YEA picking people who have no game play…that’s why I respect cody. Only idiots keep a vet around come on now a vet won last season!!!!!!!

      • Fans like that guy because he pops off. How many folks applied that would be popping off like a bunch of funny nuts right now? Fun and funny people with some energy and some game? I bet plenty! These folks look like nap time at the old folk’s home.

  19. I hated hearing Paul talking about himself last night on the feeds. How he has a brand and this and that

    • Everyone can have a “brand” and start their own business any time they choose. As soon as the name is picked, there’s a brand. Then get to work. Paul just got lucky so I’m sure he always skips the “work” part.

  20. well there is a huge shocker! Not! Yawn…. 💤
    I want to keep the entertainment alive in this house! It’s been a good two weeks so far, I don’t want it to end! So, that said I would have loved if Ramses won!!
    I know everyone dislikes Cody but, seriously for entertainment purposes Cody being around is critical. So I hope he wins and comes back in 2 weeks!?
    If Paul’s side of the house wins HOH on Thursday, again it’s just gonna be boring! They are just going to target Jessica, Jason and Ramses! Unless something Big happens with new alliances but I just don’t see that happening anytime soon.
    so, regardless of my feelings I really hope Jessica (or Jason/Ramses/Alex) but hopefully Jessica wins HOH. That will make others squirm, a lot of people will start kissing her ass, new alliances will be born thus giving us continued entertainment! 💃🏼
    What do you think Alex? Jason? Or Ramses? Would do if they got the HOH? Would they go against Paul side? Or were they try not to rock the boat and put up Jessica?

  21. In short of my “typical” very long posts/comment hee hee 😜
    we know if Jessica won HOH she would target Paul’s side of the house but, what do you think Alex? Jason? Ramses? Would do? Would they target Paul’s alliance? Or would they be cowards and go after Jessica?

  22. Cody put himself in this position by his own actions. He needed to keep his ego in check. He didn’t, and he really hurt his game because of it.

  23. next get rid of paul and Cheistmas can’t stand either one of those snakes

  24. As a fan of BB, can someone please explain why Jessica is getting away with not hopping and does not have the frog hat on??? Did I miss the reason why?

  25. Is it just me or does anyone else find Paul disgusting… personally can’t stand the guy.

  26. Glad Jason is having fun with the frog costume and justice and karma prevails on the other 2

    But Paul should’ve tell Ramses “Who’s side are you on?”

    And one thing, I understand how Josh feels, but he needs to calm down

  27. Cody has flaws, but he’s right about the rest of them just doing what Paul wants. I hate that BB put him back in the house and then had the temptation where everyone had to go to him and fawn, and then knew he’d get the first temptation vote because the audience doesn’t know anyone else yet and so arranged to have not one, not two, but three safe weeks so he’d stay around. I’m watching again after he’s gone.

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