‘Big Brother 19’ Spoilers: Week 11 Veto Ceremony Results

Big Brother Veto medallion back in the box

This week’s Veto Ceremony is over and we have our final Big Brother 19 noms for Thursday night. Read on for the latest Big Brother spoilers for Week 11’s Power of Veto events.

Yesterday Paul broke the news to Alex and while she was frustrated and upset she never really got angry about it. In fact, Alex told Paul she’d still campaign on his behalf from the Jury. Now that’s a good minion *pat pat*, run on off to Jury.

Today Paul put that plan in to action by taking no action at all and that leaves us with Josh’s original nominees as the final noms of the week.

Power of Veto Ceremony Spoilers – Week 11

  • Paul did not use the Veto
  • Alex & Kevin are the final noms this week

Alex is going to go and she expects it. Josh had vented in a camtalk that he might try to get things split and then send Kevin out just to screw with Paul and Christmas, but considering Alex would align with Paul that’d really just screw with Josh’s own game. He won’t do that. She’s going to leave for Jury in the early arriving Tuesday eviction event. We’ll see it play out on Wednesday ahead of Thursday’s live eviction that’ll take us down to the Final 3 of Big Brother 19!

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    • Paul will win part 1, Josh part 2 and Christmas and Josh are already plotting how to throw Paul the final HOH.

      • You know, I forgot about that one. That’s the one where Kevin goes. Would serve all of them right if Kevin won that HOH. I would lmao.

      • Why do we want that. Do we need another Andy winning big brother. Someone who did nothing in this house to deserve to win. You guys call yourself fans. But you truly are not. This game is about expecting the unexpected and with 500k on the line you do whatever it takes to win. You may all hate Paul and to that I say yes why cause he played the best game. You all are damn right ridiculous.

      • Someone who understands. Amazing! I’ve voiced basically the same thing with more words…. nobody seems to see it. He may be a bully….. but nobody in that house seems to care. Sadly, i believe that if Paul makes final 2, he’s going to lose again due to bitter jury to another worthless player like Nicole was last year. Ugh.

      • I totally agree. It’s not meant to find a showmance. You enter the house to win. To do whatever you have to to make it to the end. Going in and trusting anyone is just stupid. Why wait until the end to be forced to turn on people. Start from the beginning. lol It’s not about hurting feelings.

      • I couldn’t agree more, this is a game for $500K you lie, manipulate, scheme and backstab to get to the prize. It’s that simple.

      • Let’s be honest here. People can try to be fair and loyal but eventually everyone will get blood on their hands because that’s what this GAME is all about. A person goes in there to win. No showmances people !!!

      • I agree angel
        but it is so much easier with this cast. They even shocked
        Paul with their stupidity over and over. That is what was hard to watch. They were in the jury house and still did not see it… That made them look bad after Cody and Jen to them they were stupid… STUPID IS MILD TO THE VERY END.

      • Thank god I’m not the only person that feels this way!! So much hate just because he played the game?? isn’t that what they are all supposed to be doing? geesh!!

      • I get and hear your saying. I have said many times that everyone in the house wants to evict you and you want to evict everyone else. Whether or not you have to do what it takes to win is one ting but to control and manipulate other player’s to bully, harass and basically isolate players is NOT a great BB move. So what if Paul for some ungodly reason throws the next HOH to Kevin, Josh can’t play in it. Christmas is up in the air whether or not she is going to participate and we all know Paul wants his hands clean. Al four will play in the VETO (Christmas maybe not), Josh would be a good contender to win VETO as well. Now did Kevin play a game? I think he played his own game as best as he could. He didn’t float between HOH’s. He listened to Paul way too much but he is smart enough to see what Paul is doing. Who will win it? I don’t know but at this point, I wouldn’t count Kevin out just yet.

      • Isn’t this next eviction the one where it really doesn’t matter who goes on the block only the veto winner counts. I know the HOH will secure his spot in final 3 and so will the veto winner. Unless you are Shane.

      • Donald! I have watched Big Brother from the very first show! And never have I seen anyone play such a dirty game as Paul has! Yes it is a game but would you want the biggest bully and racist to really win or someone who might not have won alot of comps but is just a very nice guy to win!!

      • Do you take that attitude with you into everyday life? Some people do, and will do WHATEVER it takes to get ahead. I’ve seen this in my many years in business. The ONLY people who make it big in the business world are those who are prepared to have no mercy. They also have no true friends, because you can’t have friends in business. You just have acquaintances. So when I see someone like Paul, who has this natural gift for lying, pretending and deceiving people, I think he might just make it in the business world after all. To him, all those horrible traits seem to come naturally.

      • I would love that or if Paul doesn’t win the final HOH somehow and they send him out before the final :)

      • I don´t think Paul will take Kevin out. Paul will take down Josh next. That way he takes Kevin (didn´t win a comp even that he had the know how for it) and Christmas (that won´t play on a resistance or run for the last HOH). And Paul gets a 50% chance of be the last HOH that will cast the last vote, before jury.

      • Christmas won’t win part 2 even if she tried. Josh will win part two but fail to beat Paul part 3. If Paul is smart he will bring Josh to final 2.

      • That´s why Paul will send Josh home before. He thinks he can beat Kevin on a mental or resistance competition on final HOH. And he knows that Christmas can only play on a question-answer competition.

      • That second HOH is going to be physical and Christmas will not win it. I think Paul will take the first and the last HOH.

    • The next HOH is Paul’s . It is final 4. Paul has been planning to win this for weeks, josh can’t compete so it is Paul vs Kevin or Christmas if she can compete(but she would likely let Paul win any wars). So Paul vs Kevin, I think we know the outcome.

      • Which may be anther reason he wanted Josh to win this HOH so he could not compete in the next one instead of Christmas thinking he can beat Xmas but might not be able to beat Josh.

      • That´s Paul target. He wants that HOH to send Josh home. That way he gets a ticket for the final 2… or so he thinks.

      • You can win win final 4 and get to play in final 3. Paul did this last year and all season he has been fixated on winning the final 4 and final 3 again, while he had targets, all he really cared about was that he did not have to win final 5 to survive and that the weakest players were left in the final 4 so there was no questions he could win both.

      • Paul is the world’s biggest scumbag. He’s verbally abused Josh for the whole show, both to his face & behind his back. Calling him a Blob & lately calling him Fool. I’d LOVE to slap his stupid face, but I’d have to bend down to do it. BB’s resident garden Gnome.

      • Explain why he’s a scumbag. Why because he is doing what it takes to win this game. Him Alex, Jason, Cody, and Jessica were the only ones really playing with he game this year. Your a fool to think he’s a scumbag for wanting to do what it takes to win.

      • He IS a scumbag. You dont need to do all of the verbal abuse, getting others to abuse and isolate HGs. While you cant be squeaky clean and win… you dont need to be a complete douche bag to win.

      • A fool to call him a scumbag!! I take exception to that. There’s a BIG difference in playing the game and attacking someone’s character, which is what Paul is doing. THAT is why I call him a scumbag. He could play the EXACT same game without talking about Josh, Kevin and others behind their back. His comments are not game related, they are nasty and vicious. He’s a coward because he won’t say these things to their faces. Calling Josh a “Blob” behind his back is so childish and mean. Making everyone take the blame for him shows his cowardice. He can’t stand beside what he’s done and own it. After all, it is just a game, so why doesn’t he just explain away his actions this way. He’s just trying to gain Jury votes. Unfortunately for him, when they all compare notes & realize how he’s hidden behind everyone this summer, I think I know what the outcome will be. He doesn’t have the balls to own up to his “outstanding” game play. LOL. What a sad joke of a person he is.

      • Liz, and Richard … you need to turn BB off on your set cause you truly just don’t “GET” the game, you called PAUL names here for all to see, does that make YOU a scumbag??? Paul is playing a smart game, it is not his fault that he is playing with people who can be manipulated, if THEY were playing a better game NO ONE not even Paul could manipulate them, i applaud Paul, i think he is most definitely the smartest player.. Cody was on to him early on, why wasn’t anyone else.. hummm… think about it, if you choose to not SEE what is happening, then its not the players fault.. GO PAUL GO.. i am happy to be TEAM PAUL.. you tell me who ELSE has played a better game.. you want JOSH to win.. come on.. KEVIN.. yeah right.. maybe Christmas cause she wasn’t scared to get her hands dirty.. okay i will buy that but you defend JOSH.. come on.. talk about rude, calling everyone meat balls.. how bout him.. do you think HE is a scumbag too… come on get a grip, you are just mad cause if YOU were in the BB house… YOU would have lost to him too and both be in jury complaining to others, cause YOU didn’t get the game .. ..

      • OMG, I have really been chastised by a true blue Paul fan. Good for you being such a loyal fan to the little Gnome. I applaud you. What I have criticized about Paul is NOT his gameplay, but his talking bad about people behind their backs. Calling Josh a Blob, etc. he’s a despicable person personality wise. Based on that, I DON’T want him to win. He’s quick enough to call other people “counterfeit” and he’s a prime example. I guess the winner of BB has to be the most dishonest, counterfeit, potty mouth person in there. Sorry, I have better morals than that.

      • Well, Liz, I agree with you. I have even been cussed at for having the audacity to say something about the little gnome. He is indeed a despicable human being. It didn’t take all that he did to get to the top. He truly went overboard.

      • I’ve been called rotten names, too. LOL. Doesn’t bother me. It’s just a bunch of silly people who are of the same mindset as the little Gnome. Personally, I don’t think he’ll win. If he doesn’t, we’ll have a repeat of him throwing himself in mummy’s arms sobbing. That was quite a sight that I hope will be repeated. Maybe one day he’ll leave home, get a job and GROW UP!! Can’t live with Mama forever….or maybe you can LOL.

      • Wait a minute. Liz, did he really throw himself into his mom’s arms crying. How in the dickens did I miss that? He tried for so long to pretend that it didn’t matter that he lost, but every thing he has done this year proves differently. He is leaving nothing to chance. But as we all know, “The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.” I would love for him to go out at number 3, but since we know that is not happening I will settle for him winding up #2 once again.

      • Yes, he really did throw himself into his parents arms, sobbing loudly. It was right at the end of the show. I thought he made a HUGE fool of himself. He acted like a ten year old coming back from camp!! Pretty embarrassing!! I sure hope he doesn’t win this year. Not because of his gameplay, but because of him talking bad about other HG’s behind their backs. That made it personal & not a game. He doesn’t have the emotional maturity to separate the two.

      • Was he crying because he lost or because he missed his parents? I am going to definitely find that and watch it. It will be worth it. I don’t want him to win either. I think he played a despicable game. Sicking weak minded Josh on the other HGs, talking about people behind their backs and just generally being an ass. I would love to see him come in second once again.

      • Kevin could simply give up on the effort. I wouldn’t be surprise if Paul ask Kevin to throw it or Xmas start booing at Kevin to make him loose out. But it will make for good tv to see an upset.

      • I think that Paul will get a surprise on the final HOH if he takes Kevin and Christmas.
        If Kevin wins the F3 HOH and gets the Veto, Paul will get to the Jury.

    • I’m just looking forward to footage from the Jury House…

      I want to see the light come on when they all compare notes.

      • Me too. Bitter or game play focused. 3 out of soon to be 7 are gameplay. Other 4 could be either.

      • wouldn’t you like to see a kind of ” after show” when all the players got to see all the episodes and have some friends and family wake up talk. That would be sooo hilarious to finally see them realize what happened

      • Oh definitely! I’ve always thought watching them watch the season back and see them realize what everybody thought of their moves would be better than the season itself!

      • I knew they were stupid, Eileen, but when I saw Raven in the jury house last night, I almost died laughing. How stupid can you get?

      • The minute Xmas hurt herself and decided to stay was when I knew she was making final 3. She would have been something to worry about if she could compete the same.

      • She will. She knows she can beat Kevin on a smaller competition… but she can´t defeat Josh. So, she will take Josh out to raise her chances of getting to the final 2.

      • Has no one thought of the scenario where Paul wins HOH and then places Kevin and Josh on the block. Paul wins HOH and pulls Kevin off the block and places Xmas on the block wit Josh, then Kevin votes Josh out and it is Kevin, Xmas and Paul in F3. I can see Paul selling Xmas on this move to so that she does on have blood on her hands when Josh leaves the game and it makes Kevin look like he is just doing Paul’s bidding.

  1. They are a bunch of cowards, too afraid to give good players a fair shot. Not worth watching anymore

    • Never was worth watching. I gave up when Dr. Will and Mike Boogie came back as vets. Everyone fell in love with them and they made it to the F2, with Mike winning. Dr. Will had just one the $500K!!!!! Seriously? Gee, CBS didn’t have anything to do with that! LMAO. The only reason I watch now is to try and figure out how production is making it work without the HGs knowing. Paul coming in as a vet and gets an auto-3 week immunity. America couldn’t have voted on that first temptation. Gee, what a shocker when Paul won it. HAHAHA. I just fast-forward all of it now. Wait for the live feed and get info. from that. Much more interesting and “real.”

  2. wishing Josh could find what it takes to actually do something on his own and for his own game…c’mas is a lost cause and we already know paul’s trajectory…
    would like to see alex fight a bit more and try to put a plan together with josh and kevin- but she is just lying down

    • Paul still has to depend on the Jury votes. Paul may come in 2nd place again. Jason and Alex can mess up Paul’s “Winner” plans. A loud mouth woman with a broken foot or a broke down ‘Floater’ gangster just might win the $500K.

      • If he comes in second AGAIN, he’ll do the same thing….throw himself into his mummy’s arms, sobbing. What a loser. If he wins (hopefully not) he’ll strut around trying to look a few inches taller. Or, maybe he’ll get some butt implants, and get someone to fix that DISASTER called a Tattoo on his chest.

    • she as in Alex? idk- she is still saying she is a jury vote for P- so I guess she does not think he is too snaky

      • Alex and Jason will have time to talk and Jason may shed some light on Paul being the reason they are both out.

      • When the people arrive in jury with the DVD of the game, do they get to see what we see, like the DR sessions and how the HGs voted?

      • I think it is only public knowledge stuff. The comps, cermonies, eviction results that may last to the evicted going to the door. Goodbyes could be considered private one on ones and not included especially since not everyone gets them.

      • That’s what I said above, edited version of comps, noms and veto ceremony. The rest is up to the evicted hg to spill or not to spill.

      • They all get goodbye messages for the most part. Elena & Raven did not get theirs because of the DE’s. Hgs couldn’t tape them w/o exposing it was a DE week.

      • Jason may shed some light on Paul being the reason they are both out, is the exact reason why they will give Paul the win.

      • Just watched him try to talk to her in HN room and she said she didn’t want to hear it multiple times.

      • Yeah, I’m glad she’s not letting him try to make himself look like the helpless victim here with those evil players, Xmas and Josh.

      • She is going to vote for him out of gameplay. She is clearly mad at him but doesn’t want to vote for a floater or someone that got thrown comps.

      • hasn’t Paul thrown almost every comp? I hate that
        but hear what you are saying.. not much choice with the bad bunch o’players

      • I’m not rooting fir Paul but he has won 4/5 comps, 2 HOH and 2 vetos or 1 HOH and 3 vetos, but has gotten everyone to throw comps in order not to get blood in his hands which equal gameplay? Plus if his plans go as schedule he will have 2 more HOH and maybe a veto.
        I dislike the throwing of comps. Endurance comps are the best parts of the season to watch. I loved watching the comps on OTT, I didn’t like the the Americans vote or the vile trash talk the season turned into, but getting to watch comps made me enjoy the season .

    • I don’t think so. That honor belongs to Dominique. She’s still going to vote for him to win.

  3. No matter what happens, most of these boneheads are in for a rude awakening when they get out and start reading what we all think of them.

    • That will be the most entertaining part of the season, too bad there will be no cameras rolling to show us their reaction.

      • Ya it would be awesome to see. I wonder if CBS gives them a debriefing session after so they are not walking in blind.

      • Yes, apparently they are alerted to anything controversial that they said or did and advised how to handle it. Paul said the other day that they don’t get their phones back until after the interviews are done

      • Not sure if that’s correct. Remember that blonde girl who made the racial slurs? I can’t remember her name or what season. She did a short interview at the after party & the interviewer told her she’d lost her job & modeling contract because of her conduct on the show. She said she didn’t believe him & stomped off. Sure enough, she had lost her job & contract along with another girl on the show. So perhaps after that, they do give them a “heads up”. Who knows!!!

  4. I kind of hope Josh goes on Thursday. He may be able to do more good in jury to shake up votes. Right now Paul hedges or sweeps with whose left.

    • If he goes on Thursday, he will not go to the jury house. He will be brought straight to the round table discussion and then to a hotel. He would likely get maybe an hour of contact with other jurors that would be highly structured since it is filmed.

      • Then probably not. He doesn’t have Pauls communication and persuasion skills to do it. It will come off as whinny.

    • Josh was safe until he started acting out his disagreements with Paul. All he had to do is not make such a stink and play his own game when the time is right. All he has done by making a stink to Christmas and Paul is make himself a target. Paul would have taken him to F3 I think but now I think Josh goes home if he does not win the POV this week. I think even Christmas will vote him out now.

      • Ya his shadiness to Paul could be a firm reason he does make final 2 or 3. Depends what Paul figure’s does more damage.

      • No he didn´t. Paul let Josh get to the F4, because he could ruffle the house with is crybaby. Now, Paul will send Josh out, so he can play the last HOH against Kevin (and, maybe, getting a surprise) and Christmas (that´s can´t play an endurance or running competition). Josh can win the last HOH and Veto on normal competitions. So he will go home.

      • But does Paul want Josh in jury? I think that might really concern Paul, enough to keep him in the BB house, I don’t know. But I guarantee you that it is a consideration.

    • I always feel sorry for the under-dog, and I feel very bad for Josh. He’s done the Gnome’s bidding all season & looks like the bad guy. Hopefully the Jury will compare notes & will see he was told what to do by that asshole. Josh doesn’t have a lot of self-esteem, and they took advantage of that. That’s a TERRIBLE thing to do. I see that XMas has stopped using drugs, but has not found a new way to live. She’s STILL using people. Paul aka, The Gnome, is a spoiled brat and a Mama’s boy. He’s used to getting everything he wants, and at his age, should be OUT of his parents house making a life for himself. But he’s still living with Mummy & Daddy, just like a little boy.

  5. OMG! Please stop with this silly talk about Paul getting people out of the house. When you walk in the BB house you know that by the time the game ends only two people will be left. The goal is to make sure you are not one of them. Paul is playing the game. Is he being dishonest? Yes, of course, who has played this game and gotten to the end without some dishonesty? Even Derrick and Cody turned on Caleb. That’s the game.

    I understand that Paul has been somewhat underhanded in his game play. Backstabbing is part of the game. I would have preferred and Alex, Paul, Jason F3 but we never see the best 3 players make it to the end because the best players don;t want to get there with people they can lose to.

    Is Paul controlling the house? Yes. But ask how he is managing to do that? He explained it himself. He picked a couple of people he can trust or manipulate and he rode with them. Then he built trusting relationships with the other people in the house by talking to them and telling them information they found useful. They didn’t just trust Paul because he’s Paul. They trust him because he made them trust him.

    I am not happy with some of the things Paul has done. I don’t like how he bosses Josh around. I don’t like how he talks to Kevin either. I didn’t like his good-bye message to Jason in which he lied about his role in evicting him. That was cowardly and it would not surprise me if that message makes the jury vote against him.

    • Yeah hands down he does deserve to win. I think there is just hopefuls that want to see a different outcome since jury started to shake up the narrative and add some excitement. Watching his plan work on double eviction was best part of the game.

    • Sometimes in soccer you have a game where one of the teams is incredibly good at controlling the ball and the timing of the game. They have a powerful defense, but not so good an offense. They make the ball sleep in the midfield, and in a moment that the rival team makes a defensive mistake, they score. Then they turtle up and defend that small advantage.

      That team surely deserves to win, and to have their skill recognized.
      But they don’t make for an exciting game, and if all soccer games were like that, people would eventually stop watching soccer, being bored to tears.

    • The problem is these HGs are Paul super fans and they are in awe of his presence. Everything they do and say is directed at his approval. And this is why they shouldn’t put previous players (particular ones that made it to the final previously) in this game.

    • I have no problem with his game play. What I DO have a problem with is his putting people down behind their back. He’s constantly had bad things to say about people that ARE NOT game related. He’s a gossip, a coward. He has a despicable personality and because of that I do not want him to win.

  6. No guts…..Josh should know he will most likely be low person in F3. He should have gotten a plan with Alex and turn on Paul. This is nearly set up for a one legged Christmas to win and I will be mad. C’mon Kevin…..this HOH is a must win for you!!!

    • All emotion aside, it’s really not fair for Christmas to win $50K when she sat out more than half of the competitions this summer. But I guess that’s the message we have to take from this season – Paul will most likely win (in the ugliest way possible), but number 2 really is a crap shoot. Neither Christmas nor Josh deserves it.

      • They don’t but unfortunately that doesn’t matter. I think some rules need to be tweaked a lil. There’s parts of this game I will never respect. I’m no a die hard fan because of it. I watch on and off.

      • “We” respect the game and rules…Its Production having a problem implementing the rules that they set forth…Production and CBS has received more flack and complaints than BB15 concerning content and rule breaking…Its unreal that the season has played out in such a bad fashion…

      • And how do they follow this debacle up? with a ‘celebrity’ version of BB that has a cast of non-celebrities who are dying for exposure cos they can’t get a decent job anywhere else.

      • I think it’s more of luck sometimes than deserving. Assuming Matt never really bothered about competition and was just there not minding to be evicted or picking issues with others. He could have sway to the final for not been a competitive threat to anyone. Again, a bitter jury could vote him against a villain.
        Josh did actually acted to have come this far. He was an annoyance to all from the beginning picking the golden apple to save himself at the detriment of his group (selfishness). Identified with his bad behaviors and OTB, he decided to pick a fight with Cody (a warlord at the time) seeing that his arch enemy was HoH with immunities and has the veto to replace him. He then went on to pledge undying loyalty to the leader of the biggest alliance and loudly do his dirty jobs making himself needful toward ensuring refuge to be carried along.
        Now he has come to this point that all major threats except the leader are gone and realises his dirty acts are going to bite him. The meatball wants to turn a new leaf and make up with the few that are about leaving but his master is use to having him do dirty jobs as that is what qualifies to comfortably have him by the side in the final.
        Josh knowing this, prepares his goodbye messages and is looking for the slightest opportunity to get rid of his master.
        So I think he’s been playing in his peculiar way.

    • Alex is too much into Paul to be trusted. Paul will turn her around again and again and again. She still talks to Paul but not Josh. She is not like Mark or Cody who said they were ready to work with anybody who would save them. Instead, Josh should be suggesting to Kevin that Paul is everyone’s biggest threat, his victims are those that have trusted him the most, how he has been instigating the fights and attack on him (K) and he should expect more from Xmas base on Paul’s directives.
      Hence, the need to take him out at F4 and F3 if the opportunity arises.
      Then, Josh should tell Alex about Paul’s role in getting out Jason and plans to have her evicted ahead of Maven all along but for they competitions they won to have kept her this far, and also about his F3 alliance with him (Josh) and Xmas. Those may reduce Jalex grievances of him (Josh) in the jury.

  7. I just hope Production learns something from this season. We do NOT want another one where one person runs the whole show and the rest of the hgs are pathetic lemmings who carry out his/her wishes. GAH!!!

    This season SUX BIGTIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • But didn’t you see the AG interview? She thinks it is just a freak thing the way this all played out and it wouldn’t ever happen this way again…

      • If it was someone like Momma Day no it wouldn’t but someone with Paul’s persuasion then yes.

      • They proved that returning Vets are more likely to win and get far in the game than newbies. They need to stop bringing vets back and mix with newbies and if they do NO twists that help them in the game like Paul…

      • I agree they should stop bringing vets. But not without a twist to initially secure them if they do because they will be first target however good they are. Do not forget Dominique, Alex, Cody and perhaps some others initially wanted Paul out when he came in this season. Reason was “he is a vet”. Paul on his part was good to have positioned himself pretty well among the houseguests by shifting their focus towards his enemy as their common enemy, and then make more enemies associated with the enemy to prolong the attention off him and make it cult-like.
        It was a masterful game on his part that he couldn’t have had the chance to play without initial protection, and a game not every vet can play to remain safe at the expiration of protection.

      • it would have been better if paul had not been the only vet.
        Like the season where they had the 4 vets and each as a mentor of a team. Gee, wasn’t that paul’s season last year??

      • First time bringing a BB vet F2 2nd place winner to play BB a 2nd time. In addition giving that vet advantages to further themselves in the game that no other vet ever received when they returned. How is that fair to the newbies. It’s not. Production allowed Paul and the other HG get away with a lot of the bullying and nasty treatment that went on in the house. Paul instigated much of the trouble. Christmas floated to the top because of her broken foot. Not able to compete in endurance comps and having HG per Paul’s orders throw HOH comps to her. It’s beyond ridiculous. For medical reason Christmas should have been disqualified and automatically accepted into BB20. No HG should win first or second place. All the winning money should be split in half and donated to Hurricane Harvey victims and Hurricane Irma victims.

      • Or she’s lying, and thinks the viewers are blind and too stupid to see how production favored him, and probably encouraged the other houseguests to trust him blindly.

  8. Wait….Alex still does not see that Paul is totally screwing her over and has been throughout the entire game???

    Say it ain’t so!!!

  9. It’s sad that a season that started with so much potential and high drama is going to limp to the finale, where it will end with a whimper…

    • Funny, AG and production keeps letting HG get away with more & more crap to make up drama and it is done for ratings, and yet, in the last 5 seasons BB ratings have dropped drastically. Hmm. Go figure. This season’s ratings were so good at first, but they’ve been so hot & cold that they are now averaging at less than 6 million viewers for the season. FAR less than BB glory days that is for sure. Due to the utter lack of competition, BB still does pretty well, but if a competing network put together a decent show in the same time slot, I’m afraid CBS will pull the plug on BB if the ratings do not improve.

      • Fox premiered The Orville against Sunday’s BB
        There is Celebrity BB this winter and BB 20 has been cleared for production

  10. When voting for AFP start? I know I am in the minority, but I am voting for Josh. The crying was too much but at least he tried to get people to play their own game and not Paul’s. If Jessica had listened to him, she would still be in the game and Paul would be gone. JMO

  11. Christmas brought joy to Paul this season. Would love to see Kevin actually play well at something. He is the only likable player left.

    • I hope he wins the next HOH. But then he’ll just put Josh and Christmas up. It isn’t like he has a clue either… just trust Paul. lol

      • If he wins the next HOH it doesn’t matter who he nominates because the veto winner will choose who to evict.

    • But Kevin does not deserve to win this game. No way. I cannot stand Paul. Ugh! Look at any of my posts here & that is obvious, but if they gave the win to Kevin over Paul…? I would be outraged as a BB fan! Paul definitely deserves the win over Kevin, no ifs ands or buts about it.

      • In terms of game play, no cast this season deserves to win over Paul. There may be some points to argue for Cody but then ……….

  12. “Kevin: I trust Paul he has not steered me wrong yet” No Kevin he played you like a fiddle and made sure that if you got to the end everyone would look at you like the biggest floater to ever play BB. He groomed you for that position and you played it marvelously “while he never steered you wrong all summer” SMH

    • It didn’t seem like Cody saw through Paul’s “mist” as much as he came into the house hating Paul, and as even Jessica said, Cody had an alpha male ego that drove him to go after Paul.

      • Actually Jessica just got into trouble b/c she admitted in a twitter comment that production prompted Cody in the DR to go after Paul, even tho they knew Paul had the safety DoT. Which makes sense…the drama was great for ratings. But that is a sh*tty thing to do for Cody’s game imo.

      • But I can’t blame production for all of his bad moves. I mean him & Jessica isolated themselves from the house and let their finger off the pulse of the house. If they had not done that, Jessica would have realized earlier that Josh was NOT going and would have changed her noms that week she won HOH. THAT move is entirely Jessica & Cody’s fault, not production.

      • You’re right. Paul does deserve the win from a gamer perspective. And, sadly enough, none of the rest of them deserve the $50K. Maybe they should send it to Florida to help with food and shelter.

      • Oh, that is classic. Just give Paul the 500K check, but split the 50K between Texas and Florida! hahahaha You funny, Grace. ;)

      • It’s a lose-lose situation for Cody…

        Either they told him that, and he was an idiot enough to go along with the idea to go after Paul in week 2 (and blindside his own 9 person alliance)

        OR he was just enough of an idiot ON HIS OWN to go after Paul in week 2…and blind-side his own 9 person alliance.

      • And it’s a win for Jezebel if Cody gets that AFP money. This is why I question everything she says and does at this point because AFP is her motive behind it. I’m just skeptical like that. ;)

      • Easier to ask forgiveness than get permission. Jessica playing the public for votes for Cody. It wasn’t Cody’s fault, Paul fans. Production made him go rogue. Cody is too smart to have done that to his alliance without production making him. blah blah blah…..She wants that AFP money to pay for that big diamond she has been shopping for, jmo.

      • So you’re saying that doesn’t ring true to you even in the slightest? I’m not saying production told Cody to put up Paul, but I wouldn’t doubt it at all that they planted the idea for ratings. Just like they told Nicole last season to talk about possibly not back-dooring Victor so it would play well for the cameras. Which, if you remember, Nicole admitted on live feeds to Corey when he freaked out about her starting to digress from the plan…

      • JMO, but no, I don’t believe Jezebel. Sure, production does a lot of butting in, but I think she is trying to make excuses for Cody’s poor game decision to garner more votes to buy her ring with that AFP money. I don’t put anything past her.

      • And you could be right hon, but there’s a ring of truth in it for me b/c I know how they prompted Nicole last season for ratings, therefore, it wouldn’t surprise me that they did it again this season. JMO as well. ;)

      • Regardless of how it went down, it was funny because while I appreciated that Cody saw through Paul and his fakeness I was like nooooo what are you doing. Not because of the DOT twist but because he went behind his entire alliance and in the first week no less. But that being said, while I hated Cody and Jess at first at least they did catch on to Paul sooner than the rest of the dumbo squad and I started rooting for them a lil. Don’t kill me for that last part.

      • Hi, bratty! Opinions are just that, right, one no more important or right than the other. I’m just having fun this season, not getting too serious. It’s a TV show, not real life. I don’t think Cody understood that and couldn’t adjust to the non reality part. He’s just a straight forward kind of guy and BB is not his fit. He might do good on AR but I hope not with Jezebel. She’s the part I didn’t like. I hope he gets her out of his mind before she really does a job on him. I think she is toxic. Hope you are doing well. :)

      • I have not had fun this season. I found it frustrating. While they did their best to make Cody snap I appreciated how he did remain cool for the most part and did not take the bait.

      • I saw Cody as someone who made a rash decision and knew then that BB wasn’t his game. If he had not gotten with Jezebel, I do think he might have had a better chance of going further. I think that gal is probably just a toxic human being. And for the sake of Cody’s child, I hope he stays away from Jezebel. Cody probably has enough problems without her.

      • Right. Too many people from too many different seasons have admitted production does discuss various scenarios with the HGs for that interaction not to be true.

      • Exactly, Grace. :)
        Nicole admitted production prompting (accidentally) last season, and ED has openly admitted it many times, as have many other past HG… We all know production whispers ideas in the player’s heads. Jessica just said that production encouraged Cody to nom Paul…and I can totally see that considering how the ratings played out that week. It was pure gold; one of the highest rated weeks the entire season! So yeah, I could totally see TPUTS patting Cody on the back and saying great idea, buddy, back door Paul…knowing full well it would blow his game to smithereens!

      • Yeah, because they don’t care about one HGs game, or the other 14 for that matter. All they care about is ratings. It’s just like the Bachelor/ette franchise. Do they care whether the lead finds true love? Of course not. It’s all ratings and the bottom line.

      • I don’t think it was production. Cody came in hating him and saw how he was last season and still is. I mean episode 1 he could not stop glaring at Paul and did not try to hide his hate from that episode onward. I don’t think it was production at all.

      • And that is fine, hon, I am just stating my own thoughts here, but I’m not saying production told Cody to put up Paul..he already had that in mind, what I’m saying is they encouraged it. Prompted him in DRs by asking him questions like “so, are you going to put up Paul?” etc… That is what Jessica said and I believe it b/c that week was the best ratings the show has had all season. It makes sense from a production point of view.

      • That’s all I’m saying QB. They did not tell Cody to do what he did & they sure as hell didn’t tell him to do it *behind* his alliance’s backs! That idiotic strategy was all Cody! ;) I just know Nicole admitted last season (on live feeds) that production had prompted her to make statements and game moves that were not her own, therefore, if they did it last season, I would not be surprised if they did it again this season. JMO. But I can see it happening, especially if it’ll be ratings gold like Cody’s blindside ultimately was.

    • And that’s why he’s the potential shoo-in for AFP. And I doubt the rest of the HGs see through the mist even yet. Maybe they never will.

  13. Is there a chance that Xmas could win the final HoH? If it’s just a matter of her winning the endurance comp, and then winning the True or False in the 3rd comp?

    • I wonder if they change the comp for her I mean they did the Comic one. That comp is always a very intense endurance comp where you have to slide down a zip line and look through a window to see how the posters are set-up. It is a little convenient that they didn’t do that this year.

    • I am sure they have changed them for her. The comic one was. All the recent ones have been mostly tweaked for her. The first one normally has too much banging around. The other one is running puzzle/timed type. Neither is good for her. So if the boys throw it then maybe she can get to q and a third part.

      • Oh THAT’s why it was different…I thought it was the most boring comic comp they’ve had. The only highlight for me was seeing Dan again.

  14. This is my first season of watching Big Brother. I just cannot believe how stupid these people were to let Paul tell them what to do. I really like Josh, but he talks big in the camera but does not backup what he says. I just hope if Paul makes it to the final two, which I feel he will he will not get the jury votes because of everyone he hurt.

  15. If it wasn’t for the live feeds, I bet everyone would feel sorry for Alex. As it is, it’s pretty great to see her get what’s she deserves.

    • I know! Come on production!! Give her the edit she DESERVES!! They did it to Raven but not Alex? I call bs on that! I think they do want Alex to come back and don’t want the viewers to hate her…so unless you watch the feeds, you have no idea that the real Alex is rude, vindictive, hateful, disrespectful and just absolutely disgusting!! I hope she’s proud of the role model she’s being for her nephew.

  16. I really hate how easy this has been for Paul. Anyone who threw a competition because Paul wanted them to, was a total fool. Paul and his phony friendship have made me sick for 2 seasons.

  17. BB19 is the worst season ever and all involved in this season’s production should be fired. Now they’re planning a celebrity BB?? … the endgame to this BB series.

  18. Alex is pissed off at Kevin? Really? She’s the dumb fool who threw the competitions for Paul and now she is mad that Kevin is staying? It never ceases to amaze me how smart these HG’s think they are and claim the are super fans when they play the game like they’ve never seen it before. As much as Paul disgusts me, he deserves to win. To manipulate as many people as he did and not go on the block once or get called out for it except by Cody. He’s earned it.

    • The question is: is he so good OR are they all so LAME?? I’m leaning toward the latter! lol

      • Hahaha! Me too. Paul will never have a clear win this season b/c of the doubt cast b/c of the weak cast he faced. Plus, the perks production provided like the friendship bracelets and DoT 3 weeks of safety. Due to these issues, I don’t think we’ll ever know if Paul was actually a really good BB player or just handed a lot of tools to play this game easier than other vets/players in the past.

      • To answer whether he is that good or not, they would have to put him in the house with other worthy players – Dr. Will, Mike “Boogie”, Dan Gheesling – even Vanessa (who would probably give Paul a run for the money), and Derrick. He thinks he’s in that league. I don’t, but we’d have to see. No question the HGs this season are the most gullible I’ve seen in 19 seasons, and Paul grabbed on to that and ran with it. You can’t blame him for the game play, but he is responsible for inciting the divisiveness in the house and continuing to keep it at a frenzied pace for three months. That was uncalled for, unnecessary and downright despicable.

      • I don’t think little Paul would fair very well up against the big boys…They would pop his floatie and send his ass home

    • Alex has issues. Just the way I was brought up alone would make me not act how she has acted towards people must less treat someone older than me that way. But, she has some unnatural obsession with hating on Kevin.

      • Paul told her a bunch of lies about kevin & things he was saying about her. That is where it started. Alex was just too stupid to go to Kevin & see if they were true.

      • These people have an amazing way of believing one side of every story and building their game goals around it. I like to think they just are too inexperienced in life to know that it is important when you hear something 2nd or 3rd hand to go and check it out for yourself.

      • I think it’s mainly Alex that believes the first story she hears, even when it’s about her own friend. She didn’t even go to Megan when they told her about the panda comment, she just started yelling at her own friend in front of everybody instead of having a normal conversation with her to find out the truth. She has to know better, but it looked like she did it fit in and not be seen as an outsider anymore.

      • That’s cuz paul told he NOT to TALK to Kevin, or anyone about anything!!! NO speaking of one’s own accord, according to the balding bearded little gnome.
        HEY!! that’s why he’s growing a beard!! so no one will see the bald spot on his head. He’d better get some lift shoes to make it harder for people to see the top of his head so much. hehehe :-)

      • For a confessed super fan who saw last season it just makes no sense to me. It is letting your fandom brain override common sense and what you saw with your own eyes.

  19. Paul was successful in getting all of the other sheep to jump off the cliff. I still hope that he somehow gets clipped or at the very least, doesn’t get enough jury votes to win. I think BB production overestimated the entertainment value in bringing Paul back for a second season and they helped him way too much. The only consolation is that we should never have to see him again.

  20. I hope Kevin pulls his head out of his AZZ and starts playing, last night he threw the comp (what a moron) I think he could win something if he didn’t listen to Paul, Maybe say he is going to throw it but not, maybe he could turned things around, I also think it might be to little to late, It was the Paul show from the beginning !!! Just give him the money,

  21. How can you all watch 3 episodes of this show a week if it’s such a miserable experience for you? I don’t see how you can tolerate it. If I’m irritated to the extent of these comments I read, I’d quit watching.

      • Have you watched every season MG? Just curious b/c if you haven’t that’s the difference… I have watched each and every season of BB even when I hated it b/c I’m just a die hard fan and if you are not a die hard fan then you won’t understand watching it even when you hate it. You know what I mean?

      • It’s kind of like watching your favorite football or baseball team. Will one huge loss during the season make you quit watching? Of course not. Just keep your fingers crossed the next time around your team will pull out a win.

      • And although it’s a miserable season there are some funny moments like last night’s broadcast when Josh reacted to Paul’s transition from fake crying to laughing. The devil! that was worth my hour right there, lol

      • It was THE moment of the show. I couldn’t believe it because it was so honest on Josh’s part. Absolutely priceless. And the camera just lingered before it faded to commercial break. Heh.

      • Grace, I’m keeping track of my favorite moments of the season and Josh is 4/10 so far, the meatball

      • That’s good! And all of a sudden Josh realized he’s so far out of Paul’s league he’ll never understand what just happened. Josh is just not wired that way. Fortunately, not very many people are.

      • See, you & I are just a bit different there. I have watched every season since Will’s in BB 2. There are only a few seasons I truly detested: BB 9 b/c some of the HG told another HG to hang herself just like her father did!! Yes, that actually happened! Plus, BB 9 was when Adam won. He was a total jerk who took his BB winning and started a drug ring with it! ;) LOL! Serious. BB 15 b/c they were ugly nasty people in that house. And this season for the same reasons as BB 15, ugly, nasty people in the house. Paul may deserve the win MG, but he will never be free of the taint of this season. There will always be a shadow of doubt, was he really a good player, or did he just have a weak & stupid cast? This win will not make him great imo, but I will watch b/c I am a BB fan & even when I hate it, I love it. hahahaha

      • If I were to go back and watch an older season, which would you suggest? I keep hearing Dan was the best player…that season?

      • I would watch Will’s season first. BB 2. He is flawless. Remember there is no POV in BB 2, so Will survives by sheer wit & charm! ;) lol! IDK…I watched them all in order, lol, so I would then say BB3 with Danielle Reyes b/c she was (by far) one of the best, she got robbed b/c the evicted HG got to see her DRs!! *GASP* I know! Imagine if all these HG got to watch Paul’s DR’s this season and see how he talks (badly) about them?? If there was anyone in BB history that was ROBBED of their win, it was Danielle. That is a great season. She is amazing, plus she played against great players. BB 6 is another great season. That is the season with the 14 hr HOH comp!! Um…BB 7 is another awesome season. That is the All Star season. Any of these season will give you a far more satisfying BB experience than this season. ;) trust me. hehehe

      • Apparently my other reply is being held up by BBN… anyhow, I said yes, they had feeds in BB6. I had them, so I know they have had live feeds from at least that time. And after BB 3, no jury member got to see DRs anymore. They started sequestering them after that b/c Danielle got jipped so bad by a bitter-bitter jury! LMAO! Could you just imagine Paul’s jury seeing how he talks smack about them?? hahaha! It would be another BB3!

      • I think that is when production decided drama brings in great ratings, yes, and that is b/c Evel Dick’s season brought in an average of 9 to 9.5 million viewers a week and, besides BB 2, (12 million viewers on finale) BB 8 is still THE highest rated season of BB ever. So, maybe that is why production decided drama is great, but Evel Dick did not do what these people have done ALL summer. His “Hell Week” lasted just that, ONE Freaking week. I watched it as it unfolded that season… it did not go on & on & on & on & on all summer… JS. It is not at all the same. But, I can see why production keeps trying to replicate that season…but it’s not going to happen. ED was Evel Dick…He said, “I’m not a nice guy” and didn’t try and bullsh*t people. Paul is a cheap knock off who can’t even handle his own dirty work!

      • I’m watching BB8 right now, up to episode 28-29 four people left.
        EvelDick had daughter Daniele in with him and together they kind of ‘scared’ some of the HGs. They only had 14 HGs that season.

        BUT, EvelDick wouldn’t have won without one of the famous BB twists, “America’s Player.” America could call in about 3 times a week and tell their scapegoat what to do; such as: try to get X nominated, vote to evict x, try to give x a childhood toy (which BB provided), damage/destroy something of X’s (he sprayed mustard on pillow case.)
        America’s Player got paid $10K for every three tasks he completed for America. He made $40K, ended up 5th to last.
        One of his tasks was to vote for a specific player each week. One week he was to vote out X, instead of who he wanted to, EvelDick.
        If the guy could have played his own game, ED would have been out about week 3 instead of win. America’s Vote was what put the other nominee out, not ED like the guy wanted to.

        THAT’S HOW ED Won, besides teaming up with his (ED) daughter.

      • I just watched seasons 1 and 2 on YouTube this summer. Everybody kept saying to watch all of the seasons, and I was surprised to find every episode there. Season 1 is completely different from any other season, but they did mention the live feeds on the episodes. Season 2 didn’t mention the live feeds on the episodes. They also didn’t have a jury. All of the evicted houseguests went home, got to watch tapes of all the episodes, then come back for the finale to vote for the winner. The 9/11 attacks also happened during that season, and they had to tell one of the houseguests because she had a relative that worked at the twin towers.

      • It will be interesting to watch with those differences in how game was played. I’m surprised they kept game going during 9/11! Pretty much all productions were shut down for quite some time not to mention the sheer catastrophic impact on the nation.
        Thanks for info Susan.

      • I didn’t watch a lot of tv that year, so I didn’t know that a lot of productions were shut down.
        They were down to only 3 or 4 left in the BB house. She also told her family not to worry about her, and not to come to her eviction or finale because they needed to stay home and take care of things there. So, the season was almost over, and they probably would have had problems arranging to get the remaining houseguests home. I do remember the border and travel being shut down for that day while they were trying to figure out where the attacks were coming from or if there were more coming. Soon after that, Bush gave a speech about how they were obviously trying to strike fear into Americans and shut down our way of life. So, he said something about not letting them keep us down, and to go to ball games to cheer on your team, and just keep on living life. That’s why we remember 9/11, but it’s not a holiday off from work or school like memorial day weekend or others like that.

      • I really liked BB6, but that was a completely different game than now. The way people play is much different too.

      • It is still Big Brother. I think that is the point people are making, BB should go back to their glory days. Great casts who just want to play the game for the $$!! Not fame whores who just want to get on TV and go to jury!

      • I agree…. but then would people complain it’s a boring season? that there’s nothing going on? Deep down, do people want confrontation? Just like in Hockey, people go crazy when fights break out.

      • BB 6 had one of the most exciting seasons ever! It was a perfectly split house between Janelle’s side & Maggie’s “Freindship” alliance… If you’ve never seen it, you really should. Definitely better than any of the last 5 seasons imo.

      • So there was a friendship alliance before Paul? I wonder if he just copied a little bit from every season he watched trying to see what works.

      • And it’s not even that. Those of us who have watched since Season 1 expected this season to be like Seasons 1-18 (minus, hopefully some of the hatred that was spewed during Season 15). And we waited, hopefully, through week one, then two, then three … and we’re still waiting. And after one year of gearing up for Season 19, our waiting has come to this. But hope springs eternal. Starting next Thursday morning, we’ll start gearing up for Season 20, with the everlasting hope that it will be better than this one.

      • Yep. Exactly. We hope it will get better, but we are fans, so we stick with it even when we hate it. We love the show and are ever the optimist that it will one day go back to its glory days! ;)

      • Please give me a short reminder of Season 15 hatred spewing? I don’t remember who was on and any of the particulars. Thanks.

      • I agree, the first episode of this season was a terrible let down and I can see why they lost viewers. The last few seasons have been like that but never this bad. I think I have become very disillusioned with the degree to which production can interfere but I see it week after week, people are like maybe this week something will happen..

      • Or you’re hoping it’ll get better, right? Coz in BB one huge move can always flip the script and make the game great again.

      • There’s always hope. Maybe not so much for 19, but there is still hope. Just wait and see … Season 20 is coming!

      • All-Stars hopefully! Dan just said “never say never”… so, that’s hope right there for him to come back. I would love some of BBOTT to come back as well. Alex Willett was a great player. If #BBOTTAlex had been in this house, even as a newbie, there is no way in hell Paul would have got away with what he did. She is a great gamer…unlike #BB19Alex, who promised the same, Alex Willett delivered on that promise.

      • If Dan said that, maybe AG is listening and they’re already in talks. I sure hope so. Hopefully Paul won’t be invited back and, if he is, a real player will kick his butt out week one.

      • Dan would teach him a thing or two about BB brilliance, that’s for sure. It’d be a footnote in his DR speech to Paul after Dan evicted his smarmy a$$! LOL! ;)

      • Hahaha! Yes they would! Hey sis, my fave part of this season is still Paul’s ghost-like face when Derrick walked in with that bag slung over his shoulder and said, “I’m the newest twist. I’m moving in.” O. M. F. G!! Paul looked like he wanted to *literally* sh*t a brick! LOL! I bet he saw that 500K flying right out the window as he imagined all his sheep flocking to the new shepherd in town. hahahaha

      • Another great moment in BB19 history – certainly as good as Josh’s expression last night; maybe better.

      • I’ll agree Cody’s expressions are always freaking funny…but in this one, I do think he got skrewd! Xmas should have had to *use* that DoT and compete in the comp she replaced someone in. That is how they first explained it, but then they allowed her to not compete and that is just BS imo. total Bull-sh*t!

      • Mine is still the blink when Xmas used her Temptation. BB did such a good job of editing that whole sequence between Xmas, Paul and Josh.
        See, there have been some good moments

      • I’m not a fan of Xmas’s DoT usage… b/c imo, she should have had to compete in that comp if she used that temptation. They said at first she would and then they let her slide on it & that’s just BS. Sorry, but that is one instance that I thought BB production had totally overstepped and was just Bull-Sh*t!!

      • The Temptation said that she had the ‘power to play’. It was then up to the docs to clear her and they didn’t. She didn’t know at the time whether she would be able to play or not.

      • I know, but the way I read it I thought she’d have to compete…she did too at one point, b/c I remember her saying she didn’t think she could use it one week b/c she couldn’t compete in the comp. Obviously, production told her that was not the case I suppose, still… I think it is BS that she used that DoT and did not compete. But whatever. When has BB ever been fair, right?. I just thought that one was a little more ridiculous. I’d have had no problem at all had she competed, but not competing in a comp she replaced someone in…? I just thought that was BS. Let me ask you, if it would have been anyone *but* Cody she f’d over, would you have thought it right? If your answer is yes, then okay, but if it is no, then… it’s just another perk Paul got this season.

      • I do believe I would be ok no matter who. For me the part I liked about the moment was the editing of will he or won’t he blink and the back and forth between them and the comments from Paul

      • UGH! Can I just say how sick-unto-death I am of him wearing that floatie now. You’re not “friendship” Paul this season…wearing a floatie at this point just makes you look like a pan$y-a$$ed moron!

      • Yes, the floatie and the dancing were fun last season. This season it’s old and he looks ridiculous.

      • Last season he was fun Paul. He was hilarious & Pablo was a part of that persona. This season he is Evil Paul. He has made his game by bashing everyone around him. A floatie wrapped around his waist just looks stupid. He’d do better wearing a Hockey mask! ;)

      • It’s his security blanket. Since he doesn’t have a binkie to suck on, he has to have some other sort of pacifier. WHICH I’m surprised he hasn’t found yet either.

      • Is this (yellow duck) a new one from this season?
        Where’s Blue Trejo?? I know paul’s had a leak in it so/but p got Kevin’s floatie.

      • LOL! I asked tr8p this already, but would it be worth it to see another season of Paul if it was with players like Dan, who you know would spank him like a red headed step-child??

      • Dooon’t littlefly……… you’re making me saaaaad! ;)
        Okay, Nicole imitation over. hehe

        Just wanted to make ya smile. haha Anyhow, let’s hope BB 20 is All-Stars & good ones! ;) Dan just said never say never. *fingers crossed*

    • Because MG, some of us are die hard fans and one bad season is not going to make us stop watching! Or even 2. hehe I watched BB 15 all the way through, even tho I hated most of the the season, just like this one, but I will continue to watch this season just like I’ve watched *EVERY* season of BB since season 2…A couple bad seasons won’t make me quit my show! ;)

      • Oh I see…I’m wired differently that’s why I asked. There’s no way I could watch something that gets on my nerves that bad.

      • That’s why I quit watching the evening news. I can take it better in small doses off my Yahoo home page.

      • It’s hard to explain hon. If you’ve watched each and every season like I have (some of them two & three times!) you would get the level of devotion BB fans have. Even if we hate the show, we’ll watch it with the hope that it’ll get better… It is what it is. I haven’t liked this season, but I still love the show. Does that make any sense to you my friend? Or are we going to have to take it out back?? Hahahahahahahahaha!! Psyche! JK MG. I’d rather have you at my back than ready to attack it. hehe

  22. Sooo….maybe really off topic here, but can anyone give me a recipe that would make the equivalent of the house “avocado toast?” I’ve heard them all talk about it and love it but I’m a bit confused on the particulars! Should have watched more feeds…

    • Don’t know how they make it but I have had it with just avocado and sprinkle red pepper flakes for a super basic, easy snack. Actually, I think they might have added egg. Pretty much anything you want on it.

      • Sorry to bother, but do you think they make the avocado into a type of guacamole? I did once see Paul mixing the avocado in a bowl but didn’t see the rest. I wonder if any feeders saw if they put the egg on top or the avocado on top? I’m sorry!! I’ve heard about it so much that now I crave it! :)

      • Here’s the recipe I’ve used.
        Rub a cut garlic clove over the surface of each piece of toast. Spread the avocado mixture evenly onto each piece of toast. Top each slice with a drizzle of olive oil
        (You can also add crushed red pepper flakes, hemp seeds, tomato, and cilantro, a sprinkle of salt and lime juice if you like.)
        I then put a poached egg on top.

      • lol, they should quit bashing HG’s and narrate their cooking process! I don’t know answer to your question. Experiment! To my knowledge avocado toast is just scooping the avocado onto toast and adding whatever. But try guac if that sounds good, haha. Let me know, if you come up with something tasty.

      • check the internet. I put in avocado toast and it listed several recipes.
        “16 Avocado Toast Recipes That Will Instantly Upgrade Your Life …”

        California Avocado Toast with Fried Egg
        Toast 1 slice bread and spread with 1/2 ripe, Fresh California Avocado (mashed or sliced). Spray a small nonstick skillet with cooking spray and fry one egg as desired.
        Place cooked egg onto avocado toast, sprinkle with salt and pepper if desired..

      • Yup BBFan several posts “up.” Even tho when others read the posts they’ll say as the site did, “you have already posted this.” thought it better to post it to those interested cause they might not look through posts again. Thanks for your concern. Enjoy. :-)

    • check the internet. I put in avocado toast and it listed several recipes.
      “16 Avocado Toast Recipes That Will Instantly Upgrade Your Life …”

      California Avocado Toast with Fried Egg
      Toast 1 slice bread and spread with 1/2 ripe, Fresh California Avocado (mashed or sliced). Spray a small nonstick skillet with cooking spray and fry one egg as desired.
      Place cooked egg onto avocado toast, sprinkle with salt and pepper if desired.

  23. See below from Jokers. Look at what Christmas said. Did Kevin ever say that? Maybe he did and I missed it. All this trash talking about Kevin just shows these people are just horrible. Kevin is harmless.

    From Jokers: Christmas and Josh complain about Kevin. Christmas says, “How do you think I feel? He talked about banging me. He and Jason talked about it.” Sher heard that from Alex and Raven.

    • Kevin did make a comment to Jason weeks ago, along the lines of “are you going to [have sex with] Xmas in the jury house?” and “Do you think I have a shot at it?”

      Jason laughed it off, but did bring it up to Alex and I think Paul later on.

      • OK, he did say it.. The married HG’s are going to have some explaining to do to their wives once they are out of the house.

      • He also told the guys how to cheat without getting caught back when Ramses was still there.

    • I think it started when Kevin and Jason were comparing different stages of marriage, Jason newly married, active love life, making babies and Kevin married 31 years, grown kids, rountine life. Kevin talked about this phase of life being hard, talked about people divorcing when the kids leave home (he never said he was leaving his wife, just said it happens). Then Kevin made comments that Christmas was good looking, this is at the same time Christmas was lying in my lap asking for back rubs and falling asleep in his bed. Jason and Kevin did talk joke sex in the jury house. Like Maven, Marlena, then one of them would be the odd person out, and made some jokes. Then in those HOH bash sessions, it was Kevin talks about divorce, Kevin thinks Christmas is hot, then Kevin looking for jury sex. Jason was sitting in some these HOH bash sessions.

      • Christmas did make herself available where Kevin was concerned..She hung on him a lot and laid in bed with him…She tried the same moves with Jason but he did not bite….

  24. Ha ha and Alex took the news well look up BB19 salty rant on you tube
    She us talking to herself with a hula hoop it is too much !

  25. “but considering Alex would align with Paul that’d really just screw with Josh’s own game.” In reference to what Alex would do if Josh voted out Kevin, she has had a lot of time to think about her moves and how she shouldn’t have trusted Paul. I doubt she would align with him if by some miracle she stayed. She made clear she should not have trusted him and being that close to end would be a start over, imo.

    • You would think so but have you noticed how dumb they are? Paul will take the credit for her staying and she’d be right back on his balls and Josh will be screwed.

      • ah, good point. Keep thinking she would have something reignited in her and go to game mode and figure it out. She seemed like the only one of cast (other than Paul) that actually wanted to play and not follow.

      • That’s why I think he included he’d “try to work on Xmas and Josh” in his damage control if indeed joshmas tried to pull a fast on him and keep her.

  26. Production just wants Josh to say those things to the viewers, but he is a Paul fan and follower so plans will remain the same.

  27. I hope to everything one of them sucks it up and gets paul out, or if he makes the end the jury muppets don’ vote for him. I will be glad when this season is over so I never have to see this talentless (His band is sh1t!), artistically challenged ( look at those sh1t tattoos), bullying instigating, sneaky, serj tankian wannabee scumbag ever ever again.

  28. I wanted to watch old BB episodes, but does anyone know how? I checked Amazon Prime and Netflix. I’d have to buy each episode on Prime, and it’s not on Netflix. Any suggestions?

    • Dandy, I think if you go on to the CBS Big Brother Website, you can see all prior BB seasons, including this one. You have to pay though. I might be wrong about this so please come back to another thread either during the day or evening and someone will be sure to know.

    • I think you can get it thru CBS All Access. It is I believe $5.99 a month but, you get to watch as much as you want of any shows they have on CBS including, past episodes and seasons. Thinking of doing so myself. These minions blow! I would rather watch Dr Will, Mike Boogie, Danielle Donato, Rachel Reilly, etc. thru past seasons!

  29. josh won’t make it to final 3… alex is going, then I believe Kevin is going to get a bone from paul and win the hoh…. puts up christmas and josh… josh ends up going. then paul wins the final hoh and sends christmas out leaving him and kevin at the end. and thanks to Josh spilling the beans to Jason on his exit… Kevin wins BB. That is how I honestly think it’s going to play out….

  30. JOSH had the chance to put Paul on the block and didn’t. I WISH Josh would have stuck with Alex….he knows Paul has played them all, yet is too soft to turn on him. Can Alex get herself off the block and get revenge?? Kevin thinks he’s played a good game–LOL. Has done nothing but befriend everyone. Paul masterminded, manipulated,double-crossed everyone (except Cody) and is the logical winner, however, the Jury will have some harsh words for him IMO. Christmas sharing a bed with Paul now….what’s that all about?? Serious, or just playing each other??
    Has Paul used hypnotism, or were these players too weak and naive??

    • Jason had a chance to put Paul on the block and Josh has had at least two chances . Kevin has managed to get to F4 … he and Christmas may be the only people Paul is being straight with, if Paul knows how .

  31. Alex reading the bible and refusing to talk with Paul. Good Move…but too late. Sorry she did not see thru him earlier…she’s been a great competitor.

  32. As bad and disgusting as Alex is… I would like Kevin to go… if anything to stir up the Paul parade. Of course this means Alex would have to actually think for herself and ignore Paul.
    She is the only one to compete against Paul and screw up his game… unless Production scripting doesnt allow it

  33. I’m fed up with the Paul game. The man doesn’t know what real friendship is all about. We can only hope they vote NOT to give him the money. Myself I’m sick of these shows bringing back return players and letting a hurt player stay in the game. Christmas should have been removed from the game when her foot got broke. Also every time she wasn’t allow to pay a comp she should have automatically been on the block! So unfair to the others the protection she received after her foot got broke. This season has sucked!

  34. Get this Paul lovefest over!! CBS rigged it from the start! Paul is the biggest creep ,racist and bully. That big brother ever had on!! Best thing that could happen is Kevin wins head of Houehold, and put Paul and Christmas up than Josh wins power of veto! Than Josh would have to pick the backbitter or his friend! But don’t think there is enough towels in house for all of Josh’s crying!

  35. I cannot believe that “the floater” Kevin has gotten this far. #1 he is old AF and usually the oldy, moldy’s are the first to go and # 2 he hasn’t won anything. Maybe because he isn’t perceived as a threat. He brushes his flip back with his toothbrush after brushes his teeth. OMG !!! If he wins this I would S**T my chonies. But its Big Brother.

    • I take offense to the comment, “oldy moldy.” Just because someone is over 50 does NOT make them old. My son-in-law was 25 when I beat him in wall climbing, and I was 55 at the time. I climbed to the top TWICE & he couldn’t make it half way up!! He’s not overweight & quite fit, so it was HE who was acting like an “oldy moldy.” Don’t assume that everyone over 50 has had it!!

      • Kevin ACTS OLD and BB always puts someone OLDER in the house. And if you go back and look at past BB’s you will find out that the OLDER houseguests are almost always voted out first. Maybe you should try out for BB. BY THE WAY I AM 53 yo. So I can say what ever I want. Most people that are older ACT OLD. But that’s not me I have been with my husband for 21 years and he is 12 years younger that me so something must be going right.

  36. I think we should have one more episode of Big Brother ‘AFTER THE FINAL VOTE” and have all these roommates come back and tell us what they think of being Paul’s puppet after going home and watching the show and their family telling them how STUPID they were all these weeks ! ! ! It would be a great show ! ! ! No VET should be able to make it to the final vote ! ! ! ! This has to be the worse Big Brother ever !

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