Big Brother 19: Final 3 To Final 2 Scenarios [Analysis]

It’s hard to believe that by Thursday night we’ll have the Big Brother 19 Final 3. And since things have been playing out as expected the past several weeks, we already know who we can expect in that Final 3. But what about Final 2? That’s where it gets tricky.

Paul and Josh as possible BB19 Final 2

Alex is going home this week and has already learned her fate. And unless a miracle happens and Kevin wins the next HOH, he’s going home Thursday, leaving Josh, Paul and Christmas as our Final 3. But what happens after the final HOH competition? Who is cutting whom? Let’s take a look.

If Paul wins the final HOH

Paul has been leaning toward taking Josh to the Final 2 since it seems most of the jury hates Josh. But Josh has been pushing Paul’s buttons lately so that could influence Paul’s decision. I think Paul knows if he cuts Christmas she won’t be bitter, but if he cuts Josh, he could lose that jury vote. And we know Paul doesn’t want to lose any jury votes after last season.

I think Paul takes Josh. If he does take Josh, can he beat Josh? I think so. I think Paul would have jury votes from Mark, Elena, Alex, Matt, Raven, Kevin, Christmas and even Cody. The only person I could see voting Josh would be Jason. But this is really early to call, considering we’ve seen very little jury footage.

If Paul were to take Christmas, I think he would possibly lose votes from Jason and Josh, but he would still win.

If Josh wins the final HOH

Josh has said for weeks that Christmas is his No. 1. Despite doing literally all of Paul’s dirty work, he’s apparently more devoted to her. And we’ve seen Josh grow more and more irritated with Paul’s gameplay and less and less likely to take him to the Final 2. I do think if Josh wins the final HOH, he cuts Paul and takes Christmas. But can Josh beat Christmas? That’s super tough, but I think he can, and the No. 1 reason would be that he was the person to take out Paul.

How the jury would vote in that scenario gets confusing, though. I think Cody, Kevin and Paul might vote Christmas. But Paul is all too familiar with a bitter vote, so maybe not. At any rate, I think Josh beats Christmas, but it could be close.

And as I said above, if it’s Paul and Josh at the end, Paul wins.

If Christmas wins the final HOH

We’ve already covered the scenarios for Christmas, so the only thing left to discuss is who would she take. And there’s no question there. It’s Paul. She’s already hinted to Josh that she’d take Paul and she seems like her goal in the game is to actually make sure Paul wins. Love is a crazy thing.

This is an early assessment and we’ll know more in the coming days. Expect another analysis closer to finale night. Who do you think can win in the end?



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  1. If Josh makes it to the end, watching a episode of a manchild crying nonstop will be super painful and irritating.

    • Josh better pray he get the POV for the Thursday night eviction. Otherwise I really believe Josh will be heading to the jury.

      • If he can and Paul is not HoH, Paul will be heading to the jury. I wonder who will be agreeing to throw any competition going forward.

      • Josh cannot be HOH. If the HOH is Christmas, she puts up Kevin and josh. Is hoh is Paul, he puts up Kevin and josh. If its Kevin, he puts up Christmas and josh. Who ever wins POV holds the power. It will more than likely be memory competition.if josh does t get POV he’s gone.

      • Josh is the best chance for anyone to win the $500K. Why get rid of him, especially if your Paul? Why does Paul care about $50K, he has $50K from last season already.

  2. I’m pretty sure Paul feels safe going into the final two with anyone, because even though he has been the biggest snake ever, the sheep will respect the crap he pulled and fights he caused and vote him the winner, because it’s the way the “game” is played, maybe I’m not liking the game as much anymore.

    But could he not be done with the snake moves and convince Christmas to turn on Jose and take Kevin to the final 3? Could she be so blind to see that move would only be done so Paul could turn on her and bring Kevin to the final 2? After watching this season and the control Paul has I wouldn’t put anything past him.

    • He wins against anyone. He has played a great game and the jury knows it. Unless they are extremely bitter, which I can’t see enough of them being, he will win.

      • Sorry to disagree, but no, Paul hasn’t “played a great game”…the rest of the HG’s have played a very stupid and self-defeating game making him look good and allowing him to get where he is and where he seems to be going. He should have been evicted long ago, but because whoever cast this mess this season gathered up a group of people who aren’t that interested in really playing the game and definitely aren’t endowed with an over-supply of intellect, Paul was able to control the game…and oh has it been a huge bore. The worst season of BB ever.

      • He has played a great game this season. That isn’t up for reasonable debate. Has he played it against weak competition? Yes. However, he can only play against who he has with him and he has completely dominated them. Derrick played against weak competition who had no interest in getting him out and like Paul dominated. He is regarded as a great player (as he should be) Should he have been evicted early? Yes. So should have Nicole last season, Dan in season 14, Rachael and Jordan in 13, Will in 7. What we have constantly seen is vets do not get voted out early. It’s not just this season. His competition was weak and he shouldn’t have made it this far, but he did and that is a pretty remarkable accomplishment.

      • He has played well but he was also given the biggest production assist ever with 4 weeks of safety at the critical early stages of the game. This keeps him off the so called “Mount Rushmore” of big brother. Dan, Derrick, Dr Will, and Danielle remain the Mount Rushmore.

      • I am so happy that someone else thinks exactly the way that I do. These HGs aren’t just stupid, I can deal with that, they are MONUMENTALLY stupid. Paul doesn’t get praise for beating the dumbest, most cowardly, floaters in the history of big brother aka: RAVEN, doorMAT, Kevin, xmas, josh and the rest. This cast doesn’t even try to make a move. Hands down THE WORST BIG BROTHER SEASON EVER

      • It seems to me that the casting crew on CBS either hired a bunch of the stupidest people available OR a bunch of people who definitely weren’t interested in playing the game to win, but simply wanted their faces on national TV…can’t think of any other reason for this boring mess. CBS casting for BB needs new blood.

      • They absolutely need new casting and if they would pay you and I enough! We could show them how to pick smart, cunning, ruthless players that would ROCK big brother back to its glory days. Lol I had to bring a little bit of humor because its been too frustrating to watch this mess.

    • Yep that is a great point. He would probably have No trouble Beating Kevin and all of Jury would see Kevin as doing Nothing in this game. More reason for pAul to do this. Might just be the thing to Get that WIN…

  3. It doesn’t sound like Christmas is hurting for money(neither is Paul for that matter) and that’s the only explanation I have for her taking Paul to the end.

    I think Josh can beat Christmas, especially if Josh takes Paul out.

    What’s the argument for Christmas winning over Josh? They threw both head of households competition to her. She stayed in the house b/c of an alliance moreso than winning competitions. Granted, that’s due to her foot injury but that’s the issue in a nutshell: you can’t vote for her based on what she could have done without her foot injury. I think taking Kevin to the F2 is dangerous, as I could see the “here’s 500K to help out with your kids” angle coming.

    • I don’t see how Christmas beats anyone unless it’s a bitter jury…and in that case it’s more a vote against someone else than it is a vote for her.

      • If it is Christmas & Paul r in the F2, jury will b like, Paul threw the comps to Christmas, why don’t we throw Christmas the $500K as well.

      • And I would say .. dude you threw a HOH as a joke so the one-legged girl would win a race comp .. now the joke is on you!

    • Christmas has repeatedly stated she is not playing this game for the money .. but as a competitor it was a challenge she could not pass up. As for the foot injury. She is the one in a disadvantage because she cannot compete .. which means she cannot win. NOBODY has bitched as they have in previous seasons. Just people on the boards that it is not fair. If her body was not as healthy as it is, then I doubt Doctors would agree to her staying. The other house guests see that as a weakness to keep her in. I think it was smart for her to say .. keep me as a security shield (a vote). They did. She would have been gone a long time a go had she not broke her foot. Good game play or blessing in game play?

  4. So the 1st competition is physical correct! If they go by years past, no way Xmas can play “unless” they design a contest for her to play in!!
    Yes no!

    • I don’t know how they get past the Christmas situation, or if they just do one comp between Paul and Josh. to see which of those two get HOH.

    • That’s what I was thinking. No way that she would be able to play in the first round of the final HOH. So, she’d just have to wait until the second round to see if she can win.

      • Didn’t they say they wouldn’t be altering any comps due to her injury. However this doesn’t mean she certainly can’t play. They could have an endurance comp as the first comp or a physical comp that doesn’t put her foot at any risk.

      • If they do the comp where bouncing off the way in F3 … she can condem that leg up and try & spin it so she doesn’t land on the leg ? But the climbing the wall one … no! But again, whoever really wants her in F2 would make it so she would compete in the 2nd comp. Hell that bitch just climbed those stairs and ran 2 days after being able to walk on it. Her body has been in worse pain before and I’m sure she will sign every release and telling every producer FU I’m playing! haha Should be interesting .. but that is why Paul is keeping her for the F4. He gets to compete against Kevin & Christmas!

  5. This is the best scenario for Josh but he needs to chill out. Kevin wins HOH. He will put up Josh and Xmas. Josh wins Veto, Paul is replaced and Josh votes Paul out. That is his first option. F3 is his second. But it would be dumb to leave too late. And so what if Xmas is pissed. Josh can win F3 and have his pick of the flock. Chances are Xmas will not be pissed that much.

    All things equal Paul was the best manipulator but again he came in with an advantage…not the pendant, but the knowledge of being in the house.

    • Only way I can see that playing out is if both comps are “luck” comps.
      If the HOH comp is physical Kev & Xmas will probably be nulls
      Every win Josh had was given to him, so it will be hard for him to beat a fired up Paul.

  6. It is of that they have shown very little Jury house footage. I wonder if it’s a slam dunk for someone and they don’t want us clued in on what the jury is thinking.

    • Have yo noticed that there wasn’t many goodbye messages this season either? Cody has been in the jury house the longest (OK maybe by a half hour) but I wonder if he isn’t trying to tell the others that Paul is the main reason they are all there and if so, would they listen to him.

      • There was only one or two visits to jury house and I didn’t hear any discussion about who was controlling the game.

      • I believe there was only one jury house visit where Mark returned to the house. Mark, Elena, and Cody sat and watched the video of the past week where they saw Paul throw the comp to Christmas and discussed how he has controlled the game.

      • I seen that and that clip wasn’t more than a minute or two long. Not enough to say 100% that they are discussing what has happened in the house pr what will happen. We haven’t seen what Matt, Jason, Raven or pretty soon Alex will say in the house. We still don’t know what will be talked about in the round table discussion. With all that said, there is no way we know for sure they are discussing if or how Paul is controlling the house. I am fairly certain by the time we see more of the evicted HG’s arriving at the jury house and the round table discussion, what you are saying will be correct. That still doesn’t mean that they will vote Paul as the winner. Should Paul, between you and me, yes, because he has played to the game to win. Will he win? I am unsure at this moment.

    • It always seems to go like that. We want more Jury house and they give us very little. We already got one segment and they usually do those clips on Thursday but this past Thursday was a DE so no time this past week.

      • Yeah. We only got more of the jury house last season because of the Paulie & Day fight! Comes down to TV and ratings. They want people to tune in and not guess they already know after watching what the Jury has to say!! bleh

  7. At this point, I wouldn’t count out Kevin. Paul talks like he wants Kevin gone but does he really? I can see Paul throwing the next HOH to Kevin to keep his hands clean and then doing his best to win VETO to send Josh to jury. Only problem is, does Paul really feel comfortable enough to take another female to F2.

    • He would be happy with Christmas as he will win (he will against anyone). I can’t see him throwing the HOH though. It is too big a risk at this point to do so.

      • I am not fan and you might be but that doesn’t matter or not if he wants Kevin to win HOH to put up Josh and Christmas. His hands will be clean and he won’t have to worry about losing jury votes at the same time. That is a smart move on his part and we all know that Paul can win at comps but I will agree that by doing this scenario, it could be risky only because Paul could lose the VETO comp which I doubt he would lose.

      • The issue is Josh. Josh is too emotional and is a wild card. Paul knows that and wouldn’t want Josh to be deciding if he leaves or stays if Josh happens to win veto. It will also be impossible to throw it to Kevin. Throwing comps has worked in the past because people were able to talk themselves into being comfortable with it. Throwing it to Kevin Josh and Christmas would never do as it means one of them goes home. Although he would most likely want to have Kevin and Christmas with him in final 3 it can’t be thrown..

      • I can’t be any clearer than this. Josh can not compete in the Wednesday night HOH comp. Christmas more than likely won’t be able to compete, so it will be down to two people, Kevin and Paul. Paul wants his hands clean so should Christmas not compete, Paul might (I repeat MIGHT) be willing to throw a HOH win to Kevin. Either way, he can convince Kevin to nominate Christmas and Josh. Paul will try to win VETO and more than likely will win it. noms stay the same and Paul evicts Josh. Now, the only two things that can screw Paul in this scenario is if Christmas plays in the HOH comp, and if Josh wins VETO. Even if Paul and Christmas is on the block together that still does not mean Paul will go home.

      • From the talks he had with Alex last night it is his plan to win F4 HOH and Veto as well as part 1/2 and then part 3 of HOH. This would give him 4 HOH, 5 Veto and that part 1/2 win for 10 wins total. He wants to say he won 10 comps and never touched the block as the only vet against 15 new players. For the record if he wins all those comps he’ll tie the single season record for HOH, Veto, and Combined HOH/Veto comps wins with S7 Janelle and would be all time HOH, Veto, and combined record holder along with most days spent in the house of any HG.

      • Doesn’t really matter IMO. Manipulating people to give you the win is just as impressive as winning it otherwise. He used his skill-set to win all those comps one way or another.

      • I guess its a matter of opinion haha. Last year he won perfect shot, F4 HOH, and final HOH, the dog bone veto, Perfect score on weather comp, and final veto. I think we can agree all 6 wins last year earned. This year the candy crush HOH was thrown, the Inked question HOH he had like 6 questions right before Raven and Matt dipped so not exactly thrown outright. Veto’s he crushed terminal, comic book, and weather with indivdual times where people can’t really throw it, and if you believe alex actually threw the punch veto it was after way appeared to be 10 questions so again not blatant. The more blatant ones where when he setup bad players like Christmas.

      • I agree with is record but as for the comp, he would have to win it in order for that to happen.

    • Paul has it set up so he is competing against Kevin and Xmas for HOH. It would be an upset for him to lose this HOH. There is no reason for Paul to throw it. All HOH is at this point is safety. There is no point to the nomination ceremony because the winner of the veto is safe and casts the only vote against the other two. So Pauls hands are clean if he wins the HOH and throws the veto. The only way Paul could get blood on his hands is if he wins both HOH and veto, or if he loses HOH and wins veto.

      • Paul will have to nominate two people for eviction regardless of any VETO comp to be played. Paul’s hands will not be clean if he puts Kevin, Josh or Christmas on the block. Four people are left and if Josh is on the block with Kevin and wins VETO, he will save himself which automatically puts Christmas on the block. Paul doesn’t like that because Josh then will cast the only vote and Christmas could go to jury in order to secure his spot in F2. But if Paul throws the HOH to Christmas or Kevin he is still safe and Paul could win the VETO and leave the noms the same if Kevin and Josh is on the block. If Paul is on the block, he will try to win VETO and send who he wants out of the two that is on the block to jury. No matter how you look at it, unless he is on the block and Christmas cast the vote, Paul’s hands will be dirty.

      • There are only 4 possible scenarios.

        1) Paul wins HOH and loses veto. If I won the f4 HOH, I would hold some kind of random drawing to determine the nominees because it doesn’t matter. The veto winner will save themselves and the other 2 will be on the block. The veto winner casts the eviction vote. Paul can’t save or evict anyone so Paul’s hands are clean.

        2) Paul wins HOH and wins veto. Again, it doesn’t matter who he nominates in the beginning. But now he has to choose who to save with the veto causing the other two to be on the block. Paul doesn’t cast the eviction vote, but because he didn’t save the evicted house guest with the veto, his hands are a little dirty.

        3) Paul throws the HOH and wins veto, then Paul is casting the only vote to evict so Paul’s hands would be the dirty ones.

        4) If Paul throws HOH and loses veto, he then winds up on the block and could be evicted. Even though this would keep his hands clean, he won’t risk being on the block.

        So the only option for safety before the vote and clean hands is option 1. Winning the HOH and losing the veto. Paul know this and this is why he set up the f4 HOH competition to be between himself, Xmas, and Kevin. They are the 2 easiest to beat.

      • You see, I see it differently than most and here is why. By using your four options alone, is where you said a lot. The only and I repeat only option that keeps Paul hands clean is option 4. Even if he is one the block, doesn’t mean he will be evicted. It wouldn’t matter who won VETO, none of the three left will ever evict Paul, yes that includes Josh. Option 3 and his hands are covered in dirt. Option 1 and 2 and his hands are a little dirty because he HAS to put two out of the three he really wants to take to F3 or F2. No he won’t cast a vote to evict but because he puts them on the block, the one person who has to cast the vote to evict will evict the stronger of the two on the block ie: Josh and Kevin on the block, Josh goes home.

      • I guess where we see things differently is option 1. If Paul wins HOH but not the veto, I don’t see why his hands are dirty. Sure he has to nominate 2 people, but it doesn’t matter who he nominates because the 2 that don’t win veto will be the final nominees. So I don’t understand why you think that gets dirt on Paul’s hands.

        There are 4 people left. Paul wins HOH and so he is safe. The player (not Paul) that wins the veto is safe. The other 2 have to be on the block. There are no other options, it has to be the other 2 on the block. Then the player (not Paul) that won the veto makes the only vote to evict. Since Paul’s initial nominations don’t have any affect on who the final nominations are and he doesn’t have a vote, I don’t see how he gets dirt on his hands.

      • Regardless if they are Axis or allies it doesn’t matter. Regardless if it is the original noms or the renom it doesn’t matter. The HOH whoever it is has to put two people OTB. This is where the hands of the HOH starts to get dirt on them. Now based on the last day or two, option 2 has came into play. Paul’s hands are dirty based on your options and by my belief’s. So all of this back and forth is for moot.

    • Oh hell yes he is throwing it to Kevin. Why else would he had pushed for Josh to win it this past week! And if Christmas wins it … it is basically the same person for Paul’s decision who to put up!!

  8. The jury knows that Paul has played the best game and they will vote for him in the final 2 no matter who is his against. He may loses a vote or 2, but he will still win. That is why it doesn’t make sense for Paul to bring Josh to final 3. If he can bring Christmas and Kevin they will both bring him and guarantee him a win.

      • Paul will no question win. The jury knows Paul played by far the best game and will give him the win. He may lose Jason’s vote, but not more than that.

  9. I hope Kevin wins the final HOH, take out paul and Josh, and it will be Him and Christmas in the end. Doubtful tho.

  10. If Josh doesn’t calm down, he’s not going to make it to final 3. Paul or XMas might decide to cut their losses and get rid of him before that, since his emotional outbursts are starting to cause them to sour on him (if Production informs him about Irma and Miami, his emotional stability might get even worse)

  11. If Paul wins this season as it is looking like he will where does he rank on Big Brother’s best players list? He will have a 1st and a 2nd (that in many peoples opinion should have been a first). Tying the best 2 season results with Dan (unless you believe Boogie winning season 7 counts as a win for Will). No matter the competition he faced a 1st and a 2nd is pretty dominant stuff. I wouldn’t place him over Will or Dan, but he would have to be top 5.

    • Paul had no real competition aside from Alex and Jason…Had Cody & Jess stayed those 2 would have given Paul a run for the games…Mark stepped up but not to the point he was a threat…..With that said Paul could afford to throw comps to other people…

      • I would love to see Paul go up against Dan, Will or Derrick, just so people would stop comparing him to those players, but unfortunately, that would mean another season of Paul and I just don’t think I could stand that! hahaha What say you, my friend?

      • You’d only have to put up with him for a week or two cos they’d boot his azz out right away, lol

      • Pretty good. Did you watch last night? I’ve added Josh’s reaction when he saw the ‘devil’ to my short list of Best BB19 moments. ;-)

      • Yes. That was one for the record books fo sho! haha! It’s like he finally saw the light…or the darkness, however you want to view his awakening. hehe

      • You could have a season of Paul, Raven, Aaryn from 15, Frankie, I don’t care. As long a Will is back in the house I will watch.

    • If Paul wins this season, it will be a tainted victory. There will always be doubt about the competition he had or more accurately didn’t have. Don’t think you’ll get much argument that Will and Dan won convincingly. Too bad for Paul but there will always be arguments about how he would have done with real competition.

      • and don’t forget the 8 friendship making bracelets.
        and don’t forget the 5 weeks eviction free.
        (Mark’s apple tree week of friendship for the friendship bracelet paul gave him week 1. and the beginning 3-4 week eviction free. )

      • Yep. You’re right hon, b/c even if Paul really is as good as he appears, this season will always be tainted. He will never fully get credit for it b/c of the HG he was in the house with & the perks he got in the beginning. Those things will always cast a shadow of doubt upon his game.

      • That is what I been saying…Under the circumstances Paul “might” as well have floated through the game…I stress the use of the word might cause I can’t think of a better word than float unless I say he coasted to the end….

      • He took advantage of the cast handed to him, but his game will not be revered like a Will or Dan b/c of the doubts that will always be about this season. I mean seriously, when has an HOH been a team comp like Paul’s 1st HOH (Candy Crush) was earlier this season? Things like that will stain his game this year for years to come.

      • Dan got a few weeks of safety as well in 14, but (I would assume) we all agree that he played a remarkable game advantages or not.

      • It seems as though every other year people go “the competition was weak, they just did everything the winner said, I would like to see how they do against real competition.” I agree Paul’s competition has been weak. Very weak. However, this isn’t his first season. He already has a 2nd place finish. You don’t get a 1st and a 2nd without having a lot of skill weak competition or not.

      • No I have never heard people talk about weak competition as much as this season. This has been unprecedented. He played well last year to get to 2nd and should have won. This year will always be tainted.

      • It’s simply a way to discredit Paul’s existence because they don’t like him personally. Instead of giving him any credit whatsoever, people who hate him are always trying to discredit him. It’s human nature.

    • Paul has not faced the same quality of players that any of those HG faced. And when he did (last season) he made the fatal error of taking the girl who eliminated his ride or die and convinced his other allies (Meech & Natalie) to nominate Paul & Vic, right before Paul & Vic then chose to make a F4 with her. Sorry, but that was either bad game play on Paul’s part OR (and I am beginning to believe this scenario after watching this season) Paul knew Nic would target Victor & was okay with it b/c he knew he’d lose next to Vic in F2, but mistakenly thought he’d beat Nicole. So, he let Nicole evict Victor, ensuring Paul didn’t have the blood of his best bud on his hands. Either scenario results in Paul getting outplayed, either by himself or by Nicole. Take your pick. This season he has played against people who have no desire to win the game, therefore, I can’t judge how good his game really is. I just know that he is the ONLY one playing so he does deserve the win. What I won’t do tho is put him on par with Dan, Will, Derrick or even Maggie of BB 6, because all of those past winners faced serious competition in their winning seasons…Paul has not.

      • When Derrick won people were saying the same things they are saying this season. He had no competition. Everyone did what he wanted. We knew what seemed like a few weeks in this was Derrick’s season. He still played a great game. Paul, weak competition or not, has played a great game. You don’t choose your competition. You play with the people who were put in the house and Paul has dominated them. Would I put Paul above Dan or Will? No not even close. Would I put him above Derrick? No. However, as boring as this season has been it will be a dominant 1st place for Paul. Add that to the 2nd he already has and that is arguably a top 5 player resume.

    • If he wins this season he would have to be top 4 in my opinion with Dan, Will, and Derrick. Like you said he’d join Dan as the only player to never be evicted in 2 seasons and have a win in one and 2nd in one. He would of done his back to back years where Dan had a few years of separation. He already holds the record for most days spent in the house of any HG. All time he has 5 HOH and 7 Veto’s which is 1 HOH off the record and tied record for Veto all time and 1 behind combined record. If he wins Final 2 HOH and the last veto the way he’s planning he’d hold all those records solo.

      • That would be my top 4 as well. 1. Will 2. Dan 3. Derrick 4. Paul. I didn’t even take into consideration the comp dominance as you point out which only makes his case stronger (talking about Will I would be interested to know how many comps he would have won if he tried to win them). People are using the weak competition this season to discredit his win (assuming he wins), but it is still a dominant win. Add that to the 2nd and I can’t see a good argument for why he is not one of the top players.

  12. Unless Kevin pulls a miracle, and makes the final 3, this will be the first finale, i don’t watch, and I’ve seen everyone.

  13. My prediciton at f4: paul wins hoh, throws veto and josh wins then evicts kevin. F3 ideal is josh wins final hoh and evicts paul and wins but im prepared for the worst. Paul has played a phenominal gamen but for him to lose it would a great comical ending to the season.

  14. On BBAD their all trying to convince America, that they haven’t been scumbags all season, what a joke!

  15. So thinking realistically…is Josh going to win the 1st HoH? The endurance comp? Is Josh going to win the 2nd comp, where they have to jump in the water tanks and correctly line up the HoH winners?
    Is he going to win the final HoH, where they have to figure out what the jury members said?

  16. RIP my man Kevin not even taken into consideration. I understand the explanation but still. LMAO. RIP RIP. Love you, Kevin.

  17. Josh is such a douche…I love when he tries to get authoritative, and tell people what he wants like he some kind of sway or influence over anyone else, and then he gets blindsided.

  18. One of the most hilarious moments of this season has to be when Paul fake cries with Alex and Josh in the ASPR (in last night’s episode after he and Xmas vote to evict Kevin)….and then when Alex leaves the room Paul lights up and excitedly says “we’re in!”…..Josh’s eyes get HUGE and he’s like “I think I just saw the devil” in the DR.

    • I laughed until I cried!! Did you also see the look on Kevin’s face when Josh gave his nom speech regarding Kevin floating and not really playing? Kevin looked at Paul like, what the hell is he talking about?. That was funny, also. The thing that makes it so funny is, it was probably a serious look from poor, poor, poor Kevin, bless his heart. lol

      • Do they have have nots in jury ? oh never mind, I do not see how they can do have-nots again, not for the ‘Celebrities 4 show ‘

      • With Raven in the jury house now, Cody has probably already abandoned the house for higher ground. hahaha

      • Good thing there is only one Raven. cuz –
        A group of ravens is called a congress or unkindness.
        Well, guess the group of ravens would fit in here cause there is sure lots of unkindnesses here.

      • OH Paul has taken up raven’s mantle of compulsive liar! Did anyone hear his stories last night to Xmas? He single-handedly fought off a wacko in some coffee shop by pulling out a knife & telling the guy he’d “cut him open if he got any closer”! Hahaha. But wait, it gets even better… After the cops took the bad guy away, thanks to Paul saving the day of course, the coffee shop rewarded Paul with free cappuccinos! OMFG! LMAO! Seriously??!! Does he even realize how stupid he sounds? LAPD would have hauled his ass in too no matter if he was only a witness and, if he’d ever even had contact with cops, he’d have known that! Paul is a little rich boy who lives with mommy & daddy in their mansion, but wants to play a tough guy!

      • nah, paul lives in a house on his parents property, not in their house but am sure he’s in there getting food and money and all his needs taken care of by mumzy and dadzy.

      • you mean after 2+ months, paul finally came up with this story of his that he never had a chance to tell before??? omg

      • When/if Josh goes to jury, I hope he has that expression transfixed on his face. He and Cody can play the staring game. I think Josh could win! lol

      • Jury should be chill since they aren’t competing, but it would be nice to see if there is any left over drama as a result of all of the mania that went on in that house. We’re obviously not going to be privy to as much jury house as we normally are, sad to say.

      • Think they are saving exclusive footage for rich Dubai businessmen you can almost smell the estrogen from Elena over the telly

      • Without the goading and incentive Josh probably hasn’t banged pots and pans since he was a child
        Who actually came up with the idea of the pots and pans ?
        And did someone’s hide Ravens bracelet ?
        I mean everything is recorded, right ????

      • p & p was probably paul’s suggestion.
        Oh, that’s right, bracelet an the coffee pot. They found it cause paul was yelling for Raven ‘not to forget her bracelet’ on the way out!

      • You are talking about the bracelet found under or near the coffee pot, I assume. I never heard anymore about it, but be sure production most likely knows. Sometimes things like that come out afterwards, sometimes not.

      • Evel Dick did the whole pots & pans thing for one week during BB8 when he wanted the house to evict him, rather than his daughter, Daniele, who was otb with him. Idk about raven’s bracelet, but she came up with that during a week when she was not getting any attention…and then she found it herself. Personally, I think she planted it there so she could find it and create a storyline for herself.

      • With Raven it may have just gotten knocked there when Matthew was reaching for cereal, don’t think Level Dick had the other HGs doiubg that gang up and harass thing though, and not quite to the extent as Josh

      • If Josh goes to Jury, he will be different. He will be humble and try to make amends out of guilt. He will try to apologize to Cody.
        I don’t think Cody wants to be buds with Josh but he’s had weeks to mellow so I think it’ll be ok.

      • I bet he had to change his diaper after that. LOL
        What Josh said was so perfect in the moment. Great job of illustrating it all! Perfect!

      • Did you see the WTH look Kevin shot Paul’s way when Josh nom’d him and gave him the reason of…you kind of floated to the end, played it safe and laid under the radar and I would have appreciated if you had played the game more? I think Kevin honestly thought it was BS. Poor, poor, poor, poor Kevin. lol

      • Listen to the announcer at the beginning say something like: “Raven’s Arkansassy assy got sent to jury…” Lol. Good one!
        And watch Alex turn up that 2-liter to drank! Lol

      • Yeah, he’s a fun guy. He’s ok, and definitely not a boring cast of this season. Did you see him when he complained about HG’s that has bad breath? lol Jason is #1 followed by Elena.

  19. I can see Paul cutting Josh to have final 3 of Paul, Kevin, Christmas. But I can also see Paul giving the HOH to Christmas and having her do it for him, and she would. Now that leaves them with Kevin. It is easy to write him off but if we think about it, we really have no idea what he can do because we haven’t seen him do anything. He has listened to Paul and thrown things and appeared weak. I don’t think he really is. I think he is very smart and could probably beat Paul on a mental comp if he tried. Now that would be the perfect way for Paul to go out, by Kevin beating him in comps.

  20. Maybe by now they will at least all try to win HOH
    The way the game is set up someone intentionally losing might make sense with all these feints going on but not at this point
    Still like this format for competitions
    First HOH
    Second VETO
    Last minus one
    Get minus two and you leave
    Just way simpler to follow

  21. Well after Hurricane Irma hit I am back. I would love to see Josh win the final comp and cut Paul, but I really think the odds of that happening are slim. Maybe if Christmas wins the next HOH and Josh wins veto he can cut Paul. Then we would see Christmas run to Kevin and maul him again the fake (insert dirty word here) lady.

    • I hope all is well for you & yours during this time… My mom is in Jacksonville, so I am still concerned, and my thoughts & prayers go out to anyone living in or has family in Florida or Texas, who are still dealing with the aftermath of Harvey

      • At least they have warnings that helps immeasurably, if this storm had hit without warning it would have been even worse

      • I hope they’re okay, hon. Sending my thoughts to you & yours. :)
        ED is down southern FL and said it isn’t as bad as they all thought it was going to be, so that made me feel better about my mom. *fingers crossed*

      • Thank you for your thoughts we were on the southern east coast and got a lot of wind and a lot of rain, it is all almost back to normal.

  22. watching kev after the pov, “oh, DEAR GOD FATHER” I am your loyal 56 year old servant.
    let me kiss your ring, dear paul.

    • I do feel sorry for Kevin, he put himself in a position with Paul and now doesn’t know what to do to get himself out of it. He believed Paul when he told him they had a F2 deal. Now, he has no allies and poor comp skills. He basically has to hold on and hope for the best.

      • He’s just trying to get the best paycheck he can now, tr8p. The longer he’s in the house, the more $$ he makes. He’s not a threat tho, so why are they still messing with him?

      • Hahaha! I just noticed. Oh it’s even worse, than Xmas’s bit**ch-iness, Cshe told Paul her c*nt side is going to come out and she will (I quote) “rape Kevin’s soul with her words”! I mean seriously, tr8p, who says sh*t like that??

      • Oh no, you haven’t heard the latest… did you hear the stories Paul’s been telling about fighting off some crazy attacker at a coffee shop?! LMFAO! Too funny. He has (apparently) decided to pick up Raven’s compulsive liar crown and try it on. hahaha

      • When he claims to have drawn his knife? yeah, again little man sydrome. Alf has it right, spoiled rich kid living at home with his momma, thinks he’s gangsta. ROFLMAO.
        Note; Apologies to Alf if I paraphrased incorrectly.

      • I haven’t seen Alf’s comment yet, but me & him are generally on point. And yes, Alfie’s observation of spoiled little rich boy wanna be gangsta sounds spot on. :)

        What had me lmao tr8p, was how he said “after the cops took the “bad guy” away, the coffee shop gave him free cappuccinos!” I could not stop giggling at this b/c if Paul had ever seriously had contact with LAPD he would know there is no way in hell they would leave that scene without taking his little bearded ass with them for pulling the knife! It is just so stupid that it is obvious the guy has never had any dealings with cops…and he is SO NOT a gangster! hahaha

      • Been taken down to the station and one of the cops would have said ‘You get one phone call, call your mommy and ask her to bring you a dry pair of pants’

    • Thanks lady I was going to say that no one mentioned Kevin or Alex reading the Bible so you have proven me wrong yeah !
      I scrolled through as much of the feeds as I could stand and found no references, so the old saying is true that ‘ Saying nothing says more than saying something ‘ It could be an old saying, how would I know ?

    • I say I feel sorry for Kevin and then he goes and says something stupid ‘Kevin enters HoH and expresses to Josh and Paul his argument for staying: He’s been OTB 3 times in a row, He’s a fighter and he’s been fighting his whole life’ What? WTF?

      • LOL Kevin is completely inept at BB, it’s kind of funny but sad as well.

      • It is. He couldn’t win his way out of a paper sack Em! ;) I feel bad for him, but not his game, he chose to throw comps. I feel bad for how he’s been treated by other HG. That’s it,

      • Right, I don’t care for how they are treating him. There’s one thing called playing the game and what they are doing to Kevin, is not, playing the game. It’s just being cruel imo.

  23. What if Josh took Kevin? I feel anyone and Josh we’d see Josh get 50K but, with Kevin if you argue game play, Josh would win.

    • If Josh wins POV and evicts Paul, that could happen.
      And a big Firetruck Ya’self to Xmas. – She, I think, would be a bitter betty and vote for Kevin with some bs excuse.

    • Not happening, Nope…she doesn’t even have respect for Josh. Look how she talks too him. Smh

    • I think she is ok to pay for 2nd to Paul this go-round. Paul has been pumping it into her head that “100%” BB will ask her to come back to play when she’s healed. I think that justifies in her mind that she can come in 2nd here (like Paul last year) and be invited back to play when she’s healed. We shall see! :)

  24. If Josh doesn’t win HoH, or Veto, kiss him goodbye. No one will take him too final 2. I did hear Alex tell Paul, his best chance of winning.. “is too take Josh”. So who knows….

  25. I think Christmas has Stockholm syndrome. Either that, or she’s so calculated and fame-hungry that she thinks her & Paul as a couple would guarantee her a few years of F-list celebrity making joint appearances on The Amazing race, future seasons of big brother, etc. (think a tatted-up version of Rachel & Brendan).

  26. well Josh opened the door for Paul to axe Christmas…Josh ask if they were in a showmance….Wrong question Josh…Paul can’t let viewers think that he is involved in any relationship other than friendship.. Paul will ask himself and speculate Do the viewers/fans think I am hooked up with Christmas??? She got to go….

    • Are you in a showmance.?
      Xmas ‘oh I so hope so’
      Paul ‘no just stringing the bi**h along, I only love myself’

    • LMAO! Who’d have thunk it that Josh could be so cunning? He knows Paul’s ego won’t allow for that b/c Paul is seriously not into Xmas, so what better way to manipulate Paul into turning on his most rabid of all followers? Suggest that he is. Hahaha. That’s hilarious! Can’t believe I’m saying this, but way to go, Josh!

      • Yeah I really don’t think Josh was manipulating… I think he just asked. I don’t think he thinks that far or that deeply. If this works out that way it’s dumb luck on Josh’s part.

  27. Honestly I can really clearly see Paul winning HoH and PoV at F4 and putting Christmas and Josh on the block and letting Kevin evict Josh. That way he’d easily win part 1, Kevin would be guaranteed part 2 because X wouldn’t be cleared and boom you’ve got Paul vs Kevin at part 3. Paul wins and probably evicts Kevin. That’s a tough jury to call right there. Also if that were to happen Paul would tie Janelle in comp wins for a single season. Also I don’t think Paul will win because no winner in the history of BBUS has ever won more than 2 vetoes, and he’s already at 4. One more ties him for the all time record though.

    • Everyone keeps assuming Christmas will not be cleared to play, but that is not the case. There are plenty of comps they could have where she would be able to play.

      • Yeah, I don’t get why people assume this. My only thought has been she’ll move slower than her opponent, as it’s likely to be a mix of physical and mental. She was cleared to play in the DE Veto which involved moving quickly and jumping into a ball out and going up and down a staircase and yet some say she won’t be cleared for final HoH part 2… makes no sense.

      • I am not assuming she can’t play, well not at least completely. I am talking more about this IF she can’t compete. If she can compete then my theory can be thrown out the window.

  28. Kevin could very well win veto to get to F3. It would be a miracle but could happen. He also could win HOH. Usually it’s questions in the F4 HOH. Santa and Dictator have been getting questions wrong. If Kevin won POV and he gets to evict how great that would be. A nice slap in the face to the 3 bullies who are so cocky.

  29. I actually don’t know where I would put Alex’s vote after watching her on the feeds today. She seems to be pretty angry with Paul, and we know she’s capable of holding grudges to the end of time. I think it we have to wait to see how she acts when she arrives at the jury house to know for sure which way she’s gonna vote.

  30. I still think what would be great is on live finale night, they all beat the hell out of paul

  31. With Josh not playing next HOH and only one vote to evict, I see Paul letting Kevin taking the shot at Josh.

  32. Just the thought of rubber ducky Paul winning is not right. BB

    should not bring back past players because they have the advantage.

  33. IT seems they have forgotten KEvin here, what happens if he wins and goes to final three. or has it already been set, or even final two.
    If Paul sticks to his strategy he will make sure Josh the strongest threat goes home in the next round, leaving Paul with two weak players, Josh can not compete in the next HOH , only Paul Xmas and Kevin, anything can happen,
    We have no idea how XMAS is really going to play, for that matter anyone, Paul is the best of what is left, and if these fools do not see it they deserve to not win,
    Paul is playing so far , he is thinking of money last and game first, you can not win the money without game, Josh would be the next target and Kevin backup. IF Paul sticks to his good game play, Paul has kept his word to Kevin, and Kevin has been loyal to him, Paul will win hands down if he makes it too the finale two. No question about it, IF they vote game play and not revenge,
    I am waiting for Xmas to turn on Paul. she is sneaky and slimy, and has to understand that the game is now in her face and the win is not far away. Josh is awake, a little too late, KEvin is still in la la land,
    It will be interesting, Paul is the favorite to win HOH, He will not nom, Xmas, Josh and Kevin will be on the block, If Kevin wins, Josh and Xmas on the block, If Xmas wins , Josh and kevin on the block, Kevin will be on the block no matter what if he can not win HOH,
    IF Paul wins HOH the only two who have a chance of going home are Kevin or Josh. THe next veto winner will determine the next final three, they will be the one to vote,

  34. Any one but Chirstmas. She’s had a free ride every since she broke her foot. She has done nothing to deserver to win. Be a toss up Paul (should BC he lead the sheep toslauter lol.

  35. I don’t understand how Paul and Xmas can sit there and talk about attacking a 56 year old family man who had done nothing to warrant it. He is most likely leaving soon and why attack him? And Alex put that friggin bible away you need to do more than read a bible to redeem yourself.

  36. Umm what if Kevin wins veto? I know it’s a stretch but just because he doesn’t win HOH means he’s going home. I hope Paul wins HOH, nominates Kevin and Christmas, Kevin wins veto, Josh is auto renommed and Kevin sends Josh to jury.

  37. Honestly almost everyone in the house is a complete scumbag. I just wanna hibernate and wait for the next season.

    Give either Mark or Kevin the AFP already.

  38. Christmas actually told Josh she’d take Paul to F2 over him? Wow! I’d tell her to go screw herself and make deals with Alex and/or Kevin. I’m looking out for her and this is how she’s repaying me? Doesn’t she realize she has a better chance of winning the $500K vs. me than vs. Paul? The jury hates me!

    • I don;t think Josh would really care at this point. Biggest thing is how the vote went last night and who went home. I doubt that Alex will team up with Paul if she stays considering what Paul told her about not using the VETO to save her.

  39. This Big Brother season has been tremendously disappointing. How I miss the days of DR. WILL or Dan Gheesling. CBS needs to find some cold blooded sneaky players to ROCK this game back to the glory days. THIS season was a COMPLETE BUST!!! For the entire season to go by without an extreme effort to get Paul out is inexcusable. DISGUSTED!!!

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