This will be a busy week for Big Brother 19 with three more new episodes set to follow Sunday’s kickoff of the second to last week of the season. In fact, after this week there is just one more episode left in all of Big Brother this year when the winner of BB19 will be crowned!
While Monday’s Veto meeting took place right on schedule earlier this afternoon the rest of the Houseguests’ week is about to come racing down the lane at them. On Tuesday the Houseguests will be surprised by an early eviction but we won’t see that happen. Instead the Feeds should go down midday Tuesday and stay off until Wednesday night, likely after the west coast broadcast.
That Wednesday night episode will be more than the usual Veto show of course. Julie will be back to host a pre-recorded eviction show featuring Tuesday night’s events and airing Wednesday 8/7c on CBS and CBS All Access. By the end of that show we’ll have our Final 4 HGs of the season but not for long.
Thursday night’s show will be back to live action with the F4 as we prepare to find out which of them will meet the end of their game just short of the F3’s Final HoH three-round competition. We’ll see that episode at the usual 9/8c timeslot and our live coverage will be here on the site at 9PM ET.
Following all that we’ll get one more extra episode this week on Friday night at 8/7c. Now this is probably just going to be the memory lane episode and why not, it’s been a whole whopping three or four weeks since the last one. Instead of showing us the first round of the final HoH comp we’ll probably get an hour long “remember that time last week?” before the F3 HGs go to the backyard and start their big endurance comp. We’ll probably only see it all get started.
After that we’ll only have next Wednesday for the two-hour Big Brother 19 season finale starting at 8/7c on September 20th. There’s no Sunday episode in between since CBS is hosting the Emmy Awards show that night (Sept. 17th). So it’s this week then the big season ending. Can you believe it?!
The final four episodes of Big Brother 19 are here. Wednesday (8/7c), Thursday (9/8c), Friday (8/7c), and then Wednesday, Sept 20th (8/7c) with the two-hour finale. Who is going to make the cut from F4 to F3? Will Paul try to cut Josh for his recent suspicious behavior or will the trio stick together and kick Kevin off to Jury after Alex? We’ll find out in the next few days.
Okay, this game has officially stressed me out. I’m sitting here eating cookie dough and my R eyelid is twitching. Both bad signs, lol
I’m going to need a bigger fidget spinner, lol
The worst sign is that you’re eating cookie dough and I’m not. ;~(
I have a little bit left, I will save it for you.We’ll both probably need it before the season is over.
You could ask Raven what to do about the eyel
Right, she probably has twitchy eye syndrome. Oh no, is it terminal?
Contacted Ravens Mom. She knows a doctor that can verify it for $350. The voucher can be used at any site that accepts GoFundMe funding. Not available in Idaho and North Dakota.
Gee thanks for checking that out for me Alf. Wait, are you Raven’s mom?
We will find a cure for twitchy eye syndrome even if it takes 500,000 worth of funding. You’re worth it friend!
Ah, yes, I could use $500k for so many things, oops, I mean my terminal eye disease.
I think the official diagnosis is “rough eyelid syndrome” .
No, this is twitchy eye. My eyelids are fine lol
Lol …
Beware of the Alex Ow Cookie Dough & Sugar Fed Coca Cola Diet.
Im ready for the torture to end!!
I am equal parts for Paul winning or Paul not in final 2. The part for him winning is he is most deserving of the remainders. The part of him cut before finals is a double edge sword cause game play side would see this as a worse outcome but my emotional side tells me he deserves it even if it is at the hands of Josh.
I hated paul last season but thought he deserved it. I hate him even more this season and I hope he doesn’t win. I just don’t like the way he played the game this season.
Me too. I think Victor coming back so much ruined last season for me. Wished James could have been up there. This season I have no one I want to win. Just that I have defaulted to Paul only since the rest are all throwing the game.
He grew on me last season. Liked him by the end. Opposite this season.
Same for me.
I remember! You jumped ship before I did, haha. Or more accurately, called it before I. I especially do not like Xmas, Josh and Paul together and since they are the ones getting most airtime, leaving feeds off for most part. Really weird combo and dynamic between them…
IKR? have pretty well stopped watching the feeds and stopped reading jokers if there is a long convo with Paul or Xmas in it.
Same here.
I can’t stand the guy and I hope he falls flat on his F2 Butt and once again is the runner up to a horrible Gilligan’s Island full of Castaways.
worst season ever
IMO. 15 was worse but both are stinkers.
I really liked season, they had the strongest female cast from any season.
18 days till Survivor and are you looking forward to Celebrity Big Brother?
I don`t like Survivor., i tried watching it a few times, but I just don`t find it interesting. Well Celebrity BB will be just like another season, with “strangers” as we get to know them… so yeah I will watch but I`m not too excited about it
You need to try to just stick it out for 1 season of Survivor. I think then you’d be hooked. But maybe not. Lol
survivor is awesome
I agree, I will add TAR to the list as well.
What’s “TAR” ?
Amazing Race
Lol ! Duh ! It’s been a long day …
A long day in a long season, for all of us.
Looks like the celebrities in “Celebrity” is just a bunch of reality stars + Lance Bass.
LOL. Debating varying degrees of putrefaction.
Agree.. I thought 15 was worse too.
Even though 15 was bad at least they played the game.
I liked some of the personalities. Howard and Helen.
Mark said he liked Aaryn and I said WTF?
No explanation. Perhaps; Mark is a simpleton?
If you mean dumb as a doorknob, yup.
Wasn’t she one of the ones that stole a bottle of wine and wouldn’t share it?
She was the racist one, not sure about the wine but that sounds like something she would do.
I remember the racist part. Gina marie was too.
Yes and everybody was fighting about that 1 bottle of wine
I wish they would show the jury house instead of them congratulating themselves and reminiscing about what they hate about the others HGs.
Ya that be dynamic to watch if it was live feeds, probably take away from finale and vote reveal though. Maven and Marlena are probably holed up in their rooms. Cody is silent and Jason is tossing tables.
Denny, that is funny! I think spot on though!
I do too. I think it’s rubbing off on some of the feedsters. Somebody left a response to me that I must have the same morals as Paul because I commented yesterday that I felt bad for Alex and wanted him to pull her off block. Apparently he mocks others looks according to them. They then proceeded to rip his looks in more derogatory terms than I have even heard in the BB house!
TB, I doubt you have to worry about having the same morals as Paul. I doubt too many people in general do. With regard to Alex, I feel bad for her, too. Of all the HGs, she seemed to trust Paul the most, so that cut probably goes the deepest. The game part of it I can understand; two people are going to the end. That means this season 14 people aren’t. But the nasty, underhanded way Paul has treated the HGs this season is deplorable.
I felt bad for her, mean streaks aside, because she was a good player and wanted to play a fair game and compete with the best. Too bad she got nasty toward Kevin, disappointing.
I don’t feel bad for her because she became cocky and complacent. Then when her chips are down, she just gave up.
She blew it for sure. But don’t think she gave up until yesterday, when it was too late to do anything, did she?
I was more referencing her refusing to talk to Josh. She will talk to Paul, who betrayed her, yet when Josh comes up to her she basically tells him to get lost, when he could be her only way to stay.
She’s been telling Paul to get lost too. The only reason she talked to him in the beginning is because he has the veto.
its true- instead of rolling over get to work on Josh and Kevin
Well you want to see cocky just look at the 3 stooges. Now there’s cocky. Lol
At first my grand daughter and I were rooting for her. The nastier she got, the mover we wanted her evicted. Now she’s praying that she gets fan favorite. Not gonna happen.
She had better be Happy with a prompt hand clap from the audience when she exits that house, that’s all she’s getting from America now. 😀
Well said.
He probably used the term bully also when he is the online bully. I literally have read the word bully here so much that it doesn’t mean anything after awhile.
with ‘minions’ coming in a close second 😏
I just used it again. 😄😜I was trying to make a point but I’m done now.
TrueBlue. I’ve read at least 200 of your comments. Have never once thought you where anything but nice to everyone. Keep being yourself. That other person may have to look in their own mirror before judging.
Aw, thanks Alf! Very nice of you to say. My feelings weren’t hurt tho, I actually was half thinking they were joking because the comment was so over the top silly. But you’re a sweetie, thx 😊
You know what I feel bad about is how this seasons house guest didn’t play their game better. Constantly listening to one person from last season instead of trying to give themselves a chance. Shouldn’t have even considered keeping a vet in the game as long as they did. I’m all for strategy game play but the outright bullying I couldn’t condon. It was totally unnecessary.
I have never seen a season where so many comps are thrown. Much better when everyone plays to win.
That is how political correctness works. It is only an outage to them if they are not the one doing it.
When will jury roundtable or jury house footage air? Completely uninformed due to hurricane Irma preparation and no electricity. Cellphone service is back!
They will probably show some on Wednesday’s show since Matt, Jason, and Raven have all been there a while and could show more Thursday once Alex arrives. As for the round table that won’t be aired until 2 hour Finale.
Agreed. I really would love to listen to Jason and Alex discussing what went wrong in the jury house. That would be fantastic.
They went the wrong way to Paul’s house and came out stupid! 🙄no one to blame but themselves.
I would love to have seen Jason entering the house and talking with Cody and Mark about Paul.
Big Brother is missing out on good ratings. Perhaps They are fearful. No one would watch the CBS Show. We would all abandon it for the Jury House.
Final HOH Part 1 will start Thursday after the live show, Right? So why wouldn’t they show that on Friday. Since they just did the other one maybe they could shorten it for the finale, or (PLEASE) just leave it out.
No, they’ll probably wait for a while. Thursday will be the the Final 4 to the Final 3 cut, so they have to have a new HOH comp, nomination ceremony, Veto comp, Veto meeting, and eviction. That’s going to take up all of Thursday’s episode, and that’s no including if they take the time to show anything from the jury house.
Wednesday the 20th is a two hour event.
So they’ll save a lot to fill a 2-hour show. Makes sense.
Maybe they will show the Jury house on Friday…they are behind on that.
Hopefully we see some footage on Wednesday.
Last year the finale was 90 minutes, and the start of Survivor followed it. If that’s the schedule tis year, they need 90 minutes of show to fill.
Thanks for keeping us up-to-date with the schedule, BBN.
When will jury roundtable or jury house footage air? Completely uninformed due to hurricane Irma preparation and no electricity. Cellphone service is back.
Xmas is acting like a demented over protective girlfriend of Paul.
Very odd to me.
She’s creeping me out too!
She back on those meds?
I’m thinkin she’s just weird!
From Jokers
‘Christmas laying on Pauls lap. Paul is playing with her hair.’
Now I think I know what it feels like when a cat has a hairball it needs to get out. Ack! Ack! Ack!
Meanwhile in the Jury House. Matt has set the record for hours slept and bowls of cereal eaten.
And the record for most consecutive days wearing the same shirt.
Most used condoms in the BB house.
then Raven continues to wear it. It must be able to stand up in the corner by itself.
Oh, that can’t make Raven happy.
He is a worthless individual. Just a lazy arse who wanted to make jury, a $1,000 a wk paycheck, rental movies and free booze/cereal.
She has a long relationship and breaks up with her fiance. Ends up stuck in a house for months with his doppelganger in Paul. She has to be a wreck emotionally.
She’ll do anything for Paul to take her to final two! It’s all apart of her game play now. Nothing new here with these people. A bunch of cut throats now. 😊
yes. I think if Paul wins HOH, he’ll get rid of her instead of Josh.
Is Paul even “in” to her?
I don’t see it, I think he is just using her. I did noticed that Paul loved when Elena rubbed his body.
I just hope we don’t have to see Paul on any more tv shows in the future
paul’s already been on Candy Crush. Let’s see, there’s the Wall, Pyramid, Match Game, To Tell the Truth, America’s Got Talent, So you Think you Can Dance, American Ninja Warrior, The Bachelor/ette, America’s Got Talent, Whose Line is it Anyway?, NFL Football, Antiques Roadshow, The Price is Right, and The Talk with Julie Chen.
He’s got a couple more shows to do. oh yeah, the 5 pm national news.
You forgot the Bold and the Beautiful
didn’t know that one. what was his character? some slimy assed cheater that wore black and tats and told everyone what to do?
glad I didn’t see it. can’t stand to see his face now!
How good of a chance do you think Josh has to win the final HoH? This is assuming he also won the 1st or 2nd comp
Has to join Kevin. They win the rest of the comps. Hope they can do it!
I don’t really see Kevin teaming up with Josh over Paul, since Kevin feels closer to Paul and thinks Josh is a buffoon.
Josh has no chance without help. Never mind Paul…Josh is terrified of Christmas. Will do whatever She says just so She stops threatening him.
“Josh, in lounge right now!!” She’s a dominatrix in rl, I suspect
I have that song from Flashdance going through my mind now whenever I see Xmas. ‘She’s a maniac, maniac’!
Josh pulls the covers over his head and hopes She goes away.
Or like my 3 yr old great nephew. He closes his eyes, if he can’t see you, you don’t exist, lol
LOL “just so she stops threatening him.”
Does it include memory skills or puzzles? If Christmas is in mix she does not do well on those.
The 1st comp is endurance
2nd comp is a combination of physical and mental
3rd is a true/ false with HGs having to guess what the jury members said while in the jury house
How many HOH’s left? Paul wants next one and can’t do back to back correct?
At final three there are no more HOH’s
Next one is for F4. There is no HoH at F3. All can compete in first round
So Josh can’t win next HOH, right?
thx, was confused by Jolima’s question above…
There’s the final 4 HoH, then after these 3 competition rounds, the person who won the 1st comp competes against the person who won the 2nd comp. Technically, whoever wins the 3rd comp is considered the “final HoH”
Ah, gotcha, thx!
Also Paul only got 4 of 8 jury questions right last year so its definitely not a lock he will beat Josh.
Oh, also, everyone is eligible to compete in the 1st round of the comps (no matter who was HoH at final 4)
No. Think about it. How would the critical F3 HoH work if only two could compete?
I was replying to somebody else’s comment that implied otherwise, which is why I asked.
He is pretty observant and the 3rd comp is usually questions about he hg’s so he has a chance. I think he would get very nervous though which would hurt him
I’m not a Paul fan, but I’d like to see him win just to piss off the insufferable Derrick, who feels very threatened by Paul for some reason, even though he’s not in the game this year.
BB Comics Derrick
What makes you think he feels threatened? (not disagreeing, just curious)
What? Why would you say that? Derrick is a very decent man. If he spoke out against Paul this season it was against the mob mentality and group bully tactics Paul has employed this season & that is it. I do not see that as being threatened by Paul in any way or fashion. He simply did not like that sort of game play, end of story. Dan G has also spoken out on twitter regarding the tactics used and said “you can play BB hard and win BB without kicking your fellow HG when they are down. I am surprised at what people are telling me Paul has done this season!” so does that make him jealous of Paul as well?
Even Dr. Will and Evil Dick have spoken out against Paul’s gameplay.
Derick may be mad at the fact that Paul is copying his strategy and turning it into sh**.
Paul is lucky BB gave him an unheard of 3 weeks of safety. He would have been out in week 1. Paul may have played more than others but he doesn’t deserve to win
CBS should give us a payment just for sticking with them this long!!!!! For the first time in 19 seasons, including season 15, I couldn’t wait for the BB season to end!!!!!
I was just thinking, I think that Josh’s best bet would be to pull Alex aside before the vote, tell her that he’s had a secret F3 deal with Paul for half the season (he can exaggerate to piss her off even more), tell her Paul was behind getting Jason out and that Paul was behind this nom too.
THEN tell her that he’s going to flip the vote because he needs her to go after Paul. I think Alex is pissed off enough at Paul right now (even though she’ll vote for him over Josh), and she has gotten to the point of feeling so helpless that this move will win her loyalty.
I think she figured that out (their alliance) already, but would love to see that happen. I don’t think she would hesitate, as she is a gamer by nature.
I’d love to see that, too. If Josh has any chutzpah, now would be the time to find it.
“If Josh has any chutzpah”
Christmas took it and wears it on a necklace.
Hi T!
From a California Girl…
Okay, you two. Neither one of you are wearing any clothes!
Uh-oh, Alf…Big sis is step[ping in to put a crimp in our fun! ;) lol!
Alf is a big boy, but you are my little sis and I need to keep you in line! I know how easily you can go off the rails, lol
As you can see I’m in a big puff of cotton candy here…can’t get any crazier than that, right sis! LOl! Cali-girls…West Coast represent! hahaha JK! I’ve had two dirty martinis! So, excuse my cray-cray! lol!
Cali-girls. Change that i to an l and we have another Jessica smh
Not me! I have always known where to draw the line between fine, fresh, fierce and *Free*! hahaha
Good, I’m reassured that I’ve done my job.
Of course you have. You’re a good big sis.. I’m just a brat sometimes. California Girls, we’re undeniable! Put your hands up! hehe
You had me at “Ooh oh ooh oh oh ooh”
I’m having fun drinking martinis and talking online…they’re dirty ones too, Alf! hahaha
You get on with yer bad self. Have some fun..let the hair down and hike up the skirt…but not to far up!
Nah, I know where to draw my line in the sand, unlike some of these HG! hahaha! I just decided to chill, listen to music & get a little schnitzled on dirty martinis! I deserve it after this season! ;)
You’re an awesome person. Enjoy!
Listening to Bohemian Rhapsody right now… It feels like Paul’s swan song haha Nah, that’s probably just my wishful thinking.
Think of me when you get to some The Sweets “Ballroom Blitz”
I’m at Stevie Miller Band right now, The Joker… ;)
Smokin and midnight tokin. I remember those days.
I’ve got Bob Seger ‘wish I didn’t know now what I didn’t know then’
Love me some Silver Bullet Band.
Love Bob Seger. Are we all stuck in the 70’s today? Well, I’m stuck in BB 6, so I guess I am in the past. hehehe
An old soul?
Whiskey voice. Always loved that.
Love that song ‘Whiskey Lullaby’ Brad Paisley and Alison Krauss version
Great song. Alisons voice is other worldly. Amazing talent.
Her CD A Hundred Miles or More one of my all time faves
She has such a sweet voice, like an angel.
She made an album with Robert Plant from led Zepplin. became a fan after that,
Oh my fave Alison Krauss song is the one she did posthumously with Keith Whitley: When You say Nothing At All. I think that is the most beautiful song I have ever heard!
Yes, always said that I would use that for my 2nd wedding,lol
BeefCake Howie
OMFG! I’m watching this season right now, Alfie! Howie was so disappointed when he didn’t get a light-saber in his HOH basket! LMAO! Great gif!
Glad it made You happy! 6 Was a great season.
Yep it reminds me of the song I’m listening to right now…Fergalicious… Like Janelle… They (those girls of BB 6) all hated Janelle coz she was smokin hot! hehe They were so jelly.
Oh those girls and that Cappy business. Really.
What was your favorite season?
Hard to pick one. My faves were:
– 2 cos of Dr.Will, just couldn’t believe how he survived week to week.
-3 cos of Danielle Reyes
-7 All Stars (Will, Danielle, Janelle, Kaysar all together)
And yours, Alf?
Other than season 2. 14 with Dans Funeral with Big Frank and Boogie together.
Yes, that was good. There have been a lot of great players and great moments over the years
Kaysar. Forgot about Him. He was good TV.
Yes, Kaysar! You know Kaysar was one of the BEST BB strategists to ever play the game, sis. His biggest flaw, he showed his cards too quickly. That is why Will wanted him out first b/c Will knew Kaysar would be his biggest competition, especially with Janelle, who as we all know is a comp beast. Will wanted Janelle on his team, but Kaysar had her loyalty, so Will executed Kaysar in a way that is still a BB classic. He had his own team mate (James R) do it… smh. And that is why Will is the KING!
So many great players early in Big Brother. Danielle was so smart. Was Alison Grodnar in charge during those seasons?
Yes. She has been with the show since BB 2. ;) That is why I laugh when I see people going get rid of her and wanting to light the torch & kill the AG beast! She has been with the show a long long time, but I think she is starting to lose touch, Alfie on what the fans want& that sucks.
Interesting. I will never blame Alison again. Whatever happened to the quality of the show is above her pay grade. Thanks for the info.
See, on paper, his tactics should never work, but he has the charm and chutzpah to get away with it. Plus he never gave up, always looked for the angle that would appeal to whoever was HoH and convince the other hg’s that the other nominee was a bigger threat. LOL, priceless
130-140 IQ level, charming good looks and a devilish personality. Good combination.
Oh you sweet talker you Alf.
Or are you talking about Will?
I was speaking of myself! lol.
You and T are truly awesome. Hope you both have a wonderful Tuesday.
So, Alf we’re alike in many ways, lol
Yes, you enjoy the day tomorrow.
I know, LOL, it was like he died when he left! haha! Ivette kept saying Oh my Cappy, help me! It was almost as bad as when Jesse was evicted in BB 11, do you remember that? How Lydia and them sat there and sobbed as if Jesse had been murdered and not evicted! LMAO!
And Gina Marie when what’s his name was booted out.
Lydia ” Don’t take away my boy toy; mr pectacular!”
Jannelle owned the room. Was great seeing her a few years back enjoying life as a Mom.
I’m a joker, I’m a smoker, I’m a midnight toker…get my loving on the run… hahah
I am being a good sister, I’ll have you know. :) hahahaha
Psst…don’t make tr8p mad, Alf. She’ll get ya!
She makes me laugh alot but has an all business look. I just say yes um at that point.
I knew you were smart, Alf!
Yep. But I’ve got a better way of calming my big sis… It’s like feeding the beast. It never fails. For you, tr8p…
Will is winking at ya!
Goin all girly now, te he
See, Alf, never ask an amateur to try what only a Doctor can achieve! lol!
The chaperone is distracted. Looks around for a place to run.
Alf! don’t make me come over there.
Yes Ma’am!
She scares me. Tell her ditto will ya?
Yeah, Alf don’t make her come over there..she has a spoon. ;) hahaha
What Alf said!
No idea what happened to my trousers!
Again, with that excuse Alf? ;-)
He must be drinking too, tr8p. ;)
Well at this point, with this season, aren’t we all? How else do we get through it?
Katy Perry took em! haha
Hello Newman!
The only catch is that now Paul would gun after Josh, and Xmas would turn on Josh (because she wants Paul in the game to help her get to final 2). At the very least, those are 2 jury votes he would lose.
Josh can’t do anything as Paul and Christmas are the only votes. Alex already said as much in regards to the 3 of them working together. She phrased it as Jason will say you 3 worked together and planned etc etc so she already knows. She doesn’t respect Josh so if anything she’ll pass along this information to Paul which could send Josh out next vote. Even though she is pissed off with Paul she still wants him to win and will vote for him as well as try to sway the votes in his favor. She will blow Josh up if he comes to her.
And if Josh did break a tie and keep her, his azz will be next otb.
He’s going next anyway, so it probably doesn’t matter.
Josh not nominating Paul and Christmas this week= biggest bonehead move in BB history since Cody choosing Derrick.
He can only flip the vote if there is a tie and Paul and Xmas say they’re voting to evict Alex. Josh can however tell her about the plan to evict Jason and her and Paul’s part in it in his GB message to her
So Josh would have to take a page out of Paul’s book and convince him to vote Kevin out. He could say he was sorry for doing a rogue vote earlier and to make it up to him he will be tie breaker to vote out Alex to keep Paul in better favor with her. Then turn on him and vote out Kevin.
That would be fantastic. The Student out foxes the master.
Would make the season worth it in the end (for us viewers, lol)
That would work if he did it but he has already proven to be a wimp when it comes to acting on his own behalf. In short, he will think about doing that, but then do what Paul wants instead.
That was the game plan as of last night…Josh pissed off P & C by bawling to Alex about having to get her out. He made it seem like she had a chance to stay, which pissed her off even more. So P & C said that Josh now has to be the tie breaker. He agreed to it.
And today, they’re mad at something Alex said at the veto ceremony. They are back and forth, it will depend where they are when it’s time for the eviction
I think it was Alex saying something about “Friendship” and “Boyz” and throwing it in Paul’s face. I think he’ll still throw her a vote though. It probably doesn’t matter at this point, as mad as Alex is despite saying she’ll still vote for Paul in F2
If Josh is the tiebreaker and saves Alex, I hope it comes back to bite him in the azz.
I feel like he’s getting really cocky…Oh geez here he goes on the feeds, cam-talking about how he’s going to win, etc. I hope Josh goes next week.
What are his game moves? “Blowing people’s games up”? He got lucky that he came across as such a buffoon, Paul decided to take him to the end along with the girl with the broken foot.
Me too. All of a sudden he became a rogue play and needs to go right after Alex.
Yep. The big man in town drags with him to F3 the house buffoon and a girl with a broken foot. Hey, Paul, a win only matters if you’re actually competing against formidable opponents.
Paul already competed against and got rid of all of the formidable opponents lol. Both this year and last.
Yeah I think it’s kind of a moot point for Paul to vote for Alex at this point, given how pissed off she is at him. If I were her, instead of moping around pissed-off like she is, I’d be campaigning HARD with Josh, getting in his ear about his chances against Paul, and telling him I will give him a better chance to get to F2 and win rather than just him alone competing against Paul.
Josh has already decided he will never turn on Paul. All the hot air he’s been spewing at the cameras seems production-driven at this point. Can you imagine how bad the dialogue (or lack of it) must be in the house if all production has to show us is Josh’s never-ending loop of the “should I? shouldn’t I?” fake confusion in his mind?
I was wondering…why is Josh suddenly getting these epiphanies…I agree it seems production driven the past 2 weeks
It would be foolish to split the vote at this point. Just get her out, then get josh out next.
Can’t they be happy and enjoy one minute of BB? Kevin, before the attacks a month ago, would telL everyone to stop an enjoy the BB experience because it is once in a lifetime and life goes by fast. This season this final group has spent weeks being angry and paranoid.
I know, I’m sure for many of them this has been a dream to be on BB and they’re not enjoying the experience. In past seasons, you’d see the hg’s making up games and playing them almost until the end. This season, there has been such an antagonistic attitude mindset created that hg’s are hesitant to engage each other without the nasty gnome interfering. Such a wasted opportunity
I wonder if they will get cards or Jenna this year? I remember on OTT the took the little things from the care packages or holidays , like a those kids poppers , sticky hands, or a wind up toy, they had races, competitions, made predictions and had fun for hours. Plus they all has fun even though it was so divided, LNJ and BS played games together. Or who can forget The guys even Scott all doing stripper acts for Whitneys Birthday. Even for birthdays this season there was a stinky Raven made cake and that was about it.
Right, there really wasn’t any fun this season. So disappointing in so many ways.
If that happened and Josh voted out Kevin it would be EPIC
Thinking about it more…the trick would be Paul and Xmas turning on Josh for going against their plans. He’s already skating on thin ice with them.
If Josh saves Alex, and she wins the next HoH, Paul & Xmas go on the block.If Paul wins veto, he comes off the block and Josh goes to jury round table.
Josh doesn’t have any way to save Alex.
How could Josh save her? Christmas & Paul are the one’s voting.
Well, at least as of last night, Xmas and Paul were pissed at Josh for bawling to Alex about his decision to nominate her this week. They said it made Josh look less culpable, and gave Alex hope. So, Josh both volunteered and Xmas/ Paul demanded that Josh be the tie breaker this week. Paul votes for Alex to stay, Xmas votes her out. Josh would be in the position to then vote for Alex to stay, sending Kevin out.
I doubt they will do that though, they don’t want to take the chance.
Josh will probably do the same as he did with Jason and let her know during the goodbye message. At this point Alex needs to go.
Nothing like squealing like a stuck pig. I hope nobody believes him. None of them respect him so they may not believe him either. Jason excluded.
The squeaky wheel gets the oil .
I agree…although the blow will probably be softened a little by the fact that unlike Jason, she is kind of seeing an alliance between Xmas, Josh, and Paul.
That MIGHT work in Paul’s favor if she thinks that Paul already had an alliance, and that’s the real reason he wouldn’t use the veto on her. Maybe she would take it less personally, like it was Paul’s game strategy rather than him just being a last minute snake.
Reading all of that was exhausting. One other reason why I cancelled the BS 24/7 feeds. Another day and a half where the feeds will go down, but we still will find out who won the comps anyway. Hoping for two things before the finale. Paul is not in the F3 and Kevin is.
If I was Alex I would let Paul know that I was going to tell Marlena and Maven all the secrets I had about how Paul targeted each of them and planned for their evictions. Paul is paranoid about he is perceived in the jury and is trying desperately to secure votes. I would just mess with his head and make him afraid to have me in the jury house for a week. It may not effect how the jury votes but it would scare Paul and maybe he would then work to keep me over Kevin this week and then I could try and win HoH to get to F3
I like the theory of Alex threatening to poison the jury and forcing Paul to keep her. Has it ever been done successfully on Big Brother?
I don’t recall but that’s not saying it hasn’t. I think it works here cos he is so paranoid bout jury votes and Alex was in on so much of his planning.
That could actually backfire….if 8 people are sitting in the jury house, and they all find out that Paul masterminded every single eviction, Dr. Will could calm them down and make them see rationally that Paul WAS big brother this season.
Cody, Mark, Elena, and Jason all admitted that they KNEW Paul was running things (Jason: “There’s nothing that happens in this house that Paul doens’t know about).
Now, Matt and Raven were blind, but Josh accidentally covered Paul’s tracks by being one vote for Raven to stay – and telling her “I’M SORRY Raven!!” right as she went out the door. She thinks Paul voted for her lol. Alex can clear that up, but the jurors might not believe her, since she’ll come in 1000% bitter acting, and she’s a sociopath.
You’ve missed the point. The point is to threaten Paul that she will poison the jury since he is so scared that the jury is going to vote against him. The threat is a tactic to have him reconsider her getting voted out at this point. I did not say she could poison the jury nor did I say she would actually try.
I’m saying what I would be thinking if I was Paul. I wouldn’t be threatened by her, and it wouldn’t convince me to try to keep her – especially when she said she’d vote for game play, not on a personal level. I’d also not risk it if I were Paul, since I’d have a better chance of getting to Final 2 without her in the game – DEFINITELY after her being angry and now no guarantees that she’d take me if she won the final HoH. All in all, my point is it wouldn’t work.
Well she’ll never know cos she didn’t try. One thing Dr. Will showed was that there is always an angle to play, you just have to find that person’s weak spot and with Paul it’s jury votes. That’s how Will won his season.
Yes, but I think what tr8p is trying to say is if Alex said I’m going to tell everyone you played a part in their evictions, but were too scared to take the shot yourself…that could really freak him out! I know it’s mean, but think about it, that would seriously send Paul into a full blown tizzy! He’s so stressed at how the jury will perceive him. If he thinks they’ll see him as a coward covered in blood…it might make him lose it a bit. IDK…but it might.
She already told him that he has her vote and she will make sure Jason votes for him too.
And that’s not etched in stone until finale night. Heaven forbid someone in BB should tell a lie … er … misspeak.
Guys, Paul must have an Achilles Heel. Everyone does. What is his? It could be a jury who caught on to his game and will bitterly feed him another 2nd place. If that’s it, Tr8p’s scenario might work.
I know, Grace. !st, tell Alex Paul is in a showmance w/Xmas, then watch as he freaks out b/c he isn’t that into her & his ego won’t let anyone think he is. So, Paul implodes and destroys the relationship with his most rabid follower…all b/c Josh decided to tell Alex Paul likes Xmas. hehehe This could really blow things up imo.
It takes rational thought and some creativity to come up with these scenarios, neither of which Josh has (at least in any abundance). He will never come up with a shot like that. Or any other shot that might work.
One thing I noticed with Paul is he was very upset about public perception after the comic of him. He kept talking about it. So might work to tell him he talked about how he’d never be a couple on the show and did he think himself and jingles would be perceived as a couple? And watch him worry and possibly take her out
Oh, I like the way your mind works sis! If she was smart, she’d say me & Jason are going to tell them you were behind every eviction, but too much of a coward to admit it and own it…. So, you have a lot of blood on your hands Paul, but no credit for it! That would WRECK him! LOL!
I would work on the angle that people outside of the house are going to hate you too. That seems to bug him.
It might change his focus enough so he’d make a mistake. But it will take a major shake up of his confidence for that to happen.
I feel like this season keeping up with BB has been more of a chore. I can’t wait for it to be done.
I have one word too say….
That’s all that Alex can say for the past 24 hours….*reads bible* *randomly blurts out “COUNTERFEIT!”
If only she knew that that’s how Jason feels about her right now.
Live feed update:
Josh cam-talking, he wants Alex to go this week, and there’s a chance that he’s going to take Paul to final 2.
His reasoning: he would feel good as a man and a game player to be next to Paul in the F2. Also, Josh says he’s (Josh) played a loyal and straightforward game unlike Paul, who may be seen as a manipulator to the jury.
Does Paul have some special power that he can brainwash people? I just can’t figure these people out. Did they come on the show to win
LOL…every time I start to think that Paul’s game is done, his biggest adversary/ threat ultimately does something to benefit him.
No. They came in with one singular goal: to make it to jury. Which means they could not win. So if that was their goal, why are they all so P.O.’d when they get their butt kicked out the door?
paul takes off his bandana, jerks his head around, reveals the bald spot on the top of his head. Because of all the bright lights inside the house, the HGs are transfixed with the light beaming off paul’s shiny dome bald head. paul starts to chant while swaying, knocking the other HGs unconscious, under the spell to become paul’s minions, doing his will, not talking to anyone but gnome paul, getting blood on their hands, kissing paul’s butt and, in other words, becoming nothing but a shell of a person with no brain, no guts and, at the end, no glory.
He’s got subliminal messages in his tattoos
Oh. Good. Lord.
Can you imagine if season 16 ended with Derrick being voted out instead of Victoria? What would fans have said?
No, Paul has to win the $500K (if he gets to F2). He’s the HG who actually played. Not great, not excellently, not masterfully, just played. Like one would play a game with no competition. Big Brother Solitaire. Except he threw in quite a bit of unnecessary roughness and was never called on it. Its the 2nd place that’s in question. Which among them deserves it? That’s the money that should go to hurricane relief.
Yes. I may not like Paul, but as a BB fan, I will admit if he gets to F2, he deserves the win, hands down. If anyone else wins besides him, that’ll be BS, and an obviously bitter jury voting on emotions like Dan in BB 14!
I would have been happy that Cody woud have won the money instead.
Really? Do tell…(I’m neutral on this)
The fans actually actually thought Cody was dumb to pick Derrick, so they would say that Cody made a smart move to evict Derrick. I don’t think that anybody would have had a problem with that move other than Derrick.
I don’t know why “fans” like the best players to lose. I would have been disappointed if Cody hadn’t taken Derrick, who deserved to win the game.
I’m glad he picked Derrick. He picked his friend and chose not to stab him in the back, but everybody was complaining about how stupid that move was. I don’t think people have a problem with good players winning. The problem is with jerks that have fun making personal attacks, lying, and treating people like dirt beyond what is required to win the game.
Agreed…although I think the tone was kind of set in the beginning when Cody formed the Bros & Babes alliance. And initiated the “bullying.” He didn’t anticipate that his own alliance would flip on him for Paul, who also had the “outcasts” on his side (as Cody called them). Josh is a buffoon, and the others just kind of felt safe enough to stand up as a group against Cody…then the tone continued throughout the game.
Caveat: Alex is the exception, since she just seems like a petty and b*tchy person in real life.
I don’t remember Cody starting with the bullying. I remember him and Josh fighting and Josh crying after, but Josh has been starting fights and crying afterwards all season. I know Cody told Megan to her face he nominated her because he didn’t like her, which was mean, but not bullying. I remember the major blow-ups that started at the beginning of the season were Josh yelling at Megan, then her friend Alex yelling at her, which all caused her to self- evict. Cody was mean, and shared his judgemental opinions about people in the DR, and I can see why people don’t like him for those reasons. I just don’t see that as bullying. The major harassment started when the clowns went with the mob mentality to focus on tormenting 1 or 2 targets each week non-stop.
I don’t know…Cody made multiple physical threats on people, at times unprovoked. To the point that Jessica almost broke up with him over it. Doesn’t matter, I’m just happy he’s out of the house for good!
When was it ever unprovoked? Also, granted it was last season, but even Paul has made a physical threat while playing this game. So has Kevin. So has Jason. Technically so has Alex and Christmas. Some get passed off as joking or non serious but Cody never gets that benefit of the doubt. I guess because of his facial expression? Even others have said it without a smile. Only threat of Codys I’m really remembering right now was towards Josh and that was clearly not unprovoked. If you want to count vs Paul in the HoH room (which I wouldn’t) that was also not unprovoked.
Unprovoked when Paul won HoH the 2nd time and nominated Jessica & Cody even though they were making fake claims about the Hex. Paul asked Jessica to calm down, and then Cody got in his face like “what are you going to do about it!”
Agree with you. Cody didn’t bully other than to Josh who basically asked for it. Cody definitely didn’t initiate it or set the tone either. I also think a lot of people took his early season “groupings” of guys and ‘babes’ and ‘outcasts’ the wrong way.
I just watched season 2, and boogies, Will’s, and Shannon’s opinions of people were just as judgmental that season too, probably worse than Cody’s. I just saw it, so I guess people have forgotten or they’re just more sensitive now. Will called Bunky a f*g and apologized to him when he was crying about taking the money and making them eat pb and j. Shannon made Autumn cry about being fat, and put a bag of chips on her bed when she asked for fitness advice. They also said they wanted to keep only the cool people in the house. I don’t see how making a “babes and bros” alliance and calling everybody else “outsiders” is any worse than that.
This is the worst year of Big Brother I ever watched. Bunch of mindless robots controlled by Paul. Hope jury donates money to hurricane relief.
Yes a cast of misfits and a dictator
I never thought i would say this, but good it’s almost over!
This whole season is counterfeit !
Faux season.
“Thursday night’s show will be back to live action with the F4 as we prepare to find out which of them will meet the end of their game just show of the F3’s Final HoH three-round competition.” Huh?
Typo. “just short of” Corrected.
I’m confused. On Thursday, we start with 4, then do we do a HOH, and a veto, and a vote. It seems like a lot to squeeze in?
The HOH will be played on Tuesday after the eviction and the feeds go down, and the veto on Wednesday. The vote to evict will be on the live show on Thursday.
On Wednesday I guess.
Thanks, I know this season is off schedule, but I was having a hard time wrapping my brain around Thursday.
I am really really tired of the phrase ” you played yourself” i bet Kevin is too..he looks so disgusted watching the others converse
Throw under the bus, blood in your hands, and the word Friendship need to be retired from the show. Josh has you played yourself and meatball which should also not be used ever again.
How about FU*K or FU*KING That’s been a bit overused this season, as well.
Mostly Paul and Josh copies him. The rest of the house join in as well.
glad when this season is over. Hopeful that production learned a big lesson and will not try to reproduce another season like this or they will have lost for one fan for good. I have decided that none of these goofs should win but I think I will pull for the old guy and hope Kevin will finally win a HOH
I think it’s time to gut production, take a season off and come back with an all-new production crew and some ACTUAL players.
And NO VETS, not even for special appearances, flashbacks episodes or Jury roundtables.
Either no vets or all vets – or, how about all 2nd place runners-up. Then they can take their “learning experiences” and test them once more.
I dig the idea of an all 2nd place runner-up season. I think that would work really well as winter season.
It’s a long shot but I hope Kevin wins hoh puts up Josh and Christmas.josh wins veto Paul goes up and Josh votes him out .
Can they be less hating this final of the season? Kevin does nothing to them but they hate him with passion ayayaya
Like they thank Paul for everything else, they can thank him for Kevin’s isolation, as well. Paul is the one who spread lies about things that Kevin supposedly said, but really didn’t.
I think production will tell the jury how to vote for Paul, if not then Paul will not have the votes
Oh poor Alex. She’s isolated herself from the rest of the house. She played one of the dumbest games ever. Good comp player though
Poor Alex should go isolate herself with poor Kevin. Then they can go isolate themselves together.
It’s sad cause I’m used to seeing lips attached to Paul’s butt.
Well, now that Alex’s hickey mark is fading, where’s 12/25? I thought she took that over.
Oh she has. Yuck, he’s so gross. Christmas is perfectly fine with the 50k/2nd place
So a person with a broken foot, who could not participate in more than half of the competitions and should have been removed from the house after she sustained her injury – that person very well could receive $50K for her service. Oh, CBS, that should make you so proud.
Who could suddenly compete in a running comp, and then another where she ran down stairs jumped in a bin, then ran back up the stairs couldn’t compete where she is strapped in? Will have to see that one Wed.
Supposedly the zip line has a 3-4 ft. jump off at the end, and “they” were afraid X could hurt her foot more if she jumped and landed on it. We’ll have to see.
Camp counselor and babysitter to Josh pays well.
Yeah. And that person is going to get $500K.
Because in spite of having played what at best amounts to half a game Christmas has displayed enough of a game to pique production’s interest in seeing her play fully able bodied. She knows what makes the merry-go-round go around. She’ll take the 50 grand as a learning experience for when she comes back and goes full tilt for the half mil.
Which is exactly what Paul did.
Only Paul wasn’t hurt.
I have no need to watch BB unless I actually tune in to the first episode, then I become addicted immediately. With Christmas there next season it won’t be worth watching and I have never missed a season. If they evict her immediately I’ll tune in.
She has only played by latching on to others, I do not see her changing her ways,
So get this, apparently, at the final 2 of CBBUS each state plus DC will vote for the winner. They need 26 votes to win. They win a state/DC they get a vote. The person with the most “votes” wins.
Don’t think I will watch Fri night. I’ll record in case they show jury house. Then I can fast forward thru the scrap.
Dr. Will’s thought on intimidation as strategy: “it is brutish and uncivilized. I respond best to gameplay based on intelligence, humor, and charisma”. That would be refreshing! Full interview is at global tv. Can post link if allowed.
Remember this too Tru… In Will’s day (BB2) there was no POV to save his a$$. He had to survive from week to week on sheer wits, charm, charisma and his social game. :) This is why Paul should never be mentioned in the same breath as Will Kirby. ;)
I am going to watch his season after a break from this bb. Thx for the info!
I’ve been watching since season 2 and I must say these twists have got to stop, these returning vets have got to stop. I remember the golden years of bb, when there was a twist the players actually had to work for it like mike boogie had to win his power in season 7. Not this Murica voting crap, sorry lol
I liked HN comps.
The food comps were good too!! Yum, tuna and peach pie!!
I did too, I miss the old bb so much. All these twists bloop bloop flopped.
Me too. Food comps were the best. Plus, they added a key ingredient to the house…a sense of camaraderie between the HG as they worked together to earn food for the week. This was the one, and only, time all the HG generally worked as a team towards a common goal. It was good for the house vibe & overall spirit in creating a feeling of unity among the HG!
I think it is pretty obvious BB could use a little bit of that again!
I’m starting to wonder if Alex actually will vote for Paul at the end…she’s getting increasingly angry and just cam-talked that Paul is the equivalent of Rose letting Jack freeze to death in the water (Paul is Rose in this case).
And she’s saying all of this while reading passages in the bible about smiting ones enemies, and Vengence is to be had by those who stay loyal.
ETA: I feel a tinsy bit sorry for her, when she said that she was praying Paul would win the veto so that both she AND him would be safe this week
I think she’s just venting right now, but will still vote for Paul and still try to get Jason to do the same. I have no hope for her to use her own head or stop dreaming of “friendship” and connections outside of this game (though I admit I can see why that appeals to her). My only hope is Jason tells her “I’ll do what I want, thanks” if she tries to tell him to vote for Paul. (I find it odd that one minute Alex says Jason is mad at her and can’t believe he didn’t hug her on the way out, and the next she’s confident she can sway his vote). Ultimately, I would bet even Jason will vote for Paul after cooling off. Kevin sitting next to Paul is probably the only way Jason doesn’t vote for Paul. (and even then he still might)
I’ve felt bad for every screw-over eviction up until Matt, then I became indifferent. This is the first eviction where the person getting screwed over makes me smile.
If I could have anything in that house (besides the costumes), I’d want that stuffed owl. And a mirror from the bathroom
I’d want Trejo the Toucan: “stab it with their steely knives but they just can’t kill the beast …”
I LOOOOOVE that song!!!
Ha! The BB house is kind of like the Hotel California…they check out (get voted out) but psychologically “can never leave!”
Me, too. And it works well with the Hotel Big Brother, too. We are all prisoners of our own device …
I’m listening to this song on repeat now Grace, thanks :)
We rented a house in Palm Springs for our anniversary a few years back, and visited the Hotel California (they are very big into the song about it, too. Neat boutique hotel, very pretty scenery.)
It’s REAL?? I’m so jealous right now, Grace
LMAO I love with they zoom up into the owls face…That owl looks like Josh on last night’s episode when Paul went from crying when Alex was in the ASPR, to laughing with excitement to Josh after she left the room.
Trying to watch BBAD. Will change channel. These three have absolutely nothing in common. That is painfully clear. They are so boring. Not saying a word. Then to top it off, Xmas just stares at Paul.
I don’t know why I keep trying.
When you get to the point where you realize you’re giving something minutes of your life you’ll never see again and not enjoying it, it’s probably time to change the channel. I’m not watching tonight, either.
I went to read Jokers. What gets to me as well is they let Josh run around banging pots and pans, making an idiot out of himself, let these people all season get away with horrible things,
It said Alex was alone in a room an throwing apples into a trashcan and BB said ‘stop that’.
That is what BB is worried about? SMH
I could maybe understand if she was ripping those stupid apples off the walls. But you’re right – priorities (like everything else this season) are way out of whack.
yeah….don’t make sense does it…They let a 56 yr old man get belittled and bullied for the sheer pleasure of a bearded midget but u can’t throw apples in a trash can…Go figure…
I don’t think I will ever be able to get the images of Josh running through that house banging pots and pans and yowling that circus music out of my head. It’s like a recurring nightmare. Hopefully time will help me forget.
Haaha! I can picture him as an evil clown.
Yeah, Pennywise, the clown from “IT”.
Is that the OLD or NEW version of “IT” that just hit the theaters last Friday.
I read the book and saw the original; haven’t seen this new one, although Rotten Tomatoes gave it an 86% and it’s breaking box office records everywhere. I’ll probably wait till it comes out on DVD and watch it then.
I read the book, it was good. The first movie was horrible though.
The movies are never as good as the books – and I think that’s particularly true with Stephen King. They just can’t put on screen the horror one can conjure up in one’s own head. Pet Sematary is one of my favorite King books, and I was really disappointed in the movie.
True. I have often been disappointed in a movie over the book.
I thought The Stand was pretty good though.
My favorite book by him was Salem’s Lot.
Throwing away apples is a waste of food. Why would they just not say anything? Also, was Alex doing this in a bedroom? Or anywhere that wasn’t the kitchen or storage room/pantry? If so, she’s once again an idiotic hypocrite. She got mad that Josh threw away an orange in a trash can beside a bed (as she should, that’s stupid of Josh, it caused fruit flies) and now she’s doing the same thing with apples?
(Side note : Two people blatantly wasting food. Why, because they’re not at home? Because they didn’t pay for it? Disrespectful)
First off, there are fake apples all over the house, second, I am not a fan of Alex, third I would not justify the horrible behavior of these people or the horrible way production handles them, as you seem to be trying to do. So I do not understand your point, other than to be deflection.
How is saying it’s bad to waste food justifying their actions? How would I know about fake apples when nobody’s mentioned they’re fakes and I don’t have the feeds? (tried to get them, was told I can’t, by CBS customer service). You might need to brush up on reading comprehension. You said production is bothering them about throwing apples away (again, thought you meant real ones) so I said why would they not be upset about that, because they should be. You’re asking for them to get upset about verbal attacks on one player, which has gone on for many seasons and (sadly) is considered gameplay, especially lately. No, not by me, I think it’s unfortunate that exists, but production clearly lets a lot of similar stuff go. They only stopped Josh from pots and pans because Mark and at least one other got in his face about it and nearly risked a physical confrontation over it. Kevin may have picked up a glass but Josh was only talking, so production probably viewed that as Kevin’s fault over Josh’s.
It sucks that they attack Kevin, I agree, but it’s borderline laughable how many people on here call for anything from penalties to ejection for things like that. Plus for all you know production may have mentioned toning it down in DR sessions. They don’t always listen.
Its been that way the entire season.. It became more evident with each eviction and the # of people decreased…long lasting friendships between any of the BB19 crew even the showmances are not likely to last long…It will be over soon and they can all go back to wherever they came from…and hopefully never to be heard from again…
And I remember when Cody was evicted he said to Julie, “I hate every one of those people in there.” Probably the most honest sentence spoken all season.
Yep… and I can see why he hates them all
If tired of the feeds, just turn in to watch the prior BB seasons 1-18. That way you can watch some decent BB seasons to while away your time. I found a sit on Wiki through the internet that lists all the seasons, the players, their age and job, the order they were evicted (expelled, walked) the day they left (like on day 14 of the season)
If you have commercial free, you can zip through the parts you don’t want. I have commercials, and each episode is about 42 minutes.
I’m just about done with EvelDick and Daniele on season 8. My ‘free’ cvs access is over by the 18th so have to close it up before it starts charging me. :-(
Of course, they have quite a list of other cbs programs/series you can watch, many not of this year, of series no longer on TV.
Enjoy !!! :-)
Why I never will join is that, even though I would watch the feeds, They still want to charge for shows that have been shown free on the air. CBS is getting greedy.
I signed up during that “free month” offer that was out there til Aug. 18. I just need to cancel it before then. Every once in a while I see offer for free week. If so, sign up for COMMERCIAL FREE!! It is so boring watching the same 4-6 comms. every time!!
I was going to change to commercial from in middle of my free month, but they would have cancelled the free option of the commercials I had right then and then charge me for the higher priced comms-free. Decided I guesses I could suffer comms. for another week or two before cancel.
Don’t watch all of them, FYI lol….ESPECIALLY SEASON 15
My 2 cents….season 2, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 16 (if you want a Paul-esque season, where one player, Derrick dominates the entire game but unlike Paul does it in a non-existently known way), and 18 was great – EXCEPT the BS of Paul getting robbed at the end.
Season 2 was my favorite.
After that, I thought Will and Boogie’s phone convos in the DR were hilarious.
All great seasons you listed. 6 and 7 were my personal favorite. 6 was really interesting with the house split with a good and evil side. 7 has Will and Janelle enough said.
Ah, yes, here’s some fun reading while you’re waiting. Dial back to June 22 and read Matt’s column entitled “‘Big Brother 19’ Polls: Vote For Your ‘Most Likely’ Houseguests” and the comments following the write-up. Interesting and amusing reading.
Kind of douchey by Paul…I wouldn’t get with Christmas, she’s 11 years older than me….I don’t want “my girl at home to trip out”
So…he is requesting massages and head scratches by Xmas, cuddling with her in bed, and he says he wouldn’t get with her because of her age. Why bring up her age in a personal way, especially after the way he’s been acting to the extent that Josh is halfway kiddingly asking them if they are in a showmance. Funny that she looks younger than him, and is 100 times hotter and more accomplished than him
Hi Jolima, makes no sense except Paul is using her too. What else can the reason be for getting “close” to Christmas if that’s the way he truly feels? I think it’s so funny, Christmas is in for a real shock at the end, probably thinking they are going to get together after BB is over and become more than just friends. Paul is a user and does not deserve to win, and neither does Christmas, imho. Have a good night, signing off.
I’m a 100% Paul fan, but him doing that especially knowing she had a broken heart coming into the game is so gross and low. BUT…I have come to the realization – especially after a recent breakup – that maybe the reason I like Paul’s game play so much is that I’m like him. Hate when I’m called manipulative, and every ex hates me, but I think I can justify my actions – even though they were kind of selfish. Paul does deserve to win, but he also deserves personal backlash from any of the HGs that felt f*cked over.
Really disappointed with Kevin. Maybe I’m getting the wrong read, but it looks to me like he not only doesn’t know the days of events very well, but he isn’t trying to learn or remember or study them. Laughing about how he doesn’t have a good grasp of them. Playing this “wait around and hope others take me along for the ride” isn’t good or respectable gameplay. Kevin was the last one left who I wouldn’t throw up if he won (other than Paul, who I’m not a big fan of, but at least he’s been playing to win) but I wouldn’t respect Kevin’s game with a vote if I was a juror. Trying to play 100% on “I have a strong social game” and yet he’s been isolating himself lately. I don’t entirely blame him for that, as the others are attacking him needlessly, but bottom line this isn’t a strong or smart approach by him. Frustrated that he’s not determined to win these final competitions and put as much in his own hands as possible.
The next HoH is probably Before & After. Paul vs Christmas essentially with Kevin’s attitude. Paul will win, and will probably cut Josh, and leave him wishing he took that shot he was never going to take anyway. Paul will then win the final HoH as well, probably cancel Christmas, and then win the game.
I hated Paul last year and was so glad he didn’t win. I hate paul even more this year, getting Josh to do all his dirty work. I just hope Josh takes paul out so bad.I also would love if Josh took out Kevin and kept alex and they teamed up against paul and xmas. I know WISHFUL THINKING.
Josh threw away his game when he nominated Kevin and Alex. I strongly suspect that Josh is out next because Kevin can’t win anything to save his life (he is this season’s Victoria). Since Christmas is injured and Kevin flat out sucks in comps, Paul wins BB.
Josh, Josh, you KNEW you had to take this shot, and then you didn’t. You deserve the Golden Turkey award. Biggest bonehead move in BB history since Cody choosing Derrick.
Our ONLY hope now is a jury so bitter that they don’t vote for Paul purely out of spite. But I seriously doubt that that’s going to happen.
I wished Josh would’ve manned up & told Alex about Paul’s evil plans…But he is a crying, blind puppet. Christmas is evil too & playing Josh too!!