‘Big Brother 19’ Spoilers: Week 11.5 Nominations

Nominations on Big Brother

Nominations are in for the second round of events in Week 11 of Big Brother 19 and these spoilers come from the return of the Feeds after a day and a half away from us. These nominations are really just a place holder with only four Houseguests left in the game, but all the same we want to share what’s going on.

Leaks got out before these and revealed that with Paul winning HoH the noms would be up to him and that he went with Josh and Kevin for his picks. Were those rumors true? Official results are in…

Big Brother 19 Week 11.5 Nominations:

  • Paul nominated: Josh & Kevin

Now it’s up to the Veto results to decide who will be the final noms and who will be casting that sole vote this week. Right now Paul has himself in the perfect position since he can tee up the next vote and keep his hands off the decision once again.

Want to know who got the Veto comp win this week? Check those spoilers here and see!

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  1. Poor Josh has had at least two chances to take Paul out and blew both of them. Now there is still hope that Kevin goes to jury tonight but I doubt that would happen. Predictable is not the word I would use for this season.

  2. I just read a post on YouTube that Christmas and Paul knew each other before they came to BB and Christmas use to work for Paul’s mother. 😮Has anyone else read this information? That would explain why Paul kept her around.

  3. The only way for the season to end with a shocker is for Cody to walk out when casting his vote. Just refuse! If he said that he didn’t think either HG deserved to win and that he hated them both, and walked out…that would give me a Wow! factor. Otherwise, it’s just fast-forward folks. I picked a bad year to come back to watch after ten years of not watching.

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