Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Week 11.5 Veto Competition Results

Power of Veto Medallion on Big Brother

Feeds are back and so are our Big Brother 19 spoilers with the latest results and these are for the most important Veto of the entire season. Its holder will either cast this round’s sole vote or be able to pick a proxy for that choice. We had the leak earlier but now we’ve got confirmation from the Feeds.

Paul is the HoH so he won’t be doing any voting here which makes his position one of safety this week while the real power comes with the medallion at Final Four. So who has that power? Results are in from the Feeds.

Big Brother 19 Spoilers: Week 11.5 Veto Competition Results:

  • Paul won the Power of Veto

This was Paul’s fourth Veto win of the season as he confirmed those results in a “Friendship chat” tonight once the Feeds returned. With Paul deciding who gets to do the sole vote on Thursday night I’d guess he’ll leave his nominations in place with Josh and Kevin on the Block. To me that means Christmas will vote out Kevin. We’ll find out for sure though at the upcoming live eviction so we don’t have much more waiting to go!

Update: Paul discussed with Christmas how she’d be doing the sole vote, so there’s that. Just as we’d expect.

What do you think Paul will do with the Veto this week? He can’t vote but he can decide who does the voting for him. Share your predictions below.

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  1. It would be his 5th Veto. He won Terminal, Weather, Punch/slap/kick, and Comic Veto prior to this one.

    • I was just about to comment the same thing. With this win Paul actually ties Janelle and Daniele with most single season veto wins at 5. Another quick side note, no Big Brother winner has ever won more than two vetoes in their winning season. If that BB Omen has any bearing then I guess Paul may not win. I’ve always believed in those sort of BB curses for some reason.

  2. yeah … for some reason I think Kevin isn’t going to go home…. it’s a feeling. Thought Paul was going to throw the HOH to Kevin but think Christmas messed that up for him to do it. I do believe Josh is going home tomorrow night…. then Christmas on finale night… with Paul and Kevin as final 2.

    • Paul was just cam talking less than an hour ago saying he thinks his best chance to win Big Brother is to take Josh to the end. So unless Christmas votes rogue on her own Kevin will be voted out Thursday.

      • You know she won’t. Paul “should” beat whoever is at F2 with him, assuming he makes it. His best chance is against Josh IMO. Most of the jury don’t like Josh. Xmas and Kevin both have people in jury that like them.

  3. I’m ready for this season to be done with. I have never felt like this since watching the show from day one. I will finish watching this season since I have come this far. I hope the Celebrity BB will be good. I am thinking it will. I understand alliances and such, but to me, this wasn’t about game play or anything. I think they all had stars in their eyes and they knew who Paul was from last year and that he was loyal to his friends. I know there have been things said and done that wasn’t right and were hurtful. Sometimes I think people take things out of context. Hopefully some of the hurtful things Jason said will be handled one on one between Jason and Kevin’s family. I’m not going to judge on that issue. I couldn’t stand Cody, but I respected that he wasn’t going to be a fake friend to Paul just to get a bracelet. I do think there is more to Cody than what was shown on TV. I don’t know, I am just ready for the next season and for Celebrity BB. I would absolutely love it if they would do a show with house-guests that have been eliminated on the first day or the first week. I have never liked it where they evicted people just hours after getting into the house. Atleast give them a chance and give the house guests a chance to get to know who they are evicting. To me, it’s like they are being forced to evict based on looks.

    • While I have really enjoyed this season, I totally agree it would be great to have a season with the folks who were evicted on night one. They don’t have enough to go on and those people never got a chance to show us the game they would be able to play.

  4. Why exactly did Season 19 have 16 houseguests, 15 of whom never thought it might be a good idea to actually try to win something? Is it just because Paul gathered them all in his arms and dictated week after week who should throw what to whom? Or it is because none of the 16 ever once thought maybe I should start thinking about why I’m here and do something for myself instead of Paul? Was he that good at controlling the mob, or were these particular people brought in solely for the purpose of awarding Paul $500K at the end of this year’s “experiment”?
    For the life of me, I can’t figure these HGs out. None of them ever gave themselves a real fighting chance. Every one of them chose week after week to sabotage their own possibility of winning. The attitudes of 16 people are simply bizarre. Not in 18 previous seasons have we ever seen anything like this. Did anyone else find this season disturbing in that regard?

    • Nope. Just you.

      Kidding. It really felt like production went out of their way to find an entire cast that was just looking for a three month vacation from their real lives. I mean, there’s always one or two obvious ones, but this year, it’s like they flipped it and only gave us a few obvious players (Cody/Paul/Jess) and then a bunch of over dramatic hotel guests.

    • Who came to compete seriously and win besides Paul, Jason, Alex, Mark, Cameron, Megan, Josh Cody? Who came not looking for social media fame or some sort of job offer? Mark, Cameron, Cody, Megan, Josh.
      The issue is 11 people were looking for fame or social media over the win. Paul had “fame” and followers and 11 people at some point got taken in by his fame in one way or another.
      I think BB needs to vet social media of future houseguests. Find people that are not all about making money posting pictures or getting hosting gigs.
      I know. Few people that would make fascinating houseguests, a child of a large polygamist family that now lives normal college life , a girl that left the LDS church that is a tattoo artist , a guy that lives off the grid in the desert( he is hot, very fit and no social media).
      BB needs to do something because the feeds are so boring this year. My home security camera was better tonight ! Watched my neighbor trying to get his truck fixed after backing it into the garage, compete with nagging wife and two sons that had no clue how to fix the the truck.

      • You know all those ppl? Exciting life you must live? Why don’t you want to be on the game show. And I am using the word GAME in hopes a game is actually played.

      • I’m sorry if my comments offended you. I do updates for BB and this year more then ever HG talked about social media oppurtunites more then playing. Not sure if you have seen my previous comments but I have EDS type 4, so no BB for me,my dx made me have to give up lots of aspects of my life but I took the challenge of my condition and am living in the southwest desert helping women that are getting out of abusive or religious situations so I meet many interesting people. I actually have been in the background of a few reality shows (none were competitive), many are taped near me, most of which are pretty unreal reality. Even shows that you think are heartfelt or would not staged have been. BB wasn’t even an interest to me until the people I live near now watch it, I started in season 8 , I was surprised how popular it was in the rural religious desert? I then found out how many people can’t get the live feeds because of slow or no internet where I live so I thought if and when I could I would update , my condition causes blood clots so sometimes I’m stuck in bed for a few days and if I could update and help someone who couldn’t watch, why not, plus it really seems to be a common thread I can discuss with the women that I get help for. I on,y suggested those people to be on the show because my condition is to the point where I need to be near a major hospital , I current drive over 800 miles each trip to get medical care. I’ll will be leaving the desert soon, sadly no one is taking my place to help with legal , medical or education for these women and I thought maybe if one person could shed some light it might bring much help here.

      • No no no no no…… no offence. I was seriously lol’ing cuz it see,ed to me that you are this colourful person that has interesting friends. I think it would be great for one or all to be on the show! I think BB needs to have ‘real’ ppl on the show again.
        Your suggestions are wonderful. For real.
        I feel bad you took my interest in your comment that way. I’m sorry…. 😐

    • Perhaps you mean…..”BOUGHT” the houseguests solely for Paul to win the big ‘un!


      I CREATED A NEW BANNER! Heh heh! 🤗🤗

    • What about the fact that production gave Paul those friendship bracelet passes that gave him an instant advantage?

      • Only rumors though. I do agree that the friendship bracelets and the pendant were a little much on the production meddling front, however once the pendant expired Paul has been on his own, shepherding his sheep to slaughter. He hasn’t had an advantage since Dominique went home.

  5. Josh just said he sells his hair care on eBay? I would be curious to know his user name and see what hair care products he sells and how much? Feedback.

  6. Ummmmm …………
    Oh Mighty One, Oh Beebullshheeiitkanobi…..

    what is your prediction for BB19?


      • I keep watching because I`m a BB super fan and I dont have anything else to do or watch ololo…PLus Season 15 was great…

      • The only thing great about season 15 was watching all of the racists and bigots lose their jobs as a result of their actions on the show.

      • I truly do not mean to be disrespectful when I say this…..

        Who determines when someone jumps from fan to SUPERFAN?

        Just wondering what ppl think?

      • I think superfan are those who watches every season, and every single episode. And you remember almost every HG, you remember competitions, things that happened etc.

      • Ok ok I get it, thanks!
        And good on you for a sharp memory. I think mine flew the coop a few years ago.

    • Absolutely, no question. If this were my first season to watch (it’s not, I started with Season 1 and haven’t missed one yet), I probably would have quit watching mid-season. But alas, I’m love BB… or used to.

      However, if next season or any other is like this one, I will NOT WATCH!! Not a threat, a promise! :-)

  7. “As soon as things become predictable, they become boring”
    -Hunter Parrish

    😴😴😴Wake me up when Survivor comes on.

  8. Anyone think Paul will convince/wants Christmas to evict Josh?
    I don’t think this will happen because I don’t think Paul feels threatened by Josh. However, I have not been watching any feeds etc. for the past three or four days so I may NOT be up-to-date on Paul’s manipulations and backstabbing!?

    • Right now Paul is clear he wants josh, even making plans for josh not to talk to Xmas. Paul is afraid she will change Josh’s mind and sway him to take her if he wins final HOH. It is kind of funny, Paul and Christmas are both working Josh, Xmas promising him business help, Paul appearances and fame. Who would have thought josh would be the one the final HG were kissing up to back in June.

      • Really, they are kissing his butt?!? That’s funny!
        If Josh wins I think he will take Christmas!? He has seen through Paul for the past few weeks and also he is “loyal” and “his ride or die” has been Christmas, also he knows his chances of winning are way better against Christmas. I think!?
        Can you imagine if Josh won and Paul went out in third place! That would be insane! I got to say that I would ALMOST feel sorry for Paul. He did get them where they are, he did play this game hard and is WAYYYY more deserving than them (they’re all jerks!) That would just be crazy if Paul didn’t win at this point! The guy would be crushed and then he leaves the house and finds out he ruined his reputation all for nothing LOL SLAP 👋 right across the face! OUCH

        Do you think Paul will take Josh to the end? I thought for sure he would take Christmas because everything she has won is because he has told the other HGs to throw it to her and because she has not really played the game…. Paul would have a way better speech. Plus I don’t even think Christmas would disagree with him LOL she would likely be like “yeah, give Paul the money he deserves it!” (She so blinded by him for whatever weird reason. Lack of men all summer!?!? LOL ) Why would he take Josh? Interesting!
        Christmas was unsure (when talking to Josh) about who she would take to the end but really what she meant is “I’m taking Paul”! What a moron! Christmas even said in the DR room on last nights episode that she could probably win against Josh! She is this close to the money and she still playing for a second??!?!? UNREAL
        That’s pretty funny Paul is offering Josh fame and fortune LOL little does Paul know he has lost a lot of fans! Your “Fame” is not going to be like it was at the end of last season dude! You were the underdog then and everyone felt you should’ve won against nicole so, you’re going to be in for a surprise this season! 😆
        Sorry hon, ranting on and on here! I really got to stop using talk to type

      • Paul is taking Josh. I think even if he found out that Josh had dared talk about getting rid of Paul, Paul would still take Josh. It has been his plan for some time and he is fixated on completing his plan.
        Christmas is either going to total shock us or be the loyalist minion. She could just hang on for life and win the endurance HOH? She is walking without crutches , just the boot. Her upper body strength is better then Josh or Paul by miles. I could see CBS thinking it was some sort of great story if the girl who broke her foot hangs on a key for hours in the rain and wins HOH. Of course as this season goes Christmas will probably loyally follow Paul.
        One thing I wonder about is why both Christmas and josh are playing so dumb about how the final 3 works. I know they have both watched multiple seasons including Paul’s, but when Paul talks about his final 3 comps they act like they never have seen them or any final 3? I also find it interesting Paul has ever watched a full episode . Not even his season. it makes me wish that BB used more comps from seasons prior to Paul’s dance he woukd gave no clue about them.
        don’t worry about type talking, I do it too. I normally talk and move my hands, I’m Italian so type taking is good for night when others are sleeping. The feeds were so bad I stopped updating , Josh was screaming so loud I couldn’t take it and then Paul,went for his showering in the dark…that combo is almost as bad as Maven under the sheets.

  9. No! Is Paul working his final act. He is convincing josh to pick him over Christmas. Josh saying he would be blessed with 50k. Please Josh don’t listen you have a much better shot at winning against Christmas then Paul.

      • Guess I’m the only one on earth who is loving this season. lol I watch the live feeds & think Paul is a genius. Like him or not, he’s probably going to win this thing. And isn’t that the whole point?? It’s to WIN THE GAME, not make friends. Otherwise, what’s the point? Come on. Someone please give Paul a little credit here. :)

      • Paul was the only one playing 24/7,I give him credit for endless energy . I guess compared to other seasons I missed the long comps that had you in the edge of your seat instead of the throwing comps and I missed the HG having fun. Paul was so on edge and kept people apart , we missed out on the fun feeds of plays, games, shows that past season would do.

      • Thank you for at least acknowledging this guy (Paul) has honestly played the game 24/7. No one else has even come close. Great strategies, you have to admit. People keep saying CBS gave him advantages. I’m not so sure about that. No one can predict how others are going to act, vote, etc. Sure, he had 3 weeks of safety, but who could have predicted that? It just happened. He was very lucky.

      • This is my first time admitting this. My daughter was a Paul fan last year and I admit I rooted for him over Nicole but Bridgette was my favorite then Victor, then Paul by default. I will admit I had a Pablo in my pool ( it was $2 at target) and I bought my daughter a Pablo shirt, so I have a Paul autograph. I do appreacite he sent the personal autograph for free when I bought the shirt. My daughter collects BB memorable , we have costumes worn in comps, autographs, stuff made by players, the HOH robe and veto necklace. My daughter was excited to see Paul come back but now has stopped rooting for him. I think the end of her liking him was his treatment of Kevin, I’m from MA and parts of Kevin stories remind me of my dad ( like catholic school, basketball and the old neighbor not gambling), and it hit a nerve that Paul would treat Kevin so bad for no real good reason? I also think my daughter loved Paul last year because he won hard fought comps, they were great to watch and this year the comps were quick drops or thrown. She doesn’t have one friend left watching this season because it was so boring or at least to the younger crowd it wa, so no finale party. First year with no finale party. I think Paul could have won with his mind games ( not sure how else to word it but he is great at debating , he is a very smart communicator). and still made the season fun like last year.

      • I was completely in agreement with everything you and a few others are saying about Paul. It was like people were hating him because he was getting people to do what he wanted – that’s the point! However, I have to say, just recently I have become disgusted by his behavior. The fake tears are just too much – if you know Paul you know he doesn’t cry…so all of the sudden he’s a gusher! I agree that luck has had a lot to do with it – but he should be grateful for the luck and not be so condescending/rude/obnoxious to the others. Sure, they are idiots, but it’s not nice to rub their face in it. His celebration after the last HOH comp was just crazy over the top. He was competing against two people and one is brainless, the other one probably just threw it to him anyway. What a disappointing season!

      • I just posted about that…

        “Paul was playing the game hard from the moment he entered the house. He had 3 weeks to put plans into motion to protect himself after his power ran out. He did that, got others to turn on each other, all the while keeping himself off of the block all season, and got people WHO WERE ON THE BLOCK to throw comps!!! Most of the people in jury didn’t know they were duped by Paul until after they were evicted. How could you justify not giving him the win. Because he was mean?!?!? No, he was playing the game. As you said, you’re not there to make friends, you are there to play a game to win $500K using whatever means available to you. And Paul did that perfectly.”

        America gave him the power too, not production. I don’t believe the conspiracy theories…

      • America gave him power?!!! Come on! You ask America to vote for someone on the first week out…15 people they don’t know, and 1 popular person from the season before…DUH! Do you think production didn’t know Paul would be chosen? It’s called ratings – and they wanted to add extra incentive for people to watch by having a popular player in the house, and STAY in the house until viewers got into it. THREE weeks of safety?! puhlease! It’s very obvious. And think without that, Paul would have been gone, and how different and more exciting the game would have been.

      • I think the show, in general, has really changed. This is due to the fact that we now have access to the house guests 24/7. We never had that before. The way the show is done is a little different & I think it’s because of the live feeds. Just saying….

      • When did we not have access to the house via feeds? I have been getting the feeds for 11 years? OTT was the true 24/7 feeds that we saw everything on, every comp, every mistake, every vote, every diary room, this season has been one of the seasons with the most downtime in feeds for sure. We just had 36 hours down, and they have had to pull the feeds several times for fights for over 2 hours.

      • My mistake. The live feeds have been available 24/7 for the past 11 years?? I used to watch Big Brother After Dark, but that was only a few hours a day that was available.

      • I think the live feeds have been since season one, I remember hearing about it and watching for like 10 minutes when chicken george was on. I just know season 8, EVel dicks season, the show was so popular where I lived(Utah which surprised me), that my husband and I got the feeds, and we watched the final HOH comp till like 4am, my husband went into work and owner of the company had stayed up watching to. They have had BBAD for years too, I remember it was on showtime and now pop, I don’t get either channel . I know if you have the feeds you can go back several years and watch and compare. There are sights that have flashback dates so you could see fun and exciting highlights.

      • He just looks like a genius because everyone in the house has been too scared or too stupid to ever question anything they tell him. How is it no one EVER goes to the other houseguests and TALKS to them?

      • Because Paul had them all convinced that he is only on their side and they all, for whatever reason, trust him. That is how he positioned himself with all of his(Paul’s) numerous alliances.

      • In real sense, he was a genius to the houseguests. I won’t consider it a game move anymore if he is left out at F3. It is a mere choice by whoever the HoH will be at that stage if it’s not him anyway.

      • Im with you… I didnt like this season very much the first few weeks cuz it looked like the showmances were just going to vote everyone else out and be boring with eachother. Then Cody went rogue, nominated Paul, and we all got to witness possibly my favorite moment all season… Cody look so stupid as Paul surprised everyone with his power. I feel thats when we started started seeing some actual game play thanks to Paul. I get why a lot of people feel the way they do towards him but the way I see it everyone should just Woosah a bit and look at the facts. Its not Pauls fault that everyone else has been easily manipulated. Josh just finally “Awoke” but its too too late now to make a move, Xmas is smitten, and Kevin is just a lil oblivious to whats going on. Dan Gheesling played a harsh game and was hated for quite some time but now hes remembered as one of the greatest players ever. Aaron and GM made racial remarks, but people still like them for some reason. Paul played a dirty game with his “chest pieces” but he shouldn’t be penalized for doing so since everyone in there can think for themselves… they are just to slow to notice it before its too late. That to me is a good strategic player.

      • Preach Kelly!! I have been saying this almost all season. The couples should have steamrolled their way through the house, and should have. But Paul was playing the game hard from the moment he entered the house. He had 3 weeks to put plans into motion to protect himself after his power ran out. He did that, got others to turn on each other, all the while keeping himself off of the block all season, and got people WHO WERE ON THE BLOCK to throw comps!!! Most of the people in jury didn’t know they were duped by Paul until after they were evicted. How could you justify not giving him the win. Because he was mean?!?!? No, he was playing the game. As you said, you’re not there to make friends, you are there to play a game to win $500K using whatever means available to you. And Paul did that perfectly.

      • I agree. The point is to win. I would have played more like Paul. I’m not a follower and never was. Josh’s crying needs to stop. He’s pathetic, worse than Mark.

  10. I hear Paul is now bragging! Surprise surprise, Arrogant Prick!

    Curious, does anyone think the jury might be bitter and Paul might lose?
    Does anyone know who Paul wants to take to the end if given the chance?

    Watching tonight’s episode seeing/hearing Paul in the DR room, I felt as though Paul genuinely felt bad voting out Alex but I quickly snapped me out of it! Paul is just trying to manipulate us (the viewers) like he did to MOST of he hgs! Hopefully he did NOT fool too many people cuz he almost had me fooled! oops 🙊

    Why the tie vote? Stupid! IF I were Josh I would be pissed he put me in that position! Especially because of how emotional Josh is! Josh does genuinely feel bad for Alex and Jason’s evictions! Too Bad Josh spend this season listening to Paul and attacking HGs b/c Paul told him to. I think Josh could’ve been a likeable person and done well! He still could’ve listened to Paul but also played with the mindset he has had for the past few weeks and also not attacked people. He said “no” to Paul about attacking Kevin! I NEVER thought I would ever, EVER SAY this but I don’t think he’s a terrible person in reality unfortunately he just chose to listen to Paul! God I never thought I would say that LOL Josh a good person! WOW 😳

    Paul’s lucky Alex is also unliked by many of us, so I personally enjoyed watching her cry! Good! You are a mean person Alex!!!

    I think it’s funny Paul is upset about his comic! He’s clearly in for a big surprise next week when this game is over and he finds out how many fans he lost, how he looked playing his “masterful game!” He could’ve played the same way BUT without exploiting people’s weaknesses, maliciously attacking people behind their back’s and having Josh do his dirty work! Yes Paul could’ve played probably the best game in BB history had he not done it in the negative away he did!

  11. Omg so cute…Josh jokingly calling Paul a bad father because “where is Trejo??” And the BB cams flip over to Trejo

    • Is that even trejo? I though trejo “died” and Paul had Kevin’s floatie, so is it trejo 2 or is he denying trejo’s death.

      • Paul said that Trejo isn’t dead, just injured and awaiting surgery lol. Kevin is letting Paul borrow his, and has said that when Paul takes his own floatie back, Kevin will give the currently inflated one to his daughter and say “Paul wore this”…

    • I vote 20 votes in and that was it. My daughter said the same thing you did, she could keep voting. I even sat and counted to 20 with her and it kept letting her vote. We were both on iPads, mine is the newest one and updated . I was on my CBS all access account email and she was on just her regular email ( not sure if the email or iPad makes a difference). My screen and my daughters looked the same, except maybe one of us had the same picture you voted for and one didn’t :)

      • Someone just posted on jokers on all acess accounts can vote? That is why I got 20 votes on my account and my daughter could keep voting? I used the all acesss account, she didn’t. I hope Julie clarifies this tommorrow.

    • I just posted below, on jokers they said only all access account can vote? I hope this is clarfied?

      • It’s letting me vote. I live in Canada, maybe I just get to vote and vote and vote LOL because I’m special ha ha just kidding :-) I am 99% sure anyone can vote. I mean unless they change the rules this season!? They did change it from America’s favourite player to America’s favourite houseguest. Clearly they didn’t want to confuse anyone LMAO
        But wouldn’t they say that only all access people can vote? And wouldn’t it give you the “sign in “option when voting?

      • Yesterday and the day before using chrome I was able to vote over 50 times before I lost count and got bored so I stop voting.
        Today I voted and it stopped me at 20. Strange for sure

      • Good clip show , Matthew and Raven vs Kevin …
        Josh vs Mark
        Think they got clips of all the HGs
        Diary Room
        Ending with sparkly unicorns
        From the stable of the BB comic character

  12. On top of everything else that bothers me about this season, I hated that there was almost zero family ‘visits’ (I know many believe the families were too embarrassed) and so little footage of the jury house that it was negligible. I always liked it towards the end, when the contestants were thinned out, that BB gave us glimpses into both families and the jury! Families always helped me connect more with the contestants and really find ones to root for!
    But for those of you who are disappointed with the show as a whole this year, like me, go to YouTube and watch BB Canada Season 4 🇨🇦! It might remind some of you just why we love this game in the first place…I know it has for me!

    • What do you mean by having a home to go to? I beleive his family will be proud of him. They know how is an emotional person and will forgive his bad bully acts. It’s how family is.

      But I agree he will be a wreak. Reality will hit. But he’s not the worst. Raven will be the one that will be the most chocked I guess. Followed by alex. Alex is really dislike and have no supporters.

      Baby josh is likable in so many ways compared to those 2!!!

      • I think they’re referring to the fact that due to Hurricane Irma his family was evacuated so there is some likelihood that his home may have sustained damage.

    • Don’t worry about Josh, Paul said on Jokers, & the Live Feeds that he is taking Josh to F2! I guess Friday we will see Josh, Bitchmas, & Paulie Boy having Steak, Lobster, & Champagne as they Celebrate being F3’s on the Memory Lane Episode…no thanks, I won’t be watch!

  13. I just voted for AFP and was able to cast 100 votes and could have kept going. Obviously something is wrong so I wonder how CBS will resolve this fairly.

    • I remember that this happened before. I’m not sure if it was bbcan or us. But they did cancel all votes and restart the votes once the problem was solve. Since it happens off business hours, I guess support wasn’t called yesterday night. Hopefully it will be solve this morning.

    • someone said that you have to have a CBS All Access Account…I’ve had the same CBS account for years, & also voted for the Hex Votes this season, & had no issues…CBS needs to Fix it ASAP, or are they gonna rig that also??? Smdh.

    • I was wondering the same thing. I voted 160 votes and tried again. I vote for Kevin for an entire hour and it let me keep voting. Maybe only the first 20 count??

  14. Paul’s entire game was based on hate. He got people to hate Cody. Got people to hate Jessica. Got people to hate Josh. Got people to hate Kevin.

    I believe he thinks taking Josh to the end would be his best bet.

    Hopefully he doesn’t get to the end. Hopefully somehow Kevin makes it to the end and wins. If not Hopefully Josh does and wins.

    The Xmas biitch should not get final two.

      • He said it in an interview before ever getting into the house. He was asked who his favorite and least favorite past player was. He said he just hates Paul. Imagine his shock when Paul entered the game. I think that’s why he went so crazy and blindsided his alliance. His hatred for Paul took over all common sense.

    • I hope Kevin wins too but it’s very unlikely. Unless he wins HoH at F3, Neither Paul nor Christmas will choose him for F2.
      Paul tried to make the surving contestants hated and I think Kevin is the least hated existing HG in the jury.

  15. Can someone explain to me what was the thing so urgent for alex to open her coke on her way to Julie? Seriously she could had wait 2 more minutes.

    She has a serious problem with drinking that much coke. The other day at the live show, she was drinking directly from the 2 liters bottle. At one point this will get to her health. Theirs nothing good in that. And the quantity of sugar is incredible. But that’s not the point. Couldn’t she wait a minute for it? What was that????

      • Hahaha… I think cafeine make you hyper. But I see what you mean. But come on!!! 2 minutes more wouldn’t had been to hard.

        Maybe she tried to do a michaella from survivor move but she miss.

    • She’s an idiot and it only made her look more like an idiot! LOL

  16. The only thing that makes sense to me this season is that there were numerous plants (I.e. Christmas, Josh, Alex and possibly Raven) who were hired to help Paul get to the end. Paul was expected by TPTB to win last year (& maybe guaranteed the win) but a rogue, bitter jury gave the win to Nicole instead and BB owed him one. That’s the only way I can justify all these HGs throwing so many comps and following Paul’s directions so closely.
    Just like Josh last night voting out Alex. Once again he followed direction (command), wiped the blood/grime off Paul’s hands, leaving them sparkly clean again, and putting the blood onto his (Jo) own hands.

    • He would have been stupid for his own game to keep alex. I know it’s what Paul wanted, but for josh it made no sense. He’s way better to compete against Kevin then alex.

      Many people believes the rig theory. I beleive if a hg bring rating, they might help by favoring some comps their good at. But, to me, it’s not like you say that since day one they have a winner.

      I remember every saying everything was rig for Amanda or Vanessa in those 2 seasons. None of them win.

      • Every year people cry its rigged yet they’re back again the following season. If their favorite isn’t doing well its rigged. Look at this season….people who were planted so Paul wins, Christmas didn’t really break her foot, on and on. The solution is so simple.. If you think its rigged, don’t watch.

      • The Christmas foot not broken theory is my favorite to laugh at!! I just don’t see how this would give rating. And how the heck an athlete would damage her biddy like that. 3 months not using a foot/leg is really bad for anyone but more for an athlete. I have been in a funny long argument about this with someone here. It was unreal the reply I got. Funny one!!!

    • Makes sense … because it makes absolutely no sense that the HG’s didn’t talk to each other. No one compared notes. Everyone just did as told.

    • I’ve always felt Christmas was put into the house to do BB’s bidding and for me it was confirmed when she broke her foot and they let her stay.

  17. Guys don’t get too carried, Paul won’t use the Veto and Christmas will vote Kevin out … no surprise. Paul wins part 1 in f3, Josh wins Part 2 and Paul wins Part 3 and chooses Josh lol

      • I would also have to agree with this scenario. Paul needs to take someone to final 2 that has made more enemies than him, and that would be Josh. Paul just better hope that Josh doesn’t pull off the final HOH win or he’s out. Although he probably could convince Josh that he wouldn’t win against Xmas. I don’t think that Josh can beat Paul in any comps going head-to-head, so I think it will be Paul and Josh at final two.

    • It’s a big mistake to take josh, they were all fooled by Paul as was/is josh and the jury knows ,most of them they did Paul’s dirty work as well,so why would they hold that against Josh, he’s not hated by the jury, that’s the way I see it

    • He needs to get josh and xmas out and take Kevin, if they were to vote for Kevin everyone (us) would know they were bitter, they wouldn’t want that

      • So if I am a HG that i worked with Paul or not, what did I see, we all tossed him the HoH so he can get Cody out, then I didn’t see much of his work but all promises he made to lots of people, what else i see Josh and Christmas kicking most of the HGs out coz Paul didn’t get his hands dirty so I can see what did Paul do in the game? How do I know he had a hand in everyone’s eviction and directed all the moves? Josh can spin this around pretty easy because he was in the middle of everything visible not hiding …

      • They will and will still be a subjective point of view of each one, they don’t have the access to what we see, DR are not shown at all….now production will have some leading questions and will direct most likely to one way or the other between f2. I am not convinced yet that Paul is clear winner against Josh, I think will be interesting, they need to be f2 first

  18. I am surprised Paul wanted to win veto. I was sure Josh would win, the reason is , this way paul is not forced to not use the veto again, Kevin has been pauls loyal sidekick, and bigger fool ,
    If they continue with their normal game play, Josh the bigger threat would be gone, Paul has been playing this way . or saying that all along,
    I loved it when Paul slapped Josh, it was like snap out of it you dumb A**
    Why would Paul not use his veto, this way he would not have to butt kiss Josh at all, and he would be ensured a final two. this goes by the script , Kevin poor guy was written out ,
    No way Xmas would not vote out Kevin, Josh has already said she would be his final two.
    Why would Paul want to keep a strong player like Josh, it goes against his whole game play, Kevin would vote any way Paul wants, this is not making sense if Paul does not use it and Kevin goes home,

    What is Paul going to say to KEvin, You are the weakest player and I know I can beat you in the end and in any comp. You suck at comps. you are so easy to beat, I can trust you to vote any way I want, I can not use it because It would be a win win for me to make it to the final two with you in the house but not good for ratings,
    He can not say he is a threat, or can not be trusted, He can not say he has had a final three deal and keeps his word, he had a final two deal with ALex from damn near the start,
    I can not wait to hear why such a wonder wizard will not use a veto on a person who would ensure him final two

    • I think the veto win, at this point is to build a resume. Yesterday someone did an excellent post with stats and Paul is equal or above all time wins if he gets the last hoh.

      As for keeping josh, from his view (he doesn’t know what we all know) it’s his best chance. He beleive Kevin is love by every one in jury and if their bitter, Kevin could win. But josh made enemies, so even bitter, he’s in a better spot to win.

      Kevin is not as emotional or childish as most other player, Paul will find an easy way to explain why he’s not using the veto on him.

    • Kevin is far more a dangerous threat at F2 but not in competition. Josh is not as much a threat except by chance he wins HoH at F3. He might be less likely to take Paul to F2.
      So I think Paul has a good reason for taking the veto expecting Xmas to vote out Kevin.

  19. I hope who ever Paul takes to the end the jury votes for him not Paul!! CBS has rigged this season for Paul to win! Paul is the biggest bully, racist and hate full back biter that has ever been on this show!!

  20. I’m still thinking Paul will use his power over Christmas to some how convince her to vote out Josh. Paul hasn’t carried Kevin to the final 4 out of the kindness of his heart, he wants to lock up 100% win on finale night and with all the bad blood he’s caused that would have to be with Kevin. I think Paul can win against any of the three, but knowing Paul he’s not going stop game playing until the last night. So I can see him trying to convince Christmas to vote out Josh, and then have him pull another “I can’t have what have happened last year again” And screw Christmas out of Final Two.

    • If Paul wanted to take out Josh, he would just use his veto to pull Kevin off and have Kevin vote out Josh.

    • I think Paul need a hated person to be with him in the the final. Kevin is not the best candidate for that. Paul has succeeded in making Josh an icon of annoyance right from the battle of Cody through Elena, Mark, to robbing betrayal on him on the exits of Jason, Raven and Alex.
      So Josh is his best take for the final unless he further wants to consider his easiest win at F3 competition and who is unlikely to take him to F2 in the unlikely event that he looses.

      • See I don’t see it that way, josh did what most of them did, follow Paul around like a bunch of morons so the jury doesn’t hate josh, taking Kevin and having him win would mean the jury is bitter,they don’t want to come off like that, xmas I believe she is hated by the jury….all and all josh is a bad choice

    • I don’t think he does. But it should be obvious to him by the time Paul decides not to use the veto.

  21. Alex should have saw this coming, how could she be so blind. Josh and Christmas moving up in the ranks would have alerted me Paul was up to something. I said this weeks ago.

    • I strongly believe Alex was daft and devoted to Paul. I have come to that conclusion since week 3 that saw Dominique’s eviction. But then, the double eviction that saw Jason and Raven’s exit (in between) took her unawares for her to think and plot against her actual blindsides with her HoH win.

      • Yep, the feral wombat was a moron. She should have taken all of the energy she used in cutting others down, her dumb conspiracy theories/obsession with Kevin, hitting and being an all around ass to Jason, her supposed ride or die that she let Paul vote out without so much as one word and played her own game, not Paul’s game.

    • Alex is a moron. She’s not half as smart as she thinks she is.

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