‘Big Brother 19’ Spoilers: Week 10 Veto Ceremony Results

Big Brother Veto medallion back in the box

This week’s Veto Ceremony is over and we have our final Big Brother 19 noms for Thursday night. Read on for the latest Big Brother spoilers for Week 10’s Power of Veto events.

There was trouble in trio paradise this weekend with Josh struggling to agree with Paul’s perfect Veto plan. It was a reasonable reaction considering the plan was purely a benefit to Paul, but to the victor go the spoils and this was Paul’s medallion to use as he wished. Then again, Josh has a point that if he, Christmas, and Paul are supposed to be working together then things should work for all of them. Not this time.

Power of Veto Ceremony Spoilers – Week 10

  • Paul used the Veto on Alex
  • Christmas renom’d Kevin
  • Jason & Kevin are the final noms this week

Just as we expected, Paul saved Alex opening a spot on the Block. Christmas filled the void with Kevin and now we’re one step closer to the first eviction on Thursday night.

Unlike last week, there shouldn’t be too much fallout for today’s events. This move keeps the cover going that Kevin will be evicted, but he won’t. As it stands now we should see Paul and Alex vote against Kevin while Josh and Raven vote against Jason. We might not even see Jason get a heads up until just before the vote, but either way his game is done so the timing only effects how much time he has to react. Jason will be the next to join the Jury. Who do you think will follow him? Vote here.

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Who do you think will be evicted this week? Cast your vote in our poll below.



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  1. Just curious, given all the recent talk Josh has done, is it even possible for him to flip the script then trust Alex and Jason? A long shot at best but it would send panic down both Christmas and Paul’s spine. They would know then that Josh flipped and Raven would be on the block with one of them. Of course that last part is hypothectical at best.

    • Nope, don’t think so. Kevin is up and all is going according to Paul’s plan. Josh is still saying he wants to tell Jason he is going before the live show, maybe like an hour, so he is not blindsided. The only thing I see happening is Kevin getting mad and Paul threatening him more to go home, I fear the feeds are only going to get worse to watch.

      • I want a good old fashioned blindside, without someone opening their big mouth. Is that too much to ask?

      • He was going to be targeted anyway. If Maven had won HOH last week, he would have been out and Maven would been targeted this week. So his situation right now is for the strategic good of the game player and really does not have anything to do with Kevin.
        That will make for an excuse though.

      • My point being, it really doesn’t matter who goes out the door as long as Josh is still in the game and form a secret alliance with someone else. The only person he has a shot with is Jason but by letting Jason go to jury this week, that hurts his chance at winning the game. After all, it is about the money at the end of the day, well except for this group of people.

      • Yup, that was his downfall! He would have been safe for a few weeks and may have won if he had not saved Kevin, which went against the house.

      • Don’t most houseguests get told right before eviction, even if they looked shocked. From the many post show interviews , people will say they were blindsided but then say 15 minutes before the show or the afternoon of the eviction show some told me. It is jury management. You are pissed you are leaving but remember that one person who told you that let you know so you could have a final message to loved ones during your speech, or say proper goodbyes.

      • Yes, they know before the actual “live” eviction tonight that they are evicted. The audience is filled with CBS employees too. After the booing of Christine they made that change.

      • Not everyone in the audience is CBS employee’s. If you watch the eviction show each week, you will see different people. I won’t say that no employee is not there but I doubt it is filled with employee’s.

      • I read that after the fiasco with Christine being booed, the audience now consists of employees and their family members. The article could be wrong but others have said the same thing.

      • if that,s the case then the show is rigged and needs to taken off the air,because some of these aholes need to be booed,christine needed to be booed ,as ,do several other bullies on the show this year,production need,s to be booed for the way they have let these idiots behave this yr ,and all the rule breaking they have let slide,AG has let this show go into the dumper

      • No booing is allowed. Its been that way since Christine was booed. I think people should be booed, or worse…dead silence. It won’t happen because they all get a round of applause when they exit the BB house.

      • which to me is BS if the guests deserve to be booed then BOO THEM ,this is more of liberal CBS,S BS, AFTER All everything has to be POLITICALLY CORRECT, ACCORDING TO LIBERAL, CBS,NBC,ABC AND THE WORST OF ALL CNN TO THAT I SAY, “BULLSHIT”just more of the msm trying to suppress our freedom of speech.

      • You’re assuming that the audience isn’t stacked with CBS employees, Etc. It’s not a real audience.

      • I totally agree with you! Shame on you, CBS, for allowing production to ruin a great and fun filled show! This year has been the most disgusting display of low class and childish behaviour that we as viewers have had to endure! Can’t wait for BBCan!

      • I attended a live eviction last season. It’s not just CBS folks, there is a way for fans to get tix but the waiting list is so long it took me three seasons! They do not specifically say no booing. They said these people have been through a lot so let’s cheer for them when they come out. They encourage you to be nice.

      • I think that happened for a eviction or two that season after the fact. I have seen He who shall not be spoken of in the audience several times since then.

      • I really don’t care if he tells Jason or not, I wonder if he does will Jason try to change mind and convince Josh it is in his best effort to vote Kevin out and work with Jason and Alex. Will it ever happen? NO! but a fellow can dream can’t he?

      • I was thinking the same thing…I like Jason, Kevin and Josh, but would rather Kevin leave than Jason..Not fond of Alex at all, but love for Josh to flip and play with Jason and Alex…he won’t win following Paul anyways…Jason wins Hoh…puts up Christmas and Raven…also wins Pov and backdoors Paul…I don’t like the way they are throwing these comps anyway…

    • No. Josh is nothing but a bag of hot air. Maybe now exhibiting half a brain, but still a bag of hot air.

    • Yes possible but doesn’t Josh have a better chance of Paul pulling him in for 50k rather than knowing Jason won’t turn on Alex and vice versa??

      • Good point but although Paul keeps telling him he is in the F3, there is no guaranty that Paul will take him to F2. Really there is no guaranty that Paul will keep him one Alex and Jason are gone. Josh needs to wake up and play his own game with a new alliance.

      • That’s a great point as well…..I will offer this for thought to you though….if you were in the house as a competitor who would you take in order to guarantee 500k …..I’m thinking there’s only 3 that make sense..1_kevin no resume ultimate floater, 2_raven no bigger floater or 3_josh …he would be considered a floater too if his mouth wasn’t so big that it’s impossible for him to float without drowning

      • I think Josh would be the one to take and here is why. Kevin has worked the people going to jury. Raven is still part of that old Cody alliance and could take it from me. Josh has ran his mouth to just about everybody in jury and chances are he won’t get any votes.

      • Paul will want to take Raven and Christmas….Josh is on to him so he will try to get rid of him sooner than later

      • He could team up with Jason and Alex, Josh already has an idea of what Paul wants and could use it against him. Now this week we know that Alex will vote out Kevin. If Paul goes as he plans, he will vote out Kevin as well to force a tie and keep his hands clean. All Josh has to do is vote out Kevin and then all the chaos breaks loose.

      • This is true, but underneath all that bravado lies a coward…he’s still beholden to Paul, who basically has helped get Josh to where he is now, otherwise he’d have been gone week 2 instead of Jillian.

    • wish that Josh, Kevin and Jason would have sorted it out sooner as to the Paul equation- to late for that though

    • I would love that to happen. Last night he was talking to himself and said he sees exactly what Paul is doing and doesn’t like it. He gets angry then Paul talks to him and he’s back to kissing his butt. Another coward. Production probably had him do that for the feeders. And he’s insisting there’s a DE Thursday. How does he know this? I smell a rat called “Production”.

    • Josh wouldn’t do that, and if he did, he would not stand a chance in getting the final HOH, assuming he makes it that far.

      • That´s what Paul is planning. He wants to take Josh/Christmas and Kevin/Raven to the final 3. Only one of each side will go. Since Paul knows he can beat Christmas on any competition, he can get Kevin in any, Raven can only win something that is dance and Josh only can win something that requires pure strength (or if a ray crashs into his button).

    • Cool…then Alex with team with Paul Christmas and Raven and see him home….Kevin will follow who ever has numbers

      • and why is that? yeh he (K) flitted from flower to flower in the beginning, wanted to be everyone’s friend, said NICE, TRUE things to people, won the $25k but think that’s beyond the scope here.

        Now, when trying to land somewhere, nobody will talk to him, they ridicule him, are mean to him, down trod him about everything. I feel bad for Kevin.

        For one thing, if BB AG would have put another oldster in from the beginning, Kevin wouldn’t have quite such a big target on his back.
        Hey, that oldster could have been in there instead of paul which would have cleared this up from the beginning without having edit fro paul to hound and crucify Kevin.

      • AGree 100 percent…I do not like the way Alex treats him at all…and laughed because he followed Paul’s order and dropped in the hoh comp…and she did the same thing…she really looked stupid after saying that on national tv…lol…she is getting Got…lol

      • Or Alex wins the HOH or the Veto on Thrusday or she will follow Jason into the Jury.
        Paul already has the pitch perfect: Alex or Christmas are the next targets with Josh as backup. Paul will take Raven and Kevin to the final 3. He knows he can beat them in any competition… Kevin did nothing, so no jury votes. Raven will get Matt, just for love.

      • Guess you don’t watch feeds. Paul has laid his game plan out to live feeders. He talks to the camera in the apple room. He wants evicted in this order Jason, Alex, Raven, then Kevin with him in F3 with Josh and Tree. Jason will go and if Alex wins HOH or POV then Raven will go. If you don’t have feeds google utube BB19 and look for Paul talking game.

      • He may be able to beat them but Paul has a lot of haters on the jury and once they start talking he won’t win. I want to see him in the final 2 and lose again.

    • It’s a big mistake to think of teaming up with Alex without or against Paul. She has protected Paul all season and will continue same till final and even against herself.

      • She doesn’t look like she will send Paul out even with the opportunity right before her. Unless things change after Jason’s blindside which doesn’t look likely as she is really blind to Paul. She doesn’t mind loosing to him in the final than competing with someone else.

      • Alex repeatedly said, she wants to come second this time then win it when she comes back next time. She is apparently so hot and has such a great personality she is 101% guaranteed to be back next season! right???

      • She is so hot , has a great personality and is 101% certain she is in a F3 deal with Paul and Jason.

    • That is my whole point. Team up with the strongest power couple. Josh would at least get to F3 that way.

      • Josh just needs to kiss Paul’s ass and win 50k. There is no way in hell anyone in the house would give Josh the 500k, but I’m sure he would gladly take the 50k!

    • That sounds simple, but Josh wouldn’t last in the house. Christmas and Paul knows what makes Josh tick, they would literally, make Josh quit! There’s no way he could with stand the mental torment Christmas and Paul would lay on him.

  2. I see it like easter and paul listened to josh. in the end I don’t even believe Jason will be evicted next. these people are cowards. easy to vote kev out.

    • I think it’s easier to vote Jason out because he’s such as strong competitor. I don’t see Kevin as a legitimate threat to win HOH in F3.

      • sure, Jason is the stronger but they will poke at kev until they are all at fever pitch and will vote kev out on emotion. that will be easier for them. that is what they are used to doing. big moves scare them. even paul got scared. why not just not use the pov and stick with the plan to go after jason?

      • Last night episode was embarrassing for Kevin. He did what Paul told him without even asking questions. Just like if 500K won`t help his family.

      • TRUE. But Kevin is a outsider and he knows he`s on the line. And if Paul had not decide to send Jason home, Kevin would have thrown it and he would be out this week.

      • Yep. First Kevin, then Alex, then the rest of them, one by one, like sheep to the slaughter. Nauseating.

      • You’d think production would have finally had enough with this group. BB spends all that money and time creating (or rebuilding) the game structure, only to have Paul in essence flip the bird at the whole HOH competition. The heck with production, I’m playing it MY way.

      • Last night episode was embarrassing for the entire house! Kevin has no choice but to listen to Paul because he is completely alone in this game. If Kevin went against Paul, Kevin would not have any numbers to back him up! Kevin was clearly upset throwing the comp and you could tell he really really didn’t want to but again he just had no choice. It’s more embarrassing for people like Alex because her ride or die couldn’t play in the HOH comp, and if she had any brains in her head she would see that her and Jason are the next big duo so a huge threat.

      • Is mind blowing the number of red flag she has and don’t see. Everyone throwing hoh should indicate someone is being played. She’s on the block with Jason, hello??? They all talk about breaking duo!!! It’s a cut and past from last week. I’m missing some but, not a second she feels in danger!! I don’t get it.

      • Honestly, I think they see it, but at this point it really doesn’t matter. Thats the bottom line….and we need accept it. Sad..

      • I felt bad for Kevin. Paul didn’t just pressure him to throw it, he added the humiliation of making him go out first, yet again. Kevin has been picked on so badly in this game, the last thing he wanted was to piss off the whole house again.

      • Very true! And sadly, Kevin is still being picked on! I wouldn’t blame him if he walked out on Thursday with Jason.

      • Last night’s episode was was embarrassing for everyone involved, especially Alex. She wants an old man who has won nothing out so bad that she would throw a competition where her biggest ally was unable to play in. And then laughs at how stupid Kevin is. Every time I thinks she can’t be that stupid she proves me wrong.

    • The HGs want him to win. They are literally doing everything to further his game and nothing to benefit their own. It’s actually embarrassing how stupid they are.

      • Oh yeah. “We’ll be honored to lose to you, Paul!!!” Season 19: Paul’s Mutual Admiration Society.

      • I think he could even convince them to go to his tattoo shop! that’s how badly they eat up every word he says.

    • He told his minions a while back he does not want to be put OTB at all this season. So … all he has is minions left. He’s exactly where he wants to be.

      • That’s extremely optimistic for this group. They’ve shown the exact opposite all along. Zero sign whatsoever of this happening.

      • But he’s already said, while complaining about Paul, he would rather be evicted than turn on Paul. And even if he wanted to make a move against Paul, what can he do? He could enter eviction day with Paul on the block (hard enough just to pull THAT off) and then probably still not have the votes to actually evict Paul.

        Matt has told Raven to stick by Paul. Kevin has stuck by Paul. Same for Alex who sees Paul as her F2 if Jason is gone. Christmas will choose Paul over Josh if she’s forced to choose.

        I think you’re giving these players too much credit. But hey, it would be fun if you were right.

      • I think Tree and Josh will choose each other. The best thing would be Paul goes out at F3. So close. Oops.

      • If Josh and DumbNameForAnythingButAHoliday actually plan to get Paul out that late they’re out of their minds. I’m not saying it’s impossible to win that final HoH vs Paul but it’s not a smart play to rely on it. Part 1 endurance, Paul wins because Christmas is on one leg and Josh sucks at endurance. Part 3 is a bit of a toss-up but it’s too risky to bank on winning it.

      • In mine too. He’s worried that if he gets to F2 with Paul, Paul will have the votes to win. Unfortunately, he’s right.

      • They all think they can and that is what amazes me. Josh is finally trying to figure things out about the way the jury will vote. He’s the only one.

    • There won’t be either. These people are idiots. They bow down to Paul and whatever he says, goes. Josh doesn’t have the guts to go against him, he really should vote to evict Kevin, but he won’t. Jason is so much stronger than Kevin it isn’t even funny. But Paul knows that, it’s best for HIS game. He knows he can’t beat Jason. Sad that Christmas can’t even realize that.

  3. for once I wanted to see someone sweat besides the usual suspects.
    big deal and not so big move badasses

  4. My fantasy scenario:

    Production gathers remaining house narcissists together and tells them the show has been cancelled effectively immediately. Gather all belongings and leave … now.

    Live feeds stop, remaining shows cancelled with the exception of one jury house shot showing jury members cheering and Matt crying in his cereal.

    • Absolutely Darwin, if they had any guts at all, production would just shut down on this garbage and CBS could cancel the rest of the season since there isn’t anyone in that house that wants to really play BB. This do what Paul says nonsense is the worst. I can truly call this the worst cast and season ever

      • May be the worst season and cast ever but the ratings are still high. That is what CBS cares about.

      • I agree with that however, Dan had to compete…..hard, Paul hasn’t at all!
        Paul even says in his DR sessions, he barely has to tell people what to do, they are already prepared to listen to Paul and they never questioned him. Zero competition.

      • Correctomundo. Put Dan and Paul in the same BB game – no comparison. Paul will be out like a light in no time flat. We all saw his reaction when Derrick came in. Paul knows he’s not even in the same league.

      • Sorry, did I compare Paul to Dan by accident? If I did that it was a HUGE mistake/typo!!
        I have been saying all summer that Paul does not come even close to Dan or Derrick’s game.
        Some people on here have compared Paul to them and I completely disagree! No comparison whatsoever! Paul just got lucky with these bunch of morons and with the help of BB!!
        My mistake if my comment somehow made it seem as though I think Paul is comparable to Dan. NOT at all!! NOT even close!! Although I am sure Paul is putting himself on the back thinking he is one of thenest/the best HG in BB history! Sorry bud, you are very very very wrong!

      • Yeah of course not but Paul didn’t need to play on this cast of crazies weaknesses and declare psychological warfare on Jessica and Cody & try and make Cody hit someone or try and bring on his PTSD! Paul didn’t need to order these mindless morons to attack HGs.

    • I understand why you think that but I totally disagree with all due respect.
      Dan played a game with competitors, Paul has played a game with BB on his side and mindless morons to control.
      Easiest group for Paul to Play against and control!

      • I don’t comment on this post much, just mainly read them. I have noticed there are a lot of people on here that have a lot in common with the HG,S. they believe that this is not controlled by the producers. OF COURSE IT IS! just like survivor.

      • Actually, I think most people on here believe BB is highly manipulated and scripted. At least more and more are believing that as of late.
        I admit the last couple years when a lot of people were saying BB was manipulated and scripted, I disagreed. I knew it was to a point but I did not think it was highly scripted. (I guess because I have loved BB since season one episode one so I just didn’t want to believe it.)
        But I definitely believe it after this season! As soon as Paul got the three weeks safety and Raven received the no have not pass all season, I was like that scripted right there!
        It sucks!

      • Really?! Oh, I hope not. Not after what I saw last night. Jason needs a trip to the jury house. Unless he’s too tall…or has to wait too long to get in..lol. *eye roll*

      • i dont think so. because first Kevin is more popular than Jason and production knows that. 2nd Kevin will never go after Paul or make any moves and production knows that.

      • they despise kev in the house, they all think Jason makes them more popular to the viewers.

      • The perceptions of themselves and others are fatally flawed.

        Once out of the house they’ll see that. I’m guessing some will lash out in anger, some will hide, some will seek professional help.

      • They all need professional help! I hope they use some of their stipend to get it.

      • that bobbie who came in to host, must have been saying very nice things about Jason. the day after, alex kept saying America loves Jason and paul was miffed.

      • You don’t think production is working to get Paul to the F2?
        I have zero doubt in my mind that production is working with Paul and has been since day one.

      • You’re going to lose. Unless something drastically happens there is no way Jason stays. Paul wants him gone. And what the Dictator wants he gets. Only thing that would save Jason is some twist.

      • You’re right, he might crack and do his own thing..That’s ‘pots and pans….they work for Cody and Mark.

      • Why? I mean, I REAAAAALLLY cannot stand that Demon Seed…but Jason said some things last night on BBAD that hit a nerve with me.

  5. I mean I know they are all stupid and dont see everything we see, but this week I cannot fathom how Christmas (Josh to a lesser extent) will allow Paul to vote out Kevin and then have Christmas cast the decider. Like, obviously that looks bad on her because Jason may not vote for her in the end, Alex is Jason’s ride or die so she wouldnt vote for either and Paul has no blood on his hands. Hopefully she wakes up and tells Paul that a tied vote is a no go.

    • Yes it’s very bizarre how Josh and Christmas are allowing Paul to get away this week without any blood on his hands. It will be interesting to see over the next few days if Josh pushes Christmas more and Christmas tells Paul it’s a no go on the tie.
      It would be even more interesting if Christmas and Josh told Alex and Jason their concerns, then they could save Jason and get Paul out next week although I don’t want Kevin gone. Either way it sucks for me personally this week because I like them both.

  6. I don’t understand Josh’s argument…Paul will be glad to tell all the houseguests how he systematically assisted in everyone of their evictions on the crowning night…just like Derrick did….looks good for Paul…those who are mad when they leave will ultimately respect being duped…

    • Probably so. Too bad their being duped wasn’t by that great a player (he’s a smooth talker and yes, he does know the importance of always thinking four scenarios ahead, but many of his personal attacks on other HGs were unnecessary and uncalled for). But I hope when they go back and watch this season they will all realize how incredibly naïve and gullible they were.

      • its one thing to lie and backstab in this game. i get that…but it seems like this season everybody was brutally mean

      • Has he been talking about it? More I mean? Is he actually talking about turning on Paul?
        Is Christmas listening to him more?

      • Xmas doesn’t seem to have the brain power to hear Josh. Christmas and Paul have a very odd relationship, almost like they know each other outside the house. I am not starting any conspiracy, but that’s how they seem.

      • Paul I think knows Xmas is the smartest person (in his opinion left in the house), notice how the minutes he found out Dom was an engineer she was gone. He will ask her question afte question about muscles, nutrition, all her fields of knowledge and make her feel good , useful and praise her inteligence , while laughing at Raven or Kevin statements with her. He wants her to think she is an equal. He doesn’t want her to feel he is dragging her to the end because she has one leg, he keeps building her up that she has done so much. I personally think Paul wants some of her 500k followers to become Paul fans.

      • I agree with all of this, especially the last part about her followers. What I think is unfortunate though is assuming career success automatically equates to smarts in any arena, because Dominique was unbelievably stupid as a Big Brother houseguest. Christmas has been as well

      • I didn’t realize she had 500K followers, I am absolutely blown away. I find it funny that some of the quotes on her site go against how she has played in this game. “no matter how educated, talented, rich, or cool you are, How you treat people ultimately tells all. Integrity is everything”… she apparently has ZERO integrity according to her own statement.

      • She has over 500k on instragram before the show. I noticed that when something is posted about BB it gets far fewer likes then if something is posted on fitness. I think she has a loyal following that won’t be hurt by BB. I don’t follow crosssfit butt appears as if she is very big deal in that world. She went from drug addict to crossfit superstar so I think she appeals to many different people. I thought it was kind of crappy that BB fans are giving her book bad reviews on amanzon just because of BB, not the book itself. I’m not rooting for Xmas, but I think it is wrong to review a book saying she is a lying bullying when you have never read it. I do believe she has probably helped some people with addiction through fitness so her books have a purpose.

      • I see what you mean but I just think they have gotten close in the house and their dislike for Raven, and bashing her (like she deserves x1000) has given them a common bond (for lack of better words)

      • Christmas is incapable of listening to anything remotely anti Paul. She’s become the biggest joke of the season. Yes, more than Matt, more than Raven, and more than Alex who is my most hated. I sincerely hope some of these players are completely ripped apart and ridiculed from multiple angles and avenues when they leave the house

      • Oh yeah, Christmas not only has been cruel to some of these HGs throughout the summer, she is also completely against anything Josh has to say about Paul! Which in turn makes Christmas look like an even bigger loser than she already is!
        Most of these HG’s are going to be in for a huge surprise when they are out of this game and back to reality!
        Christmas was just saying to Paul and Josh how everyone probably loves their trio and how one of them definitely will get AFP…
        Oh I found the quote “I don’t think in the history of big brother there has been a trio like ours that have just slayed”
        Jessica’s response:
        “What did you slay? You were handed to HOH is take a seat!” NOOOO DOUBT

      • He’s afraid of the jury votes being in favor of Paul and not him. He’s getting super paranoid at this point and doesn’t know what to do with the paranoia. He tried to talk to Christmas about it but her nasty self basically told him to STFU.

    • ‘Those who are mad when they leave will ultimately respect being duped, and give the nod to Paul…You’re spot on! That’s why you’re ‘Big Brother lover’..you’re a good Jury of the game.

      • And everyone always has to throw in something along the lines of, how easy Paul has had it or these people are stupid, trying to give him less credit than he deserves or no credit at all. As I said earlier, sometimes it harder to contain an idiot than a smart person. If you want to say these people are all idiots, then it seems Paul might deserve some extra credit.

      • Viewers perspective, the game looks easy, but it’s not. You also hear..oh Paul is not gonna do if he’s playing with the BB greats like Derrick,Dan,or Will. lol That’s laughable. With a different cast/twists/HG’s dynamic..Your strategy will change. You can’t predict who’s gonna come out on top. These past winners have said on their interviews, they have to adjust and not employ the same strategy. They’re not sure if they’ll make it the first week. Dan G, made it 2nd time, but the 2nd run for past BB winners is not an easy job.

      • Did you see last night where Paul was talking about how he was alone in the game toward the end of the last season and he was on the block so much fighting for his BB life that he never had time to plan an end game strategy? He might look like the same character, but he had a completely different game and it has been work.
        And… I know that I would NOT want to be in that house with you or bbadboy. You both would rule the roost and I would get no where because I would be lmao the entire time. Ya’ll are very funny when you get together.

      • I think , with this group , they won’t vote for who played the best game . I think that , if Paul makes final 2 , Cody will vote for the OTHER finalist , out of spite. I know he SAID he’d vote for Paul , but I just don’t know .

      • There’s very few ‘bitter Jury season. Dan G/Ian season is an example of a bitter Jury. Dan’s dirty deeds was exposed in the house by several HG’s He was called out by Britney. (Frank/Shane)They were hurt and angry before they exit the house. So I had feeling they’ll be bitter. In Paul’s case we know he’s dirty, but not the HG’s. In the Jury house, Cody and Elena realized ‘Paul is the manipulator. That’s a good sign. Then I supposed Dr. Will will visit, and he usually offer them guidance, sort of Jury instructions in our world. If he gets to F2 he’ll win..not to mention he’s a good speaker. He’ll slay the final speech, and the Q&A. Who else?

    • Absolutely! So unless Josh acts upon his suspicions about Paul or for whatever reason Paul doesn’t make it to the F2, there’s no way Paul won’t win this game.
      He deserves to win for sure although the guy could not have asked for an easier group to win against! It’s very bizarre!

  7. After more than 70 days without any special gifts, Kevin is on the block which is an all-time high. Given that Paul was immune for 3 weeks not even Paul can top that only tie it, so that alone should give Kevin AFP. Cheers hoping he writes it on his resume?

    • 3 weeks, but I believe it was actually 4 evictions. He was safe a quarter of the total evictions up to the final two.

    • Kind of impressive stat for Kevin maybe, but I can’t begin to comprehend how that alone should get him the AFP vote. That’s literally all he has, and it’s not an amazing claim.

  8. I don’t totally mean to be so critical but this is the worst season on BB to date. The characters are not intelligent and all of them are floating just by the grace of Paul so they can serve his purpose and give him the 1/2 million dollars. Oh how we wish you would just to end it. I am feeling a little ripped off because my GPA was a numerical value not dancing. lol…seriously though who chose this cast? The casting was terrible, and I mean this in the nicest manner I could conjure up. They have been so easily led by Paul that the game is entirely predictable and I am confused and frustrated.

    • Welcome to the club. If the season could get sadder, it’s this: Paul has changed over the past 10 weeks. He has so little respect for the HGs (why wouldn’t he?) and has become so arrogant, there is literally no room in the BB house for anyone but him. Stick a fork in this season; it’s done.

  9. i dunno I keep having this gut feeling that they will send Kevin to jury instead of Josh….No body likes Kevin – so they will probably all vote him out. Plus it is DE on Thursday, and as history always repeats itself – like during Elena’s DE, on the week prior – or excuse me – on the day of DE, the 2 NOMS (after the first POV was played), Both NOMS always get evicted in a DE. so Kevin first then Jason, I assume. hope I am wrong. but that is always how DE go.

  10. I for one love the idea of Jason being blindsided. After that just depends on who’s in power next.

    • What I want is alex being blindsided. Especially after she said Kevin was so stupid to throw the hoh.

      • Alex is the one person I would love to see blindsided. I would get such secondhand satisfaction, it would make up for some of the shortcomings this summer in BB.

      • If Paul has his way, it’s going to end up a tie with Xmas voting out Jason. A better blindside would be Paul voting out Jason, but he won’t do that because he wants Alex to think he’s on her side.

    • My guess is Christmas. The only things she’s won are the two HOHs that Paul gave her. I cannot imagine she could beat him in any way.

      • If I were Paul, Christmas would be my choice. She had both her HOHs handed to her, and she’s been incapable of doing anything else. That said, I don’t think she deserves $50,000, either.

      • But people may feel sorry for her since she’s had a broken foot. Ex. Jason broke her foot, he may vote for her just for that reason.

      • I’m interested in Jason’s vote since he is not a BB viewer. Will he listen to the other jurors or do his own thing?

      • Will alex be bitter, she loves Paul but thought she was his final 2? Unless Paul finds a way to mastermind Alex’s DE and come out looking like he tried to save her? She could be bitter to Paul. Problem is no juror knows that Paul was against alex? Only josh and Xmas know and by the time one of them are jurors they will have no one on one time with alex.

      • But isn’t alex going to target Kevin if she wins? DE will send home Kevin or alex depending on who wins.

      • I think right now she wants Kevin gone the most.

        She won’t have much time to figure everything during DE, especially since they replaced her with Kevin at POV meeting. Right now, they think everything is fine.

        But after Jason goes home,
        She’s going to mad at Xmas, Josh and Raven for voting him out.

        Think they are going to give Jason a heads up just before the eviction show Thursday that he is going to Jury. Should be some fireworks or at least hurt feelings before the show, I’d bet. I could see Alex freaking out.

        Unless Josh outs Paul’s duplicity, Xmas is ok with Paul acting innocent so he can reel in Alex in case she wins the second HOH.

        They want Paul to keep her focused on nominating Kevin and Raven and not nominating Xmas, Josh or Paul. That way they control the votes. We’ll see how good Paul is if Angry Alex wins second HOH.

      • I don’t either. She’s done nothing and could barely win the first HOH she was thrown.

      • I’m thinking Christmas, too. Paul can win against any of them so if given an option for who gets the $50k, my guess is he’ll pick Christmas. She seems to be the only one he likes & has some respect for & he has an aversion to people getting to the end who didn’t play the game. Read: James Huling from last season, so doubt he’d take Raven if he didn’t need to.

      • This is a reason he takes Raven. He thinks he will win, so why not gift the 50k to poor sick Raven and be a hero? Remember how happy Liz was when Steve gifted her 50k,

      • they have all been so rotten to kevin for really no reason. i would love to see kevin win against paul

    • that’s the rub, if people and paul thought he should take kev, he will have trouble controlling the group. they hate kev so bad, paul may be forced to throw him out

    • It’s either Josh, Kevin or Christmas. Christmas and Kevin haven’t done anything all season, and Josh has been so obnoxious to everybody, Paul thinks no one likes him. That might be a last second decision for Paul.

      • That’s exactly it though, Paul has too many options who have ridiculously done nothing : Kevin, Raven, Josh and Christmas. Yes, I’m adding Josh in here, Mr. Thinks He’s Done Something Because of One 90% Luck-based HoH Win. He’s done nothing but antagonize in lame and extremely unintelligent fashion via other people’s commands to do so. If Paul can eliminate both Jason and Alex it should be a 9-0 jury vote to win the game. Which is so sad and pathetic I don’t even like thinking about it.

    • I think it could switch to Raven, ugh! Xmas is an option, but he knows she good relationships with people, can claim she manipulated people to get HOH. I think once Jason and alex leave, Paul will seriously re-evaluate who is the weakest of Kevin, josh, Xmas and Raven.

      • For sure he won’t take raven to F2. She has many friend in jury and her story is believed by some of them.

      • I agree, Raven could get votes in jury. Raven is the one player I think Paul does not have a the right read on. Someone like Mark could vote for Raven out of pity. I don’t think Paul is thinking that. He thinks, Raven has won nothing and I and Matt carried her for the reason to pick her for final 2. I don’t think he is thinking of sympathy.

      • I can see Mark and Elena. Maybe Cody will be bitter. Jason could also see through Paul plan this week. No way he would take her.

      • I don’t think Cody will be that bitter. I think he’d vote to give Paul the money. He knows he’s earned it.

      • Don’t you think that he would love to see Paul walk through that jury house door so he wouldn’t have to even consider that? ha

      • Oh I think Cody would like nothing more than to see Paul walk into Jury House.

        But I just think since he credits Paul with running the house,
        That he will vote for Paul to win if he makes it to F2. :)

      • She has Matt vote plus she gets any bitter votes and sympathy votes. She would give Paul the biggest run for his money f2, but again Paul is so fixated on that fact he has never been on the block and comp wins over any other thoughts of jury votes.

      • I would rather see anyone in the F2 but Raven. I really have had my fill of her and her crazy pathetic lies. Her mother put the go fraud me account back up today to scam innocent people of more money. Raven needs to go!!!!!

      • most of them said they were on the show for the publicity. well raven certainly got some but i dont think shes gonna be happy with it

      • “Sorry Paul, despite being the only person besides Cody to ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME, we’re going to play like butthurt people on the internet and vote against you for being a despicable person and manipulating us into showing how truly awful we all really are…”

        Seems legit.

      • That would be so stupid because the jurors don’t know what we know and she could get the sympathy vote. I dread her making it to F2. She needs to go.

  11. Figured it out, you have to ask yourself, ‘ What would the wizard of OZ do ?
    The talk between Paul and Kevin on broadcast was telling
    Can only stay a minute, or it will be four hours lol
    A Public Service Announcement is a message in the public interest disseminated without charge to raise awareness change attitudes and behavior . ( for the better we hope ) so
    Follow the Rules https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e65dbe78067230920a5dad5e4f7cf1b91b6553dd7904da45a4047ec588b4bd57.jpg

  12. josh and Jason in the yard; josh tells Jason his deepest, darkest secret. of course I think it’s the paul problem, but josh say that no one knows that he’s a “super fan”
    really, in a few words, why is that so secret?

  13. Maybe Allison Grodner will come out on the live show and tell everyone that they are awarding Paul the game this year. The remaining timeslots could be composed of Best of Big Brother DR moments including Chilltown, Dan, Britney, Rachel, and blooper reels from past seasons, including Marcellas and Lawon.

    I guarantee they’d see a ratings spike.

    • BB’s ratings are higher by more than 1,000,000 viewers than they were at this same point last season. I’m sure – despite everything we’re saying – it’s falling on slightly cynical ears at CBS.

      • me and maybe many more are just desperate to escape the real world for the summer. I cancelled my washington post subscription for this!

      • Right. I agree. BB is a wonderful social experiment we’ve all grown to love over the past 18 seasons. Why this season was cast so badly is just anyone’s guess.

      • I am so disappointed at the cast selection, the game is lazy, no fun, no challenge, but, cbs is simply happy with mediocre.

      • I know it started off really strong when Jody was on the show, but I think the ratings have been slipping some since they got booted.

      • No, don’t think so. This is (almost) current from Buddy TV:

        “As much as I may complain about the stagnant and dull gameplay of Big Brother 19, CBS is probably very happy with it. After the first seven weeks, the show is seeing a surge in ratings, outperforming the last two years and dominating the summer.

        “As of now, we’ve had seven weeks of the show, which means seven episodes for each of the three nights. To get a picture of the ratings, here’s how Big Brother 19 is doing vs. the last three summer seasons based on the first seven weeks of the show.

        (Go to Buddy TV: ‘Big Brother 19’ Is Getting the Show’s Best Ratings in 3 Years) The article is longer than what I’ve posted.

        “As you can see, Big Brother 19 is beating last year by an average of 300,000 viewers per episode and it’s slightly ahead of season 17. It’s also beating out last year’s average for every single night, with the Sunday episodes improving on last year by nearly half a million viewers. I guess the Den of Temptation is better than the Road Kill.

        “Also, Big Brother 19 has been the most-watched show of the night for 21 out of 22 episodes so far, with its only loss coming against a pre-season NFL game. Meanwhile, during the first seven weeks, Big Brother 18 failed to be the most-watched show of the night eight times and in season 17, it wasn’t the top show seven times.”

      • Nope the ratings haven’t suffered at all. All three days of the show are in the top 20 every week.

  14. During DE is there any senario realistically possible that anyone besides Alex or Kevin goes home?

    • If Josh wins and decides to put Paul and Christmas up. I know you said realistically, but Raven or alex going home next is the only reality.

      • Last night on BBAD Josh cam talked and said that despite not being happy about the move Paul wants to play this week, despite referring to it as “Messing up a good thing between the three of us”, that he would still rather be evicted than turn on Paul…

        Slow clap for this season.

      • Hard punch on Josh’s face. No one will say that on their own. I don’t believe the HGs are actually playing for Paul without getting something form the hire ups.

      • I was thinking what if Kevin won, since the HOH comp will likely be a quick chance comp, but he would put up Alex/Raven. I guess the only glimmer is Raven is likely the other nom in most circumstances and could go? The issue is DE still has too much time for Paul to talk to everyone since it is announced at the beginning of the show. During the battle back they had like 3 minutes before voting and Paul got them all, to vote for him. 45 minutes to decide on DE is easy work for Paul.

    • Alex could win that HOH and Kevin could win that PO— nevermind. Kevin isn’t winning anything.

  15. OK, so here’s what I found on Facebook. These are the BB rules:

    Big Brother is much more than a television show. In the years since its first broadcast, it has become a worldwide phenomenon, one that relies on a tightly- structured format. It follows some simple principles. They are that
    1.Housemates must follow Big Brother at all times.
    2.The lifestyle is isolated from the outside world.
    3.Everything that happens in the house and garden is filmed, 24 hours a day.
    4.The nomination process evicts people from the house.
    5.A housemate cannot connive or influence other Housemates to nominate or vote for a certain housemate
    6.Three violations of any of the house rules will mean eviction or automatic nomination for the housemate.
    7.Any grave violation will also mean eviction or automatic nomination for the housemate.
    8.Big Brother reserves the right to change or adjust the rules in this book as deemed necessary.
    9.All decisions made by Big Brother are always final and irrevocable.
    Well, ahem … is anybody breaking Rule #5?

      • I read that some country (au) takes money from the winning check each time for rule violations. I love that!

      • That would make sense…250 bucks for each broken rule…that would add up…mbut then again would they really care…Matt and Jess gave up a chance at 500 k and I’m like???????????????

      • Matt violated the same rule (Have not status) multiple times. He didn’t violate multiple different rules. There’s a difference. I never agree with Grodner but I did on this. Matt not being ejected was 100% the right call.

      • In bb Australia they where not allowed at anytime to strategize or talk game.

        I heard sometimes this season hoh saying they where not allowed to confirm who they where putting on the block. But most of the time they do.

      • I remember here a few seasons back they were not allowed to warn people OTB of backdoors coming or even indicate how they were going to vote. That’s obviously changed along the way, as well.

    • There’s an addendum… 10. For rating purposes, all the above rules may be ignored at anytime.

    • As #5 is what the game is all about, I have to believe they mean something like share prize money or offer some other sort of bribe or favor.

    • ..and because they’re still running a TV show, that depends on ratings/money,. those rules are often times, ‘discretionary..they all have been violated in all the seasons of Big Brother. So I don’t take those rules seriously…I love BB lol

    • In clarification you cannot use prizes or prize money to secure or change a vote….telling someone they will be next for not voting with the house has been going on since episode 1….

    • Rule 8 pretty says they can do as they please! What rules? There are no rules! This is still a show and there is also, a precedent court decision in the Dave Hester lawsuit against Storage Wars (A & E). The judge ruled that A & E had creative license to due as they please since, it is a show. Too bad they do not use their immense powers to force the house guests to play the game. Do not tell me it cannot be done because I can think of a couple of changes to force them!

  16. I can’t believe Paul’s getting away with clean hands josh and raven are going to be to blame for voting out Jason and Paul looks like was on his and Alex’s side all along

    • And Christmas smiled and agreed to all of this… because she’s a blithering idiot. She probably thinks she can put on her resume “I made a big move breaking the tie to evict a good player in Jason over a poor one in Kevin despite some of the house wishes” or something.

    • Raven and Paul come out looking good. Jason would never blame heartbroken Raven for voting him out. Xmas and josh take the heat.

  17. What’s going to be Xmas’s explanation for breaking the tie? I thought Raven was voting Jason out.

      • Wow. She should start damage control early. Thanks. I don’t have feeds so didn’t know what she had planned to say.

      • At the nomination ceremony she said alex was a pawn and told Jason to his face he was a strong competitor and she wanted a strong male out. Alex and Jason choose to ignore that speech. It will be easy for Christmas to say that she warned them in advance.

      • When she nominated him, she said something like, “I’ve nominated you because I have to get rid of another strong male player.” Of course, Jason and Alex have been led to believe she meant Kevin, and would renom him. Paul even told Alex that was the case.

      • Oh, and btw, jason is doing the same mistake as raven and Matt last week. He doesn’t talk to Christmas to see where her head is in case it’s a tie.

      • Sure is! Jason did it last week to Matt and Raven but can’t see that its being done to him? Jason is the right choice to go this week for any bodies game. He is really the strongest competitor left. But, can’t he see what’s going on or did he get kicked off a bull one too many times?

      • In this case the bull is alex. He is paranoid, but alex keeps telling him he’s not in danger. And he trust her since she claim she’s a super fan.

      • What she should say is, “I did what Paul told me to do. Like you and everybody else have been doing all season.”

    • So Paul is planning to vote Kevin out with Alex to make her believe he is on their side. Christmas could easily vote out Kevin, but she only does what her master says. Josh could vote Kevin out and there won’t be a tie.

      • Via a tiebreak opportunity set up by 4 other people to even make her takeout possible…

        Just an absolute freaking genius she is. It’s exhausting how stupid she is in this game.

  18. With Matt/Raven Jason/Alex broken up, that would be the time for Christmas/Josh to turn on Paul and wake everybody left up. I think Xmas could be aware enough to do it, and it would really save the season for me if she did. Fingers crossed.

    • I don’t know what it’s going to take to wake Christmas up. Josh is on the right track, and Christmas is strong enough to make his perceptions come to fruition. But without her help, nothing will be done.

  19. It’s funny… people want so badly for someone to turn on Paul and for him to not win this game… but does anybody actually see a better alternative? That they’d be happy or ok to see win this?

    Josh, Christmas, Raven, Alex, Kevin… those are your choices if Jason is gone this week.

    Kevin is the only one who I wouldn’t violently throw up if he won… and even him, while he’s more likeable than the others… he still hasn’t done anything and thus doesn’t deserve it…

    Only Alex has done anything and I know I’m not the only one who wants her to go to hell.

    • If someone turns on Paul, they deserve to win that $500,000. That would have been the biggest move in the season. For that reason, that they took out the biggest threat in the game which was Paul, they deserve every penny of it! Granted they floated on the coattails of the big alliance, everyone else was floating along including, Paul. The reason people root for Paul to be evicted is there is no game play practically all season! That is ridiculous in itself! Big Brother would not be a success without the game play! Mike Boogie, Dr Will, Janelle, Jordan, Jeff, Danielle Donato, Evil Dick made Big Brother into a huge success because of their game play. Granted, Alison Grodner managed to muck it up and turn it into a joke of a couple of seasons now due to the casting, still people would want some game play.

    • Not a comparison at all, but if I remember correctly, Dr.Will didn’t win any comps. Dr. Will did have an excellent strategy/social game. Whereas Kevin is not strategizing, but has an ok social game. :-)

      • I would say Kevin has still done less than Will, that Will could claim more to his credit, and Will pretty much had a silver tongue with his way with words. It would take a world class speech for Kevin to convince jurors, and I’m not confident he could pull that off.

        But if he can, I’m all for it, because he’s the only one of those five I would be ok with winning the game.

      • It was quite a different game when Dr. Will won it, though – just an example, the POV wasn’t part of the game back then.

      • Whaaaat ? I didn’t know that ! I didn’t watch it back then, tho. So , whoever was on the block STAYED on the block ? Both of them?

    • Well said. I kept wishing Kevin would do something, anything to get out Paul so I could root for someone but alas he did nothing so there is no one to root for. And the only one playing the game properly is Paul so as much as I don’t want him to win the other options wouldn’t deserve it. Sigh. Bad season

      • Yeah definitely. There was a time way earlier I actually thought this season was pretty good, but that feeling has now been gone for a long time. I’m not exactly a Paul fan but he deserves it more than anybody. And I agree just one move, if big enough, would put somebody else into that frame of mind of deserving it. I’ve just lost all faith that somebody is still going to do it. I’m also pretty sure that if it was done but done by somebody I hate (Alex, Christmas, Josh) I still wouldn’t want them to win anyway. Those three are too far gone for me personally, especially Alex.

  20. christmas should have never been allowed back into the game after breaking her foot. she hasnt competed in most of the comps and when she won, the rest of them let her win. if she makes it to final 3 and the doctors dont let her compete, then what?

    • It left a really bad taste in my mouth that she used her Ring of Replacement power just to end up not competing in that very same competition she used it for. Literally taking away a spot from an able-bodied competitor.

      Production already navigated an unusual situation as it pertained to her injury (for example live voting from a hospital room). They should have said she can’t use the power unless she can actually compete in that competition herself, since the power lasted all season anyway. Or put some other kind of stipulation on it and its usage. Perhaps if she can’t compete then she chooses somebody who can.

      I know she used it before seeing what the competition was, but I’m saying they should have made an exception here and done it differently. Or they should have manipulated, like they do anyway, and ensured that competition would be one she’d be cleared to play in.

    • If her foot was ok’d that she could play in that fiasco of an HOH competition, she should be required to play in ALL upcoming comps. Not thrown ones either!!! IMO

      • I said from now on :-) Otev & the slip ‘n’ slide was b4 the recent HOH running comp, which she WAS able to play.

      • Hope the jury sees the comps were thrown to her. She did not earn the comps, Paul and others handed them to her. She should have been out when she knew she needed surgery. IMO

      • I agree ! Remember when they showed the jury house, Cody made that comment Paul just threw that HOH to Xmas and made a degrogative comment. And Elaina said, yup their playing Big Paul.

      • lol…I hope there is a camera is on his face. I hadn’t thought about that. I wonder what the real atmosphere is like in the house. Kind of subdued, maybe? In comes loud fun guy Jason with in charge alpha male Cody, push over Wreck it Ralph Mark, teasing tart Elena, and cereal killer no personality Matt who thinks Raven is the greatest thing since cornflakes. Show us the video. Boom! Happy times!!

      • Lol. You’re hilarious!. Thanks for giggles this morning, sunshine!

        I really want to see them react to the running comp. Especially if they see Paul turning his head toward each person who is supposed top fall next-generation and noon, they drop. Cody – Lol!

      • And rightfully so ! This whole season was a mockery of the show BB ! A woman with a broken foot competes in a running competition who should have been out of the game eons ago.

      • It’s going to be so obvious to Mark and Elena, too. I’m not sure Matt will believe it as long as Raven is still in the house though. Jason will come around soon enough.

      • Btw…Otev is where Xmas used her Hex to prohibit Cody from Playing in the Veto?! The Rule clearly stated that Christmas was supposed to take the Prohibited Players Place, but she could not, because of her broken Foot!

        But Alison Grodner’s way to get around it was to leave the space open to no one….If Christmas could not compete, Cody should have been allowed to Compete in the POV! This Season of BB has been rigged from the beginning to the end for Paul to be Crowed the Winner…Just like last season was for Nicole to win. Production thinks we the viewers are Stupid, & don’t see the Obvious!

    • What doctor in his right mind approves a broken foot for a running comp? Oh yeah it’s tv. Must have been Dr. Like are or maybe Ben Casey.

  21. Poor kevy is gonna miss his pal Jason. I’m a little sad, I like to watch those two clown around and tell each other stories. Awwwe

  22. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, blow it out, in . . . out . . . clear your mind, disregard that noise it the background, pretend it’s the bubbling fish tank BB prod shows when cut the feeds, calm, slow breaths . . . in . . . out . . . calm.

    Think back . . . back, one . . . two . . . maybe even three. Three weeks ago, here, right here on these thread lines.

    “What was being written THEN about BB 19? Think, think, it was that this season is the worst ever, the worst ever! There were some, maybe lots that had their doubts with that declaration. This BB 19 ISN’T the worst season ever! ! ! No, it’s not bad, calm, calm, Season BB 19 is the good season . . . the better season . . . THE BEST SEASON EVER!

    BANG!!! BANG !!! dut dut dadadada dut dut dah . Dah . DUT!! It continues. it continues.

    Shift in time back to the present:

    Josh starts banging pans, Raven has disease number 138, Christmas has broken her other foot while she carries paul off the bloody battlefield making sure not to get any blood on paul, yet, again! Josh is crying! Alex is pounding on Jason, Jason is now 5’4” tall, even with paul, from all the bashing Alex has done to Jason. Raven has a movie script to be the newest actor for the “Crow” film series with her mascara all down her face also from crying, paul is laid down on the fainting couch in case he might faint and also there because the cameras there show him in his best light so paul continues to transcribe book # 153: “Thoughts of BB 19 by cult leader/god/purveyor of all that is bad and BB.”

    Kevin continues his daily morning stroll around the compound, muttering to himself: “I’m gonna get that GEDDA if it’s the last thing I do for putting me here in this damn hell hole.”

    Okay, NOW you can SAY IT – THIS Is THE WORST BB EVER ! ! !


      • And it gets ever more boring the more they protest, whine, cry, stamp their feet, throw a tantrum, on and on and on. Don’t like it, don’t watch it. It’s such an easy fix, lawdy. Go change your pampers already. LOL

      • I know right! Lol That’s what I do when I don’t like what’s happening on big brother. I skipped 7 season’s of it and stopped watching 16 and 17 mid season. People come on her saying the same thing in different ways, several times a day. It makes no sense and I would bet a million bucks they’re sitting somewhere with their faces glued to the feeds all day long. Anyhow chile, how you doing? …and poor Jason. I heard Josh almost cried yesterday, knowing Jason’s fate, and almost blew the cover. Smh awwwe

      • I’m good girl, hope you are doing good too! Did you get yesterday off at all?

      • Pah! Hell naw girl, they need my labor everyday! Lol ha! Girl imma kinda sad about Jason leaving. I thought I wouldn’t care. Smh damn why did he have to win so many comps so fast? If he had just waited a little longer, they be voting Alex pie faced azz out. I don’t know if we were connected at the time but waay back when I hated Jason, I wanted him out because I predicted he would turn into a comp beast and come after my baby Paul in the latter part of the season. I had the comp beast part right but never thought I’d care about him being evicted, but I do realize he has to go.

      • Wow, I’m kind of surprised to hear you say that, being kind of sad Jason is leaving. I’m really sad he is leaving, for a few reasons but the main one being he is the only person that is kind and will speak to Kevin with any kind of respect. After Jason leaves, Kevin is on his own island with no one to listen to him at all. I only hope the feral wombat is sent packing before Kevin is. 🙏🙏

      • Yea I got a lil soft spot for Jason. I thought I hated him but I guess I don’t. Ya know I was thinking, (based off some I heard Jason say), Jason may blame Alex once he’s in jury, thinking she was in on it. Paul may get off completely scott free!

      • I’m living for the time Jason finally realizes the feral wombat was his downfall!!

      • Maybe they are like me. I love BB, just hate the way this season has gone. Looked forward to it all winter then get this garbage. I don’t know where they found these people.

      • It’s really hard to watch the show or the feeds…Its so sad ..lol…I know its just a TV show but a show that I have always enjoyed watching until this season…Just looking forward to it being over in 16 days..

      • What’s worse are the edits these HGs are given on the primetime shows. They are all nice playing, delightful little HGs that just LLLOOOVVVEEE each other so much! While in reality, what we see on the feeds and on BBAD shows quite a different side to them.

  23. If only Jason held out at least one more week before winning more comps the focus would have been on Alex as a priority.

    • Last week veto, he did his best to throw it by putting the card in the most obvious place. And everyone check that cousin and missed it. He even was sure it was found since the zipper was open. He tried.

      • He said he wanted to win. Go back and watch the episode. Last week I kept commenting, why would he want to win that? It made no sense

      • His DR session about that competition didn’t make it seem like he was trying to throw it. He said by putting it in a less tricky place people might go right by it, expecting it to be in a tougher spot.

      • Yhea. I stand corrected. I stop listenning at putting it in the less tricky place and to me it make sens he was doing that to throw it.

  24. This game is so boring. I can’t STAND Josh. But, I’m secretly hoping that he spills the beans to Jason and Alex. Let them know that Paul can’t be trusted. Who cares what Christmas thinks? She doesn’t control you Josh, though it appears she does. Josh can just vote to evict Kevin, wouldn’t that be hilarious. This game is big brother. Loyalty isn’t common in this game. Time to do some back stabbing Josh. Paul will totally do it to you and Christmas, she is just too dumb to realize it. He is doing it to Alex this week.

    • Alex was in on this plan she loves Paul she and the others would all jump off a mountain and die for him if asked

      • That is why Paul decided to keep Alex instead of Jason…Alex has been in Jason’s ear all season telling him what to do Via Paul!!!

    • Yep wish he would but then he would have to win hoh or he’s the second one out in the de this week.

    • True…I just read on Jokers Kevin saying that he is ready to go anyway! Jason is the “Only” one left in the house that can Beat Paul…And Trust me Paul also knows that, he also knows that he can beat Christmas, Kevin, Raven, & Josh in a F2 situation, but not Jason!

      The letter from home that Jason was going to be a Dad for the 2nd time was Jason’s Eviction Notice for Paul.

      • Absolutely correct. If Jason was sitting at F2 he would be the new champion of BB (despite Jason’s unfortunate “joke” about Kevin’s wife and daughters). Everybody would be SO HAPPY for Jason – and would understand that he could really use the money. But when the Lord and Master says “jump,” everybody says “how high”?! And Jason is out the door.

    • Whistle nuts fizzle nuts sizzle nuts
      Softened on Jason ever so slightly
      Thought about what it would be like to be in a cage with a bunch of animals in a zoo with beer … My finger went to my nose lol

  25. Once again Paul finesses the HGs. This has to be the most dominating performance by any player in BB history. But that’s mostly do to the fact that all of the HGs except for Cody & Paul are followers not willing to lead.

      • I wouldn’t put Dominique in that category. She only “woke up” as she was about to leave. If she’s in that group then so is Mark and Elena.

        Only Cody and Jessica are really in it.

  26. If Josh could stop crying, he should get the house together, and wake everyone up to realize that EVERYONE is playing out Paul’s game. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t dislike Paul, but the Lambs are being led to the slaughter house. Wake Up

    • And that’s why Josh will not win. He can’t stop crying. Next time, production, adult cast members, please.

  27. Has anyone given thought that Production is setting this all up for Paul to win. Why else would no one left in the house not suggest putting Paul OTB. The show is rigged people as no one including Christmas and Alex can be this stupid.

      • Not the same. These two Christmas and Alex have been told Josh and Jason what is happening and because of Production interference they have been instructed to let Paul win so they are complying.

    • I haven’t reached the point where I think the show is rigged, but I do question why this particular group of HGs was chosen for BB19, and why Paul was brought in as the only BB vet. These HGs all seem to be cut from the same cloth – none of them want to win, all of them want to get to jury, and all of them would be honored to lose to Paul (and have told him so). It’s as if they went looking for a cult leader and a bunch of braindead followers. IDK. Just strange.

      • That’s a big part of why sticking Paul in there bugs me. I would have liked to have seen this group stumble and bumble around on their own. I think it would have been entertaining.

    • Like when Vanessa was going to have a “poker show” on CBS? Or that Paulie was being “groomed” to win? Or that Amanda was a “predetermined winner” so having her join BB15 was just a formality?

      • Paul had it wrapped up last year until the jury made a decision to throw it after what all Victor had said and Paul selecting Nicole lol. Would love to see it happen again. Hope Cory sours the jury house against Paul

      • The jury last year was so divided that it got to the point that it could have been anyone’s call.

        I’m praying that BB19 will have a BB17-like scenario though, but there’s not a lot of rootable people left this year. However, Alex could still surprise me if she finally realize soon enough that she’s not gonna win against Paul.

  28. If Josh, Raven or Kevin ( haha ) win anything ( and don’t give it away – it hurts me to have to say that ) then there is a game otherwise it is Paul and Christmas to F2

  29. I don’t think this rigged, Paul is just playing a masterful game and most of the other players seem to be sleeping!

    • A masterful game is when the so-called leader of the pack has constant competition and others are playing the game equally as hard, but not as efficiently. Paul has no competition and a bunch of annoying, whiny lemming followers, and that’s why he’s winning. Absolutely nothing masterful in that.

      • Not to mention Paul’s Mob mentality and the fact he has ever HG scared of him. He sleeps the the HOH room like its his (oh wait it is). Also not to mention the fact his contract with CBS states he controls the comps otherwise the lame on the other night would have never happened. These HG were cast so that Paul would win. When Cody grew a set and went against Paul you could see the hatred Paul had for Cody.

      • Nothing made it more clear for me than the expression on Paul’s face when Derrick walked into the house. If you ever look up the definition of “oh, sh*t”, a picture of that face would be there.

      • Paul from the beginning of the season has walked around the house in his underwear, might seem just gross to some but I saw this as significant. He came in feeling comfortable, like it was his home. The other houseguests were getting used to cameras, showering, changing and Paul is dancing around in his underwear like he is at home.

      • It was it is his house. Otherwise he’d still be in mommy’s house lol. Mommy doing his laundry and cleaning his room lol

      • Now he has Xmas and Kevin doing his laundry. I was shocked to see Xmas carrying his laundry in her scooter. One thing for Paul to push Xmas to do your eviction plans, but Paul couldn’t even carry his laundry to the BY.

      • I also saw some significance in it, but to me it signified a lack of respect for anybody but him.

      • Well,i cant keep up with his stories to each hg. Gotta give him that-he keeps his stories straight.

      • Oh, you mean his bracelet buddies? The friendship temptation of half the house on his side to start with?

      • I don’t agree with those who try to completely discredit Paul, but I do agree that I wouldn’t call what he’s done ‘masterful’, mostly thanks to the idiots he’s surrounded by.

  30. I wonder who will be along with him for final 3. Anybody but Alex would be pretty good for him.

  31. I hate this show so much, they allow Josh to pull what he has they have totally ruined this show allowing Josh to get away with what he has. And Paul, running the whole house since he got in the game, it is disgusting. Don’t get why they call it big brother the should call it the Paul show.

    I will never understand what everyone sees in either of them.

    • Its not Paul’s fault that he’s in a house full of nut jobs! Why shouldn’t he run it, nobody else is doing anything. He’s not forcing them to do anything that they are unwilling to do. Hopefully next season they do a better job screening potential players than they did this year. Even Paul can’t believe what a bunch of losers he’s playing against.

      • And he’s said as much in the DR on several occasions. I can understand why he hates some of the HGs. That’s the next step after disgust runs its course.

    • Plus half the time her hair is so greasy, like she hasn’t washed it in days. She said she wears them because people told her they’re cute. Nothing about her is cute.

    • That’s the way she communicates with the planet of diseases du jour. There’s wire in them thar buns.

  32. POP TV has given the HGs a Labor Day party. They are outside drinking beer and grilling something. Watching Raven and Alex play lawn games is pretty pathetic.

    • Croquet? Badminton, volleyball? Thinking of lawn games, lol, what else is there? I’m guessing the beer is the biggest interest for them!

      • Croquet, badminton and cornhole. Raven is screaming for no reason. They got 2 beers each, and they lost a wiener they were grilling. Raven’s shorts barely cover her butt. Raven is hoola-hooping. I’m not sure that’s a good idea with her pacemaker there. Heh.

      • Because she and Alex act like fake little over-the-top cartoon characters for the cameras. They’ve been doing it all season. It makes me miss and appreciate Cody’s absolute refusal to do anything remotely close lol

      • I miss Cody and that attitude, too. He was the consummate antithisis to the rest of the HGs.

      • Exactly. It was awesome and entertaining, and I appreciated that it was real whereas it looks so fake from people who try too hard to be enthusiastic. Dan Gheesling also appreciated it via some tweets the day Cody was evicted the second time.

      • Ha, that’s the truth and an interesting factor on why Cody is so popular now. If he was still in house doubt that would be the case. Cyclical.

      • Wish I’d been watching while Cody was still on. Sounds like he may have been the only one who didn’t need a trip to see the Wizard (he already has a brain).

      • They are eating “really thick burgers.” Christmas is grilling burgers and corn-on-the-cob. Josh says this is the best thing ever. He’s not swearing (for once). Kevin won at cornhole, and nobody did anything. Kevin said, “didn’t you see?” Paul won next and the place erupted in cheers. Paul is cheering for himself the loudest. He’s still wearing the toucan floatie.

      • Christmas is hoola-hooping around her neck. Paul ate something (grilled onions?) he said tastes like orgasm. Raven is looking at her beer can and talking to herself. She’s called to the DR, but yells that she has to pee. Christmas has taken off her top. She’s wearing a sports bra sort of. They put more burgers on the grill, and Paul and Jason are hovering over the grill.

      • LOL! Josh was explaining about when he was 14 his parents gave him the sex talk. But he has a mouthful of hamburger, so it sounds more like “when I was 14 mffblg difgnaldfg fo0ifgmsrg sex talk dfetmsdr hprtqrt.” He’s also back to swearing. Jason is belching and the HGs are trying to figure out if it’s Memorial Day or Labor Day. Raven screamed in Paul’s ear and he yelled at her. Jason wants to punch Josh in face to make the party great. They are all laughing like the beer is kicking in..

      • Jason (now shirtless), Alex (almost topless and leering at Jason), Christmas and Josh are playing cornhole. They’re sounding and acting drunk. Kevin is sitting against the wall watching. The score is 15-7 (Jason and Josh winning). Cameras on cornhole game, don’t see or hear anyone else.

      • Yea like high school students who had two beers and are now “drunk”. Whoa, wait…was that a Kevin sighting for 4 secs.?

      • was going to go to bed but you lured me in, haha. I might have to tune in but.I bet it won’t be as entertaining as your recap!

      • The party seems to be winding down now, though. They’re still playing cornhole, and Raven has materialized in the BY and seems to be playing cornhole now. Not much else going on.

      • They have a couple of raised (angled) boards on the ground with one hole in each, and they throw beanbags into the hole for points. The boards are maybe 10 ft. apart (?) and they throw across to the opposite board. Interesting shot right there I hope someone got – Josh put a hoola hoop around him and Christmas and they hugged (and kissed?) each other. Brief, but a good shot.