We’ve got new Big Brother spoilers for the first week’s “Den of Temptation” as the Pendant of Protection has been awarded to one of the Houseguests. This afternoon the recipient thanked viewers in a quick camtalk message.
There’s really no cause for surprise or questioning here as I bet we all knew exactly who would end up winning a popularity contest among 15 newbies and 1 well known, established Houseguest. Yep, just as we expected.
Spoilers: Den of Temptation – Week 1
Paul Abrahamian won the Pendant of Power & its three evictions worth of safety.
Flashback on your Live Feeds (get the Free Trial now for All Access) to 10:34AM BBT on Camera 3 to find Paul sitting along in the Lounge. He’s explaining his strategy for this season “Moth to the Flame” where he wants to draw in players, appear indispensable, and help feed their own pre-existing paranoia.
In that talk Paul thanked viewers but mentioned it could be a real challenge. He says he’ll have to “hide that for 3 weeks or else my cover is blown.” To clarify, we know it’s for 3 evictions, which is only an issue if there are any special situations with more than one eviction within a week.
But this is interesting to know that Paul doesn’t have to disclose it unless it’s forced. I’m guessing if he can keep himself off the Block then it’s never an issue, but what about if he goes up? Can he? Maybe he just can’t be sent out the door? Dunno yet. Paul explains, “I’m using it as a backup plan.” He goes on to say that he feels his social game is “so strong that I can evade the Block for 3 weeks without, but it’s definitely nice to have it.”
So there we go. Paul won the power, is safe for 3 evictions, and can’t win any of the other Den of Temptation twists yet to come. As for the consequences, it sounds like Ramses may have received the negative portion of this one, but we don’t know just what that is yet. Ramses revealed to Jillian last night that he had been “bitten by the serpent” which seems to be a fancy way of them delivering the news privately to HGs.
We’ll get more of these details revealed during Sunday’s episode (8/7c) when the segment showing Paul receive his pendant power is revealed along with whatever happened to Ramses.
What do you think of these spoilers? Any surprises here? Not for me. This seems like a clear ploy to give their investment (Vets are paid extra money to return) safe and in the game for at least a set amount of time. But like Paul said, maybe he didn’t even need it, but I’m sure production is happy with this insurance plan.
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Not sure about this. Good for him I guess. But he just mentioned about him actually being the mastermind behind the blow-up that happened between Jess and Alex that caused Megan to self-evict, by playing “racist” card. Seriously, dude?
So Kevin taking the $25k allowed to Paul entry to the house. Paul’s entry/twist caused Cameron to be evicted after only 12 hours in the house. AND Paul started a fight that caused Megan to self-evict after the 2nd tv episode?? I hate Paul being in the house.
Me too. And if Kevin wouldn’t of taken the 25,000 production would of just used another temptation to get him in the house. He needs to go.
They knew one player would take it, come on way too tempting. Remember that Kevin was the 1st one to push his button, but they never told us if any other push their button too. I wouldn’t be surprise that half of them did. Kevin was just the 1st one to push.
I’m saying “If”. There’s no guarantee. We assume someone would of course but you never know. And watch it again there were several that pushed. The ones where the light turned red pushed it. Because there were some that didn’t light up at all. Kevin just happened to be faster.
Oh really, I didn’t see the lights.
Yep. If you have the episode watch when they show all of them and look at how some are red and some aren’t lit up. And Kevin’s is green. So I’m assuming the red ones mean someone pushed it but were too late.
I went back last night and it looked like 7 of them, at least, pushed their buttons.
A bunch of other HG also “pushed the button” the old guy just got there first.
IMO, the BAD GUY was Josh who grabbed the Golden Apple with no warning to or discussion of the consequences with the rest of his team.
Why give ONE HG punishment for Paul’s acceptance of the Pendant Of Power and not all the other house guests?????
I agree, why does only Ramses have to face the consequences of Paul taking the Temptation Pendant. Should be all HG’s or none..
To me, it would make more sense the same person get both, the power and the consequence that goes with it.
because you should know by now to expect the unexpected…
Paul won the power….
Honestly who’s surprised?
Surprised…No. Disappointed….yes!
Two showmances already…Cody and Jessica and Matt and Raven. I agree with Nancy..I don’t understand why Ramses was the only one subjected to the consequences. I thought Julie said the consequences would be unleased on the entire house. Maybe we will learn more on Sunday.
Well I’m disappointed. First he gets to play again at the cost of another fans game. Then he gets 3 weeks or evictions of safety because he has an unfair advantage with fans. He was already getting on my nerves last night talking to all the cameras and setting up a friendship meeting with the viewers. Give me a break.
you bitch about it, yet you are still watching…
Where in my comment did I say I wouldn’t watch? Learn to read! Do you love everyone on the show? If you do you’re lying.
Sorry guys but I disagree. Paul is the best twist to this for me. love him, and not liking too many newbies this season. Cory is a bully. With his mean face. I think the guy can snap at any moment. I can see him getting physical. And Jessica now has attitude because she is protected
Well that sucks. Had hoped he be long gone by then. So annoying
and we know HOW? that Paul won the DoT… Because CBS said so. WOW! How convenient was that for CBS. Keeping a real snake in th grass safe for the next 3 weeks. Let’s have a vote count by an accounting firm not tied to CBS. Couldn’t do that now could we CBS? We already know the tricks the producers have been known to do in the past seasons. I am now a former watcher. Can’t stand that Paul was let back in after winning $50,000.. If he had won nothing… I could deal with him back in. But an avid watcher and player got tossed the first 12 hours because of him. NOT FAIR CBS. But then again you are known for that sort of dealings.
haters will always hate…we seem to forget that the reason why paul is back in the house is because that greedy old man hit his button and pocketed 25k. if no one had hit that button, paul would not be in the game, and you would have to come up with something else to bitch about…oh BTW…i voted for paul max number of times, and so did a bunch of my friends. i highly doubt it was fixed.
You’re calling him a greedy old man but yet you’re watching. Quit bitching!
i’m not bitching, and i am loving this season so far…i was only defending paul from this original post in which terry thinks its a setup that paul is in the house…
Just giving it right back to you. Lol. When I was talking about how I didn’t think it was fair for 3 weeks of safety you asked why I was watching and bitching. I was just showing you how everyone has their likes and dislikes but still loves the show. I don’t think it’s a set up and it was the fans that voted. But I still don’t think he should of got 3 weeks of safety.
i agree…i think 3 weeks is too much…and the consequence of it on ramses…
It seems the producers want Paul to win and they are pulling all stops to give it to him! How did he get the Pendant of Protection? Was this voted on? or Just given to him? Since, the other players are all newbies, they should not be putting him into the game in the first place!
a newbie put him in the game when the old man collected his 25k…
i like the fact that paul won the power…he is outnumbered 15-1 being the only returning player…