Big Brother 19 Week 1: House Prepares For Veto Comp

The Houseguests are anticipating the first Power of Veto competition of Big Brother 19 to arrive later today after drawing players and setting their plans for securing this week’s nominations and eviction targets. Actually, it’s this week’s second round of nominations after Megan self-evicted yesterday.

Houseguests await Veto comp on BB19

Feeds were down for a bit this morning as the chips were drawn and the players decided. Along with Cody, the current HoH, and his nominees, Alex and Jillian, we now have three more players. Raven, Matthew, and Jason. Kevin will be hosting.

Cody and his allies have been consistently talking about Alex being the target for eviction this week since Feeds started last night and that hasn’t changed today so far. In fact Jessica was strongly stating how much she wanted Alex gone this week while I was working on this update. Get your Live Feeds Free Trial now and start watching with us!

As for the players, the controlling side feels good about the draw. Only Jason is somewhere outside their circle, but Paul is confident that he can persuade Jason to go with their plan if he wins the Power of Veto.

Gallery: Houseguests prepare for the Veto comp

Should either Alex or Jillian win the Veto comp then obviously they would use it to escape the Block this week, but if any of the other players pull off the win then I’d expect the noms to remain as is. I don’t see Jason wanting to rock the boat as he’ll just be happy to not be the target for as long as possible.

The pressure is on for Alex, who was actually safe until Megan went and quit Big Brother yesterday. Oops. Time to see if the gamer girl can win herself a Power of Veto in her rematch against Cody.

Download our free Big Brother App and you’ll get an alert notification with the spoiler results are in.

Update: Feeds went off just before 1PM BBT so the Veto comp is likely underway. We’ll keep you posted. Also worth noting, Big Brother is showing “Adopt A Pet” cams at least for now instead of Jeff Loops. This is awesome.

twitter-tweet" data-lang="en">

This is awesome. Kudos to @flyonthewallent for this . Message reads that these are pets available for adoption. "Adopt, don't shop." #BB19

— Big Brother Network (@bigbrothernet) June 30, 2017



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      • Anybody complained about the Disqus part of the site not loading ?

        Since this morning it won’t load in Chrome and Firefox. It work in Explorer, Opera and Brave. And it’s not just you, I go to another site that use also Disqus and it won’t load either. Something was change overnight, everything work fine up to yesterday.

      • I’ve been on Disqus since yesterday with chrome and I haven’t experienced any problems.

      • I had the same problem at home this morning and I’m having the same problem at work. Quite puzzling.

      • I think it’s the ads blocker that is the problem. They must have change something overnight. Go to extension in Chrome and install an ads blocker (search Adguard), install it, then try to reload, see if the Disqus section load. If it doesn’t, just go back to extension and remove it. Let me know what happened.

      • I added it Capt. Still no problem with Disqus. I also have AdBlockerPlus installed…

      • Cap, was it you who was hacked last year on here? If it was, is it possible someone is messing with it again?

      • Since you are an engineer, it’s probably something simple that you are just overlooking.

      • I know. I think the ads blocker have something to do with the problem. Do you run an ads blocker ? Which one ? In which browser ?

      • I have 2 ad blockers, AdBlockPlus and AdGuard AdBlocker and I use Chrome. I don’t think either of those things affects how disqus works, unfortunately. I hear people complain about it all day every day.

      • I use Adguard in Chrome and Firefox. Always work fine. Since this morning Disqus won’t load. I pause Adguard, Disqus load. /smh

    • Could you tell me why Alex was put up in place of Megan? Don’t get the live feeds and Cory just drives me nuts with his so called reasoning of his choices.

      • Because he doesn’t like her, she had the “nerve” to talk back to him and more importantly, she’s a girl. He’s threatened by women.

      • This guy has no game play whatsoever. Doesn’t seem threatened by Jessica. Hope he goes home soon and doesn’t make it to vote on the winner.

      • Jessica is his lapdog and his new girlfriend, of course he isn’t threatened by her, he can control her now that he has her in his clutches. Can’t stand either one of them.

  1. How is BB planning to smooth out the tidal wave caused by Megan’s sudden departure? After this week’s eviction we will already be down to 14 players. That’s a quick drop from basically the start of 17. It sounds like they are already going to rob us of an entire week of action this summer, but I wonder how her departure will be smoothed over?

    • I have a feeling, they have a plan B in a drawer that will come out. They know that there is always the possibility of something getting kick out or quitting.

  2. At this point I feel like Cameron and whoever is evicted this week deserve a Battleback or sth, along with some other HGs that were evicted down the line. Whoever is evicted this week is only evicted due to Megan. Damn, Megan, I just don’t like you that much now!

    On the other hand, who is the renom plan if one of Alex/Jillian comes off.

    • Cody’s plan is Paul, but he doesn’t know about the pendant that Paul got.

      • Well, that’s gonna be fun. I really hope Cody decides to nominate Paul only to find out he can’t be nominated. Not only will that really screw up Cody’s plan as HOH, but also Paul’s pendant cover will be blown up and the drama level in the house will be maximized with Paul’s scrambling afterwards.

        Now I just gotta start a prayer circle because a lot of things will need to happen for the above scenario to take place.
        A. One of Alex/Jillian needs to win veto
        B. Paul doesn’t get to Cody before the veto meeting and talk Cody into nominating another HG

  3. Josh is definitely a boring repetitive snooze fest and I hope he’s gone soon. He’s taking over all the air time with his rants. Cody is creepy, good luck Jessica. There’s a girl who obviously knows how to stay in the game. I’m liking Paul and Raven together. They’re just quirky and cool enough for each other. Very cute couple. On BBAD, he pulled her on his knee and she seemed quite happy to stay there. Kevin is surprisingly fun and I hope he gets to stay around for awhile. Jillian is likable, but I’m thinking all her talking behind people’s back will come back to bite her on the ass. So far so good.

  4. Can we not watch the competitions on the live feed like we did on BBOTT? Kind of a buzzkill of subscribing if we can’t..

  5. Josh is a loon, how many times do we have to hear about how ____ he is?? He’s too self centered, he won’t make it too far.

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