We’ve got our latest Popularity Poll results for the Big Brother 19 season along with the next round’s voting now open and ready for your picks. Read on to see the last week’s results and your chance to support your favorite HG this week.
You can start off with the detailed results of last week’s poll where you’ll find not much has changed in the overall placements, but some of those vote percentages have really begun to narrow for the man at the top.
Paul Abrahamian had a 10.5 point lead over Alex Ow in Week 2 but that slid to just a 3.6 point lead this time around as he drew 23% of the vote to Alex’s 19.4%. Kevin Schlehuber did nicely with 15.4% as well as he jumped over Christmas Abbott’s 8.4% to get third place. That’s Kevin’s second round of climbing a spot, but now in third place for our readers’ favorites it may be hard to keep that pace.
Jason Dent held on to fifth place again this week with 6.5% of the vote and Cody Nickson held on to sixth place at 5.9% even while he was out of the house that week. His ally, Jessica Graf, moved up five spots to seventh with 4.6% overtaking the whole middle crew of the house. That’s a huge improvement and makes it less of a surprise now to see how she won the final Den of Temptation vote.
Dominique Cooper grabbed 3.2% of the vote, taking her from tenth in Week 2 to eighth in Week 3, her final of the game. Right behind her is Elena Davies who earned 2.9% of the vote and secured ninth place, up two spots from last week.
Mark Jansen continues to drop like an emotional rock as he’s now in tenth place at 2.6% of the vote after starting at sixth place in the first week then down to seventh in Week 2. He’s a dud of a Houseguest so far aside from what we got on that pickle juice drama.
Right behind Mark you’ve got Raven Walton at eleventh with 2.3% and Matthew Clines in twelth place at 2% of the vote. Both of those seem high, but there’s not much more room at the bottom, so there they are. Matthew dropped four this past week while Raven fell two spots.
The last two active players in the rankings are Ramses Soto with 1.7% of the vote and Josh Martinez at 0.8%. Ramses has been pretty bland so I’m not surprised he’s down there, but while Josh isn’t exactly “likable” he has been a good source of Feeds fun so I’m surprised he’s the lowest active player at 14th place.
Rounding out the bottom we’ve got Cameron Heard (0.34%), Megan Lowder (0.18%), and Jillian Parker (0.14%). Considering Jillian stuck it out to her eviction I’m surprised that Megan is again above Jillian, but the difference between them is a whopping five votes so that’s might close.
Here is this week’s updated graphic for the popularity rankings based on your votes:
So who is your favorite Big Brother Houseguest this week? You can use whatever justification you want so there’s no wrong answer. Cast your vote each day in our poll below and check back later to see how they all stack up against each other.
Don’t forget to let us know why you picked your top fav this week. Share your thoughts below.
I just read somewhere that Raven and her mom are scam artists? They live their lives with go fund me money for vacations, cars, beauty shops etc under the guise of medical assistance?
Beats the hell out of cleaning houses!
You read “somewhere.” Where – exactly – did you read it? Is it an honest site or does it consist of unsubstantiated accusations?
But where on Facebook? Who wrote the post? You’re basically accusing someone of a crime. How about a specific source?
Someone commented that. Why are yall so defensive over this. I am just asking a question.
For me, I guess it’s a “walk-a-mile-in-her-shoes” kind of thing. I mean, would you like to be accused of a crime when the “evidence” came from anonymous sources on Facebook and YouTube? You say you’re just asking a question – fair enough. But you’re asking a question based on extremely risky and unknown sourcing. I don’t know – I just think it’s a bit unfair.
I’m not jumping on the train, kinda just watching it unfold. I think it’s really crappy that BB fans go out of their way to try and ruin these peoples lives without all the facts. It happens every year.
That said, if you go to twitter and search for #ravenexposedparty you can read all about what people are claiming & attempting to dig up. So far it doesn’t look good for her, but again even if she is using her illness to scam people, I’m not going to jump on that train and try and ruin her life. Just let those involved sort it out.
Part of me feels like stuff like this is why Big Brother will never have any true masters of the game again like Dr. Will & Dan. Anyone with a career and is set in their life is not going to risk ruining it all by coming on the show and having its psychotic fan base, with far too much time on their hands, dig up something and go out of their way to destroy that persons life. When we have to hear stories about the FBI getting involved over death threats because someone evicted their favorite house guest, people losing their jobs, etc etc., I think its time people step back, relax and reevaluate things…
You didn’t ask, you stated without substantiating.
you obviously didnt see the two question marks at the end of those statements. Its okay, sometimes people over look the obvious.
I don’t care for Raven but accusing someone of fraud is not something to do. FB is not noted for its investigative journalism.
Is Facebook even a reliable source?
It must be true then !!
its a video…on u tube..
So if true, then the authorities will be checking on them now. I am sure Derrick from Season 16? will do it for you.
I read that as well, and it could be true since she doesn’t look or act sick, but only time will tell. Once she is out of the house.
You can see her pacemaker site. She does have a disease. But not life threatening. She mentioned another disease that she has that’s life threatening but never said what it was.
Are you a doctor?
As a matter of fact. yes
Don’t you see the pacemaker below the skin in her lower stomach which helps her digest her food. Without that device she would die. That device has to replaced every few years. Check yourself before you judge other people.
That BS she has in her stomach could be anything. Have you seen patients who had heart attack wearing one of those? Do you see them jumping up and down doing cartwheels and eating anything they want. I’m not saying she is lying about her disease, but you don’t know that either.
Seems like you are all knowing, but we are talking about colon vs. heart here. A pacemaker for a heart is nothing like one for gastrointestinal system which stimuates colon and intestines to digest the food. This would have nothing at all with her being able to be active. If you had been paying attention she talks about what is harder to digest and things she needs to avoid.
There is a video on u tube…it goes into some details of Ravens life..its called Raven Exposed..
But anyone can make and post a video. I will give her the benefit of the doubt unless information comes out from a reliable source.
Must be true… It’s on the internet ๐ฉ
Absolutely no way that the public voted for Jess to win the Temptation…lol. Production stepped in on that one.
Big time.
I don’t normally follow or agree with conspiracy theories But in this instance “something don’t jive”..in Jessica getting the HH power….enough said..
I think they needed someone to step up to Paul….. too bad it was the wrong person lol
No sh*t, she went in the DR and told production she was going to self evict because Cody was gone, they told her not to and told her what all they would give her so she stayed
So she whined just to get the power?
And to think she couldn’t be any less likeable
If whining got you power, Josh would be the most powerful person i the house.
Dude, you need to change your picture,scary
“if I told I would have to hunt u down and kill u….”
We all have our theories and I’m sure some of it is true even if we are not there.
Nobody will ever get a proof that Production did it. But …. there will always be doubt.
True. But there’s been a whole lot of favorite house guest polls (including this one) and Jessica is NEVER in the Top-3.
Absolutely, never. So it stinks. That’s all we can say.
I would not be surprised. Remember last year Nicole and James cheated by promising money to ensure one of them wins. Production did not do anything about it other than a stern talking to.
James didn’t even vote for her
Proof or it didn’t happen.
It’s not rocket science! How long have you been watching this show!
I think they did vote for her… they wanted to see more drama because the chances of Cody winning the comeback competition were stacked in his favor.
I voted for Jessica lol
The reddit big brother was really pulling for her during that time too
I used to like Raven a lot. But last night during BBAD, she was almost shouting about her health problem of a paralyzed stomach. None of the house guests were arguing with her but she seemed to be loudly defending herself. Her behavior raised a red flag in my mind. I don’t like her at this point. I voted for Kevin. I didn’t really like him at first, but he’s proving to be an interesting and caring person.
Well with all the stuff her mother is doing off the show in “defense of her daughter” is sickening too.
Paul, Jessica and Cody at the top. How nauseating.
I voted for Jason this week and Kevin last week. Those two are my favorite right now.
Christmas and Kevin.
I liked Ramses, but he hasn’t won anything or tried hard to win. Very annoying. I still wish Jess would have put Raven up, but I guess she was told to leave it as is.
Alex and Kevin
Mine are Alex (even though she’s playing poorly), Kevin and Christmas.
I’m not too big on Jason. He’s a good guy but to me not that bright.
Matt’s too bland frankly and its a shame because I want to like him.
I really like Jason’s laid back, down home, tell it like it is persona. However, good thing there was Alex to rein in his enthusiastic sharing the info with everyone!
Samsara is must be really stupid to like Kevin…he is a floater.
I like floaters who are nice. Kevin is great and his game is mostly social.
The good thing about that is maybe future players trying for AFP will pick a side and sick with it when they see America doesn’t vote for floaters, and “voting with the house” all season long is boring.
Jessica is my favorite. She pulled through a week of being a pariah in the house including by people she thought were her friends. She was unfairly forced to keep paying for Cody’s missteps long after he was evicted. She did outstanding in the HoH competition, standing on the edge of a platform for nearly 3 hours until 6 in the morning — think about that — while keeping one arm elevated and holding a long, non-rigid tube against a disk. After earning the HoH, she kept her word to Christmas by not nominating her.
True, she appears to have made an awful mistake with her nominations, but that doesn’t subtract from her accomplishments.
Of course she deserve every kudos she deserve for winning HoH and Veto. But after her Hex is gone, it won’t mean
I could go along with this had she not completely reverted to her old self once Cody returned. She did a great job last week of reintegrating herself into the house and playing a smart game. Once Cody came back it was anti-social Jess with no finger on the pulse of the house.
I’ll give you this, credit her for winning everything this week, but I’m not impressed with her overall play.
She did good in the HoH true cos she knew their necks were on the line and everythign they been thru but don’t forget that Xmas lasted just as long almost with one working foot. They both did good even tho I still don’t like Cody or Jess.
I truly believe Paul could beat the living snot out of a HG and he would be rewarded and win the game lmao. Anyone else and not true but he has A Lot of favoritism that gives him plenty of leeway. (Not saying he would just he could and big brother wouldn’t care probably)
Cody over Alex?? Yuck! Idiot barely talks! Only reason ppl like his stupid az is because of his antipathy to Paul. It’s all he focuses on. See where that got him. If it wasn’t for battle back and the show needing an enemy for Paul, his dumb az wouldn’t be there.
I’m canceling my account if I watch this whole season for Paul to win, I will feel like I wasted my time on something the producers all ready planned out.
Well it looks like that is what you may have to do because the two dummies they’ve selected to go against him i.e Jody are failing miserably!
I bet you wouldn’t say that to his face (cody)
Awwe look who needs extra attention that he’s not getting at home?? You wont get it from me buddy. Go up from the basement to mother’s room and have her do it for me.. Ok good night honey! Btw Hope Cody washed his balls for you.;-)
Oh Wallace, don’t tell me, let me guess, hmmmmm I know, your Bob’s brother!
Dont get why ppl like Jessica either! Typical pretty girl spreading her legs to the muscle headed first hoh winner. How many times have we seen that?? It’s always easy for girls like that. Honey I need a reason to root for a person! What has she done besides the obvious??
Really, she knew him for what 3 day’s, now that’s a skank!
Huge skank!
Err he’s also only known her for 3 days – will you also label him a skank?
Jessica is my favorite. She`s playing a great game.
I don’t get why people would like Kevin? Only stupid people
“Playing a great game”?? if she were playing a great game, she wouldn’t have prepped herself for biggest blindside of the season, both her enemies will be in the house( josh/alex), she wouldn’t be getting advice from a fool that was evicted week two, she wouldn’t have to KEVIN of all people about her DOT, I mean shall i go on??….like i said, she’s a dumb tramp:-)
‘typical pretty girl spreading her legs’ – that is such a rank thing to say. It takes two to tango and Cody is tango-ing away! As are Elena, Mark, Raven & Matt…
It was RANK thing for her to spreading her legs to a stranger. Elana hasn’t btw and Raven, at least she waited a month! And as for Cody, thanks for helping me out, he’s a slut too! I’ll add that to the list of reasons I hate him. Toodles.
Has anybody else noticed that Christmas is getting away with playing both sides of the house right out in the open? She claims to be on Paul’s team but always votes with the other side. Then shr fesses up to doing it.
She only did it once. Last week she voted with everybody.
I think the time she voted for Ramses was an accident. Because I was reading somewhere that production messed up and had Xmas on the phone already in the hospital when Julie said the vote so far is 2-0 for Ramses so maybe she thought house flipped and that’s why she did.
I voted for Cody cause everybody hates him!
Did you vote for Trump? Please don’t answer that. It was a rhetorical question and I was trying to be funny. ;)
Millions voted for Trump. That’s why he won.
Cody getting high vote outside the BB house means nothing inside, unless production interferes.
Oh gosh, Jello. I really didn’t mean to get political. I was honestly saying that in jest. :)
lol. Did my comment sound serious? It wasn’t. I was just comparing one idiot winning with another not having a big chance of doing so. I just dislike them both.
I’m shocked Paul’s still at the top honestly!
I think just about every HG has unlikable qualities but I am just rooting for Jess/Cody for the simple fact I want to see them damage the majority and prevent Paul from steamrolling
I’m with you. I want to see them put up Paul as a replacement nominee but that might not be the smartest game move. I doubt they would be able to get the house to vote to evict him. Right now at least they can work to get out his closest allies. I don’t think Jessica was looking ahead when she made her nominations.
She let Cody get in her ear too much, she said she was taking the lead but he suggested Ramses beside Josh and she did it. She’s going to regret listening to him! She should’ve learned from the first week lol
Also is it just me or is Elena kind of underrated? She’s not the best by any means and I think her game is slowing down a bit. But up until this week she has had a really good social game tbh
Anyone who watched last season shoukd understand that friendship had nothing to do with Paul’s success last season as he spent the entire season under the thumb of the vets that he vowed to get out in week 1. How can anyone in this house even tryst him? I voted for Cody, a guy with no social game, because everyone else is so unlikable. I had high hopes after week 1 that Christmas and Alex would prove worthy, but they have been major disappointments so far. It’s a beautiful season, but few cast members have any depth at all.
Whyyy are people voting for Paul? He’s arrogant and a walking irritant!!
Kevin is the most entertaining at the moment but he has already got more than $25,000 and I don’t think he should get more. He or Paul neither one should get prizes because others need it more like Jason who has small children to raise.
Cody is a vile human being. The way he treats people is extremely uncalled for. Victim noises? Dude you make more “victim noises” than anyone. I am glad BB casted Paul this year. The house is full of duds. Disappointed by Matt too was hoping he’d be a better player, but his strangemance with Raven is just offputting.