Big Brother 19: Nomination Anticipation In Week 9

Jason became the latest Big Brother 19 Head of Household during an endurance battle that played out on the Live Feeds. That means it’s just about time for a new line to be drawn in the house.

With Mark now gone, that means there are more “outsiders” left, so it’s time for Paul and company to decide who among them will be the new targets. As we’ve seen the past couple of weeks, Paul has been planting his targets two or three weeks out. All the while Mark was the target in Week 8, Paul was busy stacking the house against Jason, Matthew and Kevin. Since Jason is the new HOH, that means the target would fall on Matthew or Kevin.

And since Alex and Jason threw in two rogue votes against Matthew during Thursday night’s live eviction, it became a bit unclear on who they were gunning for this week. Were there stray votes against Matthew a foreshadow, or were they looking to frame Kevin to make him an easier target this week?

Flashback to 11:09 PM BBT Thursday night – Paul says if Jason puts Matthew and Raven up he can do damage control. Alex and Paul agree that they can tell Maven that Kevin is the target and they’re going to backdoor him because if they put Kevin up outright, he’ll flip out. They say since Kevin is being so spastic over those stray votes they can say they just don’t want him going crazier on the block.

Josh comes in and Paul asks him if Matthew and Raven goes up and Josh says he thinks so. Josh says he does not think Jason would go after Kevin (because they’re too close). Paul says he’ll talk to Matt and Raven to make them think Kevin is the target. Alex tells Josh that Matt is their real target but explains the plan to tell them they’re backdooring Kevin.

Paul goes in to tell Raven and Matthew that Jason might put him (Paul) and one of them up. Then he says or maybe Paul and Josh … or … Matt and Raven. Paul explains that if Kevin feels safe, he won’t fight, but if they put him up, he might try to win veto. Matt asks Paul to reiterate that Kevin is a backdoor target. Paul says yes. Matt says then it doesn’t really matter who goes up. (This is going to be too easy).

Jason finally confirms his plans at 1:55 AM BBT when he says he doesn’t care who goes between Matthew and Raven, but thinks it might be smarter to keep Raven over Matthew. Paul says Matthew might even save Raven with the veto if he were to win it.  So there you have it. Expect Jason to nominate Matthew and Raven while Paul promises them that Kevin is the backdoor plan for the week.

We’ll have the spoilers as soon as things are revealed on the Feeds. Download our Big Brother App, join us on Facebook & Twitter, and get our Email Updates for lots more Big Brother coverage.

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  1. But, despite Alex’s feeling toward him, I don’t think its their plan to actually back door Kevin, they just want Matt and Raven to think that. I don’t have a clue what they really plan to do if that happens, but I don’t see Jason actually nominating Kevin. Could it really be? I mean, they may just wimp out and nominate Josh or Christmas, but, Jason can play the big dumb cowboy card.

  2. I rarely get very serious here, but I thought I’d share this with my BBN family.
    I had my yearly Dr. appt. yesterday. I have been having various aches and pains that started a couple of months ago. To make a long story short, I was diagnosed with Ravenitis. Sadly, there is no cure and I will die with it. Any sympathy is appreciated. Help me, Jason!

    • Ha ha! I have it too!!! I don’t understand why they would rather send Matt out over Raven. Matt hasn’t done a blooming thing. At least Raven tries to win competitions!

      • I think the possibility of Matt “coming alive” might scare them a bit, especially if they boot out Raven. Not sure but that’s just what I’m thinking right now.

        Disclaimer: My ADD allows me to change my mind at any given time throughout the schedule of any future Big Brother episodes.

      • I honestly don’t think Matt would be too upset if they did get raven out. Except for fearing he was next. Maybe he would finally start playing..

      • Bless his heart, he’s probably tired of her cooking, her complaining, her screaming, and his poor tallywhacker is probably sore. Nothing worse than a sore tallywhacker.

      • I agree on all of what you said lol and getting to eat something in peace without having to share it with her!! Lol

      • She eats his food? I’m surprised he would share with her. Maybe when I read he ate two tacos and then a bowl of cereal he really didn’t because she ate part of it. I read; I don’t watch feeds so I miss little bits of info like that. :)

      • Same here. Each week I root for a player that will do something to divide the puppets. It will never happen so I’ll just watch and hope til’ the end.

      • yes but her voice and constant complaining about her phony ailments would drive a dead man to drink,she is irritating as hell ,she needs to GO!!!

    • Sadly, that is a very serious disease that can be cured only by my serum, it is called GiveMeYourMoneyFool Serum, it is very expensive $5,000 an ounce and since, you are afflicted, it will take atleast, an ounce per treatment. So, do you want my serum?

      • I’m hoping for it to go into remission soon. I just need to stay away from anything where the possibility of seeing or hearing “her” is minimal to zero. Drs orders. But thanks, Richie. ;)

    • How serious it it? Can you tell us if it contagious? Will a season ending BB cure it? And just like that, I lost my train of thought.

    • Damn, I thought you were serious, I was just getting ready to look up Ravenitis and I happened to see LNF’s remark below! DUH, glad it was just a joke!!!

      • I agree…would you like me to set you up on a Go Fund Me page? Perhaps by the time we raise you $200,000 they will have a cure for you, then we can all enjoy BB20 with you!

      • That is so thoughtful of you. I’ll contact you on an old thread to give you all of my pertinent info. haha

    • Don’t worry, it’s only temporary. I can guarantee it will be gone by September 21st

    • Oh, I’m SO glad it’s Ravenitis. Hope you have been treating it with lots of mascara, rouge, and oh, the ruby red Ravenitis lipstick. AH, forgot, having used condoms in the side table drawer are especially good for under-cover operations. Don’t forget, pull those piggies tight up top o’ yer head and tie ’em with tassles, ribbons, strings, etc., and oh again, use condoms to tie those piggies up. By adding extensions on them, it will REALLY help!!

      And WATCH OUT!!! I’ve heard that it’s going around but am so thankful you haven’t yet contracted that other diagnosis going around: Ravenoleosis. It’s even WORSE !!!

      • Ugh! She’s so so so gross! I swear between her & Matt I now distrust gofundme accounts and have a severe phobia of dish towels!! ;) hehe

        But seriously. I can’t stand Maven. These two have no BB game, they are total sheep and easily 2 of the most insignificant HG ever imo.

    • I know you love them (TN), but maybe if you don’t wear any orange for a while the symptoms will go away.

      • I’m just trying to save you, I would hate to see you eat things you’re not able to eat. Stop you from blurting out un-truths (Bama is a great team, I love LSU…) Heck you may start getting migraines in your hip if this thing progresses.

      • 7 years Uncle Sam’s World Tour, was only stationed in SEC territory, I know the affliction well. My school is a bit north of y’all.

      • I love our Vets and I am sincere in my appreciation for you. I hope our area was kind to you. :D

    • What show have you all been watching? I don’t get the live feeds, but I know what is really going on. Maven goes up on the block. And its Paul that is being B/D. Yep….Ya’ll need too pay Attention! ….And read between the lines. Lol🤣

      • I wish. Alex is too stupid to nominate Paul. She still thinks she is Victor an it’s Paul’s fist time.

      • If she was a better player she will notice how Paul sucks up to all of the HOH and spends a lot of time with them. She is not even worried that he was always in Christmas’s HOH room and now kissing Jason’s behind.

      • He spends time with everyone just like they all do. It’s called socializing. Like I said before she doesn’t see what we see. She trusts him. She shouldn’t but that’s what you do in an alliance. I wish someone would talk and compare.

      • LOL not going to happen…I watch the show, watch the live feeds, read the live feed script, and have been tracking the player’s alliances…Yeah I’m obsessed, I know :-)

        1) Alex and Jason had a private conversation at 3am this morning, talking about how they would be OK with having Paul in the final 3 with them, and wouldn’t mind losing to him.

        2) They have also been clear about wanting Matt/ Raven out this week, even when just talking privately to each other.

        3) They wouldn’t have the votes to get Paul out, especially now that Kevin and Alex hate each other…Kevin has gotten closer to Paul. His vote plus Josh, Xmas, and maybe even Alex would keep him. He would only need 3 votes to stay.

      • Yep! None of this bunch seems to care about actually winning Big Brother, so… no, theey will not nominate Paul because they are starstruck idiots who are “honored” just to sit next to him…

        Ugh! Excuse me, but can I have a barf bag now?? Coz I don’t know if I can take it anymore! ;)

      • I know, I was just hoping J put him on the block. If nothing else, but to see him squirm. Or would Paul be so arrogant and not campaign. I can dream…

      • Too late for anyone to take a shot at Paul. Won’t get the number of votes to evict him.

    • I just developed Tourettes and my arm seems to have grown more just this past week. Maybe I’ll accidentally wollop Jason on the back of the head and wake him up to the fact Raven really needs to go before Matt, so us viewers can have a better night’s sleep and not have “IT” revisit over and over in our dreams. Think Jason will take the hint?

      • Don’t tell them, but I think everyone watching this season has it. Some just don’t know it yet.

    • It took me a few seconds to get what you said. Dumb me. Guess I am really getting old. Good One!!!

      • Age is a state of mind. I gather from reading your comments, that your mind is far from old, BarbC. :)

      • That is very true. The body is another matter. I am almost 80 yrs old but I still work as a bookkeeper and I make a decent living, I live alone and drive a car. I really like BB and Survivor. I am the only one in my family that does. I know they think I am crazy but I could care less. I have always thought and done pretty much what I wanted. Of course that has gotten me in trouble over the years. But I have had fun and have enjoyed my life even thru the troubles.I have worked for a little over 60 yrs and at my age I pretty much do what I want to do.
        KSJB, from your statements I have always had respect for your comments. Please tell me, do all 20 & 30 yrs old play Chess? I have noticed the past several seasons on BB that most of them play Chess. I don’t know how to play Chess and I don’t know anyone that plays Chess. Am I that much out of touch?

      • Almost 80???? I hope I am healthy enough at 80 to do what I want, drive, and be independent. Yes, the body is definitely another matter. I am 61 and worked over 15 years as a nurse until I lost my voice and then over 20 years of swing shift in a paper mill which was very physically demanding on my small boned 115 lb body. I am paying dearly for it. But I always try to look on the bright side as it seems you do, too Barb.
        As far as BB chess, my opinion about it is that the HGs are aware that there is no social media, no TV or DVD’s, no music(except HOH), nothing really to pass the time….but they’ve always had chess, which can serve that purpose if you know how to play. I’ve never played, but I love checkers. I would need something to get my mind off of the goings on in that house and if that is the only vice they offer, since I can’t take my Sudoku, cards, or crosswords, I’d be learning how to play chess. :D

      • My life has been hard a lot of the time. I was a single parent raising 2 children without any help from their father. But I did not have it as hard as you. Working in a paper mill i know must have been very very hard. I was always working in an office. I am not surprised that you look on the bright side because that what I take from your writing. I always reminded myself that we only have one life and if you are always feeling sorry for yourself you will have an unhappy life. I have had my moments to feel sorry for myself but I don’t let myself feel sorry too long. You can’t change what happens if your life. We all make so many mistakes. But you can’t dwell on your mistakes. I have been divorced for 30 yrs. I wished I weren’t but that’s life.
        I have two granddaughters that are nurses. That is what I wanted to do but I had my first child two months before I was 17. Back then a woman could not go to nursing school if you had ever been married or had children so that was that. I was good with figures so I became a bookkeeper. I always had to watch my pennies but that was my life. Good times and Bad times.
        I love checkers also. That is what they used to play in the BB house. I agree, I would be learning how to play chess too.

      • I can tell you would be fun to be around. I hope your family appreciates you. Keep that positive outlook. It’s good for the soul! God bless!

      • I was fun in my parting days. Now most of my friends are dead. Does any family appreciates the old one. They all think I am a little crazy but to me that is their problem. I am just me. I found your mind doesn’t really change as you get older. Just your body. The thinking stays pretty much the same. I have a 7 yr old great-granddaughter. She thinks I am the best. I do most everything she wants me to. The best thing of all. She is always happy to see me. Like you, I have learned that keeping a positive outlook IS good for the soul. God has been very good to me in my life. I have no complaints. He never gave me a lot of money but I have figured that he knew I would probably spend it all. God did make sure that I always survived. You learn to appreciate that as you get older.

      • Money doesn’t buy happiness. That comes from within. If we don’t learn to love our self, warts and all, we would never be happy. My oldest granddaughter is 18 and just starting college Monday. It’s a little scary. This world is not what it use to be. I know you understand that. Have a great night, Barb. Jason won veto so I can go to bed now. haha

      • I was waiting on the Veto results myself. But it is only 7:48 pm and I am a night person so I guess I will go and watch ID on TV. I am so glad I don’t have college age children or any children these days. I would be so lost and I would be so stupid. Children know so much more now-a-days. I thought I had it tough being a young mother. I don’t envy parents these days. I say a prayer for them every night. I found that you don’t appreciate having to work hard for your money until you get older. I have a 28 year old granddaughter. She went to college and got her Master’s degree. So I do understand what you are saying. But a lot of kids are smarter than I was. I’m sure you remember when we were that age that we thought we knew everything. When my granddaughter told me her plans I told her she was smarter than I ever was.

      • You’re an hour behind me. It’s a little after 9 here and I am always up before 6, sometimes before 5. I was hoping to see the veto ceremony, but I’m turning this computer off when I finish this comment. I’m sure you are proud of your granddaughter. Some kids don’t have grandparents, much less great grandparents. Hope she knows how lucky she is. Goodnight, Barb.

      • And Barb, I meant to thank you for your kind words. My intentions are to have fun and I hope people get my corny sarcastic humor. :D

      • You are very welcome. I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it. I happen to like your corny sarcastic humor. That is the best kind of humor as far as I am concerned. When I was partying that was the most entertaining person to go out with. Never a dull moment. If people don’t like it that is their problem. I love it.

  3. “this is going to be too easy”, lol. Matthew really is clueless. Might be better if they get Raven out before him because she might be a little more unpredictable loyalty wise.

    • I agree with your reasoning. If they are the 2 for VTE, I think Paul would insist they take out Matt. Although Matt isn’t a great competitor, he does have strength and he could just “stumble” (get lucky) and win an HOH.

    • He could win comps and she can’t. Paul wants to keep her so he can beat her in the last HOH.

  4. All Matthew and Raven do is eat and have sex… this is probably the most sex raven has Ever had lol

  5. I just love how Christmas talked about “coming there to make big moves!” in the DR…more than once, and then just did what “the house wanted” … she made herself look kinda lame. That’s prob what she was crying about.

    • You don’t make big moves w/out numbers!! What move do you think she could have made w/ numbers?

      • She could have made a deal with mark and not put him up, there you have 1 vote, then you could have brought in kevin and josh and now you have a 3 way tie. She had all the control on who went on the block, and just went with the “safe” move.

      • It WAS the safe move for her because she doesn’t have anyone else in the game. She’s against 2 couples, can only compete in 1 out of every 10 competitions, and only Josh is close with her (and he kind of sucks at competitions). Paul is her only viable option of staying in the game.

      • The problem with the HGs is that no one is ratting Paul out. Anyone can have the numbers if they knew that Paul was playing them all and promising F2 deals with them. They don’t know this information. They each think they are the chosen ones for the master Paul Abrahamian.

    • sometimes I feel they get “coached” in the DR sessions as far as their part they play- I have noticed Xmas and her interviews are different than before- or she is just embracing it more

  6. Although I don’t think Jason even considered that his vote for Matt to be evicted would make Kevin look bad, I think that was Alex’s plan and she purposefully didn’t tell Jason that. He won’t put two and two together, though. I also think they gave Paul ammo against them. He’ll use it, when/if convenient, to make Kevin feel like their intention was to make it look like Kevin did it to put a target on him. Paul can be very convincing.

  7. Fans who wanted Jody to stay are flip flopping as bad as Mark has all season. Now the real game begins!! Such a great season.

    • I wanted for them to stay to get rid of Paul, I wanted Mark to stay to get rid of Paul. There is no one left to get rid of Paul. Jason does as he is told, but I still had a tiny hope he will go for Paul.

      • If Paul makes it to the F2, he deserves to win. He has controlled this house…if these HG are stupid enough to keep him safe week after week like they have, then Paul absolutely deserves to win. The only change I’d make is I wouldn’t give anyone the 50k prize coz none of these HG deserve it for being such sheep all season!

      • He is the best player. The only way he won’t win is if they are bitter. Most of the ones left in the house don’t even know Paul is behind their future evictions. He never gets his hands dirty.

      • I disagree I think if Paul makes it to final 2 he wins. I wanted Paul out the first week but no he had to win safety for 3 weeks just like production planned. This season has been awful and I blame the idiots who voted to give Paul safety.

      • yes me too.. I hope Evil Dick gets to do the backyard interviews ( instead of Jeff). I want to see Dick calling everyone out and telling how stupid they are

      • I know you do hon, but in the context that I’m replying…it would be hialrious! Evel Dick doing the BY interviews instead of nice-nice jeff! LMAO! Oh how he’d make this cast cringe for all their BS this season.

      • I have to admit, that has the potential to be very entertaining. I couldn’t imagine if ED looked at Cody and said, “Why are you staring at me like that? Stop it. It’s f**ing annoying. You look like a psycho.” lol

      • Actually, ED doesn’t dislike Cody…he does utterly loathe Raven & Matt tho, so that’d be a pretty darn funny interview!! Especially with the way Dick has no qualms about calling people out…oh & he’d probably call out Paul & Josh too for stealing his routine! ;) lol!

      • I don’t know. I think Paul cares more what people think about him than ED does and that would keep him from really letting loose. But who knows, Paul does have a mouth on him…at the very least, that would be one hell of an entertaining interview!! hahaha

      • Sorry, not my style. Ok to ask questions but not verbally assault someone you are interviewing.

      • Paul almost C%$#$#% on his pants when he saw Derrick, imagine if that was Evel Dick ? LOLO

      • The only reason Paul was worried was cos he thought Derrick was coming into the house to stay.

      • That’s what is so enticing about ED, he doesn’t care. Whether he likes you or not, he will call you out on the BS. It would probably scare BB to have him represent them in any way, though, because of him being so unpredictable.

      • Exactly. He really doesn’t care what anyone thinks about him and that does make him a loose cannon. I would love to see him, Will, Rachel R. Janelle & Dan G come back in a season together… :)

      • That would be the best season ever. Someone like Dingus Nicole wouldn’t have a snowballs chance in hades with a group like that. A lot of people didn’t like Derrick and I wasn’t fond of the way he spoke to Victoria a couple of times, but I think he could hang with the big dogs. I’d like to see what Paul would do with a bunch of strategists. His tactics from this season would not work at all. They would be laughing at him. If BB wants to be great like it use to be, they need to do something different.

      • Agreed. Derrick was a terrific strategist and I think he’d do well in an All vet cast.
        I’m feeling like if next years cast isn’t ALL newbies or ALL vets K…I swear, I don’t know if I’ll watch. Especially, if they bring back only ONE vet like they did this season. I think if there had been three other vets in the house with Paul, he’d have had a harder time being the Svengali he’s become this season.

      • Absolutely it would have been more difficult for him. Seems a great set up, don’t you think? Ha…After last season, TGJ, I’m just rolling with the punches. If they set Paul up to make it easier (notice I didn’t say to insure) for him to win, so be it. I just win they had let things play out like they should have last season and maybe this season we could have had a no vet year. JMO

      • I don’t think so, Janelle, Dan and Rachel all regularly tweet with ED. Janelle especially, ever since BB 8 when ED admitted to having a HUGE crush on Janelle they’ve been friends. I see a lot of past BB HG post comments to him all the time. The only one who doesn’t is Will, but then again, Will does post much about BB on his twitter…

        In season 13, before he left, Dick made many of the bonds that the other vets cemented after he left, and while they utilized those bonds, it was Dick that was out there getting a lot of them started in the first week.

      • Which is my point, the vets would not be intimidated by him which was a big part of his strategy in his first season.

      • I have to ask you…How can you hate ED so much, but still like Paul after this season?? Just curious because my Paul blush has worn off some due to some of his tactics this season and, there were times I hated ED too for some of the stuff he said, but I always at least admired him for telling it like it was…and being pretty much a straight shooter in that house.

        Seriously tho, tr8pppng, I’m curious how come you don’t dislike Paul too since he’s indulged in so many of the same tactics ED did in his season? Tell the truth.. is it Vic & Pablo that still gives you the warm fuzzies about Paul?? ;)

      • I admire how Paul has played the game this season. He has made the best of the season with the cast in the house. He has never stopped working. Personally I liked BB18 Paul better than 19. The power has gone to his head this season and he, at times. has tried to control everything when it wasn’t necessary. So like the game play very much, like the player less and less as the season goes on. Never like ED personally or in the game.

      • Got it. So, you’re like me as far as Paul goes. You admire his skills in controlling the house, but liking him personally less & less. He sure does need Vic & Pablo! haha

        We’re just gonna have to agree to disagree on ED tho… ;) I loved how he called people out on their BS, especially Jen. Totally disliked her.

      • Dick would make Josh cry for sure. And he probably would confront Raven about her illness.

      • Oh, he would DEFINITELY confront Raven on her (many) illness(s)! He hosts a Raven’s dyin party on twitter where his followers send in crazy ideas or scenarios on how Raven is dying each week! It’s freaking hilarious!!

      • lol! I have one I’m saving to give to Cy for his next T shirt slogan!! ;) It says Fleece Navidad!! tehehe
        What do ya think?

      • Oh I’m sure we can talk Cy into gifting us with a freebie!! ;) In fact, he still owes me my damned Ewok shirt!! He can just replace that shirt with a BB 19 sheep shirt! hahaha If not, I’m gonna have to tell Sharona on him. ;) tehehe

      • She told me to call you TGIF and I did in an earlier post but you must have not seen it. That gals cra cra…in a good way, of course. lol

      • Lol! Did she now. ;) Guess TGIF is a good thing coz there’s a Thank God in there… haha

        No, I didn’t see it. Would’ve laughed & responded. :) Love our Super Sha! Miss her this year, but I did chat with her a bit & let her know we all miss her & was thinking of her. :)

      • She seemed to feel a little better the last time I heard from her. Hoping that continues. She says you were very kind to her. :)

      • Aww… That’s sweet. She’s such a terrific gal. She was one of the first people to really make me feel welcome here. Plus when I had some troller following me here & attacking like every post I made, Super Sha put her cape on and made that person back down!! I’ll never forget that. Immediately loved her to death after that! :)

      • Was she?? Drats! I chatted with her briefly a couple weeks ago, but miss seeing her posts. She’s funny.

      • YW… Got this off Evel Dick’s twitter! hehe. He hates this cast so badly he always has something funny on his twitter about them, especially Raven! ;)

  8. Matt was talking to Paul and said he really needs Raven to get to final 2 so she can win. He said she really needs the money. I can’t believe he is so stupid. He spends the most time with Raven and is still so oblivious to her deceit. I just sit here in awe that a grown man can be so gullible. I bet the Nigerian scammers will be right on him once he gets back home. His emails will be filled with notifications that he won a million dollars and just has to send in a few dollars to claim it.

  9. Does anyone here have twitter?
    Who is the favorite there and is Raven hated or loved?

      • I agree, hes tripped on his tounge a few timess…. but noo worse than any one else.. look at alls Pauls lying going on.. good greif!!!!!

      • but paul hasn’t blown up his game yet, kevvie knows that he has.
        poor dude, I hate to see him squirm.

      • Haahaaa, i know me to!!! He was doing good…. i hate this part too, seeing them plan his eviction..and i dont like seeing him get set up tho by paul, thats just mean

      • And he doesn’t really realize why he’s being targeted. He never has been my fave but I do feel sorry for him

    • Maybe not. I think Kevin is worse then Paul! He is such a stink stir. Always trying to be center of attention. Him and Raven. Christmas.and Josh. I will be happy to see any of those walk out the door

  10. I’m may be wrong. But. I think the reason that they might be back door Kevin is so he won’t be able to go nuts on them

    • Hey now, his wife is with child and he fathered another one. The man has at least one ball.

    • He doesn’t have the votes, and if he tries and it doesn’t work, all of the remaining HGs will be coming after him next week when he can’t play in the HoH.

      • It’s sad, but probably true…These HG (followers) have no brains nor gumption to take a shot at the only player that will win the game *hands down* in a F2.

  11. Did anyone see the feeds this morning (approximately 10:30 am) where Paul is telling Raven & Matt (and Alex is backing him up saying it’s possible) that Kevin & Mark made a F2 in the parking lot before they entered the BB house??!! Where did Paul hear this? He (Paul) says it was from Kevin, but I do not remember Kevin EVER saying such a thing to Paul. Does anyone out there (who has the feeds) remember that conversation or is this just another lie from Paul?

    • No, never heard that and wouldn’t they have kept Paul separated from those coming into the house to keep him a surprise. Sounds made up to me.

    • The F2 between Mark & Kevin is a moot point, seeing as how Mark is out of the house, and no F2 can be made between the two.
      Ah, paul trying to rabble rouse with Kevin again and try to get others to vote Kevin out. Now, that’s a possibility.

      • Yeah, of course Paul isn’t using it against Mark. Mark is already gone. He’s using it to rally up the hate for Kevin. And if Kevin actually told him that, then Kev is stupid coz he should’ve known Paul would use that against him.

      • Kevin doesn’t know that Paul is saying ANYthing behind his back, because Kevin trusts Paul and Kevin also thinks that he (K) is playing a great game and no one is onto him.

      • No, Paul was definitely using it as a weapon this morning against Kevin. He was using it as another example of how sneaky he is and getting Raven & Matt worked up against him too.

      • Huh…I got a different impression. I’ll have to watch back – thanks for the info TGJ :)

      • That’s how I took it. Ya know, if you see it different, this would be a perfect example of what they call eyewitness effect, which is when two people view the exact same thing, but their own biases color their memory of the event. ;) Interesting. Let me know what you think after you watch it again.

      • It didn’t seem like Paul was talking about Kevin’s fake final 2 deal with Mark was to sh*t on Kevin as much as to laugh about how Mark was trying to make a F2 deal before the game even started

    • I liked Mark as a person , nice guy but a final 2 with Kevin before entering the house? Bad move. Did he think Kevin was going to win comps?

      • Hahaha! IDK. I had just never heard this conversation before, but apparently Kevin said it to paul. Dumb move if you ask me. Paul is now using it to pound another nail into Kevin’s coffin.

      • I’m confused why Paul,wants Kevin out so bad. Kevin won’t win comps, and won’t try and get Paul nominated. Paul wants Josh or Raven or Xmas at the end. They all have a better chance then Kevin of winning the final HOH. If I were Paul, I take Kevin, and win. Can you imagine Kevin’s F2 speech? Kevin would be fine with 2nd. He seems very interested in post BB oppurtunites and so does Paul, the 2 could be a big fan draw. I bet Kevin has more fans this year then Mr. friendship.

      • I think that is what Paul is afraid of…Kevin being more popular with the jury and him losing because of popularity like he did last season. He knows Josh is hated by the jury and Xmas has no real fans either…

      • Last year Nicole won a few comps. I don’t know if she would have gotten all 5 votes if she won nothing. Kevin I don’t think will win anything. I think Paul’s one flaw is not knowing how the jury will really vote. Maybe if he talked to Jody and Marlena a bit more he would know he has a old shot at their 3 votes especially vs Kevin. Who would vote for Kevin over Paul? Anyone?

    • I would say that Paul embellished the actual statement made between Mark & Kevin so that its very damming to Kevin…That’s the way Paul works as yall well know…

      • I was just surprised there was any truth to it at all. I thought for sure Paul was just making that crap up to be honest!!

        Kevin should’ve known better than to trust Paul with any of his secrets coz now Paul is using them against him one at a time to blow up Kevin’s game…

      • That’s right. Raven said he had lots of clothes. Matt said he didn’t like wearing sleeves there (??in the house or all the time on BB??)
        (then why did he pack them, duh)
        Hoping at least the ‘new’ shirt Raven makes him wear isn’t orange.
        Wait, he has gotten a few items he could wear from doing comps, but they probably all have sleeves, that he could cut off.

      • Raven’s playing “house” with her “Ken” doll: dressing him up, feeding him, going out on dates (under the blanket). :-)

      • I have a hard time listening to them because of the loud laughing, but Raven says she dates mostly older men?

      • And first she checks to make sure there are no kids, grandkids, great grandkids etc.

      • I thought Matt didn’t like wearing the sleeves there. Oh well. Just he has clothes on.

      • he doesn’t know how he feels about sleeves, it’s very perplexing because he seems to have strong feelings about them none the less.

      • Matt told them he brought at least 10 shirts, got another 5 from production, seems like a few were replaced because of logos and a buddy sent some in. With 15 shirts and Kevin doing laundry for all , no excuse no to change. If he loves sleeveless why it bring tanks like Josh. I have an odd feeling Matt is superstitious? Or has some OCD type issues about the shirts. I saw him eat cereal in the orange one, then he put on the blue one to do sit ups, the changed back in orange to go talk to Paul. This was all within 30 minutes? Very odd.

      • Went to live feeds for awhile. Matt had on a tank top, dark rust color but not brown. Matt, Raven and Christmas talking. He looked GOOD!! Matt got compliments when he walked in to where ALex, Josh,Kevin and Jason were. Matt and his maid/dresser/food preparer/tickle monster, etc., got into Matt’s suitcase or drawer and picked out a polo shirt light teal/green/blue type color. Matt and Raven go into a different room and Matt gets another round of compliments.
        Matt did not bring any long sleeved. Neither did Alex but one was sent to her, maybe in basket.

      • The no long sleeve could bite him in the butt if he makes it further. It gets colder at night and the final comps can be long. Everyone should have a few long sleeves and a hoodie. During the first comp of OTT I remember how cold the ones were that didn’t have sleeves , since we got to watch the comps , the lack of sleeves made these people lose.

  12. HOLD ON….Is that Raven getting nervous right now? What a beautiful sight and sound….Makes my lunchtime Pho that much more delicious!

  13. Alex was smart teaming up with Jason. She might have been carrying him for half the game, but I think with him winning a lot of comps, he will be carrying her from now on.

    • I don’t know about him carrying her “from now on” lol…she’s still a good competitor! :-) Jason has definitely grown on me though, and that was a great move by Alex to team with him, especially now that he’s proving he can win comps.

  14. Why would Maven believe that Jason would nom Kevin? Why would anybody believe that? And if Matt thinks he’s a pawn, won’t he dutifully try to win veto so they can BD Kevin? Oh and worrying about Kevin winning veto? OK.

      • Apparently, because there was a part of me that thought Christmas might be the backdoor target. Sounds like I was way off base on that suspicion, lol.

      • Wish….hope you’re right! Want to see Maven and Xmas gone in any order. If only, sigh

      • Yeah, I really liked Xmas at first, then she started acting a little superior. Then after last night’s episode… She seemed like she was acting even more superior. Maybe she’ll change back to her “Nice list” version, but for now… Xmas is definitely letting her “Naughty List” personality out to play.

      • Yeah, if they ever made another (and if Xmas was a lot younger), I would expect to see her in a Mean Girls movie. Between her crying the other night and the way she acts on the actual CBS episodes… Is there a mental doctor in the house?

    • Because Paul is making them think that, and fueling that thought by bringing up Kevin in every conversation that Matt and Raven are around….

      Just about 30 min ago, Raven asked Matt if they should go up to the HoH to talk to Jason about who he is nominating…Matt said “I don’t know, ask Paul” LOL

    • I don’t think so. They are just telling Matt and Raven that so they don’t freak out. Even if one of them wins the Veto… I guess Kevin could go up to make things look good, but I expect whichever half of Maven is still on the block to be the one going home.

      • Anytime! :)

        Of course, even with this bunch of goof balls… Things are always subject to change, but its definitely the plan (to get Matt or Raven out)
        right now, lol.

      • I know what you mean. You know me… I’m the perpetual Paul fan and don’t want him to leave, but I keep expecting him to go up at any moment.

        I honestly thought Xmas might have been talking about Paul as her Big Move, but then she told us all her big move was Mark… And that was in a DR session and before Mark gave Paul safety, so we know she wasn’t targeting him.

        I think I’m sharing in the paranoia, lol.

      • At the same time, somebody really needs to wake up and realize that there’s a really good chance that nobody can beat him (Paul) in a F2. His personality really cost him last year, but this group loves Paul.

        The only HG that can’t stand him is Cody, and even he said he would vote for Paul. I’m really torn this season on who to root for, but I’m sticking with Paul because he’s the only one who currently deserves it (Alex and Jason are starting to play though).

      • I worry only if Matt wins veto and uses it on himself. Raven vs Kevin, Paul win get them to keep Raven. Imagine if Matt wins veto, uses it in Raven and gets voted out!

      • I don’t know if he would put Kevin up. I was just thinking it might be good for appearance sake, and even better for us as fans… The first real blindside since Jillian went home in the first live eviction.

      • I don’t see Jason putting up Kevin. They are pretty close and the talk where Alex was discussing it with Jason & Paul was one of the only times I’ve seen Jason balk when Alex was giving him advice.

        Now, as you said, Carvin, with these goof balls, who knows?? But, I’d be surprised if Jason nominated Kevin.

      • Good point. I guess I was just hopeful for a blindside of Maven, lol. One of them on the block against the supposed back door target, and half of Maven still goes home.

        I’ll be honest… I was hoping to see Raven’s reaction to herself or Matt going home (but mostly her reaction to herself going home), lol.

      • Oh no, I’d much rather watch them both be OTB all week and suffer… I know that sounds terrible, but those two have made me suffer watching them this season, I am so hoping for it to be their turn now! haha

      • Unless its a great deal of pressure I don’t see him nomming Kevin or BDing him…They have always been friends and neither has said harm against each other to my knowledge…

      • Not to my knowledge either. I know Jason wants Maven & Xmas out & I’m fine with any of those three going home this week…although I would prefer Raven, but Matt would do as well…at least that would break up their sexcapades and save me from any future trauma thanks to their utter grossness when it comes to sex hygiene!! ;)

      • Hope Jason would stand firm and not put Kevin up. He wants Xmas out, put her up. Kevin has been a friend to Jason so no reason to turn on him.

      • Absolutely! I really hope he doesn’t do that. I am hoping for a Maven OTB all week long so we can watch them squirm and whine and cry and…well, you get my drift here. ;)

      • And then Jason or Alex win the veto and not use it. More squirming and crying when they realize one of them is going out the door

      • LMAO! Well, that would add a new addition to the growing list of stupidest BB moves ever! ;)

        At least when Brendan did the same thing on Rachel, he knew she had a shot of winning!! Raven?? Not a snowball’s chance in hell!

  15. Wow Matt….I would think it would be a little emasculating to have your girlfriend asking you “should I do this?” and you [a grown man] respond with “go ask this other dude [Paul]”

  16. Ugh, can we have the noms already???

    I can’t WAIT to see if the volume of Raven’s “MAAATHEWWW!!!”s gets turned way the f*ck down.

  17. Oh, so Alex finally came clean to Jason and Paul that she was the 2nd vote to evict Matt. Anybody know what Paul’s reaction was to that news?

    • Last night it was so weird, Alex was talking to Jason saying she didn’t know what name she said to Julie. That she confuses Matt and Mark, like josh and Jason, it was just odd, she swore on her rosary she couldn’t remember. Was she lying to Jason, they were alone in the HOH? I didn’t know if Jason believed her or not. Does the two votes really matter. Jason told Paul right away. Paul couldn’t be mad, Jason won HOH and Paul would spin it to benefit him.

      • Yeah, I thought that was weird too that she would tell Jason it wasn’t her. I mean, Mark told Julie that Alex told him before the vote that it wouldn’t be unanimous. Did Alex and Jason not talk before the vote?

        I can’t see her getting confused either… I think she might have flat out told Jason a fib in case he ran his mouth like he tends to do (and lets face it… he did).

        Either way, I can’t imagine that whole scenario was good for Alex’s game. Might be why she finally fessed up, but I’m just taking a shot in the dark at the reason.

      • When Mark said he knew about the 2 votes being Jason and Alex, I was like why couldn’t Kevin have voted for Mark too. Kevin was on board to vote Mark if others were going to. I know Mark would not have stayed because Xmas would have broken the tie. Just imagine the mayhem that would have ensued. Maybe Matt would have woken up? Paul would have gone nuts.

      • I don’t know how Paul would have reacted. I’m not sure Paul would have know how he would react in that situation, lol. It did interest me that Paul at least seemed to entertain the idea of Mark staying for a moment.

        I think what it finally came down to was that Mark leaving was getting rid of 1 more person who could win a comp. Matt leaving wouldn’t have accomplished anything really.

        That being said, I would have loved to see Keving do one of his hinky votes and unknowingly send it to Xmas for the tie breaker. I’m definitely with you there!

  18. What we need is a luxury comp where Paul wins a day trip out of the house with one other hg. That would give the others a chance to talk, maybe then they’d start to compare notes. But Paul would probably give the trip away cos he’d be afraid to leave them all alone

    • The few minutes he goes to the DR is all we get right now. Everytime he is in DR , I’m like HG talk! Last night he could not stay out of that HOH. It was 4am and he would not let Jason and Alex talk alone.

      • He knows he’s got to stay on top of the situation, and I understand why. Last season, he figured Nicole and Corey’s word was good enough. They left them alone, and Vic got sent to Jury for the final time. You know he’s doing everything he can to avoid that this time.

    • AHHH I believe that if Kevin gets backdoored or nominated up front that Pauls game will be in trouble ..if not done for the season. .Kevin is not gonna go quietly…Paul might want to consider Raven or Matt going verses Kevin….While Raven & Matt have info they could release concerning Paul I don’t see them ratting him out….And I really don’t believe that Matt would be too upset if Raven was evicted over him…

    • They better check her bag if she goes out the door Thursday see whose stuff is in there.

    • Like that’s a surprise. She has gotten quite good at stealing from others…mother must be so proud. Oh wait, mother does it as well. Hmmmm…will wonders ever cease?

    • It goes to show you Raven has no sense of boundaries… I mean, really, look where she stashes her & Matt’s used condoms?? Ugh! In a drawer where anyone could accidentally touch them!!

      *shudders* that is just gross! So, honestly, nothing that girl does surprises me anymore.

      • It’s true !!! There was a photo with Jason pulling out the drawer of table next to bed and you could see used condoms in the drawer. More than one !! Eewwwwwww

      • I know. I threw up a bit in my mouth just seeing that. I swear those two have given me a distrust of gofundme accounts, a phobia of common dish towels and now I’m terrified of drawers!!

        UGH! I wish they would leave this house already! Who knows how many other nightmares I’m going to have about them before this season is over!!

      • OMG…that’s nuts. Reminds me of a time when I was cleaning my daughter’s room after she (and her creepy bf) left the house and I found 12 used condoms stuck to the inside of her wastebasket with no liner. I just tossed the whole darn wastebasket (pretty as it once was) in the trash bag that had several other gross things inside it. I went berzerk!

      • Oh Yikes Joni! I would have done the exact same thing and then bleached my hands and everything else in the near vicinity!!

        Your child is one thing, but creepy BF is quite another… eew.

      • The laziness was outrageous back then. The bathroom was just outside her door…not even four steps to dispose of them properly. I ended up taking her door off the hinges. She lost all the privacy she once believed she deserved. I told her privacy comes at a cost…and she hadn’t earned it while under another person’s roof! haha She moved out the following year when I decided it was time for her to spread her wings instead of what I knew she could spread! :-)

      • Well, since I couldn’t eat my young, that was the next best thing! LOL Fly you little bird…NOW!

      • Ya know jessica said something after being evicted that surprised me… she said that while in that house, everyone is under the assumption that Raven is America’s sweetheart, therefore, they are afraid to confront her for fear that America will turn on them. I find that so crazy because America literally detests Raven, but I can understand it b/c the HG have no idea what is going on but still… maybe that’s why.

        Personally, I would not give one hoot what America thought, I would freak out on that girl for using my stuff without permission, especially my lipstick because of where Raven’s mouth has been! I’m sorry, but no, that’s just gross!

      • Can’t wait for her to find out she lost the title of AFP a long time ago! She’s in for one rude awakening!

    • She’s been stealing makeup for a long time now. Started with Alex. Raven is also the one to take and hide Alex’s cat ears and Coke, which she blamed on Jessica. I’m waiting for Alex to call her out on that one, should be good!

  19. It sucks that Mark is gone because I believe he is the only one that would have taken a shot at Paul. Ugh I don’t even want to watch anymore

    • She will try and latch on to Paul…I am not sure that even Paul deserves her kind of attention…

  20. All the HGs are in the same room, chatting. (surprise, it’s non HOH room)
    Question: Why would someone wear sunglasses at 2:30 in the afternoon, INSIDE the house? Ask paul, he’s in the room where all are but pretty sure he’s napping.
    I can hear yawns, maybe Jason as he might be napping, too, especially since read timeline that paul stayed in HOH room til 4 am so Jason & Alex couldn’t talk.
    Not sure what they’re talking about besides the potty – peeing training someones had but the fish keep bobbing on the screen.

      • Ah, but also because paul’s sleeping, now he’s in the rose room by himself and siesta time.

      • now with Matt & Raven. Wait, he’s moving again. Wait the fish for about 2 seconds. paul is now gone from M & R, no idea where @ 2:48 pm BB time. Fish 2 seconds. No side of paul. wait, 4 cameras on him in kitchen, he’s moving again. . .

      • Gumby, boys friendship, fm g sdor ah cg dqo irm . jpije.
        Yup, that’s about right.
        ty JG . . Gumpy

    • Yes. I wear dark glasses inside all the time, for various reasons and one of them being I have very sensitive eyes. The lights they use on the BB house set are bright and glaring, I don’t blame anyone who wears sunglasses inside the BB house, they can be brutal on the eyes.

      • I wear transitional bi-focals..they automatically serve as sunglasses when the lights are too bright! LOL

      • I’ve never liked those. I have my inside and outside glasses, but I get wearing sunglasses inside. I’ve worked on sets and the lighting they put up is blinding at times, so I get when the HG’s wear sunglasses, their eyeballs need a break.

      • I hear ya! I use America’s Best. I do contacts and glasses and the price is right for all 3, contacts, clear glasses and sunglasses.

      • LOL, what? You mean you carried it around the house wherever you went?

      • Did you do it for a particular reason? Just curious. :)

      • Ok, fair enough. If it made you feel comfortable, I don’t see a problem with it. :)

      • you know what it could have been? I spend a lot of money on the softest, finest leather bags and I just wanted to always enjoy them.

      • Well, there you go, sounds like a good enough reason to me!! :)

      • I bet that was it, looking back. did you ever really love a soft leather handbag so much?

      • For me, it was my headgear. If I ever lost that, I thought my teeth would be crooked the rest of my life after the braces came off. hahaha

      • LOL!!!! When my oldest had braces I was telling him about the head gear and he just looked at me like I had 4 heads. I guess technology has moved along and headgear isn’t part of everyone’s braces experiences these day. He did have to wear very complicated rubber bands, 8 of them. 4 on each side. I still don’t know how me mastered it.

      • My daughter did the same thing when I told her how easier she had it compared to me! LOLOL

      • I’ve liked a lot of my purses but not necessarily for their softness, I like them for their style, color, that kind of thing. I do have one purse that is super soft, buttery soft, very pretty but I don’t like using it because it is so soft, it’s too schlumpy for me, if that makes any sense.

      • Oooo la la, well say no more!! I would be carrying it around everywhere I went as well!!! Now I totally understand.

      • no cause I was always in it like when you’re outside. I don’t know, somehow it worked for me. I ain’t proud of it.

  21. 2:50 pm BBTime.
    ALL FOUR CAMERAS ON paul. in slant floor with little green apples. Talking boys talk, girls, friendship, Talking to camera. Must be his daily talk show I’ve not seen before.

  22. Looks like it’s Matt that’s going to get bamboozled instead of Kevin! Of course this is according to Paul while talking to the HoH!

    • I hope so. Sounds like they are making them (Raven & Matt) believe they are going to back door Kevin when in reality they are shooting for one of them. I really want Raven gone but I think it would be interesting to see what Raven does once Matt leaves. They were speculating last night that Paul would be the one she would latch onto if that happens. Poor Paul, LOL!

    • That is yet to be seen. We have too see who wins the Pov. I wonder will they torture the next person they decide to evict?

  23. Was it Alex idea to cast the hinky votes, to set up Kevin? Or did Paul have his hand in it. I didn’t hear anything about it.

  24. Anyone else having a hard time accessing the chatrooms on the feeds?

  25. “If your sister had balls, she’d be your brother!” by Kevin. I’m laughing so hard right now!

  26. matt told raven she has a resting b!tch face! he is in such a mood and he’s taking it out on her

  27. 3:48 BB time cam 4, Kevin is ripping on Raven, hilarious!!!

  28. if I was matt i’d sue that dentist who gave him those veneers, all he does is pick at them.

  29. They stocked the storage room and Raven is beaming! :::sticking finger down my throat over listening to how excited she is:::

  30. Multiple concurrent deceptions by one perpetrator have a way of catching up to the individual…except on BB Season 19, where in the relatively small confines of one house, Paul has three different groups of people duped into believing that he is working solely with them. Even though all these people talk to each other all day every day, Paul has managed to keep them fooled. He even has them believing that it is impossible for him to win Season 19, thus removing him as any kind of a threat to them in the end.

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