‘Big Brother 19’ Live Feeds: Matthew Clines Receives Penalty Vote [POLL]

Matthew Cline breaks the rules on Big Brother 19

In a bid to secure his eviction, Big Brother 19 Houseguest Matthew Clines has decided to break every available Have-Not rule this week to ensure he will be the next evicted Houseguest from Big Brother.

After Jason Dent announced his decision to keep the nominations the same Matthew announced he would try to earn penalty votes to help keep Raven in the game. Matthew was soon seen eating regular food with complete disregard for his Have-Not status which restricts his diet to Slop.

At 6:04 PM BBT Jason gathered the HGs in to the living room with an announcement card from production. It read:

Houseguests, Matt has chosen to break the Have-Not food rules by eating regular food and will therefore be receiving one penalty vote against him this week.

Matthew took this as a green light to pursue more penalty votes and he kicked off a tour of all the no-no stops. Hot shower? Check. More food and soda? Check and check. Sleeping in a regular bed with Raven? Check.

So what is a Big Brother penalty vote? This is assigned by production for breaking rules and counts as one extra vote against the HG. If he or she isn’t already on the Block then there can be a penalty nomination, but Matthew is already there so it doesn’t apply here. Instead this week we’ll see a 6th vote cast against Clines following the five Houseguests entering the Diary Room.

This move is basically Matthew using production as strategy, another move that’s against the rule. Not only that, but Big Brother is providing multiple reminders and instructions to stop what he’s doing when he begins to break these rules. At this point he’s clearly not going to stop and Big Brother is looking like a powerless fool for it.

Making their stance clear, before Matthew and Raven went to their regular bed Matthew was eating more food when Big Brother told him to stop. His response? “We’ve already talked about this” and then continues to eat. Raven mocks production saying he’s already got the penalty vote and asking, “do you really think it’s going to stop?”

So what should Big Brother do? There is a precedent for this and the solution seems clear. Going back to Big Brother 11 we saw Chima Simone repeatedly refuse production’s instructions and it lead to her expulsion from the game. In fact, Big Brother’s executive producer Allison Grodner makes the resolution simple, according to her interview with CBS News:

“Because of multiple rule violations, [Chima Simone] needed to be expelled,” said Allison Grodner, executive producer.

You’ll remember Chima grew enraged at Big Brother after her ally Jessie Godderz was surprisingly put on the Block due to the “Coup D’Etat” twist. She refused to comply with the rules of the game and even threw her microphone in the hot tub to demonstrate her rejection of participating in the game.

Production escorted Chima out through the back door of the Diary Room (classic “no need to sit down“) and she was not allowed to be part of the Jury or return for the finale. Chima was sent home and never seen again with the show.

So, aside from destruction of production property, we’ve got a repeat situation here with a Houseguest who is upset over an ally being put in danger of eviction and responding by repeatedly breaking rules and disregarding further instruction. If the threshold for ejection is “multiple rule violations” then Matthew Clines should be booted from the game.

Retain authority, Big Brother, and stop this nonsense. Follow the example you’ve already set and send Matthew out the backdoor. Remind the other Houseguests there are rules to the game they’re being paid to play.



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  1. Question: Does expulsion mean the loss of the stipend? Matt seemed so concerned about making it to jury for that easy $8k. To me the fine would be a better incentive, unless of course expulsion means no check.

    • I’m sure it does, as it would likely violate the respective Houseguest’s contract.

    • If you’re expelled, you’re not even put on the jury. Because that’s what the stipend is for, I’d assume that’s a no.

      • They’ve gotten a stipend from the time they entered sequester before the first episode aired. It’s been mentioned if you self-evict, you’re responsible for your own expenses the minute you leave the house (to return home, etc.), so I would think this would be the same. I’d love to see them take back the stipend he’s earned so far (or at least this week’s). To have been such a mild cow so long, he’s really showing his true colors (and for RAVEN?!?!? that’s what blows me away!!).

      • I am sure the HG contract they sign his lengthy and CBS always comes out on top.

  2. Bring him to the DR, threaten to eliminate him from the game without jury stipend if he doesn’t stop. One more violation, seyonara.

    • Nah, no threat. Just do it. He is defiant and will remain that way until Thursday. He absolutely deserves expulsion right now.

      • Exactly. Just escort him out. He’s spitting in their faces and it’s pissing me off. Last night he’s taking his fork and eating out of pots like a pig and laughing at the camera.

    • Even better, make him stay, then evict Raven. Then leave him in there with no stipend for the week. Give him another week as a HN. Then if he continues to break the rules, immediately expel him with no stipend, no trip to jury, no vote or trip to the finale and no plane ticket home.

      • He hasn’t been contributing to the show anyway. He should be punished in some way. He hasn’t destroyed any property, Like Chima did. Sending Raven to jury and him staying would put salt in the wound. Taking a weeks stipend away too. Then keeping him in the house alone, as a HN, another punishment. Then if he doesn’t behave…don’t pay him a penny, see ya’ and find a way home loser!!!

      • The bigger punishment would be to send him to jury, but ban BOOZE consumption for his alcoholic ways.

      • Logically, you are saying he should be giving the reward to pay for an extra week, then he can go ahead and win the competition after what he has done.

      • Did you not read the rest of my post? “Then leave him in there with no stipend for the week. Give him another week as a HN. Then if he continues to break the rules, immediately expel him with no stipend, no trip to jury, no vote or trip to the finale and no plane ticket home.” Maybe add to that not allowing him to play for HOH? This is all conjecture, no? All in fun…

      • But if you remember all Jen did was eat the night before she left. Matt is violating every rule and he’s using it to get evicted. Jen wanted to stay. That’s the difference. Matt is spitting in their faces and laughing at the cameras. He’s the biggest tool. I would love to see them vote Raven out. Then what’s he going to do walk out? Good. Don’t let the door hit you.

      • Did you see what Matthew suggested on Twitter ? He said BB should punish the whole house. Everybody is on slop until Matt respect the rules. I like that idea. They did something like that on BB Can once.

      • They need to do something. It’s ridiculous he can just do whatever he wants. I was so pissed last night I had to change cameras. He’s making fun of production. Taking a fork and eating out of pans and laughing at the cameras. I just wanted to slap him across the face. Then when they called him out about sleeping in a regular bed and Raven laughing saying that’s not going to happen. They both make me sick.

      • I was just thinking. Do you remember when they voted the younger Hantz off the island on Survivor ? Julie should say: “Well, Matt, you’re so sure you’re getting evited. Anybody won’t vote for Matt ?” Then nobody say anything. And Julie says:” No need to vote, Matt you’re evicted”.

      • He definitely should get escorted out, maybe (hopefully) they will just before voting and explain to the whole house while he is there sitting next to little Miss Muffit that there is no need for voting that he will be leaving & not to the jury house because of ALL his violations.

      • Sure it does. She was breaking the rules. Doesn’t matter whether it’s property or not. She broke the rules, he is breaking the rules.

        She kept refusing to wear that thing at all times and finally broke it when she was reminded again and had a meltdown in the diary room.

        ‘ “Because of multiple rule violations, she needed to be expelled,” said Allison Grodner, executive producer.

        For some reason, this seemed to upset some of her housemates, one of whom was even moved to tears to see her gone.

        released a statement Saturday that said Simone, from West Hollywood,
        Calif., was evicted by the producers for violating the rules. The
        network said also that Simone will not be part of the reality show’s
        seven-person jury, which selects the $500,000 grand prize winner.’

        Situation is no different here according to Grodner, herself. I won’t hold my breath though…..

      • But they also explained that she committed multiple deliberate violations just like Matt is doing and they have constantly been warning Matt. He should be immediately evicted!!!!!!!!

      • Yes there was. Chima. But I doubt it will happen to Matt. I will keep my opinion to myself on why.

    • They should have explained it to him the first day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      EXPEL him.

  3. After the Chia incident, CBS SHOULD have instituted a policy in which if a player committed multiple deliberate violations, that player would be immediately evicted and his/her stipend would be either severely reduced or revoked altogether.

  4. I would hope they boot his arse right out of game, but then CBS does not have the balls to do that!!!=)
    Screw him and his stipend, maybe next time he will think twice about doing something that is against rules!!!!:)

  5. What an idiot. Giving it all up for a person he just met and will likely forget about in 6 months…….

    • Six months is giving Raven way too much credit. If the two of them even see each other after the finale, I would be extremely surprised.

    • Yeah I think when he comes out and sees how hated she is by all of America, he’s going to be shocked. He thinks he’s saving “America’s sweetheart” and looking like a hero. Joke’s on him.

  6. What they should do is let him violate the rules, then on eviction night, instead of going through the voting process, publicly expose him, let him know he’s being ejected from the game without stipend and without going to the jury, then escort him through the DR w/o talking to Julie. That would set an AMAZING precedent.

    • No way, he should be sent parking right away through the backdoor. He shouldn’t be allowed to make further rubbish of the show.

      • True – BUT to let it play out on LIVE TV for it to be completely explained and done right then as America watches would be amazing. Otherwise it’ll just show in clips. The broadcast audience needs to know what the people on live feeds (and folks like me, who this page religiously) know. He’s an ass.

    • After they escort him through the back DR, they should then have a vote. Since Raven is the only one left on the block she would be immediately evicted. I know this would set a bad precedent, but it sure would be funny to see Matt’s actions evict the person he is trying to save.

      • They should put Josh up there next to Raven since he was eating under the blankets last week when he was a have not. But nothing will happen to him since him and Paul are productions pets.

    • I’m PRAYING that’s EXACTLY what’s going to happen. And it should happen just that way. So wrong that he is making CBS look so BAD.

  7. This is my first year watching the show. So, if Matt is booted, how is another chosen for veto?

    • the veto has already been played, they usually play vetos on saturdays and then air it on wednesdays

    • They are already past that stage. Jason won veto and kept the nominations the same. These events won’t actually air until Wednesday however.

    • Would they just evict him and essentially give Raven a free pass and start over again with a new HOH?

    • I don’t know about BB USA, in a certain case, the next person on the block with the most uunfavourable vote get evicted. In the particular case I referred to, there were multiple persons on the block.

  8. If they don’t expel him, it could open they door for China to sue CBS. It might fly, but it would cause bad publicity and maybe CBS would fire AG. I can only hope.

    • No way. Chima threw her mic in the pool, that’s destruction of CBS property, that’s why she was expelled.

  9. These people went in under a contract. They all claim to be so intellectual then they should understand violation of a contract results in serious consequences. Likewise, if they violate rules, at any time, they should not be paid for that week. We continuously see them breaking rules and they don’t care. Love BB, but this season is churning my stomach with blatant mental attacks with intentions of violent outcomes. Sure I enjoy seeing dingbats get into a fight and throw words around they can’t define, but they are out to cause long term pain and suffering. Just my .02

  10. Can you say “poor sport”! For someone who has hidden under the radar THE WHOLE GAME SO FAR…to act like this!! Grrrrr!

    • No kidding. I don’t think he even knew he was playing BIg Brother until yesterday. And he immediately quit.

      • Spot on. He has been a live viewer in the house unnoticed, watching others play and some others follow.

    • Ha ha you really do not like Raven … All the HouseGuests look pretty to me even if they act terribly … I like to sketch so I was referring to appearances not personalities ( or lack of ) also people under duress ( and these HGs are ) act worse and worse over time not better so please do not be too harsh … As for the GoFund site … Wow this is just too much so I do see your point is it real or is it hinky ? Play the game play the game

  11. There are cases where houseguests (housemates) are disqualified and withdrawn from further participation when they break certain rules. Such housemates are not allowed entitlement of other participating housemates in some BB network.
    This is my first time of watching BB USA. Have there ever been such punishment. I think that should apply to deter bad precedence.

  12. Honestly, I don’t care enough about Matt to even care or get upset about this. He’s leaving one way or the other.

    I might be one of the few who feels this way, but I think the Have Not thing is played out anyway and I kind of wish they’d just do away with it. With all the new twists of recent seasons it doesn’t even get any play on TV anymore. A casual viewer wouldn’t even know they’re doing it or who the Have Nots are. It just doesn’t add anything to the game to me and seems pretty pointless. But that said, rules is rules and he’s breaking them. So I think a punishment is warranted, but I just don’t care enough to get too upset about it.

    • This season has already been such a shxtshow that being sore losers is not the worst thing these people have done

      • That would actually work well for Jason since he wouldn’t have to renom his ally Kevin whilst getting out his target..it’s a win win!

    • I disagree. I don’t give a rat’s ass about Matt, but it’s the rules; he’s played the game for about 12 seconds (of screaming at Jason for not using the veto) and contributed nothing the rest of the time. He shouldn’t even be allowed to be honorably evicted. I think it would be hilarious to see him kicked out, all votes go to Raven, so she’s alone in jury, he’s gone without his stipend (that famous “jury money” everyone was so excited about), and then see his face when he realizes the girlfriend he’s playing hero for is universally despised and he comes off as a chump, nothing more. (And yes I realize it would likely be a no-eviction week if Matt gets kicked out, but a girl can dream…)

      • Me three. Plus, the immediate revocation of stipend for blatant & defiant rules violations would set a precedent for future HGs….you stick to your Contract or you lose your money. Then, you’ve completely wasted your summer.

      • I agree that he should be punished because that is the rules and he did break them. I just don’t care enough to get too upset about it. I think BB could certainly set a bad precedence for the future if they let any blatant rules violation go though.

    • It’s not just that. He’s making a mockery of the show. He’s laughing at the cameras while he’s doing it. He’s spitting in their faces. In other words saying FU I’m doing whatever I want and I don’t care about the rules. Do you know how many people would love to be in that house playing the game? He’s wasted space. He’s an ass.

  13. Matt should be immediately ejected from the game. Jason should have to choose a replacement nom from a pool of the HGs who participated in the Veto comp. Then the week should proceed from this point forward, as usual. Then America should be given a vote in the finale, just like when Chima was ejected.

    Oh yeah, no stipend for Matt either. Just send his behind home empty handed for breach of contract.

    • I would LOVE for them to replace Matt in jury with Jessica, OMG that would be awesome. They would have to make it that she can’t tell the other jurors what she has seen on TV, but that would piss off all the HGs, they deserve it, they are the WORST BB players ever!

      • Totally agree! Cant imagine why anyone would waste their time watching/reading about etc that plastic trash.

      • I would love to start a convo about that, but I try to stay on topic with BB related stuff, so I will stick to BB. ;-) lol

        But I don’t get it either. All of those entitled Kardashians who have never worked a day in their life!!!

      • You really should google each one. They work their asses off. Very smart business women. I was surprised with everything they do.

      • I would, but I really don’t have any interest in any of them. No offense to you or any of their fans, I just don’t.

      • Never said I was a fan. Just letting you know they work. Probably harder than a lot of people.

      • Definitely no Jessica. They would then spend the rest of the season getting her out and I want these fools to turn on themselves. They all think it won’t happen to them.

      • Unfortunately that would be very unfair because Jessica has seen everything from our perspective and can poison the jury.

      • Though I would have preferred that and support members of the jury be allowed to see everything including access to social media, it won’t be very fair in the instance that Jessica (one member) alone had seen it from every perspective.

  14. If you expel Matthew ( who’s show is this anyways ? ) do you let Jason renom … Oh and p.s. Raven may be a intolerable but you cannot seriously say she does not look good on paper .

  15. Unfortunately, I had a single respect reserved for Matt. I had considered him the most civil among the houseguests because he opposes the group when they bully on their targets. He always considered it an awkward strategy. But sad to see he has no idea what the game is about.

  16. He should be thrown out. No Jury! and Jason should have to put someone up in his place. Then they could get Raven out, and she would go to jury alone. What is wrong with the players this year? So willing to give up on the chance to win $500K. I thought that was the entire point!

  17. Boot his azz out, no jury stipend. Have comp for new HoH and move on. Why waste time on someone flouting the rules. Let him go back to his RL and actually do something to earn a living. Let him find out the truth about who he gave up his game for

    • Send Matt packing and tell him now Raven gets evicted by default! It would serve both of them right.

      • Not really. I think they were doing another double eviction anyway. This could take the place of that or they could bring someone back in.

  18. IDK. I always thought the slop stuff was stupid anyway. He got his penalty already. Rules are you get a penalty vote. Can’t change the rules while playing the game.

    • But if he continues to break rule after rule there has to be a consequence besides one penalty vote.

      • Depend what the rules say already. If the rules is a penalty vote for breaking the HN rules then what else can they do. Plus like Matthew said, he is using that as a strategy to make sure he is the one evicted.

        Personnally, I don’t mind the HN room, but I always thought the slop was stupid.

      • Did you read the above info on previous HG Chima? There is a precedence of continual rule breaking then OUT YOU GO BY THE BACK DOOR through the DR !!!

      • Big Brother always says “You cannot use production as a strategy”. Apparently you can if it helps their boy Paul.

      • Isn’t there also a rule that you can’t use production as strategy ?
        He has eaten more than once. He has showered and he has slept in a regular bed. That is at least three rules broken. Plus he has eaten multiple times. I don’t think this is any different then Chima blatantly breaking the rules.

      • Give him 3 votes penalty, he is sure to get out Thursday night.

        Matt is the player everybody love to hate. What would be the response if Cody was doing that for Jess ? Everybody would be defending him, saying how sweet it is that he sacrificing himself.

      • And using production as strategy is in clear violation of the game rules not just the have not rules. He needs to be kicked out.

      • Maybe. I usually just go with the flow. Have my favorites and non favorites. But this is just got me so angry. I love this show and have since season one. And he’s making a mockery of it. Basically telling production to go to hell. Poor Cameron would love to play and this Ahole is in the house instead. SMDH.

      • me too, i think the slop was a very stupid idea,i would like to see them go back to PB&J for have nots that slop can,t be very nourishing,or very healthy to eat

      • Exactly. Thank you. All he’s doing is spitting in their faces and making production look like idiots if they do nothing about it. Who cares about a stupid penalty vote. I hope now they evict Raven. That would be a nice slap in the face to Matt. Maybe he’ll quit. Then we get two for one.

    • But he’s taking hot showers, sleeping in a regular bed so it’s not just the slop. And that’s part of the game. He knew that going in. He’s making a mockery of it by laughing at the cameras while he’s eating. He’s saying FU I’ll do whatever I want. He is an embarrassment that’s taking the place of someone else that really wanted to play the game. He’s a tool. He’s using production to get evicted which is a clear violation of the rules. I hope they kick his sorry ass out.

  19. CBS is going to fair to the houseguests that are left. Removing Matt now means Jason would get extra power and he would knock out another person probably Kevin which would be unfair at this point. So the week is going to play out as is. Julie will sit Matt down and tell him he going home and not qualifying for Jury. He wont be getting much of a goodbye interview. The precedent he would set for people on the block would be too much for CBS to let slide.

    • There would be no eviction for the week Mathew simply would be taken out, then for the Jury America could be a vote

    • I like that idea. Follow the game rules and make them vote to evict, thus not allowing Jason (or anyone) too much power. When Matt is evicted, blindside him by letting him know that such flagrant would penalties have resulted in no jury. Tell him America has replaced his vote, and send his a&& off home.

    • They could just remove Matt and cancel the eviction this week, but they didn’t do that for Cody so I guess Matt can do whatever he wants.

      • I don’t remember what season it was (it may have even been Chima), but there was a time when someone left and it counted as the end of the HoH’s reign, because nominations were final at that point and one of the HoH’s targets left as per usual. Nominations weren’t final when Megan left, but they are final now if Matt is expelled. That would be one of Jason’s final targets leaving and the end of his HoH reign.

      • Season 11 when Chima was expelled they just went on to the next week, and in her place at Jury America cast the final vote. It really didn’t make much of a difference because the jury and america hate Natalie so it wasn’t even close.

    • I despise Cody’s play on BB. However, he had to appoint 6 people in his first HOH. What’s the difference? It wasn’t fair to the HG’s left then…

  20. I would love to see Matt kicked out of the game but I think it would punish him more if they voted out Raven. It would make for a great feed.

  21. Here’s the only problem I see with Matthew being ejected from the game completely – that will leave an even number of jurors (something they’ve never had before), which could lead to a tie vote for the winner – what would happen then? They’ve always had an odd-numbered jury, do they even have a contingency plan for a tie? Would each F2 player then get $275K (Half the $500K and half the $50K?) If all they do is give him penalty votes or immediately send him to the jury, I’d think that’s ultimately the reason why.

  22. Send him home. His only goal has been to go to jury. A penalty nom is is helping him reach his goal. He doesn’t want to play the game – send him home!

  23. do you think chima will play the race card if matt is allowed to stay but she wasn’t?

    • If she does that’s kinda ridiculous. He is doing the same thing but not to the extreme.

      • Depends. Honestly I think Matt might just get a free pass because he is still going to the DR and not destroying things so they might just say he hasn’t done anything all season just let him eat and shower… sad but true.

      • But has Allison got on the mic unfortunately not. and don’t get me wrong I’m not supporting Matt it’s just how it is…

      • Me too. I will just find it disgusting if they care so much about Matt and not how Alex is throwing out food and starving a houseguest. just my opinion.

      • some things should not stand and matts defiance, especially as it affects an eviction after a long stretch of interrupted evictions and alex messing with the food.
        she is a 28 year old grown ass woman and should be made to act responsible.

      • I agree throwing food is bad. I express my self about that all the james’ seasons.

        But the fact is Kevin should know how to do slop. It’s not that complex

      • I don’t even care if she throws it out actually it’s that she’s doing it to someone with such a good heart how has done nothing wrong. Kevin doesn’t know how to make slop but Alex probably doesn’t either. She is just being intentinally awful to someone who was just trying to be in the house… she’s an adult and need to grow up. I do agree he should learn how to make slop though.

      • Then everyone could just do it if they know they are going. He is paid to play this game. So he should get fired.

      • I don’t know. As much as he was his own person this week, Jason is kinda “mad” at him because Alex is. If Matt was thrown out and Jason still had his mindset in making big moves Josh, Christmas or Paul will be up.

      • I don’t know either. The only thing I can say is, if Kevin ended up evicted, at least Alex and Jason would see the writing on the wall and start playing to win. This plan Paul has of throwing them under the bus to take gimpy, gumpy, and humpy to the final four annoys me to no end.

      • Roflmao.๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
        Gimpy, Gumpy & Humpy!!

      • My hope would be that he puts josh or Christmas. Then he’s breaking another pair if raven stay. But he relays on Alex and she’s not that smart.

    • No…Raven to the jury by default, especially since she’s on board with all his childish behavior.

  24. I’ll repeat what I said earlier in the other thread. Matt is disrespectful to both his employer (big brother) and the fans.

    My example is that never in the sport history we saw a team stopping a game because they knew they lost.

    I really hope he’s sent home.

    • Great analogy. Especially for sport living Matt. DR should use this when they speak to him, could be just the ticket to make it click to him.

  25. Ok, I hope Matt does go to the jury house… because I really want to see something happen.

    I want Zach to be the past HG who comes to the Jury house to facilitate the discussion with the jurors this year. But only after he barges into the jury house, jumps up on the coffee table and dumps Matt’s bowl of cereal over his head while telling him what a froot loop dingus he is.

    That alone would make this season totally worthwhile.

  26. So…is production going to tell Matt to stop breaking the rules or forfeit Jury, which could then impact a vote for Raven? (yeah I know she won’t get that far)

  27. Oh the tweet up on the right is gooooood! Punish the rest of the HG’s in place of Matt. They would all be soooo pissed.

  28. Matt should be expelled. Why is this situation any different than others who have broken rules..Matt does not deserve a spot on the jury and thus continue to be paid. BB needs to enforce the rules and send Matt home..this just sets a precedent.

  29. I feel this directly affects the legitimacy of the whole election process. we deserve better,having to slog thru all this only to have matt rub our faces in it.
    putin must be behind this.

      • Right. I don’t think they should be putting thoughts into Josh’s head, even if they are about Paul…

      • Shouldnt do it about or to anybody…especially Josh๐Ÿ˜ค

        These houseguests are really starting to piss me off…they’ve been irritating me like little gnats all season, but now, I’m pissed off!
        I like(d) Matt. Once he got the penalty vote he was going for he should have quit it and continued following the rules.

        Now he is just being a temper tantrum throwing ass!

      • No HG can be permitted to not obey the rules. Especially after being given a punishment. BB should remove him from the game, no stipends, no jury, no finale, no plane ticket home. send him out, high and dry to figure things out for himself. If BB allows him to do what he wants with no regard for ANY of the rules, he needs to go. BB needs to make an example of him or every other BB show there will be no regard for the rules as they will have set a precedent.

  30. Quote ‘ If you can’t follow the rules you have to get off the ride ‘ – Trigun the Movie

  31. DR could just haul him into Time Out for the duration of the game. He doesn’t interact with anyone, they supply him with slop, etc.

    • If I was Grodner, or Moonves, or whoever, I’d be like, “This is MY show and you will NOT break the rules! Goodbye, Matthew!”

  32. I think production should evict matt from the game Do not allow him into jury and then leave Raven as the only option for eviction . Then just to piss everyone off bring back Jessica and let her and Cody reunite in jury leaving Raven and her screeching all by her pathetic lonesome.

    • Hmmm, I hadn’t thought about that. If he gets expelled, would that mean Raven gets evicted because she’s the only alternative? Or would his expulsion count as the week’s eviction?

      • In the precedent case they just restart another week with hoh played and jason should not be part since he’s the outgoing hoh.

      • That’s what I figured. As much as I dislike Raven, she shouldn’t have to be evicted because of Matthew’s behavior (although she does appear to be condoning it, she’s not doing it herself).

      • Like I said in the next thread, Matt is basically self-evicting. Megan self-evicted and Cody had to nominate another person. In this case, Matt is done so Jason should put someone else up. Maybe Paul? Paul won’t have the safety this time. JMO

      • Also in BB11 Chima was shown the back door out of the game for breaking all house guest rules. The only thing different is Matt has not tossed his microphone into the pool

    • He’s a fool. If he gets expelled he won’t even see her in jury, lol. Maybe that’s his ultimate plan? Ha!

    • he never spoke to Jason, the hoh. he said paul will take care of us (maven), maybe he should speak to and be mad at paul.

  33. The problem is I think if you make Matt leave now, you’re short one juror, and he’s also not really doing anything THAT BAD as of right now

    • Like the article says, he’s doing EXACTLY what Chima did with the exception of tossing his mic in the hot tub BUT Chima wasn’t expelled for tossing her mic in the hot tub. She was expelled for continually breaking the rules and not stopping her behavior. Same situation should equal same result: Expulsion.

    • “as of right now” today is Tuesday, will it be bad if he continues this until thursday night? it is defiance. like chima.

  34. big brother if you don’t expel him then you are a joke….thanks for all the jokes this season

  35. I love it … go Paul go …and everyone saying to throw him just stfu…i love this ha ha ha big f u to big brother :) go matt

  36. He absolutely NEEDS to be removed from the game, immediately, lest he do even more damage to its credibility. Oh. may as well boot Raven as well. She doesn’t deserve to be on jury, either. They are two of the worst players of the game that I can remember. HORRIFIC.

  37. Question: If Matthew is expelled, what would happen eviction-wise? Would Raven be evicted since she’s the only HG on the block? Or would Matthew’s expulsion count as the week’s eviction?

    • I believe since the nominations and veto have already happened and he is one of the nominees he would count as the weeks eviction ending the week. I am not positive on that though as the previous 4 expelled house guests were not nominated at the time and did not count as the weeks eviction.

  38. Matt needs to be expelled from the game, no jury and fine him a couple weeks of pay for breaking the rules. Raven should get at least one penalty vote for her smack talking of production. Alex should then get a penalty nomination for throwing out the slop to hope Kevin starves. Production need to grow a pair and reign in this cast.

      • for chima Allison got on the mic and it was all over. what makes matt so different? race? gender?

      • That crossed my mind. If he doesn’t get expelled while he’s doing the same things Chima got expelled for, there may be a huge outcry of racism or something since Chima was black. That’s all this country needs right now..

      • Matt hasn’t destroyed any property. Once Chima threw her (not cheap) mike into the pool that is when enough was enough. If Matt does the same he will be expelled. He should be anyway, but taking a hot shower and sleeping in a bed is not as bad as destroying equipment.

      • He should be expelled for it as it is consistently going against the rules set in place by production. However, the only house guests to be expelled were for violence (3 house guests) or property destruction (Chima). Since he is not a threat to anyone or anything it is a different situation and they are generally pretty lenient with broken rules.

      • Makes BB look bad though. And what if the HGs decided to boot Raven after all? He gets an advantage over others that ate slop, took cold showers and slept on crappy beds. So they’re basically saying the rules don’t matter if they let him stay.

      • Or like my mom was doing when we didn’t clean our room. Clean all in garbage back, then calling to say it’s out in the street, hurry before the truck pass. That worked.

  39. Throw Matt out leaving just Raven on the block, no vote needed, she gets all votes by default. Bye bye Maven!

  40. Matt’s situation is not like Chima, who had a bad attitude the whole time and destroyed BB property (the mic). Matt is simply ignoring rules, knowing he’ll be gone in a few days. All he wanted was to make jury, so he could get the money. I say, penalize him one week’s pay for every offense.

    • Attitude doesn’t matter as long as someone is abiding by the rules. And Matt IS doing the same as Chima, other than the mic thing. The mic thing wasn’t the sole reason they booted her out. It may have tipped her over the edge but breaking the rules and not listening was what got her expelled. The same should happen to him. He’s making a mockery of BB and that shouldn’t be allowed. It really makes BB look bad and it lets future players know they can nearly get away with anything, have not rules be damned!

      • She was expelled because of the mic. She destroyed BB property which is a big rules violation. Ignoring have not rules which is what he is doing has been done many times before (most recently by Audrey in season 17) and has never resulted in an expulsion.

      • Audrey and jen both got warning but stop after. Matt ignored warning. At the time of chima, they explain it wasn’t the mic incident, it was ignoring all production rules.

      • I agree. It’s one thing eating but breaking every rule and laughing at the cameras about it is what makes me so mad. He’s basically saying to production FU and your rules because I’m doing whatever I want.

    • Let’s hope matt drop his micro phone in the pool. Crossing fingers.

      Oh, josh destroyed the pans, why isn’t he out?

  41. Hey, Boyer, you forgot to add that Jen from BB8 also broke Have-Not rules by eating turkey burgers & apples! Sure, she wasn’t expelled for it, but she did get a penalty vote! Why didn’t you add that in this article? Other than that, nice article!

  42. He makes me sick. Wasted space that someone who really wanted to play the game didn’t get a chance to do. Everyone should vote Raven out and let him get kicked out. If they do let him stay and get voted out I hope Julie gives him hell and embarrasses the heck out of him then tells him he’s going home instead of jury. And as far as penalty votes I’ve never heard of someone getting put on the block just getting a vote. If that’s the case why isn’t Josh nominated? He was eating under the blanket two days in a row. If I could see it I’m sure production could.

    • I think they’re a bit closing their eyes about that sometimes. Like Elena getting hot water in the shower as well.

      But this is a complete diferent level now. He’s doing it on purpose all the time and ignore every warning.

      • Josh and Paul are productions pets that’s why he got away with it. Last night they kept calling both of them into the DR. They’d call one and then the other and then call the other again. WTH was going on I want to know.

    • They have generally been pretty lenient with penalties. Unless it reaches a point where they have to do something they won’t.

  43. Production probably doesn’t want to take out Matt because it might mess with their schedule. We’ve already had one HG self evict, getting rid of another (even though he’s breaking rules), would throw things off a little.

    • โ˜˜๏ธ๐Ÿ€โ„ฑั—แธ“แธ“โ„“ฮตรฮตฮตรฮตe๐Ÿ€โ˜˜๏ธ says:

      Now that would be interesting and worth watching!!

      • Hate to bring it up, but Raven has a slop pass. How would they get around that one? Going by the way she eats, I think she used a little deception to get BB to throw that her way, and no doubt they made sure she got it.

      • I know. That pisses me off. Maybe they could tell her she’s not allowed to use makeup for a week instead? That would be a favor to all of us.

      • I’m sure it pisses the HGs off too, after seeing her appetite. I think they were all told not to touch that slop pass, that it was specifically placed there for Raven. Nothing fair about that. Like Frankie trying to say he had a circulation problem and shouldn’t be expected to sleep in the cold room, although he ended up having to once, I think. NO body should ever be cast on the show if they need special treatment. Just ain’t right.
        Lol at the make-up comment.

      • I’d rather not ever see her myself, Nope, but as always, I respect your opinion…and your love to hate. :)

      • Thanks!! Just take a bathroom break when she’s on. Anyway they kind of don’t show her that much.

      • โ˜˜๏ธ๐Ÿ€โ„ฑั—แธ“แธ“โ„“ฮตรฮตฮตรฮตe๐Ÿ€โ˜˜๏ธ says:

        Didn’t Christine also get special treatment. Why am I remembering she didn’t have to eat slop because of her own “diet restrictions”? Kindly straighten me out Miss K. :)

      • If that is true, I feel that is wrong. If you are a housguest in the BB house, you have to follow all the rules, no one should get special treatment. Christmas, because she broke her foot, she got special treatment from that day forward. She should never had been allowed to come back to play, but given the option to return in another season. All her food that she eats appears to be very healthy, no slop there!

      • โ˜˜๏ธ๐Ÿ€โ„ฑั—แธ“แธ“โ„“ฮตรฮตฮตรฮตe๐Ÿ€โ˜˜๏ธ says:

        I agree completely!

      • She was a have not week 5 and week 8. Don’t think I remembered that! I had to look it up. You know much more BB trivia than I do, Miss Fiddle.

      • โ˜˜๏ธ๐Ÿ€โ„ฑั—แธ“แธ“โ„“ฮตรฮตฮตรฮตe๐Ÿ€โ˜˜๏ธ says:

        Thank you Miss K and I highly doubt I know more trivia, let’s call it a draw. :)

      • โ˜˜๏ธ๐Ÿ€โ„ฑั—แธ“แธ“โ„“ฮตรฮตฮตรฮตe๐Ÿ€โ˜˜๏ธ says:

        Hey gorgeous!! I think Raven’s slop pass was a plant and if she hadn’t picked it then, she would have somehow been rewarded a no slop pass at some point. BB was probably reticent to push her condition, which is fair enough, but now that we ALL know it’s a grift, I bet they wish they hadn’t made it so easy for her where food is concerned.

      • I bet they are wishing they had never laid eyes on her. Have you seen/heard anyone rooting for her?

      • โ˜˜๏ธ๐Ÿ€โ„ฑั—แธ“แธ“โ„“ฮตรฮตฮตรฮตe๐Ÿ€โ˜˜๏ธ says:

        LOL Nope, not a single tweet has been in favor of Raven. She seems to be universally hated. Well deserved.

      • Oh, sorry, Miss Fiddle, good afternoon. I’m nasty, just got through mowing and weedeating and made a quick stop by BBN before I jump in the shower. Didn’t mean to be rude. :)

      • โ˜˜๏ธ๐Ÿ€โ„ฑั—แธ“แธ“โ„“ฮตรฮตฮตรฮตe๐Ÿ€โ˜˜๏ธ says:

        Of course not Miss K. I would never think that. You do what you need to do, don’t worry about me, I’m being serious. You do you girl. :)

      • โ˜˜๏ธ๐Ÿ€โ„ฑั—แธ“แธ“โ„“ฮตรฮตฮตรฮตe๐Ÿ€โ˜˜๏ธ says:

        Have Not, Can’t eat real food, slop only, no warm showers, sleep in the Have Not room.

      • โ˜˜๏ธ๐Ÿ€โ„ฑั—แธ“แธ“โ„“ฮตรฮตฮตรฮตe๐Ÿ€โ˜˜๏ธ says:

        You are welcome!

  44. If Matt is sent home, how much about all of this would be revealed to the jury and how it is presented could cause a lot of confusion and also be perceived as bias against other HGs after the fact? You know the HGs all have their own perspectives and the differing perspectives presented to the jurors could result in changes in jury voting. This could get very dicey for production. I don’t think Matt will be ejected because there were no rules in effect before the game started to deal with such a scenario. I have asked before if there was a limit to how many penalties a HG could receive before getting evicted or do they just give one and done. I never found the answer anywhere.

    • The only expulsions that have happened have either been for violence or destruction of property. Have not rules violations have never resulted in anything more than a penalty vote. I would assume he will receive his one penalty vote and be evicted on Thursday and that is the end of it. Being expelled for have not violations would be a change to how it has always been handled.

    • The current jury will get the info by the new arrivals.

      To me he is disrespectful of the game. As I said he’s paid to play this game, he doesn’t do the job, fire him. (No need of gaz got this fire).

  45. so, matt sleeps in the orange get-up, gets in the shower and leaves orange get- up on the floor. gets out of shower and buts orange get-up back on w/o undies.

    • Remember, he likes wearing sleevless shirt in the house!!! He told Julie!! Pathetic.

      This guy is weird in many bad way. I’m unable to put back dirty clothes after a shower. How does he do that. And his socks are good for the garbage. He’s discussing me badly.

      • I’m with you, I must wear fresh clothing, it totally would gross me out to put on the same clothes worn the day before. My, aren’t we all spoiled to death, ha ha.

    • โ˜˜๏ธ๐Ÿ€โ„ฑั—แธ“แธ“โ„“ฮตรฮตฮตรฮตe๐Ÿ€โ˜˜๏ธ says:

      He also stands on the orange get up when he takes it off in the backyard while he puts on suntan lotion. This guy has some serious hygiene issues.

    • Don’t tease me!! But I want raven to stay. I’m curious to see how far her lies will go. She is my entertainment in this house. I loved last episode and yesterday I took a glass of wine watching the feed. It was hilarious.

  46. Let Matt get evicted on Thursday, then instead of taking him to the Jury house, drop him of at a Homeless shelter or if BB is feeling kind……a bus depot

  47. Dont forget Jen from Season 8 that ate a burger when she was on the block and got a penalty vote as well.

    • Yes but then she received the penalty and went back to slop. She didn’t ignored the production and laughing in the face of them (and the fans).

  48. Matt should be evicted from the game. Period. He’s getting paid to play and he continues to break all the rules. He should not be rewarded with another paycheck or trip to jury

  49. Kick him out right now and no jury for him either ,then Raven can make her mind up if she wants to keep getting paid to play a stupid game and quit bitching about it ,what fucking pussy he is

  50. Evict Matt and Raven. Raven gets the votes and Matt kicked off the show including Jury.

  51. I don’t know why they have people in there that don’t respect the game. Get rid of him. He only wanted to make it to jury? Don’t let him go.

  52. I hope production expels Matt from the show and sends his sorry ass home!!!! He had some nerve calling Jason a B**ch when in reality we all see he is Raven’s B**ch!!! Giving his game up for her is absolutely sickening….it’s time to take the tampon out Matt and start acting like a man…

  53. He’s at it again today with hot showers and now eating eggs w cheese and drinking milk. Funny, the others all thought Cody/Jess isolating was bad..how’s about breaking the rules?

    OP: Don’t you get to interview Grodner? Ask her why he’s going to end-up with just a penalty vote?

  54. So I guess Matt isn’t who we thought he was. He fooled us all. If CBS is reading this thread, please do not let Matt get away with this noncompliance!

  55. Scofflaws don’t care. The only thing to do is throw him out. Preferably right before they evict Raven.

  56. I just had a thought…watch out…What happens if the house decides to go ahead and boot Raven and Matt ends up staying? Would Matt not have an unfair advantage over those others that have been havenots, especially this week? He’s been able to eat well, have warm showers and sleep in a comfy bed. Seems to me an unfair advantage. BB would look really, really bad, IMO.

  57. Kick him out???? Are you kidding me. This season has been ONE BIG JOKE!!!! Josh and his tirade on Megan at the beginning of the season and he should have been gone. Cody and his 100 yard stare, should have been another clue as to the sanity of this cast.

  58. All Matt wanted all summer was to get to the Jury house. Why reward him? Kick him out.

  59. BB should call him in to the DR, warn him that if he continues he will be evicted. Not to the jury but home. Then they should wait until everyone is in bed, call him to the DR and send his orange t-shirt wearing azz home. Let Raven wonder where he is and then make an announcement to the hg’s in the morning that Matt has gone looking for cereal permanently.

  60. I’d agree more with you if HNs (and food for the week in general) were covered more in episodes. They’ve slowly stopped showing a lot of that stuff in the past so-many seasons. I wish they would go back (at least sometimes) and do a HN comp or the food-for-the-week comp (where HGs compete to only eat certain foods for the week).

  61. Well i dont have a problem with Matt eating foods he is not suppose ..but yet you are quick to evict him but rightfully so. My problem is more with the fact that yall are worried about him breaking rules but not once did yall show any concern woth Josh and Paul being bullies. You might think its good ratings and I seriously think its despicable. This BB season is a joke…

    • You’re wrong,Teri. EVERYBODY (who posts here, at least) has shown concern for the way Josh and Paul have behaved. From Josh’s continuous use of filthy language to his harassing other people (mostly at Paul’s encouraging), to the possible destruction of BB property, everyone has been all over Josh for his ignorant and childish behavior. Paul, as well, for his underhanded tactics, encouraging continual bullying of HGs, and generally assuming control of every HGs HOH regardless of their thoughts, plans and desires. Both Josh and Paul have, at times, done despicable things during this season, and the preferable place for them both is in the jury house. Having said that, Matt is violating BB rules and, as precedent shows, he should be removed from the game.

      • A lot of commenters have actually defended Paul’s and josh’s actions as game strategy.

      • Paul is able to manipulate the others in the house. Everyone in these feeds gets mad at him for it. Guess who else did this….Derrick. But it was okay for him because he did it in a different way and everyone liked him…until he took control and then these feeds were full of people calling him out The game is about winning and being able to get others to do your work for you. There have been much worse players than Paul. So because Paul plays the game to win and everyone “allows” him to manipulate them he’s the bad guy. OMG.

  62. What would be a funny punishment is solitary confinement for 24 hours and if he doesn’t go along with that, then eject him.

  63. Big Brother should expel Matt from the game immediately upon vote completion, if he is not already the person leaving the house that night. If Matt gets voted for eviction on Thursday, then Big Brother should let the exit happen as normal. Instead, they should not let Matt go to the jury house and at that point expel him from the game – leaving the final 2 left in the house not knowing that Matt lost his vote for jury.

  64. Do people here really not understand how this works? Anyone in this house should want to take Paul to final 3. The theory is everyone doesn’t want a vet to win and everyone who felt manipulated by him will vote against him like they did last season. Why would you evict him and go up against someone else. Especially when there’s still one power couple in the game

    • I see your theory, it’ll only work if the three left are Christmas, josh n Paul. Josh or Christmas get the chance to take Paul out. Now that will be BBtv for the season. ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Again, why? Because the sheep in the house follow him? How is that his fault? Why the heck do you people watch?

  65. If the it vote out raven, and production expell Matt. They BOTH go. And Matthew should not be allowed to go to jury. That’s the tike.

  66. Raven, and Matt are such self-absorbed dolts!….showed no compassion, and loyalty regarding other couples- their evictions. Now the tables are turned….waterworks, and judgment?. Such bullshi+, and hypocrisy!.

    • Hasn’t been like that for years. Ever since reaching double digits, people go on to get their 15 minutes of fame and get a summer vacation. Everyone actually admitted that during Derrick’s season, which made it such an undeserved easy win.

  67. Matt gets escourted out of the game and someone else goes on the block still putting Raven at risk. So he may be hurting her game, not helping her. A fit punishment.

  68. This season has been so full of outright bullying, and the show may be “jumping the shark.” Not sure I’ll be able to watch again. By the way, I love Jill’s suggesting of throwing Matt out and putting up Paul to be voted out. Sick of everything being manipulated by Paul while all of them seem blind to it.

    • The name of the game is manipulation. So you get mad at the guy who happens to be able to manipulate people and not at the ones who allow it to happen to themselves. I don’t understand what kind of game you think this should be….it is about doing what you can to stay in the game. Paul has done nothing wrong except play the game.

  69. Matt should be expelled, lose jury rights, and the rest of the house should be forced to follow the Have Not rules for a week. Give them an incentive to follow the rules in the future.

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