After a very heated day in the Big Brother 19 house Monday, the HGs calmed down just a little in the evening hours. There weren’t any knock-down drag-outs, but there were still a lot of scheming and pettiness going around.
Don’t miss Monday’s daytime events report including a string of fights that lead to some serious downtime while production had to get involved to settle heated arguments.
If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.
Big Brother 19 Live Feed Highlights – Monday, August 28, 2017:
3:27 PM BBT – Feeds returned from being down for just over an hour. Kevin is outside with Christmas. Josh is inside with Alex, Josh, and Paul.
3:30 PM BBT – Kevin apologizes to Christmas for yelling at her in their fight about the pool. She wishes Josh hadn’t gotten himself involved. Christmas tells Kevin to keep being Kevin, tell his stories, and hanging around.
3:32 PM BBT – Jason is ranting about Kevin to the group. He’s very upset with him.
3:35 PM BBT – Kevin comes by and talks with Josh. He apologizes to Josh and promises he would have never tried to hit him. Josh accepts his apology. Kevin goes outside to the pool.
3:38 PM BBT – Paul mentions that production came over the speakers and told the guys to “separate” and Kevin said “f**k you” in response.
3:40 PM BBT – Raven and Alex want to throw away the rest of the Slop since Kevin doesn’t know how to make anymore and Matthew isn’t going to eat it. Alex tells Josh he’s not allowed to help Kevin make any Slop.
3:50 PM BBT – Raven tells Josh she’ll throw HoH to him this week.
4:05 PM BBT – Alex says the group should do a roundtable with Kevin and yell at him.
4:10 PM BBT – Paul warns Alex that Kevin is blaming her for sending Christmas and Josh to attack him.
4:15 PM BBT – Josh says it’s upsetting for someone to threaten to bash his head in.
4:20 PM BBT – Paul confirms to Matthew and Raven that it was Kevin who won the $25K.
4:25 PM BBT – Paul promises Raven she’s going to be okay and won’t be evicted. He counts off the votes to keep her. Matthew mentions there’s also his penalty vote.
4:40 PM BBT – Kevin is looking for the Slop. (Alex either hid it or threw it away.) Paul denies knowing where it is. Kevin is checking the trashcan to see where it went.
5:15 PM BBT – Raven points out they should throw the comp to Christmas in case it’s not physical so they can be free to play the next comp.
5:25 PM BBT – Paul and Raven are laughing about Kevin looking for the Slop and how Alex threw it away.
5:45 PM BBT – Kevin vents to Jason that Raven is destroying his food supply. He questions why she claims to be anti-violence and then acts so violent to Matthew each day.
5:50 PM BBT – Kevin doesn’t know what to do with the Slop and if he’ll need to take it to bed with him to keep Raven from throwing away his only food. Alex tells Kevin to stop complaining and make more. She tells him it’s not a big deal when he says it’s vicious.
6:03 PM BBT – HGs are gathered in the living room per a request from Jason. He has a card from production and reads that Matthew has officially received a penalty vote for eating regular food while being a Have-Not.
6:05 PM BBT – Jason gives Kevin tips on how to make Slop.
6:15 PM BBT – Matthew is taking a hot shower against the rules.
6:20 PM BBT – Alex is mad at Jason for helping Kevin make the Slop.
6:25 PM BBT – Matthew is making a sandwich against the rules.
6:40 PM BBT – Matthew is eating more food and drinking soda, also against the rules.
7:00 PM BBT – Jason says they should be nicer to Kevin instead of trying to make his life miserable. Josh kinda agrees. Alex strongly disagrees. She says she’s going to make sure that Kevin knows she hates him.
7:35 PM BBT – Kevin tells Jason he thinks Alex isn’t happy that the two of them are close. Kevin says she told him to that he’s a big boy and to make the slop himself. Kevin says she lives at home with her parents and he’s raised seven kids.
7:38 PM BBT – Kevin says he doesn’t want to get evicted before Raven. Jason says that’s not happening and promises on it.
7:58 PM BBT – Kevin tells Jason that if they’ve turned on him how does Jason know they won’t do the same to him.
8:09 PM BBT – Paul tells Kevin that it may seem like everyone is ganging up on him but don’t make it out to be like that.
8:25 PM BBT – Josh has been on Kevin all day, but he reveals to Christmas and Paul that their next plan is the same. He says he can put up Alex and Jason and tell them they’re backdooring Kevin but then blindside one of them. Talk turns to final four and they decide they think Raven is better at competitions than Kevin so they should take him to final four instead of Raven.
8:29 PM BBT – Paul makes Kevin some slop.
8:38 PM BBT – Kevin still thinks it was Raven who threw out the slop. He still doesn’t know it was Alex.
8:47 PM BBT – Josh says Alex will freak out when they take out Jason but Paul says as long as it’s not her she’ll be fine.
8:50 PM BBT – Paul thinks they have Alex convinced to throw the next HOH to one of them so they can get Kevin out. They agree to make her and Jason think Kevin is the target.
9:55 PM BBT – Raven tells Matthew that if Jason was really interested in making a game move he would have used the veto on her and put Paul on the block. Raven says she thinks Alex and Jason were the votes to evict Matthew (yep).
10:00 PM BBT – Matthew and Raven agree that Jason didn’t go rogue with his Veto plan. They know Alex has been guiding him all season so they doubt he suddenly started thinking for himself.
10:10 PM BBT – Kevin is ranting about Raven to Jason. He wants to get Raven out this week instead of Matthew.
10:20 PM BBT – Paul and Christmas agree that they’re positioned well and Christmas should take the win for HoH if she can this week to free up the others for next week. Paul says they’ll vote out Alex if Jason gets the Veto, but Christmas really wants Jason gone first. Paul notes Alex’s game is getting sloppy because she’s more focused on being mean now.
10:35 PM BBT – Matthew tells Raven they’ve made it so far because they have each other and he just wanted her to win. Raven says they are the best showmance.
10:50 PM BBT – Kevin asks Jason to talk with Alex for him and end this nastiness. He says there’s no more fun allowed.
11:10 PM BBT – Alex tells Paul and Christmas that she’s fine with going up as a pawn next to Kevin and she’ll throw the HoH comp. After she leaves Paul and Christmas discuss being stunned at her willingness to do that.
11:45 PM BBT – Paul and Josh discuss how to manipulate Raven. He knows they can promise Raven and Kevin both spots in their F4 and neither will discuss it with the other. Paul asks if he should go make promises with Alex and Raven. Josh agrees.
11:48 PM BBT – Raven is convinced Kevin is the reason Matthew is going home this week. She says she wants him out.
11:50 PM BBT – Josh camtalks that he’s suspicious of Paul’s strategy. He wonders why Paul makes these extra side alliances if he’s really with him 110%. Josh questions if Paul is trying to set up groups to take a shot at each other. Josh then dismisses these concerns.
11:55 PM BBT – Paul talks with Kevin and suggests Alex is mad at him because he’s getting close with Jason. Kevin says Alex couldn’t win against an inanimate object this season.
12:18 AM BBT – Matthew is eating. Big Brother tells him to stop. He and Raven mock production as he continues to eat. They soon leave to go sleep, presumably in a regular bed as they go together but are never shown.
2:00 AM BBT – Paul camtalks that he’s made it this far without being on the Block. He’s sure he can win mental comps coming up and if he can get to F5 then he’s sure to make F3.
2:40 AM BBT – HGs are asleep except for Paul who is still up and camtalking in the Lounge.
3:10 AM BBT – Paul finally stops talking and heads to bed. Lights out all around.
What a messy, ugly day that was for Big Brother 19. Over the top fights and nastiness that strayed from the game and seemed to fulfill nothing but pettiness. Meanwhile we’ve got Matthew checked out and playing by his own rules as production appears powerless to reel him in. I’m waiting for them to figure out something to shut down that attitude of his before he’s evicted.
You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.
I may be on my own on this one, but I don’t fault Matt at all for violating the Have Not rules and getting a penalty vote. What motivation does he have to sleep on spikes and eat slop if is 100% sure he is going home. I blame production for selecting HGs who aren’t even fans of the game. Picking superfans (who have lifelong dreams of being on the show) will ensure they will fight until the eviction tally is announced. Matt’s goal (for whatever reason) was to make jury. His goal is accomplished. Sad, but true.
It’s WHY – because of Raven – that kills me. And yes, they need to stop recruiting, keep superfans even if they just “look” like normal average people with no buff bodies and huge media followings. Let play in there who want to PLAY.
“look” like normal average people with no buff bodies and huge media followings”
That confirms it. Cameron is coming back for season 20!
Actually bbott minus Jason and krissie was the best casting in a long time.
Jason played a VERY dirty game. imo
Jason from bbott? My god that guy with his body fluid on people pillows. I was so happy maman got the win.
Morgan? Yes, Jason BBOTT :-)
Stupid auto correct!! Yes Morgan or Megan. Not sure anymore.
Their goal, practically all of them is to get to the jury house and collect their weekly stipend! I guess nobody even cares about the $50,000 2nd prize except, Christmas and Josh because they know Paul will take them to the end! Easy money, $50,000 for doing nothing! If that is the case, I would rather they give the $50,000 to charity and get rid of 2nd place or give that $50,000 to Paul as the winner! Christmas or Josh winning it is a travesty because they did squat to earn it!
He didn’t know for sure he was going home. He’s doing it so Raven can stay.
Let’s hope he is never invited back.
I cannot imagine that BB would ever want Matt back.
Let’s hope NONE of these people are invited back.
What Lynne said ▼▼▼▼
I hate the have not things altogether. I wish they would just get rid of it. I would never take a cold shower or sleep on spikes…I mean is that fun to watch…not to me…
Hell, as someone who predominately watches the episodes on TV, after the first few weeks, I forget that people are still have nots. They never mention it on TV. I think they stopped mentioning it this season after the 2nd or 3rd week
Totally ; I wouldn’t eat that garbage
I never seen in the sport history a team saying why finishing the game, we are losing.
It’s just a question of attitude and respect for your employers (big brother) and the fans.
Don’t subscribe for the show if you don’t like the rules.
No. This is part of the game. You are a grown ass man and acting like this? Throwing a tantrum because you are going home. This is beyond embarrassing. Deal with it like an adult. No need to break the rules and act like a baby. He is an idiot.
I agree! This childish temper tantrum he is throwing is quite pathetic. What do you expect though from a man who’s willing to give up half a million dollars for a skanky fraud.
Good points!
In principle, I agree with “Nope!”, who said that respect for the show and the fans should be a reason to work hard in the game even if you are going to lose. The problem, however, is that Matt and Raven have never seemed to try that hard to accomplish anything on the show. Thus, respect of those entities does not look like a deciding factor for either of them.
I think that they should expell him from the game including kicked out of jury. They need 9 jury members let America be the ninth juror.
My guess is u are a ” PAUL ” fan!!!
If America votes its for PAUL. That is not fair either!!
Well……America did vote for Trump….I suspect they might just visit the for Paul too. Mindless?!
Who do you think should win?
To tell you the truth! None of them. But if I had to choose I’d pick Kevin.
Based on game play?
Kevin…..he’s playing it in his own way?
Be nice!
I’m not a Paul fan, I don’t like him at all, but I feel if you agree to be on the show you also agree to play by the rules..I don’t think America is such a Paul fan now..
Who should they vote for than that has actually played this game??
Cameron for AVP!!!! :-)
I think Jason for a win would be great at this point. He is winning comps and playing his own game finally and is more honorable than any others.
Not after the rape comment he made towards Kevin’s wife! And to tie up Kevin’s daughters and force them to watch? Disgusting…you don’t even joke about raping someone.
Yeah I agree with you. I wanted to support Jason but this isn’t the first time he made a rape joke. Earlier in the season he made one about Raven as well.
One rape comment, even in jest, is one too many.
Thanks for that information. I did not know that was going on with Jason. That is so disappointing. That clearly changes my mind about Jason.
What? Jason said that to Kevin?
I thought Sparkleddd’s idea was great about expelling him, but didn’t think of the Paul part if America votes! lol :(
I agree 100%!! Throw him out of the game if he can’t play by the rules!! Don’t let him go to jury where he can relax and drink and get paid to do it!!
Mark went out with class.!
He sure did!
I wish Mark stayed and Matt was voted out instead…..
Me too!
I’m thinking the same thing.
“Alex says the group should do a roundtable with Kevin and yell at him.” Paul has ruined this season and made into a mob gang up mentality rather than pure gameplay. The only reason ratings of bb19 are good is bc there have been more fights which from a casual viewer standpoint keeps thigs interesting. My only hope is when paul gets to f3 with josh/xmas, josh cuts paul and wins. I am very torn on josh and find him bipolar but josh cutting paul and winning would be complete vindication and karma for paul.
Why is it Paul’s fault? Alex is the one who suggested it.
Paul is the one that pushed Josh to play bully with Cody and Jessica.. I’m not too fond of Alex now for turning from fair to a complete bully herself. She even threatened her own partner, Jason! I can’t stand her now.
it is the fault of ALL the HG’s that are acting like kindergarten children. Why these people feel the need to totally abuse the HG of their choice is beyond me. What makes that BB?!?!? We have gotten along for years without this level of nastiness. It is sick and disgusting!! Paul is the ring leader, but they are ALL responsible for their own actions.
I agree! Paul gets blamed for every stupid thing the others do. I can’t wait for this season to be over so Survivor can start.
I surely hope Survivor will be good season!
Me too!! After this season of BB that is all we have to look forward too. A GREAT season of Survivor.
So totally agree with you on a personal note I think Paul should win
She learnt it from Paul as a strategy.
Paul never suggested a round table where they bash a fellow house guest. You do realize these are all adults. Paul can’t make them do anything. Just because he suggests something does not mean they have to listen. Alex is way meaner than Paul. She used to be my favorite. Now I can hardly stand to look at her. All she seems to do anymore is run around with her boobs hanging out while she’s playing with her hair and bashing Kevin. Paul didn’t tell her to throw out the slop. Paul doesn’t tell her to belittle Jason and smack him around.
You took the words right out of my head. Alex is a little bully, poor Kevin, they are so mean to him and he is the only real one there. Josh is so bipolar he seems so smart one min and has his finger on the pulse then the next he is forest gump! lol
I can’t wait to see Alex go home…I hate her more than Paul right now and I really cannot stand Paul….Did they recruit these fools straight out of Middle School…
I agree with you completely!! That’s not what the show is supposed to be about.
Everyone blames Paul this season and I have yet to see him hold a gun to one HouseGuest’s head to force them into something they don’t want to do. He is not responsible for every vile word that comes out of their mouths either. Every time someone makes a dumb move its Paul’s fault. I’m not a fan of everything he’s doing either but they all have free will and can do what they want. I really can’t stand weak people and this BB is loaded with them.
Paul’s intention is cruel. He’s instigated some of the nastiest bullying this season. That in itself holds blame, but I agree with you – the rest of the house guests did not have to do what he said. There are a lot of very childish house guests this season.
Paul telling Josh to “turn it up” back about a month ago was enuff for me.
You just don’t taunt someone like that….. then send your ape cuz you’ve got SMS (shortmansyndrome)
I don’t think these people even finished Middle School!!!! LOL
Matt is delibrately giving up his chance to stay in the house and fight so Raven can. If a member of your family gave up an entire summer of work and family to try to win $500K then just threw it away because of a little tart (no brains, no beauty, no ethics, no morals, shrieking nasty-mouthed fishwife, whose main talent is thinking of a lie on the spur of the moment and deep-diving under the covers), who is arguably one of THE most unpopular houseguests of all time…I’d think they’d be disappointed and rip him a new one when he comes out.
Wait until he gets back home and finds out she was nothing but a lying grifter. I can’t believe what a sore loser he turned into once his back was against the wall. I’ve lost all respect for him in this game. (I only had a little to begin with). To give up half a million dollars for someone you really just met is absurd.
Don’t forget he was also giving it up to Paul. Matt didn’t come to play BB, he came to take a break from _____________ (fill in the blank). He didn’t play the game at all, wasn’t interested in winning anything, just Jury House which he owes to his leader. At least he gets compensated for his break. Matt’s intentions was never to win.
All this ridiculous behavior from Raven, I thought she was there to bring awareness to her illness? Her and Matt deserves each other.
1)Josh wonders if Paul is playing all angles and dismisses it………wow, you had a moment of intelligence and then it disappeared.
2)F*ck Alex for taking away Kevin’s food! Production gets mad at Matt for breaking the rules, but sh#t like throwing away a person’s only food source should be cause for punishment as well.
3)I can’t stand the way Maven are so entitled and act like spoiled brats.
I don’t think I’ve ever had a season of BB make me this angry/sad/frustrated (other than BB15, of course).
Sorry you’re frustrated. Hope you enjoy the day. Maybe see a bulldog on a skateboard.
A bulldog on a skateboard would be pure awesomeness!
Spot on. Josh has moments of clarity, but they’re fleeting. Mean Girl Alex never gets any consequences. Raven is more entitled than Matt, who SAYS he understood Kevin’s game move. Raven’s just shocked people aren’t just letting the “terminal girl” win.
This season is angering a lot of people..
Houseguests upsetting one another is within the confines of the game. It is left for how viewers perceive such a houseguest. Production won’t interfere. But breaking the big brother rule is a different matter.
IMO. Alex is busy targeting all her focus on Kevin. Paul is lining the house up to take out Jason. She will never see it coming.
11:10 PM BBT – Alex tells Paul and Christmas that she’s fine with going up as a pawn next to Kevin and she’ll throw the HoH comp. After she leaves Paul and Christmas discuss being stunned at her willingness to do that.
Alex is showing how dumb she really is! Who really offers to be a pawn and go up on the block? Dan Gheesling who was one of the best players of Big Brother will throw 1,000 reasons why you should not put him on the block. I said before it will be Alex and Jason on the chopping block after Matthew gets evicted this week. If Alex does not win HOH and she seems willing to lose HOH to please Paul then, she and Jason deserve to be evicted!
Alex is going to be locked in a room for 24 hours. Come out crying and thanking everyone. Let Josh know what a good kid he is. Hug Kevin and tell him he’s a good father. HOH and veto winner Raven agrees to use the veto on her and Paul goes home.
… in an alternate universe.
It gives Jason a chance to play the veto.
Jason don’t deserve it. But Alex is really a dumb player.
I was asking myself “Is this Alex”? Sure her fans will be shocked and disappointed at her. Even Paul and Christmas are stunned.
Sadly Jason will be going home unless he wins the veto. I just wish it will be Alex that will be evicted on a second thought by the house leader.
Alex is such a bitch…
RIght??? Super bitch
Right now she deserves to be voted out, I like much more Jason Kevin duo than her dummy cocky a$$….
They all have bad sportsmanship. They all dug in on Cody and Jessica when they weren’t playing the game, guess when its Matt they could care less. This whole gang up on someone to demoralize them is dumb. Yeah do minor stuff to get them off their game and people on your side but at this point there is no point with so few people. Alex wake up you need jury votes. The worse person Paul has in final 2 is Jason. Then the votes diverge otherwise Paul has this locked up.
I doubt Jason will make it to F2. Just when I was beginning to like him as a player he said that vile comment about raping Kevin’s wife while Kevin’s daughters would be tied up and forced to watch. My opinion of him dropped drastically.
Did Jason really say this? Do you know why he did? That seems to be out of character for Jason, and especially since his wife is pregnant.
It was supposed to be a lighthearted remark but there is nothing lighthearted about rape.
Yea, I haven’t liked Jason since he said Cody was just using the show as some sort of way to get PTSD benefits from the government, whatever that even means.
That makes zero sense. Jason is none too smart!
Ya no way Jason is getting there unless he is winning every comp to end of season but for votes Jason is probably most liked next to Paul with Kevin coming in 3rd. This jury is going to be bitter and Alex hoping comp wins is her ticket to 500K is sorely mistaken.
Alex’s problem is she does not know Paul is her enemy.
So Kevin has replaced Raven in the Joshmas/Paul F4? Hmmm. Paul (as Wheel Number 3) might want to rethink that.
Kevin may be preferable to take to F3 at that point, given he has no comp wins to boast, nor a following. Not to mention Kevin definitely won’t get jury votes from Alex, Matthew, or Raven – but Paul might.
Paul could easily win the comp at F3, if allowed to go to F3, and then would cut either Josh or mas.
Paul should rethink that. Besides, if Paul wins at F4, he could be tempted to take Raven over Josh or mas to F3. If he sends mas to jury, she’d probably vote for Josh to win over Paul in F2, if she was bitter, or even Kevin (same for Josh)… But if Paul takes Raven…??? Idk…
Would be tempting for Joshmas to take Raven to F3 over Paul. Just saying.
Christmas, Raven, Josh Final3. Who wins?
Raven’s bat shiite crazy, Christmas has only played half a game while being a full time b!tch, believe it or not, Josh has redeeming qualities.
If you look past a dozen or so of his un-redeeming qualities. Even Hitler loved animals, but I’m not grilling hotdogs with him Labor Day.
Xmas probably can’t compete (well), Raven is Raven so I guess Josh gets to pick.
Choose well, Josh – jury management isn’t your longsuit. Lol
I would vote Josh. He does have moments of insight only to second guess himself. I don’t want to see Raven get one extra dime.
Codys head exploding from witnessing Josh win will be a moment.
…second only to seeing a bulldog riding a skateboard!
For you. Have a nice day.
Thank you! I love it!
Oh, it looked like Josh on a skateboard for a second.
He’d probably prefer that to Paul, who he hated week one. If not for three weeks of safety, this would have been a totally different game this summer.
Nobody… nobody wins. Somebody might get 500 K, but nobody wins.
With Raven and Kevin at F5 with Paul and Joshmas, Josh might be tempted to flip on Paul if he wins HoH.
would be funny to see alex on the block and paul win veto and take kevin off
How does he manage that jury vote??? Ha ha ha ha.
he will just tell her he said wrong name
Steve from season17 wouldn’t fall for it. Alex might.
He said he may not vote in the jury.
I meant Alex vote (and/or Jason) since Paul would be double crossing them :)
If production were smart (which we know is asking a lot), they’d give Matt a true penalty. Every time he violates a rule, BB should play a loud annoying horn over the PA. Just one long blast that goes on for minutes at a time. The way to penalize Matt is to make life hell for the other HGs enough that they tell him to cut it out.
Better yet, take away money from his stipend each and every time. I wasn’t a Cody fan yet when he knew he was leaving he didn’t pull this bull shi@. Neither did Mark. Matt called Jason a pussy bit@h yet he’s showing us that he’s the biggest one if BB history.
There’s probably a legal/contractual prohibition against reducing his stipend.
I’m sure there is but it would serve him right.
no I think that there are certain items they have to pay for such as mics if they are intentionally damaged I believe i ……I want to think if I remember correctly that they may be responsible for a portion of the food bill but don’t quote me on that
I’m not convinced he’d be smart enough to have read his contract
Matt is exactly what he called Jason plus a big brat. He didn’t play the entire game, was Paul’s puppet… He wouldn’t make a move or say anything unless he had Paul’s permission.
Now he is on the block, he is throwing a tantrum. At least Cody has his integrity, he played at the same time letting them know he wasn’t a fan of this group… walked right out without giving anyone a hug or a goodbye… Took it like a champ.
I agree and I’m not a Cody fan. Mark also knew he was going and didn’t behave like Matt. Its so funny too because a few days ago Raven asked Matt should they go and talk to Jason about being OTB. Matt said, ASK PAUL! Lmfao that these people are so stupid.
Many criticized Cody’s behavior in the house. Now we can see one of the “gentlemen and lady” react for being left on the block (without gang up aggression, no pots and pans). Another picked a glass when he was insulted with his children.
Compare those to what Cody and Mark has to go through in respective isolation for weeks. Instead, some focused on their reactions.
The HG’s should all vote out Raven and due to the penalty votes against Matt, Production should just send his ass straight home instead of Jury!!!
I would love that!!
He should get a penalty for each day he breaks the rules. Yesterday was one and today should be another. or kick him out so future players won’t try doing the same.
punish the whole house everytime he violates hn rules
No, you can’t punish the whole house.
A simple solution, that would be explained to all of the house guests, is in order.
For EVERY have-not rule you break, you will receive one penalty vote. Once the number of penalty votes exceeds the number of voters in the house, you will be automatically and immediately evicted. The HOH then has the OPTION of whether to nominate another house guest for eviction or simply leave the remaining house guest on the block to be officially voted out on Thursday.
That will end all of Matt’s BS.
why can’t the whole house take a punishment each time?
courtesy of matt
I like these new rules. Send them in to BB for next year permanent rules. Can use as temp rules now. GREAT!!!
He would have enough votes to evict before the week was up, which is on by me.
Just take all the cereal out of the house. He’ll be in the fetal position crying like a baby.
NO cereal in the jury house either!!!
Can Alex freaking go next week?? What a c*nt she turned into out of nowhere!! Jason win veto and send her out!!
Nah, she’s always been like this.
I think her true colors are coming out now. Jason needs to realign himself.
I still say Jason & Kevin F2 :-)
Josh is a sucker! And Alex is awful even more so than Jessica… At least with Jessica there was no pretending. Alex is a jealous, mean toad.
Did the other houseguest ever wonder every week it was a mob mentality, they pick one and focus on that person? Did they ever think one day it would be their turn until Paul wins?
I really think they forgot they were playing Big Brother. And when it got down to it, they weren’t prepared for the game because they were vacationing for the last two months.
I am becoming more and more concerned with the “violent theme” that had built up this season. The toned down edited parts that make it through the final eyes of CBS shown on tv is the other equally big concern. I really am concerned for our youth that watch and have been bullied and now see it playing out live with adults. I’ve been a long time watcher of bb but I am re-evaluating my continuing. I know you hear me.
CBS doesn’t care…it’s all about ratings. They loved Evil Dick, who had real anger management issues, and even brought him back again. Bad people is not their concern, just $$$.
I agree – although I will still watch. I watch the show with my husband and stepkids. When they laugh at the cruel rhetoric and bullying we usually have to pause the show and we talk about why personal attacks on someone’s appearance is never OK, and the difference between bullying, badgering, and arguing about the game. It sucks that we have to do that a lot this season. But we all love the show and we love talking strategy and who’s playing well and who we think should win.
I suppose…but this is really a bad season to appreciate strategy, when the strategy has been setting up ambush attacks on people, and just talking crap. Really an ugly season of Big Bully, where “setting up” people to ostracize and bully is all I’ve seen. There’s no Dr. Will here.
Really a lousy season of Big Bully. Paul, Xmas, and Alex are simply nasty people, and Paul has proven it two years straight (before he put on his phony “friendship Paul” act last season). The rest are just stupid to the core. Stupid and nasty is not a fun summer watch, nor is it impressive strategy-wise.
Paul is the only one who had strategy. People who sign up for BB know what it entails. For crying on loud, this isn’t Romper Room. (Though with all the blubbering and whining this season I’d often wonder).
Strategy, yes. But his strategy has been to sick Josh and others on people, ostracize them, and bully them. Gee, he’s such a righteous dude. Sorry, I appreciated a Dr. Will or Dan Gheesling’s strategy, not Paul’s slimy ways.
I still don’t see him using force to get the other HouseGuest’s to do what they do. Its not his fault that they follow him.
Come on Josh, you getting it! Paul is a snake …get him out!
A little off-topic but how will it work if Christmas makes it to final two or three and she can’t compete?
Who knows. Jeff Probst would have kicked her ass off the island just as fast as the helicopter would have arrived.
She just started working out again. If cast comes off they could have a surprise. However, she doesn’t seem strong in mental comps that require retaining lots of info.
I was wondering that myself. AG said they were not alter the comp schedule.
They had set up comps for her before and I’m sure they would do the same for the final 3 if she is there.
Alex is ridiculous – throwing away food?! I find that so vile. Wish they’d vote Raven out – she is an entitled little **** and they’d do well to chuck her out and keep Matt.
My take on this is that TPUTS should evict Matthew right away for not respecting the game and ask Jason to nominate a replacement for Thursday. Matthew would be sorry he didn’t respect the rules and put his little liar in danger.
ANY scenario that gets Raven evicted is fine with me!
Jason wouldn’t even have to wait until Thursday to nominate.
Jason could nominate paul NOW, no, better yet, At the beginning of Thursdays show.
So, production should prohibit Matt from going to jury (for not following the HN rules) and bring Jessica in his place as she was the 1st one out before Jury…..
Not even. He’s out and America got his vote.
Much better.
I really wanted for him not to make it to jury,especially after breaking the rules and throwing away his game, but now that you put it that way, he can go to jury. Much rather the robot than the skank.
Would never happen. Jessica’s been watching the show and know everything we k ow that the HouseGuest’s don’t know.
Why replace one loser with another????
Alex likes/liked that she has/had control over Jason. Jason’s relationship with Kevin is a threat to her. Jason forgot to ask her permission if he can have a new friend. She has no other reason to dislike Kevin especially to the extent that she has taken it.
Did she join the game to control a stranger or to win $500,000? Ridiculous! Jason is a grown married man with children. Outside the game, more than likely, they will not be friends. His wife is probably not happy with Alex’s treatment of her husband…. nope, it’s strange and not a big brother, little sister thing (not a relationship either), she took it past that.
She’s jus not smart!!
I wish they would vote Raven out just to spite Matt. I hate when players give up their game to someone else. I always thought if someone wants out so that their “showmance” can win they already quit playing and keeping them in is better for everyone’s game. They’ve given up – and it would make them so mad.
Josh is on to something, but Christmas will keep him focused on sticking with Paul. He is mad because Kevin called him a follower, and although Kevin does the same thing, Josh is more of a puppet than any other HGs. Josh has done everyone’s dirty work and taking him may cost the others the game.
Exactly! Josh has moments of clarity but then goes back to being dumb dumb dumb. He attacks Kevin to get a reaction and is then SURPRISED when Kevin reacts. He’s like the odd stupid lab rat you get that keeps going back & getting electrocuted.
Oh gosh, too much to comment on. Wow
Josh has displayed the IQ of a potato thus far. To think that he suddenly figured out Paul’s strategy is just silly.
In this house the IQ of a potato is better that most.
Agree, it is a low bar lol
Don’t insult the potato!!!! LOL
Well, Hey!!!
I’ve seen a TV show before and on it there is an experiment that you can use a potato and some wire to light a light bulb. Maybe that’s what’s happening with Josh. :-)
Meatball is the only one that is “almost” realizing the game Paul is playing. They sure picked a bunch of winners this season.
xmas shut him up though
It funny he remind me of a bad bulb light. It flic on for a few second before it’s off again.
These people are vomitous.
bb, count matts hn violations and violate him out on Thursday and technically evict him, then have jay renom another to go right then live!
just watch this group go crazy!!!! no time for paul to act.
Oh, kind of like a double eviction. Okay, I can work with that.
if a DE was in the schedule anyway, let this be this week and use it to punish matt
why does matt get to have 50 hot showers and 50 bowls of cereal a day yet only 1 penalty?
Cross your fingers. We’re only Tuesday.
Love it!!
That would be fantastic…. that would change the game completely.
Jason can’t renominate another person. Raven would go to jury.
Yup. Bye to the “best showmance in bb history “. Not my thought. Raven’s though.
She’s on for a huge shock at the end of this.
matt evicted on his multiple violations (technical foul out)
then jay put another person against raven. same live show.
I have to laugh! This is a game people. Matt not following the rules shows me he is immature. Raven thinks she is a perfect angel! Raven and Matt act like children!
Well, isn’t he doing this to make sure Raven stays in the game? Isn’t that a strategy?
Strategy is not breaking the rules!
strategy to win a baseball game, ok to beat the catcher with the bat?
I am so over most of these houseguests. Why they feel the need to ostracise and torment one or two others is beyond me. I used to be Paul and Alex fans, but not anymore. All I can think of when they treat Kevin like that is what I would feel like if someone did that to my dad. His family must be sick over this. I was also taught to respect my elders, just as I taught my daughter the same. The game that I love has gotten beyond ugly.
You know it is bad if Paul has commented about Alex’s meanness.
So true!!
I think a lot of people like me were Paul fans last season and not as much this season. I give him credit for staying out of it this time around. Alex has a very ugly side to her.
She really does. I was done with her after the cereal gate with Cody. She shows how mean and stupid she is.
What???? Paul has instigated the crappy mess??? What version of BB 19 are u watching???
That’s my problem. He may not do it personally, but he sure is behind the scenes instigating it.
Absolutely. He has been behind each and every one of these episodes.
I can relate to your Paul feelings. Me too. Loved him last season-hate him this season. But don’t kid yourself hon, Paul was behind that entire fiasco yesterday. He instructed Christmas & Josh to aggravate Kevin and that inspired the first attack on Kevin and it just kept steamrolling from there when nasty Alex got in on the action!
Wonder how he’s going to feel after he gets home and discovers that a whole lot of his fan base is gone.
Well, paul tries to appease his fans by camtalking. Have you listened to paul talk to the camera? I did last night.
In the green apple room at 2:15 am BBT- Everyone is asleep except paul. p is camtalking by himself, well not quite by himself, Toucan blue is in there with p. P is talking, the camera starts to zoom in on Toucan Blue but paul start to chastise the camera for moving away from p.
At 2:40 am BBT- paul is called into DR.
FOR WHAT??? paul is the only one awake!?!?!!!
paul returns to green apple room and continues to ruminate by himself. This talking goes on for about another 30 minutes or so. paul leaves about 2:15 am BBT and goes to bed.
Yep, i saw that. He may try to appease his fans, but actions have always spoke louder than words for me.
paul’s talking continue to use the word, ” gumpy .” paul then says, –
“Life is too short to be gumpy.”
p says, “Hey, someone make a T-shirt of that. I’ll wear it.”
p has been giving out his ‘bits of wisdom.’
pail talks about needing to get a tatoo. a tatoo. a tatoo.
paul comes up with his new tatoo design. The number of days in the BB House. It has been 169 so far. It will be almost 200 in a few days. That’s what the tatoo will be: number of days in the BB House.
Yeah, I know. I doubt many people are buying what he’s selling anymore. I know I’m not. I don’t believe a word he says. He’s a little termagant and I’m really over him & his BS friendship. hahha
Oh, he’s trying to justify his actions, but not a lot of people are buying it. I know I’m not. You know, if he just came right out and said I’m going to be a villain this season…I would actually respect that more. Villains have won BB in the past, but they owned their behavior. Instead Paul acts like a villain, but still spouts off his friendship crap! Puhlease…so over Paul’s “friendship”! ;)
Exactly! There have been a lot of great villains on BB, though I don’t know if any of them have ever taken it as far as him. But at least they don’t pretend. I don’t fall for justifications, ever. I’ve heard enough of them in my life. Own your behavior.
Exactly. Own the bad behavior and I’d respect it. Will wasn’t nice in BB2…but he said it straight out, I’m not a nice guy. It’s nothing personal, but I’m here to win 500K. Evel Dick was not nice, but he also didn’t need a gang to do his dirty work for him. He owned his bad behavior and he still won BB. It can be done… Paul is trying to wriggle around the issue of being a bad guy, but it’s not working. Just say, yeah, I’m a bad guy and,, you know what, I bet people would stop talking about his behavior so much! haha
Paul should have never been the vet brought back this season. He came in second winning $50,000. If bringing in a vet it should have been one that was not in the final 2. IMO I don’t think it’s fair that a final 2 vet from a past season gets another shot at winning BB in a new season. Right now it certainly looks like Paul will end up in final 2 again. He could be the winner. To me coming in first this season and second last season that’s a total of $550,000 in back to back Big Brother seasons. That really sucks for other HG. Paul had total advantage as well. Handing out five friendship bracelets and safe from the block for the first 3 weeks. So far Paul has been the only HG not put on the block. The puppet master is in full running mode and everyone is listening to him with out batting an eye.Get a clue HG Paul is playing you. He’s got a secret alliance with each group.
I’m so tired of having vets on every single season. If they want to bring vets back, do another all stars. Or if they really have to, bring back someone evicted before jury. Someone evicted first or second wouldn’t be too bad if they’re so set on it.
Well, unfortunately I think we can all agree BB is going to always bring back returnees intermittently every couple of seasons. However, I hope they have learned a lesson from this season and NEVER bring back just one vet again because I can almost guarantee you if even one more veteran player had been brought in with Paul…Paul would not have gained control of these zombies the way he has.
Agreed 100%! You’re right, we’re rarely going to get a season with newbies only. At least with a few vets on, newbies have a somewhat better chance. Every season that there have been vets playing since 13, including OTT, there has been a vet in the finals. We all know they have an advantage. But I definitely see your point. They won’t stop with it anytime soon, so they could at least do a few or none at all.
I was just saying a returnee I would love to see come back is Amber Bertroza from BB16. You know the one who (unfairly) had her entire game ruined because she caught the eye of stalker Caleb? If anyone deserves another shot at BB it is that girl. She played a great game and was a terrific competitor…her only problem: Caleb’s obsession.
What do you think? Don’t you think she should get another shot after how she was treated in BB16? I swear BB is lucky she didn’t file a sexual harassment suit. Caleb was beyond creepy when it came to her.. Ugh!
Paul must be getting paid off this year….. maybe he knows something? Maybe Kevin’s pa needs to go have a talk with Paul! Hmmmmfh?
What Paul is doing this season isn’t even a villian. He’s much worse than a villian because he incites personal attacks and then says it’s just a game. Only people who are villians in their every day life go as far as Paul. He’s not learning as he goes, he’s been doing this most likely his whole life.
Matt has a fan base?
No, Paul.
Paul the guy with SMS? Short Man Syndrome?!
Sorry, I was multitasking hard when I replied to your comment and it went over my head. Haha! He definitly has SMS!
And he reassured raven all week veto was to be use on her. Making sure she blow out at Jason.
Yep! He made sure it was a total blindside. But, Matt & Raven are just as responsible b/c I mean hello?? You’re otb, butt you let someone else go up & talk to the veto holder rather than do that yourself?? *face palm* Wth!! ;) That’s just stupid.
Paul is the HOH proxy. To them it’s as good as if they talk to Jason.
I loved when Jason explyto matt how of an insult it is to when you have something someone wants, and you don’t even go to ask it.
Face palm stupid! It’s like a soap opera this year.
I was thinking the same thing this morning. Other seasons – despite devious play – have been so enjoyable and fun to watch play out. These houseguests are so unlikeable it’s hard to watch them in action. I still enjoy BB, but the cast this year is a complete fail. I’ve known a lot of people in my time, but I’ve NEVER associated with people who constantly use offensive language and treat each other so mean intentionally. None of these people deserve to be in the BB house, much less receive any of CBS’s money.
I agree 100%. This won’t make me stop watching, as hard as this season is to watch. I’m just hoping they’ll get a clue and please try to cast better people. I love this game, and i don’t want to see it go to this level.
There are so many viewers out there who would LOVE a chance to play BB, but several seasons ago when casting blew all of them off and went recruiting HGs (who don’t care one bit about the show) is when it all seemed to begin to fall apart. Why don’t they go back to casting people who actually want to play the game?
Although I agree with you, I’m kinda irritated that the bb community is calling this the ugliest season.
I definitely wouldn’t say it’s the ugliest season at all. But it’s not as enjoyable to watch for me as it usually is.
11:48 pm: isn’t that an act to fool Jason and Alex?
Doesn’t anyone else see the “target” is picked on a nd repeatedly kicked while they are down, don’t they realize each one of them will be the target at one point or another??? WAKE THE F&^K UP !!!!
11:48 pm: isn’t that an act to fool Jason and Alex??
Alexis just a nasty person. Hate her!
She turned into a little demon!
I don’t hate her but I feel sorry for the guy who marries her.
LMAO!! I do too, Willie!! That man better have balls of steel and wear heavy duty clothes for as much smacking and hitting she does!!
Can not stand Kevin!!!!!!! As he attacks the other HGs because he is not getting what he wants…
Yes there are several I’d like to get out. But Kevin is #1 Kevin should never been on bb19. Sorry I can’t stand that wanna be gangster
Of all that cast Kevin is your number 1???? Ok. Not for me.
Yeah, me either. I can think of several others more deserving of the bully moniker.
Josh is an angel beside Kevin I guess!!
Lol! I guess. And Alex I guess is just sweet & nice. How dare Kevin be mad at her huh??!! LMAO! To each his own I guess, but I think Kevin maintained his cool pretty well yesterday after all the bullcrap he went thru.
For a Boston mob cop actor with no kids, he did pretty good!!!
LMAO! I know right?? Alex has gone off the chain with Kevin & it’s made her look ridiculous, petty and just ugly mean.
All I can say is this, she makes Jessica look like a angel compared to what she is doing. Yes, I just said that, WTH is wrong with me LOL.
I hate to admit it but you’re right. Ok throwing up. Lol
Here, I’ll give ya a bucket my friend. Lol! ;)
Oooaaaaaaaa! Thanks girl I feel much better now. Ha haaaa
YW. I’m here for ya whenever it gets too much. ;)
Nothing wrong with you; you’re right. I had high hopes for Alex in the beginning, but she’s really gone the other way (IMO), and now she’s right up at the top with Josh for ruining the season for me.
I know. I could not stand Cody & Jessica, they’re looking more & more reasonable compared to the remaining HG!
It’s only because they are gone. Imo they are just as bad as the rest of the cast.
Misunderstood.Kevin is not my #1😡
Kevin attacks other HG??? Out of everyone in this season’s cast, you think Kevin is the bully?? Um..okay.
I know. Weird!!!
Ok. I thought it was me. Lol
I google translate that comment to be sure I got it right.
Ha haaaaa!!!
No Kevin is not a bully. Kevin is a joke. Sorry if you like him
Sorry you like the others better!!
It’s not that I like him all that much.. You said he attacks other HG and I commented on that is all. I have live feeds and all I have seen from Kevin is reactive anger. Kevin reacts to other HG attacks, he does not generally do the attacking.
When you are right I will bow to you. What I meant was when Kevin would almost harass others to get his way…. I may be looking at it with rose-colored glasses.
I was lost. That’s why I didn’t respond. I thought maybe I’ve missed something.
Hahaha. No, you weren’t lost, just confused and in need of clarification, like me. ;)
Thank you for getting it. Lol
Anytime my friend. Anytime. :)
Kevin has/had a great social game all season. Followed along with this group and for the most part voted the way they wanted. Yes, he is a little different but for an older guy he has stood his ground on his own which is way more than what I can say for the rest of the cast with the exception being Cameron.
Kevin isn’t the bully. Kevin has been the one that is more respectful to everyone in the house. I don’t see others going to whoever may have been offended and apologize. It’s Paul and Christmas who is planting ideas into the other house guests heads. Kevin isn’t the one attacking, he is responding to what is being thrown at him. While he isn’t my favorite player, he isn’t the bully in all of this. Anytime I have the feeds on, he isn’t the one initiating things.
Sorry but I don’t think I said Kevin was a bully. After what went down in the last 24-32 hours I may have to call him that! If you have watch the feeds that were on (especially) the last 24. You may be right. he isn’t a bully.HE is a sick person who needs major help You can like any of the HG but like you we are also allowed to have our own opinions.
4:15 pm- The nerve of Josh! When you have a month the size of THE GRAND CANYON, you oughtta not be so sensative. He should be prepared for the possibility of som1 bashing his stupid head in at any point. People have limits, everyone can’t control themselves, his job is to take responsibility for his own actions because you can’t control the actions of the other person.
Agreed MG! Btw, hey girl… ;) So, the house got pretty wild yesterday huh? smh I swear…these people.
Honey! Lol smh. I was talking to fiddle and all of a sudden I saw all those comments coming in above! I was like, WHAT THE?? lol. That aint the end though, I’m predicting more!
Yeah and now we have Matt just flaunting all the rules with no consequences but penalty votes, which is what he wants!!! So basically, production is rewarding him for breaking the rules!!!!
He needs to be expelled from the game like Chima was in BB11 and then they can give Matt’s jury vote to America and we’ll cast that vote on Finale night. Easy-peazy. ;)
Would love for this to happen. Let’s hope AG read us and does it.
IKR. It’s really very simple. Don’t know why Production doesn’t see it.
Let’s give them a call.
Lol! I wish. I’ve sent a message to CBS & BB thru twitter about Matt’s behavior and made that suggestion…maybe a bunch of other people will too.
The girl that you said got expelled, was she black? I saw something on YouTube but don’t know if she was expelled.
Yes she was. Chima got mad and lost her mind after Jeff used the coup d’etat and took Russel & Lydia off the block & then put up Jessie (Mr. Pectacular) and sent Jessie home. Girl just went bonkers after that and ended up throwing her mic into the pool!!! That was that & she was expelled.
Yep that’s what I saw on YouTube but I didn’t witness her get expelled.
It was funny. They called her into the DR and Chima went to sit down and they said “Don’t bother sitting down, you’ll be leaving out this door here”. And that was that. She was out of there. That’s what needs to happen to Matt if he keeps flaunting the rules. You can’t have HG do that. It sets a really bad example.
So when they eat, there’s usually a penalty more severe than a penalty vote? I skipped some seasons. Last I remember was Jenna eating a turkey burger and cottage cheese, but I don’t happened to her.
Since most people do not want a penalty vote, they generally stop. Jen from season 8 didn’t care that is why she broke the rules, but she stopped after the penalty vote. Matt is *trying* to get penalty votes and does not plan on stopping, therein lies the difference. If production allows him to continue, they basically look like a group of eunuchs just twiddling their thumbs as he disrespects the game. They better step up and stop him or they’re setting a bad precedent here.
They may say “surprise, smart azz, you’re not going to jury, you’ll be going straight home!”
I noticed that when Josh was pushing on Mark and Mark started going towards him, he would yell, “you can’t touch me, you can’t touch me”.. Josh’s strategy is to piss people off with the thought that they can’t touch him. One of these times, someone is going to bash his head in.
He’s just lucky someone like a Wiillie Hantz (BB14) isn’t on the show this season… That guy would’ve definitely put his hands on Josh for his mouth.
Matthew was doing the same with Kevin yesterday. He act like a little dog yapping at the big one knowing is on a leech and cannot attack. I felt bad for laughing.
Yes, but Matt actually had a reason for being mad. Josh does it just to get people worked up for no reason.
You know thats right. Where I come from he wld definitely get that treatment. He’d be quiet as a church mouse.
can you imagine that punk ass josh lecturing you?
No, I cannot. See, but I would’ve lost it on Josh a long time ago and been expelled from the game! hehe
he goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on
Josh is so over-the-top offensive I can’t stand to even look at him anymore. I turned off BBAD early last night because his verbal diarrhea was so offensive.
Remove all stipend for folks that refuse to follow the rules. Self eviction via willfull penalty votes could be treated as self eviction via just walking out the door. That ought to get matts attention.
hn has become an after thought on bb due to neglect, antipathy and bb being so lackadaisical with everything. why have it at all? it used to mean something and even fun for viewers. rewards, punishments, contests, pain and suffering. it was a chance to make the hg’s fearful.
now, volunteer for it, hardly announce it and then ignore it!
On a prior season, Food was locked up. Not sure how they got something to eat, probably just so much was taken out for a ‘normal’ meal amount.
Maybe they /BB/ should have been doing the locking up of food all season.
I would vote to lock Alex’s food up because what she did to Kevin.
Maybe Production should call her out so the other HG’s know what she did and then she will have to face Kevin and own up to her actions. Alex, when and if you read this, just so you know we as America have lost all respect for you. I held on to supporting for way too long. I will be glad when you get evicted.
bb let’s the hg’s get away with too much.
they are spoiled brats.
Food used to be locked up because the HG used to compete for food in food comps. Since they stopped that, production stocks the storage room like once a week and the HG have access to it freely. But they don’t need to lock up the food to handle Matt, they just need to expell Matt from the game for violating the rules. He’s blatantly disrespecting the game ad should pay for that disrespect by losing his place in jury.
Do yal think Kevin would put Alex up if he wins an hoh after Jason is gone?
alex is his #1 target-after raven
No it’s Jason.
I would hope so! Kevin’s probably going to outlast Alex anyhow b/c Paul wants to take Kev to F4. I actually think Paul wants to take Kevin to F2 and that is why he is turning all the HG agaiinst him…that would ensure these HG vote for Paul in finale.
Damn that’s smart. I didn’t even think of that. He needs to get Josh out! Can the idea of taking him to f2. He’s a liability. He’s erratic.
Yep. That”s why he told Matt yesterday to make sure he tells all the jury members how shady Kevin is and asked Matt “do I have your vote?” I’m telling you watch… if it’s up to Paul, he’s going to take Kevin b/c Kev hasn’t won any comps. All he has is a social game & if Paul ruins that then… what does Kevin really have to get votes?
That’s truth! Girl how do you feel he should go about getting that grenade Josh out??
I think Paul wants Josh & Xmas in F4 with him & Kevin. That’s when he’ll take out Josh. These HG don’t even see how they’re being played. It just astounds me. And I can’t even say Paul is playing a great game either because of the quality of BB player he is up against this year. Take Matt and Raven for example. When Raven asked if they should talk to Jason about whether he was going to use the veto, Matt said “Ask Paul”. I mean really? Ask Paul is his answer to that question? What BB game is he playing? But ALL of these HG have done that at some time this season, with the exception of Jessica and Cody, and they sucked at the game, so what competition were they?
I don’t think Paul could get away with this crap with some decent players in the game, therefore, until I see him up against people who are in BB to actually WIN IT, I’m withholding my judgement on his game play. What do you think, MG?
Um I do agree this cast is naively complacent but I do give Paul some credit because you are dealing with adults here that are also familiar with the show (most of them claim to me) so at some point responsibility should be taken. I give Paul credit for flawlessly blanketing them with the illusion of trust, not so much the technical aspect. The degree of trust he has established is difficult to obtain in this game, you remember Alex and Jason didn’t in the beginning. Trust is his masterpiece, that’s his strategy. So I give him credit for achieving that.
I’ll give him that too. He has done a great job making all these people think they are his “F3”. But I still think the caliber of player this season is sub-par. Even BB 15, who had terrible people as HG, played hard to win BB…not just get to jury or come in 2nd. This is the first cast I can remember that has admitted they’d be happy just getting 2nd place! That’s why I say they’re not really BB players…they’re just bodies in the house.
That’s all the credit I’m giving him girl. Ya know I made a similar point talking to my sister yesterday. I said I’ve never seen a cast with the goal of just making it to jury emphasized so strongly as I did with this cast. They are very bizarre. One rib short of a slab chile. I commented a couple days ago that I’ve never seen anything like this.
Absolutely lol, at the very least giving an excuse that she’s a pawn.
ETA: On 2nd thought, he wouldn’t do it until the numbers dwindle – UNLESS he finds out she was the one who hid the slop and lied about Raven throwing it out.
I think Kevin would say “I just don’t like you”, lol
Ha! Or “sorry Alex, things have just gotten Wehhhd, not sure why you don’t like me no moh”
It’s according to whether Jason got upset about it and I think Kevin would consult him first.
They should just go ahead and write Paul the 500,000 check. He’s the only one that’s truly playing the game. Everyone else is playing his game for him. And lay off Kevin!
paul will sign that check with clean hands
Poor Kev :((
Time to do away with have and have not’s or make it an automatic ejection if violated.. Additionally, I’d do away with the HOH and it’s room. Instead go back to random voting, but hold a comp once a week to exclude one person from anyone’s nomination.
I can’t imagine BB will do away with HOH since it has been around since BB2. What they should do tho is go back to food comps. I wouldn’t mind seeing that happen again. Those comps gathered the house together in solidarity as they all worked together to get the best food for the week.
the absolute best you tubes are bb19-the saga
Last comment on the matter from my perspective….Its one thing to cuss malign belittle slur falsely accuse or berate a person of ur own age bracket ..that is bad..(Which Cody and Jessica got back as good as they gave ..poor excuse but true)…. But when a man of 50+years is cussed maligned belittled slurred falsely accused and berated it borders on “elder abuse”… It is no longer a game when a HG is personally hurt by malicious acts and words for no apparent reason …except for Pauls amusement…and that is sad because I would guess that Pauls parents are around the same age as Kevin… His parents must be really proud of their son…The excuse ” Its only a game ” won’t hold water in this instance…I no longer support Paul Alex Josh Christmas Raven or Matt for any place other than out the door the rest of the season…That leaves me with Jason and Kevin to root for…but I am on the fence with Jason as to comments he made about Kevins wife and daughters…I understand that he was under pressure in trying to keep his place in a bogus alliance but he was over the top in his comment… Like em or not just my thoughts…
I couldn’t have said it better.
At least Kevin was not in the room when Jason had the wife/family tirade, if that is any consolation to Kevin and his (K) family and Jason’s family.
No, he didn’t hear it but we all did. Apparently Jason’s wife issued an apology on twitter and then made their twitter account private. I can only assume she did this because she was probably getting a barrage of outraged tweets from fans.
You said it perfectly, littlefly. My only hope is that all this bullying lights a fire in Kevin & he wins HOH and makes all of them sweat it out next week!!
I like em. Jason and Kevin have been my picks for F2 for quite a few weeks now. The rest don’t even deserve to be in the game this season.
I couldn’t iimagine seeing my dad treated with such hateful disrespect. makes my heart hurt. he said something yesterday that said it all. alex doesn’t have a job. is 28 and lives with her parents. I have raised 7 kids!
Yeah. I heard that too. I was like “good for you, Kevin!” He has spunk. ;) Plus, I think he kept his cool pretty good yesterday considering the harassment he withstood. I think I would have been expelled!
I feel you. I don’t like Jason either but well put! I still like Paul but I don’t approve of this. Borderline turning me off from him.
I was the saame way, MG. I was a huge Paul fan at first, but this season he has just made me detest him. tr8ppng said the same thing you are right now for a long time until yesterday…she has finally seen the light and is no longer supporting Paul. He is just alienating his fans and I’m sure it’s gonna be a huge shock to him when he leaves the BB house.
That was very well said! I do feel bad for Kevin. He’s in it to play the game. But to play low ball like most of these HG have been doing and Paul being the instigator is appalling. Kevin being a Have Not trying to eat and Alex and other HG throw away his slop. That’s like the last straw. I don’t think Kevin will make it to the end. He is the only decent HG I respect and like. I don’t care for the other HG as they are so immature. They are all acting like children ganging up who the next victim is going to be. Josh is a huge loud mouth pot and pan pounding idiot while Paul pulls all the strings for everyone. Christmas I thought had some promise. She should of been gone due to medical as soon as she found out her foot was broken. Not fair to other HG that she can’t compete in most of the comps. BB19 could of put her in next season. Now Christmas is vandictive beotch. Alex is just like Paul. She really out there loving bullying the HG and making up lies about the next target. Jason I’m not sure where he stands. He seems back and forth to me. Raven should have been gone a long time ago. With her so called physical issues, I’m surprised she has tolerated all these endurance comps. I wouldn’t have the strength with all the ailments Raven claims to have. Matthew should be expelled with all the house rules being broken. With that said I think Megan should be brought into the jury in his place due to all the bullying when she self evicted at the beginning of the season. Poor Megan.
Couldn’t have said it better myself littlefly. Alex throwing away the slop and potentially starving a house guest should be where the line is drawn. It’s one thing to say a bunch of words it’s another to intentionally plan to hurt someone through a form of starvation. What is this the hunger games?? Alex has reached a level of ultimate pettiness and makes Jessica and Cody seem like saints. I was honestly rooting for Alex up until she went rogue all of a sudden and became this seasons new big bad.
Alex has completely forgotten that she needs jury votes if she makes it to final 2. But she has always said she’s playing for 2nd to Paul’s 1st so I guess she’s doing great.
It’s honestly kind of disgusting how the production is concerned about Matthew eating and having hot showers but don’t care that they are trying to starve Kevin. Game or not you don’t starve people or strip them of food. Also Alex is very immature. I will give Alex fans credit and say she has won a lot and has had a good strategy but she has become really mean. Don’t take food, don’t try and “torture” people and do not attack people on personal levels. I know others have done it but she seems to be initiating it…
My thoughts exactly! It’s despicable to see a human being act that rude to someone you’ve only known for about a month. Like really how low do u have to be to take away the only food that has been allowed to a person?? Apparently Alex hasn’t heard the phrase respect your elders. Either that or she hasn’t got a single ounce of empathy in her. JMO
Alex has repeatedly shown that she has no class. You can be a bad BB player or not be good at comps, etc etc. But the one thing you can control is that you always have class. She is completely devoid of it. She may be a good player and nice to watch play this game, but without having class in doing it, makes her unlikeable and unwatchable for me.
Alex is not nice to watch play the game nor is she a good player. She can win comps even though Cody through one to her. But when she wins the comps she’s stupid.
Predictions for F2?
If it’s up to Paul, I predict he’ll take Kevin. I believe that is why he is trying to turn all the other HG against Kev, so they’ll hate him and vote for Paul on finale.
What I’d like to see tho is Jason & Kevin… :)
Or Raven. Who would vote for her on finale night?
Lol!! Which one Thor or one of the numerous others?? haha
isn’t thor the god of lightening?
It’s also the name Raven gave to her “latest” pacemaker. Ugh! Norse Gods everywhere are vomiting into their ale horns!! lol!
irony since lightening strikes run in the family
Matt. Paul only lost by one vote last season…he doesn’t want to take that chance again.
“turn all the other HG against Kev, so they’ll hate him and vote for Paul on finale.”
Absolutely brilliant. Paul deserves to be included amongst the greats if he pulls it off. Dan, Dr Will, Janelle, Paul.
IDK. The quality of player Paul is playing is much worse than any those great players faced. Think about it. Most of these HG are not even in the house to actually win BB. They’re fine getting second to Paul. You tell me even one HG from Will’s, Dan’s or Janelle’s seasons who said anything even remotely close to I only want to make jury… Once I see Paul play against serious BB players, then I’ll give him the credit of being a great BB player.
75 year old Jerry from season 10 would not allow Paul to get away with it so you’re right! Those seasons did have better players wanting to win and not drink beer and look at some boobs.
Edit: Boobs being the other houseguests.
Hahaha! Right, Alf, Ol’ Jerry would have called Paul out on his crap for sure!
In fact, almost every HG from past seasons (with a few exceptions here and there) played to win BB. Even BB 15, who easily had the most despicable human beings/players BB has seen in a long time, were at least playing the game to win BB, not come in 2nd to anyone!!
There is no winner of BB 19…they are all losers…no amount of money will turn any of them into decent moral people..
They should immediately cancel this season and not give anyone $500k. And Paul should never be allowed back. Actually, none of these people should ever come back for anything.
On the next thread – “Matthew Clines Penalty Point . . .”
There is a poll for “US” to vote on what to do with Matt.
There is a little background of what happened this season and another episode in a past season where Chima was expelled from BB.
Take the poll. Make a vote.
10:45 am Chicago – 8:45 am BB Time (?)
ty, almost 77% want expulsion.
Josh is hilarious and adorably unaware about his own abilities sometimes…Props to him for piecing things together, and I think he’s a smart guy intellectually – but there are also times where he doesn’t see/ interpret the whole picture in context.
WHY does Paul need side alliances, despite Josh & Xmas having his back? Because you fools can’t WIN anything legit! Josh won on luck, Xmas had the HoH thrown to her by Paul. Paul needs to insure that anyone else who has the ability to win and take him out doesn’t WANT to.
I’m surprised this recap didn’t mention that Jason talked about raping Kevin’s wife and tying up his daughters to make them watch. And the group laughed about it. I think Josh gave a look or said Jason shouldn’t say that. Jason’s family released an apology (and lame excuse) on twitter for saying such a horrid thing.
Jason has learned about having no class from his mentor, Alex.
I do believe that although he’s said other stuff that some found controversial also.
No…Jason came into the house having no class. I was repulsed by him as a person for the first 1/3 of the season. He would laughingly talk about all of the times that he got chlamydia, all of the chicks he banged, make gross horny comments, etc.
ETA: I started liking him after he calmed down a little and stopped the gross commentary, becoming more adult figure-ish and giving advice to others on how to better carry themselves. Then this happened.
Eww! I didn’t know Jason was THAT bad. There is no one to root for. I was starting to maybe like Josh until he started in on Kevin after saying he wouldn’t do that.
If you were curious, it was at least 4 times according to him :)
wow, didn’t know any of that, must of missed a lot
It was on the live feeds one night about a month ago
I think he learned that quite on his own. Not his first time saying inappropriate things.
It’s official. I am rooting for absolutely nobody anymore and have pretty much lost all interest in the show. Paul is still playing a masterful game, but man…these HGs….they are all awful. Still not as awful as Jessica and Cody by no means, but bad none the less. lol
Jessica and Cody are worse than threatening to rape someone’s wife while their tied up daughters watch, ganging up like a pack of dogs every week to attache a person, intentionally trying to get someone to respond with violence, using a cum stained dish towel to clean the kitchen, saving cum filled used condoms, hiding food, breaking rules, only on the show for the stipend, etc?? There’s absolutely no way you believe Jess and Cody are worse unless you are directly related to Alex.
Agreed. Cody and Jessica are not even close to worse than these males and females left in the house. Cody was direct and didn’t follow the pack, that threatened one and the rest followed. Jessica was loud and in your face but Alex sneaky disgusting ways are far worse.
Cody and Jessica argued with others one-on-one and didn’t need a gang to attack or freeze that person out OR needed anyone to do their bidding. Cody’s social skills may not be so great but never did he want to irritate anyone to their breaking point. I rather a Cody over any of the remaining houseguest (because there is no thinking or second guessing with him; it is what it is).
I totally agree!!!!
I’m rooting for Jason and Kevin to win all the comps. Will keep me watching.
Cameron or Ramses for AFP, or even Megan.
Can do a BB Rewind and evict the entire cast and start over?
Stay tuned for next season ;)
Because we’re not re-doing this one lol…That’s the beauty of BB. Some seasons are hit-or-miss. Personally, I’m enjoying this season.
mmmhhhkay. I thought there was a big mystery. I like BB however, this season was the second worse for me.
What was the worst?
Not 15?? Omg lol, the last few weeks were torture, with 4 bigots (including Andy) left in the house.
I’ve watched (and re-watched) almost all of the seasons except 9 – I heard it was a bad one and avoided it.
15 was the season with racist Aryn and her getting booed when evicted?
YES…and losing her job, as did 4 others
Her name is actually spelled Aaryn and it’s an anagram for Aryan. Smh…that girl’s parents obviously taught her to hate with a name like that!! I’ve heard she has changed drastically since being on BB, but who knows. That kind of hate is hard to just let go of.
They wanted to name her Adolf but the doctor refused to sign off on it.
As long as they keep bringing the show back and Julie still wants to host..will keep watching. My life is set around Survivor, Big Brother, Survivor again. Repeat the next year! Next cast will be full of future all stars and a good one!
I’m crossing my fingers for that too, my friend. I would love a season of returnees! Off the top of my head I’d like to see Zach Rance come back. I’d love to see Alex Willett of BBOTT and Amber Borzotra of BB 16, this time let her play without stalker Caleb there to ruin her game! haha. That’s just three relatively recent players right off the top of my head. Then we can get into the great (legendary) players. If BB can manage to talk them into coming back.
Amber! Good choice. She’s a shark! Zach is both entertaining and wants to win.
Yes, I would love to see Amber come back. She was a great physical competitor, she understood the game of BB and played a great game. Her fatal flaw…being the object of a stalker by the name of Caleb Reynolds. He literally blew her game up with his obsession for her. It was painful to watch.She deserves another shot if you ask me.
Right back at ya…
Has anyone noticed Will’s shirt in this gif?? It says “I’m probably lying”!!! LMFAO! The audacity… Gd I loved him as a player!!!
Look how happy Amber looks. Unfortunately, she didn’t know this was waiting for her. LOL!
LMHO!!!!! Awww Beast Mode Stalker!
Thought you would enjoy this. From 2014.
“fan favorite Judd Daugherty caught up with Big Brother 16
beauty Amber Borzotra over the weekend for some fun out on the town in
Knoxville. Looks like life outside the Big Brother house isn’t so bad
afterall. Though I’m worried about our friend Judd when Caleb Reynolds finds out he was hanging around his “Queen!”
Also, one thing that has actually “helped” me in the past to get a BB fix if I’m not liking the current season is to watch a prior season
I don’t believe for 1 second that ALL these people fooled casting to get on this season. It is statistically impossible to select this many duds. They all share the same dud characteristics: mean, stupid, don’t care about $500k, worship Paul. This season was planned.
That’s the big twist on the twistiest summer tv game show; they hired actors, a few real players and brought Paul back so he could win. Many felt he was robbed last season so CBS wanted to make it up to him…. Joking. They just happen not to do such a good casting this year…… OR was it on purpose?
I think it was on purpose. I do believe Paul was robbed but Paul with power is awful. Paul as an underdog is great.
Well said! I agree 1000%!
Cass, is that you?
Yep, it sure is. R u a Supernatural fan??
Same was said on Survivor when Boston Rob dominated from start to end. The producers wanted to give him the money as thanks for his other great seasons. Sometimes as you said; it just comes down to bad casting choices.
I liked all of Boston Rob’s seasons though. It just seems like nothing compared big brother this time.
Would you say it’s worth watching? I haven’t followed Survivor as closely as BB
I think it’s worth watching but I’m a big Survivor fan. I
Oh – I mean, as big fan, would you say one of those seasons is better than some of the others?
Generally, which seasons would you recommend (I need to wean myself of BB pretty soon)
I’m not a super fan who remembers all the seasons like yesterday. I remember players that I really like. I’ve watched every season except the 1st. Same thing with Big Brother.
I would recommend both John Cochran seasons. 23 and 26. Such a likeable underdog or any Rupert seasons!
Lol, ok then: which players (preferably winners) did you really like?
I’m the kind of person who HATES bad endings, and want to know there is a good/ deserving winner at the end :P
Cochran for sure. His story is really great.
I’d say, Boston Rob, Parvati, Sandra although alot of people don’t like her, I don’t like Tony Vlachos but season 28 was pretty good. Seasons 2 and 13. I can’t think of a season that I didn’t like really.
Alright then, pretty soon you’ll see me on the Survivor forums ;)
Also, any season that has a Hantz familly member is gold!
I really can’t stand Alex. Who in the hell does she think she is? I liked her initially but her behavior recently is beyond the pale. And Jason! That crap he supposedly said about tying up Kevin’s daughters? Do these people realize their families will see and hear this? Disgusting. Kevin is the only one left I can stomach.
This cast is soooo terrible. Alex is a mean girl who hopefully will learn a hard life lesson when she gets out of the house. who in their right mind would want to be friends with her or date her? she would throw them under the bus in a heart beat she is ruthless and I am sure it’s how she lives in real life… she just didn’t become that horrible for this game. its sooooo disgusting… is that what you want to be known for? Treating people so bad for no reason – you’re just making yourself a fool and hopefully future employers will think twice!! I wish Jason (who is no saint either) would drop her. I don’t understand why they wanna throw food out & gang up on those that are “the next to go” how dare all of them. Christmas who has a positive message as a career should be ashamed for her little digs that hurt and not help. What happened to compassion for anyone? Or can anyone be the better or bigger person? I so wish I could get in there and tell all off !!! Raven oh my goodnessss their are no words for her. The mob mentality is horrendous to watch. All of them should be ashamed…… Hopefully some real life consequences will come their way once they are out I the real world… and I don’t want to hear the excuse of “its a game” no they have all taking it too far. I thought better of Paul last season and he was so much more mature and took a little bit of a different stand – now he is just like all of these suckers dancing around in a tutu soooo stupid and trashing everyone sooooo disappointing to see him behave the way he is – true colors I guess.
I actually liked Alex at one point, now she is just being so mean and cocky. Matt is a joke and needs to be thrown out of the game. No jury for him. Big Brother should expel Matt and make Alex go on the block as his replacement this week as a penalty for throwing out the slop. Production needs to reign things in or future shows will have these types of houseguests who think they can do what ever they want and not follow the rules.
Did you guys hear that one of Matt’s nicknames is “Mattress,” since all he does this season is lay around?
That’s a really good one. lol Miss Fiddle’s uniqueness at work, yet again.
Ha! I read it in an article online…maybe they stole it from her. That would be cool :)
I can’t attest to where it originated, but she was the first I saw use it on BBN. It sounds like her creative wit at work.
I can attest to Em using it too. I remember clearly, K, coz I had to clean my monitor that day…again. hehehe She is a funny one that Ms. FiddleDee.:)
Wickedly funny, lol! I mean that with the greatest respect.
I know you do hon. Hey I wanted to thank ya K for yesterday when I was getting a little too invested if you know what I mean? haha. I gave myself a time out & now I feel much better thank you. *hugs* You’re a good friend here & I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you. :)
Now that the mushy stuff is out of the way… teehee.
What would you think of Amber B. of BB16 getting another shot at the game, *without* of course, her stalker Caleb around to ruin her game? haha. I really liked her actually. What about you?
I think she was personable and very pretty, although I’m not sure she would have that much to add strategically. I think she handled the Caleb thing well on the show. I don’t know how she reacted after the show. I don’t remember hearing anything about it, but I don’t do social media at all. It wouldn’t bother me at all to see her get another shot.
I saw that on twitter weeks ago. It’s perfect.
Josh has now provoked 3 near altercations. Should he receive a penalty vote or nomination or is it just game? I’m torn on this one (not that it matters) because is game that goes personal and he has been warned 3 times for the same thing.
Josh is an arse! And he use the same line, “I have not lied once in this game…. Why are you making it personal? I am not an idiot.” His voice irks my nerves, he irks my nerves.
He is now the common denominator is all these fights, regardless who pushed him to do it. So, who is the bad guy? Humph!
He’s the bad guy for sure because he enjoys it. He pushes someone then also says “why are getting aggressive?” after he’s been yelling and cussing them out.
Sad part is he thinks it makes him “cool” AND he is the biggest wimp of all, well Paul is a wimp also; a coward… Without a crowd and protection he wouldn’t dare challenge anyone of them, including Kevin. One look in Cody’s eyes, he would know better, a look at Mark’s body, and he wouldn’t make eye contact, Kevin’s cool guy walk and talk, he would be scared Kevin may have a “family” (the family) and one yell from Jessica, he knows her brothers and cousins are near by.
And don’t forget he is the first to cry saying people attack him.
is coffee allowed for hn’s?
I want to say yes…I think so. I think pickles are too.
I was just starting to like Jason just a little…I know that BB HG’s say terrible things throughout the season..cussing every second…I think I have heard the “F’ word more this season than any other..but..what Jason said yesterday about Kevin’s family was despicable and beyond the pale. Saying that he will “F*** Kevin’s wife and make his daughter’s watch,” was so out of line. Jason is a nasty guy..says alot of terrible things..but this…..I wonder what Kevin will think of his boy “J’ when he watches this back.
LMAO! It’s long after 10 and BB is yelling at the HG to get up, but no one is listening…Hmm. I woonder why? Maybe b/c BB is letting Matt get away with breaking every HN rule and not expelling him from the game like they should. haha. Is BB really surprised that if this pack of HG see one getting away with murder they aren’t all going to try it! I’ve finally seen the day when production has been castrated!
Not sure whether I should laugh or shake my head at the blatant disrespect going on.
This game is rapidly becoming a joke.
I get to some extent that if:
You’re on the block + KNOW you’re going home + you don’t give AF + you have no shame
Then MAYBE saying, I want to eat something other than slop. But anytime I see someone doing it (like Jen in Evel Dick’s season), it just looks like such poor sportsmanship.
Matt KNOWS he’s going home over Raven. I think the real reason he’s breaking all of the rules is that he’s lazy AF and using this as an excuse. Maybe that’s how he and Raven get along so well.
BTW, why can’t Raven sleep in the Havenot room with him, if they just really want to spend every second together?
The HN room is one of the best in years. It even look more comfy then real bed. It’s just to prove a point.
Jason (to Kevin): “I am thinking now, as of today, that no matter what anyone says, unless I hear them say it directly to me, I’m going to treat it like it’s not true.”
*Paul’s game giving itself fist bumps*
Oooo…Jason is treading into dangerous territory, saying things like there’s a “Boss” in the house
Oh my!! Alex tell jason he’s allowed to talk to Kevin but only about cows stuff. Incredible.
I just saw on Joker’s updates that she is calling Kevin a child molester, because that is how he acts and sees Josh’s weakness and befriended Jason? WTF
I’m very sad. I was really loving him. Almost a groupy. But I also heard him saying something like he would F Kevin’s wife. Now the child molester thing. I’m not happy he’s turning like this.
Don’t leave out the part about F’ing her while his daughters are tied up and forced to watch (his words!)
I just read Jason said something about that but I didn’t know if it was true. So it’s true? I didn’t know he was referring to Kevin’s wife and children! So much for me rooting for him! Sick
Yep, I heard it :(
Bullies always start out as victims . You do what you know. Normal people can usually make normal children but crazy people can be self-assured of making crazy children . J is off the governor
I is off the governor? Say what? LOL
Are you referring to Jason as being a victim and then a bully? Or Kevin?
Jason and Alex act like victims and bullies, off the govenor , or out of control, running off the rails on a crazy train. You seem to know Jason so you may have a perspective that I do not . I very rarely say that I am certain of anything. That being said I do not see Jason at Kevin’s for Thanksgiving, Jason needs Kevin’s forgiveness, not yours beautiful
Who said that??? These people are getting more and more demented as the days go on!
I interpreted that she wasn’t calling him a molester, but saying that Kevin is using a tactic that child molesters also use – mental conditioning of their victims so that they don’t see their manipulation
Ok. What about Paul’s technic now?
Kind of the same, but not on an emotional/ non-game-play level. Kevin wants to assert his dominance as “Boss” no matter how it actually comes across to everyone else.
Paul wants to deflect attention from himself and make people think his ideas were their ideas.
And you can see the difference: Kevin is becoming everyone’s target (even Jason talking about cutting game ties), while Paul is strengthening his alliances
But mainly because Paul is lying about things Kevin has said/done, just like he has inflamed the HGs about every target.
WTF is right! Alex is loony!
& how could she say such a horrible thing when her cousin was raped and murdered!!
Is it bad that whenever Raven mentions or cries about her mom being sick, my first thought is: “Is she telling the truth, and are those real tears??” Oh, also – “I wonder if her mother taught her how to perfect crying on command?”
I got a little teary seeing Kevin cry about his family, Jason cry about his new baby, and Xmas crying about her foot prognosis…But Raven immediately just turns me off and annoys me.
I’m tearing every time she talk. But the are not sadness tears. I’m lmbo.
Btw, when I started reading your comment, I was like “Raven’s mom, is that you?” Then I was like, oh no, this person is sane :)
I posted a sarcastic comment the other day saying how poor little girl was dying and all…. I got destroyed in 5 minutes. I won’t do it again. lol.
seriously! How do people not know you on here? And know you were obviously kidding.
I know right!! I made my case bashing raven all the time. Once I said it reverse as a joke and was told to watch the show better, I was a fool. Blah blah!! Funny.
Have you seen the clip of her mom with her doctor?
Is it a new clip? Not sure I’ve seen that. Do you have the name of the clip to help me finding it?
LOL that’s what I just said! I said I cry every time Raven talks but not because I feel sorry for her, it’s because I can’t stand the sound of her voice LMAO
I break into tears every time she talks! Not because I feel bad for her or her mama but because the sound of her voice makes me sick!
She said her mom is having surgery while Raven is in the BB house and will not be getting out of the hospital until after the season is over however, Ravens mom is healthy as can be talking to anyone who will listen trying to convince them her and Raven are not con artists!
Did you see the “Raven Exposed” segment on Youtube? There’s a clip of her talking on a radio show/ news station/ something with her mom right next to her, saying “I’m just so inspired by how much my mom has been through and to now see her doing good and living a happy life” (something along those lines)….And then her mom immediately getting her attention and whispering something in her ear while they were being filmed…
“pssst – shut the F*CK up sweetie!” (not what she said, what I’m imagining lol)
BTW, after seeing her mom a month or so in that same Youtube video, talking about Raven on BB, her mom looks sick…IN THE HEAD!!!
Yeah I saw that one. A few times LOL there is a part 2! did you see that one?
Yeah Raven said at the beginning of the season her mom was in the hospital getting surgery and would be in there the entire summer yet her mom has been online scamming all season! Definitely not in the hospital getting any surgery!
absolutely ridiculous
Sad that I liked Alex in the beginning, horrible person. Matt and Raven obviously suck. These other people are starting to make Josh look normal and nice. I am rooting for Jason/Kevin now, they are the only ones with any redeeming qualities left.
Sadly jason is going downhill since yesterday.
now jay will sell his soul for the money and he knows it
Yeah, I was rooting for him but I have heard he is seeing a lot of questionable things, and also speaking poorly about Kevin!??
And someone commented that Jason was joking around and laughing about women getting raped and their children witnessing it?????
I TRULY hope this is miss info
Go check the new article on tmz about jason.
What a twit!
did you see my comment this morning regarding that?
I’m not sure wich one. I read one how you explain what jason said was horrible but your not ready to hate him yet. I like that post. It made me think. Is it what you refer? Sorry I work by 30 hours shift sometimes so I get delayed in my reading.
boy, she’s getting her moneys worth on that boob job
technically, what matt has cooked could be considered slop
bb, tell him “matt, stop that”
Production should pull a Chima on Matt and evict him straight pass the Jury house with no coming back on the Finale. Let America poll and most votes breaks a tie. That will put future house guests on notice.
I agree! He should be sent packing past the jury house with no money!
all of the house guests are horrible people. where did bb find them? not one of them is root for material. Christmas because of her message I thought would be someone we could cheer for but nope she sucks too. Alex is horrible, Jason who jokes about making someone’s daughters watch their mother get raped – is that necessary to play BB and further his game… no not al all. just horrible horrible people its unbelievable how horrible they all are and sooo scary to think folks like them are walking around with that kind of hate and violence….
I agree, horrible mean mean ppl with the exception of Kevin. Poor guy !
Jason jokes about making someone’s daughter watch their mother get raped?? Yeah, I agree with you! These people are terrible! Poor Kevin!
Seriously, all I really need to say is WHAT A BUNCH OF MORONS!! Unreal!
& Alex being so mean to Kevin makes me sick!
These people are so petty and take things so personal!
I truly dislike these people aside from Kevin and Jason and occasionally some of the other remaining HGs. It’s like I like them one day and I hate them then next day, hate them, like them!
I haven’t been staying up-to-date on the life feeds and I really don’t have time to read. Can someone tell me why EVERYONE wants to rip Kevin to pieces? it seems like this is gone really far.
I wouldn’t vote for Alex if she was the ‘last man standing’!! That’s one nasty lil sociopathic bitch! Despicable and vile! I’d be mortified if that were MY child!!