The Big Brother Houseguests are ready to get this eviction over with now that the Veto Meeting is complete and the Backdoor just needs its target to walk on through. It might not go quite as expected though for most of the house thanks to a plan by Kevin and Paul.
Earlier this morning Paul and Kevin met privately in the HoH room. Paul told Kevin he had a plan for something that could help their position in the house. Flashback to 11:48 AM BBT 7/10 to watch their talk.
There will be just ten votes this week and Christmas has been talking things up that she expects it to be 9-1 against their big target Cody. If it doesn’t go that way then she’s going to start pointing fingers. You can see where this is going, right?
Paul asks Kevin, for this week’s vote when he goes in to the Diary Room to cast his against Ramses instead of against Cody. When Kevin asks why Paul explains it make the votes “come out weird and people are going to start wondering, ‘who the f**k did that?'” Paul believes it will start confusion and no one would suspect Kevin.
Kevin wants to know if anyone else knows Paul is asking him to pull this prank. Paul promises him he hasn’t told anyone and that’s the whole point. Kevin agrees, “no problem. You ain’t got to say no more. It’s a done deal.” Kevin says if Paul gives him his word then he’ll give Paul his and it’s done.
So this will be fun for us to see the votes come out as 8-1-1 on Thursday night. There will be some confusion for sure, but for Paul’s purposes this would be better if Ramses had a chance to vote.
We know Paul is pressed to get Ramses out as he doesn’t trust him, but with Ramses on the Block he can’t pin this vote on him. Instead he may be hoping to frame Jason for this one as he says that’s who could end up taking the heat.
Jump ahead to 3:46 PM BBT as Paul is alone again and doing his camtalking when he comes around to the hinky vote. Paul explains he’s asking Kevin to place this vote against Ramses, though he says Alex here, to frame Jason.
Paul mentions that rumor has it that Jason is trying to shore up favor with Cody in case he comes back through a possible Battle Back. This will support that and put Jason in a bad spot, if it works. I’m sure we can all imagine Paul jumping up and down pointing the finger at Jason while he knows it was Kevin.
What do you think of Paul’s idea here? Will anyone get suspicious or will the HGs just be satisfied to see Cody going out the door and ignore the hinky vote? We may not see just how effective it is until next week’s nominations come around and whether or not Jason finds himself up there.
Great idea. It will likely work just like he thinks it will.
This might be the overplay. First though, why isn’t Jessica voting for Ramses or do they just not care? I know she hates Alex but you would think that Cody would encourage that just so Alex will make a vague effort at not screwing with Jessica and also that Alex might not care other because she is also having the return of Cody in her head. Also, the only loyalty of any sort that Kevin has to anyone is to Alex and he might not want her to feel unnecessarily betrayed by her friend.
Because she can’t stand Alex.
I know, but she has to stay in the house for at least another week (possibly two) and who knows what could happen, but then if Cody returns, he wants to allie with her for real.
Agreed! I think this is an overplay… this is going to bite him in the A**.
If they pull it out, I am ready to give AFP to Kevin just for that.
No way. It wasn’t Kevin’s idea, it was Paul’s. Kevin is just doing what he is told.
Ya, Paul does nothing and tells his Cult Followers to do his dirty work! Lolz! ;-D
Exactly, I’m not sure Kevin even knows where he is.
Like Kevin wasn’t already planning on a hinky vote…..
Paul is overplaying this and it may come back on him.
No doubt. We’ve seen these kinds of moves crash and burn time and again. This will more than likely be no different.
Yep. Big geniuses trying to come out big right off the bat. Those, and the wack jobs that pop off going batty real bad, attacking everybody. Those are out the door first.
Wait until he’s open for noms. New forces will emerge. That’s not peanuts on the line there. Should be fun to watch. There’s still a lot of HGs. Can’t lasso that big of a herd.
I’m hoping that Kevin will start doing his own thing soon rather than following Paul’s lead. He is new at this game, but at his age should be more aware if he is being manipulated. Paul needs to go on the block. I’m hoping for an all newbie game.
You bet! Kevin is the dollar store mafioso in the house. He’s seen plenty of angles and looks like a crafty devil. He’s thinking of how to send Paul packing no doubt. There’s NO “good buddies” in the BB house when there’s $500K on the line. That’s only a ruse.
He is aware to a degree. It’s why he’s gone and told Jason/Alex a lot of the stuff Paul tells him.
Oh, Paul, you’re supposed to be better than this, being the veteran player and all. And yet, here you are, overplaying this week. Those who play with fire in the BB House get burned very quickly. Hence why Cody’s about to be evicted.
Here’s the real question, though. With this new hinky vote that can’t be pinned on Ramses (as he’s unable to vote, being on the block and all), will this take the heat off the kid and put it all on Jason? Or will they both be under fire after this? I can see this going either way, giving Ramses a chance to say “See?! It wasn’t me!” But will anyone believe him at this point? They’re all so freaking paranoid.
And the kid and Jason is big threat in the house why? There’s bigger fish he should be messing with. Jason might dig his own grave. He’s funny.
Might? I think he’s got one foot already there … and leaning in. Funny as a clown!
Then again Paul manages to make genuine connections with people to help him with big moves. Cody simply isolates himself and pulls moves out of his ass without telling ANYONE.
I think Paul can execute it well… why else was he able to convince Paulie to veto him week 2 in Season 18
Oh, no doubt, Paul has the better social game. But that won’t mean much if the house figures out what he’s been up to. There’s only so much you can talk your way out of, and these HGs tend to abandon their teammates at the first sign of trouble. Hardly any of them can be considered loyal this season (with maybe the exception of Alex and Ramses, who stuck by Jillian right up until her eviction).
That depends if anyone is ballsy enough to take him out without being an idiot like Cody.
I don’t see anyone ballsy enough to take a shot at Paul. Maybe…possibly Alex. I’m glad Cody took a shot at Paul even though it cost him an eviction. People need to get Paul off the pedestal … he’s no king. I never liked him.
I mean I like Paul but yeah I think somebody needs to get him out.
Do you think they will figure it out? Sometimes I don’t know about this group. But, its possible they will run around saying see it was Jason the entire time. But maybe Kevin will accidentally blab to a few more people, in advance, about their being a hinky vote.
Kevin already pretty much gave it away to Elena – told her someone might throw in a hinky vote – It’s in Branden’s Monday Daytime Highlights. You must have ESP — or . you’ve just been seeing Kevin’s big mouth going off.
I know, I read it, that’s why I said maybe he will blab to a few more people which I am all for btw. I also wonder if Elena can put it all together.
I don’t think Kevin can keep a secret. Whether he tells someone before or after the actual vote is the question.
Weak sauce. Rattle things with an Alex vote. Wotta piker.
The only way that this can blow up on Paul is if Kevin tells people. But why would Kevin do that.? Paul is the only one that knows that Kevin won the $25k and voted for Jillian to leave.
Kevin told paul that stuff? I thought he would be smarter than that.
Yep he told him.
and you can damn well bet that as soon as Paul gets a chance he will tell everybody else in the house Paul is a douche bag,and sooner or later everyone in the house will know it, him and Cody are both douche bags
He trust him, and it’s mutual. I watched their convo, It’s interesting Paul is molding him to be his F2. He quizzes him on HG’s eviction dates. Q/A comp and stuff. I think Kevin accepted his role as Paul’s runner. lol I don’t see anything wrong if he gets to F3 or 2. He’s also naive on the game…but this is BB s**t happens.
I been thinking the same and I wonder how long it’s been happening. I wish we got to see the first week when they’re first getting to know each other.
It’s still early, but they are the only ones I’ve seen on ‘feeds that are getting close to solidifying an alliance. Most of them are not playing the game especially the guys. Paul think the guys are a bunch of ‘duds’ lol He’s more scared of the girls. I think he’s right.
In Branden’s Monday Daytime Highlights, Branden says that Kevin slips up a bit and tells Elena “the vote will be 7-2”.. and then says “someone will just throw I a hinky vote to get more DR time”.
So guess what.. Is Kevin smarter than a 5th grader? Maybe not.
He’s a blabber mouth then and will blow up his own game. I have a brother that does that all the time! :oD
I think Paul is testing kevin bcz he doesn’t trust him. Other than that I see no reason for this. Paul has complete control of the house and can get out whomever he wants. If he’s testing Kevin, it’s genius.
He may double cross Kevin also. I wonder if Kevin is considering that?
I think that too.
Whatever the outcome might be, it will bring ‘chaos in the house. For my viewing pleasure/$5.99 a month?..hell yeah! hehe
Have the feeds been lively? Hell yeah need more fruitcakes popping off!
And the HGs were worried about Cody?! The one they should have been worried about the WHOLE time was Paul (who Cody tried to evict), but the HGs are playing right in Paul’s hands. Should have listened to Cody.
If Cody had played it better and stuck with his alliance or just told them the plan, it would have turned out so differently.
I agree it would have been better if he shared his plan….but, ultimately, his alliance (the couples) should have stuck with him instead of dumping him, which really just put Paul in power. NOW, Paul is already planning “hinky” moves with Kevin. And, guess what? He’s not sharing it with the couples EITHER! Nice going, couples.
I think it was a combination of his secret plan that went against his alliance and his acting like a king so I don’t blame them for getting rid of him. But, I thought they would realize that Paul also has to go too and they mostly haven’t it seems like. That is just Cody’s thing, to plan stuff and not tell anyone, it hasn’t worked but he keeps doing it.
No, his alliance are weak. Even if he would of told them that his plan was to backdoor Paul, they would of tried to talk him out of it. They are weak .. Elaena and Raven are useless, Mark (who I like) is weak. I think he wanted Paul out so bad, he didn’t think it through all the way. Paul lucked out with that Temptation necklace that kept him safe for three eviction. I think Cody could of convinced most of the house to evict Paul if the plan would of worked. That was probably his plan all along.
I think this game is fixed to keep Paul in as long as possible. JMO
Let’s play “what if” . What if Paul couldn’t save himself and was on the block against Jillian? Cody convinces most of the HG to evict Paul. What idiot would not want a vet out of the house week 2? That moves shakes up the house and sends a message that the big guns can be evicted at anytime.
Would’ve been a brilliant move.
Cody’s problem was trying to play the whole season in one week, and not trusting anybody else.
That’s what I am saying. I was practically yelling at the tv for him to not keep this a secret. But, I am not sure it would matter because he is also selfish, mean and just borderline psycho for me.
Really, tho, Cody just doesn’t have the relationship maturity to be good at this game. His game would be chess – no talking.
Paul? He’s safe. Why targeting him now?
I agree 100% jimbo. Bunch of weak HG’s we got this year. They are so far up Paul’s ass,and so afraid of him. If Paul didn’t have the Temptation necklace to save his ass, he’d be gone and Cody’s plan would’ve worked perfectly. Even Paul was surprised no one was going after him week one.
Oh and Josh, he’s a disgrace to manhood. He needs to go next.
Dominique is so confident that she is in a good spot.
Cody just may win biggest BB moron ever. What a chump .
Paul calm down. You don’t have to think 3 or 4 moves ahead all the time.
If Paul is trying to put a target on Jason’s back (as if there weren’t already a big one there), it makes no sense asking Kevin to vote for Ramses. What would be the point of Jason voting for Ramses? What would a vote like that accomplish? And it’s certainly not believable that he would vote for Alex, who has gone far out of her way to try to help his game. This has all the earmarks of a stupid plan.
Maybe this fairly innocuous move is a way for Paul to see if Kevin will betray his promise not to tell anyone about it …. and true to form, Kevin already told Elena that someone might throw in a hinky vote. I believe Elena will tell Paul. Paul never forgets.
It would show Jason doesn’t support Paul alliance. And he’s scared to vote against Cody in case he would win a battle back. He is just putting a target on Jason.
I think Paul will have a target each week and may try to convince others to target him/her instead of “getting blood in his hands”. Paul needs to go, so any stupidity from his part is great.
I think if your only moves are to play dirty you need new moves. I just don’t respect it.
I love you! ♡ You always say the same things I am thinking and feeling. :-)
Do anyone see what Evel Dick has been saying!? He said that Production is definitely helping Paul and that Paul probably never really won the first thing from America. CBS paid good money to have Paul come back… they guaranteed him 3 weeks safe, plus that other game show “Candy Crush”!!
Also he said Paul’s family sent him a coded letter and warned him of 5 players. ….the rest of the things Evel Dick said was so hilarious and right on……but I can’t repeat them here cause they may ban me! Lmao! ;-D
He says some Cruel funny awesome Sheeett that’s true about Hg’s from this season and past ones.
If CBS wants to rig the game they have no need to send Paul a coded letter. They would just tell him in the DR. Come on, we all know he was sent back and got the protection from the producers. I don’t like vets returning. Most of fans ask, beg for a season of newbies. But I guess marketings/producers see it differently.
Let’s just enjoy the show!
Evel Dick is the biggest d-bag in Big Brother history. He had the biggest anger management problem I ever saw — and CBS loved him. Didn’t watch the show for three years or so, including the ending of his season. I hear a lot of people make that threat but I seriously said screw CBS after they kissed his ass, didn’t reprimand him (then brought him back). I don’t mind jerks — I liked Russel Hantz on Survivor! — but he was a more than a jerk. He was just as bad dude.
I don’t believe anything Evel Dick has to say.
To me, my opinion, Christmas should not be allowed to go back and forth out of the house. Big brother is a social experience of only living in the house with no outsid contact. Just the house and just those people. By leaving and seeing the outside. Meeting different people, it’s breaking the experience, the game.
Depends on the situation. Christmas will likely be closely guarded, with transpo to be highly tinted so she won’t be seeing much of the outside, and outdoor contact will be limited to a few medical professionals who’ll look after her.
In the end, if worse comes to worst, then Christmas would end up having to be removed from the game to allow for her recovery.
Although, in hindsight, being in crutches didn’t stop a certain housemate from winning his season, but who knows?
Watching some BB after dark on POP and the feeds at night is extremely boring. These people are not as exciting to watch as season 17. I miss the cooking and games. I miss the nasal twins, and Johnny Mac.
I don’t care just as long as that assjack Cody is sent packing.
I have to laugh… Paul is really controlling this game so far! Makes for great entertainment! Not a word about “friendship”!!
They all think Paul is fun and games right now. Wait until he is put on the block and gets pissed off and his true colors come out.
Agree! Paul showed his true colors last year. Cody had the right idea to get rid of Paul early in the game. I think things would of been very different if Paul didn’t win the Temptation power necklace, which entitled him to stay in the game and not get backdoored. Lucky little fucker.
I find it interesting that so many people don’t like it when vets from previous seasons come on the show. If anything, they come in with an automatic target on their backs and have an uphill battle to win. I think BB figures it works with other shows like Survivor to bring back popular show vets so they do it for BB too. I don’t really mind it because it adds another twist to the game. Also, if no one selected that first temptation (at least 2 people did and Kevin got it!), Paul would not even be in the BB house this season!
They need to get Paul out soon or he’s going to be sitting in the kings chair on finally night.