Big Brother 19 Live Feeds Week 9: Monday Daytime Highlights

Josh fighting with Kevin on BB19

Wow what a day, what a day. The Big Brother Feeds have been raging since noon as the Veto meeting lead to furious outrage by this week’s nominees and that was just the build up to what became so heated between two other HGs that Feeds have cut for far too long. We were offered a quick glimpse of the HGs and were assured that at least for now, one of them was still in the game.

We’re waiting for things to return, but in the meantime catch up on today’s chaos because it’s coming in heavy and fast. Mondays are no joke on Big Brother so you won’t be disappointed in this action.

If youā€™ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

Big Brother 19 Live Feed Highlights ā€“ Monday, August 28, 2017:

9:15 AM BBT – HGs are getting up for the day.

10:15 AM BBT – Jason and Raven chat in the kitchen. He’s discussing things back home.

10:40 AM BBT – Kevin and Jason having the morning Walk & Talk.

10:56 AM BBT – Feeds cut for the Veto meeting.

11:59 AM BBT – Feeds are back and coming in hot. Jason didn’t use the Veto. Matthew & Raven are the final noms.

12:00 PM BBT – Raven is shouting and screaming. She’s furious that Jason didn’t do what she thought he said he was going to do.

12:05 PM BBT – Matthew has Raven outside to calm down. She’s still shouting and says she’s going to go insane on Jason. Paul comes out and tries to calm the pair. He claims he’s as shocked about this as they are. (Not at all true.)

12:10 PM BBT – Jason is out of storage. Matthew and Raven confront him in the kitchen. Shouting match grows louder and louder by Matthew and Raven. Jason isn’t fighting back much at all.

12:15 PM BBT – Matthew continues to shout at Jason calling him a “b*tch.”

12:20 PM BBT – Matthew is still going and drags Jason’s family in to it. Josh cuts him off and says not to make it personal.

12:25 PM BBT – Raven outing that Jason had thrown Kevin under the bus this week. Shouting match continues.

12:30 PM BBT – HGs calming down and sitting quietly in awkward silence.

12:40 PM BBT – Matthew wants Kevin to admit he voted against him this past week. Kevin gets angry and says he voted out Mark. He wants Matthew to ask everyone else the same question since they’re all present, but Matthew doesn’t. Arguing goes around about who did it. Everyone denies it.

12:45 PM BBT – Raven says she’d rather play a horrible game and be sent to Jury than to be a liar.

12:55 PM BBT – Matthew has gone swimming and Raven was called to the Diary Room. Jason comments that could have gone better.

1:00 PM BBT – HGs discussing what a mess that was. Paul tells Jason he doesn’t have to worry about Jury votes because that’s a long time from now.

1:15 PM BBT – Christmas is comforting Raven in the backyard.

1:20 PM BBT – Paul, Alex, and Josh holding a slam-Kevin session. They suggest he’s lying about everything including family.

1:30 PM BBT – Josh says he’s sick of Kevin and is going to call him out.

1:30 PM BBT – Matthew asks HGs to vote him out. He says he’s going to earn penalty votes for breaking the HN rules.

1:36 PM BBT ā€“ Kevin tells Jason heā€™s not upset because heā€™s not on the block. Kevin asks why Alex is so mad and if itā€™s because she wanted Kevin on the block. Jason says it was because Alex didnā€™t want Jason getting two people turned against him in jury.

1:37 PM BBT ā€“ Kevin asks why Alex is always complaining about every thing he does. Kevin says he never screwed him over. Josh comes in to see what theyā€™re talking about and Kevin says he knows thatā€™s why Josh came in. He says Josh is the sucker and they send him to do their work.

1:39 PM BBT ā€“ Kevin says when he gets to jury heā€™ll make sure no one votes for anyone but Jason. Kevin says heā€™ll tell everyone what Alex said and did the whole game.

1:40 PM BBT ā€“ Kevin says everyone left in the game dislikes Alex worse than him. He says everyone thinks heā€™s being manipulated by Alex. He says theyā€™re not going to hate Jason after a few weeks in jury.

1:45 PM BBT ā€“ Kevin asks Jason if the two of them, Paul and Alex still have their deal. He asks why that has deviated. Jason says it hasnā€™t. Kevin says he just doesnā€™t understand why Alex doesnā€™t trust him. Kevin asks Jason if heā€™ll tell Alex to get off his back.

1:47 PM BBT ā€“ Kevin leaves and Jason talking to himself says he doesnā€™t think heā€™s in that bad of shape still. He says he thinks what he did today was still the best move for him.

2:00 PM BBT – Josh is upset that Kevin didn’t wash his hands after going in the WC. HGs suspect Kevin was sneaking food in there. Earlier Kevin mentioned to Jason that he wasn’t using the toilet when he went in there so he didn’t need to wash his hands.

2:05 PM BBT – Raven blames Kevin for why Matthew is getting evicted this week.

2:15 PM BBT – Alex is working on Jason to convince him that Kevin is bad news for his game.

2:20 PM BBT – Christmas is yelling at Kevin for asking if she was going swimming. He says he meant if she’d go sit by the pool. She’s using his comment as an excuse to fight with him. He’s getting angry in response.

2:21 PM BBT – Josh starts in on Kevin and is calling him out on the $25K. Kevin denies getting the cash. Josh tells him to swear on his kids. Kevin gets very angry. Lots of cursing going back and forth here.

2:22 PM BBT – Feeds have cut and come back as the fighting between Josh and Kevin escalates.

2:23 PM BBT – Josh continues to antagonize Kevin. Kevin rushes the counter between them, grabs a glass, and Feeds cut.

2:56 PM BBT – Feeds return for a split second to show that Kevin is still in the house before going back to Fish then turning to the PetCams for extended downtime. Yikes.

3:26 PM BBT – Feeds are back! Kevin and Josh are still in the house but obviously not near each other.

Find out what happened next in our Monday Night Feed Highlights Report with the rest of the day’s events.

What a mess. We had to wait over an hour for Feeds to return. I imagine the HGs were getting a serious lecture on how to behave because it’s been disastrous recently and not always in a good dumpster-fire kind of way for Big Brother 19.

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this yearā€™s Live Feeds which means itā€™s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

Gallery: Live Feeds Highlights


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  1. I wish i could be there when these people watch themselves back with an unaltered cut of everything. Then see if they feel justified in their actions and thoughts.

  2. The show gotten lame after Cody & Jessica evicted. No one has balls to stand up for themselves.

  3. Maven is right, Jason is just a chicken, he has no balls. He should just tell Maven the whole house knew the plan was to fool them and they were never putting Kevin up. But Jason is scared and he will take the blame…

    • how do you figure Jason has “no balls” – he never promised anything to Matt and Raven and they certainly never asked him personally what he was going to do – they are dumb playas! The whole house is not the Hoh- so who cares what they want

      • It was the house plan to blindside MAVEN, but MAVEN does not knows that. Jason is taking the blame for it. MAVEN means 2 votes against Jason in the end if he makes… Paul is winning again, I cant wait to see Paul`s DR laughing of how stupid Jason is

      • That’s not true! Josh, Christmas, and Alex wanted Jason to take Raven down and put up Kevin. They lobbied hard for that to happen, but Jason resisted. They planned to blindside Kevin and Jason and vote Kevin out. Proud of Jason for sticking to his own plan.

      • And Paul is right away comforting Maven, and Christmas follows suit with Raven later. Covering their tracks and throwing Jason under the bus that they had no knowledge.

      • Yep, Paul is massaging those Jury votes. Maybe Cody will show them how stupid they were in blindly following King Paul.

      • No. Jason had a plan and stick to it. The house knew the plan and blindsided Maven. Jason is bold enough not to own up to his part than try to shift blame. Maven should be asking other HGs if they had a wind of Jason’s intention. Instead Raven is blaming Kevin who is simply playing his game (when she is not) from being backdoored.
        Read a comment she wanted to call out on the HGs but Paul told her to be smart about what she says, and she cowardly kept quiet. Maven are the naive players.

      • But isn’t that why Cody & Jess are gone? Cuz they did what they wanted to do? Well Cody did. Jess was blind with trust. Silly!

    • It’s BB! The house guests get pissed because people aren’t “honest!” Seriously? It’s BB, people! It’s a given that people are gonna lie and flip the script!

      • As I stated once before. The whole house wants to evict you and you want to evict the whole house. You have to stretch the truth every now and then to get to the end but these self centered idiot’s are what is wrong with this season. Think how much better off they will be if and when Paul leaves. YES ALL ROADS LEAD TO PAUL.

      • I don’t mind lying, that is part of the game. To out right gang up on and intimidate
        people is unreal. I would blow up and tell theses people to $@# off.

    • If he does that he will have the entire house against him for throwing them under the bus than just two people that probably wouldn’t vote for him anyway. Imo

    • Lanza. Jason has stood up to the entire house and refused to throw Kevin under the bus. Doesn’t sound like a chicken. More of a Rooster move.

    • I thought he just didn’t want to make the others mad? It’s a b itch move to go your own way and get the blood on your hands only to take everybody else down with you. He wanted HOH and he’s taking the consequences like a man

    • He may be the only person right now with some balls. I mean he went against what Paul and the “House” wanted and did what he thought was best for his game….FINALLY

  4. It looks like Jason is finally growing a pair. He actually stood up to others who were trying to get him put Kevin in. Now if they can get Josh or Christmas out that would break up Paul’s threes one plan.

    • Then why didn’t he put up Paul! Jason had the second chance to dackdoor Paul! Wow! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

      • Because Jason thinks Paul is good for his game? Just because you don’t like Paul doesn’t mean that Jason made a bad move. In his mind final three is him, Alex, and Paul. People’s hatred of Paul really blinds them to the game being played.

  5. Get rid. Of the moron Josh.. he thinks he deserves to be here and touts his genius status. Observe the idiots of all time starting with Paul ending with Josh.
    So proud of Jason. He should be the all time winner. Kevin his side kick because they are not mean nor stupid.

    • Kept reading comments about how mature Josh has been lately. Looks like that theory is no more!

    • Where are you getting that Kevin isn’t mean. He is a first class ass! He has been back stabbing most of the HGs from the. beginning. He should go out.

      • From the beginning? Who? How? Taking the $25k is not “backstabbing”. Nobody else would have admitted it either.

      • Thing is, though, Kevin already told Josh about this a few weeks ago! He shouldn’t have done that. Now he’s just denying he said it to Josh. But it was Josh making Kevin swear on his kids’ lives that got to Kevin more than the calling him out on it in front of the others, when he’d told Josh in confidence back at that time.

    • Yeah, so proud of the guy willing to tell his sidekick that he’ll “fu$& your wife, tie up your daughters & make them watch” if Kevin puts him on the block,

      Pretty sure I’d never want to be the type of person you’d be proud.

    • Remember, this is Big Brother. Have you not watch this show for past seasons? That is what they all do. The good ones anyway/

    • Where’s all those #TEAMALEX peeps now? How do you defend her actions? Say it’s “playing a game”?

      Jokers: 3:41. Paul-When the time comes, we gotta blow up on him again. Alex-There’s gonna be a 2nd round, dont worry! Raven-Can I do it! NT – Tigrress

      • People can change their minds as the hg’s reveal themselves more and more. Right now I am hard pressed to find anyone in that house to cheer for the $500K. They should send them all home with no winner

    • It’s gotta be tough taking all of that verbal abuse after so many long days in that house. WE gotta send Kevin extra energy. He needs it. He’s taking a lot of undeserved bullets from everyone in the house, and it looks like Jason is buying into the Kevin bashing.

    • That is what they have been doing to Cody, Jessica and now Kevin. Jason is going to be next if he is on the block next week!

  6. Have watched BB since its beginning and this is the worse season yet. Not only my opinion, but everyone else I have talked to agrees. I will continue to watch (or snooze, as it has been very boring at times). I’m sure CBS has already written the check in Paul’s name. Idiot players!

    • I agreed with most everything you say except I don’t think this is the worst season ever. I don’t think I have ever seen a season that had more hgs that loved to fight each other.

    • Sally Jane this is my first time watching the whole series. I hated Jessica right off the bat. But then when I seen everybody falling power around I was like seriously this is how they play the game it ruined it for me. If he wins which we all know he’s going to that’s probably b*******because they were so scared to put him on the Block he wasn’t on the Block once. And why did Jessica hate Alex so much

      • Cody had a thing for Alex, not the other way around. Cody even called Jessica “Alex ” while they were in bed together. Jessica was very jealous. You would think she would have been mad at Cody for that, but no. Somehow it was Alex’s fault.

      • Alex was a smug entitled bitch from the beginning. A lot of people, including myself, overlooked it for a while because she was competitive. The only reason some are just seeing it is because Jess and Cody were still in the house.

      • I’m not denying that Alex has been acting like a twat.
        I am saying that Alex never had a thing for Cody like the poster I responded to suggested. It is also a fact that Cody called Jessica by Alex’s name while they were in bed. That is not Alex’s fault. If he’s going to be mad at somebody for that she needs to be mad at Cody not Alex. Alex probably doesn’t even know that happened.

  7. Do you think Kevin is starting to suspect that his “social game” isn’t as ballin’ as he has been proclaiming it is?

    • He’s starting to see Alex as his biggest enemy. Such a shame because they should be allies with Jason and run the game. Paul must just be loving this. Wonder if anyone who has the feeds has any info on Paul watching the chaos.

      • Alex is an idiot. Kevin still counts as one vote if he gets to the jury house. She is alienating him when it could be a close vote. Assuming Paul is voted out when there are just 4 people, a close vote and one vote can settle who wins! In Rachel Reilly’s season which she won, it was 4-3 and she won by that solitary vote! If I was Kevin, the way these idiots are acting, I would poison the jury pool against them if I got to the jury house.

      • You would do that, regardless of who the best gamer is? You would sway the Jury on the other side? If you’re in the Jury, I guess it’s your prerogative.

  8. “Raven is shouting and screaming. Sheā€™s furious…”
    “….as the fighting between Josh and Kevin escalates..”

    Even Evel Dick spilling his drink on Jens head and she bleaching his cigarettes was still a good laugh. This house is something beyond. Not a game anymore. The House has taken things to a very uncomfortable level.
    Big Brother is an escape not the WWE.

  9. CBS must build a house with sound proof walls, it is so annoying trying to understand all the whispering all the time (throughout the years). They whisper even in the HOH room and storage room….so annoying.

      • Not really… I can never understand a thing when they are whispering even when I turn my volume all the way up.

      • I hate having to turn the volume all the way up to hear what they are whispering…then the camera cuts over to Raven scream-talking, or Jason laughing loud AF.

      • Lmao…… I know….. then I have window open & the neighbours want to know why is quiet then super loud! Lol

      • HAHAHA! My dad was walking by my apartment (I’m on the 3rd floor) and he was like “it sounded like you were in a fight with someone when I was walking up!”

  10. I really dislike Xmas & Paul!! And how stupid is Josh?!! Puppet!! When he looks back, all of them look back, and see how stupid they all were!! Josh makes himself doubly stupid!!

      • Am I allowed? Why wouldn’t I be? šŸ¤”. Christmas, Paul, Matt and Raven talking outside. Paul reassuring Raven she has his, Xmas and Josh vote to stay. Matt says, but I have production vote. Paul says ‘what’? And feeds cut. Comes back a sec later Matt saying ‘they tried to talk me into…’ and feeds cut again. Does that mean anything?

      • IMO. Production promised Matt he would stay. Throw him an extra vote so Raven can go and they avoid a finale night fiasco. her crying and asking the audience for money as a last wish.

      • Makes sense. And the ‘trying to talk him into it’ backs that up. But how do you think the other hg there react to that?

      • Easier win a houseguest will ever get. Just skip the jury questions and have everyone congratulate Paul…Fill in the rest of the time with a montage of friendship quotes.

      • Raven isn’t Paul’s real F2 though, only when he is talking to Maven.

        Paul actually wants to take Xmas or Josh to F2 (whichever one is there with him if he gets to the end)

        ETA: Even just seconds ago, after Paul, Xmas, and Maven were talking by the pool, Paul and Xmas left and after they got inside, Paul whispered to Xmas “We’re so good!!”

      • I think it means that Matt will have an extra vote against him if he doesn’t eat slop and sleep in the HN room. He said he wouldn’t and later said that production tried to talk him out of that. HG’s can get penalty votes if they are OTB and don’t follow the HN rules

      • Too bad the apple tree is gone! Would’ve been good for the pissed off players about to be picked off by production.
        Ok not production…… but it started with a P & I was goofing around!
        Gives me pleasure & I get info from this lame house of creatures!

  11. This house is just insane and makes me hesitant to even recommend BB this year to anyone because I honestly think it’s a bad starter season for anyone who hasn’t seen BB before causing them to think this is how the game is. Josh just keeps jumping into disputes that have literally nothing to do with him and then he turns it into something that is so random. Paul and his allies do not have Josh’s best intentions in mind and are purposely leading him the wrong way to help their own interests. How is it wise to keep hyping Josh up to attack someone, especially after he was in risk of getting physically hurt. They’re just using Josh for their own selfish reasons. Let’s not forget the times they belittle him right to his face and then still talk bad about him behind his back.

    It’s as if Josh isn’t thinking that he actually needs votes to win the game because all he is doing is losing Jury vote after Jury vote. He already didn’t have Cody’s vote, but now he lost Elena, Mark and Kevin’s votes at least – votes that would automatically go to anyone Josh is up against in Final 2 due to his actions regarding Elena, Mark and Kevin.

    Instead of letting things continue to cool down in the house between Josh and Kevin, his so called allies want to pump him up to lash out at Kevin even more, once again for their own selfish reasons. For Paul: this feud keeps the target off his back a while longer as he plays good cop to everyone, for Alex: she just wants Kevin out and will fuel any opportunity she gets and for Raven: she’s taking her anger out on Kevin when in reality the only HG’s responsible for her and Matt’s position are Jason, Alex and Paul because Jason and Alex decided to target her beforehand and Paul not only set the two duos to target each other but he threw the HOH comp needed to keep you guys safe. So, you and Matt being on the block has nothing to do with Kevin at all.

  12. 12:45 PM BBT ā€“ Raven says sheā€™d rather play a horrible game and be sent to Jury than to be a liar.

    SMH… Are you kidding me? She is a huge liar

  13. 3:58 Jason about Kevin “I will fu$& your wife, tie up your daughters & make them watch”

  14. “What a mess. We had to wait over an hour for Feeds to return. I imagine
    the HGs were getting a serious lecture on how to behave because itā€™s
    been disastrous recently and not always in a good dumpster-fire kind of
    way for Big Brother 19.”

    Just recently disastrous. This whole season – despite the last 2-3 snoozer weeks – has been violent episodes. Cody/Paul, Josh/mark and so on. Kevin WAS the voice of reason before – and now he is in on it

    • LOL…Kevin goes from voice of reason to charging at Josh with a glass.

      Later, Kevin (to Paul): “Outside the house I’d crack that M*tha-f*cka”
      Paul: “Homie, you don’t want to go to prison”

  15. Alex threw away the rest of the slop today, and Kevin is looking for it right now…Oooo ok, I feel a little bad for Kevin.

      • She’s pinning it on Raven, when Kevin asked Alex said “Raven didn’t like the fighting earlier, it scared her when you threatened Josh because she comes from a house of violence”

      • Wow, Alex just keeps going to a new low. You’re really gonna use the story of someone’s abusive homelife to sell your lie.

      • She’s actually a REALLY impressive liar, in terms of thinking on her feet, and without any shame lol.

      • No offense but you must be easily impressed then… Alex is terrible at thinking on her feet, deflecting, lying well, etc. Though I’m also a tough critic and I can admit that.

      • Also – I kind of cringed both from a game-strategy point and an exploitation of someone’s (maybe true) life story-point

      • Me too. She’s becoming a candidate for my most disliked of all time. Everything about her is annoying me now, right down to her laugh and her face lol.

      • YEP…It was a little funny though, when Jason was like “WHY the f*ck are you eating THAT??”

      • Fair question – but does it matter? It is bad enough that BB does the stupid slop thing (have not sleeping on uncomfortable beds, cold showers – fine).But that is a person’s food, and for Alex to do that is far beyond game

      • I think houseguests do now. Or they try to transform it to taste good.
        Personally I would add cinnamon to it!

      • Agreed it’s beyond game play…it’s mean, and it sucks enough for Kevin that he’s on slop.

        On the other hand, Kevin has been heavily relying on everyone else to make things for them, and resentment is building.

      • Aww…that’s actually nice of Paul. I feel like no matter what people say, Paul isn’t a mean person. I think he has adapted his game play to the kind of HGs cast this year (extra immature, easily getting pumped up when they feel vindicated, etc)

      • No Paul is mean this season. The power has gone to his head. When he’s encouraging others to go off on people, that is crossing the line into mean. The others should note that Paul can go from your best friend to enemy in a matter of days. They should realize that it can happen to them as easily as it has happened to others.

      • Hmm…I see that Paul will be cool with someone as long as they don’t try f*cking him over. I get where he’s coming from. I also see that the HGs are getting stir-crazy in this house, and Paul is doing what he can to get targets shifted away from him onto other people.

        Also, the other HGs don’t have to listen to him. There have been plenty of times that Paul has discouraged them from calling someone out.

      • When did Kevin try f*cking Paul over? when did Jason? In Paul’s mind it’s a crime to not do what he wants all the time. Paul’s momma is not going to be happy with him when he gets home.

      • Paul has always been mean. Of coruse he won’t be mean to people who are playing on his team. Why would he? But, I have no doubt that Paul is mean in RL as well.

      • Who threw it out? I thought Raven did. My God, they are making me crazy and I’m not even there.

      • Cody. Earlier reports that Cody was up, awake before everyone else making slop and cleaning kitchen even tho he wasn’t on the slop eating list.
        Oh, wait. He’s not there anymore to make it.

    • Really? Wow, this is just ridiculous. What throwing out one of the only things a HG is allowed to eat have to do with game. She should get in trouble, I don’t understand how Production could let that slide. It would’ve been funny if Production calls her out for it over the intercom. She can touch other HG things, but let someone touch the cereal or coke then you personally attacked her.

    • It’s so disgusting to see how Paul’s alliance actually think they’re justified in their behavior towards Kevin. At this point, the HG true colors such as Alex who is one big bully are starting to shine bright. The other HG were quick to call out Cody and Jessica on their actions yet they fail to take a look at themselves with throwing away the only food Kevin can eat as a Have Not and snicker as he walks around. What is this, Big Brother or High School? I’m in disbelief that Production hasn’t stepped in to stop Alex from throwing away and hiding the slop, but they can give an announcement about Matt’s penalty vote.

      • Big Brother IS high school, it’s the workplace, it’s any place where people have to utilize strategy, politics (power/ pecking order/ networking), and social skills to try to get ahead and get the “prize.” It’s called a social experiment for a reason.

        I emphatically DON’T agree with Alex’s treatment of Kevin…it’s beyond game play, and juvenile. I don’t respect Kevin’s game play, but as a human being I feel bad for how he’s being treated. Especially with the slop, and calling out his “shuffling”…I had a little lol though when Kevin humored Alex today and started over-exaggerating big horse-like steps to ask Alex how he should walk.

        On a game level, I’m glad Alex is making herself a bigger target.

      • Also, did they give an announcement about Matt’s penalty vote? I’ve been waiting to hear it!! :)

        I like that Kevin said, “what about upholding the integrity of the game?” (in reference to Matt saying he will just start going against every BB rule).

  16. Okay, I am going back to my earlier suspicions, the majority of this is staged. And will not be surprised if Kevin doesn’t have all the kids he said he does. That from another live feed I saw a month ago.

  17. Kevin for this season win anyone?? At this point there’s really no one else to root for

      • Paul (like him or not) deserves to win. He is the only one really playing the game amongst this group of miscreants

      • Makes sense – both think they can win a vote over the other. Like him or hate him, anyone voting on who played the best this year – should paul get to F2 – the vote is paul.

        Even today, he has everyone at each other’s throats and maven doesn’t suspect him at all. SMH

      • Screaming, dishes thrown, accusations made..and Paul is probably cool as a cucumber watching all the chaos.

      • That’s why Paul needs to go NOW!!! The hg’s will pi$$ around, not do anything, and then he’ll start to win comps!!!!! Dumba$$ hgs. Smfh

    • It’s who I want to win after the crap today. Sadly it will never happen unless BB steps in, I hope they do.

  18. What a mess! I am sorry one of our favorite shows have sink to this. I am thinking BB HGs should be chosen more careful since this one has gone from nasty to beyond nasty. Kevin and Josh both need to sent packing

  19. If every argument Josh has had this summer has resulted in threats of physical violence against him as he said, maybe it would behoove him to alter his approach a little.

  20. Jason is inadvertently HELPING Paul’s game, masking Paul’s ties with him and Alex and putting a bigger target on his back.

    By kicking Josh out of the HoH room to talk to Kevin privately, when everyone else is downstairs, now he looks like they are scheming. Alex is coming across like an unhinged time-bomb…and just lied about Raven throwing out the slop (this lie will catch up with her). AND Paul is helping Raven figure out that Alex was the 2nd vote against Matt (not telling her directly, but expertly walking through the logic of who would have been that 2nd vote).

    • Yes- this. People think “yeah for Jason- doing his own thing,” but in reality, he is being played. I don’t for one minute think that Paul is all that about getting Kevin out today. I don’t think he minds if that is how it plays out, but Kevin is a pawn in his game. Because:
      1. Jason not putting Kevin up loses 2 jury votes (Matt and Raven) and possibly a few more from others who think he is “shady.” If he makes it to F2, then its good for whomever is standing there (Paul hopes it is him).
      2. Jason not putting Kevin up pits him against Alex- who hates Kevin. If Paul has any chance of making it in that game, the duo must be split (or better yet both taken out).
      3. Jason not putting Kevin up alienates Jason against the rest of the house- making him a target
      4. Its impossible for Kevin to NOT know that he is a target now. Jason can’t compete in the next HOH. Kevin could win, but not likely. In order to stay in the game, Kevin is going to have to cozy up to someone. Guess who? Oz- the man behind the curtain (aka Paul).
      5. Who cares if Matt or Raven goes home. Paul- nope. Paul thinks Raven is a liar and Matt is just- well you know. I am sure he has a scenario where he gets to F2 with either of them, but its not his preferred option. And if he were going to work with one, it will be Raven, who is not likely to go this week. And if so, so what.
      This is Paul’s game. He thinks 3-5 moves ahead and has contingency plans. If Jason had put Kevin up this week, it would not have worked as well for Paul. Sure Kevin would have went home, but we still have the pair in place (M/R).

  21. Wow I am so disgusted with the behavior of this cast. My son loves to watch this show and I am using it as an opportunity to teach him about respect, responsibility, being accountable for actions and not telling the truth. These cast members have no remorse for the things they say to insult and throw shade on someones family. The sadness of this is that one person(Paul) has the whole house wrapped around his finger and commandeers everyone’s actions and reactions. He instigates and manipulates others into making and saying unbelievable and disgusting things. I hope this house figures it out….real soon! The reality will be when they leave the house and have to be accountable for their actions. The truth is that yes this is a game but viewers are really getting a taste of what these people are in the real world. Just shows you that people will do anything for money and have no regards in the amount of embarrassment they bring to family and friends. We are all taking the walk to bring humanity, kindness, peace and love into this country with all the hatred that has been deliberately pushed into our streets today yet we air a constant view of how everyday people from different walks of life battle, fight and make derogatory remarks to others without any regard. And that’s show biz…

  22. I’m saddened by this year’s house guests. When ever you think they can’t get any lower, they do. Alex is mean, Christmas is mean, Raven is crazy, Kevin is self absorbed, Matt is mannequin, Paul is the puppet master, and I was starting to like Jason again… But Did everyone hear the comment Jason made about Kevin’s wife and daughters? I can’t even repeat the vulgarity of it (rape). If BB is a representation of America at large, we are all screwed…From Sea to Shining Sea.

    • I just caught wind of his comment on Twitter. I’m floored and so disappointed. He was my favorite, now I have no one to root for other than Kevin. He’s being targeted big time, so he will never make it to the end.

    • I agree! Imagine someone saying that to Jason about his wife who’s pregnant? The entire cast has proven that they are all mentally ill. Kevin has been the least aggressive and I may just root for him now.

    • Rape comments like this always seem to rear their ugly heads at around this point in any given season. There is a reason it’s used as a weapon of war… people in the house get pushed emotionally to their lowest common denominator and there it is…

      Am I disappointed in Jason? Yes. Am I surprised? Not really. In a house full of very flawed personalities his was more laid back, more chill, he was the more normal, it’s more jarring that it came from him.

      But surprising? Not at all. The house has been a toxic cesspool for over 60 days, this has been building up all summer, just like every other summer it was only a matter of time.

      • I don’t think rape comments are ever acceptable. Period. Not at any given time or during any given season. And a man who has a pregnant wife and a small child already to say such things is a depressing reflection of our society and hopefully an embarrassment to him when he gets out and watches it back.

      • Of course they’re not acceptable anywhere, anytime, any season. But every single season they non the less bubble up to the surface, Frankie wishing for Victoria’s gang rape, Brittney wishing for Rachel’s… there aren’t any new lows. Just the endless repeat of old ones.

        If there were such a thing as honesty as opposed to “good tv” in the house Jason no doubt regretted the rape comment even as he was saying it. I’m not making excuses for anyone, it’s disgusting, but it’s also not the way America lives and thinks… fortunately for the rest of us we’ve never been pushed to the breaking point in a closed, inescapable environment with people specifically chosen to bring us down to our lowest common denominator for the entertainment and amusement of a viewing audience lapping up every single second of it… and thanking God that we’re better than that.

      • I don’t think I’m better than anyone. I just think rape comments are unacceptable. That is all. Have a nice evening!

      • Shoot. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to leave you thinking that you think you’re better than anyone. It wasn’t my intention at all.

        It was my intention though to maybe point out that these comment pages are riddled with gleeful scadenfreude and the relieved notion that maybe we forget to take the trash out or run the VISA up but at least we’re not sinking to the behavior of the BB houseguests.

        By the time Frankie made those comments regarding Victoria he was fairly universally loathed throughout the BB universe – and Victoria wasn’t particularly popular either. Even so, they were as shocking and as jarring then as Jason’s are today.

      • I like your comment. This bs doesn’t affect my viewership at all…I’m watching a show. I can turn it on, and turn it off…they can f each other up, for all I care.

      • He was joking about having se* with her, not assaulting her. I do agree that it was an inappropriate comment.

      • He was going to tie up his daughters and Make them watch…Sounds like it wasn’t going to just be having sex with his wife to me. I’m not going to argue the inappropriateness of his comments. If you don’t see it or if you feel the need to justify it, please do it somewhere else. I find the comments that he made offensive and it sounds forcible which IS RAPE. I do not believe he would rape anyone, however, as a woman, I do not think this kinda of commenting is acceptable.

      • I’m not discussing what constitutes RAPE on this thread. And I’ll go where I want. Thanks

      • It’s never ok to joke about that. And trying up his daughters and make them watch? That’s rape and never funny.

  23. So… Josh tells Mathew not to make it personal with Jason… then goes on to make it personal with Kevin. BRILLIANT.

  24. Look…a part of me is not surprised at all the drama. When choosing houseguest they to a psych on them. So clearly CBS knew a few will raise abusive drama rather than solid drama. Why? Because that is what reality tv is and like all those in American media…copy catting formats is the soup of the day. They in their bubble figure housewives physical violence is the way to go when in fact we view BB as a fun reality show from the horrors of the world. I am sure the backlash is an eye opener. Esp as these ppl will now be affected by the backlash in their real lives.

    Josh and Christmas are idiots to think that a F3 with Paul guarantees a F2 with each other. How come no one sees they can’t beat Paul in thr end? I guess they weren’t chosen to win in the first place. Why is Alex turning on her own ally Kevin is beyond me.

    Everyone thinks America will hate Raven….that is stupid. She was cray cray but not mean like a few who thinks America will love them. Alex herself should prep herself doe the dislike.

  25. Do you guys think that Kevin has been playing the most truthful game? (Besides a few hinky votes (1 or 2 earlier this season))

  26. Alex’s hypocrisy and juvenile behavior is astounding. She threw away Kevin’s slop and told him Raven did it. So of course Kevin is mad now and venting. Alex then is telling him to get over it and no big deal and just stop talking about it. Alex!! How long did you go on and on about your dumb cereal that Cody ate, even still talking about it after he was gone!! I just don’t get why Alex has to always be going after people. She will have no jury votes if she keeps this up.

  27. I feel bad for Kevin… I loved Josh (lol I know that no one else really does idk) but Kevin has always been my number one player. You have to give him credit for getting top 7 with no wins and no nominations. Christmas and Josh are just followers. If Kevin wins he better take a shot at them and Paul. Go Kevin :))

  28. I feel sorry for Kevin. I don’t like the “gang mentality”. They all gang up on one person. I hate that.

  29. Man, these HGs really aren’t thinking about their long term game. They really should be targeting Paul or Alex, but they’re targeting Kevin instead.

  30. I can’t wait for Alex to get turned on and they give her the cold shoulder.
    And Jaason is so torn. He wants to talk to his friend but he is afraid of the backlash

  31. I don’t get how Kevin said he is a stay at home dad, but doesn’t know how to cook or use a range.

    • Not a big deal. He probably wasn’t always a stay at home dad. And some people generally suck at cooking like me and Raven.

    • Kevin’s wife had the legit job for taxes, insurance and I bet she likes her work. Kevin Said she works 24 hour shifts in the NICU , so I see Kevin as the stay at home dad that drives the kids to school, went to their sports , talked teachers, and the rest of the day hung out with his friends in the neighborhood and at the hangouts. He maybe even did some minor cleaning , yard work, folded clothes but not cooking , dusting, sewing type chores.

  32. Matt is a HN. Not only is he eatting regular food. He just took a hot shower. BB production & producers should get some guts and kick him off the show and not go to jury. He’s breaking the rules and his contract with the show.

    • Josh said that production doesn’t like it at all that Matt is doing that and they went to fish.

      • Such wimp move on Matt’s behalf. They should just kick off the show and tell him he is breaking his contract. Send him home.

        Now Alex is being her nasty self and telling Jason not to help Kevin make slop. When Alex gets back into the real world one would hope she’s a lot of grief for her nasty behavior.

      • Exactly, and not send him to jury, forfeit all money. The penalty needs to be stricter otherwise it’s just disrespecting the game.

      • True, but I always thought the penalty show be more than a eviction vote. Matt has nothing to lose.

      • Do you seriously think what Matt is doing is anywhere close to what Chima did? You’ve gotta be kidding me.

      • Yep! Send him packing and just give America one vote in jury…like they did in OTT! That’ll teach him for sure. They can’t just let him get away with this behavior. And penalty votes in eviction is what he’s looking for so basically they (production) are rewarding him when they do that in this case. This is setting a bad precedent for future seasons of BB.

      • It isn’t going to be a common or ongoing problem. Most people who play this game would care about a penalty vote. So it’s fine as a punishment. Ignoring and not caring isn’t exactly becoming an epidemic for the show.

      • There isn’t much strictness this season. Alex and Raven area always hitting and Paul is always hurting Josh.

      • Josh was eating last week under his blanket. Jessica rarely wore the frog head of her punishment costume.

      • Agreed. This is not right and he should not be able to go to jury and collect money. Let’s hope CBS BB changes some of their lax rules for houseguests next season… puhleeze!

      • First time for everything… this is the first time (that I can remember anyway) that I’ve disagreed with you this season. The penalty vote is enough. He could be doing so much worse than this. I see no issue with him going to jury on Thursday.

      • We should all flood CBS Big Brother with requests for Matt to go home because of this… He shouldn’t be allowed to get away with this crap!

      • Y was Josh never kicked off for all the billing he did. It’s like the house guest urged him on to do it. I remember Alex handing him pans. So he could torment mark. But Mark fought back and Josh didn’t like that. When Josh goes back and looks at this. I hope he realizes what an ass he was and how bad he was used by Paul

      • Exactly! He wants a penalty vote. He wants multiple penalty votes to ensure he goes before Raven!!!! He is not only a terrible BB player..He is an idiot too! He needs to be sent home without a trip to jury if you ask me.

    • He’s been a useless HG all along. Now his true colors are showing.
      Ya know what, say what you want about Cody…but at least he stood it and took it when he was in this situation. he did not quit, even when he was being harassed by half the house. But Matt (who was fine when this happened to Jess, Cody, Elena and Mark) gets nomd with his showmance & he breaks all the rules and basically gives BB the finger! Send him home please. He does not deserve a freaking jury stipend!!

    • I’m not a fan of rule breaking either but people have got to stop with this “Get them out of the game!!” stuff for every single thing that they do wrong. Did you see how much it took Chima in Season 11 to get ejected? She threw her microphone in the pool, damaged expensive equipment, and they still at first just told her to go get a new one. It took a combination/total of like 3 or 4 violations during that one horrible outburst of an incident for them to finally have enough and eject her.

      But you’re suggesting Matt get the same punishment for eating food and taking a shower… come on.

      Breaking have not rules gets you a penalty vote and that’s what Matt got. End of story. He wants Raven to stay which means him going so he doesn’t care about a vote against him. He might as well continue eating well and showering comfortably, because they’re not going to give more than one penalty vote. He could be doing a lot worse. This is not worthy of ejection.

  33. Quote: “Raven says sheā€™d rather play a horrible game and be sent to Jury than to be a liar”.
    Quote after week 4 eviction: “Jessica said seven people looked straight into her eyes this week and lied”.
    Raven was one of them.

    • So did Matthew. And he was scolding Jason for supposedly doing the same thing he did to Jody and Marlena.

      Say it with me now, people – HYPOCRITES.

  34. I knew it, Matt is such a looser. I just don`t get why CBS keeps casting these kind of people.

      • Still pulling to give the AFP to Cameron – hand it to the super fan who’s been suffering through this crap with us and got royally screwed over for a bunch of recruits and a returning vet who was one of last year’s recruit.

      • I see your logic but… it’s America’s Favourite… Player… I’m not saying it’s his fault but for one reason or another Cameron was in the house for 12 hours plus 2 rounds of a Battle Back… how can he get a prize as a favourite player?

        Every year somebody has to be the one evicted first, and as it comes with the territory of not spending much time in the house, that person doesn’t end up as very memorable.

        Also when it comes to being “royally screwed over” don’t forget that Cameron was in a competition that could’ve kept him safe and he admitted to dropping despite being able to last longer because he didn’t want to be the first comp winner and thought he had figured out good odds of picking a good (non rotten) apple. He then had another chance in the Battle Back and in round 2 of that he was up 7-4 on Cody before Cody won the next like 6 consecutive points or 6 of the next 7 points to win 10-7 Or 10-8 (can’t remember).

        He had chances to keep himself in the game.

      • True, but I heavily detest the BB Swap twist because it wasn’t necessary. Plus, I kinda want to send a message to production about giving us recruits who could care less about the rules and the game itself. Give us fans – people who know the game and actually want to be there.

  35. How’s it going for you Paul? Playing the game and turning people against each other are two different things. Paul you should really be ashamed of yourself!

  36. Alex is so dumb thinking Paul cares about her game. Kevin is a number for her against Paul Christmas and Josh. Next week they’ll get Kevin out. Then Jason. And she’ll feel really stupid when Paul dumps her for a weaker player in Raven.

  37. I’m honestly so tired of this season. Drama is fun but the constant fighting and bullying is exhausting. Been watching past seasons of BB Canada lately and it’s so much more entertaining then anything this season.

    • Matt’s immaturity is showing. Why doesn’t he pull an Audrey, find a shirt with a hoodie, and go hide in the garbage can till Thursday. These people are supposed to be adults. SMH

  38. I stopped watching the live feeds all together. I’m paying for all access and a large majority of the time I’m getting fish or rescue pound. Why am I paying for that? All 4 cameras should be on with different feeds, 24/7. That’s the definition of all access. This season sucks.

  39. I hope Kevin wins head of household this week so everyone can see his children’s pictures. then he can put up Alex

  40. What is funny is they did the same thing to the other couples and Raven and matt were fine with it…. tables have turned and they are now mad.

  41. I haven’t seen the feeds at all today or the POV so I might not get the whole story but I don’t get why Jason is letting Christmas, Paul, Josh, and ALEX act like they had no idea this was the way the noms were going to go. It was a group decision! Why is Jason letting himself take all the blame???? Wouldn’t this be a good time to say Im working with Paul?? I don’t get it at all. Jason is coming out the bad guy which is what Paul wants. I want Jason to win so bad but if hes that stupid to let the others act all innocent while he takes all the blame, then he doesn’t deserve to win. Not smart!

    • Actually, I appreciate Jason manning up and taking the heat for his decision. To point a finger at Paul feels like a “devil made me do it” defense, which would lessen Jason’s credibility – in my eyes, at least. Nobody else in the house has shown Jason’s courage – not yet, at least.

    • It wasn’t a group decision as P/A/X have been lobbying hard to get Kevin out. A even told Jason he was going to hurt her game and she would remember when it came time to vote if he made F2.

  42. “2:21 PM BBT ā€“ Josh starts in on Kevin and is calling him out on the $25K. Kevin denies getting the cash. Josh tells him to swear on his kids. Kevin gets very angry. Lots of cursing going back and forth here.”
    How much more cursing can Josh possibly do? Every other word out of his mouth is the F-bomb. The guy’s limited vocabulary is embarrassing and disgusting. And Kevin’s not much better. Ugh.

    • Yeah it’s ugly communication for sure. I haven’t found that Kevin uses that language too often, it’s mostly all the other houseguests.

    • Josh was the one telling matt to don’t get personal when matt throws Jason’s wife. Then he goes on Kevin’s kid.

  43. The group is ganging up on Kevin b/c they (Paul, Alex, Xmas and Josh) all talked about getting rid of Raven and Matt next to split up showmances. But then they (minus Alex) decide they want to get rid of Alex or Jason but Jason ends up winning HOH. So, Jason still wants to get rid of Matt or Raven but Alex, Paul, Xmas and Josh have now decided Kevin is weird, annoying and maybe a cop! Yes, Alex thinks that. So, they decide they want Jason to backdoor Kevin and get rid of him next. But thank goodness Jason actually didn’t listen to Paul and Alex and didn’t use POV. Now that Kevins safe, Raven and Matt are of course angry and the group is annoyed. Raven and Matt are blaming Kevin and Jason while Xmas, Alex, and Paul are acting all innocent. They are attacking Kevin to keep attention off themselves in my opinion. What a bunch of jerks! I just wish Jason would figure the hell out that he or Alex is next! Of course, Id love Alex to get backdoored.She is freaking stupid to think Paul is on her side!!

    • I’m a fan of Paul (still), but this was very well written (very objective, doesn’t obviously take sides for or against Paul).

    • What I would love to see is Paul himself take Alex out. Make him just finally draw his line in the sand instead of playing house with three different pairs.

      • I agree. hes gotten everyone to do his dirty work. thats a coward move. i understand it has gotten him this far but i do want him to make a move himself instead of one of his minions. its crazy that ALL of them are willing to take Paul to final 3 and noone has figured out Paul is in final 3 w/ all of them. Just crazy!

      • Talk about “David” some more then. We could all totally use those updates, you know, about a non existent player who’s just an inside joke for you and like one or two other people.

  44. Anyone notice something different this evening?

    BREAKING NEWS: Raven’s butt cheeks aren’t hanging out of too-short shorts!! This is the 1st time since day 1 of her being in the BB house.

    I’m also digging the reduced number of screeching MAAATHHHHEWWWW!s and overall screeching in general. My ears, TV, and cats are appreciating this new Raven.

    • Raven was called to the DR today, so maybe what you’re seeing is the result of that little meeting.

      • Nope. After meeting them she cool down. As much as this one can cool down. But her cool down last for a big 4 minutes. Producer wrntt out to take a drink!! I don’t them.

      • Uhhhh production waited 60-something days to come to the rescue of our eyes and ears??? NOT cool Production lol

        I was getting the impression that the reason she’s covered up and quiet now is because she has been putting on the “oh I’m so cute, everybody loves me, I can do no wrong” act…but then got the rude awakening this morning that she’s not the House Darling she thought she was.

        Now she’s not feeling so “cute” and is taking things more seriously

  45. Matt, please shave or trim your beard, stop stiken your tongue out like… like you do it, all the time. change your clothes once in a while(after showering put clean clothes and new socks it’s discussing for us that you put those dirty shh. Check the bottom of your feet and tell me yes or no: is it bad?).

    Start to win veto before yelling you play the victim pawn, do something for YOUR game. I don’t like you. I’m not In line with this feeling. Playing the “I loose, I’m a pawn, is worst gameplay we’ve seen in this house. .

    • Matt is so disgusting in so many ways (like the kitchen towel incident), and yet he thinks he needs “cleansing” by 6 hot showers a day? He used the same utensil to pick at various food in the kitchen; I think he wiped the fork before going into another food container/pot, and he did it multiple times.

  46. The “how could this happen to us?” attitude from Matt and Raven is interesting. If you’re not one of F2, this WILL happen to you … that’s a guarantee. And both of these geniuses stated all they ever wanted was to make it to jury. So they’re finally on their way, and they should be happy. So what’s their problem?

    • It’s only okay if they are doing the backstabbing and betraying. Now that the shoe is on the other foot they can’t take it.

    • This was cute…Xmas and Paul were talking about the clouds, and then the camera suddenly zoomed up

  47. The title to this article should be changed to Monday Daytime Lowlights for these bunch of low lifes.

  48. Raven either has really strong or really weak eye muscles…how does she get her eyelids to contort like that??

  49. From BB Cast info on Raven:
    Fun facts about yourself:
    – I can wiggle my ears
    – I love to cook. The Houseguests would never be hungry.
    – I have excellent memory skills
    – I love history
    – I am leader of an all-female ghost hunting group

  50. From BB Cast info on Alex:
    Three adjectives that describe you: Center of attention, hyper, and adorable.
    Fun facts about yourself:
    – I’ve had plastic surgery five times, but only once by choice. (My boobs.) Ain’t no shame in this game, except my parents don’t know, so let’s keep that on the down-low.
    – I am a self-taught crocheter, sewer, and knitter. I make bikinis, blankets, costumes, and all kinds of things from scratch. Thank you YouTube and Google for being the greatest teachers out there.
    – I beat Diablo 2 on Nightmare mode. If you aren’t a nerd, this fact will mean nothing to you.
    – I look photogenic in my pictures but it actually takes me a thousand pictures to find one good picture of myself. I bought myself a self-timer, so I wouldn’t have to be embarrassed to ask someone to take a million selfies of me and I can get one with my eyes open for Instagram.
    – I have beginner’s luck. The first time I played slots at the Chumash Casino when I was 18, I won $4,000 off $40 bucks my mom gave me. I also won $5,000 off $20 the first time I played craps in Las Vegas.

  51. Paul has been after Josh to stir some chit up with Kevin for DAYS on End…But then Josh realized that Paul was using him, & also making him look bad on National TV. Josh told Christmas that he had NO interest in going off on Kevin for Paul, he was done with doing that?!

    But then Josh did so, when Paul told Josh that Kevin had said he was not Smart?! Paul has been behind all of the Discord in the House this Season, and all of his current HG are Non the Wiser. And that is also why Paul has Lost a Lot of Fans this Season, no one knew he had a Mean Streak within him.

    • anybody that looks like the taliban has a mean streak in them,i hate that sob paul its a good thing that, im not in that house becuz i would have kicked the living hell out of that damn troublemaking backstabbing bully

      • This comment should be flagged and removed due to the first sentence of it. I would flag it but I post as a guest

      • First of all the comment was one long sentence. Second, why should it be flagged? Because he said he would kick Paul’s butt? I am sure many feel the same.

      • Re-read the first part, before the first comma. It was discriminatory and prejudiced. Paul’s appearance should apparently dictate his personality? Taliban reference? Come on.

      • My husband hated Paul last year, people forget the first few weeks of BB18 Paul was nasty and obnoxious. My husband watched the feeds and heard Paul constant calling women the b word and other nasty talk. Of course I’ll admit I was pulling for Vic and didn’t care for Nicole and Corey lying in bed all day and rooted for Paul over Nicole. My husband tried to remind me of Paul week 1-2

  52. What’s up with Paul and the tube around himself? He did that last year. Does he think it’s cute? I think that shows his mentality.

  53. Watching BBAD is like watching a bunch of spoiled rotten 10 year olds.
    They all act like children.

  54. Why do these fools feel the need to justify why they put them on the block / use or don’t use the veto. Why don’t they just be honest and say it’s a game and you stand in my way of winning why do they have to sit around talking smack on these people picking fights IT IS A GAME no need to take it that far it really shows what kind of people they are

    • Because they have been deluded by the first temptation of the season who came into the house and deceived them to follow a group order with obligation instead of the HGs playing out their game and thinking strategically.

  55. Once again, Josh is showing his true colors. He can NEVER have a civilized discussion/argument without losing his mind. And Raven…bitch please.

  56. Man I want Alex to be knocked off of her self imposed pedestal.
    And stop playing with your hair! She cannot stop playing with her hair!

  57. Paul – I can’t go on the block, I will go home, you all need to
    Others – OK
    %$#@*&% Idiots!
    Paul deserves the win over his flock.

  58. If Alex wins HoH next week, it is best for her game to go after breaking up Josh and Xmas but she won’t do it. She will go after Paul’s order. Place Kevin and Ravin up and evict Kevin.

  59. So Matt can sleep in a normal bed with Raven, too at least 2 hot showers I saw, and eat whatever he wants and gets one penalty vote? I think after 5 times breaking the rules he should get some of that stipend taken away. These little things BB ignores makes an already bad season worse.

      • The sad thing is, they can’t let him go without worrying about a tie vote at the end.

      • lol Julie at final: “Oh well HG, it’s a tie. You can all thank Matt. The top 2 will split the prize money. Goodnight HG”.

      • They could get a ranking from him as to Matt’s highest to lowest votes. WHen time comes, the highest would be Matt’s vote. If that person is gone, then #2, #3 and so on. Get Matt’s vote as of just before he walks out the door and into the wild blue yonder.

    • I think that’s a great idea, Anjealka, to deduct from his stipend! Matt said he didn’t care; he’s going for 30 penalty votes. Well, ok … then each penalty should be excised from his stipend! I mean, what’s the point of Thursday’s vote – does Julie announce: HGs, there is no need to vote tonight because by a vote of 30 BB Penalty votes, Matt is automatically evicted … collect your things and say goodbye?

      • I like the idea of doing the opposite of what he wants. Evict Raven and make Matt stay šŸ˜œ

      • Either that or the stipend deduction … BB needs to take some action to make him an example to show future contestants what the consequences could be.

  60. An ongoing argument between Kevin and Josh must’ve been something special to listen to… because in almost all conversations, between one of them and anybody, neither one of them ever let’s the other person get a f***ing word in edgewise

    • Josh and Kevin seem fine now, it is Paul that is causing them to fight. Surprisingly the agreement was escalated because Josh used the rights words to make Kevin lose it. Wonder who gave him those words to say.

      • I don’t disagree that Paul’s behind it. It’s probably my most disliked aspect of Paul’s game this season, instigating or being behind stupid arguments. I was just commenting on how Kevin and Josh don’t shut up when they’re talking to somebody. Josh does this most when he’s trying to (under Paul’s orders) antagonize somebody, but Kevin no matter what his mood, even when having normal or positive talks, has a habit of basically diarrhea of the mouth. For example he was talking to Jason outside, who he’s friends with and it was a friendly talk, and Jason could barely get a word in. Don’t get me wrong, Josh still annoys me far more, and Paul, Christmas and Alex annoy me for encouraging and laughing at Josh’s horrendous antagonizing methods. They’re either faking thinking it’s funny or actually ridiculously DO think it’s funny… either one makes me want to throw up

      • Josh is ultimately responsible for Josh. Josh is an expert at getting on peoples nerves. He does not need Paul’s help.

      • Paul tells him what to do. Josh actually said, no Paul I am not going to do that, then turned right around and did as told.

      • I know that. Paul doesn’t have a gun to his head. Like I said Josh is ultimately responsible for Josh. Just because Paul told him to doesn’t mean he needs to listen.

  61. WOW šŸ˜³ Them some good live feeds today/Monday! I have a few comments, observations & questions regarding last night/ Sunday night & Monday day/afternoon……..
    ā€¢ā€¢First Matt outside talking to Paul. Matt says “plus Big Brothers vote” (re: voting to evict) feeds cut. What’s up with that!?

    ā€¢ā€¢Sunday nights Episode observations
    *Matt having a TOTAL Temper Tantrum b/c Alex and Jason stayed up during the HOH competition! Umm someone still needs to be the HOH buddy! So why should they jump so fast? B/c Poor widdle Raven is sad & cold! Boo freaking Hoo! Josh was funny “Now he has a voice!?” No doubt! It was less than 7 mins-ish! WHO CARES!! All right, Matt does!
    AND Matt ACTUALLY says out loud ” hopefully Jason makes a BIG move and puts up Kevin!” LMAO KEVIN??? BIG MOVE???seriously! Where did they find the loser!?
    Between that & how Matt handled the veto ceremony, he sure is a big baby, SUPER IGNORANT & immature! Dude you haven’t played the game ALL season! You are just “happy to make it to Jury!” Soooo STFU!!!! You have been humping Raven all summer instead of playing BB! Matt, I was actually feeling bad for you because I thought one of Ravens 1002 “illnesses” seeped into your bloodstream which made you forget where you were! & why you were there!ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦Until the HOH comp! For the first week-ish I liked Matt (Fav Day 1) but then he simply became a “DUD” in this game! Now that he has to actually Play the Game his true colours shine through. I cannot figure this guy out! I think perhaps him and Raven are a match made in heaven! Gag šŸ¤¢
    ā€¢ā€¢& Raven! She is ja psychotic, crazy lunatic con artist!
    BUT ALSO A BAD LIAR!!!!!!!!!!
    Paul re: Raven in the DR Room I seriously could not stop laughing! She is a Mensa, her mom was hit by lightning, Raven was training for the Olympics, her mom ran a mile in 5 minutes, she has an inverted spine……..Paul ” how do I compete with that, all I have is friendship!?” LMAO That was the Best line ALL season! Possibly in BB History! Too Funny! Paul should win BB 19 just for that comment alone! OMG I am laughing AGAIN typing this!
    ā€¢ā€¢Best/ funniest conversation/question & answer of the Season or possibly ever in BB History!
    Raven (the Stupidest Person in History) is a Mensa! LMFAO
    Paul to Raven: “what was your GPA” Raven to Paul: “dance!!” ROTGLMFAO over and over and over again! šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚
    Is this girl for real!!!! Paul’s face was Priceless! & said it all! WTF! LMFAO! Thank you BB for airing that!!! Thank you Thank you!!
    Come on Raven! How does this girl truly think these people are going to continue believing ALL of her BS!? Sure Raven, Lie about your fake diseases and fake illnesses, lie about being stabbed in the leg with scissors, Lie about all your peacemakers!! Even lie about your mom being struck by lightning or you training for the Olympics! But lying about you being a Mensa!! & “your GPA was dance!” LMFAO I seriously cannot stop laughing! Funniest thing I have heard ever!! How Paul did not burst out laughing blows me away! He is good! I would never ever be able to hold that in and look at Raven with a straight face!
    Come on Raven! Your mom has trained you since the day you were born how to lie! You must know that somethings you just cannot lie about! Seriously! You must know you are NOT the brightest star in the sky! So how can you possibly think anyone would ever believe you!? ESPECIALLY when you give answers like “your GPA is dance” LMFAO LMFAO LMFAO!!!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAAA
    That is some funny sh*t right there!!!
    Anyway, not sure if anyone even read this!? But I went way off topic. I really had some questions and comments but this whole Raven thing got the best of me! I hope there are some good Memes (NOT that Raven deserves any attention but, this one is too good to ignore!)

    • Sorry, super long! Yeah I know! But I went wayyyyyy off topic regarding Raven being a “Mensa” and her “GPA was dance” LMFAO! Funniest thing I have heard in a very long time, if ever!!!
      I can NOT stop laughing every time I think of it!!! šŸ˜†

      • The GPA/dance comment was hysterical. The look on Paul’s face was priceless! Sunday’s montage on Raven was also hysterical – especially her whacko speech patterns … she is a nasty mess; I just can’t come up with a better descriptor of her because it’s all been said so well by others.

      • Yup! Raven is a psychotic lunatic and also a complete con artist that is also a hypochondriac! She has to be the centre of attention always!
        I truly dislike her!
        She is trying to scam America/Canda into giving her money she does not need it at all! And she somehow thinks we are all stupid and don’t see right through her! It’s insulting really!
        But we will have the last laugh when the game is over and Raven realizes she is far from America’s sweetheart! FARRRRRR FROM IT!!!!!
        I said yesterday BB needs to do a Reality Show about Ravens exit immediately after the game.
        Not pay her but offer her “more 15 minutes of fame” with this reality show!
        & this way we can watch her 24/7 over the next 2 weeks with Live feeds with Raven talking to her “momma” and going online & realizing everyone is on to her/has been the entire season and how she has looked like a lunatic & how everyone dislikes her and she is far far from America’s sweetheart!
        See everything unfold right in front of her eyes! Watch her go to her go fund me page and see it is nowhere near the $200,000 she was expecting!
        Watch her go through all the online blogs etc. listing all of her BS stories! Everyone’s reactions! She is going to be in for a very very big surprise! How can she possibly think all of us or any of us believed her!?
        She is Cray Cray and I want to see it all unfold!!!
        I would love to see that happen! I would pay big money for that! LOL
        Again blah blah LOL

      • From my understanding it was suspended and when it was suspended it was around $3700. And they were offering people their money back. That’s what I read however, t is back up and running again (or never was suspended because it was still at $3700) and now it’s like $4400. (Hasn’t changed much.)
        There are so many people that are suckers and have kind hearts so I am very very surprised it is not a lot higher! Especially for the first few weeks of BB, I’m surprised people did not donate more before we all started to put the pieces of the puzzle together and realize Raven is nothing but a psychotic con artist .
        I am happy people did not donate more!!
        And it’s pretty clear Ravens family is the people donating as of late. Some dude named Bruce donated and made a very long comment and then exactly 7 days later he donated again. So a family member or a dumbass LOL
        I think it is no longer suspended. But go to it and report it. That’s what I’ve been telling people to do.
        I would pay big money for cameras to follow around Raven immediately exiting the game! See Raven go check her go fund me page right away and see how low it is! Watch the look on her face! And Raven reading online how everyone knows she is Full of crap! I would love to see that!

      • Right! She is constantly throwing out lies after lies. How does she keep up with them!? Oh, right! She is a con artist and they specialize in line. That said, some of her lies have made heads turn.

      • Psychotic con artist! Crazy lunatic! Trailer park dirty girl! LOL I could go on and on!
        That clip was the best part of this season by far! I have re-watched it several times on YouTube! It’s the best! And I’m glad BB finally did something like that!

    • For about 3 hours Monday afternoon, the HGs lathered up into a screaming match, fluster-cluck in the Kit! Raven went into a screaming spiral over Jason not using the Veto on her; Matt joined in and yelled at him too. Matt & Kevin are HNs, so Matt is so pissed (about the Veto not being used), that he’s going to show “them”, and he’s blatantly taking hot showers, drinking & eating whatever he wants, and sleeping in a regular bed with Raven … he wants to get as many eviction penalty votes as possible. Matt was called into the DR, apparently told to stop breaking the HN rules, and was given a penalty vote. But he’s still doing it, and intermittently BB is telling him to “Stop that” – to no avail.

      • Yeah I saw some of that on YouTube. Matt and Raven freaking out on Jason! What have Matt and Raven done all summer!? Nothing aside from each other! And now they are playing the game! Sorry pal, too little too late! And you just made yourselves look like bigger losers!
        Matt wanting the house to evict him is pathetic! I honestly cannot believe he likes Raven that much & is willing to throw away $500,000 for her! (although we know he would never win, he doesn’t know that!)
        Honestly I don’t really think he likes her as “in a future long-term relationship” but I believe he believes everything she says so, he wants her to win so she can pay off her brand new fully loaded Kia, oops šŸ™Š I mean buy a new pacemaker so she can “live a little longer!” What a joke!
        Matt is going to be in for a huge huge surprise when this game is over! (I wanna see everything when he finds out the truth!) He not only got played and lied to by Raven every other sentence, all season but he threw (what little game he had left) out the window for Raven!
        Matt’s Friends and family are going to be laughing at him for years and years because of this! Matt will probably have to go in hiding due to extreme embarrassment LOL

        As for Kevin, do you know what the deal is there? I know he has seemed super bummed since Thursday’s episode and I know people like Alex and Josh are doing things to hurt him just like they did with Cody, Jessica, Mark & Elena but why? And why is Jason participating? Is Jason still picking on Kevin? Were they doing this only prior to the veto ceremony or are they still doing it to him?
        I hate how they treat people and act in groups/mobs to torment someone! Josh is a huge baby and he would NEVER “have the balls” to say the things he has said to Kevin if he did not have protection by the HGs and BB. Kevin would knock him out!
        At one point when Josh was talking about Kevin’s Family, I thought Kevin might’ve knocked him out when the feeds cut the second time. And Alex is such a little cow! She is evil!
        Jason Josh and Alex give me whiplash. For a day or two they will be pretty cool, funny & friendly but then Paul tells them to pick on Kevin (for example) and they do it! Josh will say he’s not going to but when someone’s arguing with say Kevin, Josh always has to jump in!
        & Alex is just a plain simple biatch!! She just treats so many people poorly including Jason! Jason needs to kick her to the curb (without her knowing it just in case she wins the HOH) and make Kevin his “ride or die!” And as for Jason I do really like him, and I am happy he did not listen to Paul and put up Kevin! Finally someone didn’t allow Paul to run their HOH! Jason made it his HOH. Love him for that! Jason would’ve been stupid to put up Kevin because Kevin is no threat to Jason’s game and he is a number for him (J)
        But Jason runs to Paul for everything and to tell him everything!
        & what I don’t get is how the entire house (excluding of course Matt and Raven) wanted them on the block and wanted Matt gone but everyone has made Jason keep that to himself and not tell Matt and Raven “it wasn’t just jason’s decision,” it was the “houses decision!”
        Jason needs to stand up for himself more! He is protecting too many people. And everyone just sat back and let Matt/Raven go after Jason after the Veto ceremony! I wanted Jason to tell Matt and Raven to STFU & tell them “where to go and how to get there” & ALSO tell them this was NOT his decision alone! I don’t understand why he’s taking the fall for all of it!?
        Anyway sorry blah blah LOL
        Venting away to you. Sorry šŸ˜

      • Jason should have told them that they all knew. It will be his downfall for protecting them.

      • I completely agree! I don’t know why Jason took it all and didn’t call out the rest of his group! Like “come on guys, I have my back! This was not just my decision! “

      • WOW girl! I thought that I wrote long posts, but you win. Great stuff though. I agree with everything you said. With all that is going on though the one thing that remains static is Paul, sitting on the sidelines, not getting his name thrown out there, AT ALL, BY ANYONE!!! The only mention was of him by Josh, after the folks in the DR asked him if he thinks Paul was really with him and Christmas. I don’t really like Paul, but why would production try to blow up his game just because he is going unopposed by anyone? That’s so not cool. Vent all you want girl!!! I always enjoy your posts.

      • That is why I think it is all scripted. we are watching not a competition but a soap opera.

      • Well, the show is called “Big Brother” and the name itself implies that production does try, to some extent control what goes on inside the house. They shouldn’t ask those kinds of questions to screw up anyone’s game though. Even if it is Paul.

      • see I don’t fall for that as Paul had an advantage walking in the door.
        i agree that I should not blame Paul for that yet everything just falls into his lap? Every house guest just bows to what he says? Totally unreal.

      • Agreed. But, again, that’s not Paul’s fault that he is in a house full of blind followers. He just took advantage of that, and ran with it. And it is woking like a dream come true for him. Can’t blame hom for that.

      • My point is that I just cannot believe that all of these people are that stupid. Most of them seem to be functional adults and seem to have a brain yet their brains are turned off when it comes to Paul?
        I could see through that short a&& fraud in a minute. Butt none of them can?
        Come on, all of this is scripted.

      • I just saw that Josh actually put a thought together about Paul, questioning, to himself, why Paul is making these side alliances with others if he is with him and Xmas. But then Josh dismissed it just as quickly!?!? Josh, as much of a meatball as he is, has some glimpses of insight, but then just dismisses them because, well it’s Paul, and Paul is helping them to get further and would never go against them!?!? HUH??? Really??? These people are blind. Paul has them all pitted against each other so strongly that they forget about him(Paul).

      • Thanks hon! I appreciate it :-) yeah, I was confused as to why production said that to Josh. Not cool! But then again, maybe they say things like that all of the time to them. Ask questions like that. You know what I mean?

      • I’m sure they do. Probably plant seeds in all of them with the questions that they ask and the words they use to ask them. That’s BB though I guess. It is “their” game to manipulate how they see fit. And the tree of temptation, what a crock!!! Waste of time. Lettiing Matt stay in the house after breaking EVERY HN rule except damaging makes my brain hurt!!!

      • Raven is mad becauseJason supposedly ‘whispered’ to her when hugging her after noms mtg, that Raven would be taken off.
        Jason somewhat denies whispering that to her and since it was whispered, who would have heard it?

      • Yeah BB needs to do something about this/Matt! Something way more serious than penalty votes! They should kick him out of the game, send him home and not allow him back for the finale! He is completely breaking the rules of this game! Unreal!
        This penalty vote means nothing, especially when the loser isn’t campaigning because he wants the psychotic lunatic con artist to stay! (Or maybe he just wants a week break from her in the jury house) some peace and quiet! LOL but then again, kicking her out will give him a break!
        Matt’s true colours are shining brightly through! He is just as bad as the rest of them! Seriously where did they find this group!!

    • LOL
      You got me over here watching the episode again just to catch that part, I guess my Autopilot mode automatically turns on whenever shes on the screen lmao.

      • Wow šŸ˜³
        I didn’t think anyone would actually read my ridiculously long message! So thanks :-)
        Yeah, I normally tune her out but I was already aware prior to watching the episode (I am on the West Coast) that BB somewhat calls Raven out!
        Sooooo I was waiting patiently for it! The whole Paul and Raven and Menza, GPA, inverted spine, mama hit by lightning, mama holding the record in Arkansas for running a mile in 5 minutes (have you seen her mom?) & Raven was going to compete in the Olympics! And on and on!
        & ALL Paul has is “friendship!”
        Seriously the funniest thing I have seen this season! I am very happy BB FINALLY somewhat exposed Raven! Love it! And it was so funny!
        That clip is on YouTube so you can watch it over and over again! I burst out laughing in tears every single time I see it! Or talk about it! LMAO

      • Yeah, that was super super funny! It’s on YouTube if you want to rewatch it again. I have, a few times LOL

    • I read it. I totally agree about the segment on Raven. It was priceless!
      To answer your question about Matt and BBs vote …. I think he might be referring to the penalty vote he received for eating real food since he is a have not.

      • I was thinking that too later however, Matt made that comment prior to eating or having hot showers etc. he made that comment immediately following the veto ceremony did he not? And why would the feeds cut to the fish when he said that?
        I don’t know, it probably is that but I didn’t think Matt had done anything at the time or was even talking about doing anything at that time. Or maybe he was LOL I don’t know I forgot!

  62. Take that you lil stink, (throwing glass of water in Josh’s face). That’s me telling Josh what Kevin should have! :-)

      • When Josh called out Kevin about winning the $25,000 Kevin denied it. Then Josh asked him if he would swear that on his kids? Kevin had a glass of water in his hands and it look like he was about to bust Josh upside the head with it….then we got fish

      • Josh ganging up on Kevin and feeds shut down for nearly an hour to sort that out as Kevin was about to knock Josh for a loop when he mentioned something about Kevin’s daughters.

  63. Just think, if Jason had just gotten rid of Kevin, like he should have for the sake of his game, all of this drama wouldn’t have happened. Now, Kevin will be there and Jason will be in the jury house within a week or 2, unless he and Kevin win all of the comps. He also managed to hurt Alex’s game since she is associated with Jason. How ironic that she hates Kevin and might lend up losing because Jason protected him. Basically Jason possibly gave up his chances of winning $500 for Kevin. The Boston mob will reward him by not killing his first born. This is all very funny to me. I don’t see anyone of the HGs so incensed that they walked out. No one is making them stay. I don’t feel bad for any of them, not one.

    • But Raven, Matt, Christmas & Josh had all been talking about targeting Jason & Alex once Kevin was out. If Alex can win next week and split Josh & Christmas…maybe she & Jason could make final two? I don’t expect Alex will do this, just thinking.

      • Yes, they were. And now that Kevin is still in the game, the chances are even higher that he will remain and Jason will go. They didn’t want Kevin to stay, but Jason caught wind of it and wouldn’t remove Raven and put Kevin up. Since that happened, now the majority do want Kevin to stay to F4 and they are going to use Kevin to make it all happen.

    • Uh, the little witch Alex is so far up Paul’s behind, she could not see the light of day. She is actually considering blindsiding him in order to further paul’s game instead of her own (or her supposed ride or die). I hope she goes down in flames.
      I cannot stand her cocky, think I already won attitude.

      • Alex will definitely turn on Jason in certain scenarios going forward and it is all because of Kevin. Can’t really blame her. Props to Jason and his big balls to go against the house and take the bull by the horns. Payday is coming, though. Now he’s going to have his hands full of BS when that bull turns around on him

      • My point is that Alex is just a follower of Paul. I liked her at first but now she just does whatever he says. It is like she fell under his spell. Now she has zero original thought. Other than to yap and yap without saying anything. I hope the supposed payday comes to her and her cocky attitude.
        As far as Jason, he lost me with his nasty comments so I do not care for him anymore.
        Lost season as far as I am concerned.

      • Name one that hasn’t made nasty, disgusting comments, or acted in that manner. Yes, some worse than others. What is too far to one HG, might not be to another, same with the posters. That you have to decide for yourself. The only one in that house, that I have a personal issue with, is Raven. I don’t really like any of them, but they all have lied, said crap about the others, and had shady/unbecoming behavior.

      • What was the most disgusting was actually Jason. That I could never forgive. Sick. I would actually rather put up with Cody giving people a dirty stare.

      • So you think he was serious and would ever consider doing such a thing. Yes, he said it and it was a bad look; not excusing it at all. But I think some have said things that they would actually consider doing. Which is worse? That’s up to each person to decide.

      • I would never excuse what he said. Even if he was supposedly kidding it is a sick joke. I would never joke about such things. It is horrible and he will never live it down. I don’t care if he was trying to impress his buddies, it was a sick thing to say. There should be no doubt about that.
        I could understand wanting to beat someones a@@. That I could understand. But to take it to that level? It seems we just keep getting deeper and deeper.

      • I did not excuse it at all. I noticed you didn’t acknowledge the very valid point of whether you think he would consider doing it and that others have said things they most likely would consider doing. That’s jmo. I don’t know these people and honestly couldn’t care less. They are all lacking integrity and moral character, some more than others.

      • I would still never try to justify what he said. Not that you are, as I understand your point. My point is it should never even get to that level. Thus we have an attitude of people on reality tv giving impressions to others. Rape is not cool it is sick and twisted behavior. I don’t care if he is joking or not it is a sick perversion. To go to that level when he did not have to, in my mind shows where his character is. Shame really as he was the only one left I wanted to root for.

      • I was rooting for him also, Dreamer and probably still will, either him or Paul. As bad as the context of Jason’s big mouth statement is, personally, I don’t see it being worse than what others have said that I think they would love to follow through with. No excuses and no condoning. Have a good day, Dreamer. :)

      • I don’t know why I let this stuff bother me. I stepped back, took a breath I just need to have fun and enjoy the show for what it is.

    • Alex is mad because she sees Jason is choosing someone else over her. She is probably thinking that Kevin is Jason’s ride or die over her. Which may be somewhat true. Kevin winning comps…not going to happen. Kevin may actually make it further now because Jason will probably be the new target over him. This bodes well for Paul, yet again, as he has pretty much settled on him, Josh and Christmas as his final three. Jason going next would break up the last of the duos(besides Josh and Christmas of course) and Paul would have control of the others, Alex, Raven and Kevin as they would be alone as none of them can stand the other. As much as I don’t like Paul, he has maneuvered himself into a really good spot.

  64. Wow! Raven would rather go to jury than to be a liar?! Hahaha That little skank is a lie! I can’t wait for to reality to smack her upside her head!!!!! Smh!

  65. I was just watching some more live feeds on YouTube.
    Raven swears A LOT (I am far from a prude!!!) but, her “Mama” needs to wash her mouth out with soap! and HOLY is Raven aggressive with Matt!! Physically and mentall She talks down to Matt A LOT! We know who wears the pants in that showmance!!!!
    There is nothing I hate more (well there is butā€¦ā€¦) than women that talk ‘down’ to their men & ‘treat them like children!’ Especially in front of people! It drives me crazy!
    Why would someone want to belittle, embarrassed and take away a man’s dignity! I would never want to be with any guy that would put up with that! I like men! Not little boys!
    And is it just me? Or does Raven gets dumber and dumber by the day!?! Although she is a Mensa & her “GPA was “DANCE!!” ROTGLMFAO!!!!!!!!
    I am STILL laughing my a$$ off! Tooooo Funny! šŸ˜
    Paul’s face when Raven answered! Priceless! & Paul in DR!!
    HOW does Paul “compete!?!” ALL he has “is friendship!!!!!” Tooooooooo Funny!
    I am happy & loved “The Raven Exposed on BB/CBS Party” on Sunday nights episode! The Best Episode yet , although also the worst episode because we were forced to look at that clown šŸ¤” Raven! But it was totally worth it!
    Bravo BB/CBS!

    • Been away for a few days, but now I’m back. Man did I miss a bunch on BBN. Missed you guys too ;-)
      I will start here with you tinalee. Great action now, huh? At least someone has finally grown a backbone and brain. This will probably totally screw his game, but at least Jason is finally making “his own” moves and not doing what the house, I mean Paul, wants him to do. I won’t even talk about Raven’s ridiculousness other than to agree on the hilarious bit that ABC put together for the Sunday show. And also agree with you on Raven talking down to Matt. REALLY? Raven? Talking “down” to someone? I’ll bet Matt can’t wait to get away from that, and I use this term VERY loosely, woman. If anyone treated me the way Raven treats Matt…see ya’ later B!t(h!!! I have a friend who is like this and I can’t be around him when his GF is there. I always “remember” that there is somewhere else I need to be. Sad because he is one of my oldest friends. I have even told him that, but he chooses to be there, so what can I do? Anyways, see you one the boards…

      • Yeah, we have a few friends like that where their wives or girlfriends talk down to them in front of people. I don’t get it! At all! These guys should be kicking these girls to the curb. It is a huge pet peeve of mine!
        And I am not one to just sit there and listen to women put down their husband/boyfriend! I see things nonchalantly but enough for them to know I don’t like it and that I think they are pathetic for doing it! Hee hee

  66. If matt used his brain a little he would of realized that what Cody said was jason and alex were coming after maven

    • Doesn’t Josh own/run a business? Would you ever buy anything or want to deal with that guy?

      • It a family business selling hair extensions and hair products. He goes to salons and sells products with his family, I can see him doing this. It is Miami , I doubt he is in a suit and tie , it is laid back. Sales are probably based on quality and price, if his family has good cheap hair to sell salons buy.

  67. Can someone please confirm for me… week Jason cannot compete for HOH, but he can complete for POV if he is nominated, right? I saw somewhere that Jason could not compete for anything next week and didn’t understand that. I hope Jason is safe. Get out Raven or Christmas or Alex first. Alex is only on my list because she started out nice and has changed into a mean girl.

    • Jason can not compete in the HOH because he was just the HOH but yes he can definitely compete in the veto comp

  68. Did anyone catch Matt yesterday sitting by the pool (with I think Paul Christmas and Raven) discussing votes to evict & Matt saying he wants everyone to vote him out (MORON!!) and they were listing off votes to keep Raven!
    Matt said: “& Big Brothers Vote” (Feeds Cut)
    What is up with that?! Anyone else catch that?
    Big Brother’s Vote???????
    Has anyone ever read BBs contract with the HGs?
    My husband read some of it yesterday morning & he said that it says something along the lines of “Houseguests are to follow Scripts when Big Brother gives them” & that they “have to stick to the script they were given!” & ” The HGs must follow Big Brothers sometimes planned situations!?!?”‘
    (NOT the exact quote of the contact but pretty much what it said!) I meant to write it down but I will ask my husband again exactly what it said but it was definitely something along those lines!
    & my husband told me a lot of shocking/crazy things this contract says! (Shocking, NOT so shocking)
    It definitely is not the BB it used to be. Sadly! It is unfortunate!!!!!
    We all know/suspected it is somewhat scripted but I didn’t know to this extent! UNREAL!!!!
    The feeds have cut quite a bit lately (briefly) when people are talking about their DR sessions or just production in general. But not cut as quick as BB probably wanted! I have heard some questionable things this year more than other years!
    & I am super curious about what Matt was talking about with a Big Brothers vote!
    And the plot thickensā€¦ā€¦…..Wawa!
    I meant to ask my husband to forward the contract to me. I want to read it for myself.
    I will definitely read more into it!

    • It is fake. they act like jerks and then reap the profits.
      I am now incensed as I have seen enough to know bull when I see it.

      • I love bachelor in paradise LOL I don’t like the bachelor or bachelorette but I like that show. I know it’s highly scripted also! All reality TV shows are.
        Yes, I did watch the challenge and road rules from time to time. Those were good but I’m sure scripted as well just not as bad.

    • Big brother vote was I think the penalty votes he is getting. Jason announced one after Matt ate his first big meal openly in front of the camera. Matt thinks that he will get one vote for every rule break. After he got the vote for eating, he went right to take a hot shower , so he expected another vote. Matt is hoping to get 40 big brother votes or penalty votes so that Raven can’t be voted out. This is what is really against the rules. It is nullifying people from voting. The HG have thought about getting rid of Raven, they were about to flip a bottle top to choose. Now no ones votes matter as Matt gets all these votes. Last night I thought BB was trying not to show Matt breaking rules but feeds cut to him sleeping eating and showering all night (because of stories being told in the other feeds with no waivers signed).

      As for scripted, reality tv is very scripted. They film lots of reality tv where I live and they will ask for extras to act. They came to my kids high school looking for extras to play roles. The roles were total lies and kids wanted to be on tv and I saw the episodes and I laughed knowing it was fake but so many people online believed it. I’ve been on camera when what you think would be honest reality shows but if it takes 4-6 hours to film 5 minutes because of retakes it isn’t reality! Or even as an audience they make you fake clap or cheer even though you don’t like what you are watching. They won’t let you leave if you don’t act the part. Like there is security to stop you. Then the contracts are so crazy long and they give you no time to read. I am no fan of Kate gosselin and read her contracts online. I said who would be so stupid to be on a reality show without reading a contract. Then they were filming in my area and my kids wanted to go and they hand me a 10 page contract , take photos of my kids, and I walked with neighborhood kids, so I had like 8 contracts to sign and it was literally 2 minutes or you aren’t on camera . So I have a bunch of kids do I sign or take them out and make them sad? I thought it would be a quick film but no , again hours of retakes, in the cold and rain on a school night and you can’t leave.
      People say it’s reality tv so who cares, its entertainment , it what I see from reality tv filmed around me that it is making it harder to prosecute criminal acts since they are seen ok on tv. I watched child labor like 12 year old working in the 110 degree summer heat 12 hour days and nothing is done so reality tv non reality is sure hurting these kids. As for big brother, do people really think this behavior is acceptable? I hope not. Where I live is not diverse, BB is sen as a window to outside our bubble , and young people think BB is what 20 something’s act in the real works. Pretty sad.

      • Yeah, but I thought Matt said something about a BB vote immediately following the veto ceremony? Matt hadn’t broken any rules at that point.
        Yeah as for reality TV being reality, it’s not! I know that for sure. And, like you I have been in shows. I was a lead in a video for a private company film. (NO NOT PORN) LOL šŸ˜‚
        The filming lasted for hours and hours and hours. I was like what is this?! This is not what I signed up for! It was exhausting!!!! But I received $7000 for a days work! So I did it again LOL
        My daughter has been to auditions and commercials when she was Much younger. (She still wants to do it but I won’t let her) And, as for contracts if children sign them, they are “null & void!”
        So that’s stupid if producers etc. actually allow the children to sign their own contracts LOL
        & I guess some parents just don’t know they are void, so they are afraid to say or do anything because of the contract. But the contract means absolutely nothing unless it is signed by an adult. (at least in Canada)
        I love big brother, I have since season one episode one! It is my favourite show ever!& still! Unfortunately it is highly scripted now. It gets more and more obvious every season.
        Raven receiving the “no have not pass” for the entire summer on what the first day? Clearly set up because she is on a “strict diet” and obviously said she wouldn’t be able to eat the slop! She even fooled Big brother LOL She can eat anything & everything!
        If she does have this disease, it is very very very mild case of it! Or else we would’ve seen her sick in bed quite a bit this summer, she wouldn’t be able to be eating the food she is eating, and she wouldn’t be active like she has been all summer. People who have it & only have a mild case of it still will have episodes every few weeks or so. Raven has not had one episode of season to my knowledge!
        I know she has said she has thrown up & she has said she is feeling sick but that is easily BS!
        I believe she has a pacemaker, (she has something in her stomach) LOL but, I think she has either a very very mild case of it or, the doctors just thought that’s maybe what she had so they gave her a pacemaker to shut her and her mama LOL
        I don’t know, it’s all messed up! Terrible season!

        Thank God for BBC

  69. Josh has pushed a lot of buttons this season, most of the time he is “told” to push those buttons and he very quickly complies…when he watches this season back he is going to feel like to biggest fool…

  70. According to the live feed narrative provided by jokersupdates, paul, again, orchestrated josh fighting with yet another houseguest. Behaving the same way twice could be interpreted by security professionals as being how someone will behave always. I feel this is the proof of who paul and josh really are in the world outside the soundstage where bigbrother is filmed/video-taped. Christmas also participated, again uninvited, for a group beat down. Consider removing all fame seeking from consideration, are the these the charactor types you would choose to personally populate your life?

  71. Josh should have been gone along time ago, he acts like a baby, I thought he was changing his game but I guess not. Right now I am pulling for Jason or Kevin to win, I cannot take the rest of these people

  72. This season has THEE MOST despicable ‘sub-humans’ I’ve ever seen on this social engineering show. THEE MOST number of SOCIOPATHS, EVER! Josh, xmas, Alex, Paul, Matt and Raven all need to be treated with some serious Psych Meds! A Sociopath accuses/calls other people what THEY do/are. Raven: ‘Josh is playing a dirty game!”. No; Raven, hunny……that would be YOU!! I hope these Psycho/Sociopaths have fun re-watching the show and viewing their mob mentality, sociopathic behavior.
    I’m glad Jason FINALLY broke from the ‘group-think’ and did his own thing. That is a PLUS, as far as ‘jury votes’ goes. I hope it’s Jason and Kevin sitting at the end.

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