Big Brother 19 Live Feeds Week 8: Sunday Night Highlights

With Mark’s eviction from the Big Brother 19 house all but executed, a couple of the houesguests spent some of Sunday night mapping out the eviction order after Mark. Others seem to be laying low as they don’t know what is going to happen next.

Christmas and Josh talking game on Big Brother 19

Catch up on earlier events from yesterday first with our Feed Highlights Report for Sunday’s Daytime updates.

If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

Big Brother 19 Live Feed Highlights – Sunday, August 20, 2017:

5:15 PM BBT – Christmas is talking with Alex and Paul about Raven’s constant need for attention and one-up’s. She remembers how Raven complained that she had to compete with one good leg after her toe injury. Christmas promises to get Raven out with her own one good leg.

5:35 PM BBT – Paul points out that Raven even had to start crying when Jason found out his wife was pregnant because Raven can’t have kids.

5:40 PM BBT – Group discusses Raven’s Zing. Hers was about wearing too much makeup. This kicks off a complaint session about Raven’s heavy makeup despite claiming that she doesn’t wear much.

5:50 PM BBT – Paul asked Alex if he should make a F2 deal offer to Kevin. She thinks that’s fine, but warns he’ll probably have to shake on it.

6:00 PM BBT – Christmas and Josh agree that they’re doing well but will be in trouble if Alex and Jason win HoH then Veto back to back. They hope Matthew or Raven will win HoH then put up Alex and Jason. She likes Kevin, but says he’s on to both of their games, so that’s a problem.

6:05 PM BBT – Mark goes upstairs to talk with Christmas and ask if there were any chance that she’d change her mind. He knows it’s unlikely, but says he’d regret it if he didn’t try. She tells him she appreciates his effort, but says it’s still not going to happen. She likes him, but says he aligned with the wrong people. Mark reminds Christmas that the only time he turned his back on someone was to help her when Cody flipped on her.

6:15 PM BBT – Mark’s pitch to Christmas and Josh goes on. Josh tells Mark he’s making some good points but seeing how he turned on Cody, someone he was close to in the game, doesn’t make Mark look very trustworthy.

6:22 PM BBT – Mark tells Josh and Christmas that he thinks if Matthew or Raven win HOH they’re coming for them. He says if he stays in the house then he’s a bigger target than them.

6:27 PM BBT – The next point Mark makes is that Alex is a huge competitor. He says if they send her out this week Mark will have their backs for the rest of the game.

6:32 PM BBT – After Mark leaves the room Josh shuts him down to Christmas. They agree Mark is the target this week but he has them rethinking Alex’s place in the game. Christmas suggests they get rid of Alex before Jason.

6:36 PM BBT – More talk of Alex leads Christmas and Josh to agree Alex goes before Jason and Kevin. They think Alex in final four is too risky, so they’re thinking of keeping Raven until then. Christmas says the order should be Mark, Alex, Jason, Matt and Kevin. Josh agrees.

7:00 PM BBT – Paul tells Kevin it’s only a matter of time before people start coming for himself. Kevin says not in the next two weeks at least.

7:09 PM BBT – Paul and Alex try to talk Josh into calling out Kevin soon. Josh says he won’t do it. He says it was different with Mark and Cody. He says he respects Kevin too much to do that. Paul keeps pushing him to do it and says Kevin doesn’t respect him so why not. Josh says it’s never going to happen.

8:30 PM  BBT – Everyone talking about dating techniques, flirting, etc. No game talk.

8:40 PM  BBT – Paul tells the HGs that he is in introverted extrovert and his loudness is him really masking his anxiety.

9:20 PM BBT – HGs still hanging out or around the hot tub. Not much else going on.

10:00 PM BBT – Still nothing much going on this evening.

11:05 PM BBT – Paul suggests there could be a surprise eviction tomorrow. (Nope.) He’s wondering why Christmas had to do her blog tonight instead of during the day on Monday like usual. Matthew thinks if there were an eviction tomorrow the backyard would be shutdown, but Paul disagrees.

11:10 PM BBT – Paul tells Matthew he thinks it’s working with making Kevin the target. Matthew thinks F5 with them three plus Christmas and Josh would be good and also if they did it with Alex and Jason.

11:13 PM BBT – Paul says they need to keep Kevin calm and happy so they can take him out when they’re ready. Paul yet again telling others he’ll make a F2 with Kevin to keep him cool.

11:15 PM BBT – Paul wants to make sure they keep Alex over Jason when they split them up. He suggests they could claim Alex for their own since she’d be a solo player without Jason around.

11:25 PM BBT – Paul reminds Alex that Kevin doesn’t like her. Alex says it’s because she calls him a liar.

12:35 AM BBT – Mark is back to make another pitch to Christmas. He’s sure they could get to a 3-3 tie with Alex as the target, but if she waits then it’ll be harder to get the votes to get out Alex.

12:40 AM BBT – Mark says he could get Matthew and Raven’s votes because he thinks they see the benefit of getting out Alex.

12:45 AM BBT – Mark warns Christmas that Alex and Jason are a powerful duo then if Kevin wises up he could team with them too. Meanwhile he (M) doesn’t have anyone else in the house. He says that sending him out only strengthens a pair like Alex and Jason.

12:50 AM BBT – Mark also offers himself as a bigger target, saying if he’s ever up against Christmas they’re going to vote him out, not Christmas. He promises to campaign to go if it’s the two of them up together down the road.

1:00 AM BBT – HGs lounging in the backyard just chatting and having a good time.

2:05 AM BBT – Backyard group starting to break up with a few heading to bed and a few more staying up for more game talk.

2:20 AM BBT – Josh and Mark are chatting outside. Josh says he’ll go with whatever Christmas wants. Mark says he wants Josh to think about the long term and what’s best for Josh’s game down the road. Josh basically tells Mark that he can’t support him to stay.

2:25 AM BBT – Paul warns Christmas that they’ll have to watch out for Jason and Kevin teaming up with Alex gone.

2:45 AM BBT – Paul is reminding Christmas all the reasons they they can’t keep Mark. She’s telling Paul about Mark’s pitch to go after Alex instead.

3:15 AM BBT – Paul tells Christmas it’s a mistake in the game to keep a big player under the promise of him/her helping take out others for them because then you still have to go back and get that person out later.

3:30 AM BBT – Lights are out and the last two HGs are off to bed.

The HGs spent most of the evening hanging out and engaging in general chit-chat and that makes perfect sense at this point in the game. Everyone is quietly sizing each other up as they know when Mark is gone, they have to start eating their own.

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

Gallery: Live Feeds Highlights


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  1. I like that Mark is not rolling over and taking it. Probably won’t work. But at least he is fighting.

    • He does make some great points though. I think they’re CRAZY to vote him out while keeping couples intact. They should take their shot at Jason or Alex right now! Of the two, they should get Alex out. If they got Jason out, Alex would just align with Paul.

      • I totally agree… Christmas made the comment that she wants to make big moves and shake up the house. Going after public enemy number 1 who is in the game ALONE screams safe move to me rather than big move. Keeping pairs in the game gets more dangerous every week at this point in the season. I understand why Paul wants the “free agents” out seeing as how that’s his game, but a pair should be trying to grab onto a single player who is willing to help them take out the other pairs.

      • Yeah, since she’s doing what was planned by everyone, and what the house wants, not sure how she is calling this “making a big move.”

    • First one all season to actually fight and campaign in the house this season. Why don’t these minions just compare notes and realize Paul is the biggest threat to their game and not Mark is beyond me.

  2. God this season is full of just people doing paul’s bidding. Im glad josh shut down paul when he was asked to start a fight with and kevin and josh said he wasnt going to do it. I think josh is actually starting to realize that paul asks him to do all the dirty work but never does it himself. If paul has his preferred final 3 i hope that josh can win the final 3 hoh and take out paul.

  3. problem here is everyone including Christmas says they are making a big move and no one has. So Paul is still the behind the scenes HOH. This is the time for a big move. Keep Mark and see what happens

      • Christmas, Mark, Matt, Raven, Alex and Jason reform the brigade and take out Kevin and Paul?

      • Big move is anything other than taking out public enemy number one who is playing the game alone.

      • There’s only one “big move” in the game.

        Evict Paul.

        While that would be a big move, it’s NOT the best move for Christmas. Her final three is herself, Josh and Paul.

        At this point in the game, why would she want to evict one of her “teammates”?

        Paul has attached himself to each of the remaining duos. Each duo thinks Paul is part of their group. WE see what Paul is doing, the players in the house seem to be unaware of Paul’s strategy.

        Paul has even gotten “permission” to set up a F2 with Kevin (to keep him calm, LOL!)

        Moving forward, Paul’s game will begin to be exposed. Soon he will have to pick a side. Being that Jason and Alex are the strongest duo, I would expect Paul to try to push for them to be evicted first.

        Ultimately, from Paul’s perspective, I’d want my final three to be anyone but Alex and Jason (the only proven competitors left in the house after this week). I also may be a little cautious about Matt. Is it possible that he’s been throwing the comps?

        Many of you may personally “hate” Paul, but to this point, he’s played a masterful game.

      • Ive wondered the same about Matt. Your analysis is spot-on. I think if she replaced with Alex then it would be game on.

      • True… Paul would be THE big move. But I think targeting one of the other couples and just causing a fracture in the groupthink that this house has been using all season would still be a big move. Paul isn’t even an option this week anyway, thanks to Mark.

        I thought that was a good move on Mark’s part as well. He knows Paul is the puppet master, so you might as well protect the guy who you know won’t get put up instead of you anyway.

        And I can only hope Matt is throwing comps and playing dumb. I hope he can turn it on late in the game and make things interesting.

      • I can see your point. However, doesn’t taking out Alex expose Christmas more than taking out Mark?

        How much better is Christmas’ position in the game improved by targeting Alex?

        From Christmas’ perspective, does she really “gain” Mark as an ally? He has proven himself to be a solid competitor, but an untrustworthy (at least from the house’s perspective) ally.

        Targeting Alex would cause more drama. But does Christmas, who is a limited player, WANT more drama?

        I think a lot of the players cards will be exposed next week. It should be interesting.

      • I think you’re right – I hadn’t thought about how limited Christmas is as a player, but you’re right, big moves probably isn’t in her best interest just now.

      • Paul will not give them alex she will take him to the F2 with out Jason and he knows this.

    • I thought the same thing…. Christmas: I am going to make big move ….. Instead of getting out Raven, Matt, Paul, Josh…. I am gonna go with the house and get out Mark.

    • I think he is a loyal person, but King Paul has reinforced in everyone’s mind that Mark isnt loyal or trustworthy. I see M getting frustrated when this narrative keeps repeating on him when he hasnt gone against his word nearly as much as others have. Paul has been setting him up for a long time because he’s been such a strong mental & physical competitor and sees that Mark could very well win the whole thing.

      • Mark is hardly loyal. Flipped on Cody, then flipped on Dom, then flipped right back to Cody leading to his eviction this week.

  4. What is the deal with Paul wanting Josh to start fights with people? I don’t understand this strategy. It’s unnecessary.

    • Josh fighting with everyone keeps the pressure off Paul and prevents others from joining together to target him. Creating chaos?
      He doesn’t respect Josh as a player and is just using him as a path to the money. To Paul;Josh is an easy person to sit next to in the finals. I wish Josh would see that.

      • R U serious??? paul actually doing something like trying to scam someone on his own??? He can’t!! Word would get back around to others that paul is scheming/game talking with others, and you know how HE (p) responds/reacts to that!!! –
        OFF WITH Their HEADS!!!

      • Am so, (can’t believe I’m saying this,) PROUD, of Josh for declining to cr*p on Kevin as per paul’s command/directive !!!
        Hope John sticks with it and doesn’t do any more sh][t for paul !!!

      • Time for Josh to grab the pots and pans and go after Paul. Josh would win Americas favorite Player if he did that.

      • Yeap! I couldn’t believe it that Josh actually stood his ground and refused harasse Kevin! But he refuses to listen to Mark’s reasons to keep him. (Baby steps.)

      • I wish Josh would say that to Paul, “why don’t you do it?” I wish Josh would wake up and see how little the houseguests respects him or even like him.

        Like he said to Jessica, he too is going to look stupid when he watches back, booboo. Hopefully he would have more respect for those who told him “I don’t like you” and didn’t use him.

      • Because Paul doesn’t have the guts. Have you noticed that every time Paul gets in someone’s face it’s when the other HGs are there for back up? It’s exactly what happened when he got all over Mark. He kept saying stuff to Mark and then looking over his shoulder, I guess to make sure he was getting validation from his follower HGs.

      • Naa, paul just needed an audience to see that he was ‘working’, doing his, I mean, their dirty work.
        hahaha I just had another thot: (wow two thots for me!) lol
        paul puffs up like a little banty rooster, on his tippy toes, to get some heighth with all those long tall timber trees he’s playing with, when he tries to get in their face.
        thot I read someplace Jason is 6″4″ and paul 5’4″ or was it 6″.

      • Alex does the same thing. When she starts something, she pulls her entourage in with a raised voice and a kind of summoning.

    • I don’t think he has said it, that I recall at least, but I think that’s Paul’s ideal F2. I think Paul just uses what people are good at. Josh bit of a hot head? There’s your attack dog. Matt and Raven the quiet floater types? Keep them feeling comfy and there’s two votes. Alex a strong competitor? Well, align with her and tell her you’re a secret F2. He is using each persons strengths to his advantage. Really is brilliant game play if you ask me, regardless of if you consider the rest of the cast as “weak” or not, Paul is manipulating them to his advantage perfectly so far. It’s coming soon, though, I think. He will have to make a choice or say something that will expose him and his multiple deals, someone will let slip or finally have a conversation, etc, and he’ll have to choose a side. When that happens, whoever he isn’t aligning with will target him (you’d hope if they weren’t COMPLETE idiots).

  5. I’m glad with Cody gone…the houseguests are playing the game again. Loved Alex and Jasons chemistry. Ride or die. They got each others backs even if Jason spends to much time talking to the cop.

    • I don’t know… it’s everybody vs. Mark. They might start playing next week, but this week, just the same old same old.

      • Because Paul is noticing this and does not like it. Hence the fact that he now wants Jason out instead of Kev at the moment.

  6. For all her bluster this week,still see Christmas as a ‘pretender’,has from day one wanted to be the ball buster on BB,the hear me ‘Roar’ house guest but managed to hamper her on game by engaging in rather silly high jinks with Jason,wants attention so badLY surprised she doesn’t glue a crutch to her head,have never liked her..when she starts talking,almost cringe worthy.

  7. This season has been bust. These are by far the worst players thus far. I was rooting for Cody and Mark which kept me on board but it’s not even worth watching. Christmas is a loud mouth and butts into every argument. I think it’s unfair that she can play in some comps and not others. It’s either play in all or sit out. Period. I may continue to watch to see the others implode once they get rid of mark. That’s when all the big shots who felt safe start crying like babies.

    • I don’t think she should be there at all, but it is what it is….I know I’m getting tired of the HOH’s always saying “I’m going to make a big move” when they don’t, they just follow Paul’s orders…I just want to see someone make a move not according to Paul…

  8. Mark is making very good pitches that make absolute sense. There is no guarantee that they’re going to get Alex out next week. Alex has proven to be a competition threat and could easily win the next HOH. Christmas is not making any big moves by getting public enemy number 1 out of the house this week, rather that’s a very safe move. A big move would be getting Alex out of the house, a move that would actually make sense and finally cause some chaos in the house. The same goes for when Jessica and Cody were evicted. Not big moves, but safe moves because they were also public enemies number 1 & 2. Whoever has the balls to get Paul out of the house, deserves to win the game, however, I’m not confident anyone will do it. These houseguests are gutless minions.

    • Nah, no one will make a move on Paul, I’m guessing. These HGs don’t even have a clue what Paul is REALLY doing behind the scenes. If they had an ounce of brains among all of them they’d compare notes and realize that Paul is telling all of the couples the exact same lines, how he’ll be with them till the end. I have zero hope of them comparing notes. Even if they did, they’d have excuses as to why Paul was doing that. Smh…

      I would find it hilarious is Alex won the next HoH and put both Christmas and Josh up. I don’t even like Alex but that would be just plain fun to see Christmas and Josh realize they should’ve went along with Mark’s plan and gotten rid of Alex or Jason rather than him.

      • If Alex/Jason win HOH they would target Matt/Raven though. Mark doesn’t realize how close Paul is with Christmas/Josh and doesn’t have an accurate read on the house dynamics anymore. Alex/Jason and Matt/Raven are going after each other starting next week. If Christmas went after Alex Jason would come for her and try to realign with Mark down the road. No need for chaos when you’re the one in control. Paul is obviously running the show and he’s said in cam talks he is most loyal to the Christmas/Josh pair so no need to rock the boat if you’re them. Mark made a compelling case, but unfortunately the HOH is completely in Paul’s pocket.

  9. But will give credit to Christmas for spotting this ‘one’ thing,someone needs to rock Josh’s cradle 24/7,so she stepped up to be mama and big sis all rolled into one and he’s buying into that act hook,line and sinker!

  10. Paul tells Christmas it’s a mistake in the game to keep a big player under the promise of him/her helping take out others for them because then you still have to go back and get that person out later.

    ummmm…..hello houseguests…..was anyone listening to Paul? Anyone using the brain God gave them?

    Paul just described himself……of course nobody caught on. He isn’t even on the radar….

  11. A couple guidelines for (if there’s a) next season –

    – If injured and can’t participate, yer out.
    – No death-defying, terminal illnesses that multiply during season.
    – (at least so far as these illnesses, injuries they aren’t contagious that Haz-Mat has to come in and HGs be quarantined. (haha) )
    – Give everyone a shot of penicillin and two aspirin (or non-aspirin) when they walk into the door.
    – Condoms, Plan-B meds, birth control, etc.- Dispense as needed on the down-low and beeped (silenced) so no audio of the terms and experiences of using such are heard.
    – Talk of pregnancies of in-house HGs – As above: beeped (silenced) so no audio heard.
    In the two directly above – Give phone numbers, websites, local available physicians, clinics, etc. listed at bottom of screen and at beginning and closing of credits for parents and viewers for use as needed, especially if parents haven’t given their kids the ‘talk’ yet.
    – other #1
    – other #2
    – other #3

    • “Give everyone a shot of penicillin and two aspirin (or non-aspirin) when they walk into the door.”

      They could mask this by having the first comp be a drinking contest. Slip some meds and penicillin in the alcohol.

  12. Read somewhere Jingle Bells does a blog or something like that and had to do it Sunday instead of her regular Monday. paul was trying to instigate rumor of eviction.
    Wonder if it’s so they can watch the solar eclipse. What % would it be where they are?
    Wait, not sure what time it would be there either.
    The HGs PROBABLY NOT even UP by THAT TIME!!!

    • The time of the eclipse (partial in LA, about 40% or more) is 10:21A Pacific Time. Like you wrote, whether they’re up or not—maybe the Live Feeders will fill us in! I also agree with future HG’s. I know Raven wanted to have the world know about her disease and that’s fine, but we don’t need to be reminded every hour on the hour!

  13. I was hysterically laughing every time they showed Christmas in her diary talking about how she came to play hard and make big moves. Mark is not a big move. Any of them was going to get him out. I still have a problem with her still being in the game. See has been excused from all physical competitions…not fair. They should have sent her home and had her return on another season. I guess she is dong something social to stay but it still bothers me.

    • That and I know that at least 4 times in the diary room she said, “Mark is still my target this week….” We get it! He’s your freaking target! I’m just not sure why they had to show her saying that so many times. She also kept saying something along the lines of “He’s given me something to think about”. No, he’s given you something to run back to Paul with, only to have it shot down. Again.

  14. Good for Josh!!!!!!!!! Paul trying to sic him on Kevin like an attack dog and Josh flat out saying no. It’s about time. It’s mean (I know it’s big brother) but Paul is basically trying to use Josh once again to do dirty work. That should wake up Josh and Christmas and Josh should at the very least be offended.

    • The thing with Josh is that he has only gone after those who he feels have disrespected or betrayed him: Cody, Jess, Mark and Elena. As he said, he has respect for Kevin. Kevin, Christmas, Jason etc have always treated him well, they haven’t called him names or betrayed him by floating to the other side which was his problem with Mark and Elena. So I’m not so surprised that he said no to going off on Kevin.
      We can see how he’s been used by his alliance but he doesn’t

      • Josh reminds me of the goon on a hockey team. Never will be a leader and people celebrate your accomplishments as it helps them. There will always be a place for the goon amongst the skilled, but make no mistake, the goon is only useful for one thing, and once that’s over with, it’s back to the bottom of the foodchain.

      • A goon goes after who he’s told to, Josh is proving to be selective so not totally a goon.

  15. Did you guys see the HOH comp? I started wondering if Joy and Paul got their signal’s mixed up, as to who wins HOH. Maybe they were trying to throw it too each other. Lol…Joy stood there like a dear in head lights. Or maybe it was the meds kicking in. All I know, she didn’t see any clues. As before she did. Hmmm, just seem strange.

    • I thought the very same thing. It seemed to me that Christmas trying to throw it to Paul. In fact, I’d be shocked to hear she WASN’T throwing it to him. Most of the HGs this season have bent over backward for Paul.

    • I thought her DR celebration over winning was over-the-top, ridiculous and pompous! She did just stand there like a deer in the headlights yet her previous DR commentary on each win was how she saw this letter or that letter and figured it out. I don’t know about them throwing it and mixed signals, but if their was a game plan, I’d think they would have talked about this after the game. Anyone hear something along those lines in the feeds? js, because Paul is quick to let loose the dogs of war when things get screwed up or don’t go the way HE planned.

    • Well, if a person, using term loosely here, was paying attention in even the least little bit, it was a process of elimination of 8 evicted people. There had already been 7 rounds with one name left that hadn’t been used yet. Well, DUH !!! Jingle Bells !!!
      And with paul, Cameron had already been used. At least paul gave Cameron a nod & shout-out since paul was the one that took his place.

  16. I see comments about getting Alex out. I said yesterday that this is the perfect time for that to be done. Christmas has the votes. Mark, Josh, and Raven (because she isn’t voting out Matt), and Paul would be in a conundrum if he didn’t go along with it. That would be worth it to see Paul worm his way through this one because he would not have the numbers to save Alex. The only possible votes to save her would be Paul, Jason, and Snitchy. Who knows what Snitchy would end up doing. It wouldn’t matter anyway. Christmas has the tie breaker. Does Christmas have the guts to go against the wishes/direction of Paul? I don’t think so. But the best thing for HER game, imo, is to get Alex out.

    • Xmas doesn’t have the hutzpah or the brains (which are currently lodged up Paul’s arse) to make a really BIG move for herself! How ridiculous that she thinks her current noms and/or back dooring Mark is a BIG move! Ha! As I mentioned, she did momentarily consider some of Mark’s reasonings for keeping him … and that flew out the window upon her next breath! I may not have been a Jessica fan, but her woman’s intuition about certain things (or understanding of the game) was spot on a few times – but she didn’t follow through and listened to Cody or made a choice hoping it would make the HGs trust her. And look where that got her.

    • I would love to see that happen.
      Just too turn the house upside down. And don’t tell Paul who you voting for. (Lie) I think Kevin may vote to evict Alex. Then he can get closer too Jason. After all, he knows J was taking Alex to final 2. I think J would get over it. He really likes Kevin. They are boys….

      • I see you don’t stick with family when it really counts, sis. You know you were adopted. haha lol

      • You can’t hide from me. I can see all through these here solar eclipse glasses. It’s almost time here in TN.

      • We’re supposed to get 75% here. Actually just saw my neighbor outside with his eclipse glasses looking at the sun, Didn’t have the heart to tell him he’s too early, lol

      • I was doing the same a little while ago. There are four viewing parties in our neighborhood. I started making my rounds about 10:15, the earliest started at 10:00, spending maybe 20 mins at each and got a pair of glasses out of it. haha The ones I ordered from Amazon were recalled. I couldn’t find anymore. I’m ready now!

      • Weather Channel is showing a lot of it. Jackson Hole, Wyoming next for them, I think. We’re suppose to get a little over 2 mins of totality here. It’s crazy here. My daughter manages a bank in town and they closed at noon. Many businesses are closed. Six kids drove up from Texas yesterday to my aunts house(her grandson and 5 others) for the viewing and are leaving right after it. I never would have thought it would be such a big ordeal.

      • Not such a big deal here, not aware of anything shutting down. The university’s observatory doing a viewing on the hill and supplying glasses. But then we’re not getting the full effect either.

      • It’s just because we’re in the direct path of it. I met people from Virginia, Miss., NY, Kentucky and Alabama at neighbors homes. I didn’t stay long. The parties have been planned for a while. I now know why they started so early. There are RVs all over our neighborhood. Everybody enjoy!

      • I worked at the university at Y2K. Someone actually proposed that we each take one of the research animals home in case something went wrong with the power. I wondered where I could possibly put a sheep in my house. Thankfully that plan got shot down lol

      • Pfft! If you didn’t “control” Mutgoat, he/she/it would be on my side. Lol
        Hey, at least Mark was smart enough to see exactly what I was saying yesterday and went to Christmas with that scenario. I was proud of him for being as intelligent as I am. So few are. :D

      • She posted a comment to one of my posts. I’m glad she showed up. It’ll do her good and everyone else will have more to laugh about. She’s funny. Hey you, stop sending my pal, mutant goat, to do your dirty work. Shame on you! ;)

      • Did you see? I especially made that for you, with your name up there, and a real close up of his dental work.

      • Of course I noticed. What do you want, a thank you?!?! bleat, bleat. lmbo EXACTLY why I said not to use my pal to do your dirty work. You know I loved it. That you would do that specially for me, although you were being a BUTT!

      • OMG, I wish I had a huge banner just like that to take as a hostess gift to my neighbors. You could have made some money off of that, Cy, no joke! It would have sold out . Love it!!!

    • But then what happens? She just made a big move without informing her alliance. That didn’t work out for Cody. Paul then turns Jason, Matt, Raven and Kevin against her because they can’t trust her. Mark would go along with them because it means that Mark isn’t the target. Josh would go along with them so he wouldn’t look like the outcast. That type of move would require people knowing about the move in advance so they can back up the move in the following weeks. Unfortunately whoever she would talk to about making a move would go tell Paul and that would be the end of it. She also considers Paul a close ally, so she would talk to him about it first and he would have squashed it this week because Mark is the obvious target. Her targeting anyone except Mark would have been the end of her game.

      • The only person she’s not informing is Jason ans Snitchy. She can inform Paul and the others beforehand of her intentions. Paul will be the one fighting her but he will have to relent because he loses this one. What happens next? That’s what I’d love to see.

      • If she informs them beforehand, she would have to tell everyone at the same time. And even then I don’t think it would work. The group meeting would consist of Xmas, Paul, Josh, Matt, Raven and possibly Kevin. Paul would argue against putting Alex up and so everyone except maybe Josh would argue to put up Mark. If she puts up Alex anyway, she just lost her alliance. It’s more likely that she would tell Paul and Josh about it first. Paul would argue against it. It would be interesting to see who Josh would back. If Paul doesn’t back the move and she goes and tries to convince Matt, Raven, or Kevin, they would run the news back to Paul and he turns them against her. I don’t see how putting up Alex doesn’t hurt her in the long run. Once Mark is gone and the alliance has to start to cannibalize itself, a move like that makes sense. It is just one week too early.

      • Why would she have to tell everyone at the same time? If Christmas put Alex up, Josh already said he would back Christmas and Paul would have no choice but to do the same. And for that reason alone, Paul not getting his way, I’d love to see it happening. No way Christmas would lose this one, unless Mark didn’t keep his word, but he would, I believe.

      • I wish she would just to see Paul out of his element this season, just for once, not in control of things, just for the heck of it, for my personal entertainment. Paul needs to sweat a little. I’d like to see how he reacts when he is forced to change up his game.

      • If she told anyone before she told Paul, they would take the info back to Paul and he would turn the house against her. If she told Paul first, he would argue against it. She would then tell someone else who would take the information back to Paul who would then turn the house against her. If she tells no one, the house turns on her for the same reasons it turned on Cody. If she tells everyone at the same time, Paul argues against it, everyone agrees with Paul to stick to the plan and vote Mark out. She then nominates Mark. Telling everyone at the same time causes the least amount of damage to her.

        If she nominated Alex, I agree no way she loses ‘this one’. Alex goes to jury. But winning this battle would mean losing the war because it would give Paul a reason to turn the house against her. And these house guests seem to do what Paul wants them to do.

      • Mark not keeping his word is all that would keep Christmas from winning this one. Spin it all you want. If she had the guts, she could make it happen. No doubt about it.

      • I agree she could make it happen. But i think it moves her up the eviction list unnecessarily.

      • Maybe, maybe not. One thing about it, she is on one side of Paul and Alex is on the other supporting him for now. Take away one leg and you’ve got to depend on the other for more support.

      • I do, also. Just for the fun of it, I love seeing things from the best perspective I can conjure up in my mind of even the HGs I don’t like or want to win. There’s always a few ways to view things and not just from the aspect of improving our favorite’s position in the game.

      • I really appreciate this debate from both perspectives. I think this is the best time for Xmas to flip power off Paul. By putting Alex up, she will succeed with votes from Raven, Josh and Mark. Kevin will join seeing Alex has been petty with him. Paul will have no choice than go with the majority for once.
        What happens after? Xmas and Josh now knows Paul is not to be trusted anymore. They will keep Mark who is obligated to them who just saved his ass over a long time foe who never accepted and appreciated his long efforts of loyalty. Paul is again guilty of trying to break Maven showmance to saving Alex. Those 5 (Xmas, Josh, Mark,
        Matt and Raven) will turn on Paul as their immediate threat/target, and then Jason.
        Big move, and power hijacked by Xmas.

      • Well, it didn’t happen, Ugigi. We’ll meet same place, same time next week and try again. I think you are pretty spot on as to how it could have all played out.

    • Who is snitchy? Not my Kevie. Who is in love with Christmas and will do as she says.

  17. Did we miss something? Did Kevin say he knew Derrick? Is that why Alex told everyone that she thought he was a cop?

  18. I’ll be so disgusted if Raven makes it to final 3, but I’m betting that is exactly what’s going to happen. She can’t win the game. Everyone knows it & they’re dragging her along. She’ll get the attention for being in the final 3.

  19. I like how Josh said no to confronting Kevin. Maybe he is doing better. Starting to come around.

    • Kevin is an older person and I’m sure Josh was taught to respect his elders. It will be extremely uncomfortable to talk down to someone who can be his father or even grandfather.

  20. This season is so predictable. We know Mark is gone this week. Next week it’ll be Matt and then Raven. Then Kevin. After that Jason. Its too predictable. I don’t like it.

  21. Listening to Paul is this year’s game. Christmas doing her own thing and nominating Alex as a replacement will be her best game move. When it comes to raven and Paul wanting her to stay is of course fishy since he recruited her, and her story of not being able to have kids may also be a lie. She may go as far as removing her ovaries or uterus in order to continue lying about it. I want everybody, but Kevin out of this house.

    • Arg !!! Was hoping they would have a change of heart w mark but he is most likely to be the one to get Paul or Xmas out later down the road . I still wish they would make a deal with Kevin . I like him . As long as they have Alex, Jason, Matt, Raven, maybe he can stay longer then any of those.

  22. In the first paragraph of Matthew Boyer’s above article, he said in part, “Others seem to be laying low”.

    Doesn’t that pretty much sum up Season 19?

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