Big Brother 19 Live Feeds Week 6: Thursday Night Highlights

We’ve got a new week of Big Brother 19 under way, and a new HOH, but it should come as no surprise that we don’t have any new targets. As Josh settled into his role as HoH Thursday night, Cody and Jessica settled into the fact they are once again going to be the house targets.

Lots of possibilities still as we start off the week with Josh as the new Head of Household and the groups’ efforts to split up the showmance before they reach Jury. Here’s what they’ve been planning in the first hours of the new round.

If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

Big Brother 19 Live Feed Highlights – Thursday, August 3, 2017:

7:00 PM BBT – Feeds are back from the live show. No eviction and Josh is the new Head of Household.

7:03 PM BBT – Kevin says Josh is planning to put Mark, Jessica, and Cody up for Have-Nots.

7:05 PM BBT – Paul tells Josh to make Mark a HN yet again. (Ouch.) Josh says he’s going to have the worst power trip as HoH ever.

7:07 PM BBT – Jessica likes the graveyard theme for the week’s comps and says it’s the “death of a showmance.”

7:09 PM BBT – Alex comes in and tells Josh that Elena and Mark are trying to start problems. Josh points out Mark is in the room. Mark asks why she keeps trying to start things. Alex tells Mark it’s time to pick a side and prove it. Mark promises Alex he doesn’t have an issue with her and isn’t trying to get her out.

7:15 PM BBT – Josh tried to persuade Alex and Mark that they didn’t have to have this argument, but it’s ignored. Both keep going and going and going.

7:25 PM BBT – Josh says he still plans on making Mark and Elena squirm this week. Christmas observes that Jessica’s special power is spent. She wonders why Jessica didn’t keep it and let them vote out Cody then.

7:28 PM BBT – Kevin celebrates with Josh, pointing out how far they’ve come in their games since the first week as outsiders.

7:30 PM BBT – Paul wants everyone to compete in the Temptation Comp.

7:35 PM BBT – Alex and Mark are still arguing. Mark doesn’t like that Alex is suggesting his floating. (Um.)

7:45 PM BBT – Alex questions Mark on why he would have felt so nervous this past week if he was on their team. Mark mentions that Paul said he might end up a pawn.

7:50 PM BBT – Alex and Mark agree that they want to get Jessica out this week so they don’t have to be in Jury with her.

7:52 PM BBT – Kevin asks who is the target, Cody or Jessica? Josh says it’s Jessica but they are going to blindside her by making it look like Cody is the target this week.

7:55 PM BBT – Kevin tells Josh he doesn’t want to do the Temptation Comp. Josh says everyone is going to do it and they need to improve the odds for beating Cody. Kevin says okay, he’ll do it then.

7:57 PM BBT – Jessica points out that the house is blind to Paul’s control. Anyone he opposes gets evicted, she notes. Cody says the HGs are all groupies. Cody thinks the women (“the bitches”) will target Jessica.

8:05 PM BBT – Elena goes to Josh to dispute Alex’s claim that she (E) and Mark didn’t celebrate Josh’s win. Elena promises Josh she’s happy for him.

8:06 PM BBT – Josh brings up Elena and Mark voting to evict him. Elena said she only did that because she was told that’s what the house was doing. She said she didn’t actively campaign to get him out, she just followed the house, or she thought.

8:23 PM BBT – Cody tells Jessica they are the obvious targets so they just need to shut up, chill and play in the competitions. Jessica says it’s not Paul’s fault that everyone else in the house has such low IQs that they can’t speak for themselves.

8:35 PM BBT – Cody says if he wins veto he’s going to tell the others that they decided he’s going to stay and take out every one of them that he can. Cody says maybe he’d put Raven and Alex up together.

8:40 PM BBT – Paul thinks it’s best Josh put up Cody and Jessica outright. Josh says he’s going to be the better man and not make his nomination speech personal.

8:54 PM BBT – Cody and Jessica strategizing about the safety comp.

8:56 PM BBT – Jessica and Cody agree the only person they’re rooting for in the game is Kevin. Cody says Kevin is playing smart while not being a P.O.S.

9:00 PM BBT – Jessica suggests if the veto competition this week has prizes they should just go for those instead of the veto (OK).

9:04 PM BBT – Jessica tells Cody if she finds out she’s pregnant after she’s been evicted she feels like production would tell him.

9:25 PM BBT – Alex asks Josh if he’s going to be nice to Cody and Jessica this week. He says he will only call them meatballs.

9:26 PM BBT – Jessica asks Cody if he believes in aliens. He says yes, they come across the boarder every day. She tells him that’s not funny.

10:20 PM BBT – HOH reveal time! Everyone is surprised that Josh didn’t get meatballs in his HOH basket.

10:58 PM BBT – Mark told Elena he wanted Cody or Jessica to win HOH so they’d both definitely be safe and both guaranteed jury.

11:01 PM BBT – Paul thinks they need to let it out that they’re evicting Cody but then blindside Jessica on eviction night.

11:05 PM BBT – Sounds like everyone is competing in the safety competition tomorrow.

11:25 PM BBT – Mark asks Paul if he’d volunteer to be a HN so Mark didn’t have to do it for four straight weeks.

11:35 PM BBT – Jason suggests they let the vote tie and make Josh break it. (I think there will be nine votes this week.)

11:45 PM BBT – HoH crew is passing around the wine bottle. The group encourages Josh to finish it off and he does.

12:40 AM BBT – Elena asks Paul and Christmas who will be the target. Paul says it’s too early and Christmas says they don’t know if they’ll even both be up at the end.

12:50 AM BBT – Christmas tells Josh that as much as she likes Paul, she doesn’t think Josh should do everything Paul tells him.

1:00 AM BBT – Josh tells Christmas and Paul that he’d like to get out Jessica and Elena before Cody and Mark since he thinks he can get in the guys’ heads.

1:01 AM BBT – Paul says they should be overly nice to Jessica all week while ignoring Cody then flip the vote and piss off Cody.

1:05 AM BBT – Paul asks Christmas about her Temptation and says he has a plan for how they can use it. He wants to swap out Cody in the case his name is drawn. Christmas sounds hesitant to use it and says she’ll have to check if it’s sill active.

1:28 AM BBT – Christmas warns Alex that a lot of HGs have been playing one way and are about to change things up now that they’ve reached Jury. She says the guys have been throwing comps while they’re been working hard to win them. Christmas says they got off to a rough start, but she’s got Alex’s back.

2:00 AM BBT – HGs are settling in to bed. Paul is sleeping upstairs in Josh’s HoH room.

2:30 AM BBT – HGs are asleep for the night.

So Josh has a plan, mostly. He’s going after Jessica or maybe it’s Cody. At this point we’ve really got to wait and see what happens with the Temptation Competition, but for now it does sound like the roster will be full, or at least close to it for Friday’s event.

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

Gallery: Live Feeds Highlights



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    • I’ve been looking forward to a Josh HoH since the beginning. It’s guaranteed to be chaotic.

      Anarchy, y’all! Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!

      • Seriously, though, what will it gain her? Cody had a broken-down pickup truck in Texas when he came to the show. Jessica left a (fairly) glamorous, (probably) well-paying job that depends on her looks. Who wants an “escort” who is pregnant? Unless she knows something about Cody that isn’t being aired, he isn’t going to be able to support her eyelash habit, much less the clothes and lifestyle she is used to.

      • Come on now, these people are just simple game show contestants.

        They’re people of the land.

        The common clay of the US.

        You know…


      • doubtful he job is so glamorous. she assists guests at a hotel, not such a big time job.

    • I was thinking the same thing. You’ve known this guy for 45 days and you have been sleeping with him and nothing is preventing pregnancy. You live in two separate states not to mention you don’t know one another outside the house or their lifestyle. WTH can you be thinking?

      • He already has at least one child he’s supporting. He’s in sales? Yikes, he doesn’t appear to have the personality or temperament for sales. Pretty dumb for her to hitch her star to that wagon. As they say, beauty fades, dumb is forever.

      • Since he has made us aware that this isn’t a game, this is real life and he is who he is and that will not change, I think that justifies me freely expressing my opinion that based on his “real life” demeanor, he doesn’t seem to have the personality or temperament to be a human, much less a father….and sales….what does he sell, burial plots?

    • I remember reading something about her asking for a “morning after” pill once. Of course I don’t know if it really happened. Then I heard she needed BC because she had left hers at home thinking she wouldn’t need it. Now the convos between she and Cody are alluding to that possibility, although who knows if they are purposefully doing it for the viewers.

      • They have talked about their future kids A LOT since Cody came back in the house. She soo wants to have his baby like yesterday!!

        The executive producer SERIOUSLY had to tell Jess to remove her hand from Codys manhood DURING the live show last night. Jessica KNEW they were live on the air. They reminded her that kids watch the show.

      • HI, Nicole! You know I’ve got to ask about the little one that is almost one. All good?
        I didn’t realize the producer got involved. I just heard Paul mention on BBAD that she did it, so I wasn’t even sure. Not that it surprises me at all.

      • I believe there was definitely a very implicit conversation between Jessica and production about getting “some medication” and she was apparently pretty adamant on getting it immediately.

    • Last night watching feeds it seems like she may believe to be at this time. If she is production may have to throw her out of the game, but if they left Christmas with her broken foot, then Jess could stay as well and decide if she wants to compete.

      • Pregnant? Seriously? How old is Jessica? I guess if she starts throwing up, we can count that as a good possibility of it being morning sickness. Sheeeeesh! One would think she would have better sense than to have unprotected sex.

  1. Ugh. I’m so not looking forward to this week. I CANNOT stand Josh at all. And he’s just going to do Paul’s bidding. So we’ll just have a rehash of last week. I am interested in seeing how the Temptation competition goes and then Veto. Having Jessica and/or Cody win those is the only thing that could make this more interesting! It still bother’s me thought that most of the Houseguests are just doing whatever Paul tells them to. Kevin says he doesn’t want to play in the Temptation Competition but when Paul (and Josh) say he has to, he’s like “OK, I will then.” I understand why they want them all to compete, but if he doesn’t want to, then he shouldn’t. He doesn’t have to do whatever they tell them, and yet he will.

    • It is so annoying. I have never seen a group of guests that cant think for themselves like this bunch. Paul is going to win this game easily.

    • I agree 100%! I hope Jessica and Cody kick it up a notch and take over that house! I’m hoping one of the two wins this game! Josh needs to go, Paul needs to go ASAP!! I can’t believe he won HOH! SMH

      • Please, tell me, why do you like Jessica and Cody so much? Specifically? What is it about them you like?

      • Now, I’m not the one you asked but I’ll give you my thoughts on Jessica and Cody. I can’t say I’m their biggest fan as I do think Jessica is what you would call a “mean girl” and not someone I’d probably hang out with IRL. And same goes for Cody. He doesn’t have much of a personality and he’s definitely a hothead. However, they are playing the game (not always doing the right things, mind you) but they are playing and playing their own game. At least they are trying. I can’t say much the same for all of the other house guests. They all just seem to be playing Paul’s game. Honestly, I’m not a fan of any of the houseguests in particular but until the other’s start playing their own game and making bold moves, I can’t root for them. Right now Jody is on the bottom and so I’d love to see them at least put a dent in Paul’s group. I enjoy seeing when those on the bottom overthrow those on the top.

      • Can you PLEASE explain how Jess and Cody are playing the game?

        You got the “they are playing their own game” part dead on though… the only type of game those two play is their sex gane!!!!

      • Ok I understand that you don’t like them and each of us are allowed our opinions. But you don’t have to pick on my opinions. Jessica and Cody have both played hard to win competitions which is part of playing the game. Look at all they were put though on the HOH she won. They are NOT listening to Paul and realize that he needs to go in order for them to get further in the game. They are thinking for themselves as opposed to just doing as they are told. And during her HOH week, Jessica tried to work with the other house guests (trying not to make too many waves) by not changing her nominations (even though this backfired on her) while still planning on getting out a perceived threat to her game. Obviously this backfired and she made the wrong move here by keeping Ramses on the block instead of putting up one of Paul’s minions (or even Paul). But I do understand why she didn’t. At least she was trying. And before that, the week Cody was out of the house, she had made good strides by mending fences with the other house guests. That was good game play there. Obviously that’s all changed now that Cody’s back but she’s been playing the hand she’s been dealt. Now I agree there are still a lot of things she could do to improve her game and as I stated above I don’t agree with a lot of her behaviors. However, I think she is playing and am going to root for her for now. I think the game is at it’s best when things get shook up and those on the bottom over throw those on the top. This is just my opinion and you don’t have to agree with me.

      • I agree with Jessica – They are not playing a great game but at least JODY are not part of the sheep that are being lead to the slaughter by Paul. They are playing their own game. If they go out they can hold their heads high. Josh will be embarrassed once he see the show repeats and he realizes what an ass he acted like.

    • Paul came to PLAY while everyone else came to VACAY. Don’t hate the player…hate the game.

      • I’m not saying Paul’s playing a bad game, as he isn’t. He’s playing well with what’s he’s been given. I’m just not a fan of him and never have been. That’s obviously just my opinion and one I’m allowed to have. My biggest issue though is with the OTHER players just doing Paul’s bidding. If they keep letting him play for them, he’s going to win. And good for him, if he does. It’s just not the game I want to see.

    • If Cody and Jess knew how to play BB they wouldn’t need to win HOH to save their games this early…

      • Loved it too! On an earlier episode when Cody and Jess were tormenting Josh he said he wished he would win HOH so he could be the one to vote one of them out. It looks like he may just get his wish.

      • So interesting how Jessica’s true ugly personality reappeared just as soon as Cody was back in the house. She’s proven capable of winning comps as much as Cody, so I hope they do send her packing before him.

      • Maybe this week so she can go to the Doctor and see if she is pregnant. She can always go there on Eviction night each week since she lives so close to the studio.

  2. I was really hoping Jess or Cody won HOH so they could play get back. UGH! Josh is going to be under another one of Pauls spell. If he wants to do something epic he should back door Paul. Yes Paul has followers but I don’t think they’ll vote him to stay seeing him on the block. Maybe new stronger alliances would form.

    • Jody is not playing the game because if they were, they wouldn’t need HOH every week. If you read Jessica’s bio, she states that her strategy for winning the game is “I’m going to find the best male competitor in the game and the two of us are going to clean house! Since Cody won HOH first…well then she’s playing her game!

  3. So glad that the meatball is HoH. He is so excited. I picture him running around in that HoH robe all week. I know that the target is Jess but I would love to see the robot evicted on Josh’s HoH. The only regret I would have at seeing Jess or her robot leave would be that Zingbot wouldn’t have a crack at them lol

  4. Well..didn’t realize Jessica and Cody are filming a remake “Rosemary’s Baby”..god help us!

  5. I quit watching it. Because of all the bullying. And big brother is encouraging it .by not stoping it right off. It had to escalate before they would .

    • These are not children but grown adults that can take care of themselves and Cody and Jessica have not exactly been Mr. and Mrs. Claus either.

      • Care, how? By giving them all safety pins and declaring the whole house a safe space? Wouldn’t be much of a show then, would it.

      • Safety pins? I genuinely don’t know what you mean by this. By duty of care I mean a) if individuals are acting as bullies (I include making sexist, racist, transphobic etc. comments in this), have a quick word – mainly because the house will cause people to act outwith their normal behaviour, and this could damage their reputations (careers etc. – as in BBUK) b) checking anyone being bullied is okay – having no support in that house must make it harder to deal with this kind of behaviour. Show also has interest to ensure contestants do not walk (for the show itself).

      • Come on, surely you know the significance of safety pins. And if you don’t, may I suggest Google? Try “safety pins as a PC symbol”

      • Duly googled – sorry, but I live in Scotland – I think they have more significance in America?

      • Duly googled – I have to apologise, I live in Scotland and I don’t think safety pins have the same significance here!

      • And they do. The second anything physical starts, they split them up.
        What more should they do?

      • Maybe both Jessica and Cody can get participation trophy’s at the after party.

  6. Oh, yea! Got up this AM, donned my colorful ruffled salsa dress, got my Cuban music playin’, dancing a little cha cha cha, in the kitchen clanging pots and pans making up some Cuban meatballs, and when I get through I’m going to smoke a Cuban cigar in honor of JOSH, the new HOH. Go Josh!

      • I can’t wait to see what he has in store for us today to honor his Baby Meatball. I’m sure it will be hilarious! He’s probably been up half the night . lol

    • We probably have a 90% chance that Jess will be evicted next Thursday, 5% for Cody and 5% somebody else. So pretty predictable. But what will be fun this week will be the drama. And the suspense of making sure Jess doesn’t win safety or veto.

      • At least Josh has two really good targets. As long as one of them is OTB come Thursday that means they will not be in jury together. I can’t imagine what it would be like to be in jury with Cody; kind of like I couldn’t imagine being in jury with Paulie.

      • Actually, I suspect outside of the pressure cooker of the Big Brother House, Paulie was probably a decent guy. In the house, he cracked.

        Cody is a grade A asshole, in the house, out of the house or anywhere in the known universe.

        His personality, his actions, his “beliefs” all scream know-nothing asshole.

        As much as I understand getting out Jessica this week, if I were in the house, I would give serious thought to evicting Cody, simply so if I was unfortunate enough to get voted out, I wouldn’t have to be around him in jury.

      • No way would I want to be in jury with this guy, either. You know, given the option, under different circumstances, they would prefer being cooped up with Jessica, but because of her actions and attitude regarding the hex and Cody, it became personal and they simply don’t want to give her the satisfaction of making it to jury. Instead they would be choosing to live with a guy they hate and who annoys the crap out of them, kind of for spite. Ironic, huh? SMH lol

      • Lets not forget that Jessica would vote for Paul to win if she was in the jury house and it was down to Paul and one other HG. Bad move in my opinion to vote Jessica out this week.

      • I believe she would, too. No way Cody would, though. If Paul is playing it so personal that he would risk losing that vote IF he makes F2, then he definitely deserves to lose that vote.

      • He don’t know that is just it. If he knew, he would be talking about sending Cody home then Mark.

      • What will be funny is when Jessica was HOH and she couldn’t get Josh home but, now josh is HOH he will be sending her home.

    • Dang girl, you paint a very livid and active picture in my head with that statement. I bet your fella had a smile the size of Texas on his face when he went to work this morning too LOL.

  7. So happy Christmas said she will see if her Temptation win is still active. Hopefully cracks will form this week and Paul can stop running the damn house! Someone needs to wake up

    • It is still active, she knows it, she’s just not willing to use it for Paul’s plan IMO. The cracks are starting to show.

      • I thought that was Karone’s point…she “said” she will see, when she knows full well it’s still good. I wonder what Josh would say if just one person told him Paul has said Josh is basically *always* the backup plan for eviction if things don’t go his (Paul’s) way. And WHY doesn’t someone say it???

    • Agree – it’s good to see Christmas playing for herself! She shouldn’t waste her veto on getting Jody out – she may need it for herself later in the game!

      • Just as Jessica should have saved her hex for next week and let go Cody this week and more importantly, she should NEVER have told this house she had it to begin with. She could have went further had she not done that in IMO.

    • Yeah, I liked that too. I think the cracks are starting to show, but they’re all hell-bent on getting Jessica and Cody out. Paul only wants Jessica out because he can’t control her. She’s onto his manipulations. He doesn’t realize that Christmas is also onto it. Matt is starting to see it too. Christmas should hold onto her Temptation this week and start talking to some of the others about Paul. Then they can hopefully get him out next week. Won’t happen this time because Paul is definitely NOT going to let Josh be alone with anyone.

      • You are sooo correct! But im sooo happy someone trying to start playing Big Brother

      • Once in jury spots and one of Jodys out, house will change and will start enjoying it! I can see Christmas forming a side alliance besides kissong Paul’s butt…

    • It’s still early though.
      I do agree, someone needs to go after him, but bide your time and wait for the right moment.

    • I believe her Temptation has no expiration date. Cracks already formed about week ago but all this drama in the house is causing it to get bigger. Hopefully Paul catches on and does some repair to the cracks before it is too late.

    • Unfortunately, it’s still too dangerous to try and eliminate Paul. I think eventually, if Paul is indeed voted out, the coup will be lead by Alex, with assists from Kevin and Jason.

      I think we have a few more weeks before that happens.

      Look at it this way. Who do you know FOR SURE that would vote Paul out?

      Remember, if you shoot and miss, you leave yourself wide open.

      • Yea I agree, but I did love the fact that she isnt going to just go with what paul wants to do with HER Temptation. Shows someone is finally thinking for themselves

  8. Josh winning HoH could not be any better! Now we get to hear Jessica make “victim noises” all week. I can hear the Soup Nazi saying to Jody, “NO JURY FOR YOU!”.

    • Their conversations are painful, so nasty and right, victim noises. It’s sad, here they are on BB, should be enjoying the experience and instead isolate themselves and feed off each other’s bitterness. Lighten up, so many people would give anything to be there.

      • I agree. It’s funny that they can’t see the red flag of being isolated in bed all the time, making no attempt to do anything separately. Jessica watches Cody shave and Cody waits outside the DR for Jessica. I might like them if they had a social game, but that ship sailed long ago.

  9. To the author of the article: You may want to rethink your last comment. Josh doesn’t have a plan. PAUL has a plan and Josh will do whatever he’s told to do. LMAO

    I’m starting to feel sorry for Josh in a way. He hasn’t had an individual thought since the first night when he picked safety over the HOH. Since then, he’s been led around by Paul. Paul tells him to do something and he does it. Shoot, the whole house does.

    And, of course, Paul wants Jessica out. He can’t control her like he can the rest of the house. I think Christmas is starting to see Paul’s manipulations and so is Matt. But neither are willing to go against him right now. All it takes is one person (other than Jessica) to stand up to Paul to have a domino effect on the others.

    • I agree with you, but Josh is a mental mess and would probably still be crying in the mirror or already out of the house if Paul, Christmas, etc. hadn’t stepped in to leverage his crazy. They are using him, for sure, but he’s also still in the game. Whether he follows Paul or not, he doesn’t have much of a chance of winning. Glad he’s at least having fun.

    • Actually, Josh has wanted both Cody and Jessica out for a long time. So yes for the most part, he has a plan and this is his thought to begin with. He also wants to put JODY and Mark up as HN for this week. not to mention, he wants to put Mark on the block as well but will place Elena up to get to Mark. Yeah I know, same thing Paul has said for a week now but this is what Josh wanted to do two weeks ago before Paul won the HOH last time.

    • Well Josh on his way to being vilified on social media, so he’ll lose plenty of friends and probably his job too. So that’s a plus.

  10. I’ll never understand why, on day 1, new HGs don’t immediately make a pact to get any vet(s). It should be automatic. Production still has time to expose the bullying (from what I’ve read on these boards) orchestrated by Paul. Especially the attacks on Codys military service, disgraceful.

    • Agreed. I’m so sick of the returning player angle. They couldn’t get Paul out for the first three weeks but he should always be a target. Instead, he’s running the house. Boggles my mind. lol

    • I would absolutely align with the vet. They know the game and will always be a bigger target in front of you. I remember in BB17 when they did the twin thing. Everyone wanted to get Liz out so another person wouldn’t enter the game. Except Vanessa. She used it to her advantage and gained an ally.

    • Well Paul would have at least been on the block to go home in week 1 if BB didn’t gift wrap him a 3 week safety. I’ve never heard of anyone ever getting 3 weeks of safety. It was just a way to let Paul get a foothold in the house, which he did, because this is an extremely weak cast of people.

      • This is true.
        To be fair they were sure to rig a game to get Cody right back in once he was evicted because the drama is just too good to pass up.

      • To me, while it sure is entertaining, these people are just horrible at this game. LOL
        But I stopped watching for game play years ago.

      • Please tell me, I am honestly interested, what do you consider to be good game play?

      • Well, what Paul is doing is a good example. He schemes, plans long term. He rarely has to do a lot himself to accomplish his goals. Love him or hate him, he knows how to play the game.

        Christmas is at least starting to talk to others about taking out Paul. That’s something.

        Kevin is smart for his social game, so I guess that’s good too. He made good relationships on both sides of the house. Plus he’s entertaining.

        Elena kind of has the lights on. But being tied to Mark, who really doesn’t know he’s playing a game and is tied to Cody’s sack, hurts her. She’s trying to separate so I guess that’s a plus too? I dunno.

        The only other competition in the house, Jody, have absolutely no idea what they are doing. They are good at comps and nothing else. Cody already was evicted but managed to win his rigged game to get back in. Jess can’t get her head out of his (cody) rear end and really show no signs of actually wanting to win. She acts like the house somehow has wronged her so she just pouts like a spoiled little brat.

        Everyone else don’t seem to have a clue what they are doing. Maybe I’m missing something.

        What the rest of the house is doing is floating and being yes men / women. You never really hear much discussion about game play. People that play like this way rarely win. Yeah, they end up in jury, but who cares.

      • Agree with a lot of your points.

        One of THE BEST game plays was Kevin telling Cody and Jessica about the blindside. Kevin is playing a good game.

        Personally I also think Alex is playing a good game. She’s gone from being in great danger early on, to working her way into the main group. From what I read, last night Xmas is drawing closer to her.

        Don’t be surprised if Alex (with a little help from Jason, Kevin Xmas) pulls the trigger on Paul. It’s just a little too early right now for Alex to get a safe, clean shot.

        Give it two more weeks.

        If Alex (or any player) is smart, this week and next is when the groundwork needs to be done.

        “You know Paul is playing a great game, I don’t think any of us could beat him on finals night.” Sit back, shut up and listen to what’s said.

      • Your assessment is excellent, it makes an awful lot of sense to me and I very much appreciate you answering. I have to say it’s really giving me food for thought. I certainly can’t disagree with it. 😀

      • This is exactly spot on. Things likely would’ve been different had Paul not gotten three weeks of safety. I think most of the house was okay with ganging up on Paul early on but, like you said, after the three weeks he had gained his foothold and most of the house realized they didn’t have to do any work and just do his bidding.

      • They did the same thing for Elissa in BB15 because she was Rachel’s sister. Remember the MVP twist?? She’d have been gone the minute they figured out the Brenchel connection, but Grodner leveraged her built-in fan base & boom. It’s the nature of Grodner & Meehan to try to pad their cast with built-in fans because they are, after all, producing a *television show*. It’s ALL about ratings in the entertainment industry, period. No ratings, no show.

  11. Josh is a low life scum. No class and very very annoying to watch. I will pick up the show and start watching again once this week is over. The whole being a bully thing needs to stop , BB needs to really step in and do something. They really don’t need that kind of ratings its WAY TO OVER THE TOP. But game wise once they get out Cody. Jessica and Mark things will really get exciting and the house will explode. Can’t wait to see all of Paul’s little minions get axed over Josh. It will be Paul, Christmas and the Clown (Josh) at the end. My Opinion.

    • I disagree, Josh is too stupid and emotional to last that long. It’s way too hard to predict final 3 but my final 5 pick right now would be Paul, Alex, Matt, Christmas, and Kevin. Then it plainly comes down to winning comps and they’ll finally turn on Paul because none of them would beat him in the final 2.

      • I would normally agree but Paul will want to keep Josh around until the very end. And I think that Christmas and Paul have been working together all along since week one. At the end of the day they are all puppets with the exception of Kevin who is playing very low key. So they will all fall and leave the house the way that Paul sets it all up. Pretty boring season because there are no real players.

      • I can’t see Josh beat Matt, Paul, Alex, and a healthier Christmas in
        physical comps, and he’s too dumb to study and win any mental comps. Kevin is the take-floater-to-the-finals guy if he survives, and I think Paul will be more loyal to Alex and Christmas then his loose cannon puppet Josh.

      • These are great points and again if Matt, Ravin, Kevin and Alex were real players then maybe Josh would be in trouble. But Josh is everything you say he is and more. So that makes him a better fit for Paul and Christmas to take deep into the game. He is so much more easy to manipulate and he is the perfect pawn for them. But, you could be right though because Pawns are made to be sacrificed. So Paul may give him up to save himself in the future if need be. I would really LIKE to see Josh blindsided by Paul. That would be awesome to see.

      • That’s because Big Brother is best played when you carry the weak people to the end, beating them only when it counts.

    • I’m with you, taking a week off BB. I can’t stand Josh. Josh is loud and embarrassing. Plus the show has become a “bully” show which does not sit well with viewers at all. BB is carefully editing out the “real bullying” done in the house after dark….the behavior is shameful in today’s environment….it’s called harrassment.

    • You’re right. Big Brother should be a game where they put 16 people in a house and give them all safety pins and declare each room a safe space and you can only enter another person’s room if you promise to hug the other person repeatedly while saying absolutely nothing to them ever do that there is no chance for anyone to feel triggered.

      It would be exciting to watch!

      • P.S. of course you have to make sure somehow, without talking to them, that the person actually invites you into their safe space first. I think you need to do it through Instagram or something. But the key here is to never ever talk to anyone face-to-face. You only can play this version of the game through your smartphone.

        The winner would be the one who takes the most selfies.

      • Your an extremist my friend – they have had plenty of great season without going to this level.

      • It’s not the first time I’ve been told that in probably not the last either LOL 😃

  12. CBS has created a show based on the premise of “Lord of the Flies”,minus the island and no one dies,the last person rescued will get $500,000,for anyone else here try to make this show anything different are only fooling themselves.

    • That is what the show is about, yes. You got that right. People that don’t like it don’t have to watch. There are other shows and other networks. An example: Nickelodeon is a wonderful channel this time of year. It is insightful, impactful and very much attuned to reality.

    • What are you talking about? Josh is loser, an extreme loser. Nothing interesting about his game. A guy that hits to pans together for an entire week and acts like a clown? I can get that at Nick At Night , LOL

      • Its garbage TV and its never well received. I think you have to be a teenager to make that type of comment. There are so many better strategies to play and better veteran players have won without acting like a clown. Send him back to the Circus.

      • Well it’s big brother so yes it is indeed garbage TV. It’s summer time filler. Don’t take it so seriously man.
        Did you think it was anything else?

      • I’ve seen pretty great seasons without all of his non-sense before but your point is well taken. I just really hate bullies, no reason for it and the people are stuck with no recourse. Has to really suck to be in that situation. The look on Mark’s face say it all and what if he snaps? Can he be blamed? Can he claim Harassment?

      • Didn’t mark throw hot sauce in Josh’s eyes? Wouldn’t that be assault?

  13. Jessica might be pregnant?? This more and more seems like a soap disguised as a game! Her attraction to Cody makes no sense at all. Noticing Christmas has been planting seeds around to get Paul out. Second time she suggested something to Josh that I saw but he seems oblivious to it, lol.

    • She’s smart to do so but she needs to be careful. If that gets back to Paul, she’s toast.
      I’m glad to see someone doing it though.

    • Interesting – I think Christmas and Paul have a final 2 deal but if she wants to win she will need to get Paul out without blooding her hands. That would be a trick that would win her the prize. Why do you think Jessica may be pregnant?

      • It says it up top:

        9:04 PM BBT – Jessica tells Cody if she finds out she’s pregnant after she’s been evicted she feels like production would tell him.

        She seems to think it’s a possibility.

      • Maybe she will give producers an idea for a new game show. Instead of Big Brother they can call it Pig Mother. The house guests try to hook up and get pregnant. The one with the first confirmed pregnancy wins the money and has a brand new baby as a bonus.

      • I can’t see anybody voting for her if she made final two with anybody, not just Paul. She really hasn’t been able to do much. As for Jessica, check out the live feed highlights in this article around 9:00 pm.

  14. There will only be 8 votes this week unless the loser of the Temptation comp is taken off the block with the Veto. So, there is a chance of a tie.

  15. When will Paul’s Patsies realize he is just playing all of them. Also, the producers let the bad behavior go too far.

  16. Oh my gawd. I am watching the episode now. What A SHIZ SHOW.

    All to these people are embarrassing. They are literally all Paul’s sheep. Josh is a piece of cow poop. Raven was literally about to cry when Jessica had a convo with her but then she because all beligerent when she has a crowd to back her up? At least Matt realizes its stupid the way they are acting. And once again CBS didnt show all that happened per the feed reviews I read here this week.

  17. Failure to eliminate a big threat (Cody) will come back to bite many a house guest. Jessica is small potato’s. Cody is not.

    • Failure to eliminate a big threat (Paul) will come back to bite many a house guest. [Everyone else] is small potato’s. Paul is not.

      • Cody is acting like if Jeszibel is evicted, his sole purpose will be to avenge Jessica. That’s so sweet and honorable. OORAH!

      • I’m picturing Cody if Jess evicted, sitting in the HN room, by his own choice eating slop, taking cold showers and staring at the wall, then staring at the other wall, then…..

    • Remember this is a numbers game at this point. Cody has Jess and Mark (sometimes).
      Paul has everyone else.

  18. Impressed with Christmas as of right now. She told Josh “not to listen to everything Paul says” and she doesn’t want to use her temptation this week. I guess I was wrong about Christmas, good for her for playing her own game! Hopefully Jessica survives over Cody.
    I know Jess talked about nominating Raven and Alex with her HOH and I would love to see that because I don’t like either of those girls!

    • Christmas is as controlling as Paul is and she knows exactly what Josh craves; motherly attention and advice, which she has, with agenda, provided for him. She’s no dummy. But when it comes down to game play, I think Josh would be more apt to seek the wisdom of, ahem, Father Paul.

      • I agree, however Christmas is Josh’s #1. Christmas also said remarks like this to Alex and we all know Alex is Paul’s biggest sheep so she’s going to probably rat Christmas out. If that’s the case and Paul tries to get Josh to take a shot at Christmas (hypothetically) then I think Josh will take Christmas’ side

      • there are only two players in the house jess and cody the rest are followers of pauls no one wants to think for themselves the game is to win and everyone is helping paul win they need to start realizing that or just go home???

      • Actually by your own logic, that would make Paul the best player in the game because he has the most followers. Jessica and Cody have no social game and therefore they have no game at all. Big brother cannot be played without a social game.

    • It would be a glorious thing if Christmas convinced Josh to take a shot at some big game (Paul).

  19. You guys are ridiculous. Yes, Paul has been manipulating people all game. It’s a great strategy. But Josh has vocally been against Jessica and Cody for weeks. So stop acting like it’s just Paul that wants them out. Josh would still be going after them if Paul wasn’t there. They just have the same agenda right now.

    • No if Paul wasn’t there he would do exactly what Christmas told him. He can’t think for himself. If you think he can you must be getting some other Big Brother feeds no one else is.

      • Actually, Josh has been playing his game pretty well. He said from the very beginning he would align himself with Paul, and play the crazy “dont know sh*t” kinda role. He has, and its got him this far when he could’ve easily been evicted early on. I think despite his “crazy” tendencies hes got what it takes to make his own decisions.

      • Sure it’s all because Josh’s game play….haha no. They kept him around to do everyone else’s dirty work. He doesn’t have any game play. Everyone else is telling him how to play.

    • Would he though? I feel like we couldn’t make that conclusion for sure because Paul won’t let him have one thought of his own right now.
      He probably would, but I can’t help but wonder if he would be handling the situations the same way if Paul wasn’t in his ear encouraging him to be combative.

  20. That comp was just another BB attempt to make sure Paul stays in the house. You had arguably one of the more interesting BB episodes and they do a “who is going to be crap lucky tonight” hoh. I would have preferred an HOH that challenged everyone. They really need to go back to the drawing board for next season….this is becoming a snooze.

    • Well production probably has their comp schedule all lined up and it’s probably too difficult logistically to simply change the comp based on whats actually going on with the HGs at that moment. I don’t think it’s been a snooze at all, in fact quite the opposite, but I enjoy the drama and this cast has hit a home run in that dept. Plus typically the first few weeks are boring until we get to know everyone but this year it’s been great since day 1 with the temptations. The show will be boring at final 5 as it all comes down to winning comps by then.

  21. I think Cody and Jessica still have a good chance to win either the curse or the veto comp. If they did each win one – it would really make this week interesting.

    • Hoping Jessica since Paul wants her out so bad. Paul could be a pawn next to Cody.

      • How lovely would that be AND Christmas and Jason turn the tables and get Paul voted out. (Wishful thinking but could happen.)

    • I just read on Joker that Josh wants to get Elana out that he is not worried about Jody because they will go after bigger threats or Maven, If he can pull this off I will have a whole new feeling for him lol. I seriously think Paul will get in his head. Paul is starting to make that Paulie mistake getting too big for his britches ordering Josh around. Fingers crossed that Christmas and Josh pull something big off.

      • I seriously doubt that Josh could get Alex, Jason, Paul, Matt, Kevin or Raven to agree with getting Elena out over Jess or Cody. The only way that will happen is if Josh put one of “his” people OTB against Elena. Then they would have no other choice. Does Josh have the kahunas to do that? He could luck into getting Elena out by Jess and Cody winning safety and veto, but otherwise, imo, it ain’t gonna happen.

      • I don’t know I am right. I admit to being wrong more than right. lol
        I love different opinions and being able to joke about it. No one’s opinion is any more relevant than the next person. Love you, sparkle!

  22. So Christmas is manipulating Josh into nominating Elena. Josh wants her out. Paul will talk him out of it.

    • yep, that plan won’t last long and Christmas will have an even bigger target on her back

  23. It’s wrong the way CBS is allowing that Josh to act. It just proves that BULLIES are everywhere and in this instant getting away with it. He has no business being there if he can’ t control his childish/school yard bullying. Our family has always enjoyed Big Brother but are at the point of discontinuing future shows, since there doesn’t seem to be any control for BAD conduct/behavior.

    • Pots and pans it’s a long-standing big brother tradition that has happened many many many times in the past.

      • If the pots and pans nonsense is acceptable, how about going to an opponent in the middle of the night while sleeping and screaming in his/her ear? How about dousing a container of milk with salt so that your opponent’s breakfast is ruined when s/he eats cereal? There are all kinds of things we could think of that go beyond any sense of fairness. Is that what people want to see? I don’t.

        Competition is fine, but there should always be rules of fair play, otherwise the worst traits in humanity may surface.

    • But the things Jody said to Josh earlier in the game was ok in your household? This whole bullying subject is getting a little contradictive… It’s ok for two people to be down right vicious (Cody’s earlier verbal attacks/Jess wanting to drown or slam Alex’s head in a door)… But some goofball slamming pots&pans and over using the term meatball is crossing the line? Smh

  24. I think Christmas could be the one to flip the house. I haven’t been liking her and Alex lately, but if she does it that will be great. It seems from the talk that Cody will be backdoor’d so he won’t play in the veto comp.

  25. Josh is disgusting and disrespectable and needs to be kicked out !!!
    Cody and Jess are being bullied and harassed and abused with childish behavior that should not be allowed and never seen on this show. My friends and I want to stop watching and supporting it. It’s Awful. It’s suppose to be about the fun games and competitions. Get rid of Paul- its his game and he should not have been allowed to come back- its not even fun anymore, none of them have a chance, its all Paul’s decision on everything. They have become his little mice.

    • Cody and Jess are not being bullied…they do the same thing. Jess wanted to poisong their food and drown Alex in the hot tub. If they can’t take a little pots and pans banging and some verbal abuse..they need to go home. This has happened on many seasons. They know what they signed up for. Cody call the ladies ‘Bitches” last night. He is an arrogant jerk.

    • Agreed, and the producers should have stopped that pots and pans nonsense as soon as it started.

  26. Ugh Cody! Jessica, pregnant, really? Are they trying to get pregnant? EWWWW! They’ve only known each other on a televised reality game show. Neither of them really know each other, in the real world.

  27. Was Josh able sleep in Paul’s HOH room? Josh shouldn’t listen to either Paul or Christmas and play his own game.

    • Does he have the mental capacity to do that?
      I’m serious.
      He’s either a really good actor and is pretending to be dumb, or I think he may have a learning disability. (I am NOT making fun of people with learning disabilities at all.)
      I seriously think without guidance, he’d lose his few marbles.

      • From the start of the show I worried about Josh. He was a total wreck; he needed that parental guidance. It seems to be the first time he is away from his mother’s protection. It took many of the houseguest to calm him down.

        This game should be a good lesson/training for him to be on his own HOWEVER, he is getting guidance from those who do not have his best interest at hand (not that it is their job). OR, he could be a good actor.

        Josh doesn’t seem to be all there, momma’s boy, spoiled, low self esteem, whatever….

      • No offense to anyone and I wasn’t thinking it in a bad way, but it does seem he is a little on the slow side…

  28. ” Jessica says it’s not Paul’s fault that everyone else in the house has such low IQs that they can’t speak for themselves.”

    Best think she’s said so far

    • I’m not too sure where her own IQ lies. She’s a woman and had no idea what her hymen was.

  29. worst big bothers ever. Nothing but promoting bulling. No one should be poundind pans in some ones face trying to get them to punch them or something.Not sure how anyone can keep thier cool thing if i was on that show i would of had to be pulled off of the person. To me this is not a game anymore just see how far some one can be push. CBS should be ashamed of this kind of rreality show. if some one strikes back then they want to throw that person off the show. to much hate in this country to have this on like it is. was great show untill this series. just wanted to give my opinion.

    • You are aware that the pots and pans thing has happened on multiple seasons right?

    • Bullying? That’s crap! How do you bully a marine? Yeah, he’s traumatized for the rest of his life every time he hears Pot’s and Pan noises.

      • Cody doesn’t care about the pots and pans. Josh has been using them to bully Mark relentlessly since last week following him around. I don’t see how everybody else hasn’t made Josh stop. It should be annoying AF to everyone in the house.

  30. Maybe I’m losing my mind along with the HGs…. They don’t usually send 11 to jury right? Isn’t it usually nine?

      • It would get their blood pressures rising if they suddenly found out the next three evicted would be going home instead of to jury because BB was going back to the original jury of 7. How strategies would suddenly change.

      • I mean we already saw what happened when they realized jury was being stalled for one more week

      • I likey! What you think about Christmas, I think her and Paul will clash soon, of course she will lose.

      • Christmas is pushing it here, engaging in this topic without the other HGs there to opine. When they find out, and they will, that she encouraged Josh with this idea, they are not going to be happy. She is using Josh to further some kind of agenda she has, to test the waters. This might just slap her in the face.

      • Wait, what did she suggest to josh?? I missed that honey, give me the scoop! I be behind since i don’t have feeds.

      • For some reason(production? haha)Josh is wanting to take Elena out instead of Cody or Jess. Christmas has been egging him on to do it and to not listen to Paul or anyone else for that matter.

      • O no she didn’t! Ole one legged heffer. How is going to try and play puppet master with one leg and no comp wins?? No mam! She is really feeling herself. See, I didn’t know the details of that, I just had a sense she may want toto get cute soon. It was just a feeling, turns out I was right! Girlfriend better hope that doesn’t get back to Paul. Production may want Christmas out if they’re planting that.

      • I figure if they wanted that, they could have easily let Cody win. I think they are setting uo the next set of drama giving xmas to the remaining party of Jody. You know they have to keep us going chile. Smh they may even throw in xmas a hoh just to shake things up since she’s in the burgeoning stages of against Paul.

      • Oh, by the way mg, I ALWAYS want you on my side. You either have good intuition or you can see the future. You don’t talk to the dead do you? Now that sh*t scares me a little.

      • Ha haa! I dont do anything with the dead honey! It’s just a sharp intuition i guess. Too funny!

      • Paul is always a step ahead of their game. He already floated her name on the pecking order to Alex, I believe it was last week. I was surprised when I heard it, I thought Paul/Christmas were tight.

      • I knew he had one eye on her but I didn’t think Christmas would try it first. Uh humm, she will be scooting her azz to Julie on her one leg sooner than she thinks!

  31. Paul and Christmas will have it out soon, but she’d better be careful. I see her in hot water soon. She thinks she’s gaining trust but she is rubbing many in her alliance the wrong way. Once she crosses Paul, bye Christmas. She’s not strong enough to go against him. It’s brewing.

    • Christmas is playing a stellar social game though, and for having a broken leg she hasn’t been doing bad in comps. I think she can hold her own against Paul even if he catches onto her. I like Paul but I would like to see someone other than him play the game.

      • Completely disagree. There’s no way they will jump ship from Paul to her with one leg and no comp wins. Actually her social game isnt all that great, she’s rubbing a lot of ppl the wrong way with her personality in general. Matt, Mark, Raven, kevin, Alex, Jason have all been complaining about how she gets on their nerves and they wouldn’t mind her out sooner than later. For her to try to be the next puppet master wouldn’t be wise. She physically cant even compete in 50% of the comps to even save herself if need be. Bad bad bad idea to get cute now.

      • It’s not going to work out for Christmas, but glad to see someone else trying to find a way to get Paul out…..

  32. From what I’ve read, Josh has a greater loyalty to Christmas than to Paul. That being said, I’m not sure going after Elena, who is at the bottom of both sides of the house, is a strong move.
    I also think that people shouldn’t plan who’s going to go out until after the nominations are set.

  33. Jessica had potential to be a good player, but she’s thrown that all away for an egotistical, robotic, hot-headed moron that she’s only known for just over a month. She wasted her HOH, and the Veto on trying to evict Josh but instead got Ramses evicted. Putting up Alex or Paul would’ve been better idea and then back door one of them if the other won the Veto, but nope. Then she blew her undeserved Halting Hex power to save a worthless player she’s infatuated with and screwed herself this week. Such an idiot. I hope she gets what she deserves.

  34. So on Thursday’s show, Paul boo hoo’ed that Jessica and Cody disrespected the Veto Ceremony, by not stating why he should use the Veto on one of them. Why waste their breath trying to “kiss Paul’s ring”. Most of those speeches basically say ” I’m not ready to go home….I respect your decision…. blah blah blah, not to mention the fact, that they knew they weren’t going home. And then he goes into the DR after discussing Jessica’s deal/conditions and crosses his fingers?!!! What is he 8 years old? Not to mention the fact that he proved his word doesn’t mean anything. Don’t tell me that’s just game play. The rest of the house aren’t sheep, they’re lemmings about to fall over the cliff.

  35. Most past and present HGs have bullied, threatened, ostracized, physically abused by throwing inappropriate objects at each other, sexually harassed one another . . . the list goes on. But, as a mother, I would be very upset by Jessica and Cody’s behavior. As a fan, Matt and Mark are the floaters, and I hate floaters. I love Alex and Jason, and I hope they go far.

  36. I’m frankly puzzled by Cody and Jessica’s behavior on BB,both act like they hate being there,never seen two house guests so miserable and angry from the get go,just makes no sense whatsoever and can’t even be bothered to engage in any type of social game,instead behave like two 14 year old kids playing doctor for the first time,begs the they realize they are on BB and not Motel 6,just asking..

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