After a crazy day in the Big Brother 19 house, the houseguests got a bit of a warning to pull back just a bit on the drama as the evening pressed on. There was still a lot of drama and game talk, however, but the HGs did decide to cool it on the attacks for a bit.
Catch up on how this mess got started with our Monday daytime Feed Highlights Report first for more details on what lead up to the chaos.
If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.
Big Brother 19 Live Feed Highlights – Monday, July 31, 2017:
3:15 PM BBT – Cody talking with Jessica about being stuck in situations of conflict with people you have to live alongside. He says they’ll get through it.
3:30 PM BBT – Raven is crying and worried about confrontation because it upsets her due to past abuse.
3:40 PM BBT – Josh says he’s willing to bully Cody if it’ll get him out of the game.
3:55 PM BBT – Big Brother shouts a message to the HGs that there’s to be no horsing around.
4:20 PM BBT – Jessica tells Paul she’s tired of Josh’s bullying behavior. She says he should tell them to stop, but Paul says he doesn’t have any control over the HGs.
4:25 PM BBT – Jessica says she’s going to use the Halting Hex on Thursday.
4:40 PM BBT – Paul tells Josh to amp up his yelling and the pots & pans routine. Josh goes off to yell at Cody.
4:55 PM BBT – Josh is still going at it and arguing with Jessica when Cody says they should leave the room.
5:03 PM BBT – Josh has his pots and pans back. He’s heckling Cody and Jessica, but Jessica is laughing about it. Now Jessica is yelling back and forth with Alex from the kitchen. Soon Raven is yelling too. Eventually Cody comes out of the Lounge, but he’s not getting involved in the shouting match. Most of the other HGs are standing around watching.
5:10 PM BBT – Cody and Jessica have moved to the hammock. Alex and Mark are now arguing inside, mostly Alex yelling at Mark. Soon the other HGs follow them outside but keep their distance while shouting and heckling them from afar.
5:15 PM BBT – Raven is screeching at Jessica and Cody. Lots of yelling from the one side over at the hammock.
5:20 PM BBT – Paul is called to the DR, but it only lasts a minute. He comes back and tells the other HGs that they aren’t allowed to incite violence or suggest self-evictions.
5:30 PM BBT – While things continue outside Mark and Elena briefly speak inside before Elena goes back to make sure she isn’t getting blamed for anything out there.
5:45 PM BBT – Jessica asks Cody if he wants to walk (from the game). Cody says he’d walk with her if she wants to go.
5:50 PM BBT – Paul and Kevin are back inside smearing vaseline all around the house.
6:10 PM BBT – Cody and Jessica are back in the house. Jessica says she’s intentionally making eye contact with everyone. Cody is finding Paul’s vaseline smears on door handles.
6:23 PM BBT – Paul swaps out the regular coffee with decaf again. (He’s doing this since Cody makes coffee in the morning.)
6:25 PM BBT – Jessica tells Cody she wants to get through this and stay to play since viewers voted her to have the Hex power.
6:26 PM BBT – Christmas says they must keep torturing Jessica and Cody.
6:27 PM BBT – Jessica realizes that with the Hex used there will be no eviction for 10 more days and then 17 more days before the next so they could be separated for awhile.
6:30 PM BBT – Josh lets Kevin know that he (J) was told in DR to lighten up on Jessica and Cody.
6:50 PM BBT – Christmas says she isn’t going to stop going after them and will stay up all night. She is soon called to DR.
6:55 PM BBT – Paul is reporting back that they need to cool it but don’t have to stop completely, just ease off and spread it out instead of everyone doing it all at once. Paul camtalks that they were giving Cody some of his own medicine.
6:57 PM BBT – Paul says Megan already quit and messed up the game and they don’t want to make more people quit. Josh agrees. Paul says they can keep doing this tastefully because they need to get Jessica to not use the Hex so they can send Cody home.
6:59 PM BBT – Paul says if Jessica or Cody snap they want it to be on their own accord. He says his group doesn’t want to be held responsible for that.
7:00 PM BBT – Paul tells Elena that his advice to her would be to separate herself from Jessica and Cody altogether.
7:01 PM BBT – Mark telling Josh that this is all mentally draining him. He says he isn’t defending Cody and Jessica but he doesn’t like what everyone is doing to them. Mark says he wouldn’t even like it if they were doing this to Josh. Josh says he’s going to chill out.
7:04 PM BBT – Jessica says the fact that they’re acting like this for $8,000 (jury stipend) is all she needs to know. She suggests they get jobs instead.
7:07 PM BBT – Jessica tells Cody that unless they win HOH and get their room back they’re going to have to put up with all of this all the time.
7:08 PM BBT – Elena and Mark both say they’ll put Cody and Jessica on the block next week to prove themselves and clear their names.
7:28 PM BBT – Bullhorn heard in the backyard. Most people online think it said “America loves Jessica and Paul is a bully.” BB calls for a lockdown.
7:56 PM BBT – Jessica is worried about someone getting in their faces. She’s getting really annoyed with being in the house.
8:14 PM BBT – Mark and Josh having a bit of a heart to heart about their past issues with each other.
8:20 PM BBT – Mark says he feels bad for charging at Josh. He says kids watch the show and look up to them and think that behavior is OK.
8:33 PM BBT – Josh tells Christmas it’s time they chill out with the attacks. Christmas says mental warfare can be played another way – by being super nice to them.
8:38 PM BBT – Christmas asks why they need to watch what they say and Josh says he thinks Jessica and Cody were talking about self evicting so that’s why the Diary Room told them to back off a bit.
8:42 PM BBT – Mark is telling everyone he thinks they made their point and is implying they lay off Jessica and Cody. He says they aren’t attacking people. Raven says that they attacked her. Paul says it’s just strategy because if Jessica or Cody win HOH they’re all in danger.
8:52 PM BBT – Raven thinks Jessica started a fight with her today so she’d have an excuse to use the Halting Hex.
8:54 PM BBT – Elena says she feels like they’ve been having this same talk for 40 days. She says she’s exited to see Jessica and Cody evicted so they can stop talking about it.
9:22 PM BBT – Paul is worried he’s being portrayed as a bully. He says he’s just trying to protect his people.
9:36 PM BBT – Jessica got out of the diary room and is in a much better mood. She’s talking about how the woman in the DR was very nice. She and Cody suddenly no longer want to self-evict. Jessica says she just needs to push herself and to not let herself want to give up no matter what.
10:11 PM BBT Raven asks what is up with Mark. Paul says who cares. They agree they’re all over him. Paul says it’s not cool he’s saying they’re pushing things too far when he dumped hot sauce in Josh’s face.
10:38 PM BBT – Paul has let it sink in that Jessica is using the Hex and this will be another dud week.
10:44 PM BBT – Mark tells Paul he hopes to win HOH so he can nominate Jessica and Cody and clear his name.
11:00 PM BBT – Jessica says if they don’t win HOH she’s going to play for safety and gun for veto because she refuses to play dead in the game. She tells him she wants to go before him if they’re split up before jury. Cody says they can just win all the HOH and safety comps and take out as many people as they can.
11:15 PM BBT – Elena visits Cody and Jessica to talk about the events earlier. Elena says she wasn’t going to participate in all that behavior. She says that defending them is going to be hard on her game though.
11:30 PM BBT – Jessica asks Elena that if she (J) and Cody are up together again that the house evict her instead of Cody. Elena asks if they want her to nominate them if she gets HoH. They say no.
11:35 PM BBT – Mark tells Paul he doesn’t like how Christmas went from saying she was okay with Cody and Jessica to piling on in the fight today.
12:45 AM BBT – Paul admits he got people riled up, but says he didn’t force anyone to do all that. He says his strategy was to get Cody to crack so Jessica would be willing to not use the Hex to save him.
12:50 AM BBT – Mark tells Josh that he understands how Paul and Josh had their issues with Cody but then a half dozen other HGs jumped in and started fighting with them too and he didn’t like that. Mark asks Josh not to kick Cody while he’s already down. Josh says he’ll stop.
1:10 AM BBT – Raven is upset and says Jessica started things by yelling at her today for no reason.
1:15 AM BBT – Paul admits maybe they took things too far. Josh says he won’t let it go to the next level.
1:20 AM BBT – Paul is worried about how it will be shown in the episode with everyone yelling at Jessica and Cody. He says it needs the context of the past forty days of Cody’s behavior toward them.
1:45 AM BBT – Christmas suggest they change tactics and kill them with kindness. Josh worries how it’ll look if they continue on in their behavior from earlier today. Paul agrees and says they should go with Christmas’s suggestion.
2:00 AM BBT – HGs are working on going to bed as the lights start to go out but the chatting continues.
2:15 AM BBT – No one is going to be just yet after all. They’re goofing around and talking. Josh and Paul are running around throwing nuts at each other.
2:25 AM BBT – Paul teases Josh that on finale night he can beat him up and Big Brother can’t help him.
2:45 AM BBT – Lights are all out and HGs are off to bed.
Well that started off as an awful evening with these Houseguests and barely got better by the end of the night. I imagine the mob mentality has worn off for now as they realized how bad that’s going to look on the show. They’ll be better off preparing for Thursday night and I expect there’s going to be a lot of drama surrounding the next Head of Household.
You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.
This season is actually turning my stomach. Bad move BB to allow this type of behavior. Guess it makes for good TV I find it repulsive that this is being allowed. Bullying is never acceptable even on a TV show. Calling Paul in to say he needs to lighten up, he doesn’t have to stop just cool off abit..not good enough….I expected much more from BB than that!
They never told Aaryn or GM to cool it. This is actually more than BB has ever done.
EXACTLY. I even went back to season 15 myself to watch a couple episodes just to remind myself of just how far they are willing to let it go.
Pretty fascinating in retrospect.
I’ll tell you one thing, this season is one for the history books already.
Makes me wonder why production is getting so involved when they let lots of more crazy/twisted things go on in past seasons.
Good question.
Here is a theory about that: Since Cody and Jessica were talking about self evicting together, I’m sure that would throw off their timeline. Then DR calls her in – she comes out smiling and tells Cody they were really nice to her, she shouldn’t quit because America gave her that hex, she should stay and fight, that if they leave, they have to pay back the flight, hotel, etc.
Since they were both talking about walking, maybe BB was preventing a double walk off for their timeline.
Did anyone get what Jessica was covering her mouth to whisper to Cody? I really hope DR didn’t promise her the next HoH. Even if they leave separate weeks, I’m ready for them to be gone. Even Elena said she’s ready so they stop with all the mess over them.
“they have to pay back the flight, hotel”
There was a conversation about that last night with Evel Dick, and he said they use that as a scare tactic, but they never actually claims their expenses from the HG. Megan said they never ask her to pay back anything.
BB won’t let them walk after last night. Jessica became number one on Jokers rankings
Jessica and Cody are too big of characters to let them just self evict. I don’t think theyll ever let them don’t that lol
They are becoming like Brendan and Racheal nobody like them either at first then they went num 1 and she won the all thing
I STILL don’t know why people like brenden and Rachel but then again I haven’t finished either of their seasons so maybe they become tolerable at the end? I already like jess more than Rachel. Still dislike Cody though
If you finish the season that Rachel won you might find her more tolerable. I didn’t like her at first either, but Jordan started helping her social game while Rachel was good with the comps.
I’ll give it a second try but only cus I love Jordan. I stopped watching after Brendan left, because I found her insufferable. As far as her original season, I’m still in progress. I’ve been watching the seasons in backwards order because I started with 18 lol.
I don’t know why, but I did like Brendon and Rachel. I think it was more that I couldn’t stand the other house guests and they kind of used that mob mentality against those two. Maybe it’s the whole underdog thing. I just don’t think they deserved all the hate.
I’m still in the process of watching season 12 but 13 was a bust for me. I didn’t really like anyone on there, and Rachel would throw a toddler sized tantrum every time things didn’t go her way. I also got tired of her throwing the word floater around against anyone she didn’t like. I didn’t think Cassi was a floater at all but Rachel kept calling her one cus she didn’t like her.
And I can see why she became number one. I couldn’t stand her or Cody and now after all this bullying and everyone attacking them and the way they both handled themselves they’re starting to turn me around. At least Jessica stands up for herself against the bully dictator Paul. He’s a disgusting bully.
When she came out of the DR she was talking about having a fan. I think they told her what they were yelling over the wall because as soon as they went on lockdown after that incident they called Cody then Jess into the DR.
I don’t care how it is done. I want either Jessica or Cody to be HOH next week. That is the LEAST that should happen after the crap they have put up with this week. America gives Jessica a free pass and Paul is insulted or whatever. Screw that.
While I am writing this after Josh won…..I too was hoping that they would at the very least have gotten the HOH. For a while there I was scared that Christmas was going to be the problem but Prince MB came up the winner!
Because BB15 stained BB’s reputation heavily and this is the first season since then with this much drama/controversial behavior. They’re intervening so people can’t say that production encourages this type of behavior (even if they enjoy the ratings upticks)
The difference is there were 8 people attacking 2 people. It wasn’t like it was one on one. Big difference. It was disgusting.
Absolutely! That is why I voiced my opinion on this site for the first time. It was bullying and it wasn’t enough on CBS’s part to politlely ask Pauly to stop with his bullying an manipulating. Pots, Pans, screaming and going against the station’s requests is uncalled for. The master is indeed Paul, but the others that follow him are to blame too. What has happened to all these people? Are they all followers? I can understand Pauly’s concern now to get Jessica and Cody out as they have been the only two that haven’t followed his demands.
i think the social construct is so different now than S-15
I’m glad they have this time! Production should have a duty of care to all houseguests.
too little too late..Production has never been able to shut the door on BB15..That season will always be a bad memory..
Until BB19
True. But BB15 is when the disclaimer “VIEWS OF THE HOUSEGUESTS DO NOT REPRESENT THOSE OF POP” showed up on BBAD.
The Aryan Princess is now a mother. I would hope that she’s not training her kid to be a racist, but I know that’s a pipe dream.
They got fired from their jobs didn’t they? There will be repercussions for Paul and his minions when they leave the Big Brother House and re-enter the real world! With social media being big these days, what are these idiots going to do when they go out and people bully them giving them a dose of their medicine? In addition, when they apply for jobs, who would want to hire them? Minions should let Paul do his own dirty work. Why allow him to use you? Dumb sticks all of them!
Paul is rich so I doubt he will see any repercussions, however, he will on social media and all those guest staring roles he got over the year are over I hope.
Paul is indeed rich but repercussions are not only financial. Sure it may affect his comapny or maybe not….but people will see him differently. He is a talker though so he might talk his way out of just about anything but definitely not all. Bad thing is that it is man’s tendency to forget. Heck, most people forgot what he did last year even the one’s who were studying to be this year’s guests. All except Cody and Jessica ☺!
Not that I’m justifying the behavior this season but I was thinking back to how Amanda literally harassed Elissa until she (A) left. And Aaryn flipping over Candace’s mattress and bullying her until she was literally in the fetal position in tears. I still think those take the cake on BB bullying.
I was surprised that BB didn’t intervene at least somewhat that season. But a lot has changed since then as well. There was just a case where a teen girl was convicted for bullying/taunting her boyfriend to commit suicide. I wonder if BB was worried about the liability. And then there was that thing about the last Bachelor show. I do think that TV production crews have some responsibility to provide a safe work environment according to OSHA and DOL standards. I know it’s a game, but it’s still a job and a work place.
Really? Please tell us what did you expect? Should they hug each other out the door all the time? Should this be a game where they all get together and sing Kumbaya in a circle while holding hands and whoever forgets the words gets evicted?
No, but they should not allow bullying of an sort. The entire house discussing making Cody flip give me a break it’s a game and there are rules to every game and bullying and ganging up to make someone snap should not be allowed….
Define bullying, please.
use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants. In this case the superior strength is not physically one person but the entire house rallying together.
You’re basically describing how Big Brother is supposed to be played.
That is the point of the entire game! That is what the game is about. 😘
I disagree…but that’s your opinion, everyone is entitles…not going back and forth with you on it.
Paul’s bullying campaign served no purpose – it would never have resulted in Jessica not using the hex! He even admitted he wanted Cody to self-evict – that is not playing big brother.
If that’s the way the game should be played Ian,Steve, Nicole, Derrick or Dan wouldn’t have won their seasons. The point of the game is to use superior INTELLECT and strategy along with strength and skill to INFLUENCE people to doing what one wants. Force should never be a part of it. In fact people who try to force others in the game often get kicked out pre-jury.
Exactly…..Go Paul!!!!!
Yeah right out the door. Lol
Haha, noooooooooo final two. Hey, where have you been? Don’t say watching Candy Crush:)
Haha nooo that show is stupid. Watched it the first night. I usually don’t get on here during the day I’m usually busy. But this article and yesterday has me so heated. I know we disagree and that’s ok but I found it really sad. I’m going to need a pitcher of margaritas to watch the show Wednesday. Lol
He won’t be final 2… way not after last night.
Well said
Trying to get someone to crack to incite violence is not playing the game. There a lot of things I would brush off as just playing the game, but not this.
I totally agree!!
Incite violence? What? Crack? What you mean like get their feeling hurt and cry?
That’s what Paul and Christmas’s intentions were, they said it for the entire BB fandom to hear.
Actually, after reading further, you are correct. Not cool.
Thank you
They just don’t get it!
Yes we do.
Sorry but I disagree. The game isn’t about bullying. And if that’s what you think then I’m just SMH
Thank you for making that clear. If it was how Kat wanted it BB would not still be on the air.
I agree with you one million percent.
Not disagreeing but look all the way back to the Evil Dick and Danielle season. The things he did to other house guests, like Jen. It was appalling and hard for me to watch.
Guess what the difference is? With ED it was one person going after someone it wasn’t the entire house. Huge difference.
no one is saying that they have to get along. of COURSE they aren’t going to all get along. BUT, this is not how you play the game.
Apparently it is how THEY play the game. Grab the popcorn, it’s gonna get ugly.
What don’t you see? You think it’s okay for the entire house to go after two people? There’s a BIG difference between Josh running around with pots and pans and acting like an idiot trying to aggravate Cody or Paul running his big mouth to Cody and the entire house going after them. It’s disgusting.
OMG…so glad someone said that.
the nerd heard is back – gahhh
Did everyone forget all the bullying Cody has done? I’m not saying two wrongs make a right, but c’mon. Since week one, Cody has called Josh a disgusting human being and said he would tell people he is a sexual deviant. Cody threatened Paul with violence in Paul’s HOH room. Meanwhile, Jessica becomes queen bit** and treats the entire house like crap when Cody and her were HOH, but when she doesn’t have any power she sobs and makes “victim noises”, which Cody hates to hear from anyone else except her.
Production allowed the bullying precedent with Cody verbally abusing anyone he didn’t like the very first week. In order to be Cody’s friend, you have to have muscles or have enough plastic surgery to start a toy company (i.e. “The babes”).
I am dumbfounded with how many people are defending the original bully who started all of this, smug Cody.
agree 1000% guess it was ok that Cody and Jessica wouldn’t even allow Josh to apologize, they were to busy telling him to shut his mouth and how discusting he was….that’s not bullying????
I agree. I don’t agree with the behaviors of the others but let’s not act like Cody himself isn’t a bully too. Like you said two wrongs don’t make a right. This season is a sh*tshow.
And he was punished for it and sent packing. He is back now and has been nothing but perfect. These jerks headed by Paul are disgusting.
I think when Paul and his cronies started attacking Cody by questioning him being in the Marines and showing disrespect for the American flag is when BB realized they had gone over the top. I wish the would punish Paul and Kevin for the stuff they keep doing with the vaseline. These people are suppose to be adults not teenagers. I haven’t seen the stuff they keep accusing Cody of doing. I do see him staring at them and sometimes making faces. He hasn’t done nearly the stuff the rest of the house has done.
Absolutely disgusting week! To watch and listen to all the abuse and the manipulation by Paul even after he was called in to the DR shows that this man disregards all including CBS and the show’s sponsors who ultimately will have to fork out $500K if he wins. I think it has gone to his head that he was called back for this season and they reinforced this by actually kicking someone off hours after arriving …..all to have Paul on BB19? The original group without having Paul on there was interesting enough. Sure viewers want to have some ‘drama’ but this season has been ridiculous. This is no longer drama or ploys to get someone out. This is showing the dark side of many of the players who are open to being used and not having any ability to use their own critical thinking skills to make a decision on their own and not just follow one person’s………and this reflection of America is really scary. Are these people a reflection of our neighbors, colleagues and friends? It truly is very scary! I can understand to have fierce competitors who will fight and fight to win. But to have people who are willing to gouge people’s eyes out for their win is where we should draw the line. I know there are indeed people out there that are like this….but we should not promote them all in the name of the mighty dollar. At the end of the day only one of them is going to win and how they deal with how they behaved in the show is going to ultimately be their problem, but to the rest……it is very sad to have the rest of the players do nothing but bend over while one person screws them all. If you think this is BB quality fine, but remember you are on season 19 and I understand that you need to keep it interesting but remember you are dealing with people here and not the mighty dollar only. May the best man win….but some sportsmanship, values and ethics are in order from the houseguests and it wouldn’t be a bad idea if CBS brushed up on these skills too.
I hope Paul’s behaviour will be shown – I’m going to be really annoyed if they cover all that up!
I agree. He thinks ” his people” should do everything he tells them. Paul needs to go. BB needs to evict him. He is the one provoking it. I HOPE THE SHOW THE PEOPLE WHST KIND OF A PERSON PAUL IS.
And what about Cody? He started all this, can dish it out but can’t take it, what a punk
I think his lack of reaction proved he certainly can take it. Has his bad behaviour not been shown in previous episodes (I thought it had but perhaps missed something on the live feeds). Also…as I have said…two wrongs do NOT make a right. Cody’s bad behaviour does NOT justify Paul’s.
It sure as hell does in my book!!!
But then things can never be resolved – the row will just keep going on & on & on. At some point, someone needs to say ‘enough’. In addition, involving other people & ganging up isn’t necessary.
Gee did I miss something? Did Cody have an entire house with him going after Paul or anyone else? Didn’t think so. If Paul went after Cody one on one like Josh did I would of said hey it’s game. But Paul crossed the line big time.
Cody has said things but it has been one on one. And believe me I am not a fan of his but Paul took it to an entire different inexcusable level. He’s a bullying dictator.
He started it by putting Paul on the block. That is how it started and stupid Paul didn’t even actually go on the block. Paul is a mess, bully and immature.
I do too. Then the people that don’t have the feeds and just “read” about it and think it’s ok will actually see how disgusting yesterday was.
They want Paul to win. It is clear they are going to cover up. They gave him 3 weeks of freedom. That is nuts. Nobody else got that opportunity. Good grief Christmas got a VETO replacement and Jessica got a basic 1 week pass. They want Paul to win so badly.
I’m sorry, but I thought these were adults. This is bs school yard behavior. These people need to grow up.
What’s going on in that house is the entire point of Big Brother and anyone who’s an actual superfan of the show is always secretly wishing for exactly this sort of thing to happen. Why else would you watch? It’s the same reason people watch soap operas and things like that, even reality TV. They want the drama. Well, they’re getting it. Just watch the ratings go up because they will. That alone will prove my point.
I personally do not watch this show to have a whole group of people yelling & bullying other people. That is absolutely awful behavior & not what I want to watch. I want to see good strategic moves & game play, which I don’t find this to be. BB should have put a stop to it right when it started. Yes, I want to see drama but not this kind.
this is like the season that most of the HG lost their jobs with the winner not even invited to the Talk Julie chen show I agree with you I dont like it one bit its a shame
I feel the same way.
May I ask, What Drama? There is no drama in being lemmings or floaters. I don’t see any strategy being put forth by anyone except Paul for his own benefit. I ask what would happen if Paul got evicted? These idiots would be lost. I am pulling for Cody/Jess only because of these clowns are not playing BB, they are following a pied Piper. I only hope they follow him to oblivion.
I can tell you what would happen if Paul was evicted…
SPOILER ALERT: Alex wins $500K
She’s the only other HG that is doing anything resembling game play.
I would be comfortable with either her or Kevin winning.
I like Kevin, but he needs to show us he can win a comp before I think he has a good shot.
I would too but he is playing a steller social game to make up for it. He’s playing every side of the house, and gathering so much information. I’m all for him or Alex winning. I like Paul and was rooting for him but his cockiness as a vet is making his gameplay worse. He’s slipping this year. I liked him better when he wasn’t trying so hard.
Yeah, its almost like he feels like he needs to apologize, or at least make up for last season’s finale. I mean, he stuck to his word about not taking James and took the person that had a chance to beat him. He’s got nothing to feel inferior about, but it does appear that he’s going overboard to an extent this season.
Of course, I’m still rooting for him, lol.
Agreed. As much as I think Paul deserved to win over Nicole, taking James would’ve been a safer move for him. Everyone’s saying he has “little man syndrome” but it’s more like “2nd place syndrome” lol. I was a big fan of Paul last year, so of course I want to see him succeed this year, but he needs to stop playing so hard.
He needs somebody in this house to be his Victor. If he had someone to cut loose with and just have some fun, he’d be more like the Paul we knew last year. I think he can still win without that, but I think it would help him realize he’s playing a bit too hard right now.
As long as he can keep from getting on anyone’s nerves (other than Cody or Jess of course), I think he will definitely be the one to beat.
Heck, even Jess told Cody that if Paul was sitting there at the end… As long as Cody wasn’t next to him, Paul was getting her vote. If that doesn’t show the Paul haters out there, I’m not sure what would.
You know what’s funny? I was just thinking the same thing not too long ago. Paul and Vic were the ultimate duo. The closest thing Paul has to a ride or die is Alex and I’m not so sure she’d be loyal to him till the end. Plus I think Jason is her ride or die. On a game level Paul’s got his minions but on a personal level he’s pretty alone. No one to really keep him grounded.
Hey, great minds think alike, lol.
Yeah, I agree that Alex is the closest thing he has to a ride or die. I actually do think Alex will do her best to keep Paul around as long as she can. I think she probably trusts Paul’s judgement more than Jason’s (which is probably for the best, lol).
If Jason keeps seeming like he can’t make a decision and stick with it, I think Paul has a great shot to last until maybe 4 HGs left and then they try to evict him in an effort to win. I actually think however Alex goes about evicting Paul… She’ll tell him to his face and not betray him. I think she respects him a lot as a competitor, and I think he definitely has that kind of respect for her in turn.
Of course, all that being said… If and when they do finally go after him, they will have to find somebody who can beat Paul for a Veto. Which, of course, is something nobody could do last year when he was on the block.
True that. He managed to win veto pretty much every time he was on the block as a target. I can definitely see what you’re talking about with Alex. I don’t think she’d ever take Jason out herself but I think someone from Paul’s side will eventually. The guy means we’ll but he’s a liability.
Alex and Paul are both intelligent and good competitors. If Paul gets taken out by anyone honestly I hope it’s her, and if it happens I’d like it to be later when it’s down to the wire. They’d definitely be a jury vote for each other should either one make F2 but ideally I’d like to see them both in the F2. I do like their little secret alliance. Maybe the fact that they’re keeping it secret is the reason they don’t have them the same chemistry as Paul and Vic.
I hope Alex and Kevin are F2.
I’m sorry, but I am not watching to see them try and make a military vet ‘crack’. You are saying that is what BB is about? I don’t think so. And maybe you want to watch such disgusting behaviour, but there are many that don’t….including me!
I don’t think you give Cody enough credit. Do you honestly thing a doofus banging pots and pans and a few arguments will make him crack? Come on. Dude is stronger than that for sure.
I’m a super fan that has been watching since season one. I have been watching the feeds since they started and I found what happened yesterday disgusting. I would never wish for that sort of thing to happen so don’t include me. Do I like drama? Yes. When Josh was aggravating Mark with pots and pans I laughed. It was one on one not an entire house after someone. Same thing in ED’s season. He was one person. How would you like a gang of 8 people coming at you where you can’t get away from it?
Actually the ratings did go up last Thursday.
The LAST thing I want to see is Josh prancing around pounding pots and pans. What kind of kindergartener is he?
like the vaseline all over everything…really? how old are you…
Maybe the vaseline was meant for Jessica..Just in case she gets an itchy “finger”….
Ok now that was funny.
I’m confused how Paul and his henchmen could possibly think they would get a good edit after they harassed the living heck out of Jessica and Cody. The two of them are certainly no saints, but I was repulsed by Paul’s team’s behavior….and was impressed neither Jessica nor Cody cracked.
I’m not sure what show you’re watching but Jessica and Cody are hardly innocent here. In fact, they’ve been downright nasty.
Not really.
It’s 10-2 though. It’s not like they have a reason to hate them so much because odds are they’re going home soon anyways.They’re just butthurt because they’re not making jury LOL
That I will give you. I’m kind of appalled that Jessica and Cody have become the darlings of the internet over this. The ends still don’t justify the means.
I like Jody just because of what they were able to do yesterday. To not break in the face of such bile was impressive to me. Like I said originally, I’m not saying they are saints; I am just saying keeping their composure was striking to see.
This!! They happen to be in the right in ONE situation and everyone is making martyrs out of them. Was what happened to them okay? No. Does that automatically mean they’re good people? Absolutely not.
When you have a horrible group of houseguests….yep all 10 that are left stink and two are able to control themselves while 8 completely destroy any chance of decency then yep the two that were hazed, harassed and bullied deserve accolades.
They controlled themselves in that moment Cody hasn’t controlled himself in the past, and he made the game personal way before Paul did. Like I said, I don’t condone the behavior of the others. Kudos to jess and Cody for controlling gems elves ONCE but I still don’t respect Cody in any way. I think he’s a horrible person and game player.
I don’t think anyone is saying that Jessica and Cody are innocent. There are NO innocents in that house. but they don’t have to act like savages.
So please inform me what have they done compared to this? I’ll wait.
Haha wait for it cody told megan i dont like you(oh how horrible) called josh a loser(well when has he ever won) and ummm i forgot what the third one was lol i dont agree with it but this is the aggruement i keep hearing to prove his “bully” behavior. Is he nice NO is he a bully thats a stretch
Yep same here. I don’t like him but he’s no where near Paul’s disgusting behavior.
Megan, according to coy on the dominique talk show, said, “i do not like marines.”. Nobody contradicted cody then. So codys recall of megans statement rings true. So cody didnt like her in return. Seems fair.
also Cody said that Josh was making “victim noises”
and that hurt Joshes feelings, because the truth hurts, but it could be counted as “bullying”
Impossible to edit. It would be a big beeeeeep for all the time. The language the used is horrible.
I would think so, too. It wouldn’t benefit CBS, either. Drama equals ratings.
I think you touched lightly on the bullying, I watched and feel it was much worse than indicated. You didn’t include Christmas and Alex as being a big part of it. Mark may of told them to settle down, but I watched him come over and stir the pot to get them riled back up. Mark, Elana, Jason and Kevin just watched. I was sure Kevin would tell them to stop, but he didn’t and actually participated in the vaseline. I am so disappointed. If it makes the show, i don’t think they could edit it to not make it look as bad as it was. Disgusting.
I think Matt is innocent. He doesn’t do anything any way but probably came out looking the best…by default.
Lmao!! Good one
To be fair, Matt was the only person really questioning the behaviour – wish he had more of a spine!
I agree. I am curious, though, what he thought of his showmance’s ratchet behavior.
He thought it was attractive thats what he told her on bbad at least
You are probably right, but when I watched he was pissing me off lol, it seemed to me (from my view) that he would stir the pot.
I wonder how Raven can sit there with a straight face when Alex is yelling how much of a liar Jessica is because she said Raven hid her cat ears and dumped her coke….When it wasn’t a lie and Raven actually did those things.
They managed to edit Season 15 a lot.
Cody tried to intimidate people the first week, tables turned!
Yep, and the little cry baby can’t take it when it comes back at him
And he was punished for it through eviction. Since his return he has been perfect and doesn’t deserve the harassment, hazing and bullying he is getting. From day 1 all 8 have been nasty to him starting with that embarrassing HOH contest that Jessica won.
He didn’t get an entire house to attack anyone. He put Paul on the block and Paul and his little man syndrome is butt hurt.
I dont understand how people dont see the difference.
No, but Cody did manage to get the entire house to turn on him (except Jess of course). He put Paul (a member of his own alliance) on the block without telling anyone. Unfortunately, everyone liked Paul so it blew up in his face.
Then, Paul went after Cody like anyone would when they had been nominated first. If anyone is butt hurt (other than Jessica’s victims), its Cody.
Cody was playing the game and Paul thinks he’s the only one that can play. But you’re obviously obsessed with Paul and can’t see that. I don’t even like Cody and can see it. There’s a difference between nominating someone and getting an entire house to bully them. Sorry if you don’t see that.
I never said Cody wasn’t playing the game. What I am saying is that Cody probably should have tested the water with other members of his alliance before trying to be the hero that evicted Paul.
You know I like Paul, but you notice I haven’t said anything about the antics of the last few days in how it relates to Cody. I know Cody went through worse than this in his Basic Training for the Marines though. I’m guessing its just more of the other HGs doubting whether he was a Marine or not. Heck, I went through worse in basic training for the Air Force, and I’m sure the Marines have it much tougher.
Back to the house not liking him though… Cody went out on his own and disregarded the feelings of about 1/2 the house when he nominated Paul. He can’t honestly think they are going to forget that or forgive him.
I agree with you on that point.
It still annoys me that they are still gunning for him when that happened week 1 and he put up 5 people for various reasons. Yes it backfired, he was punished and left the house and returned. And yet immature Paul still can’t let that go. Paul needs to grow up…still living in his parents house is NOT a surprise.
Shouldn’t you have said he COULDN’T get an entire house to attack anyone?? Having zero social game and blindsiding his own alliance is why he ended up where he is. You can Hate on Paul if you choose to, but clearly he has become the Pied Piper which only validates his social game. And if you disagree with that then I guess you might have to stop holding Paul accountable for the actions of the 9 other HG’s.
So what that makes it ok what Paul and his minions are doing? Why would Cody get an entire house to attack someone? Paul can get a whole group to gang up but Cody can’t. Yep that makes a lot of sense. What is this West Side Story. And Paul has a social game? LMAO. If you call being a dictator bully social ok.
I’m not defending Paul’s actions, but Cody did make personal attacks against Paul multiple times because of game moves Paul made, so it was more than just being put on the block. However two wrongs don’t make a right so again, not defending Paul, just trying to put things in perspective.
On an unrelated note, I don’t get the “little man syndrome” thing. Cody can’t be more than 2 or 3 inches taller than Paul.
Y’all just need to admit it, this is exactly the kind of drama you want to see. Why else would you even watch this game otherwise?
Should it all be lollipops and rainbows and hugs and tons and bunches and unicorns?
What turns my stomach is fake outrage and political correctness. That stuff is going to eventually bite everybody that is doing it in the bootski because if you do succeed in making that kind of judgement The New Normal then the novelty of its going to wear off and then where do you go from there?
I will tell you where so that you don’t even have to wonder: it will cause a backlash that will make things even worse then what you had your fake outrage against in the first place.
People need drama and they need excitement but most importantly of all they need novelty. That is why shows like big brother exist.
So be careful when trying to use your morality as a weapon against others as if you are more entitled to do so than others or your morality is better than theirs. Once you play that hypocritical card, you cannot unplay it.
Food for thought. 😚😉😃😎
I want to see if they can make Cody crack. I want to see if Cody is strong enough to keep his composure. As you said in another post, we saw worse or at least as bad in BB15, and nobody died. And you know the expression “what doesn’t kill them, you make them stronger”.
I don’t think they could have cracked Cody tbh. He had a mindset for it. Jessica maybe. Not Cody.
I think they would have self evicted already, has she not been called to DR. But I don’t think he would have cracked in a way to do physical harm. He was coaching Jessica some on dealing with that stuff. Said he’s been forced to live with Martinez he didn’t like so no problem for him.
I’d like to know what she covered her mouth to whisper to Cody.
Exactly, he shouldn’t anyway.
I’m shocked that you feel this way. You out of everyone I thought would of found this disgusting. I don’t care for Cody but to get an entire house to attack and bully him is not okay in my book. If Paul would of done it one on one it would have been different. His little pranks with the Vaseline to get under Codys skin, Josh with his pots and pans that is totally different. Why? Because it’s one person going after another. Would you liked to be locked in a house where there is no place to go and have everyone coming after you?
Probably not. But these people are trying to earn $500K. I would repeat in my head the whole time. Hang on.
IDK, I look at the whole scene last night. I didn’t find it that terrible. It’s just word. You are the only one that can let word hurt you. OTOH, I’m not surprise that some people might find it overkill. I guess it might just depend on what you’ve been thru in life. I’ve seen worse in the real world.
it’s not just words. When Cody and Jessica were using just words half of the fans acted like they were the most evil players to ever be in the game. How are their words not considered gameplay, but the whole house doing everything they possibly can short of hitting them first to get them to self – evict is just part of the game?
I guess I just have compassion for people. But hey that’s just me.
No, I won’t admit it. I like to see good, strategic game play. Eight people ganging up on two is not it. Wanting to see someone crack is just cruel. Good for Cody for not reacting. I’m not saying Cody and Jessica are perfect, but nobody deserves the treatment they got. And what a coward Paul is. Sends Josh to do his dirty work. Pathetic.
To be frank with you, I watch the whole thing last night, I even want back and change camera to be sure I didn’t miss anything, and I don’t think it was that bad, I don’t qualify what I saw as bullying. Josh banging 2 pans together and yelling stupidity, it look stupid and comical, but it didn’t look aggressive at all.
Just go watch a baseball game from the bleachers and watch spectator heckle the visiting teams outfielder. You will hear much worse that what i saw last night.
yep I went to “Roller Derby” event several years ago and the audience was meaner than the skaters…(Tells u how old I am) lol…
Oh gee, you make me feel old too. LOL
I never went to see Roller Derby, but I remember when you could watch it on TV (and I did).
Ugh… Now I’m feeling old too. LOL
So it was ok when two ganged up on one? But now the tables turn and it’s not ok?
No, it was NOT ok. But that does not justify this. Two wrongs do not make a right!
But it sure makes for good television!! Remember victim noises? Jody seems to be making a lot of them now. Haha. I hope the do crack.
Each to their own – I don’t want to see anyone crack.
Never said it was ever ok.
Who is the one the 2 ganged up on?
When was this? When Jessica and Cody were in the HOH with Paul after they were nominated? You call that ganging up? They were having a heated discussion and that’s all. Big difference.
And you call banging some pots and pans and having arguments ganing up? Why because they have a bigger group? It’s exactly the same thing.
That’s your opinion. Discussion and attacking with a group are two different things. Paul even admitted he wanted to make him crack. And he’s using 8 people to do it. When Cody and Jess went up to the HOH they didn’t have any intention to entice violence or make Paul crack. They went up there to talk and it got heated. If you don’t see this then that’s on you. I’m done.
Ok fair enough. I don’t necessarily agree, but you have a point.
Thank you. 😉
Then go watch Candy Crush!
That show sucks. Lol
Some people just don’t get it. Kind of makes me wonder. Very sad.
I LOVE drama…but I found all that incredibly uncomfortable to watch. Paul’s been playing a great game and last night his behaviour was utterly bizarre. To me, bullying is not acceptable in any situation.
Food for thought?
I see that this is your opinion and you are entitled to it. And I am entitled to mine. Which is totally different than yours. I don’t need ‘drama’, certainly not of this caliber. What turns MY stomach is this disgusting display of bullying by a house full of immature people.
I don’t need ‘political correctness’ in my life, and I am not a snowflake that gets her feelings hurt at every little comment.
But this BB? It’s disgusting. These people don’t have a CLUE how to play. They don’t even come close to the ‘greats’ that have passed through the BB doors.
You call this season a novelty? I call it trash.
You can’t say that Paul isn’t among the best players to walk through the BB doors. You can say you don’t like his game play, or that you don’t like his personality, and I would respect your opinion (even though mine differs). At the end of the day, Paul has still never been evicted from the BB House, and that is really all that needs to be said.
Paul is not a good player. Just because you have dumb house guests surrounding you, does not make you a great player. If they have an All Star with Paul in it, I would like to see how he does against Dr Will, Boogie, Janelle, Danielle Donato, Derrick. I doubt he will last that long! And the game is not over yet! This stunt of his has damaged his game more than he realizes!
You do realize that this is not Paul’s only season right? He was the underdog pretty much his entire original season and still came in second place (would’ve won if he evicted Nicole). The house guests on 18 played better than a lot of the ones on 19. Paulie was running the show that season until Paul put a blindside into motion and got him out. I do think Paul’s playing worse this year than he did last year but that doesn’t mean he’s a bad player.
Also if you’re gonna criticize Paul’s s19 gameplay because the other house guests are being puppets, then it’d be hypocritical to include derrick on your all stars list considering it was the exact same situation with him. I’ve seen Paul play the game without minions. Can’t say the same about derrick.
I loved Paul last year. And I get that deception and manipulation are part of the game. But Paul’s behavior this season has been VILE. Sadly, I have lost all respect for him. He was good enough that he didn’t have to resort to that ugliness, regardless of what anyone else said or did. He could have accomplished everything he needed to without it. Very disappointed in him.
I don’t agree with what Paul did the other night. I definitely liked his game play last year better than this year, but to call him a bad game player is a stretch. He played a little dirty and that’s not cool but the point I’m making is that he is good at this game. No one can say he isn’t. I haven’t lost all respect for him, I’m just a little disappointed in him. However there’s a lot of game left to play, so I’m still rooting for him.
Until this season.
As much as you and I disagree about Paul, I certainly don’t wish ill will towards you, so I would only reply with…
“Don’t hold your breath,” because it may well not happen this season either. I’d hate to see you pass out from lack of oxygen waiting, lol.
I don’t wish that for you either. Paul I have a feeling will be in the F2 unless people wake up. I liked him last season but find him pretty disgusting this season. I don’t like how he’s a dictator.
I would say that I think he’s overcompensating for not beating Nicole last season. I think while he truly just enjoys playing the game, that he wants to make up for the mistake of taking her to F2 (even though he was just staying true to his word about not respecting James’s game).
He probably is going a little bit too far right now, but I think it will stop after Cody is gone. There is definitely personal animosity between Cody and Paul right now.
This show stopped being a game show years ago. At least to me.
To me, it’s about people behaving badly on national TV. It my guilty pleasure, hence my name.
Bullying? What are they 10 year old children? Getting on someones nerves is bullying? No. Intimidating with the threat of violence is bullying. Annoying the heck out of someone is just that. Annoying.
You are entitled to your opinion.
What I need is game play from the minions not doing anything in the Big Brother House and just floating and voting out the few stragglers. That gets boring pretty fast! One more reason to vote against Paul and his minions. Paul has crossed the line multiple times and he has to have his minions do his dastardly act for him! He is stupid if he thinks it absolves him because it was his minions doing in! He directed them, influenced them and egged them on! The repercussions come when they leave the Big Brother House. How others perceive you when you are looking for a job, etc. will come back to haunt these house guests. If someone told you to jump off Niagara Falls, would you? These minions are really that stupid!
You are absolutely right, they are as dumb as a box of rocks. So can we really blame Paul for taking advantage of this? I mean, wouldn’t he be an idiot not to take advantage? It isn’t his fault that they are all turnips. He didn’t do the casting.
We can blame Paul for the meanness he’s injected into his game. He has made it personal, it’s not all about game play for him. And sadly, his minions think that if the BB vet approves of this kind of behavior, it must be okay. Shame on all of them.
Kudo’s….Well said.
Thank you
Cult Leader Paul apparently got called out by bullhorn. Nice. It’s about time. Pretty funny, though, that hated Cody really didn’t react! He gets criticized for his stone face, but it paid off here. In the Marines you surely get more “in your face” stuff than in BB, so I guess it prepared him and helped him stay calm. When is everyone going to realize Paul is just a pretty low dude?
You’re a “pretty low dude”. You like when fans try and ruin the game because they don’t like how the game is going? You’re sick, dude.
i’m not sure, but jess said she needed a sign and may have asked for it, but it lit up the internet for fans to scream over the wall
Fans can’t “ruin the game.” We can post our opinions and vote when given the option by BB, but that is ALL we can do. Real mature of you to call a fellow fan a “pretty low dude” for a being glad that production is finally putting an end to the meanness exhibited by Paul and his minions. Frankly, he HAS been pretty low this season. I loved him last year and had high hopes for him but he has really disappointed me this season.
He’s very low
I saw ZERO problem in what Paul and the other HG’s did. As a strategy it is sound because they wanted Cody to snap and get aggressive so Jess would fight with him again. The only time Cody and her fought is when he started screaming at Paul and getting ready to fight. This BS where people are offended is because people love underdogs and are tired of Paul getting his way. If Paul would have got his way, “They were talking about walking off the show”, people would have been furious. In fact, a moronic fan went and tried to intervene in game play because that’s how DUMB they are.
Says a lot about you that you liked/approved of that. (period.)
So do I get to be offended that your implication is I’m a terrible human being? Should I now cry and pretend that you ruined my life and you’re cruel? You also were super upset at how Cody talked to several of those HG’s prior to their psychological torture? Or are you just a ridiculous human that can’t separate clear game moves that were almost successful at accomplishing their goal?
Go watch Candy Crush
Okay so who is the “low dude” I mean you just said it was perfectly okay to go after someone hoping they would snap and get aggressive…come on really what the heck is wrong with YOU!!!
Here’s some play dough, go find your safe space.
So funny, everyone turns to that now, maybe be original….I don’t need a safe place because I disagree with the way things are handled but sounds like you might when someone disagrees with you….
Only bullies condone bullying behavior.
Victim noises…remember that…..hmmmmm
Thank you I couldn’t have said it better.
Nope, my world isn’t filled with happy puppies and everyone being happy or friendly. I expect people to be irrational and not so nice sometimes, so it doesn’t bother me a bit. Josh banging pans and yelling inane crap wasn’t that harsh, nor was any of the rest of the others behaviors. Get a grip
Your comment was fine until “Get a grip” I have a grip, I am fine…my life goes on just as it did before. Your getting your panties in a wad because I disagree with you, you need to get the grip.
It was a pish strategy – Jess is daft, but I don’t think even she is daft enough not to use the hex. Paul has actually shown up cracks in his own alliance – people are now questioning his tactics and I don’t think this will have done him any good.
You Paul supporters justifying his bad behavior is not going to save Paul. He only hurt himself with this stupidity! His actions has repercusssion outside when this ends. In addition, the bigger universe of Big Brother fans are all watching and overwhelmingly, the actions of Paul and his minions will on draw more sympathy for Cody and Jessica. If there is another twist, you guys will be more pissed when Cody or Jessica gets it! I voted for Alex for the Halting Hex but, would vote for Cody and Jessica to get any twist that would help them because Paul crossed the line on multiple levels! If you cannot see that, that is fine. Your choices in life has consequences in and out of the Big Brother House! Josh is a big idiot for listening to Paul doing what he is told, he will pay outside the Big Brother House!
Absolutely agree that Paul’s followers are going to be sadly surprised when they start seeing how their horrible behavior has been perceived in the real world. Not a Cody fan, not a Jessica fan. WAS a Paul fan but that has turned around and I can’t stand the guy anymore.
He didn’t start screaming at Paul and get ready to fight. He raised his voice and let Paul know he wasn’t going to intimidate him.
Yeah, that assessment is “Spin-doctored to hell.” Cody responded like a pissed off teenager, and Paul shockingly reacted as a mature adult by telling Cody to get out of the room if he was going to act like that.
Mature adult? Calling him a pu$$y loser.
The whole point is that BB is not about bating people into snapping or becoming violent so they are kicked out or quit. That goes beyond what is acceptable and I am also glad that production FINALLY intervened. Someone could have ended up physically or psychologically injured had this kept up. And that someone could have been the taunter if the person they were bullying finally “snapped” and let them have it. If you can’t see it as an ethical or moral issue, maybe you can at least see it as a safety issue.
I watched it go down and I found it quite humorous. Cody is one of the most arrogant and antisocial players ever on bb. Jessica and her butt probing fingers are disgusting, as are her remarks about the other hgs. All Jody does is hide out and have sex, no real social interaction with others for 5 weeks now except to trash talk about everyone else. I have no sympathy for them, nor do I think they were bullied. The others were and are sick of the crap Cody and Jessica dish out. Last night was a day of reckoning for them as they had to face the lies and nasty comments they made about ever other hg. I don’t believe that Paul is manipulating the others, nor is he some awesome puppet master. Just my opinion after watching the feeds for 5 weeks.
Don’t worry! The fine people that love Jody are ok with random finger probing of people’s butts, and telling people that are worthless to their faces. That’s ok in the Big Brother house.
what’s with the finger thingy?
Jessica, as entertainment to herself, randomly sticks her finger in your butthole. It’s happened several times, and the men have talked about how if the sexes were reversed on that type of behavior it would be stopped immediately.
casey & kasey, i’m afraid to ask why. does she think it’s charming or sexy?
who does that????????????????????
Got a timestamp of an example of this please?
Jessica keeps putting her fingers on others butt holes and probing in. She’s done it do several hgs
Maybe she wants to become a proctologist :-0
They’re only fine with that behavior if they’re the ones doing it. Otherwise, they’re “outraged.”
Hypocrisy is the name of the game, it is the core component of political correctness. Without hypocrisy, political correctness would not be possible.
Didn’t Cody used to say something about victim noises…..hehehe
It was fine when he was doing it. It is an outrage if anyone else does.
But two wrongs don’t make a right? I don’t think anyone thinks Jess or Cody are angels – but to be fair, she and Cody did handle that abuse well. I can’t say I like Jess or Cody, but I find it abhorrent to see a group of adults shouting and screeching at two others – outnumbering two people is so cowardly.
classic “Lord of the Flies”
some things I think I think.
1,is Christmas really drugged out? matt said he looked in her eyes and saw that she was totally drugged. I don’t believe him.
2, raven wanted her star turn in the spot light but only came off as desperate for attention.
3, i’m just not buying matts game at all, maybe it’s personal and I can’t get past his hygiene and wardrobe. i’d buy it more if he would have been the peacemaker to paul and not xmas.
4, paul started to tell kevin to stop being so nice to jody. after that kevin did not try to comfort jody (I was surprised he took the low road).
5, alex is on the ledge.
6, Marlena has a little more time before demand something from them.
7, paul was paul on steroids, not a good look.
8, Jason came off just right.
Christmas is on opiates and she has a broke foot, it really could be the meds as to why she’s so irritable. When my mom broke her foot, some meds she was using made her moody like that, I also think it can be meds and just the pain of it honestly.
Still think Christmas shouldn’t have acted like that, but yknow
I thought she came off opiates last week and is only taking a nerve pain pill.
I don’t know, but the foot if really starting to be an issue!
I like your ‘things I think I think’. LOL With this bunch, who knows what to think.
care to add little thoughts too?
think I said my piece yesterday, I’m just reading through. But you gave me a chuckle, thx
I imagine they’re gonna try and have a BB or CBS employees only audience ready to go for the next few live shows, depending on how the next HOH comp goes.
My goodness I think that the bullying ..rude comments ..insults..and arguments have spilled over into the forum… Friendship anyone????
As someone once remarked about academia, the fighting is so vicious because the stakes are so small.
Awe love this. Yes friendship. ❤️
I’m tired of seeing Jody isolated all the time. If they win HoH only Mark or Elena will go up to their room, making for a dull week of Jody in bed 24/7 having the same conversations. They need to go.
If Jody wins HOH, I’m curious what their strategy would be. Their only means of survival would be to cut off the head of the snake, which is Paul. But how would you ensure he went home?
I doubt they have the votes to knock out Paul at this stage. Jody may go after others like Alex, Josh, Raven, Matt or Christmas to gradually reduce Paul’s numbers. The only way Jody can survive is to win HoH every week. I’m also looking forward to Christmas using her Veto Temptation soon.
Hasn’t Christmas’ temptation expired?
I think it’s good for the entire length of the show.
Yes you are right. That said, Christmas couldn’t take out Jody if they were nominees. Here’s the text.
“The winning houseguest will be tempted with the ‘Ring of Replacement,’ which will give them the power to play in any Veto Competition they want this summer. If they’re not one of the six houseguests playing, they can swap places with one of the three players chosen by random draw. The ‘Ring of Replacement’ can only be used once, but remember, every temptation comes with a consequence.”
Right, if only Jessica is on the block and Cody is drawn to play in the Veto comp then Christmas can replace him.
Listening to some of them talk on the feeds there might be more numbers to get Paul out then you think. People are already talking about Paul and him winning. Alex, Jason and Kevin have talked about getting rid of Paul eventually. The only thing is do they want to do it this early. If he’s on the block they all might see it as an opportunity to get him out.
I’ll give you Jason and Kevin have mentioned that but Alex will not go along with that anytime soon and would probably sway them to stay in line. I don’t see Paul being in trouble until a DE or around 8 people left in the game. If I was Jessica and Cody I’d put up 2 people like Alex and Matt/Raven. Even though everyone is working together for now under Paul’s guidance there is definitely sides to that 8 person alliance. This would force them to campaign against each other and cause ill will. Going after Paul at this point would probably be a waste.
If Paul and Raven are up or Paul and Alex I think Paul goes. Everyone seems to adore Raven and Jason, Kevin, Josh, and Cody if he’s not HOH would vote Paul out over Alex. I believe Christmas would too she’s already made comments to Kevin about getting Paul out. Mark would also vote Paul out. He sees how he’s being a dictator. There’s 6 votes. He’d be gone.
Cody and Jessica need to strike a deal with say Alex, Kevin and Jason to vote out Paul. Tell them you do not care who ends up getting evicted and if they coddle Paul, they could be the ones on the block and be the ones evicted! That will get their attention! Also, tell them that you want to work with them and they will go further in the game if the cut off Paul now! Try swing some House Guests into their side. If they can win HOH back to back, that would change the dynamic and house guests will do what is in their own self interest!
They could nominate the head of the snake and the second head of the snake, Christmas. Beyond manipulating she’s worthless to anybody else in the game at this point since she can’t even play in some comps to help her alliance. If they nominate both they can let the house pick who to get rid of. If one gets vetoed replace with raven. They shouldn’t worry about Josh at this point because he will only bug them to please Paul.
Christmas would be voted out almost unanimously in that scenario. She has a lot of secret haters within the group.
Jody have isolated themselves since Cody won the HoH, either in the HoH or the HN room or now whatever room they are sleeping in. Their arrogant attitude has kept themselves isolated so that is not a new thing. BTW, the HoH room is not ‘their’ room although they seem to think it is and refer to it that way.
Just because someone has had this behavior before is not an excuse for these actions. Paul wants everyone else to do and act this way. Why not him. Let him do it all. But to see all these adults use this tactic to try to get one person to not use a game changing power and another to lose their cool is really ignorant. I have seen several people win this game with dignity. Why can’t Paul win the game in the same way. I find him and his minions disgusting vile human beings. I’ve heard cult leaders that make their flock act the same way how sad for all who are associated with Paul. Bet their families are proud of them. They all should leave the show and live in and live together as the cult they are becoming.
i’m not excusing team paul, but cody has been toying with the hex like cat nip to the group. passive/aggressive play will tick people off jody. you dangle the shiny object so you should have been prepared to manage it.
all they did was tease the group. no one likes a tease.
And you do that to a group of people that is stuck inside a house 24/7, without outside stimuli, without any real way to pass the time, for what, 42 days now (I think).
you’re right, the whole group is worse for wear now, but jess didn’t handle the hex wisely.
do you agree?
Jessica did not do anything except to try and bluff Paul to get another week of safety. Paul is an idiot for taking the dare. Now, that his HOH has been neutered and he finds out, he is pissed? He made the decision to challenge the Halting Hex so, who is to blame? Jessica does not have to lay down so that, Paul and his minions can win that $500,000 easily. These big alliance has huge advantages already and you want Jessica not to use her Halting Hex to save her and Cody?
At the end of the day, these people are all adults and are responsible for their own actions and behaviour. It’s fine for them to be angry with Jody – totally understand that. But trying to get them to self-evict & mocking Cody’s past was utterly unacceptable. A complete overreaction.
it was a train wreck that I couldn’t look away. I hated myself as I watched.
The whole show is. I watch it for the train wrecks. That’s why I chose this name. LOL
hmmm Cody so it seems (all in how u wanna read him) has been playing on Jessicas infatuation with him and gaining her sympathy.. Thats enough said…
cody realized that he sux as a player and is desperate to ride jess’ coat tails.
….amongst riding other things…..
well, she seems a little frigid now
These are grown adults. If they can’t handle someone banging pots and pans and a few arguments, then they are weak. I actually think this comment section is way more bothered by this than Jess and Cody are.
I understand that several people have won BB with “dignity” and by playing more socially acceptable games. However, there have been more that play the game like Paul. He is a smart man that plots 3 weeks ahead and can get people to do what he wants. Plus, he’s pretty much a competition beast (especially when his game is on the line). In regards to them leaving the show and living together in a cult…
Maybe all the Paul haters should quit watching a TV show that “offends” them so, and maybe they should all go live on an island, hold hands, and tell each other how great it is to be nice to each other. Maybe CBS will start a “Rainbow Sparkles” show soon for you all to enjoy.
Seriously, its a game for crying out loud!
You’re an idiot.
Nope, you just need to go live on that island.
Not another minion of Paul’s. Someone else who would take it up the butt for him. Well I guess to each his own. Bet you make it your family proud too.
Speaking of proud… I’m sure your family must be proud that you react with sexual innuendo to anyone that disagrees with you. I do not wish to cause you further consternation (you can look that word up on your own time), so I will just say… Have a nice day… Oh, and make sure you take sunscreen to that island.
Thank God…I thought you would never go away.
Oh gee, and I thought “you’re an idiot” was bad.
You can tell someone, “I disagree” or “I think you’re wrong”. But “you’re an idiot” doesn’t help the discussion at all. Yo end up not been better than the people in the house.
Are you new on this site? READ the commenting rules.
Stay out of it David.
Ha! David is gonna be HoH this week…just watch.
I’m hoping
Way to contribute to the conversation!!
Comp beast? LMAO. He was given his two HOH’s. And he didn’t get anyone out with them.
Uh, I know you watched last season… Every time he was on the block, he won the Power of Veto… Sound familiar?
Go rewatch season 18 and get back to us.
I believe this is season 19 we’re watching. Please stay focused. Lol
Right, and season 18 had Paul, who won a lot of competitions, which is why I said go rewatch it.
Don’t need to. Rewatched it before this season started. And like I said it has nothing to do with this season.
Last season he won 3 HOH’s, 3 Veto’s, and found the secret room. This season he’s won 2 HOH’s and 2 Veto’s. You can argue the first HOH because they gave tickets, but the 2nd HOH he got 6 questions right. It’s not like Cody or Mark or many others were throwing it. First Veto he crushed everyone’s times and 2nd veto he almost had perfect score. I don’t think of him as a beast per say but he’s definitely above average among BB players.
This isn’t last season. And Matt and Raven threw the 2nd HOH to him. And what did he do with those two HOH’s?
Well, he got rid of Cody which caused Production to meddle with this season some more. Sorry, but they knew Cody was going to win that Battle Back. Dude is a sniper and the 2nd challenge “just happened” to be a Sniper style challenge?
Plus, No one will ever convince me or the majority of the viewing audience that Jess really won that Halting Hex. Even most of the people here (Paul haters included) didn’t like her, and she’s going to suddenly become popular? Give me a break.
This HOH… Well, regardless of the fact that nobody seems to be going home, Paul forced her to use her Halting Hex. So, unless one of them wins HOH next week, one of them is still leaving before Jury.
If Jess had her way, her lie would have “strong armed” (Jessica’s words, not mine) Paul into not nominating them and they could have lasted 2 weeks and made Jury together at least.
Final answer of what did Paul manage to accomplish? He very likely has made sure that Jody will NOT be in Jury together for the rest of the summer (barring production meddling in the HOH or an honest miracle win by Jody).
Like the same way production gave Paul safety for 3 weeks?
That’s why I said Production will meddle some more. Technically, Production just made that the first temptation because they knew America would give it to Paul (still a bit meddlesome, I admit). I think they may have outright manipulated some of the votes for Jessica’s temptation to ensure some drama for the house.
Do you hear yourself? Your double standards? So production just made the first one good but manipulated votes for Jess. Ok. So you like Paul and you don’t like Jess. I get it.
Its not a double standard. Maybe I’m not saying it right…
The first temptation… Production didn’t want to see Paul sent right out of the game. Paul is a very popular former House Guest. They knew America would vote for him to get the 1st temptation, so they made sure it granted safety. America voted fair and square to give it to him (he was the favorite HG on the polls even on Big Brother network).
When Jessica won her temptation, she was still near the bottom of popularity polls. Hence, why I don’t think she won hers fairly.
Both were cases of Production meddling, and I admit that. In Jessica’s case, it was just a bit more blatant if they gave her the temptation (like America voted for Alex or Kevin, and Production said… No, Jess getting it will cause more drama).
That’s what I’m trying to say, so I hope that’s a bit clearer.
As far as Jessica goes… I DID like her while Cody was gone. She showed some humor and was associating with other people. Cody is killing her game, and she is not much of a joy to watch with him around. If he leaves, and she goes back to acting like a normal person… I’ll probably like her okay.
Polls mean nothing. Probably over half of the viewers don’t vote in polls but went to the cbs site to vote. I used to never vote in the polls.
Cody wasn’t a sniper, he was an infantryman. That’s like calling a car mechanic a NASCAR driver.
No island for me. I watch because I will thoroughly enjoy seeing Paul, Josh and a couple of others evicted. I also hope more HGs start wising up about Raven, too. She cries “Liar” louder than anyone and yet she is one of the most manipulative liars on there!
I see both sides of this coin w/ the whole house bullying two people. There needs to be some sort of social structure here & better rules for gameplay. I don’t agree that it’s OK to do that. Now, having said that, Jody are not angels either, yes we all know that. However, they’ve been trying to at least make it right (mainly Jess). Josh is a psycho. His behavior is far from normal & he will be mortified when he sees that they are all just using him for drama & further their “agendas.” I don’t respect Paul’s game here at all & yes he is the ringleader of this. I have to say Mark, Elena, Jason & Kevin didn’t involve themselves in this, so points for them! All that to say it’s just my opinion…
I feel so bad for Josh – he trusts Paul and follows his advice blindly. There’s something no right with him.
Yeah, but it’s too bad he (Josh) has the mindset of a 10-year old.
I do to. He’s easily manipulated and Paul and Christmas know this. Josh was probably bullied in school and this is his way to get back and be one of the cool kids. He is going to be devastated when he gets out and sees how much people dislike him. And let’s face it, nobody in this house is going to want to hang out with him when this is over.
Josh is probably on a spectrum.
This group of people are a bunch of losers!! The best thing I can say about this is hurray for Jessica and Cody for not totally losing it. The whole house gangs up on them….and they STILL are not taken down. Take THAT Paul, the biggest loser of them all. He thinks he is running this show? Doesn’t look like it, does it. I will be SO happy when Jessica uses her Hex this week and knocks Paul down a peg again. I mean, lets face it, the only way Paul will continue to get far is to play dirty, he won’t win any other way. And he wonders why he didn’t get the votes last season?
Agree. Paul needs to be taken down a few notches..he’s getting WAY too cocky!
7:04 PM BBT: Jessica says the fact that they’re acting like this for $8,000 (jury stipend) is all she needs to know. She suggests they get jobs instead
she said she wants the screen time, she want’s to be a star.
It seems like from the last few years that’s all most of them care about. Kevin and Jason was talking about it last night. Most of them are concerned with gaining fame (i.e more followers)
you hear kevin says his kids are always attached to reality tv and followers.
Nobody ever becomes a star after this game.
It’s interesting because in the UK, we have a lot of reality tv stars – most people go on big brother to become ‘famous’, get freebies and get on to other tv shows. I’ve always preferred the USA show because of this.
The only one that has made the most out of his BB fame is Jeff. He does quite well with CBS interviews and stuff like that. But he’s the only one.
You forgot about Jason from season 3. He’s quite the weatherman these days. :P
meh… sorry about that. Jason is not my local weatherman. But good for him!
“VIP Concierege” = Professional Hoe.
I really dislike all the bad behavior in BB this year. Just get Cody & Josh out of the house.
Awww did the two a-holes in the house get their feelings hurt? LOL
That may have been a bit over the top, but I have a really hard time feeling any sympathy for these 2.
did you guys see this a couple of weeks ago? It is probably old news….
“You’ll recall, ‘BB’ star Paul Abrahamian planned to wear blackface for a stunt to mock a fellow houseguest … who is black.
Mike’s adamant — people have the right to be stupid but not without consequence.
In Paul’s case, the firestorm’s already impacted his family’s life … his mom says she’s received death threats but she insists her son’s not a racist”
This was on TMZ and since I do not get the live feeds, I heard nothing about it. SO, we can see that Paul is willing to do anything to win.
Did not hear that. Not a Paul fan, but I don’t believe he would do that.
That’s awful!! His poor family, that must be really scary.
it wasn’t that bad from what I can recall hearing about. I wasn’t on the feeds during that week. TMZ overblows everything though :p
This was all blown out of proportion by TMZ and they had no context. He has a charcoal mask he uses on his skin. He was talking about dressing up as a snake since Dom was calling him one and he said “Should I use my black mask” as part of the costume to make him look more like a snake which as you saw, he did by using it to put a diamond and some markings on his face. People need to look at the whole picture before spreading garbage like that…
Then why didn’t CBS air it?
Because TMZ had already blown it out of proportion before the episode that would have included it aired. By the time the episode aired, it would have looked like CBS was trying to edit the situation to not look so offensive. It wouldn’t have gained anything for CBS to have aired it.
tmz may have retracted the story
That’s good to hear, and they should have…
Funny, but at the time, when you Googled BB19, I never saw TMZ retracting that story pop up, but the original story about Paul being racist sure was the first result for like a week!
Seriously, if we are going to talk about disgusting people acting in despicable ways… We’d have to start with TMZ, lol.
i think he mis used the word “black face” instead of black mask.
everyone knew what he meant
Nope, I saw the clip in question. He said black mask for sure. They were putting words in his mouth. Paul is a lot of things but racist does not seem to be one of them luckily.
Cody says they can just win all the HOH and safety comps and take out as many people as they can.
That is the right mindset and should be the mindset of both Cody and Jessica. If you have to go down, go down fighting and take as many of them with you! Be a Danielle Donato, fierce warrior who takes no prisoners and these minions will cower in fear! Win HOH and start going after Paul and his minions. Win the next HOH as well and now, you got 2 minions or Paul and a minion out! Let them pick their poison on who gets evicted! Rolling over is not the right strategy. Fight hard and win HOH and VETO each time you can until you are evicted whenever that comes! If Cody and Jessica do that, they can break that big alliance into tiny pieces!
They don’t have the numbers to take out Paul. Even if he gets to the Eviction ceremony, the other guest will get voted out. They’d have to cement Mark and Elena (both falling off the train) and win 3-4 straight HOHs to even have a chance to evict him.
I’m not really a fan of Paul and though I think things are getting crazy, Cody brought this on himself. He went all Alpha male in the beginning of the season and tried to make some big ballsy moves and that put a huge target on him and coming back only made the target bigger. His lack of any emotion aside from anger only intensifies that target, and Jessica is getting shrapnel from her association with him. If he didn’t pull what he pulled that first week, he’d probably have Paul on his side like Paulie did last year (until Paulie snapped)
I never saw the live feeds years ago, just watched the episodes, but based on what I saw on the episodes then, the groups antics on Jody pale in comparison to what people faced from Evel Dick.
As much as I dislike bullying, I have to admit, it makes this season actually interesting. I was bored to death last season, when everyone was stuck up Paulie’s butt until he poisoned everyone against him.
And if there is another twist which could help Jessica and Cody stay in the game, Big Brother fans will probably vote for either of them to get it! So, keep fighting hard!
This like Bridgette and Frank vs the house or Brenchel vs the house LOL
BB knew exactly what they were doing by having cody re enter.
they wanted sparks, they got’em.
A lot of people are taking things too serious. I don’t agree with Paul’s tactics, but he is playing the game. I don’t think it’s fair to judge someone’s character based off how they play a GAME! Again, I think it’s pointless for them to gang up on Jody the way they did. It’s 9-2 (Mark seems to be trying to stay out of it), but all they have to do is beat them at the comps, plain and simple.
But this is it…it was pointless and became personal. Ew to that!
I disagree! Paul is playing a disgusting game. He is the mastermind of the bullying. His actions show what a horrible and heartless person he is.
I disagree – I think someone’s character comes through loud and clear when they are playing this game.
I find it ironic that the comment section here seems more concerned with the (lol) bullying (lol) of 2 grown adults, one of which is a marine.
If banging some pots and pans and a few arguments causes you to take your ball and go home, that doesn’t say much about you as a person does it?
I don’t think it bothered Jody nearly as much as everyone seems to think it does. These aren’t children although they behave that way sometimes.
Yeah, you would think Cody would be used to somebody banging pots and pans and yelling because I’m sure a lot worse happened in his Basic Training. Screaming and being awoken by banging pots and pans (among other thins) at all hours of the night is nothing by comparison.
Jess is just butt hurt that Paul made her waste her temptation right off the bat. Cody is just butt hurt because Jess can’t keep her fingers to herself!
I think your missing the point, some viewers have no interest in watching crap like this.
lol…sorry but thats funny..
Some don’t. But some do. I sure don’t watch it for the game play.
So you enjoy watching bullying?
LOL Bullying? Are you kidding me? LOL
I’ll admit the military stuff what a bit too far but bullying? My goodness what has happened to people. These are grown people, not 3rd graders. If this is bullying, life must be very difficult for folks. LOL
This is bullying!! Apparently you do not know the definition of bullying. Paul is constantly bullying them. He changed the coffee to decaf in the machine intentionally since he knows Cody drinks coffee to wake up. He put Vaseline in the machine also. This is so disgusting of him. There are messing around with his health. He is constantly getting houseguests to bully Jody. The military stuff is also considered bullying.
He changed the coffee to decaf!! ::gasp::
Messing around with his health? You can’t be serious.
I swear to God this reminds me of the PC principal guy from South Park. Bro, bullying is not cool!!!
Being annoying is not bullying. Making someone uncomfortable is not bullying in this context. (they are playing a mind game for money)
He’s not threatening anyone or intimidating anyone physically. (I can name a HG that did do that though)
I don’t like the military thing for lack of taste, but that’s not bullying either.
These aren’t children, these are adults who signed up to be on a cut throat game show. The funny part, I bet Cody wouldn’t say he was bullied. Annoyed? Oh yeah. But bullied? No.
You can say whatever you want all the things Paul is doing is considered bullying. There are also saying that in all the feeds. Also he was called to the diary room and was told to “Stop Bulllying!” Also drinking Vaseline can be harmful. Also changing coffee to decaf can ruin the way someone feels. Paul is trying to get Cody to flip out when he know Cody loses his temper easily. He is telling people to bully Jessica so she uses the Hex. That is absolutely disgusting and it is bullying.
No it’s playing the game of Big Brother. Have you never watched the show before? Of course he’s playing to Cody’s temperament. That’s part of the game. It happens just about every season. Cody has been good at keeping his composure for the most part.
If this was happening in an office setting then yes, this would be bullying. This is a game show that thrives on people agitating and pissing each other off. They know what they signed up for. And they had no problem screaming at people and berating people earlier. Remember Megan? How many times did they make the man baby Josh cry?
That’s the game. That’s the reason I call myself guilty pleasure. I watch this train wreck every season to watch people behave bad towards other people. I’m not watching helpless victims being victimized. I’m watching one set of a-holes arguing and messing with another set of a-holes. Sometimes it goes a bit too far. Oh and there’s some game too.
BTW, the only reason they were told to tone it down is because captain robot and princess call girl threatened to leave the game.
Yeah, production didn’t say anything to Paul or the other HGs until Cody and Jess started whining and telling production that they would really rather leave the show. Big Brother is already going to be shorter this season… CBS certainly doesn’t want it another 2 weeks shorter because Jody gets their feelings hurt and leaves.
No it is not. What Paul is doing is disgusting. Cody and Jessica never did anything. They just yelled at Josh because Josh could not shut up. The only thing Cody did is that he told Megan he did not like her. This I did not agree with. Paul is torturing Jody for no reason. He is trying to get them to flip out. He even said he does not care if this creates a physical confrontation. He is a disgusting and heartless person. And just so you know not a lot of people agree with you. Read the feeds then you will know. It says he is bullying them in the feeds. I cannot believe you think Paul’s behavior is okay. And what Paul is doing is a form of bullying.
And if you find an entire house attacking two people entertaining that doesn’t say much about you as a person does it? What Josh does one on one and Paul and his Vaseline pranks is totally different then 8 people going after two. If you don’t see that then I feel sorry for you.
I agree last night was unacceptable. I would like to point out it wasn’t exactly the huge number 8 v 2 or more that people claim. Mark, Elena, Kevin, Jason said nothing during the whole thing that I’m aware. Matt was mostly out of it as well. So it was more like 5 v 2 (Paul, Josh, Christmas, Raven, and Alex) at most. I was uncomfortable watching it last night, but other than the being Marine stuff into it most of the stuff said was run of the mill. Hopefully everyone had a reality check in the DR and this behavior lessens.
And if you can’t take it for what it is, mindless TV, and not some sort of social statement, then I feel sorry for you.
Sorry it steps out of your morally superior barometer.
It’s Big Brother. They do crap like this every season. If you don’t like it, ok don’t like it. I do. Hence the guilty pleasure.
I honestly hate everyone on this show right now. Cody and Jessica were just mean to everyone when they had the power and I was glad when Cody got evicted and not so happy when he came back. I’ve never liked Paul and feel like BB did everything they could to make sure he came back into the house and stayed. Everyone else are just Paul’s puppets. They are just brainless drones that will do whatever Paul tells them to do. I have zero respect for that. SPOILER ALERT – PAUL WINS!!!
So, production made sure Paul stayed in the house for the first couple of weeks… How is that any different from other seasons where only some of the HGs were veteran players? Paul is still pulling out the top notch game play, and its not his fault if the other HGs are so simple minded that they follow blindly.
Way back in the day, MAD Magazine ran their parody on the original Star Wars movie. Obi Wan told Luke that, “The Force affects the weak minded,” and Luke immediately repeated it. I only mention this because it fits Paul and the other HGs perfectly.
Don’t hate Paul for being so good at the game. Hate the other HGs for playing so poorly.
The funny thing is, I don’t think Paul is really that good. This is just an awful cast. I don’t think any of the HG ever watch the show.
I mean, don’t get me wrong, paul is good, but I think with a better cast he would be the pied piper of the group.
I’d like to see him in an all-star season.
I’d love to see him in an All-star season. I agree that this season’s cast is among the worst I’ve seen from a game play standpoint. I go back to last season when I start building the case for him. If I’m not mistaken (and I could be cause I’m just going off the top of my head), he won the Veto every time he was evicted except for maybe the first time when Vic was actually evicted.
Plus, by his own admission, he really didn’t know what BB was all about when he first got there last season. It would be very interesting to see him competing with other great game players though.
Fair enough. He did come back from the oblivion last year to get to runner up, so kudos for that.
Yeah, I made an error in that post, lol. I said every time he was evicted, so I corrected it to every time he was up for eviction. Glad that you knew what I was talking about! :)
I mean, I understand why some people don’t like Paul. His personality is definitely a little brash, and he is very outgoing and talks a lot. Still, I can’t help but think that my friends and I were like that at his age, so I don’t have the problem with it. I mean, we didn’t go around getting someone to pick on people, but just from the loud, brash standpoint.
What I don’t really understand is why some just don’t like him without being able to cite a reason. Don’t get me wrong, that’s still their prerogative, but… If his game play really bugs people… Aren’t there so many other winners of BB for them to hate as well (as opposed to him being the worst)?
It’s not his brash nature that annoys me, it’s his arrogance. He talks like he is the only person in the universe that has it all figured out.
Well he does appear to be the only one in the house who has it figured out right now LOL
It doesn’t mean I have to like it…opinions are fun! A little humility goes a long way in a game of social wits
Yup, opinions are why we’re here. If it’s your own it’s right, if it’s someone else’s it’s wrong.
This is why I try not to comment here anymore…Paul fans do NOT want to hear that he’s not liked by some people. He’s not someone i would want to be around for longer than five minutes, and the fact that he’s the most competent idiot in the house right now scores him zero points in my book.
Nothing wrong with stating your opinion if you can back it up. Unfortunately there are a number of posters who can’t disagree civilly and those you just have to ignore. A good civil disagreement is interesting cos usually there are valid points on both sides.
You don’t like Paul, I don’t like Jody. I also don’t like some of the behavior I’ve seen on both sides but it is a game and that’s why we watch.
I don’t like Jody either, and the problem is some people don’t understand that you can actually dislike both sides of the house at the same time. Jody has played a terrible game, but Paul and Josh have acted like overgrown children auditioning for their Days of our Lives cameos…I get that some fans respect their behavior as good gameplay but I find it rather annoying to watch as a viewer. I don’t care if it’s directed towards Jody or not, it makes the group look like a bunch of petty losers.
So, good day to go to a movie, lol which is what we are going to do
You can comment to me. I don’t trash Paul, but I don’t particularly like him. I find him abrasive.
His abrasiveness is one of the things I enjoyed about him last season, but he’s developed a bit of a Messiah complex that makes you wonder if him and Josea became best friends after the show lol
He needs a Victor who he’ll listen to and who can calm him down. I think that helped him last year.
You don’t want to comment because people disagree with you? That’s silly man. That’s what this board is for isn’t it? I disagree with you buy respect your opinion.
That’s not what I said.
Oh. Sorry then.
I actually don’t think anybody really deserves to be liked by everyone. When I refer to the “Paul haters”, I’m referring to the ones who seem to have no reason for why they dislike him other than “he plays a dirty game” which is what at least 1/2 of the HGs in BB (past and present) have done.
I have no problem with people disliking Paul, but when they say he sucks as a game player… Well, that’s definitely not true.
He only “has it figured out” because of the lack of play on several others’ part. Matt, Raven, Josh, Kevin, Jason and even Alex are making the moves for him and as long as that big alliance holds together, he’ll have it made. Some might say that’s part of Paul’s genius, getting his minions to do his bidding, but I’d like to see him play, as some others have said, with other veterans.
Paul is far from a stand-up guy. Remember his notion about putting on a black face? Remember his practically inciting a riot the other day when he convinced the HGs to call out Cody and his military service?
Thank you for making my point. You said it right in your post, he is getting others to do his bidding. Yup he is constantly thinking ahead of how to get where he wants to be and then puts the plan in action.
See, you have a justifiable reason for not liking him, and I can respect that. Although, as far as being the only one who has it figured out…
You gotta kinda agree that he’s the only one that seems to know they are trying to win $500K this season.
In the universe of BB19, he kind of does. LOL
I see how he rubs people wrong though.
I agree this cast seems to want to be on The Hills remake or something, not on a strategic game show.
Exactly! Kevin and Jason were in the HOH room last night talking about their opportunities after the show..Jessica wants lots of screen time..I have noticed that when Jess and Cody are talking..Cody always seems to be looking right at the camera..or looking to see if a camera is turning..which I guess means BB is showing that convo at that time. Sorry to burst your bubbles..but, once you leave the will probably never be heard from again. It’s rare that certain HG’s remain in the spotlight after the show. There have only been a few. And I don’t see Kevin, Jason or Jessica being any of those people.
I never could stand Cody.He has been overbearing since the beginning. Now it’s coming back on him and everyone feels sorry for him. Didn’t care for Jessica either. I don’t know why America gave her that hex. I didn’t vote in any of it. It’s such a hassle if you don’t have a contract phone. Or it was the last time I voted on anything.
Imagine how blase this season would be if Cody didn’t come back in, or if Production didn’t bail them out continuously. It’d be Paul sending lambs off to slaughter every week. This cast is miserable.
Watching Cody and Jess play the victims now is ridiculous..especially Cody. Cody has been walking around that house like he is ready to kill someone..even before the actions of yesterday..Getting in people’s faces..cussing them out..charging people..bullying Josh..when he and Cody were HN’s..they both were jerks..So, production steps in and begs them not to walk..Jessica was just fine when Cody was out of the house.she mingled..she laughed..people were interacting wth her..Cody comes back and now she is back to her old ways…I am not buying this victim card with those two right now.
Victim noises…remember that?
Yes thank you!
You have been listening to Paul too much, that’s a slanted story you wrote. As far as cussing people out, Josh owns that crown. He was a maniac all of Saturday cussing out Mark and Cody, he started in on Mark Friday morning with the pots & pots. Josh was even panting like a rabid dog, for real.
No it’s not a slanted story. And I do not listen to Paul too much.
i like how kevin fusses about clean/dirty towels
no one seems to be domestic at all. do their mommys do everything for them?
Probably. Look at these people. They are all a bunch of children. LOL
is this a millennial thing? they don’t even wash their hands, they will step over clothes and shoes in the middle of the floor, run the water when they brush their teeth……
I think it’s more of a youth thing. I was pretty messy when I was a kid too. LOL
Maybe I missed something? And please rip me a new one because of this.
Cody tried to get paul out… didn’t work out so well. Cody is now target 1 for the house because if that. Josh yells at Megan makes her cry, cody is blamed, Jessica hurt Josh’s feeling by saying he didn’t deserve to be there, Cody is blamed for Josh crying, everyone cinfronting Jody makes Raven cry because of her past, Cody is blamed? I don’t have the live feeds, but read Jokers and they most the same as on here. All I am getting is Paul is a butthole and is bringing everyone else down. Some people say Paul is playing the game, Evil Dick did kinda the same thing… he is well known, but for being mean and all.
Yeah, you’ve missed ‘something’. Cody tried to get Paul out without talking to any of his alliance, he told Megan he was nominating her because he just didn ‘t like her, Jessica yelled at Megan for the panda comment, neglecting to mention she called Alex PaoPao. Cody pushed Josh aside in the first HoH comp and called him a loser. They’ve both been insulting and ignorant so Cody is not being blamed for what Jess did, he’s done enough on his own.
And no, I don’t plan to rip you a new one, that’s Jess’ preoccupation not mine
Paul is even worse than Evil Dick!!!
You didn’t miss anything. You have it right. All of this started because Cody rightfully tried to get Paul out the 1st week. Cody did it without talking to his crew, but lets be honest, since when has anyone ever cared about week 1 nominations/evictions? If Paul was a new player instead of a vet from last season, none of these people would have cared about Cody not telling them. There was zero reason for Cody to think folks would be mad at him for the move.
None of these fans and pod casters would have cared or called the move stupid either.
I only remember Josh trying to talk to Jody about some vote and they just didn’t want to talk to him right then but he wouldn’t leave, so Cody finally yelled at him. Josh kept following Cody around literally crying about “I’m a human being, I wanna tell my story”. Cody got super sick of that and yelled at Josh again.
That’s what’s up.
social game thought.
it’s too late now, but they have that big dining room table, they should have established one communal meal together, big salad, big bowls of food family style without game talk, everyone preparing it. they all seem so scattered and not roomies.
Here we go again, how much do you want to bet prod. gave Jessica and Cody ANOTHER great perk to stay in the game. Jessica has it down to a T, just threaten to quit and we will get special rewards to help us in the game! LAME
josh please keep up the pans and pots thing. awesome.
I believe that Production used a double standard move concerning the pots and pans…When Mark and Josh had the incident with the pans…Josh was called to DR and upon his return said he was told that he could not use the pans anymore…But he used them yesterday and to my knowledge he was not called out by BB for it…
According to this article, or maybe another one, Josh wasn’t told not to use the pans but to just keep out of peoples’ faces with them.
Thats why I used the word “believe” cause sometimes the conversation gets garbled when u listening to the feeds…
One of the big talking points of this “bullying” on twitter and other sites is how they tried to get Cody to crack by attacking his marine status. Many live feeders etc were upset about it, even past HGs. Why wasn’t it reported in here? This is not the first time this site edits things out like CBS does.
I think it was talk behind his back, like Paul mention a few times, was he really a marines. But nobody ever said anything about that, to his face (as far as I know). I watch pretty much the whole fight from yesterday, I didn’t hear anything about that.
Sorry #BB19 but I’m NOT OK with them bullying Cody about being in the military he fought for our country #notcool this is beyond the line 😳
they used to have SS#’s on dog tags, i’m not sure when that changed. i think his are taped because there are 2 of them and they would rattle and effect the mic. to question his valor is incredibly stupid.
The military uses a different code instead of SS numbers nowadays. Too easy for them to get spread around and distributed.
It was early on brought up by Jason…After the Raven/Jessica encounter they all gathered in the storage room…
Even if they talked behind his back, including Alex called him a disgraced marine, it should be mentioned in here, not completely edited out.
Alex said that outloud yesterday, i really liked her and wanted to see her go to the end, but now I am hoping her or Paul go next week.
Yeah I had been rooting for Alex before but this I couldn’t support, very disappointed :(
Again, not edited out. It was covered on the site for Monday’s events. Stop spreading lies and false accusations.
I believe they did say something to him last night but talked about him disrespecting a flag.
They run this site for free (as far as I know), let’s not down them. There are other sites that fill in the gaps from here with the really good details.
Wrong. We did cover that in part 1 of Monday’s Feeds Report, thank you very much:
24 hours in a day. We can’t put every single comment in every single Highlights Report. That’s what makes it a summary by nature. If you need every single comment, grab the Feeds and watch & listen.These reports tell you where to go if you need to find more.
And no woof woof motherfXXX woof by Raven either or her two fingers salute.
Actually Kevin had the best idea in solving the use of the HEX…Tell Jessica that if she gets evicted that will leave big d**k Cody in the house to go after the other women… Kevin is smart…The thought of leaving Cody in the house with Alex has not crossed Jessicas mind..That might get Cody evicted..
Paul, Josh, and Christmas are disgusting people. They are nothing but bullies. All three should be disqualified and not get anymore chances. Paul is the worst and he is the mastermind behind the bullying. He is such a horrible and heartless person.
I’m disappointed with Christmas, thought she’s better than that. Paul and Josh its already expected.
Yes Christmas completely shocked me. I thought she would be against the bullying. I am so disappointed with her. I liked her in beginning but not anymore.
i’ll wait a day to decide about xmas, jody worked her over early on, so i see her point. i’m more shocked at alex and raven, they went nuts!
What exactly did they do to her that was a personal attack and not game play? Did I miss something? I am not being a smart alec i am just wondering.
she was on codys team and he blindsided her and put her up
That’s game not personal
it was the 1st or 2nd week, totally unnecessary, stupid and reckless
Apparently this sparkle person is a Paul supporter.
Bullying is personal not game play. Paul is a horrible person.
No he also is telling people to bully them and get on their nerves.
She was with Paul and Christmas was like the 4th person Cody put up. This happened after Paul stood up and announced he’s immune for 3 weeks, which blindsided Cody so on the spot he picked Christmas since she was right there. He didn’t plan it and even if he did, so what? Look how many people he had to nominate that week. That’s never happened in the history of Big Brother.
You apparently are not reading the feeds. He is constantly telling people to make Cody flip out. He now is telling people to bully Jesisca into not using the Hex. He is a disgusting person and he has made it a living hell for Jessica and Cody. So, you apparently have missed a lot. Bully is not considered game play.
Christmas is also taking it too far. And yes I forgot about Alex and Raven. They are also horrible and disgusting as well. Due to the torture Jody is enduring they show should give them both two weeks of safety.
Christmas is the one who suggested they attack Cody’s veteran status. Then she got angry at Matt for questioning her about it.
is that what xmas & matt argued about?
Watching this all go down last evening, I was wondering to myself how I would’ve acted in the same situation if I was caught in the middle (Matt, Mark, Christmas, Kevin, etc.). I’d like to think I either would’ve hid out in the HoH room or do what Mark did and stand against the bullying even though it may have painted a bigger target on his/my back.
I want to give *some* of these people the benefit of the doubt. Peer pressure in a group setting can DEFINITELY get people to do things that aren’t normally in their character. It’s just too bad that’s the picture they’re painting of themselves to America.
And to the ones who do act like this in real life whenever conflict arises…my gosh. Good luck to you. Not naming names, but one rhymes with mosh…
Christmas and Alex were berating Cody about his military service. I’d hardly include Christmas as one of the HG who got “caught in the middle.”
I absolutely agree, I may be only one person but I hope Christmas, Alex, Josh, Raven and Paul are caught by Karma I no longer have any respect for them, it may be just a game but there is a human factor and they have none.
Karma is going to bite them all in the behind; there is a world outside the BB house.
What I really meant by “in the middle” was basically everyone who isn’t Paul, Jody, Jessica, or Josh. Aka the instigators.
I wouldn’t have participated nor would I have hid. My personality would have compelled me to stand up for them, also I’m an Air Force vet. What the house did to jess and cody completely crossed the line. I would have given up my chance at the money.
I’m not saying anyone should do the same, I just know myself well.
That’s good for you, but I also think it’s easy to just assume that’s what you would do. That’s what I would certainly hope I would myself would be as well, but like I eluded to earlier, I think being in such a unique setting like this in a group setting in a game with so much on the line makes some people snap in ways that aren’t themselves in ANY other circumstance out in the real world.
But if that pressure wouldn’t get to you if you were in there, then kudos.
Hilarious the only reason they stopped or ‘slowed down’ with the attacks and bullying because they don’t want to ‘look bad on tv’. Not for any moral or self respect reason. These are why these people were hired – their morals are skewed.
Its a game. They are playing a game and they know they are playing a game. Its so funny how people complain when the floaters do nothing but then complain when someone plays the game aggressively.
Some of the people here who don’t seem to like Paul because he is a bully (which is a word that is way overused) loved Vanessa because she was playing the game.
I am not a fan of Paul’s but I do not see him getting personal meaning he is making moves because he is emotionally against that person. HE is targeting people who did him wrong or who he thinks would do him wrong. Isn’t that the way your supposed to play the game? Derrick targeted someone because she compared him to Dr. Will!
If Paul as not playing as aggressively as he is, too aggressively to me, this year would be ultra boring. I am not sure anyone else in the house actually knows what to do!
I don’t really have an issue with Paul’s gameplay. His gameplay is fantastic and he is clearly the best player in the game. But, that it’s irrelevant. You completely missed the point of my post but I forgive you. :)
I have been watching BB for years and I am convinced this year more than ever production is interfering in this game in a huge way. First, I cannot believe Jessica got America’s vote for the Halting Hex. No way. And now production is telling the players to cool it? Anyone remember Amanda banging on the HoH door going after Alysa? Evel Dick banging pots and pans, throwing a cigarette butt at another contestant? Or How about Clay going face to face with James, who was about 1 foot shorter? There have been lots of situations where someone went too far and production let them. Why warn the house guests this year?
If production is worried Cody will explode and harm another contestant then he should not be in the game. I think Cody was picked to be in this game because he is this year’s villain. He is this year’s Vanessa. CBS probably realized a while ago that having someone everyone loves to hate in the house makes for higher ratings. Cody has no personality. He is unlikable. The whole house wants him gone.
Let them play. If Cody pops then he leaves like he should.
I’m sorry but you cannot compare what is going on the house right now with anything that has happened in the past. I’ve never seen a gang of bullies on BB attacking 1 or 2 other HG for hours on end. And yeah, Amanda was a big time bully, (which is why she is so hated btw) however, she did not need a gang behind her to do so, she bullied people on her own! In addition, Evel Dick pulled the banging of the pans stunt because he & Dani (his daughter) were on the block together and he wanted everyone in the house to be so sick of him they evicted him over his daughter! Not the same as what Josh & Paul are doing at all! Moreover, the cigarette incident…??!! Watch that incident again before bringing it up…ED went off on Jen because she went into his personal belongings and stole 5-6 cartons (that’s 10 packs per carton) of his cigarettes and destroyed them by tearing them apart and pouring bleach on them!!! Jen totally started that! I don’t know about you, but if another HG went into my bag, stole my property and then destroyed hundreds of dollars worth of my stuff, I’d be a little pi$$ed off too!
You know, I’m not a fan of Cody or Jess…think they are both terrible BB players and will not shed one tear when they leave. I used to be a fan of Paul until yesterday. Now, not a fan of anyone in the house because they all acted like despicable people. What really bothers me about the whole thing is none of them are owning their behavior. They all are acting like bullies and then worry they’re being portrayed as bullies!
smh If you don’t want to be called a bully then don’t act like one!! Or if you say you’re using it as game play, then do it yourself, don’t include the entire house to gang up on two freaking people!!
whoa… u evidently missed BB15….nothing not even BB19 could compare to that season…
The only difference between seasons 15 and 19 is that there isn’t any racism – but Paul targeted and evicted the 2 Black people that were on this season.
You made such a great point! Thank you for that!
Oh come on, that is probably the most ridiculous statement I’ve read this season.
I was implying there isn’t any racism this season because there aren’t any Black house guests…because Paul got rid of the only 2 that were there…one right after the other…that’s all. lol
Really, Paul got rid of Ramses? Jess put him on the block what does that say about her to you?.
Paul did not put Dom on the block
Out of the 5 people Paul has nominated when he’s been HoH how many were black? only Josh – and Paul took him off the block with the PoV.
Try again with that accusation
teeheehee… Not on the racism thing but to be fair, Paul was instrumental in both of them getting evicted. Ramses was Jessica’s pawn, it was meant to get Josh out. AND Paul is using Josh…
Paul is absolutely ridiculous! His wanting to wear a “mask” to aggravate Dominique is a sensitive issue and was uncalled for, wearing a snake costume was enough, his mocking of her religion was despicable. His bullying tactics is juvenile. I wouldn’t necessarily say racism but arse-ism.
Exactly you can call him an arse and give examples of why you think that. However he is not racist and whoever he has targeted to date has not been because of their color. Racist is a pretty nasty accusation and people who lob accusations like that while hiding behind an avatar should be called out.
Joking aside, I don’t know if Paul is racist or not. I was saying the only difference between BB15 & BB19 is there isn’t any racism but what Paul has got the house to do to Jess and Cody is dispicable and almost as bad as BB15.
Then why did you even go there?
You took it serious and I’m having a slow afternoon so I entertained myself. Didn’t expect anyone to read my first comment without laughing.
No, I definitely remember BB 15! Hated pretty much that entire cast! In fact, Jeremy, Amanda, Aaryn…all of them were probably three of the most disgusting individuals to ever play the game! However, my point was that the entire house did not gang up on one or two individuals. That was the point I was making.
Paul is worse because he is inciting violence.
Nope. Paul is this year’s Vanessa. All he’s missing is her stupid green hat.
He has that stupid vest and I wish he would wear a shirt.
As a t-shirt designer I would expect him to wear his t-shirts to promote them. If he thinks he looks good walking around in his underwear, that ugly vest, and those disgusting looking tattoos I wouldn’t want to spend money on anything he designs. I thought tattoo designs have come a long way recent years, but he looks like he went to prison and asked them to scribble a giant ink blot all over him with the darkest ink they have.
This is gonna sound mean, but it wouldn’t surprise me if ANYONE got fired.
From the game or from Production ?
I’m talking about the HGs.
Josh, Paul, Raven….
Oh I see, but this year many of them are self-employed, including Paul and Raven.
I think Paul is gonna lose customers after this…
Well, I hear that the Mooch is looking for a job now, he could rep these people and try to rehabilitate their image, te he
That’s funny. LOL
I give props to Production for finding a group of 27 to 37 year old HG’s that act like this. (crazy) The fact that this ‘fight is happening on a ‘kindergarten level is a testament that Grodner has good instincs on finding the right mix of players for BB 19…HA! let me do my lotus pose. lol
live by social media, die by social media
VERY daycare, for sure (with apologies to three-year-olds).
raven + matt = ratt
the nerve of Raven to say that Jessica started with her…she bluntly lied to Jess’s face AGAIN and all Jess did was repeat what Raven had just told her and Cody….Raven is just so fake, I don’t even think she knows her real self..she wants to be known as a southern bell, a sick person and now acting like some bad ass because in the moment she thinks its cool and then later wants to get upset telling everyone she doesn’t like all this fighting because it reminds her of her abusive relationship…this girl’s brain has to be on overload to keep up with all her lies and fantasies….and Matt, omg, please what a disappointment
I’m just waiting for Raven to become ‘sick’ from all the stress. 😜😎😜
I think Paul and Co should feel very fortunate that Cody is showing AWESOME restraint (what a true marine or anyone in our armed forces would show) I am not a vet, but my father was and I thank one every chance I get. Without them shows like this would cease to exist. Also like to point out, Josh has been a douche for lack of a better term since he broke Megan and forced her to quit (another vet), took the golden apple which everyone seems to forget, cries more then any man should ever cry. He wants to call people meatball, his nickname should be and should always have been GOLDEN APPLE since the first comp!
I think this the worst group of HG since the nerd herd season. I can’t say I am really rooting for anyone, none of them are really likeable. I also think this is the worst season of bullying that I can remember, that is a terrible part of this game. Josh is out of control and needs to dial it back, he is the first one to cry when someone says or does something to him. Paul is no better by encouraging everyone to give Jessica and Cody a hard time, and the others are bad for going along with it. I don’t like Jessica and Cody however, they don’t deserve to be treated that way, no matter how bad they act, besides with Cody’s anger issues, not a good idea someone will get hurt. Hopefully, it will simmer down when and if Jessica and Cody are evicted, I have no doubt that is the way it is going to go, maybe not this week but in the next few, if they don’t get HOH.
15 was WAY worse. The girls tormented Candace mercilessly. I tuned out of that one, not wanting my kids to see that kind of behavior, nor wanting to associate myself with it. To me, this is nothing even close to that season or that cast.
Exactly! and those girls used racial remarks.
“Paul says if Jessica or Cody snap they want it to be on their own accord. He says his group doesn’t want to be held responsible for that.” Duh. Isn’t that a bit like closing the barn door after the horses are gone?
Paul is so disgusting!!!
LOL! No doubt.
Hate this season they should call it the Paul and his drones show. Tuning out for the rest of the season…not a good look for big beother and cbs, very disappointed. So much for anti bullying campaigns in America the last few years, CBS is promoting the exact opposite and encouraging it. The antics the hg’s are doing in this house has led to some very bad consequences for people in the outside world. disgusting. There are a lot of suicides in the real world for just this type of behavior.
Extremely weak cast
They bb should of said something to all the hg when Megan left and the bullying started with Cody and Jess!
I miss Meow Meow and his gang. Dare I say, even McCrady… Helen, June, even Brenchel.
Cody’s main treatment of the house is his awkward stares (which is mostly because he is strange and I doubt knows he is doing so), letting the ones he dislikes that he doesn’t like them (Josh and Megan). He did try to be social but can see it was a struggle. Cody is like a mountain man, just likes his solitude and have little patience (and understanding)…. He wasn’t trying to make people miserable and incite warfare, whether emotional or mental (other than that argument with Paul which was….)
Now what Paul and his minions were/are doing, completely different. Krampus, where did she come from? She is awful!
What happened to all the little alliances with their silly names? The (not so) Spy Girls, I forgot most of them… But, this one big gang is no bueno!
What about last week when he told Jason that he was going to lose his sh*t if Jason and the rest of the house didn’t vote out Josh? What about him bowing up at Mark when Janelle was voted out, or at Paul for saying to keep voices down? What about him and Jessica yelling and screaming at everybody the first couple of weeks and saying equally nasty stuff? Was that Cody just being “misunderstood”?
Janelle? Never said he was “misunderstood”; he lacks patience and understanding of others. Cody vs. Jason, one vs. one; Cody vs. Paul, one vs. one (and he spoke to Paul regarding his feelings for Paul, one on one). Cody vs. Josh, again one vs. one, and he told Josh he no longer hears him. Unlike the rest of the house who doesn’t like or respect Josh but using him as a tool. Alex, Kevin, Christmas (fine, he wanted her out but that is part of the game putting folks on the block), etc…. what is their point in joining in on the attack? What is it with this gang mentality? If you have an issue, don’t gather the masses against the one/two, handle it one on one.
Why would you want to irritate someone until they crack/snap? They don’t know the result of him cracking/snapping would be and who would be in that line of fire. More than likely it wouldn’t be Paul and he already has his “I didn’t make anyone do anything” excuse. What they are doing is wrong.
FYI, I dislike like the entire house equally. Adults behaving like children (worse because they should know better).
Jillian, my bad. That girl drove me nuts.
Oh, she is in the same boat as Cameron for me…. who?
I should of read your comment before posting mine, you said it perfectly…
Your comment was perfect and I agree.
It amazes me how quickly some people forget what and how JODY got to where they are at now. Thank you for reminding everyone.
Please, there is no comparison with what happened yesterday, you are talking of 2 people, Jess yelling at Christmas and Cody yelling at Josh, any argument had was one on one, yesterday it was the whole house against Cody and Jess and yes I know it was only Alex, Paul, Josh, Christmas and Raven, however the rest of them are to blame also for sitting there and not trying to stop it. Very tasteless, if I was their wife, mother, father, sister, brother, friend, etc I would be so pissed and ashamed. I also would like to add that I was impressed with how Cody and Jess kept their cool…I wasn’t a huge fan of Cody / Jess but that was just wrong…
Thank you! I am also impressed at how well they handled themselves (Cody and Jessica, that is).
You can’t compare apples to oranges.
You are completely wrong!!! Paul is much worse. He put decaf in the coffee machine when he knows Cody drinks coffee in the morning to wake up. He also put Vaseline in it. What type of person does that. Paul is a disgusting person. He is worse than Evil Dick and Howie.
I see Paul’s biggest issue with Cody is because Cody didn’t drink the friendship koolaid. From the day he entered the house Cody’s facial expression showed he wasn’t a fan of Paul. When they had that one on one when the house was hoping for a friendship bracelet, it was evident that Cody wasn’t on Paul’s fanbus and didn’t care to get a bracelet.
Try as he may, Paul couldn’t get Cody in the friendship crew. Cody is weird but what made the house uncomfortable was Paul inciting this behavior (same