Big Brother 19 Live Feeds Week 1: Thursday Night Highlights

We have arrived at the first Live Feeds Highlights report of the Big Brother 19 season. Finally! All season long we’ll be recapping the top moments from the Feeds to catch you up on the latest and let you rewind to those can’t-miss events from inside the house.

Jessica & Cody on Big Brother 19

The Big Brother Feeds launched just after the end of the west coast broadcast and we got our first glimpse of the HGs in action. Read on to find out what’s been going on in the game since the events of the two-night premiere which was taped last week.

I’m going to run through this one a little differently than we do with our regular Highlights Reports. It was certainly an unusual night with the big news that Megan Lowder quit BB19 and that’s going to be the big topic for a bit here, but it wasn’t the only interesting thing we discovered on the Feeds.

Megan Lowder Quit Big Brother:

Of course the main focus here for a bit will be that Megan dropped out of BB19 before the Feeds even started. Her photo on the Memory Wall had gone gray by the time we arrived to the party. HGs discussion reveal she may have created a few too many lies and decided to bail when it caught up with her. Read our original report for more details.

twitter-tweet" data-lang="en">

ICYMI: Megan Lowder quit #BB19, HGs reveal shortly after Live Feeds launched. Details:

— Big Brother Network (@bigbrothernet) June 30, 2017

Folks in the house are none too impressed with her, as are a lot out here. It’s a serious shame to come this far and then walk on the game and the commitment everyone on both sides have made to have someone there. Very disappointing.

New Nominees Hit The Block:

Megan had been one of Cody’s nominees so when she left, well that’s a problem. Megan was the target, according to what I heard, no surprise, so that’s going to put someone else in the hot seat with her departure.

twitter-tweet" data-lang="en">

Definitely on the Block together. Alex & Jillian haven't mentioned anyone else w/ them. #BB19

— Big Brother Network (@bigbrothernet) June 30, 2017

Who has joined Jillian, the remaining original nom? That honor went to Alex who is now on the Block with Jillian. We don’t know if there was another competition or not, but still looks like Cody is the HoH and may have simply had to name a replacement. Well that’s bad news for Alex who now appears to be the new target. Jillian may want to keep her head down this week.

Temptations & Blue Eyes Or Is It Ice?

We haven’t heard for sure who won the Pendant of Power, but I think we all expect that to go to Paul with his built-in fanbase. But what about the consequences that were promised to balance out the reward?

It sounds like Ramses got “bit by the serpent” which must be what we’re looking for here. Apparently all the HGs had to go in and see if they were “cursed” by putting their hand in something and see if the “snake” would bite them. That way it’s done privately and no one else has to know. Ramses told Jillian he wasn’t supposed to discuss the “blue ice” or “blue eyes,” I’m not sure, but she would know when it happened.

Have Not Room Revealed:

We got our first look at the Have Not Room, and well just as you’d expect it’s not somewhere you want to end up! The room is filled with spikes on the wall and the beds. HGs also have sleeping bags so it’s either cold or they just have them to try and smooth out the spiky beds.

Have I mentioned how much I dislike HNs? Hard to keep us entertained when you’re too tired from no sleep and no food. Speaking of that, Josh is a Have Not and pleaded to the cameras for help with his Slop diet. Not sure who else is there with him, but we’ll get that soon enough.

House Bonds Over The “Josh Situation”:

Remember how nutty Josh went during last night’s episode? Well apparently that hasn’t stopped and it’s become a common interest among a large group of HGs.

Paul seemed to wisely push the common enemy with some pretty spot on impressions of him last night with the HoH group. There was a good number of folks piling on as well so this seems to be a common view about Josh being ridiculous and over the top. If Paul is using that to get back on Cody’s good side then it was a well played move.

Josh gave us lots of camera talking last night to explain that he’s just human and wears his emotions on his sleeve. Ya think? Oh I hope he sticks around here. He’ll be a gold mine for the Feeds.

Showmances, showmances, showmances:

Well production must be thrilled with themselves. Feeds turned on to immediately feature two possible couples and another appeared as the night went on.

So far it looks like Cody & Jessica have paired up along with maybe Matthew & Raven. Then we’ve also go Elena & Mark who did lots of suggestive flirting. They’ve only been in there a week or so and things have really taken form there. Six HGs together including three of the biggest guys could be a serious force in the game that will need to be addressed.

Oops – First ‘Slip’ Of The Season:

Honorable mention for the night goes to Christmas for delivering the first “oops” moment of the Feeds. She agreed to be zipped up inside a piece of luggage and when she exited there was an ever so slight slip. Flashback to 12:15 AM BBT 6/30. Christmas quickly realized and was thoroughly embarrassed but did a great job of taking it in stride and did her best to laugh it off.

So there we go for the review of the first night of Feeds. We’ll soon get our regular routine of Highlights going with full rundown events and times but this seemed like a good approach for Night 1. I’m definitely pleased with this group so far and am looking forward to the season. What about you?

Don’t forget to sign up for the Big Brother Live Feeds right now so you don’t miss anything else this season. Anything you want to watch from our Highlights report is always available using the rewind feature to pick any day, time, and camera to watch it again. Enjoy!

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now and get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

Gallery: First Night Of BB19 Live Feeds

click thumbnails to see full-size views



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  1. Cody is so cute, but I hate that every season the guys are in a alliance, and they are scared to put another guy up and they all go after the girls. This course has never changed after 19 seasons.

  2. A couples alliance!!! Please nooooo!!! This will be so boring the rest of the summer if it happens

  3. Kudos to you, Matthew, for your take on the feeds. I find your commentaries quite enjoyable, and well…. more entertaining than watching the feeds. Maybe it’s too early in the season or maybe it’s because I’ve never had access to the feeds , but watching last night just didn’t thrill me much. Of course, the live cameras have only been up for twelve hours or so….But someone please tell me the HG’s tend to get more interesting to watch.

  4. Paul won protection for three weeks. I’m pissed about that. I’m angry a vet came back to begin with, but then he is given so much power. It makes me sick. I feel sorry Cameron had to go to make room for Paul. Ug. Three weeks of Paul. Not sure I can deal with it.

    • Don’t know if you saw BB Canada this year, they did the same thing. Neda was a returning vet, got 5 weeks of safety and was the 1st evicted after her safety ran out. That will put a huge target on Paul’s back. Week 5, he will be the biggest target.

    • Do we know that for a fact yet or is that still speculation? (I believe it’s true too but do we have conclusive/official proof?)

    • You and me both!

      I absolutely Never liked imagine how disappointed I was that he was able to come back. Probably because he is the only one that doesn’t have a real job and he still lives with his Mommy and Daddy (from the resent vets!) Lmao!

      I can’t stand him! I am p’d off that he is back. He makes me wanna smack my TV! Lolz! ;-D

  5. Why do people always say they are not looking for a showmance & then 1st thing they do is hook up in one?!

  6. Ugh! Watching Jessica & Cody last night was a little sickening. At one point she was stroking his inner thigh and pantomiming giving him something that definitely won’t make the show-if you know what I mean. Yikes, they just met a week ago and they’re already full steam ahead!

    • Oh gosh that’s disgusting. I’m not usually turned off by general romance but that’s just flat out gross. Do not need that. No.

      Also, about Jessica I need to say: “my boobs are real”? Seriously? Honey, unless you felt the need to tell us your boobs are not imaginary, that’s just BS.
      And the question for me is: is she cozying up to Cody because he’s in power or did the guy she had her eye on win this week?
      Regardless of the answer, something tells me I am not going to like how this girl operates.

      • hahahahaha!! Lmao about your boob comment!! That’s too funny.
        I actually liked her at first, but now… not so much.

      • I thought her boobs looked real saggy and not firm, just like real breasts. Lolz!

        No Thanks! ;-D

      • Her boobs look real….real saggy like real breasts.

        I have breast implants and mine don’t look saggy like hers.


      • Ever seen the show Botched? Not that it matters but not every boob job is flawless.

  7. Never before have I witnessed a robot trying to be human. Cody has to be, without a doubt, the most BORING houseguest to ever exist. I mean, you’re locked in a house with no contact from the outside world, the least you can do is just have fun and be happy. He just sounds so genuinely bored with the whole experience, and he doesn’t partake in any fun activities other than screwing around with Jessica. And he doesn’t even consider working with Paul, a returning vet. I know that Paul is a massive target, but if people start aligning themselves with him, they would keep the massive target away from them, and they would get very far. But instead, let’s rally the entire house against him and get him out NOW. I know it’s all opinion-based, but I believe if you’re in the BB house, you should have a unique personality so that people would want to work together with you, and in turn, get on America’s positive side. What personality does Cody have???

    • I agree with you! He’s seems creepy to me. 😄no personality at all. SMH

      • He reminds me of Christopher Gorham (just in looks….mostly), an actor who has played a certain very scary role. So he creeps me out pretty good.

      • In two episodes I already feel like he’s a bully! I’m disappointed he was cast – I cringe at his comments and creepy stares. Not looking forward to watching him this season.

      • Why don’t you brush up on your facts before you start defending Cody. Just because you find him cute doesn’t mean he can’t be a bully. obviously you are too dumb to realize reality.

  8. Matt please don’t show anymore pictures of Cody kissing anyone. Can’t stand the guy.

    • I love Cody! He is my favorite out of all of them. He doesn’t seem as fake and mean as some of them.

      My least favorite was and is Josh, Megan, and Ramses.

      I can’t stand Josh the most.

  9. I cannot stand Josh.
    I could tell right away he was a Momma’s boy and he had a Bratty Childish Temper!

    I would like to know more about Megan leaving. What happened exactly!?

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