The Big Brother 19 houseguests todayย continuedย their season-long format ofย attacking, ostracizing and belittling their next target (even before the current one is out the door again) as most everyone in the house madeย jab after jab at Kevin. No one, however, has gone all in on the attacks asย much asย Alex.
If youโve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.
Big Brother 19 Live Feed Highlights โ Tuesday, August 29, 2017:
10:30 AM BBT – HGs starting to get up for the day. Some, not all of them.
10:45 AM BBT – Jason and Kevin are walking the backyard. Jason tells Kevin he’s deciding to not believe anything he didn’t see/hear first hand.
11:00 AM BBT – Matthew is taking a shower on the hot side despite being a HN. Big Brother gives him a “Stop That!” message but he keeps on. Christmas notes that Big Brother is really on him today.
11:00 AM BBT – Jason tells Kevin that Paul is avoiding getting tied down to anyone so he can float between.
11:30 AM BBT – Alex and Jason discuss F4 plans. Jason asks if they’re still honoring that deal with Kevin and Paul. Alex says no. She goes in to great detail over her dislike for Kevin.
11:35 AM BBT – Alex says she won’t talk game anymore with Kevin because he asks too many questions.
11:40 AM BBT – Alex says Kevin is a murderer because he behaves like one if you watch those shows.
11:45 AM BBT – Alex likens Kevin to a child molester saying he looks for weaknesses like someone trying to find children who won’t tell on them.
11:50 AM BBT – Jason says that if he can’t win then he wants Alex or Paul to win. Alex says she’d be sad if Kevin won. She hopes that if she gets 2nd or 3rd then she can use her BB fame to make money.
12:00 PM BBT – Jason is sure Kevin won the $25K because of how upset he got at Josh. He thinks Kevin would have let it go if there hadn’t been anything to Josh’s claim.
12:05 PM BBT – Alex tells Jason that she’s nice in the real world. Jason says he’s worried everyone is going to hate Alex because of the things she’s been doing. She says she worries about that too.
1:45 PM BBT – Paul tells Christmas that Kevin said just take him out because he doesn’t want to play anymore. Christmas says to call him Megan when he says that.
2:04 PM BBT – Kevin asks Matthew if he thinks he voted against him. Matthew says he originally thought that. Kevin says he wouldn’t do that and he knows that someone did it just to set him up. Kevin tells Matthew the only thing he kept from the house was that he took the $25K night one. Matthew agrees that was a smart move.
2:10 PM BBT – Kevin says that Alex is pulling all the strings and that Jason nominated Matthew and Raven because that was what Alex wanted.
2:14 PM BBT – Alex tells Paul that Megan said he and Raven knew each other in real life and that she had read it on Reddit. Paul asks how he’d know some random girl from Arkansas.
2:20 PM BBT – Jason and Josh discussing Kevin. They agree they both like him but it’s time to go. Jason says he should have just put Kevin on the block this week but he was afraid they’d all vote him out. Josh says they would’ve have.
2:28 PM BBT – Jason and Josh say Kevin is chumming up to Matthew now to secure that jury vote.
2:30 PM BBT – Josh keeps tellingย Jason that Kevin is everyone’s next target.
2:35 PM BBT – Matthew tells Raven and Paul that Kevin told him he won the $25,000.
2:40 PM BBT – Alex bragging about telling Kevin he has leathery skin and looks to be prematurely aging. She also said he is going to get cancer.
2:45 PM BBT – Kevin asks Paul what Alex is accusing him of now. Paul says nothing and it’s that she just doesn’t like him. Kevin tells Paul that if Paul wants to win Alex is going to have to go because she just wants her and Alex in the final 2.
3:15 PM BBT – Jason, Josh and Alex agree that Matthew doesn’t even like Raven and he’s ready to get away from her.
3:29 PM BBT – Alex now wants Paul to tell Kevin she thinks he has dementia.
3:33 PM BBT – Josh asks Paul if he thinks the blowup yesterday with Kevin was too much. Paul says no, it was perfect.
Find out what happened next with our Overnight Feed Highlights Report for Tuesday’s events.
So it sounds like the real target next week is shifting from Jason to Kevin, but there’s been some flip-flopping on that. Regardless, it seems Kevin will be the subject of the mob mentality until the get him out the door.
You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this yearโs Live Feeds which means itโs always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.
Is it Thursday yet ?
More like is it the end of the season yet?!
BB should start memorial day and end at the end of July. The season is way too long.
I usually don’t want it to end, but this season is an exception! They need to do a couple more double evictions or a triple eviction and end this season ASAP. Especially before these people COMPLETELY ruin BB for everyone! I always look forward to summer and BB, but it has been nothing but a complete disappointment. Production has allowed entirely too much pettiness to transpire and continue this season! I just hope that they learn from this season. Certainly don’t bring back BB vet’s! Huge lesson to learn from!
Not in Tennessee.
Is it September 21st yet? Can’t wait
No, no, step by step. I want to see this eviction this week.
Me too. I think it will be very interesting. I want to know what BB does about Matt. If they do nothing then BB should just forget about the rules and just let all the hgs do what the heck they want. If they only give him 1 penalty I will be very disappointed in BB. Like BB would really care about what we all think!!
Wasn’t Josh eating while he was a HN like a week ago and they said not one word to him I think they only enforce the rules when they want so not fair
Matt is deliberately breaking the BB rules spitting production and making them look stupid
They wouldn’t say anything to Josh because he is the BB Producers & their man Paul’s windup Toy Stooge.
Exactly. He was eating under his blanket two days in a row.
I say he should be OUT. Automatically. Not follow rules. Gone
I want to see Julie call Matt out. I’m so ready for Survivor to start.
Is that when the last episode airs?
Actually, night before — September 20th.
Hey Capt. Just a quick thing here. I am sorry for going off topic but have you ever notice that in the opening pose’s the HG’s give us, Christmas has a tattoo on her Left arm and in the house it is on her right arm?
I haven’t notice that. I’ll check tonight. Has to be a mirror effect.
I noticed early on but for some reason didn’t put it together. Matt’s tattoo is showing up on the intro just as it appears in the show.
I guarantee it is a mirror effect. That will make a lot of sense.
It’s a twin twist!!!!!!
I am with Capt. it might be a mirror effect.
Sigh, very hard to defend Alex’s action as I supported her from Day 1. Just NOT cool!
I feel for her fans. Except for the report she was always giving to Paul, I use to really like her.
Me too
I’m starting to feel the same. I’ve been rooting for her since day one but I’m starting to have a hard time with it. She needs to check herself or else I’m done with her. I also blame Paul for it. Jason, Alex and Kevin were close for weeks. I loved watching them on the feeds at night. They were so funny. But Paul filled Jason and Alex’s head with a bunch of lies about Kevin. Telling them Kevin is against them and all kinds of other bull. Now all of a sudden the last two weeks Alex can’t stand Kevin and Jason is kind of turning against him too.
Alex and Jason are playing their own game. It is all them no matter what Paul is saying. I thought it was Paul too until I went back on the feeds and rewatch a lot of things and sure enough them two are it. Them two are the only ones not following Paul around. They broke away and playing their own game. This is why she is blowing up on Kevin. She wants everyone targeting him next but, Josh and Christmas are targeting Alex and Jason next. Whomever doesn’t win POV will go home.
Oh they still listen to Paul. When it’s just Jason and Alex talking they’re always saying they can trust Paul. Alex even said yesterday on the feeds if she doesn’t win she wants either Jason or Paul to win. And the reason she’s blowing up and targeting Kevin is because of all the lies Paul has told her about Kevin. Paul has pitted Kevin and Alex against each other. Watch the feeds again. Just even go back to yesterday when Paul goes to Kevin and tells him crap about Alex then goes back to Alex and tells her crap about Kevin. And everyone is targeting JALEX next because of Paul. Alex needs to win HOH.
Not a fan of hers anymore
You forgot to mention the best quote of the day:
Alex (to Paul): “Josh looks at you with love eyes” LOL
I will always be a BB fan, but I’m so ready for this season to be over. There are absolutely some disgusting people in there.
Agreed! Really enjoy the show and can’t wait until end of summer for new season(s) but really won’t miss this crew once they are gone.
Come on survivor!
Well said!
I think this has been the general trend of the show for at least the past 4 seasons though… People just being completely evil. Sorry to say but I think BB’s time has come.
Not to this extent. Paul is pulling the strings, yes (like Derrick) but he’s telling others to do “mental warfare”. I mean, they think Cody got on the show just to get diagnosed for PTSD… They gang up on a new person every week for little things, like cereal and asking about swimming, they’re just bullies! But I do agree that BB’s time may be up, especially if next season is anything like this.
Yes Paul did in the beginning but, it was all Alex yesterday. That had nothing to do with Paul. Alex is terrorizing Kevin and wants him a target. Looks like Jason and Alex are starting to play their own game now and it also looks like Alex is showing her real colors.
I agree that it was all Alex and they probably have their own agenda. At the same time, Paul set the tone for how he wants to play the game this season & these people are followers, literally taking him to the end & ok with losing to him. Anything they do, Paul has had some influence.
Alex says she hopes if she doesn’t win she can become famous and make money. I am really hoping we never see her retched face again…
One can only hope!
WOW….Thank you Kevin (says Paul’s game)….
Kevin is convincing Jason that there’s no way Paul could win in F2.
Alex and Jason disgust me. Their families must be mortified.
Especially Alex – I think she’s dragging Jason down to her level.
The rape comments are bad enough, but Alex laughing at them while she claims to be traumatized by her cousin’s rape and murder .. I can’t even. Alex, you are a pig. And Jason, you should have your kids removed from your home.
How is pregnant Jason’s wife feeling when she hears her cowboy wanting to rape a mother in front of her children?
And hold down a girl so others can anally rape her. hahaha. What a sense of humor!
WHAT? He actually said things like that I must have missed it… What a peace of $HIT
he actually said “Back door” but someone asked, what, sexually? And then they laughed and laughed. It’s on TMZ.
I hope someone will confront Jason about his comment when he gets out
I bet they aren’t. If Jason is a jerk its a great possibility that his family are jerks also… the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Also, Alex has ” rat-face ” NEVER liked her. The rest are just your everyday average losers.
Just cuz you don’t like her…(based on her behaviour on the show) doesn’t mean you have to be nasty as well.
I’m sure it was just an “off the cuff comment” but it paints you as a jerk too…. just a comment certainly not an observation. You might be a super cool person & pron just frustrated with this season?
I pulled for them and then they pulled away and now since they are playing their own game they have changed into people I didn’t know they were. She stopped liking Kevin because, he asked a lot of questions and then you pick on him. Paul had to talk to Kevin and Josh. Thank goodness if Josh or Christmas Raven and even Kevin win HOH they are going after Alex and Jason. They just distance themselves from everyone now. Paul is taking Christmas and Josh to F3. We all see that now.
I think if I was Paul, I’d stick with gunning for Jason next instead of Kevin. Jason is a serious comp threat. If you don’t get him out when /if you have a chance, you may not get another one before he gets you.
Kevin is dangerous at F4 because he’s very tempting to take to F3. But this next week, I’d focus on making Jason target number 1. Kevin could be Plan B.
Copy that good bbadboy girl! Jason should be Paul’s next target. He should also be Christmas and Josh’s next target. So Josh or Christmas needs to win HOH to get Jason out. As we are reminded numerous times daily, Paul doesn’t like to get his hands dirty. How stupid and lazy is that boy? lolol
Oh yeah. At least they did get Alex to agree to throw HoH – dang!!! That’s half the battle! Lol
I’ve got to see that to believe it. She might forget that she was suppose to lose, like she forgot about the vote for Matt. smh
I guess King Paul can figure out someway to give a HOH to JoshMass because he has no brains & she is all brawn except she can’t do physical comps. Maybe it will be another easy one like mini golf or shuffleboard.
Sine Prince Matthew will be gone, they have such better odds to win. ;)
Not stupid—not lazy— just TOTALLY MANIPULATING these idiots!!!!!!
Same here.
I agree!
I personally think Jason is the target, but Paul is trying to sell it as Kevin being the target. If Alex thought that Jason was the real target she would gun for the HOH. I think the bigger plan is blindside Jason. And if that does not work out because Jason gets veto (or saved by veto), they can just go with plan 1b which is get Kevin out.
That sounds about right. I would buy that.
Kevin for HOH! Or whoever is left over after this weeks chopping block. (Out of Raven & Matt.)
Maybe we should all expect the unexpected & Nicole comes back & sits in a room keeping to herself, not play the game & then win it!
๐ฌ OOPS!
That was last year…..
OMG….Josh says, did I do good Paul…..Paul says…yes, you are a good boy. Good Boy.
Make me throw up…….
Could have at least thrown Josh a meatball for being a good boy.
Josh is not worthy of being a meatball.
Yeah like,”Sit Ubu sit, good dog.”
Cannot throw up over this, I am down to the dry heaves .
wow…Raven and Matt have decided that they may have been duped by Paul….too little to late
I think the DR is dropping hints.
Could be but when u know ur on ur way out u sit and ponder “How did I get here”??? When that happens pieces of the puzzle fall into place…
Too little. too late. They about several weeks too late to start thinking.
Majority is there to spend a nice vacation for free and make some $$$
True. I think I heard Jason answered “yes” when asked by Matt during their quarrel if he told the house he was going to leave the nomination the same. (Not completely sure though)
Then why don’t they SAY something and get the others to wake up – after all, one of them will still be there next week, so work on numbers and get Paul OUT.
Others have tried. Especially Mark. These people don’t want to listen to anything anyone else has to say. If you’re on the outs with Paul, you’re on the outs with the house.
Now that the house has decreased it looks like everyone playing their own game. Jason to Alex. Christmas and josh and Paul are the three together. We know who the one person is getting voted out or getting put up without Paul because, of how everyone is against each other. Looks like we know who the F3 is. Christmas, Paul and Josh
Its not Paul anymore. Alex and Jason has distant themselves from the house now. They have partnered up to play their own game. That is why they started the fight with Kevin. Matt stated to Raven to stick with Christmas and Paul. Paul is starting to stay in the middle but, everyone is doing their thing now. Josh and Christmas discussing getting out alex and Jason next. along with Kevin and Raven getting them out too. Paul just sits there.
Jason and Alex too. Them two are playing their own game. Matt told Raven to stay with Christmas and Paul when he leaves. Josh and Christmas saying how Jason and Alex are the next targets. Im ready to see them go after seeing what they done to poor Kevin.
Sounds to me like the DR is planting seeds again like they did with Josh. Since when has Maven even considered putting Paul OTB.
I just commented something along that line – suddenly they have a flash of BB gameplay? That made no sense!
I don’t think they do. Why would Matt tell raven to stick with Christmas and paul after he leaves? Because, he knows Kevin is the next target but, looking at it, it looks like everyone is gunning for Alex and Jason since they have become solo players along with bullies for themselves.
Jason is the next target.
I was referring to Maven making the comment about Paul being the bigger target so he should’ve been on the block instead of them. To me that definitely sounds like something that came from the DR
Raven (to Matt): “If I win final HoH, I’d pick Paul” [to come to F2 with her]
Matt: “You’d lose”
R: “I know, but I couldn’t do that to my friend…money is money”
M: “I’d be fine with that too”
Paul is brainwashing these people lol….meanwhile, he’s upstairs planning on whether to send Raven or Kevin home first
In order to brainwash someone they need to first have a brain.
Alright, then he’s Hannibal Lector-ing them….All he’s missing is a fine glass of Chianti
*FffffFfffffFffffFffff* (Hannibal Lector lips)
Yeah, but keep reading to night feeds and see everyone gunning for Alex now.
I was listening to the feeds pretty much all day (I’m obsessed)…Alex isn’t the immediate target right now, she’s just instigating a lot of drama with Kevin. Kevin is public enemy #1 for next week, and then Jason (although he doesn’t know Paul’s targeting him).
They didn’t know each other. She showed up at an “event” and took a picture. Does Alex think they where friends?
Paul had a photo made with Raven at a BB event in Arkansas…Paul admits to the photo but labeled Raven as a “‘random” girl….They did not “know” each other
Thank you! I get so mad when people continue saying the same thing over and over that I can’t speak straight! How many times did someone say Raven and Paul are friends because Raven posted a meet and greet photo.
toooo numerous to mention and most of us knew about the photo 6 weeks + ago…
I think that a bored hypochondriac from Arkansas who happened to be a BB/Paul groupie did a little bit more than a Meet & Greet. I bet she put on some rubber gloves and gave him a Little Rock Handshake.
He was at a meet and greet and she had a photo taken with him. They didn’t know each other. Donny had a pic taken with two of them the same way and Kevin met derrick at a meet and greet.
I bet Paul has been all the way to “Raven”.
I seriously doubt that.
I from Louisiana and have partied in Arkansas many times and those crazy Little Rock Hypochondriac groupies are legendary. Ever heard of Sweet Connie?
They didn’t know each other. Raven came to one of his events and had her picture taken with him, that’s the extent of them knowing one another. She was a creeper fan.
And now she’s just a creeper!
Ohh Alex, stop being that jalous. Jason can be your ride or die even if he talks to other people. Jealousy is a very bad thing.
And by the way, let’s talk back in 30 something years and let’s see how you look like…
“Alex says Kevin is a murderer because he behaves like one if you watch those shows.”
Alex has taken some of Christmas “nerve” pills and is hallucinating.
Yeesh what a nightmare this season is.
I’m actally EMBARRASSED to be a bb fan.
Alex is an a-hole supreme and the rest aren’t much better.
Now Kevin is being accused of murder. I’d say that’s going over the the edge of insanity. Maybe mold spores have gotten into the air ducts and the house guests are going insane.
And he act like a child molester. How vile is that!!! Kevin’s family must be horrified this week. Alex play the personal card.
Alex’s choice of vocabulary towards Kevin is perplexing to say the least. Why does she not come down hard on Jason when he jokingly said he was going to do his wife while his children watched? Why would that not disturb her? She didn’t like Jessica or Kevin, and makes up outrageous lies about each one of them — What is wrong with her?
You forgot Cody that she was saying he ain’t no father. Seriously if bb continues to give her a good edit I will be piss off.
Where is Alison btw. Matt should be out by now!!!
Yes, I did forget that. She is vicious, goes straight for the jugular. Let’s hope there are some surprises coming up.
Karma is a b. She’ll pay by her reputation after the game. Takes time to build a good reputation
And a moment to lose it!
She planned to fight with him and I don’t even know why. Jason and her are playing their own game and looks like everyone wants them out now. Great job. I actually agree with this finally.
What the F happened this yr?!
Not only murder but she says he acts like a pedophile, based on his “actions”.
I say they better check the water she’s drinking. If it wasn’t so sad I would really be laughing at them all. BB19…The Season of the Insane! Alex calls Kevin a murderer, Jason wants to rape Kevin’s wife while his daughters are tied up and forced to watch, Cody and Jess want to make false reports that Josh is a pedophile, Colonless Raven and her inverted spine belong to MENSA, Matt obsessively showers before putting his raunchy, dirty clothes back on, Christmas scoots around popping pills, Josh and Mark blubbered at the drop of a hat, Elena took money over the veto when she was OTB, and Paul is the Puppet Master of them all.
I would upvote your comment twice is allowed.
I will have a Duff to that comment!!!
Almost peed my pants busting a gut!
You’ve hot them pegged! To the tee!
it won’t happen, but Kevin winning HOH this week would be the best part of the season
Divine justice: Kevin gets Alex out of the house …. and the Angels will sing: ๐ถ Hallelujah! Hallelujah! ๐ถ
I would love to have a HOH tailored just for Kevin so he could win it and spit in Crazy Alex’s face.
This season has ruined BB for me. It’s been so freaking bad
I understood that Cody had every right to be chastised by everyone in the house for his behavior and whatnot, but what in the hell did Kevin do? He just went around telling the truth and asking questions, and now, he’s Public Enemy No. 1?! I’m now 100% sure that Alex is lying her ass off that she thinks that she’s nice in real life, because who in the hell would pick on a 55 year old man who already knew he wasn’t going to win the game, and even say that he should get cancer, all because you hate him in the game?! And to think, I supported Alex on Day 1. Smh
Ya never know, he might win. Right now, it’s any fool’s game.
……the key word being fool.
Nah, it’s Paul’s game. Until he’s in the jury house, this is his all the way.
This is why I hate Alex now. I hope she is gone. Christmas and Josh stated last night they are going to get her or Jason out. Whoever doesn’t win POV goes home.
I just can’t anymore. Alex. No. Why. Stop. I was such a fan, but what the freak. She has gone off the deep end.
I was never a fan, glad others are seeing what I’ve been seeing all along.
Me too, I did not like her from the get go. I can “read” people and am rarely wrong.
Never liked the little squirrel.
That is EXACTLY the phrase that came to me last night – mob mentality. I honestly think some of these folks are decent and when they get out and see the reactions to their behavior, and see themselves on the shows, they are going to be ashamed. I don’t think Alex will be ashamed unless it hurts whatever future endeavors she goes after (what is she going to do to be “famous” after Big Brother?). I think Jason will be appalled at himself; I would hope Paul’s mama gives him a smackdown, win or not, for instigating all this crap. I can’t WAIT to see how they all act when they find out Paul has played every single one of them. Like when he tells Jason he’s going to do “damage control” to Raven and Matt…how come no one wonders why he’s so willing to do that, what’s in it for him, and why would Raven and Matt believe him UNLESS…..
At one point today, Paul left Josh & Xmas; he was going to go calm/reassure/damage control Maven. As soon as he left, Josh completely summed up Paul’s actions, praising his gameplay, and Xmas agreed with him, AND they both continued to agree on their F3 with him! They see and know what he’s doing AND they believe they are exempt from his Kool Aid! Geeeeez-Us! ๐ฑ
Of course Paul would love to take the gimp & Pots’nPan’s man to a final 3.
Josh will have regrets because he is overly worried about making people like him. Alex will probably find it funny.
EVERYONE should feel really really stupid when they look back at their wasted season. Every season I hope to get picked but if I was in the house this season, I would’ve lost it. I don’t like bullying or everyone attacking one person and isolating that person. If it wasn’t for Jason he would really be all alone.
If it wasn’t for the guy that wants to do his wife while his daughters watch?
Good buddy! Yep!
Yes, mob mentality or groupthink.
Paul actually never instigated last night between Kevin and alex. That was all Alex. Havent you seen, Jason and alex are playing their own game now.
To those watching the feeds. How much of Alex paranoia is caused by Paul working her and whispering things to her over the last few weeks or is she just gone loco from a lack of vitamin C and or sex and has nothing to do with Paul? Thanks.
The crap that comes out of Alex’s mouth are all on Alex. It has nothing to do with Paul getting in her ear. Even he is somewhat appalled at what comes out of her mouth, at times. I’m so annoyed with her and her smearing Kevin for no reason at all, other than she has a hard on for him. Dumb bitch needs to put those fake bewbs away and shut her fucking mouf!
Sounds like She was on her best behavior for the first few weeks and was very likeable. The true self has come out? Angry, vindictive and petty? Really thought she was awesome. Tiny dynamo who took on Cody and knew the game as well as anyone in the house.
I think she is just the same. I’m seeing the same girl that I saw in week one. I’ve said this many times, sorry for being redundant but I’m glad that finally, people are starting to see what a bitch this girl is, not a bad bitch, just a mean petty bitch, just like her hats says, PETTY.
She’s a whole batch of bitches!
*sorry, Dane Cook joke :)
Love Dane Cook!
Hmmm, interesting choice of hat for Alex to wear, isn’t it? I mean, why “Petty,” and not some positive adjective?
She brought that into the house, for one purpose, to put people on notice, she’s a petty bitch.
I agree how she went nuts on the chick who SE without talking to her.
I think she’s the same as she was. Everyone was just distracted by Cody and Jessica.
My girl…lol..Preach sister Dee Dee Preach………….
I just laughed my ass off reading the last sentence!!!
Zero! None! Nada!
I would love to see Kevin win H.O.H and he could get rid of Alex she is a bully. bet she was always one
Kevin and Jason winning everything at this point would be pretty cool. Just to keep the money out of Paul and Ravens mitts.
She’s worse than Paul in some respects. At least Paul is somewhat likeable, at least to me.
Ewwweeeee! You’re joking, eh? Gross!
She always have to go personal. She did the same to Cody about his kid and his love to Jessica. Now it’s Kevin’s kid, his age, etc. This is not playing bb
Oh, poor Kevin. How could be sooo …………. unnecessarily and claim she’s nice in real life.
I’ve always avoid bringing up age class in this game. But from where I come from, elders are respected regardless.
Oh, poor Kevin. How could Alex be sooo …………. unnecessarily and claim she’s nice in real life.
I’ve always avoid bringing up age class in this game. But from where I come from, elders are respected regardless.
how can production accept all this bulling they did to Kevin I was for Paul now I really want Kevin to win it all it would be nice to see Jason and Kevin in the final 2. everyone of those bully freaks need to be sent out
Jason said he would rape Kevin’s wife while him and his daughter watch. I don’t want Jason in the F2
Jason made TMZ with his rape wishes. Everyone is appalled.
Just when you thought how can the game get any worse, this happens.
I went to that TMZ site and saw that, and they have a big ass pic of Jason’s face wearing that cowboy hat with a big smile on his face. They also mentioned Alex laughing about the matter as well as her telling about her family member who was raped and murdered. So now they are linked together for that thanks to TMZ. Both of them, there ass is grass when they get back to the real world. I don’t think Julie will even talk to them when they are evicted. But we will see.
Rightfully so. That’s a verbal threat of violent assault!
Come on, I wouldn’t go THAT far, Kevin for AFP, yep, but I gotta go with Paul for the win, he has played the game since day one, always thinking ahead.
People throw the word “bullying” around a lot. Yes, there is a lot of verbal abuse. Yes, it does sometimes go too far. And there is no defense for some things (like trying to test Cody’s PTSD or Jason’s comment about Kevin’s wife). But these aren’t school children minding their own business and getting their lunch money stolen. These are grown adults who signed up to be on a reality show where the premise is to pick each other off. Couple that with being in a house with these people for a couple of months with literally NO other interaction with the world. It is the social version of the “hunger games,” Again, that does not excuse the behavior, but they had to know what they were getting into. This is Big Brother. People are going to lie to you and stab you in the back. They will attack you in every way possible.
This is only my second season watching but I don’t see anything worse than last year. Or worse than I would expect from a show with this premise.
Also, they are all pretty much dishing it out. Kevin is a little more classy than most of them and his hands are cleaner, but he is not a choir boy in this.
Like I said, not defending some of these things, but this is kind of what this show is about.
Anyone BUT Alex for the win! I am wishing all kinds of karma on her ass. Meanest chick ever. Booooooooo!
Even Raven winning is better than Alex?
Good question! โบ๏ธ Raven is nuts, and does not deserve to win anything, but at least she’s not a mean bitch. She can’t help herself, but Alex is deliberate. Soooo, yeah l guess so.
I appreciate your honesty. House guest has to be truly awful for Raven to turn into a sympathetic figure.
Ummmmm, no!
I wouldn’t trust Alex to do the right thing, and put Paul on the block. She is too busy terrorizing Kevin, and kissing Paul’s behind. I hope Kevin wins Head of Household, and backdoors Paul.
And she has continued to say she is going to keep after Kevin – unrelenting! THIS is what you do to play a game? Earlier, she suggested Kevin was a child molester; somehow she developed that from believing he has kids to not believing it. Alex and Raven are so unbalanced.
She also thinks he’s a murderer. Completely unhinged imo when you believe a fellow HG is a murderer.
And that his skin looks like leather. What adult says that?!?
Especially when you live in sunny California! If I am not mistaken, Kevin once lived in Los Angeles too.
One thing worse than Alex saying that is no other BB houseguest stood up for Kevin and told her to shut up.
She thought he was a cop at some point thru the game too.
I nearly fell off my chair when I read: “Tue 4:43 PM BBT Maven in APSR discussing how Paul is much more of a threat and he should have been the one OTB and putting them OTB was not a smart move.” I was stunned that they have a brain, maybe some insight? But that was only a fleeting moment as Delusional Raven proceeded to talk about going to F2 with Paul – like she would decide to take him, b/c she could not do that to him. Maniacal, looney-tuned whack job!
Maybe Big Brother is trolling the fans. They created a super villain in Alex after the ratings declined. Everyone will watch now, hiss and boo Alex in hopes she will be sent to the jury Ratings will rival Sunday Night Football.
Alison Grodner is a genius.
Alex has always been a villain, but not super. **cough**
All I have to say at this point now is, Kevin, pull a rabbit out of your hat, your ass, or where ever you can mustard strength, and WIN THIS THURSDAYS HOH……….WIN KEVIN WIN, WIN KEVIN WIN, WIN KEVIN WIN, WIN KEVIN WIN. Now for those of you who ever is a Kevin fan with me, let us bow our heads and pray………………….lol, you know the rest. Please BB gods, Let Kevin Win….
Only if he will get rid of Alex. Hoping for a Raven and Alex nomination.
Amen to that……..On BBAD last night Kevin said that if he became hoh he would put up Alex and Alex, that was toooo funny.
didn’t he say Raven and Raven?
He said Alex, because her was talking to Jason who had just given him an ear full about Alex, and how he’s pretty tired of Alex being so bossy towards him, (Jason).
Meant to type he Jason was talking about Alex
Yep. Hopefully after today he’ll say Alex too
Maybe an Alex and Paul eviction?
Right on….right on…. right on!!
I’m lighting the candle as we speak.
Light that candle Nope, Light that candle, that fire needs to reach him all the way in California……lol
This is the most disgusting group of people I have ever witnessed on Big Brother….
I still think 15 is the all time worst.
I agree! Nobody tips that crew (few select members). Yeesh!
Unfortunately, I missed that season!
You are lucky, LOL :)
I don’t know, the HG’s might have been worse, but I think the BB gameplay was considerably better.
Their getting pretty equals to me after this week.
Me too Dee Dee, but image some of season 15 hg mixed with 19 hg………OMG…OMG…OMG, Ok, din’t image that…sorry….lol
Anyone know how the ratings are for this year as far as viewers? Like us silly ppl?! Lol
It’s BB, we’re all hooked. It can be pure crap and they’ll still pull the ratings. lol
In years past someone usually has lost threre job as a result of big brother bad behavior. But this season that’s not an issue since Josh doesn’t work not does Alex. Not many in this crew had “real” jobs.
Alex thinks she is going to be able to take the fame she gets from BB and parlay it into her swimsuit business. Good luck with that girl! LOL
Hopefully some people will understand why Jessica never liked Alex. She saw right away who Alex was
Jessica saw herself in Alex.
Jessica was only jealous of Cody’s attention towards Alex. Nothing else.
True, we typically see the things we hate most about ourselves in our rivals…
She could be a Youtube gamer and if she is as good as she says, it will be instant fame, especially since she is on BB.
Autograph table at the Game Expos? Big money..especially with her looks.
I don’t believe a thing that comes out of this bitches mouf. She has called Kevin a murderer and says he acts like a pedophile. I hope her words follow her outside of the house. Not cool at all to say that about a family man, with 7 children.
She is not only the scum clinging to the bathtub ring, but she IS scum of the earth!
She is not only scum clinging to the bathtub ring, she IS the scum of the earth!
Kim Jong Un looks like a choir boy in comparison?
Oh Alf, where do you come up with these great analogies! ๐คฃ
Not cool to say about anyone, parent or not, without proof.
First episode of the year they showed Alex holding a game controller like a total rookie. I’m skeptical she’s even a fraction as good at video games as she says she is.
Well, she said she’s a bb fan and knows the game. That doesn’t look like it to me!!
I agree she is a sham & her future career will be stealing Rolex’s from her John’s at a Karaoke bar near you.
Swimsuit business? OMG is it going to feature that ugly black two piece she is seen wearing everyday.
Josh was yelling about being a businessman when fighting with Jessica. Mowing lawns?
He works in his family’s business, something to do with hair care products.
He does have good hair.
That’s what you call good hair? It’s not good at all.
I’m at an age where just having hair is a good thing!
Lol fair enough
I thought he was hysterical dancing in front of the bathroom mirror with a facial scrub on! ๐๐ Productions did a good job editing in the music for the audience.
Not sure if you watched BBOTT but it reminded me of Justin and the Pizza song.
I agree, I killed myself laughing!
Selling beauty supplies.
No, according to the BB website, Josh’s occupation is Haircare sales. He’s a salesman for hair products.
TY Ron.
He lugs around a big ole case of lingerie to the local Miami strip clubs.
Have you seen or heard that band Paul was in a few years ago? That wasn’t work, it was torture to my eardrums.
Freaking predators! Get them all out, give money to Paul and let’s move on with our lifes!
Production should call Matthew in the DR and he should never come out again, not even to say goodbye to his trash.
I am looking forward to HOH nominations and hoping Alex is the one to go.
Going by the comments..Paul really wants Jason out. Paul has tight control over Alex. Jason is a loose cannon and thinks for himself. That’s a no no.
I know. I want Jason to win veto so they have no choice but to get rid of Alex. If she doesn’t go, at least it will wake her up.
A commenter, in another post today, suggested that rather than Matt getting another BB evict vote, they should deduct a fine (or something) from his stipend! I think that’s the corrective action b/c he’s blatantly ignoring the rules and has said he doesn’t care even if he gets 30 votes! I think BB should invoke a penalty to show future houseguests what will happen – otherwise Matt is setting an example with no consequences!
Not to get off subject, but saw the Fall Preview issue of TV Guide. On Friday September 15th is another episode of BB. Hopefully, it isn’t another clip show & we have feeds this time.
I agree!
Cody knows how to pick them. Jessica and Alex are just horrible.
I think Alex is a better match for Cody, but she could be into Christmas.
Maybe lol
Cody was never romantically interested in Alex. Christmas is an idiot for saying that. Cody just respected Alex for her passion to fight out competitions because that’s how he approaches them too.
I must respectfully diasagree. Cody had the love eyes for Alex. He thought she was dynamite…Juessica sa
Agree with Alf.
Agree with J-Dizzle
Agree with Alf!
Agree with J-Dizzle.
Heavily disagree with all of you.. we’re either watching different things or just interpreting way differently. (I know it’s the latter..)
Alex is the one you marry and Jessica the who**. They are both equally horrible for the hottest HGs this season.
J Dizzle that is what these eyes saw and I have watched since season BB1. Cody said that when he laid eyes on Jessica it was, “BOING”. paraphrasing there.
Is Jason drunk? WTH! I had to copy/paste this: “5:44 Jason says after half the s**t I’ve said here and these crazy f’n live feeders I’ll probably walk out to eggs and f’n paintball guns. The Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, all the sexual jokes and s**t I make there will probably be a bunch of women out there trying to club me. And then all the girls I’ve ever humped before will be out there trying to propose.” What happened to the tender-hearted dad and father-to-be? ๐
I liked Mark more often than I didn’t so I don’t mean this to be nasty towards him… but…
His DR session persona is super fun to imitate… the head tilt alone…
Rock of Love, Flavor of Love. Lots of reality shows for her to choose between. Even one called Dating Naked.
Maybe she can be lucky like James and get on that new Candy Crush.
Amazing race with Christmas? Really good money in that reality circuit.
With her foot, I doubt Christmas will be able to do anything like that any time soon.
No way and not with her ugly personality.
That’s funny!
I don’t like him. First night he called Kevin “that old man…”. That just irked me. So I don’t even like him. (Yes, I know I’m in the minority on this. Lol.)
I didn’t hear that.
Yes, that was Cameron the first night (as opposed to the battle back ha ha). That caught my ear. Grrr.
I see no reason to like him either. He didn’t stay long enough to make any impression whether positive or negative. And he did have two chances to keep himself in the house, one of which he admitted to throwing. Somebody has to be the first to go every year so I don’t know why people feel worse for Cameron than I’ve ever seen them feel for others who were evicted first in past seasons.
I’m with you. Happy he didn’t make his dr make my dog crazy. Something is wrong with his voice.
Matts thoughts. “Hmmmmm. How many beers can I drink before Ravens screeching becomes cute?”
Wow Alex is a cruelest mean person and Paul is right behind he is an instigator! Sorry but they don’t deserve to win with that personality and attitude!
If the game was about who had the best personality Cody would have won.
Kevin’s game is actually pretty BAD…He spills the beans to Matt about the $25k, tells him a sh*t ton of other things…without realizing that Matt is still aligned with Paul and is relaying everything back.
And now he’s telling Jason that he never said anything, didn’t tell Matt about the $25k (he did, I was listening as he bragged that he could clear $60k by the end if he wins AFP). He’s denying everything, SHOCKED that someone would go against him. This is your great social game, Kevin? The Best In the House?? LMAO
I can’t imagine telling anyone in the house about the $25k. That’s crazy!
TMZ got this one now:
I’m sorry I ever said I was team Jason and that he was a sweet guy. I’m over him and want a refund from the fan club.
This article hit on what I was thinking about. Alex was laughing her a$$ off. What happened to her being offended by things like that because of what happened to her cousin?
I was thinking the same thing, but Paul and Alex did say something.
Yup. My thought too.
Um, pretty horrible things to say. I no longer have any respect for him; I don’t care if he’s voted out next; and I hope he does not get AFP. His statements are inexcusable; they are not funny; and I’m sure his wife and family are ashamed! Good riddance, Jason (and Alex). BB season of deviants … lest we forget the butt-hole incidents. I’m just ๐คข
Oh my goodness! The comments were just…aughhh…..i didn’t ever finish reading them. They were just as despicable. Golly Moses!
You know the kid is going to grow up hearing how his dad learned of his existence while on BB… And will Google/whatever and see this pop up. Wow.
You think we might have an unemployed clown when he get out.
Still shocked that Jason said those things. Completely out of character. At least from the way Big brother edited him.
So many of the TMZ comments were every bit as ugly as what’s said in the house. I am a little surprised that people disgusted by Jason’s words would react in the same manner… What’s the difference?
Unemployed? I doubt it. Doesn’t seem like his career will intersect. I don’t think so anyway.
I am waiting for all the Jason’s remarks are Paul’s fault comments,
Paul made him say that. lol
5:44 Jason says after half the s**t I’ve said here and these crazy f’n live feeders I’ll probably walk out to eggs and f’n
paintball guns. The Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, all the sexual jokes and s**t I make there will probably be a bunch of women out there trying to club me.
And then all the girls I’ve ever humped before will be out there trying to propose.
Jason better stay far away from Kevin when they get out. Once Kevin watches that he will want to murder him. Josh only said swear on your kids and he went crazy.
Sitting quiet while others talk smack is almost as bad!
5:09 PM Jason in HOH wonders what the live feed looks like. Christmas & Alex don’t know. Christmas thinks Raven has watched.
I thought Alex was a superfan?
She hasn’t seem like a super fan to me. I do know she watched Paul’s season and I think she was referring to having watched season 1. I think she just read about the past seasons to familiarize herself.
Yup. I repeated that multiple time. She’s not the super fan she said she was.
They are all full of it – but thought this might give you a chuckle. At beginning of game interviews, Raven describes herself as ‘ bubbly ‘ , wonder where the fizz went haven’t noticed any lately whahaha
When you are in hole, dig faster. Do not see any good scenario for Jason , or Matthew the game has crumbled before your eyes if if if it continues it is down to Alex and Paul
More like pitchforks and torches. Maybe he should wonder about what his wife ( or soon to be ex ) is going to do when he gets out. He was goaded into it, but, Jason is a perfect example of someone being their own worst enemy. This is totally like ‘ Lord of the flies ‘ with everyone taking a turn at being Piggy before leaving . In case you were never forced to read it in school ‘ Lotf ‘ is not a happy, feel good story .
Wow maybe they should just start over and wash their hands of BB19 sooner than later and fix some things if you want a BB20
Double forced eviction of Jason and Matthew or evict Jason ( do you think you have a choice ? ) and leave the eviction vote as is so Matthew out …. Apologize but you guys are so so screwed, it hurts to watch, think production may be getting played more than anyone else
Paul reminds me of Rasputin ..his look and his ability to manipulate whoever is in power… almost scary to watch!
Little Finger from Game of Thrones?
Insult to little finger who is a better gamer than Paul. Hoping for a worse fate for the BB guest.
More of a Podrick?
You got something going here… Lets play a game. Lets compare BBHG to GOT characters….
Josh- Hodor (big for nothing…. but towards the end had purpose)
Alex- Cersei (will kill anyone in her way)
Jason- Jamie (hopelessly obeys Cersei)
Raven- Reek (LOL, idk why but just yeah)
Matthew- Extra in the Green Fire Explosion scene
Christmas- Daenerys-ish (She can be the Mother of Apples this season)
?? Eehhhhh IDK guys I got bored….
Nice touch with Mother of Apples.
No way is Christmas near being Dani. I think Paul could be Sam, the know it all and Matthew Dickon the unnecessary character.
Matt looks like a Dickon too lolol…..
You know what happened to Rasputin, don’t you? The story goes that he was poisoned twice and shot three times. Then, after he was dead, he was thrown into a river, then buried, then he was dug up and his remains were burned. So maybe Paul shouldn’t win this game after all.
He claimed to have magical powers ..and it appears Paul seems to have his housemates bewitched ..he is compelling , and like Rasputin difficult to get rid of lol
Production is Paul’s magical powers.
Alex is a joke. The only good part of this is now those who didn’t already dislike her can now have reason to or at least see why others (like me) have disliked her for a long time now
I started to don’t like her when she was always treating jason like a fool. I started to hate her at the cereal gate event. Now I have no word for my feelings towards her.
If anyone’s crazy, it’s Alex. What kind of person displays days of meanness towards another human being? Take a look at your own life, sweetie. I’d like to see a negative prize for least favorite house guest.
I hope Kevin wins it all after the way they bullied him and lied about him. its really a shame to treat someone who is old enough to be their father this way. I wonder if this is how they do their family; Come on Kevin win and send Alex the bully packing then maybe Jason will be with you and pick off the rest of these poor excuses for humans
If we’re honest, Matthew is probably only breaking the rules so he can be with his cereal. That’s true love right there.
I have been watching Big Brother from season 1. I have to say that I find this season depressing. So much bullying, so much hate and no one to back for America’s favorite. And it is just a bit boring. Even the season with Rachel and Brendon was more game play fighting than this season. I was against Cody and Jess but then when they became underdogs tried to back them, then I tried to back Mark but he just was too much of flipper. Then I started to really like Jason but those comments about Kevin’s wife. I realize they forget they are on tv but wow, too much. I realize it is the Paul show and the rest of the cast seem lame. I like to be entertained with the competitions and game play and game strategy. These people just seem mean. Who is there to support for America’s Favorite? I am thinking to ignore Jason’ lapse as long as there aren’t anymore and vote for him. What do you all think?
Apparently you didn’t see season 15. By comparison this is tame. Racists, homophobia, & plain old fashioned stupidity.
After that, I could never vote for Jason. I think Mark is the less vile of all.
It was a very insensitive comment, but I truly believe there was no bad intent on Jason’s part. I think he really had no clue what he was really saying, but I guarantee you, he won’t feel very good about it later. Do I still like Jason? Yes.
I have to disagree with you on that one. I’m just thinking how hard it must be on Kevin’s family.
I do feel for his family especially after the BB allowing us to meet them.
Lol. I meant Kevin’s family. But yes both.
Indeed, both.
No excuse. In order to have something that disgusting come out of your mouth you must be a horrible person. He’s been saying horrible things all summer.
What else has Jason said? I do not recall anything of that caliber.
He used fa* a few times. Him and Cody called Audrey “it”. And if you watch the live feed some of his stories are disturbing. Even if the only thing he said was he was going to rape Kevin’s wife and make his kids watch, that should be enough to make you not like him.
Believe it or not Garrett, it is extremely common for nice people to say some horrible things to another. That said, I haven’t watched any of the feeds, only BB After Dark. What Jason said was extremely inappropriate and insensitive, we both agree on that. But I don’t see Jason as a bad guy or an evil guy. I also am not trying to condone his poor judgement whatsoever.
Believe it or not if you can easily joke about rape you’re disgusting and a horrible person. If you want to defend him then you’re just as bad.
Poor judgement. You are crazy. If these “jokes” are able to spew out if his mouth like that he’s sick. So is Alex for laughing.
I don’t like or agree with Jason’s remarks. I think he got swept up in the momment. He was trying to stay on what he thought was the “good side” of the house and join in on the Kevin bashing. He saw how standing up for Kevin and keeping the noms the same backfired on him. Since Matt and Raven quit yelling at him and everyone started blaming Kevin he decided to pile on. Little does he know he was going to be the next target regardless of what he did as HOH. I personally hope that either Raven or Alex go next. Alex used to be one of my favorites. I loved her persistence through the park ranger punishment. Now I just want her gone. She is so mean and hateful. She thinks she is funny but she is not. I am also tired of seeing her boobs hanging out all the time. I’m sure Hollie is too!
Well, you could just vote for Cameron or Ramses or Jillian. None did anything a bit controversial. A player doesn’t have to be on the show for a long time to be your favorite.
Cameron admitted to throwing the safety comp on night 1.
I remember him saying he forgot the clue Julie gave about the apples. But never heard he throw it. Sad.
So? Throwing a competition is a normal part of the show – nothing sinister there.
I will be voting for Kevin as Americas favorite after what those a holes did to him he deserves to win it all
One of the reasons I watch big brother is to have an escape from all the fighting with politics . It is a sad day when I would find watching the politics news happy and more fun then big brother. This taunting and bullying is no fun to watch. Pick on the weakest person? If this is the only way you can win then it’s not much of a win.
BB Season 19 mimics the real world to some degree.
I just read on joker that matt was onto Kevin. Really hopping matt loses it and bye bye.
Looks like Kevin and Matt almost had a fight. If they did I hope Kevin just punched him. Matt needs to be kicked out of the house. Now he decides to open a mouth after he realizes he’s going home.
Matt may be the worst player in BB history
Sorry, no one will ever top Lawon from BB13. Volunteered to get evicted (not to go on the block, to actually be EVICTED) because he thought he’d immediately come back with “superpowers”. In the same week the newbies had Rachel dead to rights… *shudders*
Whaoahahahaha. I forgot that one.
I just don’t get Matt showing the show total disrespect not to mention the other HG’s by not honoring his Have not commitment. The producers should kick him out and not go to jury. He signed a contract.
Like josh said, after 60 something days he realize he’s playing bb.
He’s acting like a spoiled child who needs the BB rod.
Exactly. The producers are now looking like fools. They to kick him off the show now and not go to jury.
It would make my day!!
Mine too! I hate to say this but the producers are now manipulating (more than than they already do) the game. He should have been out and by not doing it, it shows they condone his actions.
I was hoping AG was late to work today. I even thought she got a dentist appointment. I found very good excuses for matt not being out yet. But now I really think that’s it!!!
I hope you are right.. I think it would be great to kick out Matt not send him to jury and put Jessica in jury or bring a former winner into jury and let them vote.
They wouldn’t bring in one of those players, because I think who ends up in jury would be enough for voting anyway.
The check is already printed with Paul’s name. No need of jury.
Right! How silly of me to forget!
Jessica knows too much. That defeats the purpose. Just give America the vote.
Yeah, you are right.
I don’t think America voting is a good idea either. Too much potential for fraud. The rigging conspiracies would never stop.
If it is a tie, which I doubt, flip a coin or something.
Voting NO on Jessica, but love the idea of bringing in a former winner…
ETA: Although that could be a double edge sword…the person could want to vote against Paul because of ego purposes (I was the BEST!)
Or they could sway everyone to vote for Paul, especially since there is a big Group Think and “admire greatness!” mentality amongst the HGs
Kevin punches him and Kevin is out of the game for good
US Magazine asked Elena: Who are the three people you want to see walk into the jury house next?
Elena: I would absolutely love to see Mark a week from today, because I’d prefer to spend the rest of my summer with him. But at the same time, I’d want him to make it as far in this game as possible and win this thing.
Otherwise, I’d want to see Paul for two reasons. I like hanging out with Paul, he’d make the jury house enjoyable. And, I want him out of the game. He’s become super sketchy and everyone is playing his game, and I’m over it. Other than that, probably Matt just because he doesn’t even care he’s in the house, he throws competitions, he’s a floater, and I like hanging out with him. We’d have fun getting drunk together.
I saw that interview. It was the iPad interview they do in the studio right after the eviction. It’s on YouTube.
Matt doesn’t have too many goals, I guess. Ha Ha
He had one : jury. And he might have blow it.
We can only hope.
The longer the fish, the better it look.
Please kick his a** back where he came from and file breech of contract
After that he won’t even get a job at Kellogs. He’s done.
If MATT isnt kicked off then I wouldn’t take another cold shower or eat a bite of slop!!! no rules….not enforced!!!! And please tell ALEX JOSH N PAUL quit bullying Kevin…. Not nice….. Cmon production….get on top of these things!!!
Paul isn’t bullying Kevin…just talking sh*t about him behind his back. Behind the back sh*t talking is not bullying, it’s part of the game and part of life (happens even in the workplace).
And Josh said he just wanted to have a conversation with Kevin. He hasn’t been antagonizing him. They even had a conversation in the hammock after fighting yesterday. Although, he is also sh*talking along with everyone else.
Alex and Raven are being blatantly rude/ bully-ish to Kevin
Does anyone know how many total penalties has Matt incurred ?
One up to now. I don’t think he’ll get more. I think they will throw him out.
The feeds are down again. Maybe that’s happening now after the argument with Kevin
I hope.
Poor Kevin! they need to stop bullying him ..its so disrespectful even in a game setting ..
I totally agree. kevin is just lost, his social game is all over the place. He never watched the show. I feel bad for him. But Jason is suppose to be his buddy and he’s right now trashing Kevin to Alex.
We can hope. BB needs to really do something drastic with him and his behavior. Otherwise its tell the others that breaking the rules is okay.
I think they unfairly just give him one, even though he will spend the whole week breaking rules.
They need to send him home. The jury he’s been seeking all summer will be but in his dreams. He’s the biggest piece of shitte that’s ever floated on big brother. I have 0% respect for him at this point. Maybe Ravens mama will share some of the go fraud me money with him for protecting her lil girl. I would be ashamed to admit I was even in a relationship with him. Raven is telling him wait until he hears all the applause and cheers he gets when he’s evicted! He needs to be greeted with dead silence since booing is no longer allowed.
I think Matt has his own money and doesn’t need BB’s.
Not sure. He behaves like someone with either a great deal of money, or someone who lives with very little.
Yeah I thought he’d have a LOT more than just one .
I saw Jason get called to the DR and got a card and read one official penalty vote. Matt laughed it off and said something like I thought it would be worse and then took a hot shower and ate. I have not seen anymore announcements from HOH Jason which would be “official”, but Matt has been called to the DR several times and last night when Matt was sleeping with Raven in a normal bed , BB would remind him he was a have not but he didn’t move. So I’ve seen one official, but maybe the DR gave him more?
I think they should vote out Raven and watch Matt implode and possibly self evict
Dawn, I would like to see them both go out the door. Raven, to jury, Matt, to hell.
Even better!
Love it!
I’m sooooooo sick of everyone throwing the ‘B’ word around (Bullying), especially when not every single action this summer has actually been bullying
That being said, Kevin actually is being bullied at this point. It would be one thing to hide slop as a joke – VERY temporary joke, in light-hearted fun – but it’s another to do it in a mean-spirited way and lie about it.
Kevin kind of brought some of this on himself though, being condescending, acting like he should be the center of attention, talking sh*t about people behind their backs, being a rat. He shouldn’t have tried to play both sides and been so shady about it. At least Mark laughingly finally admitted, “yeah, ok I AM a flip-flopper!” Now, especially with Matt exposing him (unlike Mark or Cody did when Kevin slickly was talking to them like he was on their side right before leaving for Jury), his game is over.
I agree about Kevin…but, I don’t agree with what they are doing to him.
Kevin has done nothing, but be sneaky, lie and socialize. That is part of the game. Others are not playing better than him and hate he is still there.
I don’t agree either, and didn’t mean to imply that I did. I was just saying that everyone is snapping like Jack in The Shining, and Kevin is Wendy, poorly swinging a baseball bat back in defense.
Kevin gave them reasons to snap on him, but some of them are taking it further than game play
Yes. People keep talking about Bullying. Most of it isn’t anyway. Catty- sure, mean girl- yep and even back stabbing and juvenile. But even if it is, its a two way street and part of the game. I do agree though, they are being overly mean to Kevin. But he is not innocent in it either. He stirs it up. A lot. He has not been as jerky as most of them.
Agree with every sentence you wrote.
I actually was bullied as a kid, and I can see by the reactions actions that some of the HGs have shown that they were too. The loudest ones (Josh, Alex, Xmas) seem like they were always outcasts, but now feel safe in a group setting to rebel against the “cool kids” and get loud without repercussions (i.e. getting beat up).
I said this before, but I think they are just having a revenge of the nerds moment, compounded by the fact that they are going f*ing nuts being cooped up in that house for 70 days.
Agreed 100%
BTW can you imagine being locked in a house for 70 days with roommates you don’t really like, no TV, no internet, no phone, no family interaction, power plays, dictated yard time, sleeping schedule, and food supplies?
It’s like a glamorous version of prison lol
There’s at least visitation in prison.
Totally agree. The term ‘Bully’ is thrown around way too much, and not all this is bullying. They trash talk Kevin, and he trash talks them. He’s not the sneakiness guy in the house, but he gets points for trying. It’s part of the game they signed up for. However…he is most certainly being bullied at this point, and has no real clue how to fight back. Hiding his food was just mean and hateful.
I’m worried that Alex is going to destroy his Grandmothers prayer cards. He showed them to Paul when Paul went to HN to check on Kevin. Kevin begged Paul not to tell Alex about them.
I seriously DO NOT like what they are doing to Kevin…he doesn’t deserve any of this. Matt needs to be kicked out NOW, then Raven…then we can go down the line.
Especially since he is already breaking all the HN rules. He should be on thin ice.
Nobody wins and the money is donated to mental illness research.
Isn’t that what this whole season has been about?
The observation period of a mental illness research study?
This is truly absolutely ridiculous behaviour.
I’m so glad I don’t have live feeds and that my BBAD didn’t record (for some weird reason) again last night.
I’m fed up ๐
I watch BBAD and live feeds. BBAD doesn’t show much of the stuff you’ll see on feeds. They choose and edit.
I know.
But it’s more information than just watching the show.
I refuse to pay, CBS or anyone for that matter, for watching stupid people behave poorly.
Me too! It’s a disgrace to the BB franchise and CBS.
CBS, CBS, CBS, you disgust me this year with all you let go on with the entire BB19 houseguests!
Your bully Paul will of course WIN BB19.
Paul isn’t the biggest bully. I would say he’s not even a bully. Yes he encouraged all fight. But everyone are responsable for their own actions.
Is everyone enjoying this season of Big Bully? C’mon Kevin… If you were throwing HOH comps up to this point… I think it’s time to break out and show us who you really are. Take out Alex and a whole new world opens up!
Yes!! I hope Kevvy wins!
I’m enjoying it :) Just because it’s amazing watching Paul’s game play as the biggest target from day 1, no ride-or-die get to this point where people are saying they know he would win at the end but don’t care.
Alex disgusts me. Just because you do not like someone do you accuse them of things like murder or child molestation. She needs to grow up and just tell Kevin instead of being like a 14 year old girl and spreading rumours and making fun of their appearance. What a joke of a contestant.
She never accused him of molestation…only of exploiting mental weaknesses in Josh and Jason.
Sorry you are right, just watched feeds again. She did accuse him of acting like one I will edit it thank you.
Very bad example to use when the man has 7 kids and 6 of em are girls…
No, she didn’t, but when you say that a father of 6 girls ‘acts’ like a child molester without a really solid reason for saying that, it reaches a new low.
Her reasoning was that he was able to spot mental weakness in Josh and Jason, and used that to gain sympathy for himself.
It was 1000% WRONG, but she’s imploding.
Sadly agree. She could maybe have made it to F2, but now I’m glad she probably won’t get there.
Look how she treats Jason and Josh!
She could have come up with 1000 other examples. Why this one? It is associated him to that. It’s the worst.
Agreed. She’s getting increasingly petty/ crazy, and I think it’s because of the stress of living in that house with nothing to do and constantly worrying about the outcome of the game.
I liked her and actually respected her game until recently. Now I hope she gets blindsided right out the door.
There are so many people left that I would love to see booed when they walk out the door, matt raven alex Christmas and Josh. Can’t stand any of them
BB should allow viewers that satisfaction.
At the least Alex.. for all her comments and actions she deserves it.
I really really hope she gets booed, what a horrible person.
Can Matt be out of the house now? Like, seriously, I’ve been watching sporadically today because I can’t stand him still being there.
I hope that is what is happening!
That is not what happened yesterday with Josh and Kevin. Kevin almost knocked him out and he didn’t but feeds were down for a while.
After getting into it with Kevin, Josh said he did not like to hear that his head was about to be bashed in
Josh brought up his kids. Kevin cares about his kids and everyone cares about their kids so I don’t blame him for getting a little aggressive. It’s not okay to hurt someone BB or not but he can get angry.
Seriously. Unless they penalize him in some meaningful way, why would any future HG play by the rules if they knew they were probably going to be evicted. Jury had become way too much of an incentive.
Even the other way around, your otb with a much bigger target then you, you know you have enough votes and your a HN. Just skip it, you’ll have one vote against you that’s it. You will eat and rest and be stronger to win hoh. Voilร !!
True dat. Really really wonder why they are letting him get away with this.
Feeds are back. Kevin is there.
Time to start looking around to see what happened.
feeds may be coming back
matt is there
too bad.
Ohhh Noooo say it ain’ t so
I hate how Matt is laughing at this whole thing…it’s OK to break all the rules, as long as he keeps getting away with it, he’s going to keep doing it…that is so disrespectful…he obviously knows all of this. What is wrong with BB to let this go on? I really don’t understand
Production has NO, NO control at this point.
They have all the control and love every second of it. The script is getting better for them and worse for some of us.
Do you really think so? I think they did, but didn’t plan on Matt’s temper tantrum. He has always been the most annoying HG this season for me, and I sometimes wonder if he was brought in to babysit Raven. Nothing else about him really makes sense.
They have enough control to start taking away their stipend!?!? I would think? I would think that’s in their contract!? Break the rules and no money for you! Or at the very least as they break a rule they lose more and more money as they break it!
BB has to have some control each season or there would be a lot more stuff like this happening with Matt eating etc. plus physical fighting, threats, just blatantly not listening whatsoever!
They should kick Matt out of the house and send him straight home “on time out!”
He is breaking all of the rules.
BB needs to set an example and send Matt’s a$$ packing!
This entire season I just thought Matt was an idiot and along for the ride, happy he reached his goal “to make it to jury” but, now that he actually has to play the game his ‘true colours’ are shining brightly through! What a complete d*ck! Loser! Poor sport! NO respect for this game!
This whole season I have wondered why Matt was/is with Raven! How what appeared to be a normal man, smart, good person, quiet, intelligent and friendly has put up with Raven for this long without going insane…….
I wondered at what point BB would need to take “innocent, naรฏve” Matt out of this game in a straight jacket because of Raven! Clearly the guy had me fooled! I thought he was just putting up with her because of all the sexual favours he was receiving from her since the very beginning of the game!
Now I understand why!!!
I don’t know why I didn’t figure it out earlier. I mean the guy did clean off his stomach with a dishcloth and did not wash his hands then proceeded t I don’t know why I didn’t figure it out earlier. I mean the guy did clean off his stomach with a dishcloth and did not wash his hands then proceeded to dry some dishes and put them away! & how his nightstand is full of used condoms! Sick dude!
I heard that Matt is well off! That dude should’ve been flushing those use condoms down the toilet as fast as he could because I’m sure Raven would love to have a BB Baby with someone who is well off! Money Grab right!!
Ohhhhhhh RIGHT……she can’t have children, oh wait….. she can have children but there is an 80% chance her child will be born with the same fake disease! Nevermind…….she can have children BUT she needs money to freeze her eggs! Wait, wait sorry!โฆโฆโฆshe can’t have children because her body couldn’t handle it! Oops, I forgot, she can have children but she needs to have them very soon because she needs to have a hysterectomy! No wait, sorry I forgot……..she can’t have children because her doctors wanted her to have a hysterectomy before she entered the BB house SO she needs to have the hysterectomy right after the game is over! MY BAD ๐ค
Geesh, get it straight Tinalee LOL
Sorry, as usual I went off topic.
Matt needs to go! Bottom line! Big Brother needs to put their Big Brother Foot down and kick Matt to the curb! SEE YA ๐ BA-BYE!!
Love it!
When Matt went into the DR once(+) to talk about Raven, he said, “I love her to death, but. . . (then insert complaint), like they showed Sunday night with her verbal mumblings and Matt (and the WORLD) not understanding her.
So true…and once you lose control it’s so hard to get it back.
LMAO!!! Does anyone know the artist for these? This one’s absolutely HILARIOUS!!! Poor Trejo…
Bleeping awesomeness out of this world and spot on
Freaking hilarious!!
Think it’s an app on the camera that can change the photo/video. My old digital camera would let me change a photo in to: black & white, sepia (old time tin-tint, brownish), x-ray, and others. It’s probably just a matter of click+click.
Anyone else think it’s weird how Raven just stares blankly at Matt’s face for 30 seconds at a time without saying anything?
I’ve never done that with anyone I’ve dated…seems so awkward. Is that a thing?
She probably thinks it’s hot. Gag
She’s creepy
that’s nice bb, reward this guy who we think should be expelled
Yeah, but I don’t think it was intentional. Pretty sure they gave the pillows for all the HGs to enjoy, and Raven just stole them.
really, 2 pillows for the house to enjoy? they have so many now. it seems silly
I don’t get it!
get what?
Why did bb gave them 2 hart pillows. Doesn’t make sense
It don’t make sense…..Has to be some kind of set up for something else…lol…I have no trust in Production…
my feeds are freezing sooo much internet traffic with twitter and chat all lit up…
THE BEST PERSON to talk about all of Ravens illnesses, diseases, surgeries, surgery she needs, etc. etc. would be…….
**** “Joe Santagato”*****
HOW do we get him to do it!?
He would be the best person! Priceless! That guy cracks me up! My husband is always watching his videos!!
Joe has to do this!
Love Joe ๐
Right! He is the best. He would be so good at putting a clip together with all of ravens diseases and illnesses and aches and pains and surgeries etc. I should try messaging him. He’s the best!
Does anyone know if we are allowed to post YouTube or Instagram videos on here?
I posted a few new ones of Raven and they are waiting to be approved. I’m just not sure if you’re allowed?
Keep an eye out for the Captain. He’ll know if it’s possible and how it should be done.
Otherwise, just ask Matthew Boyer direct. He’s pretty good and quite responsive.
Captain and I are friends on Facebook so I will just ask him in a message. Thank you :-)
I guess if they don’t get approved then I would have the answer anyways.
Hopefully they do because they are pretty funny!
Thanks again โค๏ธ
I’ve had stuff sent to moderation too and for the same reasons as you.
Good luck, I’ll look forward to it.
The Captain’s a doll. Truly one of the classiest guys out there in the world of comment and chat.
I gave up trying to post a link, they always say “waiting….
and it never gets approved.
Me too. Now I just post gifs…no links.
Yeah, I don’t think it went through. It was just a clip of ravens mom talking to their doctor!? And their doctor was talking about “Ravens disease” (but not actually referring to Raven) just the disease itself. And then her mom said “So what you’re seeing is this disease can kill someone!” ( or something along those lines) and the recording stopped!!!! NO answer from the doctor!
Ravens psycho Mom seems to think “we are all stupid” & we now believe that the doctor was implying “GO” is fatal! When really the video clip was stopped immediately following her question! It is totally set up a fake!
IF in fact Raven disease is fatal, (it’s NOT) why did her mom cut it off where she did? Obviously because the Doctor didn’t answer the way she wanted & yet this psycho still posted the clip thinking we were stupid enough to believe it! The doctor never once referred to Raven! He was just talking about the disease it’s self!
Google it if you want. It’s on YouTube, Instagram and Pinterest.
The other clip I posted was for Raven dancing in different Instagram posts and someone changed the lyrics to it. It’s super funny!
& I can’t remember what the third one was now.
Everytime I try it goes to moderation
evel dick at his best describing the remaining HGs
Evel Dick is being kind.
Has pot met kettle?
He banged pots & pans (the originator of the pot and pan banging tactic), accused someone of being a bad mother and junkie after also calling her ugly to her face, made fun of a gay guy, poured iced tea over a chicks head and told the ENTIRE house that she had – and I quote – “a crusty c*nt” after seeing her dirty bikini bottoms, called this same chick every nasty word he could think of and more, and really only won because of his daughter winning a ton of comps and America’s Player helping his game immensely.
Yes, he was very entertaining, and he was my favorite player of that season too. But him saying anything is ridiculous. So many times he would have been nominated and/ or voted out, and definitely not won out if it weren’t for Danielle and AP (Eric). Eric had to campaign for ED, convince the jury to vote for ED, and vote for ED at the end (when he arguably had the best social game and ironically wanted ED out). It was actually kind of funny since Eric hated it.
Go tell Evel Dick don’t tell me. Hed be happy to have ur input…..I just posted something he wrote on Twitter…Don’t jump on me…
My god. Every is too stress about this house. We need to relax!! Lol.
Yep. The season finale can’t come soon enough, lol. Let’s just get to the fall/winter/spring break.
LOl! I swear this is the first season I can think of in a long time that I seriously do not care who wins. I’d like Kevin to, but…highly doubt that’s happening!
Just stating facts :)
Also, I’m not taking anything personal…I work as an analyst, and am used to bringing out an argument based on facts, not intended to be an attack on you. I’m basically arguing against the air / fictional ED that would come back at me with an unreasonably rude remark lol.
Chillax Littlefly!! (I’m trying to, since it is crazy hot & humid here) ugh!
And yet when ED did it, it was his own idea, not someone else’s. And it was strategic, not petty. Does it excuse the behavior? Of course not. But at least the man had a mind of his own and played his own game.
Paul is playing his own game as well…it’s the other HGs who aren’t
But the conversation is about Josh, Mr. Pots and Pans of BB19.
Ohhh…I see what you mean. True true…touche
What is a little hilarious is that Paul is right…Kids could start dressing as Josh this Halloween – construction worker vest, tutu, bandana, gym shorts, and a pot and pan in hand
Paul has the other HGs playing the game for him….Now I have said my peace I will not comment to u again…Please refrain from answering to anything else I post…..Please just ignor me…
Are you ok? Really didn’t mean to offend you.
Exactly. Plus, he was straight up when he said I’m a bad guy! Love me or hate me… He didn’t care. Also, he didn’t try and make excuses for his behavior or ask anyone else to do it for him. Same with Will Kirby. Will was not a nice guy, especially in BB2. But he owned his behavior and said “I’m a bad guy”. I can get behind that. Villains win BB. But if a HG is going to behave badly, at least take credit for it. Don’t make excuses and pretend to be lily clean of all the BS going down. That is what I cannot respect. Nothing wrong with being a villain, but own it.
ED did his dirty deeds himself He didn’t hide behind anybody like Paul does…
And ED would have been voted out if America’s Player and his daughter weren’t in the game. The HGs hated ED on a personal level.
The HGs of season 19 love Paul, and many have said they would be honored/ accepting to lose to Paul in F2. Even RAVEN, miss money-hungry said today that she would take Paul to F2 knowing she would lose because she feels loyalty to him.
And they are all fucking jokes….every dam one of em…They are all a pathetic bunch of losers…There is not a one not even Kevin at this point that deserves to still be in the house.. much less win money for ‘playing the game of BB…
Dick won like 4 or 5 HOH comps & 1 veto that season, so he did quite a bit to help himself get to the end. In that 1st HOH round he stood in that freezing water for like 7 hours I think it was… That took his own determination not any one else’s. Not all the HG hated ED. He wasn’t the only HG who said some terrible things that season. Amber got called out for making anti-semitic comments and Eric (America’s player) made comments about Dick having incestuous sex with his daughter, Danielle in the HOH room!!
However, all of those things still did’t happen week after week after week after week like this season. I just think this group is far worse. Alex even mentioned to Josh that he should go and take a sh*t on Kevin’s bed today!! I mean seriously?? UGH! That is not game play.
Yeah he did, and I just re-watched his season…I think for the 3rd time. I actually really liked him – and it made it that much more fun to watch Eric begrudgingly have to help ED when America voted for him too. What a trooper!! :D
Exactly. He owned his behavior too. He said I’m not a nice guy. I respected that more. If you want to be a bad guy, just be a bad guy, but don;t try and make excuses after Production tells you you’re starting to look bad!
LMAO! I saw this on his twitter. Hilarious!
Can anyone understand a single word Alex just mumbled?? “Arghgashsgli asab,bfajbzsfarkr WON IT! lfhawaarawr HOH! arsdwedafsawf HE SAID! arhafgashgfaefv”
I have a hard tike understanding her as well
I am totally late with this. Did Alex and Paul investigate the fight between Kevin and Matt?
No. Kevin did it himself by spilling his beans to Matt while he was outside and they were alone (admitted the $25k, bragged that if he also wins AFP he’ll basically he 2nd place, called Alex a puppet master, and said a lot more).
Matt reported this back to Paul, Alex, and others, Jason found out and told Kevin that Matt told everyone everything Kevin told him. Kevin denied everything.
Kevin then later asked Matt as Matt happened to walk by him in the backyard, “Yo Matt, are you saying things about me??” (in a semi-aggressive way). Matt said “what? are you going to come at me too? Should I get a glass for you?” (I’m kind of paraphrasing), and then Kevin started shouting at Matt that he was a liar, he never told Matt “nuthin'”, etc.
joker has it word for word
Oh thank goodness
Got it, thanks
I do think though…Kevin would not have been considered “touchable” if Alex hadn’t already been annoyed with Kevin (but she was very quiet about it), and Paul being ready to strike. Alex was like a gas fume, and Paul was putting out a lit match.
thank you!!!