Big Brother 19 Live Feeds Week 8: Sunday Daytime Highlights

Sunday rolled in to the Big Brother 19 house without a plan for any events which gave Houseguests time to settle in and start talking plans and strategy including far ahead looks at Final 3. Gotta be careful in this game though when it comes to counting chickens too early.

Paul camtalks his Big Brother 19 strategy

Mark’s fate is settled and won’t likely waver which means it’s time to plan ahead for the next round of targets so everyone is angling to get their wishlist of who should be heading to the Block next.

If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.

Big Brother 19 Live Feed Highlights – Sunday, August 20, 2017:

10:25 AM BBT – HGs starting to get up for the day.

11:05 AM BBT – Christmas tells Josh that Mark tried to campaign, but it wasn’t going to work on her. She promises Josh that if any votes flip she’d still tie-break against Mark and keep Matthew. Josh likes that Mark didn’t realize the two of them were with Paul.

11:15 AM BBT – Christmas says they need to get Jason out and she believes Alex would join them. Josh sounds surprised.

12:00 PM BBT – Paul tells Raven their team can’t lose anymore HoH comps. He says it’s him, her, Matthew, and Josh.

12:05 PM BBT – Paul says they need to get Jason and then Kevin or Alex. Matthew agrees. He thinks if Alex or Jason gets HoH next then he can swing them to nominate and target Kevin. Matthew agrees that’s a good plan since Kevin probably wouldn’t win Veto.

12:10 PM BBT – Paul begins a lengthy camtalk session about his strategy and plans. He says he’s the third wheel in every pair so he can stay connected and in control. Paul says his biggest threat is the Alex and Jason pair because they’re so strong.

12:15 PM BBT – Paul confirms his ideal F3 is with Christmas and Josh since Christmas probably couldn’t compete and he can beat Josh in endurance as well. Then again, Paul starts to wonder if Raven would be a better option for him in F3 than Christmas.

12:20 PM BBT – Paul starts to list off his accomplishments including flipping the vote to keep Christmas and keep Josh. He feels he’s been controlling each HoH.

12:40 PM BBT – Matthew tells Raven he thinks she is well protected by him and by Paul. Raven can’t understand why now one has gone after Paul.

12:45 PM BBT – Paul promises Christmas that they’ll vote out Mark. He also says they should both make a F2 deal with Kevin to calm him.

12:45 PM BBT – Paul reveals (we already knew this) that he met Raven at one of his concerts in Little Rock and she talked about Big Brother being on her bucket list because of her pacemaker… Feeds cut away.

12:55 PM BBT – Mark shares his Zing. He’s “bye-sexual” because every time he tries to get something from Elena she says “bye.”

1:50 PM BBT – Christmas told Matthew and Raven about Mark trying to pitch a deal but she shut him down. She wants them to do the same if he tries with them. Raven points out that Alex and Kevin are agitated at each other. They agree to keep pressing that.

2:10 PM BBT – Christmas says she wants to get to F3 with Josh and Paul then let them battle it out, expecting each to take her. She thinks her physical limitations are actually making others more likely to drag her to F3.

2:25 PM BBT – Josh and Christmas discuss it’d be best if Raven or Matthew got HoH next so they could get their hands dirty for a change.

2:45 PM BBT – Jason and Josh discuss being annoyed with Kevin and his behavior. They don’t believe his claims that he hasn’t seen much Big Brother since he knows a lot about past episodes. They think he’s angling for fan favorite.

3:00 PM BBT – Christmas and Alex talk about eviction order. They agree on Mark then Matthew, Kevin, and Raven, in that order.

4:00 PM BBT – Group talk complaining about Cody and how they believe he was having sex with Jessica on camera. Raven manages to agree with everyone’s complaints…

4:10 PM BBT – Christmas and Alex are annoyed that Raven is still in the game since she’s not pulling her weight for the group.

4:15 PM BBT – Raven and Matthew discuss options for next week. Matthew thinks they could put up Kevin and Jason by pretending they’re pawns. He says that works as long as Alex doesn’t win Veto and save Jason. They’d have to go with Kevin if that happens.

4:35 PM BBT – Alex and Christmas try to decide if Kevin was the HG casting hinkey votes. They compare notes on the deals Kevin was trying to make.

5:00 PM BBT – Christmas, Paul, and Alex discuss how Raven fakes her injuries and her new limp.

5:15 PM BBT – Group continues to laugh about Raven trying to always one-up medical stories.

Continue reading yesterday’s events with our Overnight Feed Highlights Report for Sunday.

No big surprise here with Paul looking to get to the end with Christmas (or Raven) and Josh, but he’ll need to be careful because Josh and Christmas have their own little side alliance running that could come back to bit his game in the rear.

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

Gallery: Live Feeds Highlights



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  1. Paul’s right to think twice whether to take Raven over Christmas. Raven probably safer choice. Or take Christmas and Raven, if he makes it to end.

    • I just worry that they don’t know about Raven the fraud and then they vote for her to win out of sympathy! She doesn’t deserve one red cent!

      • Have no idea if she’s a fraud but the ones voting know she has not earned it. Plus, sounds like she has annoyed most of them.

      • She’s certainly not got much air time since it’s be way out there about her “go fund me” page.

      • They wouldn’t vote out of sympathy. She’s played that card way way way too much! Everyone is super annoyed with her. Not a chance. But I don’t want her to get second place either!

      • I was listening/watching one of Jessica’s Instagram live feeds and she was saying everyone in the house believes Raven is America’s sweetheart 🤢 so they are all afraid to do anything to Raven because they don’t want to look like the bad guy!
        This season continues to surprise me day after day, week after week!
        I don’t know why, I would think after all this time to expect these HGs to have a brain! Who am I kidding! Clearly myself! 😂

      • I know, its so ridiculous! If she makes it to the F2 I will be so pissed off. Raven herself thinks is she’s winning AFP. I don’t think so because we all know what a scamming fraud she is. If anyone votes for her other than her crazy family it a shame. I’m still not sure who to vote for but Raven would be my last vote.

      • Oh I don’t think there is a chance Raven will receive AFP. I know she thinks it, and so does the rest of the house but for the most part America/Canada knows she is nothing but a con artist, psychotic, trailer park trash loser!

  2. Ah, the “Tales of DeCrypt” was for evicted HGs. Kind of okay but would rather more play at once.

  3. Why are they still talking about Cody and Jessica? I’ve never had the feeds, did house guests on other seasons focus this much on the people they evicted?

    I mean, I guess I could see it as they basically have nothing to do but sit there and talk. I just figured they hated them both so much that they’d rather talk about someone/something they actually like. Or maybe go for a swim? Work out? I don’t know.

    • Becuz they have to talk down about ppl to build their egos up!
      Basically that just shows they are boring HGs & BB messed up again!

      Someone please take the reins at BB and kibosh all boring vets!

      And make them all shave!! Lol

    • Omg, I can’t believe the “group mob” needs someone to pick on so much and deflect from themselves that have to rehash the evicted houseguests.

    • I thought what Mark thought was a good idea to give the safety to Paul. Because like he said, to show that he cared. Key word: Cared

    • Christmas seems to love drama. Weeks ago she announced to the group that she was the “Queen of Perseverance”, episode after episode she kept talking about her injury while never taking the slightest personal responsibility for her recklessness, and in this evening’s episode she kept talking as if we should be on the edge of our seats over her upcoming big move…which ended up being nothing beyond what we all knew that one of Paul’s puppets would do, namely backdoor Mark.


  4. If I was in the house, I’d take a can of WD-40 to those squeaky wheels on that go-cart.


    Then thought more about it and would leave it and try to live with it cause if lets people know she’s in the area and on her way.

  5. “12:05 PM BBT – Paul says they need to get Jason and then Kevin or Alex. Matthew agrees.”

    Let’s see if I understand this. Paul talking to Matt about getting Jason, Kevin, and Alex evicted is ok — no disloyalty there — but, according to Paul, it was disloyal of Mark to suggest (a few weeks ago) to Jason that they try to evict Paul, and last week Paul threw a hissy fit in front of everyone as a result. Yeah, makes sense.

    • Like David Terry said, “it’s not in the script!”

      I would have appreciated if BB wrote a check for Paul off TV & actually had a season that was much more enjoyable, suspenseful, hilarious, unpredictable & entertaining.

      This BB19 is the worst yet. No game play from many of the HGs. No balls. No talk of strategy amongst anyone without involving Shortcakes!
      No nothing!
      I just shake my head! I don’t get it!

      Please BB can you make it a game next time. Please??

  6. And the Saga continues…Da Da Da, Introducing- Paul the Dominator, Manipulator, Instigator, “will get you Lay-tor”. Occupied By: Dead Guest Standing, making their BB Day View.
    Ride or Die, Marven, Pots and Pans, Joy, Snitchy. Flip, who is flopping out the door. So now we know Paul TRUE Final 3. Please BB do not Duplicate this Season, or we may just Eliminate it. Lol…(I will be watching next year).

  7. “12:40 PM BBT – … Raven can’t understand why now one has gone after Paul.”

    Remarkable that someone (R) who has accomplished virtually nothing all season can’t understand why no one has tried to attack the person she and everyone else is a slave to.

  8. Paul’s is right he has controlled every HOH except the first his minions are still little minions playing for second place, what a bunch of light weights , and still no mention of targeting Paul……guess it is not in the script.

  9. “4:00 PM BBT – Group talk complaining about Cody and how they believe he was having sex with Jessica on camera.”

    Why is so shocking and embarrassing to people that adults have sex? On BB 19, we’ve seen screaming, arguing, inciting violence (Josh with his childish pots-and-pans rubbish), all on camera, and no one has a problem with that. But two consenting adults having relations — no, we just can’t have that. Will American society’s obsession-shame about sex ever end?

      • I’m sure we all know, its not the idea of having sex. Its having sex on camera. Too each their own.

      • But you can’t actually see anything, right? It’s basically the same as if they were just kissing under the sheets because no one knows for sure what is going down except for who’s involved?

        I don’t know, I’ve just yet to learn that sex has occurred in the middle of the floor with everything exposed on BB…

      • That’s what I’m talking about. Like I said, too each their own. Smh… Any thing can happen in the Big Brother House. Lol

      • These people are on camera 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, everywhere they go for up to 3 months. I don’t expect adults to decline to do anything sexual under that circumstance. Of course, people can refuse to have sex if they choose to, but what consenting adults want to do in bed is not bothersome to me. That’s different from, for example, people making a sex tape and letting it get distributed so they can get famous…or so they hope. Of course, in this country, there will always be people (not saying it’s necessarily you) who are offended at something.

      • No it’s not me, I’m not offended. Thats why I keep saying, too each their own. I can choose not to watch. Personally I wouldn’t do it though.

      • Knowing what we know about Raven, she is probably having sex with Matt hoping the cameras catch more than they have and she will become the next Kim Kardashian LOL

    • Are those cameras showing on network TV? or just on the ‘live feeds’ that some people have paid for and have to sign up knowing, or possibly knowing, what might be on TV in an enclosed 3-month sequestered house 24-hours-a-day/ 7-days-a-week, with adults over 18.
      no opinion

      Don’t have /know anyone watching with those under 18 years old watching.
      How are the parents, other adults or anyone else in the room responding to the youth if youth have a question about what is going on ‘under the blankets?’

      The cameras could go to a spot on the wall or picture or other article in room so it wouldn’t be on TV.
      as written, no opinion.

  10. The only thing that I’ve enjoyed about this week so far was Mark getting pulled for veto (I still have to see how he lost on Wed) and Paul’s hilarious answer in the HOH comp.

  11. This has to be the dumbest and most irritating HG in BB history. Seems maybe Raven is starting to finally wise up a bit about Paul. Can’t any of them , other than Cody, Jessica and maybe Mark figure out Paul is using them all the way to 500k? How he always wiggles his way out of being a pawn? Jesus, a 10 yo could see it quicker than these idiots. Plus the way they all treated Cody is dispicable. I sure hope they wake up soon. All I can say, is I DOn’t want to see Paul, Alex, Xmas, Matt or Jason win. Doesn’t leave many options, does it. Probably the worst cast of BB history. With what’s left, guess I wd have to root for Mark or Kevin. Mark has his issues being alone now also. I sure wdn’t have saved Paul tho. Not smart. Well, guess be glad when it’s over and hope it’s a lot better cast next year. Hope Cody gets another chance and that he shows the more personable side to him.:)

    • Well maybe some other players are thinking more about getting their weekly stipend after seeing that trying to take out Paul early didn’t work (*cough cough* Matt). So the longer they stay, the more $$ they get.

      • Well, since Jury is in session since Cody left, don’t believe stipend has much to do with it. 😄 Look at how the whole house picked Paul to compete against Paul in the return game. No, he has them all believing he’s doing a final 3 with them. Other than Cody or Jessica, he was controlling HOH regardless who was in. It’s just unbelievable they don’t talk to each other about him, other than he has them all convinced he will have them voted out if they do. It’s simply amazing he is just skating right along. Xmas is almost as bad as he is, except her personality is bad. Well, time will tell. Have fun.:)

      • Mark and Jason did talk about Paul, but Jason obviously didn’t follow through bc Alex is with Paul. And besides, it has to get down to at LEAST six people before someone will have the numbers to take Paul out. Talk or no talk, Paul is still going to run the show regardless. They should get out Maven asap so that they’ll have the numbers to evict Paul. Unfortunately the next target is Jason/Kevin and if Jason gets evicted, then that won’t help their case. I believe that if Jason, Kevin, Xmas, and Josh are left when it’s down to 6 or 7, they’ll be able to vote Paul out if they can successfully BD him, especially if Xmas is next to Paul OTB.

      • Definitely interesting theories. Something we would definitely think past HGs (other seasons and Jessica/Cody) would make, but I’m not so sure about these ones LOL
        Hope you are right! I would love to see some “play” this season!
        But I’m not holding my breath. I’ve done that too many times this season and I am tired of ending up in the emergency room ha ha

  12. Anybody else praying for Mark to win HOH? I mean, at least out of all the people here, he has a heart. A Real Heart.

    And I’m hoping Alex gets eliminated next because she is acting like a spoiled bitchy brat towards Kevin. He didn’t say much to her, yet she’s like “I don’t want to talk to you!”

    • Unfortunately I believe Mark will be out the door on Thursday however, if by some miracle he stays then yes I definitely would love to see him win HOH. I want to see the house scramble and turn on each other! Get rid of Alex Josh or Christmas because they are awful people or Raven because she is a disgusting human being!

    • Agreed! However, as always in the BB house, one has to have the count of votes needed to get a specific action to happen, and Mark just does not have it.

  13. Go Paul! Guess he should apologize for how the other people played the game this season? Lol

  14. Last comment for me because it’s exactly what BB wants – people talking about it as they say – there is no such thing as bad publicity. This year is obviously scripted, edited, rigged or however you want to say it for Paul to win. Didn’t like him last year, like him even less this year. I have stopped watching and cancelled CBS access as I do not enjoy watching the things that are happening this year – and yes, it has become personal with Paul, Josh and Christmas. Whether or not you like Cody (and I didn’t in the beginning) he was the only one that stood up to the biggest bully in the house. So – everyone hated him because he wouldn’t reveal his game play to Paul?? Is there some sort of invisible crown on Paul’s head that he is the king and must be talked to? Then when he tries to backdoor Paul, the entire house turns against him and people say it’s because he promised Paul he was safe???? It’s supposed to be BB and Paul has lied constantly to everyone but that’s ok because it’s King Paul? Just my opinion and I know there are Paul fans out there that will trash Cody to divert attention off Paul’s scripted game play and that’s fine. It’s just my opinion that I am stating here and with that I bid BB, CBS and you all farewell.

    • Definitely well said. People keep saying Cody should have told his alliance he was putting up Paul as his 4th nomination, but that argument just doesn’t make sense.

      • Correct me if I am wrong – but I am pretty sure Cody discussed putting Paul up with Mark and Mark was definitely not on board with it. Christmas to me is a joke – is she really that stupid? Paul threw her the HOH to prevent getting blood on his hands and she is doing just what he wants her to do. What sheeple they are! Enjoy the eclipse – at least it’s not scripted!

  15. What’s up BB? You didn’t like my last comments, so you don’t post it? Not very democrtic, you know.:)

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