The Big Brother 19 target this week is different depending on who is being asked and what time of day it is. One minute it’s Kevin, the next it’s Matthew. And then later it’s Raven. We will have a better idea of who the target is later today after the Veto ceremony.
By the end of the night the HGs appeared to have settled on a target and Alex was back to building her plans to go after Kevin’s emotional state as she seems to think that will benefit her game somehow.
If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.
Big Brother 19 Live Feed Highlights – Sunday, August 27, 2017:
10:20 AM BBT – HGs getting their day started.
10:55 AM BBT – Paul, Christmas, and Raven are hanging out in the kitchen complaining about Kevin.
11:25 AM BBT – Kevin and Jason together talking about the HoH comp. Jason is annoyed that Alex was saying she threw the comp to him. (She did agree to drop so he could have it.)
11:35 AM BBT – Paul tells Josh to protect the info that Alex and Jason want a F5 with the two of them and Christmas. He says they can’t let Raven know.
11:40 AM BBT – Paul says he’ll work on convincing Alex to throw the comp then he’ll throw it to Josh and Josh can go for Alex and Jason.
11:50 AM BBT – Kevin asks if Josh and Christmas knew that Raven was trying to get him (K) on the Block. Jason denies they knew.
11:55 AM BBT – Kevin and Jason agree that it’s best to just leave Matthew and Raven up there. Kevin says it’s too risky to be a pawn with so few votes left.
12:00 PM BBT – Paul works on getting Kevin and Alex to agree to throw the comp to Christmas or Josh. They both agree. Alex confirms to Paul that Jason won’t be using the Veto.
1:05 PM BBT – Have-Nots revealed as the first two who dropped in the HoH comp: Matthew & Kevin.
1:25 PM BBT – Kevin checks in with Paul and confirms that Jason is going to keep things the same. Kevin asks Paul if he ever heard Raven suggest him (K) to go up. Paul denies hearing her say that.
1:35 PM BBT – Alex tells Josh he needs to be rude to Kevin. Paul wants Jason to blame Kevin after the Veto meeting so Matthew and Raven are mad at him instead of them. Paul says Kevin is for sure going to be the target next week after all of this.
1:40 PM BBT – Group talk is all about bashing Kevin and suggesting he’s lying about everything in his personal life. Alex again pressuring Josh to try and aggravate Kevin.
1:50 PM BBT – Alex knows Kevin is a HN and can’t have Coke so she goes out to the backyard and offers it to everyone knowing he won’t be able to have any.
1:55 PM BBT – Alex offers a “cheers” to everyone making a Top 8 with Coke so Kevin can’t join in.
2:50 PM BBT – Paul again suggests there will be a Sunday eviction. Christmas says probably not at this point, but Paul remains adamant it’s going to happen. (Nope.)
3:55 PM BBT – Raven tells Matthew she thinks they’re okay this week and says Josh told her Jason was going to save her. Moments ago Josh only agreed with Raven that they could trust Jason.
4:30 PM BBT – HGs lounging, hanging out. Nothing going on.
5:27 PM BBT – All still quiet. Paul and Kevin playing pool, everyone else chilling.
5:58 PM BBT – Raven says if they’re left on the block she’s not going to ask anyone for a vote. Matthew says if they stay on the block he’s going to eat regular food the rest of the week and take a penalty vote. Raven says America will get a show if Jason doesn’t use the veto on her.
6:25 pM BBT – Josh trashing Kevin to Alex and Jason. Alex says Kevin wants to be the person who convinced everyone to take him to final two without every winning a competition.
6:30 PM BBT – Paul tells Christmas that Alex seems to be distancing herself from Jason a bit. Christmas says she doesn’t know how real that is. Paul says he doesn’t know and that she could be distancing because she knows Jason is screwed as soon as he leaves Matthew and Raven on the block.
6:38 PM BBT – Paul tells Christmas that he’d vote Jason over Alex if they were final two.
6:45 PM BBT – Josh and Jason still discussing Kevin. Josh said Kevin was always untouchable but now Kevin has forced Josh to target him if he’s HOH. Jason wonders if there’s a way to get Kevin back to normal with them. Jason still doesn’t understand why people want him to put Kevin up this week and send him home. Josh says Kevin is just rubbing a lot of people the wrong way. Jason says well they can just tell him to stop. Josh says people have tried and it hasn’t worked.
6:50 PM BBT – Jason says Matthew and Raven think he’s pulling Raven off the block but he never told them that. Josh reminds Jason that they’re two jury votes and asks if he really wants to lose two votes. Josh says just pull Raven down and put Kevin up. Jason says he doesn’t think people will vote Matthew out. Josh says he gives him his word that he’ll vote out Matthew.
6:54 PM BBT – Jason just really doesn’t want to put Kevin up. He says Matthew wouldn’t vote for him to win the game anyway.
7:05 PM BBT – Jason officially (for now) decides that he’s leaving nominations the same. He says he’ll take the heat caused by his decision.
7:15 PM BBT – Jason asks Josh how jury will even vote in the end because they basically hate all of them. They agree Kevin would win if he made it to the end.
7:34 PM BBT – Alex tells Jason that if he’s leaving nominations the same then they should consider evicting Raven instead because Matthew is so checked out already leaving him in wouldn’t matter. Alex says Raven will be harder to get out later. Jason says he doesn’t care. They say they’ll flip a beer cap to decide who goes home of the two of them.
7:51 PM BBT – Kevin trash talking has resumed. Alex says Kevin’s stories are fake. Josh says he disagrees because they come from similar upbringings and he believes a lot of Kevin’s tales. Alex and Jason start trashing on Kevin’s family and Josh says he’s had a lot of talks with Kevin and thinks he’s a great father.
8:15 PM BBT – Alex tells Josh Christmas won’t be able to make it far at the end with her foot.
8:25 PM BBT – Josh tells Christmas what Alex said about her. Christmas asks Josh if Alex and Jason are really getting annoyed with each other. Josh says yes it’s real.
8:28 PM BBT – Josh tells Christmas that Paul has been playing all angles and is protected no matter what happens.
8:30 PM BBT – Josh tells Christmas that Alex was pushing for Raven to go. Christmas says Raven needs to stay because she would definitely take the shot at Jason and Alex. Christmas tells Josh that Alex cannot make final five.
8:35 PM BBT – Kevin tells Paul that no one is talking to him anymore and it’s making him paranoid.
9:05 PM BBT – Matthew and Raven have been having a food fight in the kitchen with milk and cinnamon. They’ve made a mess. Matthew said that Raven was secretly Cody’s sister and she got mad.
9:35 PM BBT – Alex asks if Raven is really Cody’s sister.
9:40 PM BBT – Alex asks Paul what he thinks about evicting Raven this week over Matthew. He asks what she thinks and she says it’s a good idea. Paul says he’s down with whatever she wants.
10:22 PM BBT – Raven asks Christmas if she thinks the plan to save her and send Kevin out is still a go. Christmas says yes. Raven says she thinks so too.
10:45 PM BBT – Raven and Matthew talk about their whole fight being fake and are surprised that some thought it was a real fight.
11:05 PM BBT – Raven warns Paul that everyone will be mad at Jason if he doesn’t save her with the Veto. Raven again claims Josh promised her Jason was going to save her with the Veto. Paul says if Jason doesn’t use the Veto then Kevin probably got in Jason’s ear.
11:30 PM BBT – Paul talks with Alex and Jason about who they should get out, Matthew or Raven. He thinks Raven would be easier to calm down if they kept her. Jason discusses what he’ll say in his Veto speech. He plans to keep it vague and disregards Paul’s suggestion to make it sound suggestive of Kevin’s involvement.
11:35 PM BBT – Paul expects Matthew to say he wants to go if they both stay on the Block. They all agree that’s better anyway to send him out first between the two of them.
11:45 PM BBT – Christmas joined the talk in the HoH room. Jason lets her know their plan is again to evict Matthew instead of Raven.
11:55 PM BBT – Raven and Matthew agree that they don’t need to ask Jason to use the Veto on them since they trust Paul.
11:55 PM BBT – Alex explains to Christmas they want to evict Matthew because they can better control Raven.
12:05 AM BBT – Raven tells Matthew that she won’t vote for Jason in F2 if he doesn’t save her with the Veto.
12:10 AM BBT – Matthew’s speech is to ask Jason to use the Veto on Raven instead of him.
12:15 AM BBT – Josh admits to Alex that he tossed Raven’s hair extensions during the hide & seek Veto.
12:25 AM BBT – Alex details her plans to be mean to Kevin tomorrow. She’ll tell him he looks old and shouldn’t tan and to stop shuffling his feet.
12:30 AM BBT – HoH crew decides if this Thursday is a DE then they want Raven out first followed by Kevin.
12:40 AM BBT – Matthew advises Paul that in worst case scenario, both noms staying the same, then they should vote him out over Raven.
12:45 AM BBT – Raven talks with Christmas about getting Josh to fight with Kevin to scare Jason in to using the Veto. Raven goes back and tells Matthew that Josh is about to do it. Christmas tells Josh but he says he won’t do that. Josh says he’s not doing that for them and they need to play their own game.
1:15 AM BBT – HGs are hanging out and chatting in the kitchen.
1:20 AM BBT – Christmas is teasing Josh and following him around asking for hugs.
1:55 AM BBT – Alex hides in the bathroom vanity and scares Josh when he comes through. Continued silliness from the HGs tonight.
2:05 AM BBT – Josh and Christmas rehearse the days and events as practice.
2:20 AM BBT – Paul lets Josh know that Raven said she’d throw the HoH comp to Josh. Paul is confident that Raven will come to their side for better numbers. He tells Christmas and Josh that he only trusts them now.
3:00 AM BBT – Few HGs still up and playing around trying to scare each other.
3:30 AM BBT – Everyone is off to sleep.
Raven and Matthew are in for a rude awakening on Monday at the Veto meeting. Both feel confident about Jason saving Raven, but that won’t be happening. We should get some interesting fights and I’d expect Paul to fan those flames to suit his game as we approach the next HoH competition.
You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.
🤡 Hi, my name is Raven! 🤡 Bwahaha I am so mean! LOL
For those of you who have children who are or have been in dance….At the recitals/competitions they have to wear pretty heavy make up so it can be seen while they are on stage. Clearly this is Raven mistake! She thinks she is at a dance recital (or maybe the Olympics!) LOL Therefore puts on a pound of make up!
She does always have to be “centre stage!” (Centre of the attention!)
Someone needs to teach that girl how to “properly contour” her face!
It really isn’t that difficult! She is gross 🤢 🤡 🤢 🤡 🤢 🤡
Who knows what she might actually have in regards to diseases because she makes herself sick for attention! She may be actually lethal because of everything she has put in her body! Honestly I don’t know how Matt is not grossed out by her with all of her “stories!” Maybe the scissors story was right. Maybe she “poisoned” herself unintentionally with those scissors and she has something like tuberculosis or HIV etc. (without knowing it) & by not seeking proper medical attention and just having a friend stitch her up when Raven said she could “see inside of her leg!” GAG 🤢 Sooooo maybe karma came back and bit her giving her some disease or illness for real but she doesn’t know about it! Gross LOL
I get Matt is a good guy and he believes her but, come on! the guy is not a complete idiot. (Or is he!?) LOL Matt, I would make sure you get checked out for EVERYTHING as soon as you exit this game!
& Matt should hide from Raven because she’s not gonna let you go that easy! I could picture her being a psycho stalker! Wawa!!!!
Yikes 😳
That was super long!
Oops 🙊
She should go on “To Tell the Truth” show. Nobody would vote for her and the judges would want to annihilate her.
You new avatar is creepy. It remind me Nicholson in The Shining. LOL
Ahahaha…”Here’s Johnny!” I mean Joni! LOL
Kinda like Christy Clark
Are you referring to me as Christie Clark?
God no, just the length of your post…..too long like CC,s reign of ineptness.
Oh ha ha. Yes, my comments can sometimes be stupidly long!
They test for diseases ( STD/HIV) before you get into the house remember Evil Dick
Ugh 😑 I commented on this but then quickly went to Google to search something and for some reason everything I said disappeared! Frustrating!
Yes, of course I remember Evil Dick :-) I was a teenager when Season one Premiered and I have been faithfully watching ever since including BBC.
I know they test everyone for STDs/HIV as well as make sure they just have a clean bill of health however, they need to do a better job! & CLEARLY they need to do better psych evaluations! hence this season! LOL
Evil Dick was in the house for 6 days before he was pulled from the game/made the choice to leave.
I don’t care if he decided to stay in the game, it would not have made any difference to me whatsoever.
However, Thank God no one has had a “contagious disease” because BB clearly lets these people start the game before all of the results are back! What would happen if say someone had tuberculosis? They would all be screwed!
My husband broke his wrist and a few weeks later the hospital called and said someone in the ER at that time was diagnosed with tuberculosis. My husband had to go get a shot and then once a month for a year he had to go in for testing (take his blood! Thankfully he didn’t get TB but, it was extremely stressful for an entire year!
So, if they (BB) doesn’t wait for all the tests to come back and (say) someone does have TB, the whole house would likely contract it as well b/c it’s VERY contagious living with someone with it! You know what I mean?
So all I’m saying is BB needs to do proper testing and get all the results back before anyone enters that house. And what I am mainly getting at is they need to do better psych evaluations, health history, and also better background checks! Raven was able to pull the wool over their eyes and receive a “No Have Not” pass for the entire season, when she really she was full of crap and conning BB!
Anyway, I’m confused how we even got on this topic!? LOL
These guys are amazing!!!
worst cast in a while.
please tell me why not keep Raven until bitter end!! That is a for sure victory, bar none!!!
Please tell me, why do you keep asking the same question over and over? It has been asked and answered by many. NO ONE wants her to have ANY money and some she is no more a 100% sure victory than a couple of others. She is ANNOYING as a gnat on a dog pecker. Hopefully, she’ll be gone very soon.
No. She’s my entertainment!!! Without her it will be boring. I want more. It’s a very interesting study. We never got someone as crazy!!!
OK, Nope, just for you, maybe they won’t vote her out this week or next, so that you are able to get your raving lunatic Raven fix and begin to slowly wean yourself from the addiction. ;)
So nice. Thanks a bunch.
I’ll pray for you!
Not so sure about that. Vanessa sure gives a run for that position.
Interesting that josh is on to paul. Paul wants everyone to throw hoh to josh. It would be interesting to see if that plan works and josh wins hoh, then tries to team up wih jalex to take him out. Alex may not be down but if he has two of jason/xmas/kevin then thats enough and he can be the tie breaker.
Josh is way too far stuck in Paul’s behind to do that.
Well he is on to paul’s game so we will have to wait and see. I can see your point but at the same he has brought up his concerns about paul a few times this week. Im hoping he surprises me lol.
That’s true. But josh is usually a follower and Christmas is not seeing what he does.
But I will hope with you that he nominates Paul and get Kevin Alex and Christmas to vote him out. Far fetch but possible. I’ll light a candle for this!!
Christmas know s eactly what Paul is all about, but she is caught between a rock and a hard place with the bum leg, and needs Paul to carry her. She is not a stupid person and Josh is not as dumb as we thought he was. Gotta give it to Josh, he has evolved since being in the house and looks like he dropped some weight too. Good for him.
I agree with you that josh evolved a lot. I’m just not convinced he has it in him yet to ditch Paul without having Christmas approved. He needs to have someone constantly reassuring him. But with Cody and Jessica gone, he’s a lot more secure with himself.
Just for the record, I did never said Christmas is stupid. I think like you, she has to play the game differently because of her injury and she actually is doing it well. I guess she was counting on her physical capacities for that game and had to switch all her gameplay.
No, he’s seeing the light.
That would be brilliant!
Josh has been impressive lately. He seems to be the most observant of the bunch. But, no, even though he’s the only one doubting Paul at the moment, he won’t make any big moves against him.
Josh has always been quite observant, everyone just ignored him. He has been the first to pick up on a lot of things throughout the season. He’s smarter than people give him credit for.
It really irritates me when Paul orders Josh to get out of a room when they are talking game. Can you imagine how that makes Josh feel, and Paul has done it a few times?
I wonder what Josh really thinks about Paul?
I do, too, WW. I think he sees that everyone has used Paul to benefit their game and he has played along because he has had no choice if he wanted to stay in the game. I wish we could get a real good truthful read from Josh in a DR session.
Now that would be priceless!
I bet we all will be surprised at what he would have to say if he does.
He has mentioned how he enjoyed watching Paul’s loud, entertaining DRs last year and has taken a page from that book. Also, DR only shows us the ones they wish us to see, so even if Josh did reveal his true thoughts, production might just not want us to know about it. There is a method behind their madness regarding which DR they decide to reveal to us.
Yes exactly, but notice how Josh is starting to question whether Paul is to be trusted. Keep thinking that way baby meatball. Josh and Jason and Kevin should start talking and then maybe they could enlighten Alex and Xmas. Dreamin I know
Most of the time all his other behaviors, (singing, pans, meatballs, yelling, kerchief wearing, in-your–face-ness, pans, loudness etc. etc.) have gotten in the way of his pickups and smartness.
To each his own, I for the most part like Josh. Enjoy his DR sessions and his dancing.
Maybe someone can explain this to me… why raven wants to freeze her eggs? Doesn’t she claim she has a genetic diseases? Freezing eggs won’t kill that. As well, if she’s dying in a year or 2 who would take care of her kid(s)?
Raven has a very big imagination in a game where lying to get what you want is encouraged and applauded. Sadly, even at lying… she sucks.
I thought it was great that they did a whole segment on the show last night about her lies!
Like I just said in another post, best episode ever.
“Episode?” You mean on the feeds or something?
Where, where can I find it???
Thanks ahead of time :-)
It was on the CBS show. They did a whole segment with Matthew talking about her accent/mumbling of unintelligible words and Paul and others talking about things she’s said in the house that just don’t add up.
Thank You Thank You Thank you ! ! ! fixy2273
I saw part of it last night but guess I slept thru most of it and forgot what I did see.
I have the cbs access so I was able to find last night’s episode and watched it this morning 12 hours later.
It was a great segment!! I don’t think even a speech therapist can do much with that mush mouth. Even subtitles helped a little but not do much in ‘real world.’
Checked the house and they are all sleeping (well duh, K, it is only 8 am there.)
I’d like to know more about her ‘spine’ thing, twisted or upside down??? And her arthritis in her spine. My brother has arthritis in his spine and, depending if he is coming or going, he either looks like an “S” or a “Z.” That’s from driving tractors in the hills and plains of Iowa for 50+ years. What’s Raven’s excuse?
Inverted spine…her head is where her feet should be if that were true! LOL
The spine doesn’t go all the way to the feet, but I can surely see how it could be said that her head is at the other end of her spine if you know what I mean.
We know that, but she evidently doesn’t! LOL We know where her head has been the majority of this season too! LOL
Yesterday show. Hilarious.
Freezing the eggs destroys all of the diseases/abnormalties. She’ll be surprised when she goes to use them and there is absolutely nothing left. :O
Omg, lmbo. Best answer.
Maybe they should just freeze Raven so THAT will “destroy all of the diseases/abnormalities she has.” I think that would work and do it for me!!! ;-)
If that doesn’t work, microwave her!
Mold grew on them making them non-viable!
Good for josh that he refused to exacerbate Kevin. But let see if he’s sticking to his gun.
Raven is SO entitled!!! I can’t believe she EXPECTS Jason to use the veto on her an assumes that she can just tell Josh what to do. So pleased that Josh has begun to say ‘no’. Hope Jason stays strong!!
She hasn’t even spoken to Jason..she’ll regret that…maybe!
Because they “trust Paul”, they feel no need to ask Jason if he is using the veto. They will be shocked to see the faked “shocked” look on Paul’s face during the veto ceremony.
I saw that and was like, “seriously”! She’s not playing BB at all…it’s nothing but summer camp for her.
They’ve depended on Paul to keep them safe all season. Hard to believe he would let them down now. It’s all Paul’s fault! Ha…but Raven will latch onto him like the leech she is.
She’ll need to get Christmas’ approval first.
And Alex.
I could see that happening…
What are the odds that Paul continues to keep her safe and takes her in as his pair while the others whittle each other down? It wouldn’t be a bad thing to sit next to Raven on finale night. Fake surprise and she’ll buy it, just like she has all season. Paul is sitting pretty right now with about any scenario you can dream up working in his favor unless he ends up on the block as a pawn or someone wises up.
Once Matt, Kevin, and Raven are gone(if it happens that way), I think Paul will be evicted unless he wins HOH. Christmas couldn’t win in F2 against him, so she will try to take Josh and vice versa. Jason would go for Paul, too, I think. Whether they could get him would probably be left up to veto.
& on another note (and much shorter) oops 🙊
I think CBS needs to do a “Raven Reality Show” (without pay but just tell her this will give her more than just her current 15 minutes of fame!)
“The Raven – Exposed Reality After BB Show!” This Raven Reality show should start immediately following her exit from the game when it is over.
A camera crew can follow her around for the next 2 weeks so
we can see raven finding out she was far from America’s favourite player! Or America’s sweetheart!! And see her reactions when she finds out the truth about how everyone feels about her! & how she thought she had everyone fooled but, didn’t at all! Watch social media slap her in the face And watch her read everything online about her!
Show Raven seeing her “mama” (You know the mom that has been in the hospital all season having serious surgery!)
Us getting to see Raven’s reactions when she reads all negativity online about her!!!!
2 weeks in the life of Raven following her BB BS stay!!!! 24/7 of Raven immediately exiting following the game! That I would pay to see!
Watching her realize that America/Canada is not as stupid as she thinks we all are!
That would be awesome! So much fun to watch! Watching her scramble! I would pay BIG money for that! But Raven can NOT receive a cent & nothing is censored! Or edited!
Just Sayin
You know, they tend to do the “check in with the family” segments like they did with Jason’s wife last week. I think it could be interesting to see them visit Raven’s family just to see what kind of a $#!t show it really is.
Oh my!!! And mommy loves camera so she will say yes. I’m looking forward to see it!!! Hope it happens.
She’ll be on the front page of the Inquisitor. That should do what a show might not accomplish! LOL
So everyone wants Josh to do their dirty work so in the end he looks like the bully. Does anyone see a trend in the house lets be mean to dominique, lets be mean to Jessica and Cody, let’s get Kevin to flip out and be mean to him. I went back and watched all stars and I can tell you right now nobody for Season 19 even comes close to an all star, I would rather watch Chicken George than these idiots.
Well, Chicken George was cool.
In what world was Chicken George cool? He was a dumb cluck.
Mornin Alf ;-)
Absolutely 100%
chicken george was a genius compared to these people. I liked Chicken George :)
That Alex is pure class! I think she’s my last choice to win, and in this group that is saying something. She acts like the stereotypical mean girl. Just awful.
Agreed! Her personality is awful, I hope whoever wins HOH next nominates her and Jason, Jason wins veto and sends her ass packing
It’s kinda sad that Paul won’t be blindsided anytime soon. We need another Victor Arroyo.
Victor returning would be cool. He seems happy with last seasons winner. Maybe a couples season?
Two of the best things I have seen this season…..1) the Raven lies montage….so funny. Her mom is in Mensa, so is she, her mom got hit by lightening, and everything else that comes out of her lying sometimes heavily accented mouth. 2) the Raven illegible montage…so funny that no one can understand her. This has nothing to do with an accent from home…it has to do with a FAKE accent and her not being able to pull it off.
And Kevin….stop groveling…you look pathetic. This is BB. Not the mob.
What was your GPA?
Dance….. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Oh my goodness…….that was priceless. Thank your for reminding me of it.
says the mensa member.
I laughed so hard over that I had stomach cramps!
Did your bulbars bulb at that point?
Yes, yes they did. LOL
Oh, an epsom salt bath might help that.
That would upset my rosacea! :-)
Okay Raven, be still
This is her twin Ravenia!
Then quietly added, and business, but dance first.
8:28 PM BBT – Josh tells Christmas that Paul has been playing all angles and is protected no matter what happens.
HELLO McFLY………….They know it is happening but what are they afraid of?
it appears that josh is somewhat woke.
I think the DR is dropping hints. I remember Josh mentioning to Christmas that the DR asked him if he really thinks Paul is with him or something like that.
Yeah, and how is that not a bunch of bull? First people gripe and complain that production schemed to keep Paul safe. Now production is scheming to get Paul out because they have realized he’s running the entire house. How is anything about this season really fair?
I tell you what, if anything could kill Big Brother once and for all… Its this season and the way Production has handled it. Or should I say they way they’ve meddled with it?
they saved paul when he wanted to go “black face”
They’ve always had a desired outcome and manipulated accordingly. Their desired outcome might change a couple of times during the season, according to what they see from social media or the HGs themselves. As a fan, I finally came to terms with that after last season and accept it for what it really is. Some people never even have a chance to win when they enter that house. That’s the reality of it, imo.
will they let kev be next hoh?
It has to be a woman making those decisions because she’s constantly changing her mind, so who the heck knows?
Ha! Joni, what happened to your green face? I thought you were supporting Gasonthepotis.
I got a new disease now! LOL Pseudobulbar affect.
So you have a fake anatomical bulb. Sounds like a lawsuit in the making.
I’m suing BB for allowing the fools they cast make me laugh uncontrollably!
Her name is Allison
It should be Sybil.
Hey Marvin, did you get my post with my email ? I posted that in an old thread over the week-end.
Hey Captain, I didn’t see it. I didn’t post much of anything over the weekend, but I found it now after reading this. I’m sending you an email from my yahoo account. Thanks!
I know… he realizes but will they turn on him and when???
I think it is a situation where you have to realize that Paul/Alex/Jason are likely the top 3 with a shot at winning this thing and you don’t want to sit next to any of them at the end. Maybe now that they know where Paul stands, you keep him until you can split up Alex/Jason? Who knows, but I really think for anybody not in that group (unless Kevin’s social game gets him over the top) They need to get those 3 out of the house if they even want a chance of winning.
You know what, as much as I like Alex and Jason, Your right 100% I can’t stand Paul so the sooner he goes the better. Hopefully like CAPT. says, maybe they will have another DE this season. It will be the perfect time to get Paul or Jalex out then.
boot raven. if they evict matt who will do their dishes?
Bet they never thought of that at all! hahaha
I’d rater Matt not do my dishes.
He doesn’t know what towels should be used for, right?
In his mind, I guess a towel is a towel is a towel.
he folds a towel by laying it on the ground
The after veto today will be rock and roll!!
Cannot wait to see Raven explode!!! That’d be just as fun as watching her walk out that door!
I hope she stirs the pot so much they decide to evict her and Matt gets so many penalties from eating as a HN that he goes, too. Git r done!
Amen to that sistah!
Officially out of the Alex fan club. She truly is Pauls minion at this point and can’t see any scenario where she is anything but outside of a fresh season. I’ll root for Jason and Kevin and just enjoy the rest of the season for what it is.
Maybe Paul will come out dressed like Frankie Grande. Provide a few laughs at least before he collects his check.
You know I have rooted for Alex all season but I may be jumping off that train ride real soon. How can she treat her ride or die that way?
She will have some regrets when she re watches. Should get a second season. maybe she will redeem herself as Rachel did.
Good AM, Alfie. Alex made a statement recently that she wouldn’t do BB again, that she had her life planned out from her on out. We know how things can change, though.
You as well friend. I laughed out loud at one of your comments below. Thanks for that!
Not sure which one, but if I said something to amuse it, that makes it well worth it. :D
You’re always appreciated. Hope the day ends up a good one.
TY, Your humor is always helps my day end up a good one.
How can you say that…he likes torturing cats! hahaha
He says his diet has changed. He never said to what, though.
But the temptation is always there! LOL
Plans don’t always go the way we would like them to! She’s going to self-combust over that! LOL
Joni girl, what happened to the fun avi? :(
NO, please don’t bring Alex or any of these people back. We’ve suffered enough!
Because she’s changed her mind and wants what only she wants, herself.
She’s been in the house too long and has Paul in her ear. She put her trust in Paul early on and thinks because he almost won last year, he knows how to get them to the end. Unfortunately Paul has realized that Alex is too much of a threat in the F2 so is now working on getting Jason and her out. He’s feeding her crap and she is still in the Paul ally camp. It’s too bad cos she impressed me in the beginning with her comp skills and no showmance attitude. Hope she wisens up before it bites her and Jason in the azz
Not sure if she wises up now, I may still be off that train. Part of me still wants her to win but she has to do some serious damage control with Jason in order for that to happen.
I don’t necessarily want her to win, but the longer she is in the game the better Jason’s chances are. I’m pulling for him based on who is left in the house
Alex will never win. Her jury management sucks, big time. All of the HG’s in the jury house right now would never vote for her and she isn’t exactly making inroads with the current HG’s and how they will vote in jury house. Kevin will never vote for her. Don’t think Matt or Raven will vote for her. Not sure about Christmas, they seem to have a bond but that might be broken by the time she reaches jury house.
I posted a while back about her turning on Jason…many felt she’d NEVER turn on Jason. Paul has stronger game play, I said that as well. She’ll turn….and will turn again. Wait till those two are on the block together. Though Paul has never been my favorite * last year or this* he’s a strong & knowledgeable player. He has a leg up being a vet? In the end I don’t think Paul will take the 500K, he’s seen/will be seen. Christmas, Josh or Alex is your winner, if they can remain loyal to Paul and keep their wits about them.
I was a fan of Alex at the beginning of this season, but wow!!! My support in her is dead now. Why does she have to go overboard when in comes to Kevin? He’s not winning any comps and his social game is falling apart. What threat does he pose? I’m starting to think that she enjoys torturing people. There’s really no one to cheer for this season….
Do you see Paul sending Josh and his pots and pans after Kevin or is Kevin to gangster to put up with that?
you can tell that josh will forever regret the pots and pans.
To quote Kevin ” he’s a good kid”
He’s grown up a lot in the last few weeks, and I mean that sincerely. I wanted him out of the house so bad when he was acting like that, but he really seems to have grown up and might be one of the sharper players in the game right now.
deep down he knows he was played for a fool and is ashamed in front of la familia.
Elena leaving might have helped Josh. He really wants a Women like her and needs to grow up, make alot of money so she can take half of it in the divorce.
I agree too!
Josh only did the pots and pans to those who he felt disrespected him: Jody and Mark. Kevin has always treated Josh well so he has no reason to go off on Kevin.
Josh was paranoid and weird when he first came into the house. He took the golden apple for no reason, no one had him on radar. No one except Jody and Mark dissed him. Elena and Megan did nothing to him. I thing he felt threatened by Elena’s sexualiity, he seemed to secretly like her.
I doubt that. In those moments, it was amusing!
Paul and co. has already told Josh to be rude to Kevin, but I’m glad he shut it down.
Production called a halt to that.
The DR forbade him to use the pots and pans torture methods ever again.
I know… these people, with Alex typically among the leaders, are just making it so personal with the “HG to be evicted.” Look, if they’re in a position of weakness and you have the numbers, they’re going. Why go about making them an outcast and making it a worse situation than it has to be? That’s not game, that is 100% personal and reflects on you.
sometimes as I watch, I feel so bad for kevs family. to see their father treated like this must be heart breaking.
Oh my gosh, it’s so mean. Kevin did nothing to no one.
I’m off Alex since a while now. Really her true colors are showing more and more and it’s ugly. Why does she have to be so mean to Kevin, he’s a number for her. She’s really stupid.
she’s a paul/xmas now.
Jason and Alex are buddies, Jason is also friends with Kev. I wish he would call her out on her attitude.
some times, Jason is really that stupid.
Jason is in that awkward situation of your friends not getting along with your “girlfriend” and having to choose sides. I’m beginning to wonder if Alex is jealous of Jason/Kevin time?
Of course she is and she’s paranoid as well. Is Kevin pulling him to Jason’s side, thereby pulling him away from her? I’m sure that goes through her mind a lot. At the root of it all, Alex just wants to be the one to control Jason, bottom line. She thinks Jason is a moron and can’t take 2 steps without consulting her. I await her outster from the BB house, anxiously!
Alex is awful, that’s all there is to say when it comes to Alex.
By week two, I knew who Alex was–not a nice person. Everyone kept routing for her but the real person always comes out in the BB house, eventually.
Same here. I saw her for who she was very early in the game. She didn’t fool me for one second.
it all went so wrong.
for many weeks jason/alex/kev kept me somewhat grounded and hopeful.
i’m not ready to see paul/xmas destroy that small group.
besides. what happened to the showmance killer? now paul is all over xmas like a puppy.
Christmas and Josh aren’t a “showmance.” Half the house doesn’t even seem to realize the 2 of them are together… Paul’s got it figured out. Working with her gives him the numbers down the stretch and he certainly has to like his chances with her out of physical comps and matching wits with Josh in mental comps.
sorry, I meant the maven showmance. kev instead of maven?
He seems to have both Xmas and Josh beat in both mental and physical comps. I don’t think Xmas would have ever won that HOH if Paul hadn’t finally rang in with a wrong answer on purpose. Its like her brain wasn’t working. Hello?! Earth to Xmas!
Why did Matthew even come on the show if he wasn’t really even going to try to win competitions and only cares about getting LAID he already said he doesn’t care he’ll go to jury happily and drink beer!! he don’t even care about being a have not he says he’ll take the penalty vote!!!!!! SO STUPID
I know right!! He’s a construction worker and they usually do good money especially over the summer. Maybe he wanted paid vacation this year. Go figure. Why was he cast. He doesn’t even have any flame for the game. And could he chooses worst than that for showmance?
Is he a construction worker? Under his name on the show, it always says ‘renovation consultant’. So I figured he was SO lazy that he doesn’t even do renovations, he just ‘talks’ about it.
Ohh it’s what that mean?? LOL
Home projects turn him on…or they used to til he met Ravish!
He probably works for Home Depot. No disrespect intended, jmo :-)
He is good eye candy UNTIL you get tired of watching him. CBS probably selected based on looks… can’t think of anything else.
He choose Raven because Jessica and Elena were taken. Christmas may have like too much of a challenge for him. Alex?
Casting call sheet. One spot open for laid back, moderately intelligent, frat guy type who likes boobs and beer.
If Maven is OTB after veto, although it is disrespecting the game, I can’t blame him for taking the penalty vote. He knows he’ll be leaving. The vote will have no effect.
Bravo! Keep saying raven is staying. Put it in the universe. Love it!!
I’m not sure what drives me crazy more. Matthew being ok with being evicted right not since his only goal was to get to jury house, or Paul continuously telling people he can’t win because he’s a vet.
Why does Paul think there will be a Sunday eviction? Has there ever been an early eviction? Genuinely curious…
Think he’s trying to feed the paranoia a bit.
People who watch the show know there is NO SUNDAY EVICTION!!!…these people will believe ANYTHING!!!!….lol
I think the houses recent hatred towards Kevin is sick and unwarranted. What has he done that has most the house so angry at him? Because he talked to Cody and Mark? Especially Alex, she is just being plain mean to him lately. I feel he is genuinely a nice guy that is only trying to comfort people feeling alone and is just trying to fit in with a house much younger than him. Sure, he isn’t playing the greatest game. He isn’t winning anything and is playing all sides, but I don’t think he’s doing it maliciously, he is just trying to stay neutral thinking that’s the best strategy. Basically, he is just in over is head for what this game is. I feel the houseguest are going to want to apologize to him after they watch the season back and see he usually had good intentions.
Side note, I hate him, but kudos to Josh for refusing to do people’s dirty work by bullying others on demand. Maybe he finally realizes he is being used. Mainly by Paul
kev refuses to sell his soul and dignity to these punks.
Jason will though, he really smells that money now.
Paid summer vacation, being on TV, he doesn’t even have to feed himself nor pay any bills & who wouldn’t want to be on BB? Many past players since the adding of jury think/feel the same way….it’s fun?
Kevin is shady, has been since competition one. I don’t care for him nor his game play. He is the definition of a true floater as is Matt. Kevin sealed his fate once he was seen being friendly with Cody, Mark & the stripper.
At least Kev was willing to vote against King Paul and the house, I’ll give him that. The only thing I didn’t like about Kev was that he voted Ramses out when he could have given him the one vote.
Tend to agree, the whole Paul thing though? Listen, I am NOT a Paul fan, at all but, don’t you have to win something to do something? Kevin lacks in that department.
Paul wants him out because he doesn’t think he would win next to him since everybody likes him. He does think about it every week, and it is between Kevin, Josh and Raven. He may want to stay with at least two of them or Christmas. Next week Alex and Jason are the target, although he tells them is Kevin.
And I hate how Christmas, his friend, turned on him. So mean. Now she is up under Paul giving him massages and ignoring Kev.
SMH at Alex!
Up & down or left to right? ;)
Left to right!
We should just watch her twirl for awhile!
8:28 I don’t believe Josh is coming up with this stuff organically, he’s too stupid, you just dont get smart overnight. This is reminding me of why I lost interest and quit watching from season 7-15.
He’s pretty observant and has been spot on for the most part. He’s not stupid as much as he is immature.
I see none of that. He’s stupid to me. A few weeks ago in his hoh, he aimed to send out elana ( a floater, no comp wins and technically a number on his side at the time) over splitting up a power couple that has 2 hoh’s, 2vetos between the two of them in less than a month at the time, that absolutely hate his guts and wouldn’t in a million years ever work with him. 80% of the stuff he says makes no sense game wise. If he were organically smart, he would have caught whiff of Paul a long time ago.
Oh trust me, smart people do make poor choices sometimes! :-)
True but not fundamentally dumb decisions. That was a “no brainer”. You’d have to be a complete moran to even consider doing that. Do you realize the measure of damage that decision could have caused?? I was telling tr8 his own alliance could have questioned his motives for wanting to keep Jody in tact and turned on him. There’s nothing smart about Josh in my eyes.
Well he’s still a little stupid for realizing Paul is playing everyone and still thinking that’s a-ok, lol.
He’ll wise up eventually, just not in time while in the BB house! :-)
He is on to Paul, but unfortunately neither him nor Christmas are good comp players. He wants to make a big move, nominate Paul and Alex if they throw him the HOH.
He said that?
I thought you were a little girl…You’re all grown up! Yay
He’s been pretty observant all the way through mg. He sees a lot and is usually the first to notice what is going on with the hg’s
Disagree, read my response to Joni. What has he observed game wise that has resulted in him making a smart game decision. I see he notices the houseguests idiosyncrasies, but they all do that very well. When a player is astutely observant, I can tell by what they do when they’re in power.
Disagree with you! Josh has only had power once. He did what everyone else has done which was listen to his group which is basically Paul. That does not make him stupid. Stupid would be nominating someone that your group wouldn’t vote out, which leaves you hanging in the wind and the target for the next HoH. He is very observant and sees things before the others do. That also is not stupid. So you can think what you want and I’ll think what’s right, lol
Lol….Honey believe whatever you like and call it whatever you like but your discription of “stupid” fits Josh’s actions to a T. Fortunately for Josh, he had an alliance that steered him in the right direction, and didn’t aid in voting out his initial target, which would have left the two of the strongest players in tact, which were his BIGGEST ENEMIES ( not yelling, just emphasizing) to counter by starting with evicting him first, and presumably disassemble the remaining members of his alliance. Now I don’t what “observations” that lead him to make that decision but it wasn’t smart, that’s just fundamentally stupid. Thank goodness had the cushion of an alliance because his stupid his idea of a target would have landed a gigantic target on his back akin to Cody. It could have bit his azz on both cheeks because his alliance could have questioned his motives for wanting to keep Jody in tact and voted his azz out next. If I thought he was smart enough to have ulterior motives for keeping Jody in tact, I would’ve voted him out next and probably the rest. We definitely can peacefully disagree on what we define as stupid. Lol
Well n the end he got Jessica out which would qualify so far as a big move. He certainly wasn’t stupid like Jody who, with their 2 HoH’s managed to get Jillian and Ramses out, LOL
O I agree, Jody is at the top of my stupid list, Josh, immediately following…Thank God Jessica’s out! Whew! But no thanks to the brilliance of the mastermind of Josh. She placed herself on the the block and was voted out by the house. Had Josh decided on his own, you witnessed yourself, Jody would have never touched the block. Josh’s as hoh was like giving your car keys to an 8y/o. His extraordinary “observation skillS” didn’t gauge his two larges enemies in the house….. Humph, what a great observer. Lol he can watch out for me anytime.
Josh has been aware of the house guests moves for a very long time. When he speaks in the group they rarely listen, but I do and he always makes sense. I know a Josh or two in person and they are sweet and easy to manipulate because of it, but not dumb. It is a scripted show anyway, so he is good at delivering his lines, just like everyone else, except for Jason.
Oh lord. Smh I aint having this debate all over again. Long story short, Josh is being programmed in my opinion. Check out the rest of the thread. There is nothing Josh has done so far that’s consistent to his sudden astute observations. Do not and will never believe that.
Good to have an open mind
When it’s worth it.
Wow, I think you may have a valid point here. Josh pretty much became enlightened over night. Very suspect…
Before I go ahead to read this highlight, I like the introduction;
“The Big Brother 19 target this week is different depending on who is being asked and what time of day it is”
Thanks to Jason”
I don’t get it why everyone feels comfortable to go to Josh and ask him to fight with a target when they want to. And Josh will not ask them “why me and not you do it by yourself”.
I’m glad that Josh is finally waking up to others manipulating him in this way. I hope the next time Paul tells him he should do this and that to someone Josh comes back with “go do it yourself”.
Josh did do that about a week ago. Alex and Paul were trying to make him go off on Kevin and Josh said ‘no, why don’t you do it?’. Paul quickly said ‘oh I am, but now’s not the right time. I’ll get him when the time is right’.
Why is it the right time for Josh to do it but not Paul?
Paul will only do it if the rest of the house are in front of him attacking Kevin. He’ll say a few things from behind.
Josh will not disrespect a 56 year old, and I like that he said play your own game. Did he actually say that to their faces?
Alex has to be the biggest bitch in the house. There is no reason to make someone’s life miserable the way she plans to “target” Kevin with comments about his age. She constantly punches on Jason like he’s her personal punching bag. She acts like a 10 y.o. boy who thinks whose favorite pastime is to jump out and startle people. I can’t believe she’s in her late 20s; I also can’t believe that Jason doesn’t see what a bitch she is and jump ship. I’m so over her. then we have Raven, who is potentially the most annoying houseguest of all time. She and Matt seem to think she’s America’s Sweetheart, while even BB has started pointing out her lies on the network broadcast, not just the stuff the feedsters see – the inverted back, a GPA of “dance (while belonging to Mensa, with her mom), her mom’s track-star status, Raven training for the Olympics. STUNNED that no one has slapped her silly yet.
They don’t want a lawsuit for slapping her or hear her about yet another injury/illness.
I can’t stand Alex and haven’t liked her for some time. I’m glad others are finally seeing what I’ve been seeing for a long time. She is a know it all, bossy, controlling, bitchy. Just an all around miserable person imo.
The week she said she was there to win and told Cody she would take out showmances first, I thought, wow, you go girl! I think that is the LAST thing I liked about her. She really is just a nasty, vindictive little snot.
Now Alex is manipulating Josh to annoy Kevin. She and Paul are “two peas in a pod”. I don’t respect that kind of game play. SMDH.
If she goes next week, it will be great.
She’s nasty. I wanted her to win but not if she’s going to insult Kevin and be a bitch. I’m glad Josh is not falling for the antagonizing role everyone wants him to do. I think he might be finally thinking for himself.
Raven is not going to throw the HoH comp to Josh if they vote out Matthew. If she does, she is more stupid than I thought. Raven has come in second on a few comps now & is the most irritating, I would vote out Raven over Matthew.
I think Alex needs to settle down on her overbearing outward hatred towards Kevin. He has been nothing but kind to her. It’s annoying how mean she is being.
It’s annoying how mean-spirited everyone is being to any target. That kind of gameplay just isn’t necessary IMO.
I hope Raven sticks to her word and flips out when noms stay the same. She is a totally lunatic. Watching her and Mattress fighting last night was disturbing….”Oh my God, I’m going to murder you”. I think Raven said it about 50 times. I’m surprised the others don’t want to murderher. I can’t imagine having to deal with her and her constant lying, making up new syndromes, diseases, amount of times she’s died, what she can and can’t eat yet eats it anyway. Her mom should be looking for a good hiding place for their family, they are going to need it. Team get out RAVEN!!!!
I’ll join that team, Do we get t-shirts?
Haha, let’s get Cy on the case!!
IDK, never did get my Josh t-shirt. Something’s fishy there. I wonder what Raven’s mother is feeling today. Is she embarrassed or not smart enough to be embarrassed. Think I just answered my own question lol
I’ve been wondering the same, is she feeling cornered, found out or is she so out there she thinks any air time BB gives Raven is good, regardless of how she is portrayed.
IDK how anyone wouldn’t have been embarrassed but then she doesn’t seem to have very high standards so maybe she just enjoyed seeing her little meal ticket get air time
I read that she is telling viewers to attack Raven haters on twitter, but I think everyone hates her. She may have a handful of fans that don’t watch the feeds.
She’s delusional and grifter like. She’s on the Net yelling about how people are hiding behind their computers and dissing her daughter.
They are pretending to like her in order to get her vote, but what will end up happening is Paul will take her to the finals.
I hope not, that would be the worst decision imo.
Honey she’s going to be in for a tsunami of a reality check when she’s leaves this game! Smh
Her’s is coming soon, I hope they get clobbered, in every way imaginable!
What’s your GPA? Dancing.
Ha haaaaa! Did that last night. The exact thing minus the illustration. Ha!
She’s a “Mensa” member!! Mensa my ass!!
Girl I can not believe they dogged her like that! Lol loved it. Production earned some points from me last night..
Campbell’s mmm mmm good!
Ha! Old school! I haven’t seen that in a looong time! Too cute!
And she claims she’s a member of mensa! I laughed so hard at this.
Alex wants to be the new James by recycling all of his “funny” pranks like scaring people. And she’s a bigger bitch than Christmas. I picture her as a little troll who lives underground and only pops up to bite people. She’s awful.
Exactly my thought about Alex. Find your own pranks!!! We had 2 seasons of James doing it.
She’s a horrible and mean person. Sadly I was expecting a lot from her. I’m really over her by now.
I didn’t have high expectations at all for Alex and she’s still worse than I thought.
She is as funny as he was the second time. Copying other HGs is not cute or funny.
I really hope that dumb wench goes home next week. The target is Jason so hopefully he’ll win veto. A last minute change of mind to get rid of Raven instead will be great.
I watched a video of hers on Youtube when she was 15 and says she couldn’t get up and vomits 15 times a day. All she can have is Ensure. Are they watching her now and how active she is, no vomiting and eats anything she wants. It is a miracle. BB cured her.
Did Josh say he’s turning on Paul?
Feeds are back, Raven is PISSED!!!!
Yay! What’s she doing girl?
It’s a full on scream fest. Mattress is being a punk ass bitch. They both seem to think they are on another show and can’t believe they were lied to. WTF? LOL
Lol omg. I can’t wait to loaded on YouTube. Is jason saying anything?
He’s trying to but Raven keeps banging on about him lying to her. It is insane!!!
Now they are all in the kitchen, saying absolutely nothing, while Raven sobs. It’s so pathetic. I can’t wait until you see it on youtube and hear your reaction!
Damn read up top. I wish i had saw your reply here first. Lol
Girl, I just saw it! I commented like a couple days ago that I didn’t understand why it was necessary for Jason to tell them he would pull them off. This is not a good case for a jury vote if he’s in f2 in addition to Cody, Mark and elana’s blood. This lie was unnecessary and not smart. If you do something really deceitful it needs to make sense. He may have killed his chances of winning.
I hope he hasn’t killed his chances of winning. He’s my pick as of right now. Raven needs to get over herself. along with Mattress. This isn’t the first time someone OTB has been lied to. Yeah, it might not have been a good move but get the f*ck over it, it’s BB, people are lying to you right and left, all damn day long!
I get all that. I want Paul and Jason f2. But this particular lie made no sense to me. That’s why Saturday night i commented why would Jason want to win the veto? Idk chile, I know I see things differently than most people.
Fair enough and I do see your point. :)
I just think it totally avoided because Matt is a reasonable guy. I would been like Matt and Raven bye. It ain’t but 8 people left. See ya!
LOL, Mattress is NOT a reasonable guy, did you see him acting like a 4 year old? He’s a dick and him and Raven are meant for each other. They are both reprehensible human beings.
I think he’s very reasonable, weird and bizarre but reasonable. He said the other night he’d understand the game move of Jason targeting them and didn’t understand why Jason would by pass them and get out Kevin because he (matt) certainly wouldn’t do that. I just don’t get it chile smh, maybe I’d fail miserably on bb. I guess I see things that don’t exist. I had to defend why I think Josh is stupid earlier,…honey i guess I’m from Mars chile. Lol
You know i was all for the harassment when it was towards Cody and Jess, because they were horrible people, but now that it’s directed at Kevin I don’t understand. He’s a genuinely nice human being :c
Agree. It is a bit extreme and uncalled for. I’m not a fan of Kevin but can see this.
Alex’s behavior towards Kevin is making me sick to my stomach. She is a mean girl (I, know, I know..she’s playing the game) but it’s not game. It’s mean. Just not talking to him will get the same results. Why does Paul keep asking Josh to do the dirty work with Kevin. I’m glad he’s saying no , so far. Jason is ok. Thank goodness he is making his 2nd real HOH his own.
What’s going on with Josh, opening his eyes re Paul? (I am annoyed how Alex and Christmas is quick to shut down any Paul talk). Why are they there besides using the show to catapult a career outside the house that is unlikely for most.
“9:05 PM BBT – Matthew and Raven have been having a food fight in the kitchen with milk and cinnamon. They’ve made a mess. Matthew said that Raven was secretly Cody’s sister and she got mad.”
How can anyone take those two serious?