Now that Jessica, Cody, Elena and Mark are out of the Big Brother 19 house, it’s time for that giant alliance to draw a line in the sand. And sine Jason is the first official HOH after the two main showmances were axed, he has the honor.
But let’s first see how Jason got there. The episode starts during the Head of Household competition. The HGs are all hanging on in their hot dog buns getting sprayed with ketchup and mustard. But before we go any further, we’ve got to address those weird eviction votes from Alex and Jason.
We cut to the Diary Room where Alex tells us that only Jason was supposed to vote for Matthew to be evicted. The plans was to throw the rogue vote in there so that if Matt or Raven win HOH they could frame Kevin. But she says she had a bit of a mind slip and also voted for Matthew. Smooth, Alex. Maybe if you weren’t concerned with giving shoutouts you wouldn’t have messed that one up.
Back at the HOH competition Kevin is the first person to drop from the wall after 17 minutes. And Matt drops just three minutes later. Josh falls after 30 minutes and Raven already starts talking about making deals. She asks Paul, Alex and Jason what they want. But no one is ready for a deal. And before anyone can say anything Paul and Raven drop.
That means Alex and Jason are the final two on the wall. Alex starts asking Jason what he wants from her so he can drop. And he says he wants to win. She says fine then she’ll drop when he offers her something. She says she wants safety this week and a jury vote. Meanwhile, Matt is calling how shady it is that they’re still up there. Paul and Josh also seem a bit confused as to why they’re still up when they’re each other’s ride or die. Jason finally promises her safety and she finally drops. Jason is the new HOH.
Even though Matt and Raven are the targets this week, Josh and Alex start complaining about Kevin (which is something Alex has been doing most of the season). Josh says that Kevin keeps flipping out about the rogue votes so that must mean it was really Kevin.
But elsewhere Jason tells Kevin that one of the votes was him and he thinks the other one was Alex. Oops. When Alex finds out Jason told Kevin, she freaks out. She asks why he’d tell the guy they were trying to frame. Probably because he likes Kevin and doesn’t want to frame him, Alex.
And since this cast is growing more and more boring every episode, we finally get a filler Raven segment. And it’s not going to do Raven any favors in the America’s Favorite Player race. It’s a segment all about how everyone in the house thinks Raven is a compulsive liar and they show us all the clips the Live Feeds watchers have been talking about all season. For example: Her mom has been struck by lightening and Raven has an inverted spine.
Enough of that. It’s Tree of Temptation time! OHHHH EXCITING! Who is going to be tempted! I cannot wait for this! Just kidding, no one takes an apple. They know it’s a crappy twist and too many bad apples. You failed, production.
So now that we’ve exhausted all the episode filler, let’s find out who is Jason going to target this week. The original plan was Matt and Raven, but Kevin has been made to look bad by Alex, and Paul is frustrated with him also. So it sounds like it could go a number of ways this week. Jason could backdoor Kevin or just use that as the ploy to keep Matt and Raven feeling safe this week and blindside one of them.
At the nomination ceremony, Jason goes with Matt and Raven. Of course, Matt and Raven think Kevin is the target so they’re not really too concerned. But again, after Alex and Jason framed Kevin with those votes, who knows what can happen this week.
Can’t wait for the Veto results? Check our PoV spoilers now to see what happened!
Is BB 20 here yet?
Britain has a version of Big Brother. C list celebrities gossip behinds each others backs after drink heavily. Frankie Grande was on it last season. Might provide you with more entertainment than you’re getting with this show.
Frankie was on Celebrity Big Brother UK last year (2016). That’s different from BBUK, which is the main series. Frankie lasted one episode. What passes for “celebrity” is laughable.
Thank you. Celebrity Big brother is the one I saw a bit of. Someone named Chloe Khan. A heavyset man who laughed at everything and Frankie. The hostess was pretty good.
Nothing with Frankie in it will ever entertain me.
Loved Jason’s reaction after Alex told him not to tell anyone about their votes to get Matt out. These two are becoming my favorites. Trust and fun between them 😊.
You gotta love the guy, he’s so honest.When he confided in Kevin about the truth of the rogue votes, it showed, at least to me, how much he likes Kevin and trusts him.
Too little too late. C J P final.
hmmmm The game of BB changes at the drop of a lie or a name…Tomorrow after POV meeting the game will restart and set the next victim in line to leave…
I am hoping for Jason to win. He is the only HG I really like….Maybe Josh but his antics irk me.
They are my favorites as well. Why does Alex dislike Kevin so much? They should be bringing him into the fold for the upcoming war with Paul, Christmas and Josh.
Does she just thinks he’s a Cop and has a strong dislike for the Po-Po?
No clue, don’t get that. I also don’t like that Paul, who I was rooting for, and the rest of them shutting him out. I really wanted to see Paul, Jason and Alex go to finals because they are the workhorses. Too much of a risk for Paul I guess but that is what I hoped.
Jason has played a great social game. Alex is a pit bull with lip stick but he has befriended everyone.. better socially than she is. Maybe Paul and Alex are threatened by that?
In addition to winning more comps too.
Pit bull with lipstick…interesting description Alf! I don’t think Alex feels threatened by Jason. But yes, Paul knows both are good at comps and good players so cannot take them to f3 and be safe. Yes, Jason has played good social game but Alex was very good as HOH imo. Jason might be taking lead in other ways now but I see them balancing each other out…for now. Will be interesting to see where this goes for sure!
I see Jason making it to 6 maybe 5 and Alex 4 at best…Unless the 2 can pull out constant back to back necessary wins..I don’t see them getting much farther..
Really? I was thinking with the recent momentum that it was first time I could see them going to finals if not winning it. He has won so many lately…
As of me posting this its too much against em and unless Kevin can get a win or luck out and get 2 its gonna be difficult to get closer than 5/4…..I say Kevin cause he will be on Jasons side…
Pit bull with lipstick. All puns are thanks to Sarah Palin.
They were my ideal F3 in the begining, but it looks like it’s not gonna happen.
She’s not that smart. That’s it.
She’s too far up Paul’s a$$
Paul lied to her and told her that Kevin had been talking against her…
She didn’t like Kevin before that. My guess is she wants Jason all to herself. She started dissing Kevin to Paul first. That is when Paul started piling on.
I gotta say. That’s a brilliant move on the part of Paul and I’m rooting against him.
It is because Alex is not that smart…same reason why she became a paul pot follower so early in the season. Not too smart.
I up vote you. I use the exact same line to describe her : she’s not that smart!!!
I really confirmed that when she went on on Cody about the cereal gate. She was pathetic with the insults she came with. It’s just proves that… she’s not that smart.
The worst part is that she thinks she’s smarter than everyone. She keeps calling Jason dumb dumb but it’s like the pot calling the kettle black.
HE is my favorite. Not her. Happy he stood up to her in hoh and make the decision that benefit him. She’s not that smart and mean.
I agree! Unfortunately Jason has a huge target on him and I don’t think Alex will protect him! Kevin needs to be Jason’s ride or die.
I love how Jason finally has a mind of his own and is not listening to Alex!
Alex is in my opinion the dirtiest player this season.
Jason ceacked me up. He was just like a little kid who was about to get in trouble.
I just finished watching the episode.
Jason is exactly like a little kid who’s about to get in trouble and Alex is exactly like a mama about to give her child crap! Those 2 are funny together!
ONLY because of Jason I somewhat like Alex again
Jason has become the HG I like & the ONLY one I would be happy to see win this pathetic season!
I really liked Alex in the beginning of this game but after a couple weeks I didn’t like a lot of the things she did to people or her bad attitude nor did I like how she dismissed everything Jason would say/suggest etc. (I still don’t like it) but I am beginning to like her a little more again. Just a little though!
Mainly because she’s in a “BB marriage” with Jason and I have always consistently liked Jason aside from him running to Paul )as a snitch) ALL of the time! & it’s funny watching Jason and Alex dig into each other back-and-forth, playfully!
Unfortunately I believe Jason’s days are numbered! :( which sucks BIG time! I really really want Jason to win!
Blahhhhh blahhhhhhhh
Paul to Raven after she said she is in Mensa, “What was your gpa?” Raven: “dance”. Lol. Sorry, first time I saw that.
Whaoahahahaha…. ahhh ahhh. I just pee in my pants I think.
My thought on the Jason-Alex standoff? Blame Zingbot – I think The dead weight comment was weighing heavily on his mind, so he wanted the win to burnish his F2 resume, and likewise, Alex also wanted the win for the same reason – to continue the impression that she is the superior player to Jason in case they wind up in the F2 together.
Also, isn’t Raven supposed to be a professional dancer, or dance instructor, or something like that? How could she possibly do that for a living if she has everything wrong with her that she claims she does? Her physical ailments might be phony, but she really must have mental issues…
“Her physical ailments might be phony”
Her entire persona might be phony and yes; she might have mental issues.
Yeh, it’s called ODD behavior! But not the “real” kind of ODD (oppositional defiant disorder) behavior, just odd!
That’s a good description of Raven. ODD indeed!
Raven is a “nut bar!” & NOT the “real” kind of “nut bar”
She is NUTS!
Psychotic & crazy!!
I would be afraid to be stuck on a deserted island with her!!! 😬
Correct! Although there’s no “might” in there LOL
I think Jason just sees the end coming and he’s playing for what benefits him. No way he was going to give that hoh to Alex and no way will he put Kevin on the block while he’s a number for him. Maybe getting that news from home lite him on fire, he’s just playing to win now.
For raven, well like Paul explained, she has a reversed spin. So her head is at her a$$ and vice versa. No kidding she needs help for her mental issues.
I’d agree if you replaced “blame” with “thank.” I don’t understand why people get upset when a BB participant actually competes.
Yeah, maybe that lit a fire under Jason’s butt! Hopefully! Alex is definitely not carrying him, she just never listens to him! She is mean to him & acts as though she is superior to him!
I like Jason! Finally someone to root for! He needs to divorce his “BB marriage” to Alex and take Kevin as far as they can go, hopefully to the end! Although sadly it’s not looking good for Jason!
As for Raven, she is psychotic! Apparently she owns 2 dance studios and some paranormal hunting equipment/company…(probably very expensive equipment)
Her illnesses/diseases “might” be Phony? They are totally Phony! She is a huge con artist! Raven clearly thought coming on BB would be a “huge cash grab!” hence her Go Fund Me Page etc. etc. Raven is going to be in for a HUGE surprise when this game is over!
Go to #Ravenexposedparty & YouTube the same name or Google to “Tamara Tattles Ravens Diseases” you can read everything!! All her fake diseases and illnesses plus everything she has lied about and complained about and everything that has happened to her prior to the game and during the game! (And after the game) LOL 😂 She is unreal! A huge huge huge phony!!! & I do NOT feel sorry for her at all!!
Yeah, I am sure she has mental problems! She is psychotic! Insane! Crazy! & simply put a “very bad person!” And she needs to be locked away in jail or in a mental institution!
Thanks for the recap Branden!!! Loved it!
I have to give the gold palm of best line to Paul this week. Raven is a Mensa member, trained for Olympic, mom is resistant to lightning strokes and raven has a reverse spine. All he has is friendship. It was too funny.
That was hilarious. When Jason was telling how Kevin dropped off hot dog bun during comp because he had multiple surgeries on his wrist, Raven said pacemaker. That’s all she said, made it about her again.
She’s so fast to come up with those answers it’s scary. But the “pacemaker” one is getting out so often. As well as the “2 terminals diseases”
The house is totally on to her but, they are afraid to say too much just in case some of it is true. They don’t want to look like complete jerks!
Did you see Alex and Jason talking in the HOH room? Jason was saying he is “sick and tired” of Raven’s “stories.”
Alex was agreeing but she also said to Jason that just in case Raven is telling the truth, she didn’t want BB to air what they were saying because she didn’t want to come across as insensitive!
It must be super frustrating because they want to vent/talk about Raven but they can’t.
They did notice Julie did not address Raven during Thursday’s episode and there was something else they notice but I can’t remember what it was.
They are catching onto Ravens BS!!
Julie didn’t addresses her and her zing was the worst. Jason didn’t give a F over that discussion about what America can think of him. He’s persuaded that he’s right and that he would look even more stupid if she’s lying and they believe her.
About he zing, sadly she didn’t catch the message. Over hoh when all her face was leaking she said something like now zingbot is right. No girl…. zingbot was referring to your everyday makeup.
Right, that’s what it was. they noticed her zing was the worst LOL
Yeah, Jason didn’t care but Alex did but sorta didn’t but sorta did! & that was funny when Jason said that they would look like bigger jerks for believing Raven. I forgot you said that! Jason is a smart guy, and he has become someone I am rooting for, FINALLY!! I still can’t say he is my favourite HG but at least I have someone to cheer for now, sadly I think he will be gone sooner later!
No Way, I didn’t know that Raven didn’t catch on to her zing! Lame 😒 I guess no one told her what Zingbot was trying to tell her? LMAO guess not! I can’t stand that girl!
Paul is good with his one-liners
PLEASE tell me Jason is not going to put up Kevin???
I heard that last night. Please say it ain’t so!
Jason can’t possibly be that stupid, can he!?!
It would become another stupid HOH move, so I won’t be completely surprised if it happens but I want to like Jason!!
Kevin is NOT a threat to Jason’s game, so as HOH backdooring Kevin would become yet another stupid HOH wasted! in “Typical BB 19 Fashion!!”
I hope what I read was wrong last night?
Fingers crossed 🤞
He won’t. He said no to all people that try to make him do it. He knows Kevin is a number and Jason cannot stand raven and Matt.
If you heard Paul in the DR. He actually wants Matt out and not Kevin. Everyone keeps talking about Jason going against Paulby not putting up Kevin. Jason is actually doing what Paul wants.
Exact. Between the 3 (raven,matt and Kevin) it doesn’t change anything for Paul or Alex. So let him decide!
nope.. Paul was gonna have Kevin evicted if he goes on the block..It was at one point Matt but got switched to Kevin…Its Jason that won’t do what Paul wants which is nom Kevin and get him voted out…
Paul said on tonight’s show that he wants Matt out but wants it to look like his target is Kevin.
That was for Matt and Raven’s benefit. He wants them to think that they are just pawns. I think that since then Paul figured it would be better to get Kevin out because Jason is closer to Kevin than Paul while Matt and Raven completely trust Paul.
Yeah I didn’t think Jason would be stupid enough to do that BUT I thought he might put Kevin up (due to pressure from the house) thinking Matt would still go (lies from the house as usual) but just to take the heat off of him (for lack of better words) for the next few days until one of them was evicted!
You know what I mean?
So, I REALLY HOPE Jason stays strong if the house including Alex continues to pressure him to put up Kevin!
How can we lock him alone in the hoh room till veto ceremony ? Lol.
Question….. does Alex know that Paul etc. want to back door Kevin and screw Jason over?
I think Kevin should be Jason’s “ride or die!” Alex never listens to Jason! It irritates me how she talks down to him.
At first it was kind of funny but now it’s getting annoying/old!! Plus Jason would have a better chance of beating Kevin in the end, hands down!
Although sadly Jason will likely be the next to go!
I did not followed a lot this weekend. It’s kind of weird it’s like the plan was to have Kevin on the block to coll down Matt and raven, but, now Paul wants Kevin out. I start to think Paul sees that Jason won’t budge so he fears Kevin. I don’t know what Alex knows. I’m just happy Jason doesn’t listen to her.
Yeah, I am pretty sure initially Matt/Raven where the targets but I think now, Paul is realizing Jason has not only Alex but also Kevin so I think that’s why Paul is rethinking Matt/Raven and wanting to target Kevin.
Thankfully Jason isn’t listening to Paul (which is a nice change!)
Not only for Jason FINALLY not listening to Paul but also just a nice change to have a HOH (in general) not listening to Paul! That’s rare! The only ones that didn’t listen to Paul during their HOH (or EVER) was Jessica and Cody this entire game!!
I really really really hope Kevin wins HOH. That way Jason is safe but also I think Kevin really need a letter from his family. He has not been his funny self lately :( I feel bad for Kevin.
& if Kevin doesn’t win HOH than I hope Alex does, for Jason’s safety!
Kevin cant win anything lol ,not even luck game lol
Agree – I liked Alex at first, but I can’t stand the way she speaks to Jason. It’s so disrespectful! She thinks she knows it all but she is utterly delusional at times. Jason is playing smart just now.
Do you follow the show? There hasn’t been anything supporting your comment. Are you also afraid an asteroid will hit Kevin?
Um, actually there’s been a lot of talk about it from Paul, Alex, Christmas and Josh. Jason doesn’t want to do it.
Matt and Raven have been told that is the plan, and everyone but Jason is trying to make it happen.
It’s a doggone shame the way that these children on BB treat Kevin. Kevin isn’t a threat to anyone, he can’t even win a Competition. And Kev is definitely not going after Jason, in fact he would be a vote for him…That’s if Jason makes it to F2.
I heard about the HGs (I’m not sure exactly who) were making fun of Kevin? Insulting him? Just not being nice! But I haven’t read anything more than that. Just comments from last night.
Is it on YouTube or the conversation(s) anywhere I can read about it?
I don’t like what I have heard! Kevin is NOT a bad guy and he hasn’t done anything to anyone! I also have no idea why Alex, Matt and Raven have animosity towards Kevin, I’m not sure what he did to them specifically!?
Why these HGs feel the need to pick on someone new every week is mind-boggling and super immature! And………….this season is an older group of SMH
I do NOT like how each week it is someone new they decide to trash talk! I don’t get it. It’s not gameplay at all! & it really makes me want to slap them all! Heehee Paul should know better, he has played this game before and he knows how the viewers will perceive all of this non-game banter & behaviour. I guess he doesn’t care because bad or good, he is going to have fans!
I really hope Jason is not one of those people insulting Kevin?!?
Kevin and Jason’s backyard walking conversations are the best! & Kevin is always very funny. Sadly I have noticed Kevin’s behaviour changing. He is not as talkative and happy go lucky (for lack of better words) he is definitely down this week. Hopefully after Matt/Raven is even acted, Kevin will get a spring in his step again. Maybe it’s just hearing bits and pieces of people talking about him that is the icing on the cake when he is clearly missing home!
I read something the other day about a lot of the past houseguests.A LOT of them want nothing to do with BB after the game is over. A lot of people have said it was a very negative experience and not something they expected & they just want to move on with their lives and forget about BB.
As you might know, I’m team Jason. I have never seen or heard or read about him saying anything bad to anyone. And with Kevin he seems to have lots of respect.
I was raised to respect my elder. Different generations of us have lots to teach us. Come on, they lived a life without an iPhone;). Joke aside they are pretty low to trash Kevin.
Same here…And I’m team Jason too.
Go to “Jokers Update” to get scripted dialogues Daily…I don’t have Feeds, but I read on Jokers whats going on in the house.
Yeah I read up on it and watched YouTube live feeds because I refuse to watch any more of the live feeds myself! I was just looking for a quick answer at the time. Thank you :-)
Sorry, blah blah blah LOL
Kevin took the 20k on day 1… he has nothing to stand on
About 7 people hit the buzzer. Keven was first.
Exactly. Why should now it changed anything.
Hes not going to win so whats the big deal?
Ahem. 25k.
All these soft hearted people forget that he took the $20k!!! I’d get him1st outta the house
Wasn’t it $25,000?
I stand corrected. Either way, Kevin’s game won’t receive any pity from me.
Kevin should admit to taking the money!!!! Let’s see how america feels about that?
We’re ok with it.
Whats going on with Kevin at the moment has nothing/very little to do with money he won…
America knows about the money…
He’s already ahead 25k (shrewd lol) plus Jury stipend. Low maintanace than the screwy couple.
I think it was smart of Kevin to take the 25,000. The reason I say that is because the older players usually are evicted fast. I’m surprised he is still in the house since he hasn’t won any competitions. I’m OK with him taking the money, I would have done that also. What bugs me the most is that Paul has everyone doing his dirty work. I’m OK with Paul. If he is the final 2, he deserves to win. He played them all and they allowed it. I wish Jason would take Paul out this week. It may be the last time he will get that opportunity.
Sadly Jason won’t take Paul out this week.
I was 100% Kevin’s fan at the beginning. I was sure he would get AFP if he was not in F2. But recently I found him bitter. I guess he’s tired of those kids and he’s missing his.
Matt telling Raven in this evening’s episode that Kevin needs to start winning, and showing that he brings value to the game. HUH?
Josh called it (in the Diary Room) correctly in the episode when he described Matt as ridiculously taking 60+ days to finally speak up about something (anything).
Anybody watching the feeds and Raven showing her fake ass tough image??? Its went on for some 30 minutes or longer…Shes thrown cinnamon and such at Matt while he threw milk at her….Its stupid and she won’t let it rest.. He was trying to clean the mess up and she made it worse…
Yikes, just tuned in…she’s losing it.
She just got called to DR…
Saw that. Tuned in right when she was screaming at Matt. Btw, does Alex know her pants are unzipped, lol. New trend?
she is wearing her swim suit I think..
Oh, she is, silly me
The kitchen is still not cleaned up….I suppose that Matt will have to do it after everybody else is in bed…
It was BBAD time so of course Raven wants to be on camera. She has down this with flour and condiments before. Thinks it makes her Americans sweetheart?
Branden’s lucky. He forgot all about that annoying bathroom filler segment. It’s officially burned into my retinas.
Totally off the subject. I was checking out Elena’s Instagram (she was much prettier before her plastic surgery btw). I noticed that sometimes her mole is on the right and sometimes it is on the left. Strange
Think that has to do with printing/posting.
My nephew had a college shirt on and had picts on facebook. Some you could read the t-shirt, some were backwards, and it was the same shirt. Depends on it phone or camera taking pict and if turned or adjusted someway.
Nephew only had the one shirt on and it was the same day picts.
Thanks for the explanation. I was very confused….. lol
When you take selfie’s the picture is “mirrored”so that’s probably why her mole appears to be on the opposite side of her face.
I didn’t know she had plastic surgery, what did she have done?
Tinalee, are you getting sarcastic a little bit?
Her lips.
After reading the long and interesting list of 49 diseases of raven (look for Tamara tattles website) I decided to google what the heck is chromosome 10. Here’s my finding.
The symptoms and physical findings associated with chromosome 10, monosomy 10p may vary in range and severity from case to case. However, according to reports in the medical literature, most individuals with the disorder are affected by severe intellectual disability and delays in the acquisition of skills requiring the coordination of mental and motor activities (psychomotor retardation). Monosomy 10p is also frequently associated with growth delays after birth, resulting in short stature.
giggle giggle giggle
Well, she is kinda short. he he he
She clames to be Mensa and dancer. She should have made up another chromosome.
Thanks for the info! I was pointed to “Tamara Tattles” last night so I checked out her list of 49 (and counting) Raven problems!!
It was hilarious! And she (TT) even forgot to include a bunch and there is newer stuff as well “TT” needs to update/include! LOL Super funny stuff though.
Have you checked out “#Ravenexposedparty” on Twitter as well as YouTube part one and now there is a part two!
The first one is super funny, the Part 2 is good but it just pretty much shows Raven talking about everything that is/was/will be wrong with her LOL
That girl is insane and psychotic! I would be afraid to be in the same room as her, especially if she knew how I felt about her 😆
I am surprised Matt doesn’t use 10 condoms! I am surprised Matt is not grossed out by her!
Gawd knows what else she could be “caryring” as a “fake disease/illness” etc.
Tomorrow it will be that she is HIV-positive (Sorry Matt) but she is the only one who has a special HIV diagnosis (NO one has this HIV she does!) and she is not contagious! (You are good Matt!) but because she has this special HIV diagnosis, there is not a lot of research on it because she is the only one with this type of HIV, she will just start growing another head! Otherwise she’s good aside from everything else she has! 😬
Bwahahaaa I am awful!
Oh, and this hiv was detected by a test on the internet? Lol.
I saw those videos. The part 1 is amazingly well done and the person put lots of time in it. I don’t think part 2 is from the same person.
I am at the point where I don’t want raven to get evicted. It’s my entertainment of this year big brother. Last night episode was the best. It really seems she’s hate by production as well. The worst edit ever. But for my joy!!
It’s really upsetting how she is. Never I’ve seen something as bad.
Raven is so vile – hopefully this will be a life lesson for her, and she will learn to think more about others.
Raven is an awful person! She will never learn unless she gets intense long-term therapy! She is psychotic and a con artist!
I believe her “Momma” has Munchhausen Syndrome that has passed on to Raven.
I know I should feel sorry for Raven but I just can’t! Raven is a grown adult and can make her own decisions! She is choosing this criminal lifestyle, she is an adult so she is more than capable of putting her foot down (without breaking it) and say “enough!”
Raven chooses it! She makes the conscious decision every day, of every hour, of every minute to spew out all these lies constantly! All on her own!
She does not have her “Mama” their coaching her anymore.
She could’ve gone into the house and just been real! Instead she chose to con & pull at the heartstrings of all of these HGs!! She ‘thrives’ on the attention & demands it when she is not receiving it, she always has to one up everyone! and be the centre of attention at all times!
She is not stupid, I mean she is a Mensa (LMAO) She knows it’s wrong so if she truly cared then she would seek help instead of continuing this god awful behavior! But instead she takes the easy way out and continues with this fake life! She continues to manipulate and deceive people for money!! & BB was going to be her “biggest score ever!”
I want to be a fly on the wall when the game is over and Raven looks at her Go Fund Me page (which I’m sure will be one of the first things she does) and sees there is just over $4000 in it! She clearly thinks we are all idiots! & thinks America/Canada believes her BS, so she obviously thinks her GFM page is well over her goal of $200,000 she is asking for! And on top of that, I want to be a fly on the wall when she sees and hears how she didn’t fool any of us and we see right through her!
That would be priceless to watch happen! I would pay big money for it LOL
sorry, rant over
Couldn’t you find a worst pic then that? I’ll do nightmares over that.
Oh my!!
The worst part is that she isn’t that ugly. With little bit of more natural makeup and normal hair, she’s a decent girl.
Oh for sure, she is not terrible looking. Definitely not the best looking girl in the house BUT her personality sucks so that always make someone look even uglier & she is not repulsive looking, she is just a repulsive person in general.
Plus being such a negative person on top of everything else makes her 100% more uglier! LOL I am so mean!!!
She does have very large bags for someone her age, (a lot of girls get them in their 20s because they are hereditary I guess!) And she seems to have everything else her mom has and her mom has terrible bags as well LOL
She needs to start taking care of that pronto because it’s just going to get worse and worse and worse and worse as she gets older but for now she doesn’t need to put on a pound of make up! She is trying to contour her make up but instead she is looking like a clown 🤡 (Hi, I am Raven! Do you like my make up!?) LOL Her under the eye bags can easily be covered up with a little bit of contouring without looking like a clown!
She is just a dreadful person! & she is a dreadful person with the pound of make up she wears!
My 3 daughters are/were in dance & the year end recitals they have to wear quite heavy make up so it can be seen while they are on stage, clearly Raven thinks she is centerstage all of the time! LMAO
Boy, pithiness is not in your repertoire! Lol
What no one (including TPUTS!) seems to have picked up on feeds *right* after the competition (while they were walking back into the house) was that Alex said she was only bargaining with Jason because she didn’t realize that Raven had dropped!! Apparently Christmas hadn’t done her scripted, “Paul’s down! Now Raven is down, too!” commentary for the episode yet and the HGs couldn’t see that far down the line of buns.
I think Alex knew. What was said proved she knew only her and Jason where up. Remember even Matthew said why do you negotiate while only the 2 of you are up. Alex was trying to cover he a$$. She didn’t wanted Jason to have it because she thinks he’s stupid. She’s a mean girl.
You’re right! I wasn’t even thinking of it that way, but Alex says A LOT of crap to try to cover her a$$. And I agree. She IS a quintessential Mean Girl.
I’d like to see Alex win the next HOH and nominate Josh and Christmas as pawns and then backdoor Paul ! The following week I’d like to see Jason win HOH again and nominate Josh and Christmas and, if possible, backdoor Alex, which would leave Jason in the strongest possible position with himself, Josh, and Christmas in the final three…..then, hopefully, final 2 with Christmas, sending the biggest “meatball” EVER to the jury.
Seriously…zzzzzzzzzzz…shake it up zombies! Vote Paul out and think for yourselves!
Matt’s idea of a big move –> going after Kevin. These HGs are so ignorant it kills me, and Matt is the worst out of the bunch.