‘Big Brother 19’ Live Feeds: Christmas Abbott Broke Her Foot – Update: MRI Results

Early this morning on the Live Feeds as the Fish took over the cameras for the daily wake up call to Houseguests there was a sudden emergency. Feeds cut back to Christmas Abbott laying on the ground in the backyard calling for help claiming she had broken her foot.

Update: Christmas’s MRI results are in! Scroll down for the latest updates on Christmas’s return to the game.

Christmas Abbott is back in BB19 house

You can Flashback on your Feeds (get the Free Trial now to watch) to 8:47 AM BBT Cams 3/4 to find Christmas flat on her back with her face covered as she calls out for help. Jason Dent is quickly by her side offering a hand which she turns away. Jason offers to carry her inside, but Christmas again declines. She asks Jason to go tell production that she’s hurt.

“Tell em. Tell em. Tell em. Go!,” Christmas pleads to Jason as he heads back in to the house. Of course we know Big Brother sees all and doesn’t have to be told, but she wants help and that’s understandable. “What do I tell them?” asks Jason. “Tell them I broke my f**king foot!” she replies.

Christmas continued to stay on the ground as Jason rushed back inside. Christmas kept her face covered and continued to ask for help along with a few curses in there as she was no doubt in a good bit of pain.

While on the ground waiting for help Christmas was talking outloud saying, “Production, I broke my foot. Not a twisted ankle… I broke my foot… I can’t even look at it.”

Gallery: Christmas Abbott Foot Injury

click thumbnails to see full-size views

After a few more minutes the Feeds cut to Fish and then went to Cat Loops at 9:03 AM BBT before returning at 9:38 AM BBT. There was no sign of Christmas and no discussion of the situation. We will continue to monitor the Live Feeds and see what happens.

Keep in mind that neither CBS nor Big Brother have issued a statement so ignore any trolls. Also don’t forget that Bridgette hurt her ankle last season and returned on crutches, so it’s not like a physical injury requires immediate removal. I’m expecting her to be back, but I’m not a doctor and neither are most of us. Try to remain calm and don’t believe any crazy rumors in the meantime.

Update: After Feeds returned we got more details, though all secondhand. Flashback 9:48AM BBT C1/2. Cody told Jason that he (Cody) and Matt carried Christmas in to the DR. “It was poking out the bottom of her foot,” says Cody. “Was it really??” asked Jason. “Mmm hmm,” confirmed Cody. Well that definitely sounds bad, but still waiting on official details.

Update 2: Jason shared more details which explains why he was out there alone with her. “We were dancing and she was on my back. I was running around and I slipped on the grass.” Jason also noted that Christmas questioned production whether or not they’d let her return next year if she can’t continue this season.

Update 3: Christmas returned to the Big Brother house at 2:21 PM BBT Cams 3/4 on crutches. She explained to her fellow HGs that it isn’t broken, but she did tear some ligaments. She’s got to go back in a few days for an MRI and it’s possible there’s a fracture in there. Her lower leg is wrapped up tightly in bandages, looks like a cast, so she’s not going to be doing much physical activity, but she is back in the game. This will greatly impact her ability to compete and will probably have to just sit out of physical comps if put in the position to play anything.

Gallery: Christmas Abbott Returns To BB19

Update 4: Christmas left earlier today (Wednesday) for her MRI test to see if she could be cleared to stay in the game. This afternoon (Flashback to 3:20 PM BBT 7/5) Christmas returned with good news for her game. Her foot is indeed broken, but she doesn’t have to leave the game if she doesn’t want to. Christmas says she’s staying. Everyone but Cody & Jessica greeted her return as they were upset with the other HGs and didn’t want to come downstairs. Jessica mentioned wanting to see if the cast was still on but didn’t want to be seen trying to see.

As for how Christmas can continue to compete, she revealed “they” said none of the competitions would be changed. She’ll either be able to compete or not. If she can’t then I would expect her to default in that circumstance. A doctor will have to clear her before comps.

Gallery: Christmas Abbott Returns After MRI

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  1. Lol everyone is just getting injured and may have to leave. Thats what production gets for doing that nonsense with Paul. If she goes I guess they will just bring back Cameron and whoever else gets voted out this week since they would be down 2 people.

    • Nothing to do with Paul, who’s actually popular with most, likable, and way more interesting than some who were cast. Josh comes to mind as an example.

      • I’m referring to the fact that 1) the brought someone back which I absolutely hate 2) the way they did it caused someone to be out before even starting 3) that stupid first power that they KNEW Paul would win based on his popularity and built in fanbase

        And I say this as a Paul fan and I do believe he was robbed last year by that flop Nicole

      • I really don’t think Cameron got screwed. He had many opportunities to save himself.

        1. Try to tempt Paul to get a friendship bracelet, as a superfan and Paul fan he should have known how to appeal to Paul, but didn’t do it properly, and came in way too heavy. Pretty sure I remember him telling Paul I could be your next Victor, but Victor would never say something like that, also RHAP made a good observation, Paul isn’t a superfan, so that probably wouldn’t speak to him very much.

        2. The competition, when Cameron jumped off, he forgot all the clues, if he didn’t, he could have saved himself, but he didn’t.

        3. Let his social game carry him through with the vote, the fact he got voted out in a landslide clearly indicated he probably didn’t have a strong enough social game to keep him.

      • I am confused. You said you hate Paul but then you said you are a fan of Pauls.
        No disrespect, just confused as all. I guess you can hate him but still be a fan 🙃

      • No I said that I hate they brought someone back, in this case Paul. I am never a fan of people returning unless its All Stars. Otherwise, I like Paul a whole lot and think he should have won last year. He is one of my all time favorites actually.

    • I hope for them that Cameron is in sequester. That way that can bring back someone any way they want.

      • There’s a chance he is sequestered. From what I understand his SM accounts have been pretty much inactive even after his eviction.

      • Yeah, it would be nice for him to come back just for the simple reason of he is a super fan and didn’t even get to spend a single night in the house. I felt super bad for him!
        PS. Notice my picture is up right now? :-) I just had to turn it sideways in my images LOL

  2. Well, crap! After all of that campaigning she did yesterday! On twitter..she asked production if she could come back next year..so I bet she is gone. I really think they should bring Cameron back in. I am sure Jason, Jessica Rabbit and Cody are happy with this..not that she may have broken her foot..but that she is probably gone from the game. Jessica and Jason and Cody wanted her gone.

    • On which twitter handle? I believe I’m looking at her real twitter handle (@christmasabbott) and I’m not seeing the tweet you’re referencing…also, it seems she has someone running her twitter for her while she’s in the BB house, since they’ve continued posting fairly generic messages since she entered the house…

      • Nah she’s back, she was probably just thinking if production dictated she needed extensive surgery and could not return, she was probably hoping for another shot. But I’m hyped shes back, hoping her and Paul could take control, a resurgence of the Sitting Ducks alliance. They had a really interesting chat on the feeds last night couple hours after the Christmas nomination. Pretty much Christmas told Paul straight up she liked and respected him and wanted to work with him, and that when they go on she would be with him regardless of what alliances they formed. Paul pretty much said such a commitment is only solidified through actions in the game, but said that next week and going on they could really reign hell in the house.

    • Don’t fool yourself, they could care less she’s hurt, The only thing they care about is she’s gone.

    • Hell no Cameron can stay gone I’m he was voted out first I didn’t like him

  3. I’m not a doctor either, but if she needs surgery, it’s too important to wait. She’d have to leave. Hope it is not that serious. I am liking her.

    • As reported here, if the bone is sticking out, she need surgery for sure. I doubt she can be gone more than 24 hours and still come back. But if they can do it quickly, she doesn’t need full anesthetic, local is enough. If they have a handler with her that make sure she not talking about the game with anybody, I guess she could come back.

      • That’s what the MRI will tell on wednesday. They couldn’t tell for sure if the ligaments are really torn.

      • No they don’t. A sprain is over-stretching or tearing of ligaments. A strain is over-stretching or tearing of muscles. I’ve had some pretty severe ankle sprains and never required surgery. Unless the ligaments are almost or totally transected, no one gets surgery for a sprain.

        And if the bone was exposed because of a compound fracture, that is general anesthesia all the way. No local there. She would also require initial IV Abx, and her game would be over.

        What she has is a severe sprain. If there is a fracture, it would be a hairline fracture, and the treatment would be exactly what she is already doing.

      • Wolverine’s constantly poking bones out of his arms, so I’m pretty sure it’s okay.
        Besides, Christmas has a lot of spirit.

  4. It is funny how Cody’s HOH is not what he expected. His nominees are eliminating themselves. I do hope Christmas comes back. She will go after Cody. These people are so boring.

  5. If she come back with a cast, her chance of going out Thursday are increasing. Or maybe not, she would good at all in comp.

    If she doesn’t come back, I think BB would be better to cancel the eviction for this week and give a good show on Thursday. Show a good and complete HoH comp.

    • If she comes back with a cast, I don’t think the HGs will see her as a threat for a while since she won’t be able to compete fully in the comps.

      • She certainly won’t be a threat in physical comp, most of the time she will have to forfeit. But lots of comp are not physical, like HoH comp are often just questions. So can you imagine her as HoH, upstair, been waited on all the time. That would be funny. That’s how you find out who your real friend are. LOL

      • Actually if you’re HOH, I think you would not know who your real friends are, since everyone is sucking up to you. It’s all a phony act.

  6. Jillian is so happy that Christmas got hurt and may not come back. I hope they tell Cody to put someone else on the block.

    • Eliminate everyone and just give Paul the money, if they are planning that anyway.

    • None of them deserve it. Just cancel the season, and give to money to Megan. She’s the only one who deserves it.

  7. They haven’t shown Dominique much in the weekly show on CBS. Is she playing the game or just floating?

    • Dom is in a good spot within the house. Well liked and trusted by most everyone. She looks to be a solid player and could be a contender late in the game.

    • She’s there, doing her low key bible bumping thang.

    • Dominique, Paul, and Mark I would say are playing the best games right now.

  8. This is production’s Summer of Surprises. It is nice to see them have to scramble for a change. No one could have anticipated these HG dropping like flies.

  9. Christmas is not in the Diary room because they keep calling the HGs to go in. Cody will soon come with an announcement like he did when Megan left.

  10. Christmas’ accident couldn’t be better timed for her and to ask right away if she could return next season if she could no longer play this year. Wow on the block to second chance with all new house guests? Im not insinuating anything. Just wondering if anyone else is wondering.

  11. Everytime Cody is HoH, his nominees will just evict themselves like Megan did and now Christmas will try to get away from him.

  12. If Paul is really going to “get blood in his hands” as they always say, then I hope he wins the next HOH. Cody and Jessica should go up.

    • There is no reason for Paul to win and he has said he won’t try and win.

      • Yeah Im calling BS on this injury… It her only chance next to Jillian (Sympathy Votes )

      • Yeah! And, I bet any EMTs, DRs, & X-RAY techs involved will probably be in cahoots with her. Giving her fake surgery, followed by a fake cast.

      • She looked like she was in pain. She was covering her face and breathing heavily which I have done when I’m in pain. I believe that she got hurt, but they are so dramatic and making us wait intentionally. It is a TV show.

      • Cody wants her gone. He helped carry her to the DR and is the one who mentioned the bone was sticking out. I doubt she is faking.

      • It was Jason that was there, not Cody. He’s the one that mentioned the bone was sticking out. He felt responsible for her injury because he’s the one who was piggybacking her and slipped and fell, landing on her foot. He offered to carry her and she said not to. Medical arrived to assist her and told Jason to go back inside.

      • totally agree FIrst the xrays showed NO break and she said it was just torn ligaments. MRI was going to look for hairline fractures . then she comes back and says its broken in 2 places . Fake butt b. she knew she was seen as a comp threat and when it happened she didnt have the numbers to stay…… we only know what she is saying not the drs . if it was really broken I highly doubt they would let her back in the house . get real people .

      • I was wrong… I just seen the video on tonights episode ***Cringe*** Ouch

      • It was really the side near the bottom. I saw her foot starting to swell and glad she knew to elevate it immediately.

    • Cameras weren’t showing the side of the foot where the bone came through.

    • There wasn’t, Christmas confirmed on the feeds. It was cody’s way of being a jerk. Making her think the injury was more catastrophic than it really was. Not that it wasn’t bad but it wasn’t bone sticking out bad.

  13. Boy, getting nominated by Dr Death is dangerous!
    Who will be next?
    I pick Paul!

  14. The Cody HOH from HELL. CANT STAND HIM, but he goes down as the most nominations ever on BB

  15. This Thursday night for the CBS show they could bring Christmas in a wheelchair for the live vote, have Christmas get voted out, and then wheel her back out to speak with Julie!
    No need for another replacement nominee from Cody.

  16. Did Megan curse the house before she left? Geesh! Crazy stuff happening before week 2.

    • 1) Curses don’t exist.
      2) I am sick and tired of people blaming everything on Megan. The girl was raped, and bullied, and falsely accused of being a racist. Leave Megan alone!

      • I’m sorry if you took what I wrote in the vein you feel I intended it. I was making a “joke” to some extent, not placing blame per se on her, just the circumstances of the house. Those who know me know that I meant no intentional ill will. The house is just been topsy turvy ever since Megan’s departure, period. I don’t even know Megan..only that she left and now yet another hg has left. I don’t recall this kind of dilemma ever occurring in the BB house. Nothing more than that.

      • I fail to see how anyone could take your post at face value. It was *obviously* written with a sense of incredulousness.

      • George Carlin put it perfectly – ‘Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.’

      • Joni has a good heart, please don’t take it so seriously, it’s BB.

      • She meant cursed as in all of the craziness.
        What made you think she was saying Christmas getting injured is Megan’s fault lol? Chill out. She’s not attacking Megan as a person. She’s not attacking anybody. Geez

    • If anyone is to blame, it’s Cody. All of this has happened under his reign as HOH. And he has made this house extremely toxic, along with Jessica, Josh, Paul, Raven, and Alex.

  17. I have been home for a little over a hour. I was reading this and saw the pictures on this computer so I took the time to make my screen as big as possible. I didn’t see anywhere on these photos anything that indicated a bone sticking out however, I did notice something on the top of her foot that might indicate a serious injury. I would rule out her achilies (spelling) tendon either. That would put her out for the rest of the season as well. The reason I said no indication of a bone sticking out is because that would cause her to bleed, No blood was present. YES, my screen on my home computer can be made to zero in on her foot.

  18. Cody gets a sixth???? Wow. He’s made more enemies in one week than most people do all season.

  19. This season is cursed. I hope she is alright, It sounds like she snapped her tendons or ligaments, that could explain what they thought was a bone sticking out, Ouch , I do not think she will be back unless it was sprain, either or she will not be able to put any stress on it,
    Cody must be thinking what the heck is going on, Just think of the poor person who may have to take her place, never being able to fight for The POV, just another renom, I think nerd boy will be back, Lets hope, he may make the show a little interesting,
    So this makes what, three in one week, at this rate Cody may be the HOH for ever this season and we will end up, in three weeks at the finale. with only one HOH comp and one veto comp. This season is by far is not boring,

    • This season is definitely cursed, but has been far more interesting and entertaining than the last 2 seasons combined! Hopefully they can keep the drama going for our sake lol

      • Than the last 3 season imo. Yesterdays feeds from the Paul nom fallout was nothing short of amazing

  20. Glad to know it wasn’t broken after all and that she’ll be fine, physically. Just not enough to compete in physical comps! Glad she’s back too. But that may not prevent her from being evicted. Only the hgs’ votes will determine that.

    • I strained my Achilies a few years back and it took well over a year to heal. I still have trouble walking at times and trust me, it hurts like hell.

      • Years ago I tore ligaments all across my lower back exercising. Dr. said I’d be flat on my back for 3 weeks – and it’s not like I had a choice. He also told me ligaments aren’t like bones – ligaments never “heal”, they just stop hurting – and can be reinjured very easily. Years later – boy, do I know that’s the truth.

      • I was going to say something similar. She might have been better off with a good clean break. This is going to take a long time to heal.

  21. Admiring her toughness. Still, torn ligaments would take a while to heal, and she shouldn’t risk further injury in comps. Not being able to compete in any physical comps for an extended period might be hard for BB to deal with.

    • She obviously can’t play in comp that involve walking and running. She is going to forfeit any comp like that. She can answer questions.

  22. Does anyone else get tired of hearing these HG’s come in every year and say “All I want to do is get to jury.” You should have the mindset that you want to win the game. I guess they want to get there because the stipend continues!

    • If they don’t know what happens once they leave the house or get to jury, then I’m sure the vets who are always invited each seasons will fill them in and that becomes their new goal.

    • My goal if I decide I want to try out for this, is to win however if I can’t win or I can’t get to final three I at least want to make it to jury. Jury won’t be my goal and I will take it one day and week at a time because things change quickly in the beginning of the season.

    • It is a reasonable goal and a lot of people get there so it sounds less ambitious and power hungry than proclaiming to one and all that you are going to squeeze their heads like a zit on your way to taking the half-mil. Better to soft-pedal it than come in with guns blazing.

    • That sucks big time! I’m not a huge Xmas fan or anything but I definitely feel for her making it all the way on to the show only to be taken out my an injury. Fingers crossed for her that the doc has good news on Wed.

    • Looks more like a splint wrapped in gauze and an ace bandage. The reason this is a better idea is it would be over kill for not breaking her foot. Plus, if it is a pulled ligament or tendon, it would be easier for her to soak that foot with this type of set up.

      • Now you’re getting too technical on me. I still call that a cast. LOL

        From listening on the feeds, she mention more about what happen. Her foot was hyper-extended toward the back and got dislocated. That’s why she thought it was broken. So after the x-ray, they had to set her foot back in place before they put it in the cast. Ouch.

      • That sent pains somewhere it shouldn’t have LOL. Reason I said splint is it is not a common practice to put a bandage over a cast. Then again, it is California so anything is possible there.

  23. Okay, so, apparently, production didn’t want Christmas to return to the game at all, but she wants to stick it out until Thursday’s eviction.

    • I’m watching the feeds, I’m starting to feel she will be voted out Thursday.

      • I think you’re right. I give her a lot of credit for wanting to tough it out, but I’ve had broken ligaments before, and it freaking sucks. NO amount of money is worth suffering through that.

      • I think they need to let the swelling go down, she just said on the feed, she is getting an MRI on Wednesday. I think they are not sure if the ligament are really teared. X-Ray showed no break, that’s all they really know for sure.

      • She will be back to 100% eventually. The question right now is, will she require surgery.

      • I know I will get in trouble for saying this, but if that was a guy, he’d be complaining how he was dying. Kidding (Sort of) going to the corner now.

      • I don’t know..I think she has enough to stay..at least that’s what I am hearing as of now. Of course, it’s only Monday! But, honestly..if she can’t compete in the physical comps..that is not fair to the other players who do..I like Christmas…she is fiesty as heck and a good player..but BB can’t give her a free pass..and I think this injury is alot worse than what Bridgette’s was.

      • Maybe Xmas will be voted out, Idk…But beyond that Girlfriend needs to take care of herself?! Christmas has 2 Broken Bones in her Foot, & BB has said that they are not going to make any specially allowances for her to Compete!!!

        Christmas needs to realize that the health & welfare of herself comes 1st, because she can always come back next year, & compete on Big Brother.
        (My comment is Post MRI, on Wednesday)

      • Her foot is in a cast, there nothing more she can do. If it’s a physical comp, she will have to forfeit, that’s it. She is not going to hurt her foot more.

    • How do you know production doesn’t want her to stay?

    • She was saying something about that when she arrived and production kept going to fish.

      • As they are known to do. Probably had to keep yelling at her to not talk about them on camera.

  24. Mark needs Dominique to hold his hand all the way through this game! This guy is so indecisive!

  25. I have total respect for her. She isn’t milking this and she is pulling up her big girl panties.

  26. I haven’t bothered looking for Cameron on social media. Has he been tweeting or anything? If he hasn’t then it’s quite likely he is in sequester. I hope so, I felt super bad for him!
    he is a super fan, a “nerd” & Athletic. I was looking forward to seeing his competitive side! Poor kid didn’t even get a chance!
    That’s got to be the worst, getting a chance to play a game like big brother that you have watched since you were little, entering the house and leaving it 12 hours later!
    Didn’t they do this on another season? Or perhaps it was big brother Canada? I just remember it happening before and thinking that sucks! There are a lot of “twists” that I’m not always big on. This is One of them.
    I know they have to “expect the unexpected,” but leaving the house on the first day has to be the worst! Poor kid didn’t even have a chance to experience much!!

  27. I HATE this BB Season of “PAUL”. So unfair to basically let him be safe for a month and rigging up comps just because he makes good “TV”.

      • No, I blame the producers for rigging comps and loading the game in Paul’s favor. The producers should have found some interesting house-guests instead of this bunch of Lameos. Why not have a celebrity version and let Hollywood Paul play with his fellow D Listers?

      • Because production would have to actually pay celebrities into taking part and have them clear their schedules to stay in a house for nth number of weeks. That would work across the pond for which Frankie was able to do but it will not necessarily be the case stateside.


      • and we’d get the 3rd and 4th tier of ‘celebrities’ and has beens that are on DWTS and this Battle of the Network Stars. Not interested

      • And we’ll get more reality stars than legit celebrities which is a problem now for Celebrity BBUK.

    • I agree, even in it was Danielle Donato ( my fav. BB ever) in Paul`s place..I would still think it is not fair to give someone 3 week safety.

  28. I cannot believe Cody. He has totally screwed his game. I am glad he now has a huge target on his back. He came in this game with what appears to be a big attitude against players who aren’t as cute as he likes. He and the guy from Miami are two of a kind. I don’t like either one and I hope they get picked off quick. They are both sneaky and act like they are better then others. I’m sorry but you put your pants on the same as everyone else. Get over yourselves.

  29. I’m glad she’s okay, but I’m honestly surprised production is giving her a choice in the matter. This scenario just seems to be screaming “LAWSUIT LOOKING FOR A PLACE TO HAPPEN.” I’m curious if there’s something about injuries in the contract that protects CBS or something.

    • I’m sure they thought of everything in the contract. Has to be all spelled out in there. I’m sure CBS insurance will pay for all the medical cost involved. The Insurance might even give her something for her trouble. And when she decided to stay, they made her sign a waiver, I’m sure.

      • Ah, great minds and all that. Just posted the same thing about a waiver, haha

      • I’m sure all the players have to sign one before they go in. What it usually say is that if you get hurt, you won’t sue us, you will take whatever the insurance want to pay you.

        I work in racing for 20 years as an official. I had to sign a waiver that said exactly that before every week-end.

    • You can be pretty sure they had Xmas sign a waiver today before returning to the house

      • LOL. Those kinds of things tend to be settled out of court, when they do happen. Even so, I’m sure CBS’ lawyers take everything into account for these reality shows.

    • You have a point, if the doctors okay a comp. and she does more injury to the ankle, the doctor is in deep doo doo. the contract probably has an injury clause , something on the lines of if injured and cannot continue , you will be paid your weekly pay up to the last week , and medical coverage and some sort of pain and suffering,

      IF the comps do not change, she had to agree to that, or she could say that the comps, deliberately target her and her disability so she can not fairly compete, That is what I am waiting to hear, if they do not vote her out. or change the comps.
      CBS is not a monster and I am sure they want her to heal properly, I find it so hard to believe that she came back with a broken bone, I do not think they would allow her back just to fill a seat, This situation is strange , There must have been a mountain of paper work she had to sign to come back so soon with a freshly broken bone.

  30. This latest update should make it easy for the house guest to decide, this girl has a broken foot, It would be best for her and the others to vote her out, This , she may or may not be able to compete, is not good or fair to any of them, It is going to take weeks for it to heal. I am sure that the have not beds would not be okay, or the slop. You need good food for the body to heal. and a bed that is not full of spikes,
    How will she compete, the cast if she has one will have to stay dry, they will not want her to put too much stress on the foot, They say they are not going to change the comps, lets see, I am sure we will see allot of comps coming up that have no physical challenges , I may be wrong but time will tell.

  31. I like Xmas, but don’t think it is fair for her to stay if she can’t compete. She is really taken a chance on really making further, possibly life-long damage, to play a stupid game that she can’t compete in most of the comps. Makes no sense to me at all

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