Between a reliable source and details straight from the top of Big Brother production, it sounds like we’re in store for what could be an incredibly bitter Jury. So much so that it could end up costing a top player his chance at the win yet again.
Paul Abrahamian has disappointed me in the style of his game this season, but it’d be hard for me to argue that he still shouldn’t win if he reaches the Final 2. I’m not on the Jury though and that choice isn’t up to me. As for the people who are in control, it doesn’t look good for Paul.
When we got our first serious look at how the Jury was forming during Thursday night’s episode there was plenty of arguing. Raven was driving full speed down Delusional Lane while the other HGs were discovering just how much Paul worked them over in the house. You’ll remember Josh was adding to that awareness with his carefully crafted goodbye messages and we know those were delivered to the house for any Jurors who didn’t get to see their own.
Now as they’re coming to the realization that their “Friendship” was very much one sided it seems they aren’t taking kindly to it and in fact their conflicts with Raven and Matthew are only making it worse.
In another interview last week, Allison Grodner told just how bitter these HGs had become:
Carter: From everything that you’ve seen, plus the segment we saw tonight, how would you describe the mood in the jury house right now?
Grodner: Bitter…I don’t remember the last season where every single juror, with the exception of Cody, was clueless on the way out only to realize the truth about their eviction once in the jury house. Not only are they upset to have been played by those remaining in the BB game, they are very upset with the delusions and the mere presence of Maven.
Add that with what reported from a reliable source and Paul sounds like he could be in serious trouble, at least as of last week.
A little birdie told me last night’s [Friday night] jury round table was a whole lot of bitter, so much so that only Matt and Raven planned to vote for Paul, should he be in finals. Of course that could change by Wednesday, but it’s interesting to say the least.
There will be nine votes and you need five for the win. If only Matthew and Raven currently, as of last week, planned to vote for Paul then he’d need at least three of the others to come around. If Paul gets to the end against Josh, like he hopes to do, then would all of these upset Jurors really vote for Josh?
Kevin should have joined the Jury by the time of this round table so I’m surprised he’d be going against Paul after his comments to Julie about Paul doing what he needed to do. I have a hard time thinking Kevin would vote for Josh over Paul.
If we put Kevin over in the pro-Paul column along with Matthew and Raven then Paul would need just two more HGs to vote for him to win. Earlier in the season Cody and Jessica discussed voting for Paul if he got to the end which seems far more likely for Cody to do than the alternative of voting for Josh. That’d put Paul just one away from the win.
Now I don’t doubt there’s a serious potential for a bitter Jury, but with enough time they might still calm down and consider their choices here. Or maybe Paul really will get to F2 and lose yet again. What do you think will happen?
I believe, if Xmas is booted out, she’ll vote for Paul. I can’t assume anything about these crazy HGs, but if all things were (mentally) balanced, then Maven, Alex, & Kevin would be Paul’s five votes. I thought Cody said he would vote Paul – yes he hates him, but Cody is so – um, Cody – that he might vote for gameplay. I think Cody just couldn’t vote for a Dingus (I mean, from Cody’s perspective).
Agreed. I don’t see how Josh gets to 5 votes.
Paul is losing this game. Jason would vote Josh, Alex may vote Josh because she’s #petty, Marlena would vote Josh after their whole frenemy thing. He would just need X, Kev, or Cody to be bitter too. Paul cannot win this season, he 100% deserves it but he will not win.
I don’t think Cody’s vote would be a bitter vote. It would be a toss up. He does not like either Paul or Josh, it wasn’t a secret and he didn’t pretend to like them either. It would be who he dislikes the most. One he considers a “victim” and the other untrustworthy and a snake, hiding behind others… (as soon as he entered the game).
I agree that Cody’s vote wouldn’t be bitter. Cody might just vote on gamemanship and give Paul the vote.
Boy do I hope you’re right, Dolan. I would love to be wrong in this case.
Look, Paul has played the game this season which none of the other 16 houseguests this season can say about themselves. He deserves to win!! Can you honestly look back on this season and say “Josh was a good winner, evicting Paul was a great move!” Or something like “I think Josh deserved to beat Paul, that jury wasn’t at all bitter!” Paul has played a winning game and certainly a better game than his F3 comrades. He has played a game deserving of a win but boy has his jury management been some of the worst I’ve ever seen. It could sink his ship and bring us the most glorious winner reveal meltdown in history from Paul. Or he could win and I’d personally be okay with it. Was not a fan of his style this year but he played the best game he possibly could have.
I agree. I have watched this game from the first. I have seen seasons that they were a bitter jury. I didn’t like it then and I would not like it now. No matter what I think about the season I always think the person that played a good game should win. Even if I didn’t like them.
Paul will be the Winner!!!
who the hell is “X”?
X is Christmas. Christmas is shortened to Xmas and Xmas was shortened to X. This was what pretty much everyone on the feeds chat were calling her because you only get limited characters in that chat.
and it will be x…for x houseguest…come early in wed finale!
But it is rude to say X for Christmas, especially when her full name is so pretty. And I would love for her to win, but I have seen a lot of seasons, if she is F2, with either guy, she will win. But if Paul is F2 with Josh, Paul will win. So many different scenarios…
Maven Cody Kevin and xmas are voting Paul for sure, my opinion that’s 5
i agree he will not win if and only if JOSH does not take him
but josh will :(
Paul DOES NOT DESERVE To Win At All- He did nothing game wise when it came to the ACTUAL Game of Big Brother – He was given 3 wks safty then every comp after that was THROWN To Him or his Menion Being a Bully, Liar & and a Vet Does not warrant a win – BIG BROTHER Any other Season with Strong Players (like CODY & Jess) would have chewed him up & Spit him out in the 1st week….
Paul is the only one who played the game. Comps were thrown to him because he convinced the people to throw it to him. His targets went were put on the block and went home during other people’s HOHs because he convinced the HOH and the house to do it. I am not a Paul fan and hope that he loses, because I think it would be funny, but he played the game very well. What did Josh and Xmas do, besides what Paul told them. And Cody and Jess are awful players. They did nothing right the entire game. Instead of putting up Paul when Jess had the chance she put up Ramses and got him evicted. He was one of their few allies. They did exactly what would be best for Paul. I agree with strong players he would not have done well, but there were none of those in the house which is why he deserves to win.
Exactly he got lucky
He pretty much had an unfair advantage
I was thinking the same thing.
6-3….maybe, but who knows. I still feel they might like Paul more than Josh. Just bitter how Paul played.
I loved what the RHAP conversation was about this, in regards to how Matt/Raven have polarized the jury against Paul. Where, in a way. voting for Paul is a written agreement that Matt and Raven are right, and how giving the two of them that satisfaction is not worth the cost of not being labelled a “bitter jury”. I think this was also shaded to in the conversations with Andy where he talks about Amanda swaying the vote AGAINST McCrae (while he was still in contention) because she was campaigning so aggressively and annoyingly.
Paul on BB is like an Olympic vaulter who can perform an insanely difficult trick, but can’t stick the landing. Paul is so good at the first 2/3s of this game, but in the last two years, has proven that he’s really not so great at the back 1/3 (aka the jury and finale selection). If what we’re hearing from Hamsterwatch and Grodner are accurate, Paul can’t sway a jury to save his LIFE, and it’s those final week errors that lose people the game.
I would also like to commend Matt Boyer for an AMAZING screenshot for this post.
I thought it was going to be Cody saying I told you so and him arguing for Paul that would turn them against Paul. Its funny that its Maven.
Yeah. I have to say I should NOT be surprised at Cody’s apathy, given how he spoke about the game prior to his leaving, but here we are!
The thing with Cody I’m wondering now is if he’ll even talk to the HGs when he goes to vote, or if he just walks up, puts in his key, and leaves.
Depends if its Xmas and Josh or Paul and Josh. Xmas/Josh probably silent. Paul/Josh maybe something towards Paul giving him props on the game especially if the rest are being bitter.
I disagree! Given how apathetic he’s been in the jury house except when he’s talking about how much he hates all the houseguests (especially Paul), leads me to believe he’ll perform the minimum duties required at the finale no matter who is sitting in those 2 seats.
True, he is doing it already, why would it change. His eviction speech (Q&A) was one of the shortest I have seen. Less than 4 min. A man of very few words. PERIOD!!!
The one thing he didn’t learn from last season that he should’ve learned is that Da’Vonne didn’t vote for him because of the goodbye messages. Nicole basically said to Day “we love you but we had to evict you, sorry” while Paul, who was HoH by the way, did the same thing he’s done all of this year. “I don’t know what happened! We got played! I wanted you in.” He must not get that the jury talks. Last year he made this fatal error once, this year he’s made it probably 5 times. Getting lied to at a vulnerable time, such as your eviction interview is humiliating. They have a right to be bitter because Paul tried to effing play them after they weren’t even in the game anymore! He will not win this season.
Exactly! Didn’t Paul confess, in a backyard conversation sometime recently, that he didn’t even go back and rewatch his OWN season? What a fail!
yea idk if I believe that… I don’t see him not watching it
oh please, Paul is a narcissist of course he watched his season and studied all the other seasons. Would be amazing to watch him fall flat on his face again and lose by one vote. It would almost make watching this miserable season worth it.
that’s kinda what I said- only in one sentence
He watched parts but he didn’t watch the whole thing. Don’t get me wrong, he has played the crap out of all these people and learned a lot from last year, but his jury management has been some of the worst I’ve seen in the now 24 seasons of Big Brother I’ve watched in the North American format.
I really hope that finally these house mates have decided to stop being Paul’s puppets or minions….basically fools and NOT VOTE HIM TO WIN! If the vote Paul for the win they will truely disgrace themselves. Paul will laugh himself all the way to the bank. Bb19 cast will b known as the cast of fools forever. They have a chance to redeem themselves. I hope the make the right decision!
Yes Paul used them all as puppets or minions and they all went along with it, that is why they should vote for Paul to win. He played a very good game and was able to get to the final two. See you would be one of those bitter jury people that put personal feelings over gameplay and would vote for the wrong person
There you go with “bitter” jab. The social component is important in the game. You can be sneaky but you must be able to maintain a degree of respect. Paul went overboard in his farewell message to Jason. Of course he was unaware of Josh’s full disclosure in his message (good gameplayby Josh?) Perhaps in his speech to jury Paul will own it and he may be able to recoup. He addressed the jury management issue and he is acting a little nervous right now. Believe he may be questioning if he did enough. Time will tell! If he did not, he will lose and bitterness has nothing to do with it. imho
The speech he is practicing is about how he was at a disadvantage because he was a vet and how he had his back against the wall the whole game but was never put on the block.
Paul made it a personal game, orchestrating gang up arguments, isolating HGs, attacking people’s character and still lying to them in GBM even after they are already out the game. How humiliating is that. Paul will NOT WIN! Terrible Jury Management. He handed Josh the Game.
say what really now- don’t hold back!
Idk- He (paul) speaks pretty well – his speech last year at the final was better than Nicole’s I felt- it really depends on the motivations of the jury- so many evicted players came in jury in a short amount of time recently but given some time attitudes may simmer down- I don’t feel any one can predict what they will decide at this time
And the way Josh yell-talks- that alone may put the jury over the edge on finals!
Josh and Paul both yell talk, it drives me crazy. Raven did it too.
His speech will point out just how Selfish a Game Player he really was. Who wants to hear how Paul played the game all by himself and the other HGs were just his minions, and offered nothing to the Game! I have listened to his practice speech and I couldn’t even stand to hear his ego and arrogance on FULL DISPLAY. Plus this jury is not like juries in the past, the HGs this season were not real gamers which is why they were so easily manipulated. Bitter Jury equals PAUL WILL LOSE.
well- I suppose we will all have to wait another day and a half to see if your predictions are correct
I’ve seen video of Jessica saying she wants Josh to win, so perhaps she convinces Cody to vote Josh last minute.
I don’t think she will be able to talk to him. They keep them on seperate sides of the stage.
They don’t even bring the pre jury evicted on stage until after the vote
I doubt that will be allowed since she already has watched at least part of the show. I think the jurors vote without an audience present. It is best since they may shout out vote for whomever they like. I would, even if they kick me out.
jessica is not on the jury so how can she convince him to do anything. they cant speak to each other
Jessica didn’t run Cody’s game in the house. He did what he wanted to do, which is why he was evicted the first time
Jury management is just a much a part of the game as everything else.
Bitter juries are created by the actions of the people evicting and pulling the strings.
Even giving the smallest amount of respect to someone being evicted will soothe the eviction and return respect to the people evicting.
If Paul had just pulled people aside, told them the truth and explained his reasons a lot of this could have been avoided. Harassing people hoping they self evict didn’t help much either.
Its cause he is trying the narrative of no blood on his hands. It was the others fault. This is going to backfire on him. He needs to own his game and can get people on his side.
He had to know once people got into the jury house they would talk … right?
If not …
Exactly, he shouldve known. OKay hes never been to the jury house, but he knows many who have.
Ya he should have known. He thinks Friendship will save him.
In his egomaniac mind, he sees the jury all sitting around doing nothing other than talking about how in awe they are of his skills.
i am still in shock how no one figured out paul !
That’s funny because in fact all the blood is on his hands.
How he thinks people won’t figure that out is beyond me.
A little respect and honesty goes a long way in a game where there’s very little of it.
So true
darwin, I want to apologize again for how I treated you yesterday. I’ve been really snotty—even with my friends. I could give you the reason why; but, that would negate my apology. I hope you’ll forgive me.
Again, take care and enjoy what’s left of the season.
Hey, don’t worry about it. I was touched by your apology and call for a truce.
I can handle negative comments. I obviously don’t mind dishing it back.
Hope whatever is bothering you gets resolved.
Thanks again, Man…appreciate it.
Right? And this is a cousin of the strategy he ragged on James for having last year.
Paul is a pick and chooser when something offends him. He likes being a hypocrite. I just want him to own his moves in a respectful and non-condescending way. This will sway votes back but sadly he won’t know the mess he is walking into.
Surprise surprise surprise ..We will be able to see how Paul likes looking through the “backdoor”
I’m offended by those nasty shorts he wears. Someone needs to burn those. yuck
He has walked around virtually the entire season in his underwear or shorts that were meant for a 10 year old child. He always looks idiotic – especially with that toucan floatie or the ballerina tutu around his waist. That’s not really a good look for national TV.
Knowing about Josh’s goodbye messages, I think if Paul makes F2 a jury member or two should flat out ask Paul if he 1.) planned to hold true to their alliance and 2.) If he had an alliance with Josh and Xmas and see how he answers and base the vote on that. If he comes clean, maybe he’d have a shot at my vote (if I were a jury member). If he sidesteps, or denies either one, no vote.
And he needs to give his speech first so we can see if he plans on telling the truth about his alliances. If Josh goes first and talks about their plans, then Paul will obviously come clean about his game, but we won’t know if that was really his plan.
I agree, if I was on the jury, I would want him to own his game and come clean about turning on everyone. I can respect the gameplay. But if he doesn’t admit it and says he was blindsided, I would accept him at his word (even though I would know he was lying) and vote against him since he (according to himself) had no idea what was going on for most of the game.
And that is where Josh could actually win if he presents it correctly by stating he is the one that put the work in and put his own game at risk by executing their actions. He has to word it right though…if he presents it as Paul’s idea then it could backfire.
Baby Huey isn’t exactly the most eloquent fella.
He should’ve been honest in his goodbye messages, Josh definitely planted some seeds with his. Sucks for Paul, thinking hes got it all covered, and the one thing that will bite him in the ass are his own goodbye messages. No one wants to be played, and no one wants to be lied to. Paul did both to these people. Ugh… I still think he deserves the win though. Josh and Xmas cant say they did anything without Pauls help. Jpsh has the right mindset but what good will that do him, especially if he takes paul over xmas. I dont know, if its paul and josh I think Paul should win, if its Josh and Xmas I think Josh should win.
It works both ways. Paul would have been gone if he didn’t have Josh and Xmas protecting him. Paul didn’t have to do anything. He just made a suggestion and the sheep followed along. Josh did a lot of the work. Even Xmas did more on 1 leg and being out for days than Paul did.
Not sure that Paul would’ve been gone had Josh and Xmas protected him. He had so many side alliances, all he would’ve had to do was glom onto one of those (Jalex or Maven). Matt wasn’t winning any comps but only because Paul instructed him not to. Might’ve been different if Paul demanded he actually win some. I despise Matt but he could’ve been a stellar competitor.
True dat! Paul was definitely using Josh as a shield. and XMAS with her problematic heart (lol) letting her emotions get the best of her.
I don’t think Paul would have been gone without Josh and Xmas. It is the other way round for that alliance. The alliance that protected Paul the most was Alex’s. First, every information against Paul was leaked by Alex, and Jason must talk to Alex over 90% of the time. Paul combined Alex’s competitive strength with her ride or die to take out his oppositions and intimidate potential dissents within the group. Josh being aware pledged his loyalty to that alliance and received protection in return for doing their dirty jobs.
If Alex was taken out earlier (say week 4), Paul would have had problems (maybe with quick revolting information) as Jason who was quietly not comfortable playing a minion would have at some point be playing a different game and other loyalists could have gone with the wind of power.
Paul would have been gone if he didn’t have Grodner protecting him.
Completely I agree.
I agree with you. Jury management is the most critical part of the game because that is where your game is won or lost. It’s hurtful to be made the fool but it hurts more to be made a fool by the person you believe is a friend and really cares for you. Getting over that hurdle is where its at. That’s why a guy named evil dick can and did win the game because he made no bones about his evil ways and the jury respected it.
Xmas is so pleased with herself…she’s tied for wins with…Raven. And Kevin. Yeah…great game playing there Xmas?!???!!
Yes she is so smug. She will be in for a surprise she’s not americas Favorite
I totally agree anyone but Christmas for America’s fav I hope Jason gets it.
or Paul or Matt or Raven.
AFP Kevin or Jason.
or AFP, Cody :-)
LOL! Sorry, yep!
Hes has a good chance if we go by the popular polls online, but so does Paul and that is no good.
Well, according to Paul, he won AFP last year but because he was already in second place, they gave it to Victor. MMMhhhkkkhhhayyy Paul! Victor won that fair and square. AND, they usually announce by how many votes the AFP won by. He surely had the correct people to fool.
He can use that same tale again when/if he is second place again.
I think Julie mentioned the top 3 and Vic won it, but don’t remember if Paul was mentioned.
He wasn’t.
I believe the houseguests in the top 2 are not eligible, so they would not be listed in those top 3. However, Paul didn’t even win a care package last season, so somehow I doubt he won AFP. If I remember correctly even Big Meech won a care package, so Paul was less popular than Big Meech, now that is bad.
well, Paul didn’t win a months worth of immunity by fan vote either…. lol
I feel like Raven thinks that SHE (R) will be AFP . She thinks “her story” would’ve gotten her enough votes to win, had she made it to F2 …& thinks it’ll win her AFP .
Oh yes I agree. She too is in for a shock ☺️
paul should win because he never went up on the block. cody called the game a long time ago
He never went on the block because he had 3 weeks of safety. He was nominated. I agree he should win, but not because of that.
AMAZING how he got 3 weeks of saftey, wink wink
Exactly. Who could have predicted that the only person in the house that anyone knew would win a vote by America during the first week.
Paul’s karma might bite him in the butt. He got too cockey and didn’t bother being honest in his goodbye messages thinking he had jury votes locked in. Did he not realize they would all be in jury together? He will probably still win but it won’t be the easy win he expected. It may get pretty close to the wire. He played a dirty game and it may hit him where it hurts.
Based off of his goodbye messages I agree he should of said that stragically it was what was best for his game, like you are too good of a competitor and I never could of beat you. Not that they had been played by everyone but Paul.
So true. Speak to their ego why you had to get them out don’t lie to their faces
I am not sure he thought he had jury votes locked in during that time- I do think that is what he was trying to achieve though
Paul did not know that Josh had a GB message of his own that would turn the jury house upside down…Josh is not as inept as Paul believes him to be….I wanna see Pauls face when he finds out and hears the messages..
How sanctimonious were Paul’s GB messages to just about everybody: “If [name] you’re seeing this message, know that I tried to save and protect you, but everybody left in the house who could vote went rogue and voted against you. I tried – for the sake of our friendship – believe me.”
Josh (to the evicted HG): Paul, Christmas and I have been in an alliance since Day 1, and Paul orchestrated every eviction this season by instructing us to harass, intimidate and bully his target for eviction that week. I regret my part in it, but Paul made all the calls.
Yes!!! Me too!! And see it when he finds out that though we know he had some good game play we don’t like how he played and he’s no longer a fan Favorite.
I doubt that Alex will vote against Paul, she knows it is a game and strategically he played the best game. I think that in the end that is what everyone should look at, but I am not in the jury personally I want to see how bitter he gets if he loses again.
She may be bitter though because she really trusted him and probably feels she looks foolish which she does
I think she is the hardest one to sway, I have only seen Paul sway her this season. I will believe it when I see it.
Paul also blindsided her on her “ride or die” … Jason.
He may influence her vote.
But … this is all conjecture or hopes. We won’t know until it’s over.
As betrayed as she felt, she believes it is a game and own her regrets to herself and to what she should have done differently. She will likely give Paul her vote but may not try too hard to sway Jason knowing she has owed him apology before over Paul’s betrayal.
True we won’t know really until we see what happens
I would be pleasantly surprise if Alex, Jason, Raven, Matt and Cody don’t vote for Paul. I do hope for Josh to win and that he’ll have a great throw Paul under the bus speech.
That’s what I a waiting for, a speech against the Friendship Masquerade. It all depends on his speech. He needs to be careful with his speech because he was at the forefront of a lot the shenanigans (regardless of who was pulling the strings).
I think it would help him immensely if he apologized for his actions. No excuses.
Then he could go into his speech.
Yes. Some of the hate in the house was taken personally, especially by him, apologizing and saying that most of it was strategy. Josh really needs to rehearse his speech on his own, without Paul being on top of him. We still don’t know if Paul would take Christmas instead.
Well, you know Paul is going to want him to run his speech by him.. to give him pointers, permission… In reality what to use against Josh in his (Paul) won speech. Paul will still use the “I don’t think I am going to win…”
Once Christmas is gone, then Josh needs to tell Paul to F***off. He is safe and doesn’t need Paul any longer.
I hope NO crying! Just show his intelligence as he claimed. No begging for friendships (matter of fact, don’t use that word at all); no trying to convince them he is a good person. “I apologize for my actions and the hurt it may have caused. My intentions were all part of the game…”. I don’t know but none of what they have already heard from hi.
Josh says, Paul had my back and I had his the whole time. While Paul manipulated the house I got my hands dirty. It was a partnership, blah, blah, blah. He wins.
I think Cody might vote Xmas over Paul or Josh if she makes it to the final.
Never take for granted a woman who walks around advertising how Petty she is,
Grodner just wants us to believe the lies that production keeps feeding us. If they do plan on gifting Paul with the wins as I suspect, they want people to stop saying rig. I don’t care either way as long as Paul or Christmas don’t win. Paul and Josh will have earned their win since they played better than all evicted HGs, but I would have preferred at least two others in the F3 next to Paul.
Josh in a quiet moment of reflection: “Damn, I wish I hadn’t banged pots and pans in everyone’s face”.
Except for Elena, Ramses and maybe Kevin and Matt, the HGs actually enjoyed him banging the pots and pans on Jody and Mark.
Yeah, Alex really enjoyed seeing others accosted by the lunatic.
Yeah, but most that you just listed as not liking it, are sitting in the jury house.
I’m hoping against hope like many of you that Paul loses, but I just don’t see it. Everything has to fall together perfectly for that to happen. First, we are all hoping Josh will take Xmas. That’s an “if”. We are hoping for a bitter jury. That’s an “if”. We are hoping for the right amount of votes. That’s a big “if”. When there are that many “ifs” involved it usually doesn’t go that way. Kevin, Maven and Xmas are locks to vote for Paul. Then it’s a HUGE “if” that Alex & Cody will vote for Josh. I don’t think they will. Cody loathes Josh, and Jess won’t be able to get word to him that it’s okay to vote for Josh. So if nothing except to support Jess and to play the “I respect his game” vote, I think Cody is also a lock to vote for Paul. Alex is feeling really stupid right now so while she SHOULD be super bitter, she’s processing that as “respect that he played the game” and I think she will also vote for Paul. So I see it 6-3 Paul and some very disappointed viewers to cap off a disappointing season.
Josh’s sister.
They look alike
Lovely. Any chance She shows up for S21 or 22?
Heck, she could show up for S20.
Her contract must say explicitly that she will not bang pots and pans.
She has the look of someone who could have pretty good aim throwing hot roller curlers, though.
I hope she doesn’t have Josh’s crying gene.
I hope so, too. That could translate into a high-pitched screaming whine. And we will all be left pulling our hair out one strand at a time.
Or other house guests.
NO!! I can’t stand vets and siblings.
“Frankly my dear..I don’t give a damn whether She shows up or not.”
Is that really his sister?
Yes, her name is Mayte Martinez. She is a model.
She’s beautiful!
Vote Cody for AFP
F8ck no!
Paul has the votes.
If Paul gets to final two he should win. He played his game for the whole season. And as much as I don’t want Paul to win, I can’t see Josh winning, cause he played Paul’s game all season too.
As upset as the jury is, I cannot see Cody, Kevin, Mavin or Christmas voting for Josh over Paul. And that gives him the win. I do think they would vote Josh over Christmas though.
Paul’s biggest problem is that he overplayed the game this season. The playing with the votes, creating ties in an attempt to make himself look good; suggesting hg’s go after his targets; fake crying and his smarmy GB messages were all designed to make him look good but are the very things that will upset the jury members as they talk amongst themselves. He did plan and strategize, then he went overboard. Dan, Derrick and Will all used finesse and, at times, subtlety; words that would never be used to describe Paul’s game play. If he loses, he can only blame himself
Yes, exactly, if I recall correctly Derricks good bye messages all had him coping to what went on in getting that person evicted that week and his hand in that eviction, he didn’t lie and try and blame anyone else.
Everyone is bitter now because the wound is too new. Once they all sit around and ‘discuss’ the actual game play, they will see they were all duped into their actions and evictions. Kevin already was cool with everything.He’ll convince Jason and Alex the right thing to do. so there are three votes already. He would only need 2 more votes. Mark and Elena will more than likely side with Paul as well.
Alex can’t stand Kevin. I doubt anything he says will change her mind. Alex will probably vote for Paul, regardless what Kevin thinks.
Kevin didn’t know that Paul lied about him and encouraged the hg’s to go off on him. He may find out more about Paul’s actions than he wanted to know.
Production is just saying that to keep fans wondering and hoping for something for the finale. But all this is BS….We know Paul will win 3rd round and will win 9-0. Expected the Expected.
LOL, Lanza… I fear you’re right!
I agree why would AG share the Jury thinking, doesn’t she want it to be a surprise…they think we are as dumb as the BB19 HG’s
Well, this is the same AG who thought bringing one vet into the house wouldn’t make much difference in the game. This is the same AG who thought giving that vet 8 friendship bracelets and holding personal interviews with that vet was a fair way to start the season.
production they care about ratings and josh cutting paul makes a better show.
At this point, I’d have to give it to Josh…Paul was pulling all the strings, but Josh has been doing the grunt work of harassing targets for someone too scared to do it himself. They both suck, but Paul didn’t earn the win like Josh did.
Right. It’s easy to sit on your throne and bark out orders to your minions. Josh has to admit that he chose to willingly do Paul’s dirty work, but it can’t hurt him to remind everyone it was Paul pulling the strings (not Raven. Heh.).
It would be funny if someone in the jury asks Paul who his partner in puppetry was and he says anyone other than Raven and that makes her mad 😂😂😂
Matthew is a good writer. enjoyed the article.
Didn’t Kevin consider Josh a buffoon? There’s one guaranteed vote for Christmas.
Christmas hated Kevin. Don’t know if that went both ways, though.
Did She hate him because he wouldn’t spoon her? They where very close for awhile.
They were in the beginning, but by the end she said on several occasions she wanted to smash his face in. Probably because he thought better of her flirting and kicked her out of his bed.
I forgot about her wanting to bash his face in …
How ummm … attractive.
Yes, from what we’ve seen and heard from her, she is a lovely lady, for sure. The epitome of femininity.
Christmas if She is final two..may want to leave the part about wanting to smash Kevin out of her speech. All sweetness and cotton candy. He will melt like butter and give her his vote.
And let’s not forget she was going to “rape his soul”.
That’s right; lest we forget. Nice girl. The kind any guy would be proud to bring home to mama. We may be on the verge of discovering why she’s had at least one broken engagement – and maybe more than one.
It was all one sided on 12/25’s part. Kevin held no ill will and you could see it in the way he hugged and what he said to her when he was evicted. Nothing but kind and encouraging words for 12/25.
HEY!!! WHO are YOU???
Where’s ALF and What did you do to him??
Did you lock Alf in the lounge or supply room???
Just logged in and can’t find him. :-)
Hding from the Gov’t. Disguise.
Just got home from quilt guild.
AAHHHhhhhhhhh !!! There You Are !!!
Thought I’d lost you.
oh oh, ssshhhhhhhhhhh ! won’t tell anyone where you are. hehe ;-)
Alfie, what’s going on, you’re changing right before my eyes!!
Ahhh, I see. I like the new look, handsome devil!
Kiss on the cheek. TY.
You changed again!!!
You guys are confusing me today! First I see a new Fiddle and now a new Alf. So help me if Joni comes up with another new avatar, I’m going to have to put a cool compress on my head and lie down in a dark room. It’s all too much!
Thanks. I was beginning to think it was just me! Lol
Ate a snickers. Better?
Ah,all’s right with my world again, lol
Anything to make you happy!
You always make me laugh which makes me happy, so mission accomplished my friend.
I think Josh will take him out. This is a gutsy prediction, but I think it’s going to happen.
He may want to, but I don’t know if he has the fortitude to do it.
Plus he has very little control of his emotions.
We’ll see.
Josh is a “superfan” It was a secret that Josh told the viewers about but none of his house mates…And Paul does not know it unless Josh has told him in the last few days…I don’t even think Josh told Christmas…So in that respect Paul along with the entire house was played by Josh…
What’s a “superfan” and why would that matter?
A superfan knows the game inside and out…(short description) Dreams of being on the show… Loves all aspects of BB Cameron and Ramses were superfans..
OK … thanks
I still don’t understand why that’s something that needs to be kept a secret? It’s not a bad thing to be a superfan, or is it?
It does not matter that Josh is a superfan per say…A superfan can be evicted no matter how good his game.. Josh has kept his SF status well hidden….
The last few seasons it seems like a ‘superfan’ is someone who has actually watched the game before, as so many of them haven’t.
“the entire house was played by Josh…”
Always thought Josh was smart but just lacked confidence. Looking forward to his speech that he is a Scientist specializing in Game Theory. He planned everything out right down to predicting all of Pauls game moves. Epic finale!
And here we all thought Paul himself might be a temptation. Now, maybe … it could be Josh! Heh. All we can hope is, for his last hurrah, Josh actually plays like the superfan he claims to be.
I don’t know what plans Josh had when he entered the house as to gameplay and strategy…I just know that during a cam talk he voiced that he was a super fan and he ask his family not to write about in a letter from home in the event he won HOH…
Josh sees himself as a smart and intelligent guy. He had also said before the show that he will be calling out people to their faces. He grabbed safety with the golden apple, without giving a damn to his team. He knew he was hated and quickly sought for protection by any means with an alliance that needed him. He tried to relax personal bitterness with possible gameplay and support at some point from the opposition. He later spotted someone within his group that was using and playing them all for his game. He was on his guard as to the best time to take out the person (Paul) while in close alliance with him. He went on using his messages to repair his role in their rough play. Now he is calculating his chances of winning between two standing alternatives if he has the chance of making a choice while presenting himself as the best alternative for the last viable alliance.
I see Josh as an overlooked player that actually played his game although I won’t take the “Paul’s element” out of it.
I never questioned his intelligence or saw him as dumb, quick tempered mommas boy and heart on his sleeve, apart from the pots and pans and short lived outburst he is just as good as any other player .
I have no questions about his shortcomings in terms of temperament, maturity and behavior either. But he is not as dumb as many had reasons to think of him earlier on. He started questioning Paul’s intentions early and wanted Elena out during his Hoh ahead of Jody and Mark knowing their positions were already sealed.
My point is he actually played the game and wasn’t as blind as other houseguests within his alliance.
IDK, what people think passes for superfans these days isn’t really a super fan. I guarantee Josh has probably seen less that 4 seasons and one of them was in sequester. I could be wrong but that’s usually what it ends up being. I watched RHAP and they had Ramses on and he was suppose to be a super fan as well. Par for the course, he’s only watched 4-5 seasons, if I’m not mistaken and watched one in sequester. That will never pass as the definition of superfan. Superfan=watched every single season more than once and most likely has feeds, there is no other description and the majority of these people don’t even begin to come close to the definition.
Josh stated that he began watching BB at young age and his dream was to be on the show….If u have a problem with Josh labeling himself as a “superfan” then maybe u should tell him…I could call myself a superfan as I have watched for 15 yrs ..I think maybe its a persons knowledge of the show…people (HG)perception and their ability to predict the next move of the house guest….I assume anybody can call their self a superfan
What does RHAP stand for?
Rob Has A Podcast. It’s on youtube. He reviews Big Brother and Survivor, he was a contestant on Survivor many years ago.
Oooh , Boston Rob? Thank you :).
LOL, no not that Rob. Rob Cesternino.
Oh. I got a lil excited,lol . I LOVE Boston Rob. Thanks again :).
Not revealing you are a super fan is not being played…
Its according to how u wanna perceive it…Josh has been portrayed as the buffoon the whipping boy the errand boy and a cry baby…but has never been thought of as a “superfan”.. And if u did not reveal for 3 months that u were indeed a superfan and managed to make it to final 2 then I as an HG would consider myself played….
Yeah , I don’t know how that changes the scenario .. less crying ? More acting . Blubbering baby !
Some of you viewers are in deep with these houseguest. As far as following them after the game.(per say) Is there any feed back or interviews with them, once they go back and watch their season? Their views, and opinion of people they played with. After all the lies are exposed. The only person feelings not changing is Cody.
What’s your point?
When Kevin watches the season I think that’s when he will hear it . He may take to social media then or be ok with it or will blow him up . I wouldn’t want kevin mad at me . #sleepwiththefishes
I belief when Kevin gets to the jury and hears what they all have to say about Paul and Jason gets into his ear he will vote with the rest.
I don’t, but we will see. Kevin is a loyal, stable guy, he knows the deal and understands it was a game.
I wish they’d make a show of the HG’s watching their entire season. I’d LOVE to see their reactions as they watched for the first time.
That would be fab and the one I’m most interested in seeing? Terminal tilly, her world is going to come crumbling down. All of them really, for the most part. I would love to see how Princess Butthole and Mr Victim Noises set up house and then realize, they aren’t compatible in any way at all. Kevin would be interesting as well, I would like to see what is world looks like, he’s very interesting imo.
Terminal Tilly , lol! Yeah I’d love to see how she reacts to the fact that the world knows she’s a fraud!
Season 4 showed the houseguests watching the episodes. If i’m not mistaken, it was after they had voted for the winner, but before the winner was announced.
I think if say Alex spilled the tea about all the nasty things Paul said about the other hg, he spewed a lot of crap about Kev, Raven, and Mark, that feelings could get hurt and sway their votes.
They ALL spewed nastiness about each other…Alex included. Wait until Kevin finds out what Jason said about this wife and kids…
That will likely be after the show. The HGs may have undermined and forgotten the joke as it didn’t impact on the game.
The feral wombat was the worst, absolute worst. She comes close to Aryan imo.
Ohhhh I don’t want him to . He is such a good man that I would hate for him to have to see that and WHO said it . That is one thing I will never ever care if jason gets hit by karma and tables turned . Playing or not , to have someone that you thought was your friend to say such vile and disgusting things about his wife and kids is NO joke . He was over in my eyes and was very happy to see him go !
No one could ever top Alex in the nasty things said about other HG’s. She was one of the most vicious I’ve ever seen. Her obsession with Kevin was disturbing and disgusting to say the least.
Okay, I can’t believe that anyone of the jury would actually be so Petty,! We all know that if the shoe was on the other foot, the jury would be like (hey I was just playing the game, why are they mad at me just because I out played them) The jury needs to be reminded of that fact!
Some people can play the game the way Paul did and get away with it and come out the best player ever, some people cannot. Paul is what you might call a “Not you”
So sad. I have a very strong feeling that when all is said and done that Paul and Josh will not be friends ! Especially after Paul see how Josh went and told Jason, Alex, and Kevin that all the crap was done by Paul.
Ya Think….lol….seriously Paul has no right to feel “betrayed” by any of the HGs
Of course he has no right or reason to stress on trust or betrayal. He even mocked Jessica for trusting the house for not having to use the veto on Ramses.
That isn’t what I was trying to say.. It isn’t about betrayal. What Paul did was trying to get to the end. What Josh did was back stabbing the person who took him to the end.
Yup . He will forever regret flipping the vote to save him .
In his GB messages, Josh admitted that he, Paul and 🎄 were in an alliance, I don’t remember him saying that ‘all the crap’ was done by Paul
The alliance reveal is the statement that said it all. Everyone knows Paul calls the shots and runs the house except deluded Raven who in her dreams thinks it is her show.
Josh told Jason, Alex, and Kevin that he was forced by Paul to vote them out. That is so backstabbing
I can believe they are petty. Just look at the comments. A bunch of petty butthurt people who wouldn’t vote for Paul, because……. he played the game. *eyeroll
I think Alex kinna summed it up in her talk in the interview. She said it was just a game and that’s how it goes pretty much.
I think she will throw Paul the vote if he gets there. If it’s Josh and Xmas this will be a huge upset for Paul and paul fans. I do agree he should have tried to manage and thought about the jury and put little more time on working on that . He was too blinded by just getting to the end that he didn’t care how just wanted to get there .
Once again — there is a social aspect to this game. It is critical to remember that. If you want an anything goes format, take the jury out of the equation and let the last one standing win.
I hope you have a social aspect. I realize we all will have our own opinion. Insulting other fans will get the same effect as Cody does when he breaths. Hope you have a great day
I’m really not sure Matt deserves to get a vote, he broke the rules he shouldn’t even be in the Jury house…
Paul is going to get Russell Hantz’d unfortunately.
The reality is he played a dominating game where he manipulated a large household into keeping a runner up (should of won last season, what a joke that was) over newbies. They threw comps for him, they stayed on the block as targets for him…….like who is going to send home Kevin LOL. He made them look dumb on national television so I could understand the bitterness but this year the house guests were just bad players all around. Cody is the only one who had a sniff of what was happening but his social game and strategy was so bad that he could not do anything about it.
He should win, but if he doesn’t it will be due to bitterness and an undeserving player will win imo.
The best players kick people out and garner their respect.
People find it a lot easier to accept defeat when the one who beat you is gracious in victory.
I don’t think Paul has played that way, and badly mismanaged the jury. He had tunnel vision when it came to his plan and didn’t readjust as the game dictated it should.
So give it to Christmas or Josh over him? what did they do besides follow Paul’s orders or win HOHs that were thrown to them lol. they where as despicable as him in the social play within the house except Josh threw blame off himself in the exit videos. In retrospect Paul should of done the same. If its just a popularity contest in the end, then what is the point of even playing the game to win?
I’m just making an observation.
Paul had control of the game. He had control of who was getting kicked out. He had total control of how outgoing HG’s would view him once they got to the jury house.
Like I said, I think he was so focused on this “no blood on my hands” strategy that he couldn’t see beyond that.
The feelings and perceptions of a jury play a big part. If not then they shouldn’t have a jury.
It’s the same thing in Survivor. You may get to the end, but if you crap all over everyone on your way there …
I hear you.
Its just annoying for me to watch a bitter jury who was outplayed / outsmarted give the win to someone who doesn’t deserve it. I mean Josh and Xmas do deserve something for working with Paul to get to the end but it is also frustrating watching them make no real big game decisions and make it to the end.
I guess, it is just weak in my eyes to select someone underserving as a winner. especially this season as it was so blatantly run by one person for the whole entire season, not even contested once.
I get it.
But it was Paul’s job to ensure he didn’t embitter the jury. I believe he thinks his “no blood” strategy will do that. We know it doesn’t.
It was contested once, but he had three weeks of safety.
It was contested once, but he had three weeks of safety
This is true. He had a buffer but lets be real here, the buffer should not of let any intelligent person believe he was not a threat in the game. He should of been out the door as soon as his safety was done but his social game was good enough to entrap the entire house to keep him safe and off the block. His social game in the house was spot on and he did win when he needed to do to control the votes combined 8 hoh/vetos which I think ties him for the most vetos ever won in the season and second in most combined hoh/vetos in a season.
rambling here but ya he was set up to make it past those three weeks but he should of been a target the whole season but wasn’t. He played a flawless game, the best game in the house but also played a deceitful game which as a fan of the game I don’t think would sway my vote if I was on the jury.
I agree with you. The jury was played…and they are bitter because they were stupid enough to let it happen. BB is not a new game…have they never watched it before? Paul has run that house all year….he came in as someone who should have been kicked out. Cody is the only one who saw that and even he couldn’t do it because the others were too stupid to see it and allowed themselves to be duped. And now they are mad about it. If they vote for Josh or Christmas….who were dragged along thanks to Paul then they are bigger losers than Paul.
In the goodbye messages Paul just apologized that they were voted out but he had nothing to do with it. Josh has watched the show before and knows that they usually confess what the real plan was, he probably thinks Paul told them too. If they’re voting based on those messages, Paul had nothing to do with their evictions, it was Josh’s plan, so maybe he should get the credit and the win. If Josh wins, maybe they weren’t bitter after all, because according to Paul it wasn’t his choice. Josh the puppet – master wins 😂
I agree with your views but what really should he have done differently apart from the shades in his goodbye messages.
It is my first time to watch big brother America. Other BB games I have watched are a different play scenario.
He shouldn’t have encouraged the HG’s to go after people, or isolate them, or any of the other tactics he used. They certainly shouldn’t have thrown competitions. The look on the jury members when they saw that said it all.
If possible he should have told people they were leaving and why.
Just little things really, that in the long run treat people with a little more civility and respect.
That really can go a long way in the end. Stuff like that is usually remembered and returned and even though someone may be resentful, they still respect the person enough for being upfront and respectful to them to give them their vote.
He isolated his targets in order to destroy their social games and prevent them from bouncing back. He encouraged them to go against each other in order to create hatred and enmity between the other players while he poses as a secret friend to everyone as he orchestrates their evictions. I agree he went too far with the harassment and molestations
He had them throw competitions in order to hide his cards and also deceive the big competitors for their elimination.
All of these are within the contest of the game. But the jury is another twist in the game to balance the skills of scheming on the route to winning.
Makes sense . It’s so hard to see what is really happening . I think Cody saw that , and Kevin .. I think he saw a lot more then he led on to . Him and Alex had a spat and saw that side of him , but understood it and that was only time i saw him rattled . I would have been mad at Matt also. I’m glad he won the 25k and hope he wins the afp . No one could keep a secret for chit in that house !!
I agree with ya , the other people got played , ahem ( part of the game) social and physical is all included . He by far played the whole house whether people agree how he played or not he should win . Take out the bitterness and judge by social and comps .. they all were extremely personal which I’ve never seen in prior bb, but you still have to give him the win for doing this and controlling each and every eviction and not be on the block not once !!! The only time was Cody , and yes big ahole .. but he started it . He made them look bad and took the target off paul to him because they were ALL blindsided so maybe they all felt bad, one – for paul 2- they didn’t know ! That set the premise for a very bad beginning.
They made themselves look dumb and foolish. These are adults, no one was holding a gun to their head. If they are too dumb to realize they are being manipulated, in a game, where the goal is to vote out one person each week, that’s on them, not Paul. He played, slayed and worked the game. The others just ate, posed and slept.
“These are adults”
That’s debatable … probably over a bottle of bourbon.
Amen !!!! Yes ! Is why I don’t know why there is even a question about who should win , he came to play !!! The others came to play in a diff way , cuddle , undercover romps, copious amounts of cereal eating , disease , sickening blathering , buthole poker, booger eaters .. and then there is Paul . I would have liked Cody to have gone further but it was him or paul and only one Alpha can be tolerated . He didn’t put pots and pans in Josh’s hands , that was his own doing , he TRIED to talk to Cody and Jess on a game level and why he put them up , but Cody rather say f u and run 🏃.. if he didn’t do that they could have worked together and totally diff outcome . Why should josh or Xmas be rewarded for doing nothing but playing his game and not their own . They all had diff tactics of playing or playing with each other that they forgot they were in a game ! Paul should Win. Without a doubt. It’s sad that they jury is bitter, if they woulda been better then they would still be there .
Just a bunch of bitter Betty’s. It’s the only explanation I can come up with. Paul is clearly the winner this season, whether he actually wins is another matter, I hope he does. He played to win.
I hope IF he makes it to f2 his speech will make sense to them and he can explain why and what he did to win . They shouldn’t take it so personally , only 1 winner. Did they all expect to be dragged to the end, none of them could win a comp but just a few. It was totally messed up with the Cody hoh and that is how the rest of the game played out , personally because Cody would not talk to anyone but jess and didn’t even try to hash things out ( in a game) if he doesn’t win, I don’t know if bb is even worth all the time that I put in it this season . Or paul 😭
I’ll always be a BB fan, regardless of crappy players. Don’t hate the game, hate the player kind of thing for me. It’s a game, that’s it and at the end of the day, that’s all it is. If that make any sense at all, lol! :)
Yes , I’ve watched …. 8 seasons maybe ? And was on and off , I didn’t watch as much or partake in any blogs or debating the seasons , so I have watched and read and voted .. so is kind of first time to really watch . With the , it’s rigged and all the other nonsense I wasn’t sure it past season discussions were like this , and I was a paul fan last season but don’t remember a lot of it since not a huge game type scenario watcher . I guess it like me losing if he loses 😂 But then will be over and does not effect me whatsoever, I just hope they cast better next time 👍👍
Last year was the first time I was fully aware it was “rigged” for Nicole. It bothered me to no end because I didn’t feel she deserved to win, sitting in bed all summer jacking off her boyfriend. It was a difficult season for me, I didn’t know if I would watch again. I came to the realization that BB has always had a hand in how the game goes and I’ve come to accept it as part of the game, BB can do whatever they want whenever they want, makes it a much more pleasant experience for me.
Doh ! Really ? I read the “diary room” is where they talk or sway or tell them this or that .. and is why that man is always repeating , You are NOT allowed to talk about ur blah blah .. so you have to sign your first born and sell ur soul and if u tell of the behind the scenes you are damned to hell ? 😂☺️
I think my point is, I’ve always known BB was “rigged” for lack of a better term but last year was so blatant and easily recognizable by anyone, regardless of if they were a casual viewer, feeder, long time fan. The cat was officially out of the bag.
I remember kinna , I thought for sure it was a slam dunk for Paul , and just remembering Nicole , Nicole ???? And that was it . And James got afp? That wasn’t one I watched so much . If IF they rigged her to win, why ? Paul was better player so why they have to do that . I really didn’t think they could rig it or do anything like that or they would have so many lawsuits and people saying ( past players) that it was sooo rigged . I guess that’s why you have to sign all rights away to never talk about it . Sucks , I hate to think it is , but I do recognize some things are just not right . I hope the bitter jury talk is just that and they just want to throw viewers off . I consider myself to be a pretty nice person, I would never say anything to hurt anyone , but if trapped w 13 other ppl and some you clash with I’m not so sure I would come off as nice 😈 I wish em all luck in the future and will be happy with whoever they vote for . It’s just a game and it won’t be one of the seasons that I will easily forget tho 🙄
That was me being a bitter Betty lol 😂. Yes of course I will try and watch the next , I say that every season. ☺️🤔 Big brother is on , omg .. I’m not gonna watch it . *runs to room and watches it * 😉
If Paul owned up to his actions then maybe but even in his goodbye messages he lied. That would make me madder. The other thing is some of the jury know who encouraged Josh to use the pots and pans as well encouraging them to gang up on the next target so Josh might be forgiven. It will be interesting to see how Paul handles the questions.
Hopefully his end speech will help . IF he makes it . 🤦♀️
I’m hoping Paul loses again. I have never liked him and felt he went way beyond game play this season. He has also not owned up to his disgusting behavior. Yes lying is part of the game but you own up to your actions usually in your goodbye message or before the person actually leaves the house and like others said jury management is part of the game and it sounds like he did not do that well.
so you don’t want the best player of this season to win. gotcha.
Can someone explain WHO did the bullying and who was bullied ? First one to actually be bullyish?
I would say Megan was the first one to be bullied based on her misunderstanding a conversation.
In the episode, she revealed in the diary room, “I just wish it wasn’t personal. Josh attacked me, now Cody’s attacking me. I feel like everyone’s attacking me. I just don’t know if I can handle it.”
She was the one that asked Cody why he nominated her and he said because I just don’t like you ? Correct . So , that was mean. She left after that ? I think is when I started watching because I wanted to know who self evicted. Ok .. so I could see from the houses standpoint that 1 Cody was an ass from start to end . Then who ?
Josh had a conversation with some of the guys in the apple room when they were talking about what happened the first week. He said during the comp that Nicole hosted after some of them had dropped that he heard Megan telling the girls that they needed to target all of the big guys. That was why he started yelling at her in the beginning. Paul heard Megan talking about the panda comment, then told Jessica that she was calling her racist. Jessica went straight to Alex to straighten everything with her, then Alex went straight to her friend Megan and started yelling at her in front of everybody. Cody said he didn’t like her when he nominated her. Josh yelled at her, her friend Alex yelled at her, Cody told her why he nominated her. Then, she self evicted. Paul saw how paranoid Josh is and how he likes to call people out, so he started using Josh as his little puppet to start most of the other major fights in the house. Then, they all started with the mob mentality to pick on one or 2 targets at a time to get them out.
Thank you. I missed all that. So it was mainly josh and Cody with the snide , rude bullying bs . Then Paul saw an option in Josh since he was easy to anger , ie losing pool game and whatever was thrown on him , he was quick tempered. After Cody and Jess were gone he calmed down a lot and him and Mark made up or fake made up, if paul and Josh are f2 and they should, sorry Xmas. Maybe some other time , but Paul would be the one I would vote for. Was a lil sketchy that Josh outed him in his goodbye messages and think it’s a little poor handling on both sides. Paul should have been honest and said yes I was part of it and I , me got you out . I’m sorry and still friends out of the house .. blah blah . Its hard to see yourself from the outside when your so blinded on the inside .
Josh is a fan of the show, and Paul was completely new to the game last year. From watching the show Josh knows that they usually confess their plans in the goodbye messages. I don’t think he knows that Paul is still lying to them on the way out. He probably thinks they’re all telling them about the alliance, and has no idea he’s blowing up Paul’s little act.
Oh, and didn’t Alex and Jess have some sort of misunderstanding because of the word panda? Who started that and who was bullied .. trying to get to the bottom line of what started it .
that was bc of Megan’s misunderstanding.
So that’s why she left ? Wow ! Wasn’t she the army CIA undercover I dunno .. wow . First day? Ok … and then where or what was the next so called bullying?
Lol I don’t know. I didn’t keep a log as I it seems to be part of the game as it wasn’t stopped by production. the other instances I can remember would be.
Then the whole house turned upon Cody and Jess for a few weeks from what I remember with pots and pans and verbal abuse. The other stuff would mostly be cody and jess ganging up on Josh and verbally abusing him.
I feel that a good player wouldn’t not have done some of the things Paul did. Paul encouraged personal attacks on players that were not necessary. He has not owned up to anything he did. Even went so far as to lie to Alex in her goodbye message. A good player would have managed the jury better so they wouldn’t be better. Therefore I do not think he should win. Obviously you disagree and that’s fine,
If the “best player” loses because he ignored the social aspect (jury) of the game, then he is not really the best player!
So what you are saying is Josh’s pots and pans act were forced upon him? he has no voice to just not do it? multiple times on the show he started the whole thing up himself to annoy certain house guests.
He for sure should of owned up to his actions on the exit speech. that was his only downfall imo.
No I’m not saying Josh has no responsibility for what he did. The jurors know however how Paul kept pushing and egging them on. Josh did say no to Paul a couple of times when he wanted Josh to go after someone. The last being Kevin.
I am so up and down, as too who will win. If Josh cut Paul, and take Christmas, don’t know if his chances are better. (Saying if this is a bitter Jury). They might vote for Joy, giving the fact she was look upon as a comp BEAST a treat. After all,…they did try too evict her. Now that she has made it this far, staying in the game with a broken foot. And they knew her potential, why not give her the win. This will definitely be interesting, to say the least.
If Christmas wins, these HGs will prove that they have no respect for this game.
Think Matt and Cody have already done that
And all those who participated in the non comp that 🎄 ‘won’
Matt, definitely. Cody… eh, he just hates these people. Can’t really blame him.
I can blame him, he put himself in the game, no one dragged him in. He’s just an azz
Well, that’s your prerogative then, isn’t it?
Yes it is and I do
So the competitor in me thinks Paul deserves to win simply because he was the only one who really played the game this season, but the decent human in me would love it if Paul left a two-time loser because of how he played. I don’t approve of bullying/harassment tactics, and Paul (as well as Cody, Jessica, Alex and Josh) made this season way too personal.
Everyone made it personal at some point. No HG is leaving this summer guilt-free.
Well, except Cameron. He never got the chance to talk trash.
To me this is so simple. If Paul is in the final two then he should win. If the petty jurors don’t hand it to him on a silver platter then they just prove why they were losers in the first place. If you are in a game where you have to outmaneuver other people and you got outmaneuvered you should reward that – especially when it’s been one of the most dominant game plays in BB history.
Then what’s the purpose of a jury if not to take into account HOW someone played? How others were treated?
This is what I find confusing. If his actions, as well as the other final2 cannot be taken into account then why have a jury at all?
Just play a final comp between the two and winner gets the 500K.
Thank you! I hate when people call a jury bitter/petty. If they are like that then it’s the would-be winners’ fault if they didn’t manage jury votes more tactfully while they were still in the house. As I stated in an earlier post, Derrick in season 16 completely controlled the house and had his hand in every eviction but none of the jurors were angry because he was a respectful guy.
That’s what I’ve been saying. They’re only “bitter” because they were made that way. Ensuring jury members aren’t bitter is just as big a part as getting to the end.
Hallelujah!! As I posted before, if you do not want a social dimension, then eliminate the jury. The rules are — anything goes (within reason). Last man standing wins!!
I’m sorry but I’m a little excited… josh for the win!!
I hear his family is bringing pots and pans in case he wins.
I would laugh!!! I think he really put that mess behind him though
Since OTEV talked about Josh and his weight, can somebody gif/pic a beginning and an end picts of Josh bodies? thanks.
I missed that one , really ??? He poked fun of his weight !? He def has transformed . For the better! I think
I think Josh weighs the same. He has been working out and toned up his body, but I don’t think he lost much weight, just added muscles.
Pretty sure that was Zingbot, not OTEV.
That’s right, sorry. Thanks for correction. :-)
A vote against Paul is a bitter vote.
I hope all of the jurors are bitter, except Raven who is just delusional.
She’s really nuts … and Matt likes her.
Twilight zone.
Which just shows how very weird Matt really is!
You think he really does ? I was set on him being one of the more likable and tough competitors. Boy was I wrong . You think this will really turn in to an after bb relationship? I think he will run as fast as he can once over. Run 🏃 Matt run !!!
The jury is the part of the game that meant to be mix feelings between bitterness and game. That is why the winner is set to be judged by supposed opponents, otherwise an unbiased jury would have been made up of past players or past winners based on defined criteria.
The game, just like Survivor is judged by the people you played with all season. People you screwed over, lied to, betrayed, etc. A smart player manages that better than Paul did. He thought he did but he really just bs’ed them
I’d really like to know the screening process that ended up with these people.
How do you select Matt?
Hobbies: Eating cereal
What do you like to do on the weekends: Eat cereal
Favorite food: Cereal
Dream vacation: General Mills cereal factory
Hahaha … do Raven !!! 😂
Wouldn’t that get dirty, though? Gotta keep this at least PG, if not PG-13.
I don’t get why ppl are upset with a bitter vote? The jury has a right to vote on how they feel, played or otherwise. The jury members are still very much part of the game and could wreck havoc on the person in the F2. Not because u got there means you get it. Otherwise let America choose as they have less of an emotional impact. As a matter fact let it be down to several rounds of games to win. If the jury members could not or should not wreck havoc, then why did Paul go through the motion of lying in their goodbye messages or making each one that left feel like he was not at fault? Why did he need to manage e jury vote? Because u aren’t out of the woods yet and u still have to convince them that hurting them wins you the game. If a vote against Paul is a bitter vote, then Paul should have handled his goodbye messages differently and a major flaw in his game because finally the clowns compared notes (all other seasons compared in the house). Now in all respect, Paul has some serious skill. However, if I compare him to Derrick from BB16(or 17?) *how* you use that skill could be the decider between winning and loosing. And Paul being the root of all the bullying thanks to his skills, could make it a sad day for him. Arguing in the house is fine, but strategizing to tear ppl from their core for no reason? Being a bully? Now that is a no no. Do I see Paul winning? Yes if he is up against Josh. Cody will vote for Paul simply as a bitter vote against everyone for being idiots and his disdain for Josh. The only chance Josh has is against Christmas who was equally a bully and equally as comforting as Josh with a zero resume.
Yup . That puts it in better perception . I don’t know why people are so upset about what Paul did in the “game” .. I guess yes u need to put people’s feelings in the mix but should separate your feelings from game, like Kevin … he did some shady chit , not close to what others did but was able to separate the two. Game and real . Cody could not do that . Even jess could do it . What’s frustrating is like him or not Paul played from beginning, middle and to endish.. I still think he will win by 1 vote and hope kevin gets afp and yeah.. the end .
Yeah, The jury itself is part of the game. The show is set up for the last man standing to be crowned the winner. By default, the tendencies to manoeuvre and outsmart the opponents by any means the twists provide within the context of the game is the easier and tempting way out.
The end part of the game is an awaiting nemesis in form of the jury. A composition of people who were conquered, outplayed or robbed rightly or wrongly to judge and award the winner independently by their personal feelings and game sense. Hence, the skill and humour to conquer and get respect and acceptance from the vanquished is what determines the winner.
Josh ws reason I watched….made me laugh at is not child antics……..almost like he was brought up in an underground bunker like Brendan Frazier In blast from the past…………naive……mommas boy… clue …..but knew…..what Paul was up to and played along……..maybe Josh was smarter than paul…..hahahahahsbawwwwwwlololol……good actor…..give it to josh….old lady in love with Paul is gross and embarrassing………..not fun being humiliated and played by paul….makes one feel really stupid
As annoying and as much as I wanted him out earlier on the show, he was actually the most entertaining cast this season.
He grew on me , but he took whatever he did into his own hands , yes you could say paul was behind it all but you don’t see paul doing that, hyping up the house or a player is what he initially said , banging pots and pans was Josh’s doing alone . If u can catch a part of Paul saying to do that I will give you 500k!
Haha , I thought I was the only one that did the ….. it’s just random feelings and I don’t know how to end them. Is either ? For the ….. or insert other guesses per . Lol … I do that all the time and someone asked me if I didn’t know how to punctuate or did I even graduate🙄 So went back and rewrote the whole convo with appropriate periods and commas, etc. I was more laughing then upset at the statement, like why are you even concerned about it? It’s just easier to write faster and not have to worry about punctuation!!!! Lol 😆 Bully ! Haha
Going back to my English Lit classes – just say you’re writing in the stream of consciousness style. ;-)
Thank you !! Those that know me know it to be just my style. It’s like I have so much I want to write out and don’t have a beginning and an end it just all flows out and can’t stop for .,?! I getcha . Ty , I will use that if I ever get asked that again. 😁
I will not take the leaked feelings of the house seriously. When the hate dies down will determine their choice vote. Also it could make for good tv.
Yes , is what I’m thinking , it’s clear who should win and they are trying to turn viewers away from the obvious , and keep us in suspense when we all should know clearly who should win .
it would be cool to have a camera in the jury house
it would be boring. apparently they are with handlers all the time so they cant talk game.
Interview about the jury house from a few seasons ago
How much time is allotted for game talk about your vote?
Rance: No game talk at all. You’re not allowed to talk to anyone else. You’re vote is strictly your vote. If you talk game at all you get in trouble.
Haynes: They really try to keep you from being alone without supervision to prohibit that. Two people can’t just run off in the middle of nowhere together because they know that’s what you’re going to do. They do a pretty good job of keeping it to a minimum, but people still find ways. They really want you to figure it out for yourself and not be persuaded and if you are going to be persuaded they want the cameras there to see why you were persuaded.
Eudy: We’re able to talk freely amongst ourselves. The handlers are there to make sure we’re not getting out of the house and getting on the phone from my understanding. Obviously I used my time in that jury house to make sure Dan didn’t win, that was my goal.
Slater: You have handlers with you and they do monitor our conversations because we’re not supposed to talk about votes until they’re filming it. They followed us around everywhere we went. Sometimes we would pretend like we’re doing puzzles, but we would be really talking game. Every time they would come over and were like “What are you guys talking about?” We’d be like, “Oh we’re just trying to figure this puzzle out.” (Laughs.)
Oh wow , I did not know that . They really try and control the house and jury house .. so who is the real puppeteers?🤔
Looks like Paul’s not so good with jury management after all, lmao!
So looks like Dr. Will is doing the backyard interviews Wednesday. Should be interesting
Yeah, don’t know why everyone thought it was Morgan Willett. She clearly said she was doing them for After Buzz, yet my friends kept insisting she was doing it for CBS. SMH
Who is Morgan Willett?
Winner of BBOTT.
Dr Will ” I can’t choose which one of you house guests I dislike the most since I dislike you all equally.”
What had happened to Jeff?
He has another job, but I don’t know what it is.
Let’s get something straight people! Paul would be OUT had he not received 3 weeks of safety. THAT wasn’t just a big deal, IT WAS GAME CHANGER. Not only did it save him from eviction after he was nominated but CBS gave him the opportunity to entrench himself in game. This 3 week protective shield made the players in the house incorporate Paul in their alliances at the begining of the game, which as we all know is the most critical part of the game. But moving on from that advantage, to be the best, you have to beat the best and unfortunately Paul isn’t impressing anyone by running circles around: Raven and her high kicks or beating the doorMAT, or manipulating the entertaining but far from intellectual JOSH, how about Kevin who did absolutely nothing but emote mobster delusions, OH yes beating the one footed XMAS very impressive, or the emotional dingbats MARLENA, all these people that so easily volunteered to be put up on the block and demonstrated their complete stupidity by throwing comps, clearly demonstrates that Paul had no serious competition and therefore he beat a bunch of pathetic kindergarten Big Brother players. If he doesn’t win he should crawl back into his mommas basement and shut the F up!!!
The Jury only has themselves to blame as the majority of them didn’t even participate in PLAYING the game. Most of them were like brainless robots, one of them a dellusional mental case. Paul played and played very well, and he rightfully deserves to win.
Grodner is just messing with our heads. Paul is going to win if he goes to F2. She wants to create some drama in a predictable season.
Paul will win – for the simple fact that he played the game – doesn’t matter how sleazy he played it – other than Cody nobody played the game – sh1tmas – was just the last in a long line of Paul’s sock puppets – so she won’t win – and Josh – probably the scummiest player ever – don’t think so, no one thinks his game play was good in anyway – it was sloppy, inconsistent, whinney – he just bullied his way on the back of Paul’s coattails –
I bet Paul will win it was his game 100% ever one of his sheep follow him to the toe. What ever he told them they broke their damn necks to do it. So for that reason I Vote for Paul. I hope its between Paul & Josh.
I think Paul will lose. He thought he played a smart game, but as I said all season, that solely depended on people not talking to one another. He did a good job of making sure people didn’t talk while in the house, but he can’t do that in the jury. These people just did not play a smart game, they played with emotion and I think they will vote the same way. That is assuming he even makes it to the final 2 and I am not so sure that he will.
OR Josh wins R3 and actually chooses to evict Paul. If so,
Congrats, Josh!
I wish the voting was anonymous. While I know the jury might feel bad and be bitter , most are looking for fame or followers or selling something after big brother. Paul has promised most of them help with the fame aspect. Let’s say you are Elena , Kevin,Raven Jason, alex, what good does it do for you to vote for Josh over Paul? You get nothing. If you vote for Paul he has promised helping alex with her bikini line, Kevin with appearances, Raven he is making a tee shirt line for, Jason with getting more rodeo bookings, Elena to get more followers and appearances to help her start a career, now who knows if Paul can deliver but these sheep might not want to betray him because at this time they think a 2 time player and winner will bring them fame or exposure for their products. What can josh give them? Some fake hair ?
I’m just ready for tomorrow night to get here, have the finale and GET THIS FREAKIN SEASON OVER WITH, ALREADY!! I really didn’t want any of these 3 to win, but one of them is going to and then… the sun will come up on Thursday, we can all move on and FORGET BB 19 ever happened!! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!
The problem is Raven’s mouth. Josh has a better chance with Christmas, but loyal to Paul.
Paul DOES NOT DESERVE To Win At All- He did nothing game wise when it came to the ACTUAL Game of Big Brother – He was given 3 wks safty then every comp after that was THROWN To Him or his Menion Being a Bully, Liar & and a Vet Does not warrant a win – BIG BROTHER Any other Season with Strong Players (like CODY & Jess) would have chewed him up & Spit him out in the 1st week…
Paul played a very nasty game. Yea he played a game, but a game that was basically handed to him by have the 3 week safety!!!.. Yea, I know what your going to say, but don’t!!! We all know that BB knew was the fan favorite! (Hell even Paul himself said he was the fan favorite and that is why he got the first hex) That safety saved him from being evicted on Cody’s watch. Cody the only player that seen and knew what Paul was up to, and for that reason Cody should be the clear winner of the AFP!. Paul’s arrogance is the full reason he should not win BB 19. If Josh wins the HOH, he needs to send Paul packing. Josh will be the BB19 winner.
AFP should not go you a total jerk which is Cody. There are plenty of deserving people other than Cody.
You forgot Christmas will vote for Paul too. That’s probably 4 right there and he just needs one of the others. Alex said she would vote for him too. She said heeas playing the game.
It would not surprise me if he lost by 1 vote but Ie pect him to win. But I am not convinced Josh will take Paul if he wins HoH. I just have a feeling he will flip at the last minute.
I suppose the question is “How much extra will the jury members who vote for Paul find in their final stipend paycheck?”
Haha .. nu uh . Really ? Stop . Lol 😝 no!
Paul votes Only needs 5
Alex ( Just a game /outplayed)
Kevin ( knows its a game /for paul)
Cody ( knows they were all played) if he cares
Matt ( delusional vote)
Raven ( ditto)
Elana ( not bitter )
Mark ( maybe bitter but paul over josh)
Xmas or josh ( whoever sits next to him )
As I’ve written before this is the worst BB I have ever seen. I’ve never seen a more obnoxious dislikeable group of people. The mere thought that one of these 3 people will win is gross. Why production not only wanted Paul on the show, but to win as well is beyond belief. I won’t be watching the final it’s all just too disgusting.
I’ll watch but only because I’m hoping to see Paul LOSE… AND I want to see whether Cry Baby or Hopalong wins! What a pathetic season this has been!!!!!!!!!!
The best show ever would be Josh winning the third round tomorrow night, and voting Paul out. That would be the biggest and best BB shocker of all time. The look on Paul’s face alone would last for me into the next season. That is a recording I would keep and watch over, and over, and over, and over, etc…………………….