Big Brother 19: The Best And Worst Moments Of The Season

It’s been a long dramatic season of Big Brother 19. From a night one eviction to a self-eviction to a Battle Back to fight after fight, it’s been anything but boring (despite what people on Twitter say). And I’ve had my work cut out for me this season, compiling the Ewws and Ahhs from every week.

Bad Apples on Big Brother 19 premiere

So, needless to say, it was pretty easy to assemble the 10 worst moments and 10 best moments from the season. Most of these appeared in previous editions of Ewws and Ahhs from throughout the season, but I’ve thrown in a few new ones that have take shape here and there throughout the season.

Side note: It was funny going through past posts and seeing how my opinions have changed. Back in week one or two, I even liked Alex for a brief moment. What a season! OK, let’s get down to it. I’m dividing them up into the two categories, starting with the worst first, because that’s more fun. I’m not ranking them, though, because that’s just too hard.

The 10 Worst Moments From the Season

Cameron is evicted. Anyone who knows me and has read my articles this season should expect this to make my list. Not only do I DETEST night-one evictions (seriously, how cruel), but I really dug Cameron. I felt like he was this new nerd/superfan/cool hybrid that was going to play a great game. But, as we know, that didn’t happen. See the next entry for more on that.

A vet joins the cast. Specifically, Paul. And yes, Paul joining means Cameron had to go. And that bummed me out, a lot. I was a Paul supporter during Big Brother 18, but like a lot of fans of this show, I don’t like vets returning unless they’re all vets. So I was already skeptical when Paul came in. But as soon as he started handing out protections and getting advantages himself, I knew Paul’s BB18 popularity was toast. Paul lost a lot of fans this season so I can’t help but wish he would have turned down the offer to play again.


twitter-tweet" data-lang="en">

Fans: Wait, an ALL new cast?? Yay!!
*Back @ #BB19 HQ*
Meehan: Wow. Fans are happy. There’s no way to screw it up now!
Grodner: Hold my beer.

โ€” Big Brother Network (@bigbrothernet) June 28, 2017

Megan walks. What a waste. I don’t care what her reason for walking was, she should have figured out a way to stay or she never should have agreed to be on the show in the first place. At any rate, they should have let Cameron come in and take that spot. So many people would have killed to have that spot and she just threw it all away because she came in playing a trash game and got caught up in it too early.

Cody’s move/Paul’s protection. This one is kind of a double eww. On one hand, Cody was making a good move, but he should have known better. Why wouldn’t he think Paul won the protection? That being said, Paul winning the protection was annoying. But had Cody just held out and not gone for Paul at that moment, the entire season could have played out differently. But it was still the right move, just not for Big Brother when you know the vet is going to be protected.

Mob mentality.ย One of the most annoying parts of this season was the mob mentality. It started with Dominque. When she became the target, she was isolated and treated like garbage. And since that worked out so well, week after week, the target was shunned, isolated, insulted and attacked up until their evictions. It was very unnecessary gameplay and often lead by Paul, which did nothing for his already fading popularity outside the house.

Jessica’s stupid move. Hands down the worst move of the season was made by Jessica. She had ALL the power. She was HOH, she had the Halting Hex, she won veto. Oh, and Cody had just won the Battle Back. They could have made a bold move. They could have struck at Paul or one of his strongest allies. And for a minute Jessica wanted to put Paul and Josh up to ensure Josh went home, but Cody told her to just leave Ramses up. And she did. And Ramses went home. What a waste.

Cody tries to throwย safety comp, fails. You know, for being touted as the only other two people to play the game besides Paul, they sure made some really dumb moves. From Jessica’s move mentioned above, to this one made by Cody, I just can’t roll my eyes enough. First of all, Cody wanting to throw the competition was stupid. What a lot of people don’t realize, though, is that he wasn’t paying attention to the clues they were given for that competition that week because he was busy being bitter and getting Jessica ready for eviction. And even worse, he messes up the competition and gets an answer correct and doesn’t come in last place. So he isn’t automatically nominated and when he isn’t drawn for veto, his fate is sealed. Dumb moves all around.

Raven retells her stairs adventure on BB19

Raven. Just Raven. From her outlandish tales to her scab-eating delusions, I can’t think of a HG more ridiculous. I won’t get into what a lot of people suspect is Munchausen syndrome, but I will say her goal of bringing awareness to her alleged disease has backfired majorly. She’s in for quite the rude awakening after she leaves for home this week.

Matt disrespects the game. Matt caught a lot of flack throughout the season from throwing competitions and saying he wanted to lose to Raven or Paul. But nothing made fans more angry than when he broke all the Have-Not rules during the week he was set to be evicted. He said he did it just to be sure Raven got to stay, but fans weren’t having it. Plenty of people would kill to be in that house and eat slop and sleep in a Have-Not bed.

Christmas wins the HOH. We saw a lot of competitions thrown this season, but nothing was quite like the sprinting one Christmas won with her broken foot. Every single person playing was DQ’d for a false-start, leaving Christmas as the last one standing, thus giving her the HOH win. No one even had to try to run. What a joke. Strategy in Big Brother is important, but when it plays out like this, it’s just insulting to fans and past and future players of the game.

The 10 Bestย Moments From the Season

Grodner’s interviews. We didn’t get to do evicted HG interviews this season, but CBS gave us the chance to do weekly interviews with Co-executive Producer Allison Grodner, and for that we are thankful. We learned a lot from Allison this season. Not only did we get a better insight to what the evicted HGs were thinking, but she let us in on some inside info that we never knew before. Thank you, CBS and thank you, Allison.

Mark and Josh fight on Big Brother 19

Drama. Despite the annoying mob mentality, we did have a lot of entertaining drama this season. Mark and Josh’s comical spats sometimes seemed like lovers’ quarrels, but were also oftentimes pretty heated and scary. We had a number of times where house arguments got so intense they had to take the feeds down. Josh was usually involved in the fights, but it was usually Paul who orchestrated them. So, thanks, Paul?

Cody wins Battle Back. If Cameron didn’t get his second shot at the game, then it had to be Cody. Of course Cody didn’t get to make ย much of change in the game since Jessica made the horrible move I mentioned above, but it did make the HGs sweat a little.

Jessica uses the Hex. I was happy that Jessica had the Halting Hex to use so that she and Cody could throw one wrench in Paul’s game this season. Hey, you can’t have a potential game winner who didn’t have to struggle at least a little throughout the season. Too bad the Hex power didn’t earn them more time, but that narrative was spent anyway.

No jury battle back.ย I was so relieved to hear this news. There were too many chances at safety or protection this season, so bringing someone back into the game again would have just been painful. And it would have been Cody, I’m sure, and as I already mentioned, that narrative was just tired. We needed to move on.

Bobby Moynihan. Clearly the best special guest the house has ever seen, Bobby was also one of the best parts of the whole season for me. That’s probably just because I’ve grown bored with the season, but it was nice for a fan of the show to get a chance to come in, host and deliver some really good Diary Room sessions.

Josh’s goodbye messages. I’ve never seen a player use goodbye messages for strategy. I don’t know if they just previously weren’t allowed or just weren’t smart enough to do so, but I give Josh major props for revealing Paul’s secrets to Jason, Kevin and Alex. It could very-well earn him some votes in the finale. Good job, Josh.

Celebrity Big Brother. It’s not really about the season, but when Julie announced Celebrity Big Brother, it gave me the push I needed to make it through the rest of this predicable season. I cannot wait for that edition of the franchise to air this winter and I hope to see you back here reading my thoughts on it!

Jury Footage. It was so nice to finally see Raven get hers in the jury house. Her delusions were contested by Elena, Mark and Jason and it was hilarious. It was also fun to finally see Elena and Mark realize how dumb they were in the house for falling for all of Paul’s lies. They were some of his biggest minions, so to see them realize that was quite interesting. Whether or not their new knowledge will impact their jury votes is yet to be seen, but there’s a definite possibility.

Kevin. I just want to take this final spot to honor Kevin. He was a refreshing light in a pretty dark season. Kevin wasn’t a perfect houseguest. He didn’t win any competitions, he followed Paul’s commands and he said some questionable things here and there, but he was a class-act compared to everyone else in the game. And he was pretty funny, too. All those reasons are why he’s getting my votes for America’s Favorite Player.

You’ve read my list of best & worst moments of the season, now share yours too!



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  1. Kevin’s class act is the reason why I want him to win AFP. I don’t get why so many people want Cody to win it, He has no personality and I think a lot of people want him to win just to spite Paul which is just ridiculous

    • There are so many spiteful people on this site. It is ridiculous thought. You would think they were getting a cut of the money from him if he wins AFP. For those who feel its rigged for Paul to win, I feel its rigged for Cody to win AFP. A his way CBS keeps both sides happy!

      • I don’t think the game or AFP is rigged. I do believe Big Brother producers try to manipulate the game for better ratings. I get that Paul won the 3 weeks protection at the beginning of the game but after 3 weeks then what? We saw Jessica win the halting hex at a time when she was not that popular and neither was Cody. Cody and Jessica were given extra chances to come back in the game and stay an extra week. Rigged for Paul? I don’t see how.

        CBS also gave Cody and Jess some very positive edits at times. They tried to turn the showmance between two pretty ugly people into a modern day reality TV Romeo and Juliet.

        I get it. Its TV and rating matter more than who wins or loses. At the end of the day, no rating, no Big Brother. The truth is people will tune in to watch Paul lose more than they will tune in to watch someone else win.

      • Ya it is all about the edits for ratings. I think CBS was struggling for good decent content and not so much hateful stuff. The live feeds was already wrecking peoples lives. I think the Cody and Jessica love story was played just so the rest of the house guests could save face going home. CBS did alot of them favours.

      • Amen to that. People without the feeds have no idea how some of these people acted. I really didn’t care for most of the hg. I liked Cody at first because he was a Marine. My son was a Marine. Then as I watched feeds I realized he has PTSD. They can hide that some, which is probably how he made the show.

      • When they wanted to make him snap I was like you are joking right. They were playing with fire. Thats when I felt bad for him and gave him a chance and decided the rest were garbage.

      • Cody admitted on live feeds that he lied on the psych portion of the application process. Sad, hope he gets the help he needs.

      • I am rooting for Paul and so many on here say its rigged for Paul to win. I don’t think it is because they all had times they could have put him OTB and they didn’t. I was saying rigged for Cody to win AFP because it pisses the Cody lovers/Paul haters off. I want Kevin AFP anyway.

      • Short supply to find someone to root for. Paul targeted Josh from the get go in his friendship bracelet interviews as someone he could control to the end. I was not a fan of Paul last season because he was kind of manic, loud and tried to upset and pick fights, like with Frank and Nicole. Big fail with both! He seemed more settled and smiled more when he came back in the house so thought I’d give him a chance. But he quickly turned mean and evil LOL I don’t have a care for any of the f3, rigged or not, just get this over with!

    • There is a term for the attitude towards Paul, its called schadenfreude. Its when people just want to see Paul suffer, even if it means an cretin like Cody benefits. Its sad.

      Its AFP so people should vote for whoever they LIKED the most. I can see people liking Kevin, although I did not.

      • I think not giving Paul the win or AFP prize is enough suffering. Cody never did anything to deserve so many people to like him. Kevin was a t least entertaining and well liked by everyone so was Jason.

      • of course you know I agree-
        The deal with Cody – it is directly because of he and jess that Paul stayed in the game- the HG were all so focused on targeting the duo that paul was able to lie under the radar and build more solid relationships early on- cody came out way to strong and bullish to early and was aggressive very fast- that is usually always a death sentence in this game and survivor.
        Me- I am a Mark fan- love that big Donkey Kong guy and his DR sesh’s- my AFP

      • really? I found him so funny- when he was in DR and you could see it coming- I was dying laughing

      • I’m not into the steroid look, but I did like mark most of the time, especially towards the end. I was really rooting for him to win veto.

      • well- who knows with that- he mentioned that he was really bullied as a kid and often times the result of that is a person who as an adult would be into weight lifting or body building possibly- that is sort what he said

      • wow- quite the transformation… he is a nice guy I feel- he could have turned out very different with the loss of both his parents at a young age, but he is kind-hearted instead of angry

      • ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‚โ„ฑั—แธ“แธ“โ„“ฮตรฮตฮตรฮตe๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‚ says:

        That’s Mark and Mark, before and after pics.

      • I love Mark,too! He seems to have had a tough time with losing both parents early on in his life. He has my AFP vote too!

      • I liked Jason until his disgusting comments about Kevin’s wife and daughters. There are just some things you don’t joke about, and rape is one of them.

    • For me there was a shift in who i liked and didn’t this season and dramaticly changed. I liked Alex, Christmas, Megan. Alex seemed strong and strategic. Christmas had good strategy and wanted to test people loyalties from begining vote. Megan had good diary rooms and was a good narrator. Then the game happened and made them become their worst selves. I did not like Paul, Josh or Kevin. Josh been crying too much and instigated everything that he would cry more about. Paul his loud arrogance couldn’t handle. Kevin didnt fit with the rest of the group. Then the season happened. Ended up not liking anyone. Kevin, Cody, Jessica and Mark I like the most and only because of the mob storm each of them endured. So if I could vote it would be Cody just to get back at the people I can’t stand in the house.

      • Oh you hit it in the end. They had to endure Paul’s mob mentality toward people. I thought at first he and Cody just rubbed each other wrong. When I heard him tell a couple of them to raise it up some against Megan I was like what? Then Cody got it. The season went downhill from there for me. I kept waiting on them to wake up. For me it was one of the worst seasons.

      • Ya after Megan left I was like wow Josh and Jessica are jerks from the edit. Then it kept happening. I think everyone was waiting for them to rebel and wake up.

      • One of the worst seasons for me, too. Watching live feeds is a different world than the edited show. Most other years almost all the hg’s had redeeming qualities and moments. There was more genuine fun amongst them. Too much mean this year.

      • Oh I agree. That mob mentality really turned me off from most all of these. The racist stuff of 15 was also bad. That’s what I mean. If you go back thru the years you can see it. All these wannabes. Bad for the show.

  2. Looking at the picture at the top of this article you can see how much weight Alex gained over the season. You can also see Josh is in much better shape now than he was at the beginning.

    Its a pretty amazing transformation over such a short period of time.

  3. I find things that are predictable boring, especially when it comes to watching entertainment programming. There were very few fun moments.
    No one knew that Paul was going to be protected and definitely that it will be for 3 weeks, so if Cody didn’t nominate him that week, he would have tried to convince one of his alliance members to put him up or tried to win another HOH on the third week and Paul would have been safe as well. Some HGs may have not wanted to vote for him since they liked Paul. Eventually the protection would have kept Paul from getting evicted anyway or BB would have found some other way to protect him. I don’t recall Grodner saying anything interesting during her interviews. What was it?

  4. If I was to have criteria on AFP it would be good strategy, win comps, funny, likable, play a game true to them, created entertainment, decent morals. No one fits all that. If I didn’t like Paul cause of his screaming and obnoxious behaviour I would give it to him. Kevin then fits next but he needed to win and make choices so I cant give it to him. That leaves Cody, his biggest flaw is he is polarizing. It took 5 weeks for his walls to finally drop and you could see some kind of layers. He made the first half of season interesting. He was wanting to do big moves and follow through on them. He is dead pan in his jokes but also brutally honest. Only one to see Paul as a threat, rest treated him like royalty with all the answers. His resume has more then any others and would show the cast where they stand from the audience perception. Rest of HGs just kept floundering or were hateful couldn’t give it to them.

    • You know I’ve been thinking about it since I read your post. I can remember years where I couldn’t decide on AFP because I liked several of them. I enjoyed watching their season. The last few years has been harder, but none as hard as this year which is why I’m voting for Cody.

      • Normally I have a favourite, this season I was like where are you. Someone surprise me. A few made me warm to them like Jason in jury when Alex came in but it wasn’t enough.

    • Cody also formed an alliance and then didn’t tell them or share his plans for them to give their input into his decisions.

  5. i think kevin should win america”s best player he could really use the money and the rest don”t really deserve the money.

    • I’m not being smart or anything, it why does he need it more than some of the others? Yes he has 7 kids but they are grown for the most part.

    • Christmas and Paul are the only ones who have some money, but they could still use more for their so called “business”. Raven will definitely need it after she comes out and finds out she has no donations to her funds. The rest including Kevin also need it. he is unemployed, at least legally and so are the rest.
      Unless you are filthy rich, half a million dollar can do a lot to change someone’s life.

      • ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‚โ„ฑั—แธ“แธ“โ„“ฮตรฮตฮตรฮตe๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‚ says:

        America’s Favorite Player isn’t a game, it’s a popularity contest. BB is the game, 2 very different things.

      • It’s still a part of big brother. It’s America’s favorite Player, not who needs the money the most.

      • ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‚โ„ฑั—แธ“แธ“โ„“ฮตรฮตฮตรฮตe๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‚ says:

        Yes, which is exactly what I said in my comment.

  6. People don’t get why others want Cody to win AFP, but if Paul didn’t have PoP, then Cody would’ve likely sent him home. He also won the battle back but unfortunately Jessica made a dumb move to further elevate their game.

    • yep- its a well known fact that all the twists are capable of really changing up the game- including the hex and the replacement powers

    • Jessica? Cody was the one that made the dumb move by convincing her to Put Ramses up , when she knew something was up, otherwise she would have put Paul or Alex up

      • Cody was not the veto holder and Jessica had the final say. It matters more that Jessica didn’t think for herself than to listen to someone else.

      • She even told Cody that with the POV she wanted to pull Ramses and put Paul up. Cody told her not to, he said just leave the noms the same.

  7. I didn’t like that the 1st hex was 3 wk immunity. Nobody knew the hg so of course they were voting Paul. I think I voted Jason, can’t remember. I didn’t like Paul from before so I just picked one.

    • Ya it was designed for him since the rest were unknowns. Should have been a one time use like every other one was. Wonder who would have got it if all 16 didn’t hit the button. Probably a hot person or different temptation all together.

  8. OMG I just realized these are the most civilized conversations on this site in weeks. I need to get off before they show up. Lol I have enjoyed this.

  9. I agree with Matthew, Cameron had to be reintregated in the game when Megan left, especially that we know now that he was in sequester.

    • Not sure what Cameron could have done to shake it up though. I think he would have fallen victim to the 8 with no one listening to him like Dominique and Cody to make moves.

    • ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‚โ„ฑั—แธ“แธ“โ„“ฮตรฮตฮตรฮตe๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‚ says:

      It felt like a huge blunder on BB’s part not to take the opportunity to put Cameron back in the game.

  10. My top 3 favorite moments Jason reading his letter from home & learning he was gonna be a Dad again….Kevins eviction and the classy way he left…(not happy he got evicted just to clarify) Alex and Jason being reunited in the jury house (true friendship) And a big shout out to Josh for those upfront and honest GB messages…(sportsman ship at its best)

    • well to be fair- I think the GB messages from Josh were part of his gameplay and jury management… and a way of counter-acting some of Pauls moves he was not happy with but unwilling to take action against in the house

      • Of course..they were part of his game play and to cover his ass ..Josh did not have to acknowledge anything to any evictee..but “decency” (better word) prevailed which shows he “felt” it was the right thing to do…Josh took the high road in my opinion…

      • I think you are both right. Josh was doing gameplay but he is also a decent person at heart. He didn’t want to disappoint his family. Unfortunately by following Paul’s orders I think they may be. Wish him the best.

      • I agree. He didn’t have the balls to make a move when he had the chance so instead he got brave in the DR, almost like a punk writing a Dear John letter.

    • Oh you are right. Loved Jason’s letter. Alex and Jason making up and Kevin’s departure were definitely good moments. I laughed so hard when Josh’s gb. played. That could very well win him the game if he’s f2.

  11. My favorite moments:
    The blink edit between Xmas Josh and Paul, when Xmas uses Ring of Replacement to block Cody from competing in veto to save Jess
    Paulโ€™s face when he thought Derrick was moving in
    Jasonโ€™s reaction when he finds out he is going to be a father for the 2nd time
    Joshโ€™s eyes when he realizes that Paul is the devil
    Raven reveals to the jury that she was the Puppet Master in the house.
    Alex and Jason reunited in Jury

  12. According to Alex, Kevin would not wash his own dishes and expected people to cook for him all Summer. How does that make him a good houseguest?

  13. If Cameron comes back next season, would he be considered a Vet?

    It’d be cool if BB asked him back next season (BB20)

    • We all have our faves and to each is own, but maybe you can tell me why so many people liked Cameron so much. In my opinion of course, he looked like a wimp and I doubt he would have won many comps if any. He was just going to be a floater just like the past nerds who made it to the end. Probably a Josh replacement.

      • I doubt he would have bullied people as much as Josh did. As far as his gameplay, who knows what would have happened. He came in as the super fan who knew the game well, and that might have changed things up a bit, especially if he was capable of seeing through Paul’s BS.

  14. AFP is not an award given to the “best” player.. Its “Americas Favorite Player” operative word “favorite”…and this thread pertains to “memorable moments”…not who we voting for ….And hey Brenda Harbin Yes would be nice if all threads were filled with flowers unicorns butterflies and sweet words….but alas its all about Big Brother and u know that ain’t gonna happen lmao…

  15. I feel the season would have been better if Paul, Cody, and Jessica were not in the house at the same time. If only one of them were there it would have worked better. All three have toxic personality. When put together it’s not good.

    Cody winning battle back. It made for a redundant story line.
    The edits everyone got for the TV viewers.
    CBS employees as audience members.
    Zing Bots personal attacks.
    Raven, Christmas staying, Matt, and Cody

    Mark and Josh relationship.
    The theme
    Some of the games
    Josh realizing Paul’s game and good bye messages.

  16. Worst season ever…terrible “non-players”, ugly behavior in many instances and all around frustrating. I don’t care who wins. I have to at least invest something in one of the HG’s in order to even minimally enjoy the game. Unfortunately, for me, there isn’t a single one worth that emotional investment. I found them all boring and often disgusting. The only two I even minimally liked were Cameron and Meghan and that’s probably because they weren’t there long enough to end up disliking them. I used to really enjoy this “guilty pleasure”, but as it’s no longer a pleasure, I think I’ll pass on future seasons.

    • It was uncomfortable to watch Megan quit and be so upset and wish production could have helped her deal with the HG more- it was the beginning of the bullying and cody came out of the gate swinging hard and playing fast…. BB is hard- I couldn’t do it and would not want to.
      I never got the Ramses and Cameron bug though…

      • I still don’t believe she quit. I think she mentioned that she didn’t. She was kicked out for something she said or did, and if she had a nervous breakdown BB had to let her go. The a** kissing is necessary, that’s why I would have self evicted after punching Paul, Raven or Christmas in their mouths. I would have been Da’vonne with action.

      • When she got out she tweeted an article discussing the reasons why she quit and said that it had nothing to do with anything she said or did. It’s a bummer she couldn’t handle being in the BB house, because I’m curious as to how differently the Summer would have been if she had stayed. Probably not too different, but eh, we’ll never know.

      • ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‚โ„ฑั—แธ“แธ“โ„“ฮตรฮตฮตรฮตe๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‚ says:

        Over something she said or did? What could she have possibly said that was any worse than any of the other HG’s this season or surpass anything from 15? If they weren’t willing to kick people out on 15 for what they said, I don’t think there is anything anyone could say to warrant them getting kicked out. I believe she self evicted, in her interviews she was clearly shook and not just the normal BB “shook”, she was scared.

  17. The way the majority ganged up on and ostricized whoever the decided target of the week was just reprehensible and unwarranted.
    I love how Raven’s delisions led to one the greatest parody Twitter accounts of all time, Raven’s MOM BB 19.

  18. I’m voting for Cody for AFP because I feel he’s the only one that wanted to compete in challenges the other house guest we’re throwing challenges because Paul told them to. If you notice the 3 people that Cody went after and told the others about are sitting in the final 3 . He chose not to interact with most of them because he did not want to deal with their drama or bs . Codys been out of the house for over a month and Paul still can’t stop talking about him , Paul was very intimated by him . This is why I’m not voting for Kevin he’s married and sleeping and rubbing on xmas he talked about doing her I just saw a video we’re he touched Jessica inappropriately he could not win any comps not sure if he even tried played Paul’s game not his own and has already won $25.000 CODY FOR AFP

    • challenges are just one portion of gameplay and not enough to make someone the best player… but your fav does not necessarily have to be rational or based on gameplay – I think cody not wanting to deal with drama is not accurate- he saw them as stupid … they did not view things as he did. I also disagree, the remaining HG talked about most of the players and cody was very polarizing in the house so why would’nt they talk about him? Obviously we all view the show differently but I did not see any one “intimidated” by cody- and slandering kevin is as bad as alex was…

      • I’m sure Cody is speaking about them in glowing terms and not saying a single bad thing. Give me a break!

      • It shows how much he got inside their heads if they are still talking about (trashing) him… says a good bit about them! If Cody is still trashing them, I’ll say the same about him. :-)

      • This cast was horrible. Everyone of them. It was almost like they put them all together to create the perfect storm. Kevin gained respect by his gracious eviction. He was just an older guy trying to compete against youth. The showmances were the worst because who in their right mind goes on a reality game show to give up half a million dollars for three months of sex?? Cody said he lied on the psychological part of the audition. The others didn’t say they did but their actions speak louder than words. One more day before this fiasco is over and I can concentrate on survivor.

      • “This cast was horrible. Everyone of them…” I’m with you 100%!

        Makes me wonder what those in casting were thinking… although I suppose no one knows what people are gonna do in the house until they’re in there. But Raven-Lunatic, Cody Death-stare, the Controller-Gnome, etc. What a group!!

    • Plus Kevin already got $25,000!…But Branden is right about this, Kevin made an absolutely awful, awful Cast in the BB House better with him in the House!

    • Don’t you remember when Cody also tried to throw a challenge so he could be last? He got one answer right and Matt gone none. Cody did want to play but it was at a price. He wanted to play his game, his way. It would have been a differant season if he had just a little bit of social skill and didn’t blind side his alliance. After week one his own alliance didn’t trust him and therefore he didn’t stand a chance.

  19. Best bits for me…big brother network!!! Being in the UK I don’t get to watch much of the show so I rely on twitter updates, clips and my fave website. I love all the posts – thank yooouuu!!!!

  20. Thanks, Branden. EXCELLENT recap of this less-than-stellar — that’s major understatement, friends — season!!

  21. ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‚โ„ฑั—แธ“แธ“โ„“ฮตรฮตฮตรฮตe๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‚ says:

    Great write up and I agree with everything with the small exception of “Jessica uses the Hex”. I felt she bungled her opportunity for one reason……dick. Not a good enough excuse when $500,000 is on the table and said dick will be there at the end.

  22. Can’t say it enough, WORST Season Ever! whole show manipulated by production. No one really trying to win the money, just want to be “Famous”!!!

    • Exactly…My thing is if Production, CBS, & Big Brother already have a Predetermined Winner in mind for the Season they should have a Disclaim at the beginning of the show! To “Watch at Your Own Discretion,” since the Winner of the Season has already been determined… It is not Fair what CBS, & Big Brother is doing, making us all “believe” that the show is Not Manipulated, and is Honest, Fair & Square?!

  23. Worst moment for me was Shitmas standing up with her Replacement Ring to deny Cody the veto spot (even though she wasn’t even cleared to play for it). So smug, and all “hey, look at ME, I’ve finally done something!”, with her best sh*t eating grin, it was very cringe-worthy and I wasn’t even a Cody fan.

  24. Since OTEV talked about Josh and his weight, can somebody gif/pic a beginning and an end picts of Josh bodies? thanks

  25. And thank you, Branden, for your dedication to us fans and the BB game.

    Also, let’s get this straight. Just because only 3 people played Big Brother this season doesn’t mean any of them played the game well. Then again, when the rest of the house is willing to waste their entire summer, playing well doesn’t really mean much.

  26. This is the second year that I have been on this site. Last year I found it about half way thru and I didn’t post very often. This season I have really enjoy reading everyone’s opinion. I want to thank all of you for a wonderful season. You are all so nice to a new poster. It was so great to voice my opinion when I want to without wondering who would talk to me like I was a piece of crap. Not one person was disrespectful to any one that didn’t agree with them. Unlike the other sites I have been on. Which I will never go on again. I hope some of you follow Survivor. I look forward to talking to you and reading your comments next season. Thank you for an interesting season even though the season itself left much to be desired. I enjoyed every one of you. Thank you again.

  27. Branden I agree with you a Million Percent!!! Especially with the Worst part of this Season of BB 18…Thank You!

  28. I agree and thanks Branden for your posts all summer. My issue wasn’t that BB was boring it was that is was so frustrating to watch and predictable. The main issue was it was ruined in episode 1 for me when I could see BB was helping a vet too much. That being said though, fans voted on Paul’s winning temptation 1 that gave him even more of an advantage so I can’t entirely blame the game for that.

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