The Big Brother 19 Houseguests were out partying the past few nights with their release back in to the wild. Showmances and friendships were reunited after Jury had kept them apart as some headed out to the parties while a few of them hung back for a quieter time after all the chaos.
The finale wrapped up on Wednesday and over the past two nights we saw the now former Houseguests mingle with fans and reunite with family. Lots of group photos were shared and we pulled some of them together here. We’ll keep watching for more and will be sure to credit those who find more and send them our way.
From the looks of it, Mark and Elena are enjoying their post-game showmance possibly evolving to the next step as they told ET, they’re ready to see about keeping things rolling after the cameras are off:
The jury house was a nice break. There’s no camera, no pressure. So, I would say we passed phase one, and phase two — he’s gonna come hang out in Dallas for a while after this all wraps up and we’ll see what happens with phase three of the relationship, if we can make it in the real world.
The bigger showmance reunion was going to be Cody and Jessica and they were just as you’d expect, glued together. It was also fun to see new and old Houseguests coming together and hanging out as the Big Brother alumni family grew even bigger.
Most of the Housesguests are going to be heading home over the next few days and shifting back to the real world so check out our Twitter list of the Big Brother 19 HGs to see what they’re up to next.
Gallery: BB19 Houseguests Party After Finale
Image sources:
Twitter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Instagram: 1, 2, 3
Wow, nothing awkward there lol
Liked Alex and Morgan with Kevin’s family though.
Alex is the biggest sore loser & hateful person i have ever seen. She started lies about Kevin. She was the one that said Kevin probably doesnt have children & that he is a cop. It was not Paul if you watched BB after dark. She should be ashamed of herself. Elana only voted for Josh because he kept complimentimg her. All she did throughout her season was look for attention & try to tease the males in the house by showing her floppy breasts & saggy butt.
You’re thinking of a different Alex, bud.
Just to clarify, I was referring to Morgan’s sister Alex from BBOTT, not Alex Ow. Totally agree about her behavior!
Nice to see everyone more relaxed. Noted the pic of Jason and Kevin with their respective spouses (I’m assuming that’s Kevin’s wife), looks like Jason’s apology has been accepted. Saw a clip on you tube with 🎄 clinging to Josh, good to see him detached from her here. and her back clamped on to Paul. She never gives up.
Very happy to see Kevin and Jason as friends again. Jason must have felt just horrible about the entire episode since it seems to be way out of character.
Any chance Alex and Kevin will ever be friends or will She have to find another Thanksgiving invite when Jason and Ramsey are at Kevins house?
Alex seems to be entrenched in her opinion of Kevin. I wish she would rethink and separate what Paul told her about Kevin (the lies) and that she could acknowledge her part in the estrangement and make up.
Hi TR. Alex is many things. Stubbornness is at the opt of that list. She seems as stubborn as a mule. Hopefully She will swallow her pride soon.
Yes, life’s too short to hold grudges against people who, as far as I could see, really didn’t do anything to deserve it. Save the grudges for the people who really screwed you, lol, better yet enjoy your life and ignore them is my motto
Hopefully a few of these HGs can come back in BB21! I thought the pre-jurors had plenty of potential.
They said no vet next year what I read.
Yea but I wasn’t talking about next year.
I notice that one of the tweeter address for Paul in one of the photo is wrong, so let me post here for interrested people what I found so far.
Alex Ow : @AlexOwOfficial
Mark Jansen : @realmarkjansen
Josh Martinez: @JOSHBB19
Kevin Schlehuber : @BB19KEVIN
Cody Nickson : @codythemarine
Megan Lowder : @MeganAnnBB19
Cameron Heard : @CameronHeard210
Ramses Soto : @TheBBHomie1 (verified)
Matthew Clines : @MattClines
Jason Dent : @whistlenut_ole
Paul Abrahamian : @deadskulltweets (verified)
jilian Parker : @jilliannicoleww
Chrismas Abbott : @christmasabbott
Raven Walton : @walton_raven
Jessica Graf : @thejessicagraf (verified)
Elena Davies : @elenadavies (verified)
Dominique Cooper : @CDmAI (verified)
Most are not verified yet, but they all look legit.
Ravens is locked. Lol. Wonder why.
The account was private for a while, if you want to follow her, you have to wait for approval. You can do the same thing with your account. There a place in the setting that says “public”, you remove the checkmark and then you have to approve every time somebody want to follow you.
Why would anyone want to follow Raven?
I’m not judging.
Not judging, sure as heck don’t understand it. Unless you like being tortured. Ugh.
What I’m saying is that I am not going to tell anybody who they should or should not follow on twitter. None of my business.
Thanks Cap, sure have enjoyed reading your take a lot of times this season! Hope you are on for BB 21, don’t think I will watch BB20.
I’m sure it takes a while to decompress. Probably be months before some of them are back to what’s “normal” for them.
Some may never return.
And one or two weren’t normal going in the house, lol Raven
First who are Alex and Morgan? Second I don’t see any of these showmances lasting longer than 6 months and that’s being generous.
Morgan won BBOTT- class act, imo. Alex is her sister who also played.
And 6 mos would be a stretch!!
I thought Jason won BBOTT? I can’t think of his last name at the moment or did I miss read that one a while back.
His name is Jason Roy, and he came in second, likely due to his vile comments all season long. (America voted for the winner,)
I remember him now and he was a vile person.
Yeah, what Nagazino said. Jason behaved like a spoiled obnoxious child the entire season, and was looked pretty shocked when he lost. Maybe he should have waited for this season to have a fighting chance against Josh.
The Meatball would have had a field day with him LOL
morgan asked insightful questions, better than dr will.
ALL of the other interviewers I’ve heard asked better questions than Dr. Will.
So agree with that. Mr. Will seemed to ask each about the showmances as to-
which will have sex tonight, which one will fizzle out first and which one will last to eternity. Prod or cbs on the side seemed to keep on censoring him on what he could ask and say.
I saw Rob Cert— somebody do interviews, He had them all talk, even Julie Chen. He did a much better job than mr. Will. His interviews lasted about 2:13 according to the timeline.
RHAP on you tube, the were fab all season.
“Rob has a podcast”- he is a good interviewer- he was on Survivor
Good to see them having fun. Still didn’t like this season.
me too, a bunch of sore losers
anyone have any good dish? I locked myself out of twitter, so are there some juicy tidbits?
I did see xmas constantly draped over josh and hardy any paul. care to comment?
I hope josh doesn’t blow thru his money with them 2.
Seems Xmas thought Paul was gonna have the cash … since he didn’t win she’s gotta work on Josh.
He may be more receptive than Paul was.
I hope josh’s familia protects him from this cougar.
I would imagine his mother and sister cans see right thru her and wouldn’t be too happy with the way she talked to and treated him at times
NOOOO Christmas described herself as a ‘PUMA” not a cougar..
I was thinking more like a viper, although that may be a bit harsh. :-)
Paul was intimidated by her i think.
I noticed several weren’t in these pictures. I wonder if Alex Ow finally found out how we turned on her and decided to shun the party life or was she just ready to get back to Call of Duty or GTA or another game.
I think they were shocked at their de briefings and some may be struggling.
Marlena are having a blast, kevin, Jason…. maven are staying away from social media. elena said paul had a party only for the hg’s that voted for him. he barely shows up and stayed a second at the wrap party.
where can I go for the gossip?
Who could blame him.
blame the thin skinned puppet master? paul, not raven.
i’m glad he lost. now all he has to do is look inside himself for the answer why.
I can understand Paul being disappointed, he thought he had the $500k in the bag, but buddy suck it up and smile for the camera. You can’t complain about the jury members who didn’t vote for you, calling them sore losers and then act like one yourself. It’s not like you haven’t had practice at losing before.
I think paul dumped xmas (romanticly) that’s why she’s draped all over josh now.
oh, before the vote, when they played josh’s gbm’s I guess xmas didn’t know he did that either. LOL, go josh!
Pretty sure they played them after the vote but before the reveal. Either way, the look on Paul’s face was priceless but if I had to put a price on it……$450,000.00
I read on Jokers that she seemed to have been drunk before the party so Josh had to be taking care of her.
Thank you
I concur. Let Paul think about his actions in the house for a minute or two and hopefully he can understand what he did wrong.
He’s the bitter one. SMH
And he should be,I would rather be photographed with the 10 Most Wanted,that’s a step up from Cody and Alex.
So double standards huh? Jury can’t be bitter but he can. Ok.
I am sorry I have to disagree with you about Paul being upset or being a sore loser, he played the best game by outsmarting all the other HG’s, I don’t see anything that Josh did to hand him the money, all he did was cry and follow Paul. The jury led by Cody the wimp who lost his chance the day he won the HOH by not using his intellect and the other four Judases gave the prize to Josh as a payback for being SORE LOSERS because Paul outsmart each and every one of them. The sad thing is that the fans rewarded Cody the wimp as the favorite player, this guy sucked from day one, he does not deserve to have won any thing. These bunch of HG’s are the worst sets that have ever been selected to play this game. Sore Losers and Cry Babies, need I say more, thank God we are not going to see them again.
wow talk about bitter its only a game
I am not bitter, those five guys cost Paul $450K, I don’t know Paul, I am only stating the obvious, if you can express your opinion so can I, right! Mister Happiness
It’s how the game is played, the jury can vote how they want. He should have done a better job managing the jury, it is the one area he fell short. And he should have learned that from last year…but he didn’t.
Paul did in fact play the game and he did in fact “outsmart” the others. In the end, his mistakes were one in the same for most. He shouldn’t have thrown so many HOH or VETO comps. He should have owned up to his deceit to the ones evicted to jury and he should have told the truth in his Finale speech instead of bragging about what he did. If that is outsmarting people, then yeah, he was an Angel.
I do agree with you, yes he should have owned up to his game by being honest during his Q & A with the jury
The jury were dumb players and whiny sore losers. Period!
Paul was the clear winner. But he totally underestimated Josh. He would have won against Christmas!..deja vu
Obviously not the clear winner or he would be.
I agree wholeheartedly Lavendargirl .
Paul was shocked when he saw that
Josh had sandbagged him on the
goodbye messages to the evicted
house guests .
Also Paul is very disappointed that
he lost , why shouldn’t he be ?
But he still got $50,000 and a ton of
free publicity, so he did alright for a
summer of playing games 😸
What gets me us that the other
HGs don’t seem to care that they
lost, and never seemed to want
to WIN !
You and me both.
I agree with you and Hep, I will not want to be seen with those five haters
Oh they get debriefed? Like what happens in there? I assume for example they would tell Josh about the hurricane and that is fam is safe.
But do they tell you that you are hated (Alex) and to expect public backlash or something?
They inform the individual HG about issues that came up in the course of the game, like controversial comments, TMZ appearances, viewer opinions, etc., and I believe they offer advice on damage control and how to face the haters
Alex was at the wrap party, saw her on you tube there.
She said on twitter, ” wow, just got my phone back and am shocked to see how many haters are on it” Then ED called her a piece of s*** and ripped into her so she blocked him, but not before she answered back calling him the dirtiest and something else (can’t remember) player in BB history.
And yet, it appears she didn’t learn anything from her time in the house.
I couldn’t believe it also when she said on twitter that Jason, Cody and her should have been the final 3.
ed has been trolling alex all game. called her c**ty potatohead.
Paul orchestrated everything and still lost to Josh……it’s a cruel world
He orchestrated everything except how he handled the jury members… LOL!
Production orchestrated everything, and Cody, the collateral damage in their machinations, spearheaded the uprising and ultimate eff you from the jury house. Foiled once more, Paul became the collateral damage of the revolution.
Vive le Liberte!!
this will really sink in soon for them, it sounds like bb foots the hotel for a week so soon they will scatter and then we shall see. it may cool down a lot because cbs is gearing up for cbb and that might dim their spotlight.
I feel bad for Jason on social media, his accts are full of rape joke comments.
I think kevin may not truly ever forgive him
Ugh …
I’d just delete the account.
What account?
think they are referring to twitter, instagram, chat type accounts
And he deserves every bit of it!
I don’t.
I’m usually pretty easy going with regard to hyperbole and things better left unsaid during an excited exclamation or from a temper pushed past the tipping point in the heat of ugly exchange. The nature and stress of the game make it almost a certainty that a houseguest will at some point snap under pressure. I get it. Totes understandable.
But Jason wasn’t under any kind of duress or anger or even frustration when he made those “jokes”. He was totally relaxed and on what he thought was the top of his game. It was what it was… a sick, stupid attempt at humor with a “my schmuck’s bigger than your schlong” type of joke. It fell flat and wasn’t funny then and is even less so now. What goes around has come around… and it’s biting him directly in his whistle nut.
He should probably close all of his social media accounts and start fresh with new ones. Keep his settings on private use and give the links only to those he truly wants to have them.
The HGs were locked in a cage with cameras on them continually, the entire point of BB is to put people under stress .. all the HGs can be considered to be under duress . I would like to think that I would behave better under these circumstances, but so did the HGs before they began this debacle 😸
In one of the best backyard interviews I listened to, with Superfan Dana, she asked Jason about his comments and he said he had told Kevin about them and they were cool with each other. He took the initiative to tell Kevin and I think that was very smart. Kevin does not seem to be someone who holds a grudge and he was closer to Jason in the house than anyone else.
I saw a pic of Jason at the airport today.
kevs Instagram said he’ll stay in touch with ramses and josh. someone said his daughter sounded like alex and she said “don’t you ever compare me to alex”
it seemed early for Jason’s family to leave LA
Yeah, she was not happy when people were saying she sounded like Alex. Not happy at all although she did sound like her
I don’t know, if you watch Kevin on Instagram live it sounds like he’s pissed at Jason. He doesn’t see Jason, he says people but he doesn’t talk about being friends with Jason. Someone asked him who he would remain friends with & he did not say Jason.
Jason His wife Kevin and wife seem to be at ease with each other in the photo they had taken together…
I think that was Day/night 1. Did you see Kevin on Instagram live? He’s not happy with Jason. He didn’t come out and say it but it’s obvious. I hope they can patch things up.
Kevin still has that big picture of him and Jason right at the top of his Twitter page, almost a week after finale. That says it all. I think he’s pissed at Alex.
Really? That’s awful
So .. Mark, Cody and Matthew are happy, as for Jessica and Elena, we will see and as for Raven we may never know 😸
It is amusing to me how many new commentators appeared after the finale, brimming with the brilliance of hindsight, enlightening us to topics we discussed a month before 😾
“brimming with the brilliance of hindsight”
September 24th 2017
I knew the world wasn’t going to end on September 23rd 2017 like everyone else kept saying.
The world was supposed to end? LOL
Where was I? LMAO
Ohhhh that’s right, deep into Instagram, Twitter and YouTube trying to find out as much gossip as possible. Mainly trying to find out what Raven has to say. She still delusional! She said everything she said in the house was true.
See one of my above comments LOL
Hi Tina. Yes. Today was the day. Google September 23rd world ends for some interesting results!
I’ll take your word for it LOL
Great, there are still 4.5 hours left today! EEEEEK 😬
So what happens if say in an hour on the East Coast it’s the 25th but here on the West Coast it is still the 24th? Will only half the world end? LMAO
reddit has some great bb topics.
Well there were a few posters here on September 19th who thought it would be the end of the world on Thursday if Paul didn’t win. Well, Paul didn’t win and the world didn’t end lol
i’ll miss you too
Well my lady I will miss you. I enjoyed chatting with you over the course of this crazy season. Not sure if Celebrity BB is for me, but will be back for BB20 (please All Stars or no vets) and see you then. If not Survivor first.
This jury was so bitter they forgot why they participated in the game, they all where there to compete for the money and failed to play the game, Paul played the game by using his intellect to outplayed losers like, Mark, Jason, Elena, Alex and the jerk of them all Cody, this dude has no business to be in the game because he failed as a human being for simply being nothing but a street tug, I feel sorry for Jessica because this guy is going to leave her hanging or physically abuse her, next on the list is Alex, she is a bitter person who thinks that the other contestant should just lay down and give her the prize, she got evicted and took her emotion on the sure winner of the game, what a pompous spineless wimp. Jason, another bitter sore loser , very classless and just a follower, Mark a jerk whose mental faculty has been destroy by all the substance he has been taken to build a body with no purpose, Elena another air head who goes to the show and poke the first guy she meets, what gives, that speaks for itself what kind of a person she is, those five individual should never be invited to any game show forever anymore, they should all be ban for life, they cheated the person who best played the game from the prize because they are not worthy to be mentioned in any forum as Big Brother participants, instead they showed their true color as SORE LOSERS.
Bitterness … thy name is jd.
Perhaps the jury should be given score cards with little boxes to check off. Person with most check marks wins!
Dumbness……….thy name is darwin.
Perhaps you are related to one of the sore losers and was watching a different game , go back and re watch the show again your highness, even the host of the show Julie Chen agreed that Paul was robbed
No need for personal attacks. Keep the conversation civil.
The jury remembered why they were in the game, they also remembered how Paul treated them. Like it or not, the social part of this game is important, and when you alienate the people voting, you pay the price. From your remarks about the people who voted against Paul, I guess you subscribe to his style of game playing. But not everyone does, and those jurors are allowed to vote however they want.
Karen, no I don’t subscribe to Paul’s style, they all went into the game for one purpose to win the money, they all (the sore jurist) had the chance to have evicted Paul but instead they allowed him to manipulate each of them and got evicted, it is a game and they ought to know that, the prize is just not handed to anyone because you are supposed to play to win, they gave in because they failed to realize the reason why they went into the game, they got out played by Paul then they decided to give the prize to Josh as a payback
The jury members are still playing the game, right up to the end. Paul forgot that.
Go watch season 10 dan pissed off people won 7-0.Dan told them it was game play owned his game and never blamed memphis.The little troll told the jury it was josh and xmas so they voted that way.
Steve, thanks for your feedback, I agree with you Paul should have owned his game and not give any excuses
I agree but Paul had poor jury management clearly and when being questioned as well as his final speech he just tooted his own horn when he should’ve been more apologetic. I believe Paul should’ve won, without a doubt! But he has only himself to blame him. He spoke poorly about many of them and assumed they wouldn’t talk. That was his fatal error & tooting his own horn did not win him any votes at all!
Plus, most of the jury cannot stand Raven and because she was “Pro Paul” and the” puppetmaster” LOL I think that also tainted the jury. You know what I mean?
If Paul had played the game right there wouldn’t have been any “sore losers” in the jury. There would have been losers who respected Paul’s game play like Derrick’s jurors did on his season, but Paul’s jury management was poor to non-existent, and that is also part of the game.
The Jury was still playing the game. It was their job to decide who should win the game and unfortunately Paul was found lacking. You sound far more bitter than the jury which just discovered that Paul was a deceitful scumbag.
Mark and Elena, Cody and Jessica look more like porn stars. It’s ironic how they can all “forgive” all the horrible things they said and did to each other but gathered just enough spitefulness to get back at Paul. Bunch of hypocrites!!!
Jessica did say that she would vote for Paul but she wasn’t a member of the jury.
Another Paul mistake!
I haven’t heard myself Jessica really trash talking Paul too much. She said she would’ve voted for him to win but she said the way it played out was entertaining! which is the truth.
I know she has agreed Paul said and did some pretty nasty things but she also said most of them did. She is a straight shooter and so is Cody, neither of them are playing the victim. She said Paul had poor jury management skills and again, said if Paul won it would’ve been boring and predictable.
I don’t disagree with her, this was the worst season ever but one of the best finales ever.
I agree. I think Jess was simply honest about Paul, and everyone else on her IG, but game recognizes game. He would’ve had her vote. Too bad for him, he sniped her pre-jury.
i watched kevs IG, he will never forgive Jason.
I watch that also. Unless he did more than one?! The one I saw was his daughter asking him questions people were asking on Instagram live.
I don’t recall Kevin specifically mentioned Jason but yeah, he’s pissed! Hopefully once he sees it all he will forgive him.
Kevin does sound hurt about some of the things that went on in the house that he was unaware of.
there was a place where Jason said he told Kevin, probably in jury house, and that he K seemed okay with it. Will see.
Yeah I just read that. I never read anything on here that Jason and Kevin talked about it and people saw it on the feeds m……So I found that strange.
Unless it was when the feeds were down. I don’t even think Jason really realized what he was saying when he said it and after he said it it was kind of over so I don’t know if Jason would’ve even approached Kevin and told him about it. I mean I hope it’s true, I don’t want their friendship ruined over something Jason stupidly said but, watching/listening to Kevin talk on Instagram live, he never mentioned Jason and someone specifically asked him who he would remain friends with outside the house and he never said Jason.
Maybe after he heard about it from his wife and children, it made him more angry!? Who knows. We shall see
kevs family is a tight clan, I don’t think they forgive going against the family.
I think he’s referencing Alex, who is unapologetic and thinks she did nothing wrong.
Almost a week after finale, and I’m looking at Kevin’s twitter page and right there at the top, big as life, is that picture with Kevin and Jason with their arms around each other. It sounds as if all is forgiven, Jason has apologized profusely.
Do any of you have more info than the following……?
I haven’t heard much about Raven. Her Instagram and Twitter are locked so no one can reply. I saw one recent interview on the Hollywood Reporter (I think it was) Still delusional! And for now Matt is still with her and still believes her! Perhaps a match made in heaven! 🤢
I haven’t heard much about Paul. i’m not sure if him and Josh are still close? Him and Christmas? He’s pissed about losing for sure.
Christmas is glued to Josh and apparently she is putting together “an itinerary for them to travel the world together!” She seems “extra close” to him. Hmmm cuz he won I assume! $$$$ hungry!
& I watched Kevin answer some questions on “Instagram Live.” He didn’t say anything specifically about Jason and/or Alex however, from the sounds of it he’s pissed. I hope him and Jason can patch things up.
I haven’t heard anything about Alex!? Aside from she’s pissed at Paul for making fun of her and I don’t think Paul is too happy she “didn’t keep her word and vote for him for him.”
Jody and Marlena are going strong and hang in together. Lots of pictures and videos. The first night they stuck around outside and took pictures and signed stuff for fans, same with Jillian, Dom, Ramses but Christmas and Josh just marched right in thinking they are special! There is a 30 minute-ish video of all of that. Amber from season 16 is out there also. She looks desperate for attention!
Go to YouTube and search something like BB 19 tea party Jessica, Jillian, Cameron, Dom, and Ramses are all hanging out together in a hotel room the night before the finale. I believe it’s two parts and it’s quite funny. Some talk about “butt nuggets” & some other interesting info on there.
But aside from that, they’ve just been partying etc. I want to know more about what Raven and what the Hgs think about her. It sounds like most want nothing to do with her. But she still was out all the parties with Matt! & she was at Paul’s house with Matt, Kevin and someone else, I forget her LOL
I would love to hear more about any gossip y’all have heard!?
I truly hope Raven has stayed off of social media, google, the internet, modern communication. She will not like what she sees online.
Read that paul had party and only invited HGs that voted for him, ALL FOUR OF THEM… he he he
paul was only there a short time then disappeared/left/gone/etc.
Yeah wall that would make sense because Raven posted a picture of her, Matt, Paul & Kevin. Christmas was not there, she was too busy hanging all over and teasing Josh LOL
she showed up drunk to that party, refused to sign and told someone to contact her publicist. josh will get bad ju ju if he stays with her.
how about that ugly dress jess wore to the party? long sleeve, long length, beige thing that looked like a potato sack. usually, everything is hanging out.
Really happy that Kevin has forgiven Jason. At least they made good friendships out of the Big Brother experience. That is worth more than money.
Don’t know about that. Didn’t seem so sure what I read.
Kevin’s wife seemed pretty hot under the collar in a few places I read.
The Guys will go with whatever decision their Wives make but just looking at the top image. They seem okay…could be the alcohol and party atmosphere. Hopefully “all’s well that ends well.”
Hope so.
Both guys were my favorites along with Mark. :-)
Sooooo raven says her mom was struck by lightning. Either before Raven was born or after she was born! Wouldn’t you know that!? LOL #Delusional she said her mom was in a car when she was struck by lightning! LMAO!! PLEASE correct me if I am wrong but isn’t being in a vehicle one of the safest places to be during a lightning storm!? I mean I guess unless the vehicle does not have tires. Which I guess is possible at Ravens house in her trailer park LMFAO
ALL of her accounts are locked so you cannot reply. Something to hide Raven?
Check out what she said here. And go to the Hollywood reporter or something like that for an interview with her. Aside from that, I don’t know of any others that she has given interviews with aside from in the BB backyard
I truly hope Raven sees a doctor for some medication and stays far away from Mommy Dearest.
I thought Raven might’ve been smart & hired a VERY good publicist and then blamed everything all on “Mommy Munchhausen” but clearly she loves her mama and her mama is her best friend so that theory goes out the window LOL
You know I’m the last one to defend raven. But what you said is not accurate. The tires protect you in case of an electrical wire in the street. For a lightning, if it’s on the vehicle, let’s say the hood or the top, it can really affect you and you can get ejected from the car.
This being said, it can be a story raven’s mom said about something that someone knew a person that had a relative that had a friend to whom it happen.
Raven make it to her, she said it happens to her mom.
Everything she said can be true. But not to her and her mom.
You are absolutely correct, if you are stuck outside in a lightning storm you are much safer in your car than out in the open .. It is not because of the tires though, the metal cage that the car forms adds protection . That being said, the energy in a lightning bolt is immense and can still injure you, and a convertible will not enclose you in a Faraday Cage so that would not help .
Mike Boogie looks older than his 48 years in that image with Cameron. Doctor Will should set him up for a consultation in his office.
Boogie looked quite a bit older years ago. He has not aged gracefully that’s for sure. I guess when you are as in debt as MUCH as he is, you’re stressed out and stress gives you wrinkles.
WHY didn’t any of the interviewers like Dr. Will question Raven about any of her illnesses? Dr.Wil was NOT only super disappointing when talking to the jury and clearly pushing them to vote for Paul to win. He said when interviewing Paul that “previous winners were texting him telling him to make sure the jury voted appropriately!” & he said “that’s not my job, all I do is show up. I am unbias. Not true dude!”
Also super disappointing watching him interview Raven. I was excited when I found out he was going to be interviewing the HGs but he was not any good. In my opinion anyway!
Also he proved to be a hypocrite because he went on TMZ regarding Jessica’s “butt poking” & he was totally against it and was putting her down but then when talking to Jessica she said “I come from a long line of people who like butt poking so I’m cool with it. We get kinky at the Kirby house!” Hypocritical much!? Sellout!?!
You could tell Jessica didn’t like him because of what he said on TMZ…. Dr.Will also said to Jessica, “you would be surprised how many people like Maven!” Did he forget that she was NOT in the jury house and is well aware of how people feel about “Maven.” The look she gave him was hilarious and then she said “what show have you been watching!?” It was funny! And so true.
As for Raven, I found it strange was how quiet she was during the interviews about all of her diseases and illnesses etc. Raven jumps at any chance she has to talk about herself but for some strange reason she didn’t really talk about her diseases etc. My guess is because she knows the people interviewing her are fully aware she is full of it, that her mama was not in the hospital having surgery all summer and so she was afraid to say anything and get called out on it!
Oh & she admitted her mom is not in Mensa but she said that her mom was asked a few times to join it etc. Still delusional!
AND Here’s what Julie Chen said regarding ravens game play and being a “puppet master.” Too funny!
I I want to see ravens soul crushed! Why are people not crushing it? LOL
I thought dr will was awful. the showmance obsession, what shows or products should they do….he’s a bit of a knuckle head.
what I suspect happened is that in the gap before the backyard they are briefed quickly about their images on the outside. that’s why I thought raven, matt, Jason and kevin seemed a little hinky. they knew something was up.
by the way to you and Alfie and the others I want to say it’s been a pleasure spending the summer together. meet back here soon I hope.
Lady. It has been great reading your comments. Hope to see you on the Survivor forums. All the best.
i’m debating survivor, that starts real soon though.
dr will played them both in the interviews.JUST like when he tweeted derrick was doing the round table.He told both what they wanted to hear and smiled while doing it.He his the master after all
Paul’s fate was decided the moment Cody walked into the jury house,so all the conjecture that he should have “owned his game” is a moot point,did not matter at that point how he played or what he said on finale night period.. very hard to tell who was more sullen and bitter that evening,would say “Unabomber Cody” and “Pennywise Alex”..
refresh my memory. instead of evicting jess before jury, could they have sent cody out 1st?
Yes,they could have and actually surprised Cody did not leave first considering his standing in the house.
so that was a stupid puppet master move from the great one.
jury management my a@@
Cody won safety that week
No – Cody had safety that week (from winning the temptation competition); That’s why Jessica was even on the block (she threw the competition to guarantee playing in the PoV comp).
With all due respect I disagree. In fact I think Cody was going to vote for Paul to win. Jessica even discuss that on one of her Instagram live feeds. She said how her and Cody agreed Paul was leading sheep & was playing the game so he deserved to win. I think it was Alex/Jason & Mark/Elena that changed his mind.
Honestly I don’t think Cody cared at all who won over Josh or Paul so he just went with his friends and voted the way they felt.
Plus I believe a big factor in the jury’s decision to not vote for Paul was Raven! You could tell the jury absolutely hated her and they were sick of her! She talked about being the puppet master and her and Paul being the only true alliance. I think it made the jury even more annoyed & the thought Paul winning would give Raven the satisfaction of feeling as though she won so I believe that also was part of the reason why they voted for Josh.
But again as for Cody, I strongly believe he was going to vote for Paul to win. The jury changed his mind, not the other way around.
Cody simply hated them both so he didn’t care either way.
You are right , at one time Cody was 100 percent for Paul over Josh , he even said so. I would vote for Paul because Josh is not much of man, or something along those lines. I do believe Cody had a deal,( speculation,) IF Paul owned up to what he did he would get his vote, iF not he promised to vote against him
His story changed and he said at least josh was in my face and not hiding behind a curtain they gave Paul a chance to come clean.
That is what he meant when he said I keep my word, Did you hear ELi. she said no jury management here,and she cast her vote. what did that mean.
Eli? Said no jury management here and cast her vote. What do you mean by that, sorry I don’t understand.
Yup, if Paul owned up to his game and stop tooting his own horn, I strongly believe people like Cody would’ve voted for him. Possibly Jason and Mark etc. but I don’t think Alex was ever going to change her vote. . Regardless!
People can say what they want about Paul deserving to win, I agree but, jury management and finale night are probably over 50% of the gameplay and Paul failed at that.
I watched an interview with Julie Chen and she said when Josh was giving answers, as we saw Paul was rolling his eyes and pointing to himself and what not, Julie said him doing that was super stupid. OK not those words but she said it didn’t work in his favor. she said it was stupid and immature and that likely was also a factor in Paul losing. He didn’t own up to anything, all he did was to his own horn, and Julie Chen although she believes like most of us do that Paul should’ve won, she also says Paul screwed up his own game in the end.
Cody was never going to vote for Paul period,he was still so sullen and angry actually thought he might slug Will on national t.v,,never underestimate the utter bitterness that exists in that one man,he led the charge against him the moment he entered the jury house,they hate Raven? what else is new,that dye was cast long before any of the them got to the jury house..I was reminded on the finale what Cody said in his first DR,”he hated Paul” and that remained so to the very last vote was cast,the cabal was waiting and willing..did not matter what Paul said or who was with him,made no difference whatsoever..that 5 would have voted for a lamp shade that night,self pity and bitterness ruled the day!
Agree to disagree. Cody also said he equally hated Josh.
Paul got what he had coming to him,what he had done to everyone else in the bb house.Blindsided!!! At the very end when he couldn’t slide out of it karma.
I always appreciate when i’m around to witness karma.
thanks paul.
Yeah, no doubt! Karma at its finest. Thankfully Josh redeemed himself towards the end & proved to be a good person!
The “Irony” of this season….
“Cody vs Paul………..”
“Cody the ONLY” & the “Battle Back!”
Paul was handed a house FULL of sheep, Paul managed to EASILY control the sheep CBS handed to him. Paul made sure his sheep 🐑 did not speak to one another, Paul dictated 97%-ish of the HGs every move including votes, nominations, competitions etc! Paul was in FULL control of the ENTIRE house aside from ONE person….Cody! (Jury)
The ONLY people Paul could NOT control were Jessica & Cody! Literally the ONLY 2 people!!!!
IRONY….(Jurors Voting)
“Cody was”………..
the ONLY juror Paul could NOT control AT ALL….EVER, the ONLY HG that CBS could NOT control AT AL….EVER, the ONLY Juror Paul had as an Arch Enemy, the ONLY HG Paul managed to evict but came back, the ONLY hg Paul could NOT beat during the Battle Back, the ONLY Juror fighting to get Paul out, the ONLY person who actively tried to evict Paul, the ONLY person to put Paul on the block (although unsuccessfully,) the ONLY person that was NOT afraid to stand up to Paul, the ONLY person that was NOT one of his sheep EVER, the ONLY person Paul tried for over half the season to evict, the ONLY person to NOT give a sh*t about Paul, the ONLY HG Paul had ZERO Control over +++ ………………
“The ONLY HG……….” WAS the tie-breaking vote which COST Paul $450,000!
How is that for IRONY?!
Paul has to be REALLY hating 2 words right now (aside from “Cody”)….
“BATTLE BACK!” Paul wanted the honour of battling Cody, and the hgs chose Paul to battle Cody oops 🙊 May be a bad decision! If Paul didn’t have these HGs wrapped around his little finger, Paul might’ve been $450,000 richer right now!
Paul lost and Cody came back! Cody then took away $450,000 from Paul! Ouch, that has to sting!!
The “Battle Back” last season helped Paul get to the F2 b/c he got his BFF Victor back, the ONLY hg last season he could control but “ironically” enough this season the “Battle Back” was by far the worst case scenario Paul could’ve asked for!!! One comp, of ONLY a few that Paul lost which in the End played a huge role that cost him………..$450,000!!!!!!!
Have you heard or read that there are 2-3 or more GoFundMe pages/sites out there in LALA Land for people to contribute to a fund(s) for paul to “get back” the rest of his winnings of $450,000 that he “lost” when Josh won BB19???
Sure you can find the pages out there somewhere.
Now ain’t THAT just the bees knees??? :-)
You’re kidding!!😮🙄that’s ridiculous if it’s true.
it’s definitely true. My husband told me about it a couple days ago. At the time it was only at $20 and I myself haven’t looked so I don’t know if it still up and/or if it is receiving money but that’s just plain stupid!
Go Fund me should be used for things like helping people who are truly in need/sick, not for stupid things like giving Paul money! So dumb
It’s true. At least three separate ones that I saw. The highest one was only like $480 before he tweeted out to stop them.
He’s right about that!
Sheep from outside the BB house who also want to make a sacrifice so that their hero Paul can be a winner.
Yeah my husband said there was a go fund me page for Paul. At the time I think it was like at $20. That really pisses me off! I believe go fund me should be used to truly help people and not abused to help people like Paul! Stupid!
Raven, and Christmas are 2 of the most delusional people I’ve seen!
I agree. I’d add Paul & Matt to that delusional list as well. I would love CBS to have a HG wrap up show in about a month. Let the emotions simmer down and have the HG’s watch the season and live feeds. Their perspectives of each other and the season might change. Then again. .. maybe not. But, sure would be interesting to see how they view their own behaviors and gameplay. With time away from each other. . . . it’d be interesting to see how their emotions and perception of the season might change.
Raven believes her lies and Christmas is intimidating.
Everyday should be a Paul Free day!
HERE HERE, I’ll vote for that.
After the finale Wednesday night, don’t remember when it was for sure, but between Wed night and Friday sometime, I almost threw something at the TV. There was a character on the screen that looked like paul and couldn’t stand to see him anymore after BB19 so almost threw something at the screen, but not quite to break it.
It took me awhile for my head and vision to clear and at least it wasn’t paul cause can’t even stand to see him on the screen or hear his voice. ick
You need a hubby!!! Find something you like to do.
Has everyone pretty much gone through BB19 detox?
Takes a few days.
Im in this weird spot with all this… I kinda feel cheated from bb19, so its almost like subconsciously I am expecting more BB. But I know its over. Cant wait to see what the celeb edition will bring us.
You’ve been involved for three months and YOU also need time to disengage from 3 times a week on network TV, plus HOURS if you watched feeds plus HOURS talking to us here on threads.
But I do agree, it does seem like a let down. The feeling can almost be blamed on gnome paul. The negativity, meanness, hatefulness, disgusted acts he prescribed for others to do to other HGs, etc. etc. all seem to make it end on a downer, a sour note, a bad-taste-in-the-mouth, sort of deal.
Maybe we all can perk up a bit with Survivor 35 on the way Wednesday, an episode in less than three days. YIPPEE!!! Of course, there’s only one episode a week, no feeds, and probably not as much (hopefully not as much) controversy as BB19 brought to America (and Canada). :-)
Anyone for DWTS??? I only really know one of them!!!, the one with his wife also as a contestant.
You have the most beautiful, awesome, and gorgeous name ever invented I must say :)
And you’re right… I have enjoyed not having to stress about the nothing going on in that house lol
but on to SURVIVOR… im so ready. Cant wait!!
lmao….evidently not….we still coming in here…
Seems to be taking a bit longer than usual.
I don’t think the story is over yet…Paul Raven/Matt.. have to come out and face the world at some point…Maybe that is what we waiting on…I see Jess /Cody Mark/Elena together 6 months tops.. in the mean time our lives go on…lol..
I have watched a few videos of after the show parties and looked at photographs…Except for the one photo (K/C/R/M) Paul seems to be absent from the gatherings.. Matt and Raven were not noticeable either…Hmmmm guess they need to get used to all the bright lights and fame coming their way…
word was that paul had his own finale party, only invited those FOUR that voted for him and paul left early or disappeared early
can you say “SORE LOSER” or “PITTY POOR ME BOY”
Yeah I think I have seen every picture and every video after the last episode and a few days following. You are right, Paul was absent. Matt and Raven were at the after party but aside from that they have disappeared. Thankfully! I haven’t heard much about them aside from Matt is still with her & he has been told some of her lies but he believes her. gag
Mark is too good for Elena tbh
The party is over, now they need to watch the whole season, and cry. when they see how they threw the game away.
Paul of people needs to watch . And pay close attention to what he said in the goodbye messages, When Xmas watches and hears Paul say she went rogue, She is not going to be happy
And when Paul learns that Josh went to Xmas several times about him and she never told him. that is going to be painful. And when he hears Josh over and over say he needed to make the move That will be worst. It will be hard for him to realize that the two who were suppose to be so loyal, back stabbed him several times and one wanted him out a couple of times.
don’t forget josh’s gbm’s, he went rogue and I bet he didn’t tell xmas.
I wonder what she thinks of her little puppet making a big move LOL.
I have been watching BB since season 16 and at the end root for the person who “actually” played the game the best during each summer,Zach being my fave that year did not prevent from respecting and saluting Derrick,he was simply the best player and although Paul is not a fave of mime but like Derrick,he was the best this year hands down and should have been given the 500,000,,always amazed how many people try to make this show into something here that has never existed in the first place and then try to impose their values on the house guests that enter the BB house each year to play this game,that really is unfair..and not BB reality,this show is a social experiment most of all and ordinary rules are suspended..that what makes BB tick,the house guests change each year along with the chemistry,each being unique in their own way and rules?..if any rules exist,they are made up along the way and change from week to week and that’s the way it should be on BB,tamper with that formula and you will kill this show for good.
at least we can look forward to this cast disappearing and hopefully quickly … they can enjoy the tweets and retweets for now… I do not want to see any of them again on TV (and no- I will not be watching Amazing Race)
1 thing I have never liked about big brother is after the announce the winner, that’s it! They announce America’s favourite player and then it’s over. Yes there are the backyard interviews but I would love to hear them all talk to each other. I would love to hear what people have to say to people like Paul and Raven!
I would love to see a reunion show maybe like a month later after things have died down and HG’s, especially the jurors have watched episodes and been told a lot of facts. That would be a great Reunion show! see were friendships are, hear what people have to say about each other, hear what people have to say about themselves etc.
BUT CBS has never done that! I wonder why. Sure, a lot of the Hgs would likely not show up….Raven! But put it in their contract that they have to show up! That would be so fun to watch.
notice that they are avoiding talking about the other hg’s
I used to think the same kind of thing about The Apprentice. There’s a big season finale, and then we hear nothing more after watching the show for 3+ months.
Reunion in one month, put it in their contract that they have to show up because we know people like Raven likely wouldn’t although she is delusional so she might just show up and continue on with her lies!
Who wouldn’t love to see a reunion show in about a month? Find out what these HGs have to say to one another! That would be sooooooooo good!
A person does have to wonder how long the connection(s) last between HGs and BB Prod.
Haven’t heard of any deaths yet in BB-Land like there has been in Bachelor Nation.
Dr Will from season 2, still involved but lives out east; Jeff moved to Denver with Jordan not come back for interviews but do understand that new job; EvelDick from seasons 8 & 13, has his blog or pod cast or something but people pay to join and listen and watch so he’s at least making $$$ from BB; Mike Boogie still in view of cameras; The Revengers cast still involved.
Just how long does Big Brother longevity last???
hahaha If any of these showmances result in a wedding, will cbs show it on TV like some Bachelor/ette weddings do??? But, maybe there will be a baby first- can you say “Mavenette” or “Jody-ette”??? How about “Melena-ette”?? The way Elena has been seen hanging on Mark, might be first???
Or, could be “Joshmas” or “Chrish” (Christmas/Josh) Eeewwwwwwwww !!!
That’s a great idea @tinalee! I was thinking about that the other day while watching the Backyard Interviews.
Raven is too far gone. She’s a textbook pathological liar.
If you have not seen the Rob Has a Podcast Interview with her check it out on Youtube. He asked her all of the questions we’d ask including about Mensa membership. She lied midway through her answer and had to backtrack with another lie to cover up the previous one.
You just really can’t make this stuff up.
a worry, jess said she wants a big ring from cody and I saw a pic of them and it looks like they were in a jewelry shop. gee, it only 25 grand and he has a truck that broke down, a child that he might owe back child support to. notice he’s still in LA, you’d think he would have seen his daughter by now. no one from his (or hers) family have joined them? she’s using him until she spends all his money. I feel sorry for him.
I voted for Cody to win AFP and he won. Yaaaay Cody! That means not only will he get 25K from AFP winnings, but another 14K+ more for each week he was in the BB and Jury house. It might be more, but this at least means he walked out of BB with approximately $39K Gross. I personally enjoyed watching Jessica and Cody’s relationship unfold. It’s very possible that these two are soulmates.
Why do you feel sorry for Cody? He just won $25K for America’s Favorite Player! He got the girl, and she is a beautiful girl. He beat Paul, heh heh. Have you seen his smile lately? He is in beaming! In love! Money! Happy! Healthy! On top of the world! All the BB bullshit paid off in spades.
Why are you judging Cody? You feel sorry him? Don’t. I am sure he would tell you not to worry about him, he’s doing just fine. And I trust that his number one priority is his daughter. So Jessica and Cody were in a jewellery store? Good for them! I hope she gets the big rock that she has always dreamed of getting someday. They are young and both seem to be genuinely in love with one another. The reason he hasn’t left Los Angeles yet is probably because he has been cooped up for 3 months and is in love. He wants to see his girl and spend some quality time in the sunshine going to the beach or for a bite to eat before he returns home to Texas. I would be willing to bet my paycheque that he has spoken to his daughter the minute he was free of the BB house.
As my Grandfather always used to say: In your old age, love will be your fondest memory and your greatest delight…
Yeah, that has to sting Paul badly.
Cody got the girl, got to be the tie-breaking vote and got America’s favourite HG!
Ouch says Paul!
AND on top of that, the Winner (J) & 2nd (P) do not receive a stipend. (It makes sense for 1st place but 2nd-place only gets 50 grand and minus your US taxes, he’s not walking away with that much!)
2nd place should also get their stipend.
Yeah, I wouldn’t mind $50,000 but how much is he going to take home? $30,000-ish? (Which again I wouldn’t mind)
LOL but, Paul wins 50 grand and Cody (the first juror) gets approximately 16,000–17,000 (yes minus whatever the taxes are in the US?)
PLUS Cody got America’s Favourite HG so add $25,000 to the say $16,500 for stipend, Cody is walking away with $41,500 gross, (Approx) along with Kevin who received the $25,000 plus his stipend and Paul wins $50,000 gross. (No stipend) That has to be gut wrenching!
$750 a week is pretty OK money, probably more money than most of them make in a week but I personally don’t feel it is enough. All of them should be paid more, especially because CBS does have low operating costs, the prize pool has never been increased and because these people are entertaining us all summer long. Yes I know it’s their choice, and they don’t really care about the money! Most of them just care about their 15 minutes of fame but because they are on such a lucrative reality show, I would think they would want more pay. But it was their choice to go on BB and receive whatever amount of money they are entitled to.
I don’t understand why CBS doesn’t increase the money for 1st & 2nd!? They have been paying the exact same amount for since season 1!
I understand people (potential HGs/current HGs) are JUST happy to play (or sit around) on BB with technically little money however, after this season it’s quite obvious people/hgs are just coming to play for their “15 minutes of fame!”
After watching this season, BB needs to give future HGs more “incentive” to play, play hard, play for themselves, really really want to win, fight hard, play hard, win comps, do anything they can for say $1 million because of right now these people are just happy to make it to the jury house, extend their summer vacation & get paid a decent amount of money to do it NOTHING! Future hgs need to come in prepared to play a different game, a harder game and a game they want to fight hard so they can win a whole lot of money!! And not just treat it as though it is a vacation!
BB needs to increase The prize pool and give way more incentive to all of those in the house or else we are just going to continue to see repeats like this season where everyone again is just looking for their 15 minutes of fame and don’t really care about the money in the end. Things need to change
I stand by my post.
Lol soulmates.
That’s the beauty of being an adult!
He gets to screw up his life and we get to read about it online.
I agree with you, I’d take care of my kid emotionally and financially waaaay before buying jessica a ring.
I JUST thought of someone else for celebrity BB.
ANYONE from Duck Dynasty!!!!!!! (quack quack)
I was not surprised to read on another website that Paul Abrahamian did not attend the official BB Finale Party. He invited selected guests to his parents’ home and Josh Martinez was not on that list.
As a longtime fan of BB, I did not care for Paul on either season of BB. I always sensed something very inauthentic about him. I’m glad that he finally decided to show all his true colors. I hope BB does not bring the little creep back.