‘Big Brother 19’ Temptation: Halting Hex Explained

Since we continue to see a lot of confusion and questions about how the Halting Hex works on Big Brother 19 I thought it’d be worthwhile to do a refresher for those still uncertain about its affect on the game, especially as it seems likely to make an appearance this week.

Jessica Graf receives the Halting Hex on Big Brother 19

Jessica Graf received the final Den of Temptation reward during Episode 11 this season back on 7/20, though the power was actually awarded to her the day before. This is important to remember for the timeline since there is an expiration date. So how does the Halting Hex work? Here’s everything we know.

The purpose of the Hex is to stop the entire live eviction, vote and all, on any of four specific evictions. There have been two evictions since the power arrived which leaves this Thursday (8/3) and next Thursday (8/10) as the last chances for Jessica to put the power in to play. Jessica does not have to use the power. It can simply expire if unused.

When/if Jessica decides to use the power she must announce it before the voting begins on eviction night. Jessica can not wait until after the the voting has begun or Julie Chen has revealed the vote. It is too late at that point. This is so Jessica can’t wait to find out which person is going before deciding to activate the Halting Hex.

If the Halting Hex is activated then the eviction is simply skipped that week. Read again: there is no eviction the round in which Jessica uses the Hex. It does not protect one specific player. She can not cherry pick who is safe and who goes. It simply prevents any voting outcome at all. If there are three HGs on the Block that week then no one goes home. Doesn’t matter who is up or who many are up. There is no eviction. No renom, no nom-swap, no flying monkeys, or anything. No eviction. The end.

TL;DR – Halting Hex

  • Hex stops entire eviction for all nominees
  • Jessica can use it this Thursday or next (8/10)
  • Hex must be used before voting begins
  • One-time use, but does not have to be used
  • Game carries on as if eviction occurred, though no one goes home

Executive Producer Allison Grodner has confirmed that in the case of the Temptation being used then the outgoing HoH is not eligible to compete in the next Head of Household competition. So it’s not a reset or rewind week, it’s just a week without an eviction.

Make sense? Hopefully that helps clear things up. If you’d like to read more of the official details of the Big Brother Halting Hex then here are all the details straight from CBS:

Here is the original description of the Halting Hex from CBS’s website:

The winning houseguest will be tempted with the Halting Hex! Whether on the block or not, they can halt any one of the next four evictions during the live show, making it a non-eviction night. But remember, every temptation comes with a consequence.

When Jessica was revealed as the winner of the vote she read this description:

Accept this Temptation and the Halting Hex will allow you to halt any one of the next four evictions. If you or any ally is in danger of going home you have the power to stop the live eviction by unleashing the Halting Hex before the voting process begins. You may use the Halting Hex at any one of the next four evictions, but it may only be used once then it is gone forever.

As for the “curse” portion of this reward, it was the “Temptation Competition” being added to the game for the next few weeks. That’s rather ridiculous.

Production was obviously always going to change the twist to be this competition series for the next three weeks after the Den was the Temptation for the first three weeks. It was leaked early on that the Den only had 3 rounds. It would have made far more sense for production to say that accepting the Hex would send one evicted player back in to the game with the Battle Back since those events were just a day apart. And don’t forget, the Phoenix was on the pedestal in the Den for the Hex just like the toads were when the Ve-Toads were that week’s curse. Seems more likely they changed their minds, but it really doesn’t matter.

As for if the Halting power will be used, I think there’s a good chance we’ll see it in play this week despite Paul’s best efforts to convince Jessica to keep the Hex in her pocket and let her closest ally get evicted. I don’t believe she’d let that happen, or at least I’d like to think she won’t waste this incredibly powerful opportunity. What do you think of this powerful weapon in Jessica’s hands?



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  1. So everyone will be saved, but I am worried about that consequence. I’m not sure if the consequence was Jason becoming the 3rd nominee or it still hasn’t happened.

    • The consequence is the Temptation Competition for the next 3 weeks, winner safe, last person is 3rd nominee.

    • I just asked this question on another post and was told this can only be used once. I hope so. And as far as I’m concerned they should have gone further and allowed the winner of the HOH to play again because they got no result in being HOH this week.

      • No, no. I don’t want Paul to play again or win anymore comps. Without assistance he is not that great. It would probably be one week Paul one week Cody or jessica to win it.

  2. Thank God Paul can’t play for HOH. I hope Cody wins the thing and finally gets rid of Paul. These Houseguests cannot continue to be idiots following their pied piper. It is stupid and horrible game play.

    • Don’t think they’re ready to get rid of Paul …..yet. I give it a few more weeks, there are starting to be rumblings but no concrete discussions. Cody just doesn’t have the support at this time. Anyone he puts up against Paul goes home.

      • So if Jess/Cody were smart, they’d put Josh up vs. Paul if they get HOH next time. If they had done that last week, one of them would have gone home instead of Ramses.

      • they didn’t want Paul to play in the VETO comp. So he wouldn’t have went up. Should Cody or Jessica win HOH this week, expect it to happen that way too. Plus this week, Paul can choose to play in the Temp Comp and may actually win it. SO getting Paul right now isn’t as easy as it seems.

      • No, I think that some like Alex,Christmas, Jason and Kevin are biding their time and will make a move, just not yet cos there are bigger targets to get out first.

      • I believe if someone back doors Paul, the house will see their chance & vote Paul out.

      • I think this has been the consensus amongst several folks on this board. Paul puppeteering his minions right until he collects his 500K. He HAS to be evicted or he will win no question…

      • yes get Paul out ,,, and I hope Jess does use the Hex and save Cody He’s willing to take the grenade for her no one has done that on BB before !! Hes willing to let Jess win,, but Jess doesn’t realize they will get Cody out 1st and SHE’S next !!!!

      • You all are forgetting the rule of reality TV: there are two types of juries. Better juries or bitter juries. Better juries reward the best player with the win. Bitter juries vote with their emotions. It’s very possible Paul makes it to the end but loses because of all the people he burned to get there.

      • Absolutely! That’s (at least part of) why Paul lost last year. I didn’t want him to win last year, but was still shocked that he didn’t. I kinda want him to win this time.

  3. I just hope that Jessica uses it this week. She would be stupid if she didn’t use it.

    • Well, she is not that smart, so who’s know. But I want her to use so we can just be done with this.

      • In a way, you have to feel sorry for Jody, they keep thinking their making big moves and they get stymied every time

      • To be honest, I do. They had better fish to fry but they chose not to fry them.

      • Now more than ever the rest of the house should see that, who would vote for Jessica or Cody to win? They are perfect to keep in the house for that reason. Paul has to go, or Raven just because I want to mute my TV every time she is on there.

      • They’re not perfect to keep in the house because they’re going to actively work to get you out of the house

      • I wish they would have put up like Raven or Christmas next to Josh. That would have (I think) guaranteed Josh’s eviction.

      • She knew that putting up Paul would also have been a waste since no one would have voted him out, but at least Raven could have left.

      • While that is true, the vote could have flipped against him. Anything in the Big Brother house can change at the drop of a hat.

      • Agreed. This whole temptation thing was a fail. Just use it already and let’s move on.

      • Thank you….Exactly!

        You Nailed it!!


        Paul is so annoying! He is Sickening! I am tired of him and his butt-kissers! I wish they would play the game and Not play Paul’s game! Lolz!

      • it may not work out this way, but I really hope that Cody wins HOH and puts up Paul and Alex and Cody or Jess win the Veto to keep the noms the same…would love to see where everyone stands with that eviction….

        if Jess was smart she would put her personal feelings aside and vote Paul out as well and save evicting Alex for a later time…..
        then you have:

        Mark to vote out Paul
        Kevin to vote out Paul
        Jason to vote out Paul
        that should be a definite 4 including Jess

        they would just need to convince 1 more person to make it a tie for Cody to vote out Paul…..

        I’m keeping my fingers crossed

  4. They really should have attached a rule that says while the player who receives a temptation power can choose whether or not to reveal it to other players, they cannot lie about what the power is or isn’t. That might have helped avoid so much of the confusion among both the players in the game and some of the viewers as well.

    • Yep. The whole thing has been a mess with respect to the details being revealed. BB could have also just announced the power/temptation but kept the holder a secret. Removes all doubt and avoids the lies if they weren’t going to allow anyone to deceive others about it.

      • But isn’t okay to deceive and lie? Many others do it about many different things all of the time. I thought it made it interesting. It was entertaining…for a short while. ;-D

      • Perhaps I’m wrong, but I think Jessica was allowed to lie about the HH, but she wasn’t allowed to include Production in her lie. For example, she’s not allowed to say, “Production told me the HH lasts for six weeks.” But she could say, “The HH lasts for six weeks.” If I’m wrong about that – and I might be – someone please correct me.

    • They’ve been inconsistent. Boogie and Jeff weren’t allowed to tell anyone about the Coup d’Etat specifics or they lost it. I remember the look on Jordan’s face when he revealed it, you would think she would be the first person he would tell.

  5. She probably will use it. She had expressed she wants ‘camera time, and Baby Meatball is stealing all the scenes, Ha! so that’s it.. For the TV viewers, it’s a fantastic move/blindside, but we (feedsters) all know it’s a dud.

    • It was given to Jessica because America voted for her. There was a lot of people online/facebook/twitter/Instagram and etc. that was rooting for her and banding together to vote for her to get the last temptation. Thank God….or these butt kissers would just do what “Paul wants them to do”.

      • It may have been Americans but not the “America” you think of as crazy loyal BB fans. Jessica told Cody that someone at her “work” has millions of followers on social media and Jessica said if there is any kind of vote, to send a message out to vote for her. That is why so many people who dislike her and didn’t vote for her were surprised by her win.

  6. I cannot stand Paul and his antics- He is acting like the boss- just end BB19 and hand him the check- Do a do over for the whole season without Paul!!!!!!

    • I believe Paul is trying to get people to play the game before jury and not just lay in bed with showmances. Paul has been telling anyone that listens the actions of others and pointing out to others what you should be doing. You don’t discuss everything if you were trying to win. Paul likes to play the game, but I do not think he is playing it to win it this year just trying to keep game going which most of these HGs just want to make it to jury.

      • Easy to play the game when one of your BFFs are helping you. Paul and Raven have known each other for years and are very good friends.

    • Remember last night Matt said–“Whatever you say Paul”!!

      **Gag** So Gross to watch these f00ls kiss his Arse-H0le!**

    • But she has already messed up to have told Paul the details of the Hex as to having to apply it before eviction votes. Again opening up to Paul about her target (Alex). She has let all secret to her arch enemy. At this point, the game is over for her and Cody with their opponents knowing every bit of their buttons. Very pathetic!

    • Thank you. I agree completely. When you have to explain it….you never should have had it.

      • I never thought it was confusing at all. It plainly said the winner could halt an eviction before the vote started. How is that confusing?

      • I agree idk why people are so confused. The only confusion was if MAYBE paul could play in hoh. But then again i just assumed he wouldnt. People reading way too far into things

  7. A HG might make a hero at this time and go far after winning the HOH if he openly challenge Paul, put him on the block, and unite temporarily with Cody, Jessica, Mark and Elena to get Paul off the house. Such a HG will change the tide, open the game for everyone to have fresh hope for winning, and stand a better chance of making the last 5. But the best time to do that is about now, else the HG will continue to be Paul’s followers targeting Jody, Mark&Elena until they are unable to bond against him with each one hoping for his mercy to survive successive weeks thereby escorting him to win the price of the competition.

  8. Well BOB….. It appears that you think your BOY CODY is playing BB so good, then why is he such a looser???? All this stupid guy does is SUCK FACE , grab Jessica’s ass all the time and doing it in bed. I guess that’s playing the game. Paul is a real game player and how dare you call the other players idiots. Looks whom is call the kettle black..

    • Every year the guy who is playing the game gets lambasted by people in these posts. The whole point of the game is to do exactly what Paul is doing. I have no problem with it. Cody is an ignorant, ill mannered person who is taking Jessica down with him. If she had a brain she would make a deal with them and keep it and let them vote out Cody. Because then she could use it for herself if necessary. Cody is a horrible person who can’t play the game. You may not like Paul, he’s not my favourite but he is playing the game.

  9. I think if the halting hex is used then the players on the block should not be able to play for head of household along with the current HOH or to be fair all should play even current HOH.

    • If Jessica doesn’t use the Hex there are two possible outcomes. They evict Cody who is a self-destructive non-threat, or they evict Jessica, the stronger player, along with her Hex, all at once. Easy decision for the house. She better use it or this will be the worst move in a long string of bad moves.

    • AND Jessica, I feel anyone involved in the stopping of the eviction should be treated the same, ie.. all punished or all set free to carry forward as if it had no happened.

  10. I would love for Jessica to NOT use the Halting Hex, then on Eviction Night, get evicted. Then her little reward cannot be used at all. This would drive Cody nuts knowing she won’t be in Jury House when he gets there, and he can’t win safety every week.

  11. I still don’t believe America voted to give Jessica the last temptation. She and Cody were not nice and still aren’t being nice. They are bullies!!! I can’t believe America voted for her, whether they felt sorry for her or not! I believe BB producers had a hand in it!

  12. I think its a bunch of crap that the HOH loses his or hers nomination, then doesn’t get to compete in the next HOH comp!

    • I too feel this way, it seems the HOH is punished, while everyone else is not.

  13. this is the thing … Paul is playing a smart game .. He is getting all his ” Minions ” ( who are as dumb as Jessica for playing Cody’s game for him not herself ) to do his dirty work and is not getting any blood on his hands … someone comes to him and says did you do or say such and such it is as simple as denying it and they believe it .. So he is playing a Smart Game .. IF Jessica doesn’t use the HH she or Cody will have to win the Veto comp next week or … who knows what will happen ??

  14. I don’t mean to be rude to anybody who didn’t understand.. but I don’t get how so many people didn’t understand how this works. I’m no genius and I never had a single question about it at any point. I just felt it was never not straight forward.

    • There have been an endless string of questions about it. Hoped this would help, but it probably won’t. Giving the direct quote from CBS where it said “one time use” and I still had people replying “so can she use it more than once?” *shrug*

      • Close her eyes, make a wish, and tap her Ruby Red Slippers together three times and POOF! While she twirls around, with a banana on her nose, reciting the constitution of the United States.

  15. I just commented this on another post here but maybe it can be answered here.

    What if she gets the hex wrong? Doesn’t say it 3 times. Misses or adds words? Does it void? Will Julie be like, “are you done? That is not the halting hex. The live vote will continue.”

    For the record its “halting hex rise, eviction night does” x3

    • I don’t think that matters. But I’m sure production will tell her again what to say.

    • That’s pretty silly. She doesn’t have to get the wording right. It’s not actually a magical spell.

      I doubt she even has to say the words again 3 times. That was all for the show in the Den. Remember the book “magically” disappeared after she said it?

      • Site Admin – Matt – I appreciate your putting up the description/explanation above like you had with an earlier situation of what was going on. Some people do not listen, do not listen clearly, cannot listen because of also being on phone, ipads, comp, talking to others in room etc. etc. etc., or just because.
        Regarding the written explanation above, some people cannot read, do not read, do not understand what they read, only read a little thinking they know the entire contents of what they read, only read to understand what they want then make it to read/understand what they want to, will not read, etc. etc. etc.

  16. Shoot! I was hoping for some flying monkeys! You ruined it for me hahhahaaa
    Otherwise norhing new, will continue watching Paul & The Minions show!

  17. Matthew Boyer, do you know whether house guests who win temptations have access to the rules of the temptation in writing to read anytime, or do they have to remember the rules as learned when the temptation was received?

    If viewers get confused over the rules, it seems that the holder of a temptation could as well unless the rules are accessible in writing.

  18. Someone pointed out that BB filled the house with Paul fans knowing that someone would accept the $25,000 and put Paul in there. As the series goes on it now makes perfect sense that the producers did just that. Why else would the sheeple follow him like zombies except for Jess and Cody? Think this year should be titled the “The annoying Paul show”. He couldn’t win last year so producers brought him back to annoy the %$*^ out of viewers.

  19. I think its time for Cody and Jess to go. The house is toxic with them in it. I hope there is a triple eviction once her hex runs out and she goes out with Cody and Mark.

  20. I love this twist but I wished Kevin had it instead of Jessica, she is an awful person in my eyes.

  21. So does this week continue as though there was no eviction ? Or does it start all over … either way I dont see why Paul cant play in the next HOH …

  22. The HEX will be used, Paul cant compete. When Jody wins HOH, then Paul or ALex will go home. Pretty simple.


  24. I feel 99.9% certain Jess will use the Hex. And Paul cannot compete for HOH! I would LOVE to see Mark win HOH and get rid of Paul. He eggs on a lot of discord among the players and it’s degraded to the point I don’t want to see that nastiness any longer. I’m disappointed in Alex. She was my early favorite, but her sitting there laughing as things escalate between other players is very disheartening. In all honesty, what happens tonight will most certainly determine whether or not I continue watching this competition.

  25. It was so interesting to see everyone’s seemingly positive reaction to the Halting Hex when Jessica was using it. It was as she explained so I really did not see the confusion factor. I thought Paul was using that as an excuse since when Jessica asked Paul if he had any questions, he said no. At anytime he could have asked, but he is not that upfront with anyone.

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