Big Brother 19 has been a wild and bumpy ride but it’s about to come to an end. In just three short weeks from tonight the Big Brother finale arrives on Wednesday, September 20th where a new winner will be crowned and the HGs will head back out in to the world.
There are still eight Houseguests left in the game with one more set to leave this week to become the fourth member of the Jury. That leaves us with five more spots to fill in the Jury House and just a few short weeks to make it happen.
With so many HGs left I’m expecting we’ll find another Double Eviction in the mix and likely a “surprise” eviction somewhere between that and the end of the season. So far CBS hasn’t given us any official details on the schedule ahead, but we can make some guesses here based on this year’s NFL schedule and last season’s BB schedule.
Looking back at last year we actually have one more HG at this point than we did then so the likely, but not yet confirmed Double Eviction could clean that up for us and put things back on schedule. And even with another DE we could still need a bonus eviction, something that was handled last year with a Monday night eviction with down Feeds that aired in a later episode.
Checking out the NFL schedule I’m not seeing a national Thursday Night Football game on CBS before the end of Big Brother 19, so that should help avoid the typical issue of a chopped schedule in the final weeks of the season. It’d be nice to run out the season on its usual routine, so fingers crossed there.
Here’s a possible, not official rundown on the HG count vs schedule:
- Thurs, Aug. 31st – 7 HGs remain
- Thurs, Sept. 7th – DE – 5 HGs remain
- Mon/Tues Surprise Eviction – 4 HGs remain
- Thurs, Sept 14th – 3 HGs remain
- Wed, Sept 20th – Finale show
That would work out well for the rest of the season, but we’ll have to wait and see what CBS releases for the official countdown. One way or the other, Big Brother 19 will all be over in three weeks and we can let out a sigh of relief. Of course we’ll miss it as soon as it’s gone though!
Good, it’s almost over, how can these people be so stupid where Paul is concerned?
Why is Matt STILL in the house, he should be kicked to the curb.!!
I think the exact same thing….I wonder if they aren’t letting him stay for a head count at Jury?
If they don’t kick him out then why should anybody go by the rules
Can we get an official statement from cbs as to why matt is still in the house?
CBS leaves casting up to production. So they’re probably not going to write something up.
It would be the BB producers to answer, not CBS.
Grodner is a “Producer”
Exactly what I’m saying.
Last I heard or read Allison Grodner is a “Producer”…
Matthew can ask Grodner the next time he does an interview with her…
Even if he asked AG about why Mathew is still in the house, she wouldn’t answer truthfully.
CBS won’t give one, maybe we should ask kryssie for one! She had that rule book memorized! It is setting a bad record, next season why not take 1 penalty vote and skip HN if you know you are safe?
Why can’t they kick Matt to the curb, DO NOT stop in jury, DO NOT collect stipend and then give America his jury vote. It’s happened before. Why have rules if the house guest knows there are no REAL consequences for breaking them?
Wouldn’t it be ironic if Matt self evicted due to rule violation, and Raven voted out by default? Matt’s pouty trantrum would really backfire on him.
This season is a big disappointment. Bb is usually a TV watching guilty pleasure but this season is not very pleasurable. I feel sorry for Kevin, hate all the bullying, and all the fighting. I thought Matt was okay at first, but his breaking all the rules needs to be addressed. Don’t even care who wins anymore, just be over already.
Yep I was rooting for Jason but with his rape comments no more. So I don’t like any of them with the exception of Kevin but he hasn’t won anything. The rest of them especially Alex and now Jason with his nasty comment are not nice people and not pleasurable to watch. Season be over already and give Paul his cult money.
I missed Jason’s comment. What did he say?
Jason joked that if Kevin goes against him he is going to violate kevins wife and tie up his daughters and make them watch…
edit: he also made jokes about holding down Raven while other hg’s violate her…
He clearly thinks rape is a joke.
it is NOT
And yet, we are all still obsessed with the show while complaining how bad it is. Isn’t that weird? You would think, if the show were really that bad, we would all be gone, not still obsessed.
we are NOT obsessed…there is nothing on to watch…and I barely watch it as it is….sometimes I just read the headlines on this site when I am bored….
Totally agree, should never have brought Paul back, he ruined the whole season. Last year he was okay, but this year he is acting like an ass. I think the producers fixed the whole season!
Christmas should never have been allowed to stay, she couldn’t play any comps, that was a free ride.
That was Kevin’s fault for taking the temptation of the $25000. Had he not done that, we’d have no Paul in the house.
We still would’ve. About 8 other people hit the button. Kevin happened to hit his button the fastest.
They would have still put Paul in the house. That was just a facade. They knew that some of the HGs would press the button for 25K. Since they are berating Kevin for the amount of money he has earned from BB, why not chastise Paul for his earnings from last season? The double standards of these ridiculous people are sickening!
I would like to see a F4 showdown on finale night instead of F3. It would be a good change from the norm.
We could use that surprise eviction tonite…. get rid of Raven along with Matt…
I may be wrong, but didn’t they have two battle backs last season (Victor winning both)? And Week 12 saw evictions every 3 or 4 days.
Matt definitely is being a jerk, but I will be very surprised if he is sent packing without a stipend since there seems to be no rule, besides the penalty vote that we are aware of, regarding a HG intentionally disregarding HN rules for so long. Unless they have a clause that states that the rules are “subject to change without notice” or unless CBS has given Matt private warnings that he could be removed, I don’t see it happening. I’m not sure if these HGs are considered to be employees of CBS nor do I know what the laws regarding firing employees or if that would even apply in this situation. Do they sign a contract that says they will follow the rules or they can be terminated? idk
Kevin is protesting waaaay too much (about telling Matt that he revealed the $25k win). Other than the fact that his lips are moving, it should be pretty obvious to Jason that he’s lying
Now I think Kevin deserves that money for putting up with those delinquents. And Kevin don’t have them over for a BBQ
After watching the show and his family telling him everything they have seen, I doubt Kevin will have nothing to do with these HGs, especially Paul and Jason.
Kevin at first seem to want everyone to visit Boston. Now he says Mark, Ramses Jessica (if she is in Boston since she is from there), and Jason are welcome , I guess we will see if Jason stays on his list.
Jess is from Rhode Island. Where did he get Boston from?
I think she worked in Boston? I know he refers to her as a Boston girl. Kevin’s geography perception is weird, Boston is east coast but NY is not ? I’m originally from MA but live in the southwest, when I say back East, people think all of New England, NY, the east coast down to North Carolina (after that is south ). NY is east coast to most people.
Actually the Boston reference come from Jess telling Kevin that she is a Chreatriots fan.
LOL, Cheatriots!
Love the football fans who are soooo jealous that the Patriots have the GOAT at QB and at head coach. Rant on.
Deflategate was real!! lol
I think evidence shows that Charlottesville is where the south starts *cough cough*
Well, New York isn’t on the coast. It’s not part of New England.
I’m East coast.
I might be east coast again before the season ends! My husband got a job offer starting next week.
I lived in the SW and everyone thinks the East Coast is DC, maybe Virginia and north. North Carolina is definitely considered the south.
I meant to drop at the top of North Carolina, Virginia ends the east coast. I live in Utah so Virginia is considered called the east coast Utah. I was surprised because before I moved here I had never heard that term before.
People in Mass. have adopted people from Rhode Island as their own. Little Rhody, ya know? :)
With a double eviction coming next week, if Alex does not win HOH, she and Jason could be out next! She is stupid anyway! I hope Jason survives and she gets evicted to the jury house!
I want her gone.
I only continue to watch because I already invested so much time watching this horrible season that Iโll just finish it out. The only thing that could make me happy is to see someone go after Paul but I highly doubt that will happen. Looking forward to it being over.
Yes I can’t remember a season where I was so turned off of the show due to the players and it started off so good too ๐ Actually the racist season was bad too. 15 maybe? But at least there was gameplay by more than one player in that season.
I think we know who’s gonna be left.
Well Jason keeping noms the same has worked out beautifully for Paul…
Now Kevin is a huge target for everyone but Jason, Paul has another week of flying under the radar, Kevin feels closer to Paul because he knows he doesn’t have Alex as an ally anymore, and both Kevin and Jason lost 2 jury votes if either is F2
Paul wants Jason out, not Alex.
I know – I was just saying that Kevin was able to feel more comfortable in the past, since he had Paul AND Alex in (in addition to Jason)…but now Kevin is definitely seeing that he needs Paul to stay in the game, because Alex hates him.
I wish it was only a few days left. This show has turned into one of the worst things on TV. I know reality TV is dead, but how about cancelling it then. Paul did not make this season what it is, production has.
I don’t want them to cancel BB. I love this show. Yes, this has not been a good season. Like you I don’t blame Paul, these people don’t have the first clue how to play BB. There have always been good seasons and bad seasons. This is not a good season but hopefully next season will be a good one. You don’t cancel a show just because they have a bad season every now & then. Going by that just about everything on TV would be cancelled.
the show has already been renewed for next season.
What would a Kevin hoh look like?
Would like to see that. And Alex trying to save herself. She dug a big hole.
lol who would he put up as a pawn?
Raven and Alex on the block, and HG sittting in the HOH with fake smiles listening to Kevin stories and then going to bed and trash talking him.
i don’t think he would put raven because raven wants alex out as well…i think it would be someone like josh or paul. He needs to put someone that can beat alex in the veto.
If Kevin doesn’t have Paul’s help, Kevin will nominated the 2 HG that bother him the most, he has been saying the last two weeks he wanted Raven gone, Alex just became a real target recently to Kevin. If Kevin does what Kevin wants he puts up Raven and Alex and says let’s get rid of one if the annoying girls. Plus Jason might try to save Alex with Kevin and Paul will try and save Raven. Would Kevin listen to Paul or Jason? It might be the most interesting thing we see this summer.
We just need him to win. Maybe they could do a trivia show…game shows of the 70’s?
Or Boston landmarks? Or books of the Bible?
You are so right. I would love to see that week.
I think he’d put up Raven and Josh. He can’t stand either of them and Jason would go off on him if he put Alex up.
I think Raven and Alex.
I wish someone would get rid of Josh, I can’t stand when he opens his mouth, he is obnoxious!!!
I would love to see Kevin win HoH.
Ask Paul!!! LOL
I would really love to see Kevin win an HOH. That would be fun to watch. I watched him on BBAD last night. I really felt sorry for him. Kevin doesn’t belong on BB because he has never seen this show before and he didn’t know how terrible the people can be. Of course, a lot he brought on himself but him being almost 60 I did feel sorry for him. I think, not sure, that Kevin is the first older people to get this far. I could be wrong. If I am please let me know who was. Thanks!
actually, jerry from season 10, finished 3rd and he was 75. crazy.
I forgot about him. Thanks for reminding me.
Actually, Karen from BBCan5 made it to F2.
I have no way of watching BBCan but thanks for letting me know.
Bring on Survivor
Did you see the cast reveal today ?
I saw an article on the new cast. Seems like survivor casts or is able to get a higher quality cast, they somehow find professionals that are able to take 2 months off but big brother just finds lots of jobless or people just working waiting for a break that want to be in tv to make easy money off of appearances and social media stuff.
They might do what they did last year. Have the Survivor premiere and the BB finale back to back. If I remember correctly, they were each 1 1/2 hours long.
No this year the BB finale is the 20th, and the Survivor premiere is on the 27th. We might have a 2 hours show for both.
OK I that sounds right too. My mind has been scrambled lately lol.
I think I read that’s what they’re doing.
I hope so. I can hardly wait.
No where?
Let me tempt you with this! 3 weeks to go and 8 houseguests – kicking Matt out and evicting Raven would go a long way to getting back on track…..
Are they going to let Alex stay after calling Kevin Dementia. And child molester? Anxious to see …… Megan might had a law suit?
My ranking of the House guest from worse to adequate. (Not going to use the word best for these people.) The list is based on game play and personality.
1) Jason- You jump to worst player when you make a rape joke. On top of that calling Audrey it. He piggy backed off Alex. Which brings be to number two.
2)Alex- What happen Alex?! You were my horse. Alex went from petty to nasty real fast. Paul created a monster. What’s just as bad as making a rape jokeโฆ laughing at one.
3)Matt- Total disrespect for the game. Does not deserve jury. #SendMattHome
4) Jessica- Jessica was a love to hate yet would like to win for me. She’s my number three because there was so much potential with her. She could have used her mean girl in a constructive way. Instead she went down the Alex rabbit hole and became nasty too. She also had great instinct but dick was to strong for her to resist.
5) Ramses- I love Ramses and he would be fun to hang around with. BUT you gotta do something. You can’t just watch. You’re in the game. Play! Still love the kid.
6) Christmas- She’s not a monster but she’s no angel and to be honest should not be in the game. They should have taken her out and I would have been happy for her to return next season, because it was only week two when she hurt herself.
7) Dominique- She tried?? I don’t really know what to say about her. She was an oddball and did try hard to stay but it got weird.
8) Raven- She has done NOTHING! Zero! The only reason why she is not farther up is because she either didn’t make a rape joke or injured herself.
9)Elana- She just played a horrible game. It was bad but she also wasn’t harassing the house guest.
10) Cody- I’m not sure why some people are giving him a pass on harassing people. He’s made disgusting comments about transgender people. Him and Josh harassed Megan to the point of quitting. People give him points for being a vet but trash Magen and she was one too. He is number 10 because he did try to make moves. Being the first HOH isn’t easy and neither is having to put up five members of the house. He was dealt a bad hand for that I feel bad for him. It is Big Brother however and secluding yourself does nothing for your game. He could have turn things around but he decided to just be a jerk and give up when things didn’t go his way. He won the battle back. This made the game exciting and predictable at the same time. Weird how he was able to do that. Cody also won comps. He was a great competitor. Unfortunately had zero social game, which is a part of BB. That brings me to number 11.
11) Kevin- Excellent social game. But has not won a thing except for 25k and all he had to do was press a button. I’m not buying into the elder abuse thing. He’s an adult who signed up to be on a reality game show. That’s does not excuse number twos behavior. Anyway Kevin has his share of sh** talking and made some off color comments about the house guest. Overall Kevin seems like a fun guy to hang around with. Would love to spend Thanksgiving with him and Ramses.
12) Mark- He’s a teddy bear and a wet blank all at the same time. I really like Mark from what I could see in the game. Just didn’t know how to ground himself to one side when he needed too and was too loyal. Hope he goes on to do good things.
13) Josh- At this point he’s here. I know my last house guest will get me a lot of heat but here are reasons why Josh isn’t the worse player. Josh harassed Mark yet Mark still likes Josh. Makes me believe that the edit made their rivalry more of a Frenemy. I hated the pots and pans. The crying whatever. He does have great instincts and if he didn’t allow Paul to get in his head he would be great. His attacks are game related and aren’t as personal as other house guest. Recently he’s refusing to participate in the antics of Alex and Paul against Kevin (he did argue with him but again to was game related not harassing for no reason). He seems like he’s playing his game now with Christmas… and a little Paul.
14) I reluctantly have to give Paul the less worst player. I know don’t scream at me. Here’s why. I hate that Paul instigates fights and harassing but the HG are all adults. They do not have to follow him. Unfortunately they do. Paul has position himself to cover all his bases and never stops playing. Ever move he makes is a game move. Ever conversation is a game move. He’s playing a lot like Darrick except Darrick wasn’t an asshole. Overall Paul should have won last year so I guess the only thing that will come out of this season is he might win this time.
I did not include Cameron, Megan and Jillian. There was just not enough game time to work with. I’m not going to fault Megan for leaving because of PTSD. I am going to fault production for casting her in the first place.
What is your worse player list?
Sorry disagree with some of your order. To me Paul may not have been in the Alex category of mean but he instigated a lot of bullying. He just got josh to do it and he even told people to harass people. Now Alex is like the evil sidekick in the movies saying “now boss?”. Rubbing her hands counting the seconds to get permission to attack but Paul was behind it. And Josh let him control that in him.
Kevin and Mark did not do that. I think they are honestly the two decent guys of the whole cast. And they aren’t perfect either. Terrible season ๐ก
Hahaha perfect call on Alex. I agree with you about Paul but they don’t have to follow him. He’s using the resources he has. I can see your point about that being just as bad though.
True they are his minions for sure. Why go on Big Bro if you have no mind of your own?
Paul didn’t create anything. These people are fully realized adults and their actions and words are their own, no one else, they are to blame for what comes out of their mouths. Blaming Paul for what others do is ridiculous and absolves the others of everything no matter how nasty and mean they get.
Preach it, Miss Fiddle!
Thank yer kindly Miss K!!
I agree with you and I don’t blame Paul. All these people are adults and they can make their own choices.
Mine pretty much falls the same as yours. Paul is the best so far this season. Love him or hate him he really is the only one playing. He plays this game like a chess game, has several different strategies lined up and his moves planned well in advance. Its his game now, win or lose.
I would NEVER Abe a have not. Take a penalty vote and take hot showers and eat!!! That’s easy choice…
If it’s only one vote and I knew for sure I wasn’t being voted off, I would give it some thought. The downside is, it’s always there, the vote and at some point it can bite you in the butt.
Paul better make sure that if Alex and Jason go the block that he has covered his ass with all the blankets he can find….Jason and Alex are both gonna know they been had and that Paul was behind it…It don’t matter “WHO” nominates them they will know they have Paul to thank….I hope all hell breaks loose and there is no secret lie manipulation or deal left untold…I am waiting on Kevin to tell Jason what Paul said ..but of course Paul is gonna make Kevin out to be a liar…and then too sometimes Production steps in with a twist that upsets the best laid plans of somebody like Paul…u never know ..just keep watching…
According to the above schedule, I don’t know if there will be a Monday/Tuesday eviction. Received the Fall issue of TV Guide. BB has an episode on Friday, September 15th. Maybe they’ll have a surprise eviction then. Hopefully it is not another clip show and have our feeds cut, again.
Sorry but it has not been ‘wild’ or ‘bumpy’ It has been a smooth water slide at Paul’s world water park. Who is next to slide out the door? Just ask Paul.
I look forward every summer to watch Big Brother! Then after BB is Survivor which I also love. This season I have still watched BB and BBAD but I am ready for BB to end. It has been a rough season. At least we all know why production is not giving them hardly anything to drink. I hate to see these people when they are drunk. Someone would end up dead. I only hope that this season of Survivor will help me forget this season of BB. Every time I like someone they do something terrible that I really hate and changes my mind about them. Example: Jason. I was so disappointed when he joked about rape. I couldn’t believe it was from Jason. I was going to vote for him for Favorite. Now, I don’t think I will vote at all. They all have terrible potty mouths and I cuss myself but this has been really bad. I can’t believe some of the things that come out of their mouths. Whatever Ravin says I don’t pay attention too. She is just an idiot thinking she is funny.
I am gonna laugh if some of these BB people get onto your SV…the thought has me cracking up hah sorry
Their have been several BB that have been on Survivor. Some of them were pretty good. I will laugh too if some of these BB people get on Survivor. Survivor will eat them up.
Mark is the only one who deserves AFP, in my opinion. He’s a good guy. The only real good guy in the cast.
We need this on twice a year like Survivor please
No, once a year is enough!
Yes, we’ll miss Big Brother, but not this season’s houseguests. We already miss BB – the way it was … and hopefully will be again.
good….it is almost over….CBS please find more interesting people with brains for next year
They had brains, but did not use them!
When I was setting up which live eviction to attend with production, I was given Sept 12th as an option so I’m assuming that’s the extra eviction.