This week on Big Brother 19 there will be just a mere two votes. With the chance of a tie-breaker either nominated Houseguest could end up staying but after a few days of arguing the plan for Paul’s trio seems to have settled on the obvious target.
Josh sent Alex and Kevin to the Block before the Veto comp win went to Paul where he shocked Alex with the news that he wouldn’t be saving her. Not only that, but she’d probably be the next one to go. Everything looked set for that to happen, then Josh happened.
Josh observed how Paul was working Alex over to convince her, just like the past several eliminated HGs, that this was all the fault of Josh and Christmas. Paul would love to help her, but those meanies just won’t let him. Josh tried to get his foot in the door with Alex, but she hasn’t been willing to listen.
In a fit of grumbling Josh told the cameras he wanted to negotiate a tie then shock Paul with a move of his own: sending Kevin out the door. When Paul started to see Josh’s agitation of his position with Alex there were threats that Paul and Christmas would split the vote and put the blame on Josh for her eviction. Josh openly invited it but after awhile that seems to have faded in to the background.
Just as well for Josh to avoid a move like that. It wouldn’t help his game, and just like nearly everything else this season, it’d probably end up helping Paul’s game. Alex would fight with Paul and she’d be taking him to the end. Or at least she would have before deciding Paul is a “counterfeit s-o-b.” Either way, that doesn’t look to be the plan anymore.
Paul and Christmas will both be voting Alex out. Christmas confirmed her plans to Alex the other night and Paul has made it clear she’ll be going either way so he doesn’t have an obligation to vote to keep her.
We’re expecting the early eviction to arrive later tonight (taped Tuesday and airing Wednesday) and when it does Alex Ow will be voted off Big Brother 19 by a 2-0 count. After that we’re down to our F4 of the season!
So what do you think? Will anything change the plans for eviction this week? Cast a vote below for who you think will be evicted and share your thoughts on what’s ahead.
I’m not sure what is funnier. Seeing Alex act like a moping brat or seeing Paul try to secure her jury vote to absolutely no avail.
I thought she pledged to convince the jury to still vote for him? Did that change?
During her rants she still says she is voting for him. She doesn’t like him right now but she also won’t vote for Kevin or josh or Christmas for floating.
I wonder if that will change when she finds out he was behind the Jason vote.
Nah, it won’t. She’s too devoted to him, even if she’s bitter now.
I think there’s also a part who knows he is the best player even if he is s ‘snake’. L0L
Yeah, 100% agreed. I think he can still score a lot of reluctant half-bitter votes.For my $0.02, it should be a unanimous win either for Paul or Person Who Evicts Paul. No one else has been relevant this season.
I don’t think it has changed, really, but he keeps peeking in to the have-not room to try to confirm this. She sends him away. She is SUPER salty. Heartbroken. It’s great to see, mainly because she was so nasty and so ugly to her fellow houseguests (specifically Kevin.)
She does deserve it, but she’s still so focused on after-BB celebrity, and she needs Paul to share his fans. So she’ll vote for him, and push Jason away again if he disagrees with her.
Karma would be for Paul to have lost his fans and both Paul and Alex to fade into obscurity. Jason’s got a tough row to hoe after this too.
Maybe the lesson will be learned by the next cast and we’ll see some real game play.
The funniest thing, while she hides in the Have Not room, is her campaigning to be AFP! Seriously, Queen Bitch? NO WAY.
I heard her say that on Feeds too! I hope she changes her mind!
Paul is such a Byotch and trying to convince Alex the Hell Cat to vote for him has been a laugh riot. I so hope King Paul loses his Lying Crown in F2.
And this sad sad season slowly limps to the end.
I’ve been willing my brain to believe this Big Brother season didn’t exist. It was dubbed as the Paul Show and his Cowardly Minions. One of the reasons I haven’t been present here or on the feeds!
I know it’s painful but it’s like driving by an accident, you look even though you know you probably shouldn’t. Your avatars have been more entertaining this season.
Why thank you! They were fun creating them! :-)
I would pay for the feeds if it was the jury house. Any chance we see any of it?
Hopefully some more tonight, to see Jason and Raven arriving.
Pooor Matt will be disappointed knowing Raven wasn’t a great player after all! :-)
LMAO! You funny Joni!
I’m looking forward to the Backyard interviews after the show…they’re on live feeds. That is if they have someone standing in for Jeff Schroeder!
What happened to Jeff? I hope he finally left and someone with a personality takes over.
He runs a youtube company with over 200,000 viewers, so hard to say.
He has a job in Colorado on a news station. They moved there this summer.
Jeff and his backyard interviews are the best way to wrap up a season, especially this one. I hope he’s back.
OHHHHH The best person to do the BY interviews this season would be ED….That would be worth staying up all nite for to watch him interact with the players of BB 19…
Well it might be a sad season but just thank there is going to be another this winter but I can’t wait until Survivor comes on.
No, I will pass on the No Celebrity BB, thank you very much. Hopefully BB20 will be all vets or no vets.
I want season 20 to get back to Big Brother roots the way season 10 did after several twist-filled seasons. Lets have 16 complete strangers who are just average American’s. No semi-celebs or stunt casting. Then lets have HOH, veto, and evictions with a couple of double evictions as the only twists. Also I want them to go back to the nomination wheel and more segments showing random moments in the house rather than always try to fill every episode with challenges and strategy.
And food comps fayt! Let’s get back to food comps where all the HG have to work together for a moment in the week towards a common goal. I liked that. It built some camaraderie between them, if only for that moment.
I agree!!!
I’d be down for that. Make the Have-Not competition with side food reveals each week again. Doesn’t make much sense to have them do have-nots if they aren’t even going to show it in the episodes.
And if they can’t make a HG stop eating when he’s a HN right? So, just do away with it.
Yes I agree, although he was doing it to make sure he went over Raven. Most players won’t be that selfless or stupid I’d assume.
I think the only other one I saw do that was Jen in BB 8 and I think she stopped after they gave her a penalty vote. Matt just made a mockery of it & imo when production starts letting a HG just break the rules so flagrantly they are setting a bad precedent for future HG.
That assumes that there will be many more seasons of BB. I’m not so sure. If they plan to quit or they don’t get renewed after BB20, what does it matter?
I think taking away his right to vote should be implemented when that transpires. Rules are there to be followed not undermined. Only shows what poor sportsmanship looks like otherwise.
Something more serious than one penalty vote & a bunch of “stop thats” from production that’s for sure. That is why I say just get rid of Have/have Not altogether & go back to food comps b/c that is generally the whole house or half the house is on the same diet.
Or that! LOL
I will miss you! hahaha
I’m going to give it a try and see how it is. Problem is I’ll probably get hooked and won’t be able to stop watching no matter how bad it is. Told you before I’m addicted and need to go to BB rehab.
Well LG as they say, the first step is admitting you have a problem, LOL
Christmas will thank you for that! LOL
Bring on Survivor.
How can anyone conscientiously vote Cody for AFP? I’m giving this accolade to Josh if he’s not in the F2 or to Jason.
You know, Josh for all his faults has entertained me more than anyone else in that house. I do hope he makes it to F2 but AFP would be good also
If they had an award for Mean People, I’d give that to Jessica, Alex and Christmas.
Little stinker award winner?
Would go to Jillian.
Me, too!
I think he’s grown up since week one. I couldn’t stand him in the beginning and now I like him. Yeah he cries but it shows he has a heart.
You would give it to a pots and pans minion rather than a former marine who was the most “real” contestant in the history of the game?
You mean Cody, the crybaby who threw his game away for a girl he just met? yup in an instant
Well, with all due respect, isn’t Josh a crybaby who threw his game way to be one of Paul’s minions or to be liked by his new friends? In my eyes, he’s a worthless, coattail-riding, highly annoying sycophant.
Josh is still in the house, where’s Cody LOL
Apparently in jury about to collect $25K if these polls are halfway correct! LOL
And Josh may have $50k LOL LOL LOL
I certainly wouldn’t bet on that, but weirder things have happened. I will concur that Cody’s approach to the game was less-than-exemplary. But this particular thread was addressing AFP, and as much as your disdain is apparent for Cody, I see absolutely nothing about Josh that would make him America’s favorite player.
The majority didn’t really play anyway…so it’s basically a toss up to any of them.
Well that’s you not me, Vive la difference!
Agreed. C’est la vie. Season 19 will be remembered as the Season of Paul anyway.
I will actively be trying to erase it from my memory.
Hahaha. You need one of those Men in Black pens.
Whatever helps, right?
I think Magic Eraser will suffice for me! LOLOL
These polls mean nothing. Half the people don’t vote. The only one that counts is the CBS poll.
I realize now that Josh crying just shows he’s got a heart.
or he is spoiled rotten and used to having everything his way?
Not when he’s crying because he is evicting someone he cares about. That shows he has heart. Doesn’t have anything to do with being spoiled. He may be spoiled too I have no idea what he’s like outside the house because I don’t know him.
Josh is also a bully in training….. Cody, for sure, should be AFP (unless it is given to Kevin, Mark or one of the first people out of the house). None of the bullies should get it.
Cody and Jess were both bullies as much as i hate that term. If they were in the house longer they would have bullied more.
OMG, I can’t believe you said that. Cody not a bully!! You MUST be watching a different BB than I am.
He’s still in the house. Were are Cody and Jess?
I choose not to reward someone who bullies and intentionally provokes people. I have zero respect for someone who would not do any of those things without the protection of the producers. My favorite player would never be a sycophant or underling, both of which Josh clearly is. Cody was a terrible player, but I can respect him as a person. That’s why he was my favorite player this year.
Cody was not some innocent, he insulted, bullied and behaved aggressively towards those he felt were ‘outsiders’. He was so caught up with Jess that he gave up his game and cried like a baby. If that’s what you like, hey you’re entitled. I wouldn’t give him a dime.
To each their own, but you are delusional if you think Cody exhibited more bullying behaviour than Josh.
One thing I am not is delusional. You just think what you want and I will do the same. You know people are allowed to think differently than you, right? and thank god for that.
Thinking differently and having differing opinions is great, but a fact is a fact. There are no different interpretations for a fact. Denying a fact is indeed the definition of delusional.
Oh just listen to yourself. You must be the comic relief
I am in the majority on this so there must be a lot of comedians out here.
Just keep telling yourself that maybe you’ll convince yourself. I’m out, moving on to better things.
You are out because you have no leg to stand on. You have be out debated and now you run. The polls all show Cody clearly ahead. Look how the daily popularity poll has changed throughout the game. You made your decision on Cody the first week (or let twitter make it for you), and have stubbornly refused to assess new information. Most have changed their tune on Cody and Josh, but the rigid minded have not.
Bless your heart!
Yawn. No wonder you like Josh, you are up tr8ppng3’s butt just like he is up Paul’s. I’m am sure Tr8ppng3 can defend him/her self. Go ahead and continue posting what I am sure you think are funny comments. I like when the opposite of intelligent are on the opposing side of a debate than me.
I refuse to debate over a reality game show!
So you are just a troll then? Here not to contribute to debate, but to just stir up trouble?
Darrell, chill man.
I am sorry but I won’t let the immature get the last word on me. Read the posts and see who is trying to inflammatory.
No trouble from me sir! When it starts to get depressing is when I take several steps back and remove myself from something that has no positive outcome as it should. You use more muscles from frowning than you do laughing. I want to laugh the rest of my life, so if you cannot make me laugh as much as you make me sad or angry, then my time spent around you is very limited. Good day sir!
Typical delusional poop stirrer. Stir the poop, get someone angry, play the victim, and run away. Hahahaha there must be a low brow playbook somewhere for you guys.
Hey – I’m also from the South – and “Bless your heart” was an insult. Obviously, Darrell realized it, also.
The irony, it burns
Well, that wasn’t too nice.
Must be Jessica incognito
And you must be a moron right out in the open!
Was jk, but If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck…
And not seeing the truth because of your hatred of Paul and the others is delusional.
First of all this season will not be remembered as the “Season of Paul”. It will be remembered as the worst season in the history of BB. Secondly, I don’t remember Cody trying to destroy a VETO competition the way that Josh did with bullying Jessica and Cody. That was a terrible moment that will go down in history as a worst moment.
First of all I never suggested that this season would be remembered as the season of Paul. Secondly are you seriously arguing degrees of bulliness?
Possibly. I get insane on these threads….You see I wanted a stranger to go to another country……Good grief. I don’t even remember typing that. (I know I did because I see it below). BB drives me crazy…..the show I love to hate, but wouldn’t miss it for a minute.
Hey, we’re all crazy here, lol
Cody cried out of frustration , and Josh cried because he felt bad about his actions.
Josh was there longer. Cody’s great game playing sent him to this jury.
He swore he wouldn’t make victim noises…but alas, he couldn’t keep that promise after all! LOL
I do think Cody was rude but can you give some examples of his bullying?
Whatever floats your boat!
So threatening josh early in the season that he was going to turn him in as a pedophile was a game move?
He only threw away his game once it was apparent that BB was against him. You may find that laughable but I think it’s true. He went for Paul yet BB saved Paul with the 3 ridiculous weeks of safety. Cody’s alliance turned on him because they were starstruck by Paul so Cody never really had a chance to get very far in the game. He somehow still made jury so that says something anyway.
They turned on him because he tried to make a big move week 1 without consulting any of them. He couldn’t be trusted to work with anyone he wasn’t having sex with.
He had to nominate about 5 people and spur of the moment for some…. Also, how did trusting people work out for the rest of the them? Obviously, somebody needed to make a move.
Aggressive play is never a good idea the first week. Playing “too hard too fast” is a common downfall for players early in the game.
“I know what will get me far in the game: immediately turning on my allies for no good reason without warning anyone!”
Exactly. The same people were idiots at the beginning of the game. Cody was a person who was actually a fan of the game and tried to play the game…..
If he really was a fan he would have known that you don’t blindside your own alliance on the first week. Geez, how many people are blinded by his military past. He was one of the word contestants and if itmwasnt for the battle back he would have been gone week 2.
Cody couldn’t play BB because he couldn’t be the boss & he didn’t have a gun in his hand.
He threw it away week one when he thought he was all that and went lone wolf on his alliance. He would never have a social game because he doesn’t know how to be social.
Cody’s alliance turned on him because he chose to make a rogue move without consulting them. He blindsided his own alliance and they lost trust in him. Get your facts correct before posting.
I am voting for Cody not because he was a great player, but because I share the same contempt for the house guests as he did.
Not that I am gonna vote for Cody…But ur comment makes a great deal of sense as to why u would vote for him….At least u did not say it was cause he played a great game..(which he did not )
No. No, no, no. He played a terrible game. LMAO. He played a terrible game from the very beginning.
What??? I was agreeing with ur reasons as to why “u will not vote” for Cody…I agree with u…
Oh I know! Haha. I was actually agreeing back with you…in no way shape or form is my AFP vote going to Cody because of his gameplay hahaha
Sorry if that came off erroneously.
He played more of a game than most of the cast –except for Alex and Paul. I would say that he was second behind Paul. Obviously, the minion’s game play shouldn’t be held up as an example.
I can totally understand that reasoning actually. ;)
I guess real means hothead
Yup! At least he was more entertaining.
I guess real means hot head
If that is who you are yes. He doesn’t pretend to be something he is not. He doesn’t engage you in friendly small talk and then talk behind your back. Being real makes him a terrible big brother player, but id rather give him 25000 than to a phoney fake, social media diva type.
What? Interesting judgment, based on WHAT?
Just because he was a veteran doesn’t mean he’s a good person. Many are heroin addicts and violent offenders once they come back home. A former marine in my town killed his two young kids when his wife filed for a divorce. I don’t want josh to win either. I want Paul, the only one who actually played the game.
I’d give it to the ants in the house rather than see Cody get it. That guy definitely has a personality problem. I don’t care what division of the armed forces he served in, he’s one horrific person.
Hi Joni. I’m voting for Cameron. Josh if they don’t have him as an option. Protest vote. Willie Nelson for President instead of the choices given.
Thank god for the suds, I didn’t need to see 2 wet willies in 1 pic
Teehee! Would I do thaaat? haha
You forget I know you JOni, lol
Yes, and we’re all glad you’re better now.
hehehehe I want my cookies NOW!
I think fans are most angry about two things: how nasty everyone in the house was and how willing everyone was to outsource their game strategy to someone else. So I think that top 2 vote getters for AFP might be Kevin (least nasty) and Cody (most determined to play his own strategy, even if he was horrible at it).
I will vote for either Kevin or Josh if he gets cut at F4/F3
Agree. Cody blew up his own game week one when he went rogue and left his alliance in the dark. Not a move that a good game player would make. Isolates himself then hooks up with Jess. Spent 95% of his time making crazy google eyes at her. Got evicted and won the battle back because production set it up for him to win. After returning to house his game play got worse and he dragged Jess down with him. Isolated themselves from the house and had no social skills what so ever. Jess gets HOH/POV the same week. Puts Ramses and Josh OTB and keeps them there. Wonderful play when she really had the chance to take out a bigger player. Wins halting hex thanks to production and tells entire house about it. Goes home the next week and doesn’t make the jury. Cody follows a week later. Great players here! They also both had their share of bullying others and threatening them. Josh’s best line of the season was hey Jess,how do you spell evicted! So for all you Paul haters who are voting for either Cody or Jess under the guise that they played a great game are having more delusions than Raven.
What she said, lol.
YES!!!! Exactly!
He beat 4 people to make it back into the house….and some of it was pretty close. It was harder this year with the extra person nominated by the house than it was in previous years….
Look who he beat, Jillian, Dom, and he almost lost to ,Cameron. Than they gave him the same comp to go against Paul to come back. Production wanted him back so they set it up. I could be Jillian, she was a waste as was Dom. So call him a winner against them lol. A joke.
I’d say Josh is most IMPROVED player. (Though too little, too late.) My AFP vote goes to Kevin, who (along with Mark) is the most decent of them all.
Given how this season has gone, I’d have to say Cameron is my favorite player.
Josh and kevin need to team up and challenge PaulMas.
Someone commented that Kevin thinks he’s a buffoon so not much of a chance of that happening.
I like someone else’s moniker for the Paul Xmas duo — P**smas, lol
That’s really clever!
What are the missing letters?
I went with the dirtier letters.
Yes, you have to leave it to people’s imagination to fill in how they see it, lol
You would. haha
Thought so! hahahahahaha
I just have to say this
Our military does nothing but murder innocent people in the Muslim countries and topple democracies that are not pro america.
So Cody and the rest of his veteran friends (post Korean war) can duck off!
I just have to say this
Our military does nothing but murder innocent people in the Muslim countries and topple democracies that are not pro america.
So Cody and the rest of his veteran friends (post Korean war) can duck off!
Protest the Govt policies. Support those that gave their life or currently serving.They are two separate issues.
We have a volunteer military so those who sign up to do evil are just as responsible as those who tell them to do it.
You’re blocked. Will never see reason.
I got a little heated reading that crap, but you’re right Alf, won’t see reason and my father always said to argue with a fool shows there are two! hahaha
Truth hurts. Do you honestly believe that they are still fighting wars for our freedom ROFLOL. Why don’t you travel to countries that don’t go to war 24/7 and see how free they are like Canada and Europe. More free then us. #SorryNotSorry
You’re very ignorant. The mission in Afghanistan is run by NATO, which mean there are soldiers from Canada and Europe fighting in Afghanistan. And this is off topic, so is the last thing I say about this.
Seems he ran away the little coward. What has he done for the country? Nothing. Waste of space. I hate traitors to the country and Imperial Survivor is number 1 traitor.
Good for you. I am going to also. I am not a fan of traitors to the country and on a BB board? What is this idiot thinking?
Nothing is fair in love or in war!
LOL! Leave it to you, Joni, my friend to make a joke and try to diffuse an idiotic conversation! hahaha Nicely done. :)
There’s no room in my heart for bitterness!
I love that about you! Good morning hon. How are ya?
I’m fantastic! Beautiful sunny day today so I’m going to enjoy it as much as I can before the rains come tomorrow.
Good for you hon. :) I’m just glad it looks like the heat is finally dying down here in Cali. It’s only supposed to be 90 today… ;)
Porch sitting redhead weather here…in the mid 70s! :-)
Oh, I’m so jelly, that is usually California weather, but we have had heat wave after heat wave here lately. Tomorrow it”s supposed to break completely & be 80, so Yay!
I like You more today than yesterday as wel Joni. You’re one cool cat.
Awwww…why thank you! You’re a cat lover after my own heart! LOL
Lol! Is that Paula Abdul?
That is!!! Must have been the “Straight Up” song!
Paula..Opposites Attract. The video was ahead of its time.
Yeah, she was a helluva dancer. I remember that.
How did you know????
That is scary !
Miss petting my little poussy cat, she ran off with a Tom boo hoo
Oh, it was a typo but it seemed appropriate in this case
Come on we are here to talk about BB not political stuff. Do that some where else.
It is BB. I am talking about how Cody should not get handed 25K just for being in a murderous organisation that pretends to fight for freedom
Wow. A real nutcase you are. What a traitor to the United States. I actually hope you are not an American.
You want to wish him on another country?
Yikes……..crazy talk.
In case you hadn’t seen it.
His super power is tossing cereal at his enemies and blowing them away with the force of a category 5 cyclone.
If you see the gray you better pray for what, more cereal?
This one too.
Loved hers!
Paul is more of a veteran then Cody will ever be.
You know, it is our military that gives you the freedom to sit down at your computer and talk this smack. I have an idea, why don’t you take yourself to one of those other countries and try doing the same. Then…if you make it out alive, you can come back here and let us all know how that worked out for you. Okay? Until then, this is a board for Big Brother. Kepp your political beliefs to yourself, thank you.
Afternoon TGJ!!!
Do what murder thousands or millions innocent people in wars against countries that didn’t even do anything to us and topple democratically elected leaders that don’t suck up to us?
You’re on the loosing end of that argument, give it up. It’s off topic.
Im not on the losing end. You people who beleive that the military protects your freedom in 2017 are. No wonder we have Trump in office.
That was the Russians doing duuuhhh !
Just a joke , get it ?
Also please consider using the spell check, maybe you are saving your time writing, but you were wasting my time trying to read it, the world sucks, everybody sucks blah blah blah try to stay on topic this is the BB board not NPR lol
Somebody needs to win something or it is Paul and Christmas to F2
This entire board is off topic today. It sucks. But this is still a FREE country for the time being, and everyone has a right to express his/her opinions, even if YOU don’t agree with them. THAT is what makes this country GREAT. Certainly not the clown in the White House.
Like many other you don’t understand free speech. You see free speech allows you to call the president a clown on a street corner, and Secret Service won’t come after you. That’s free speech.
But here, it’s not a public space, it’s a private forum that belong to Matthew Boyer, we are only guess and he decide what is allowed and what is not. His commenting rules at the top of this forum are very clear: “Keep the conversation civil and on topic“.
If he doesn’t like what you have to say, he can kick you out and there is nothing you can do about it.
It get me very frustrated to see American that don’t even understand their constitution. I know it better than you and I’m Canadian.
Off my soap box.
Still off topic, I did carry the torch serving a hitch in the Navy, so I hope I am allowed to speak . There has always been war and soldiers, that does not mean that all soldiers are great people personally, just that they deserve a measure of respect for serving . Cody deferred to Jessica, Jessica tried to play nice and you cannot play nice with snakes because they always end up biting you . To me the Geto Boys are true prophets, Good to be a Gangsta is 20 years old and still rings true .
I like you today more than yesterday. Well said.
Ty Alf! Right back at ya! :)
I usually do not engage in those kind of conversations, but…I just couldn’t seem to stop myself today. ;) Must be those martinis from last night. hehe
I don’t mind being a sh** stirrer from time to time! It rejuvenates my otherwise boring attitude that these past few days evolved into! :-)
LOL! But Joni, when you stir it up…you’re also the one with the sunny/jokester disposition that comes along and puts out your own fires before things get too heated, so you can be forgiven. :)
There are no strangers, only friends I haven’t met yet – Yeats
Well said; friend.
Imp survivor must have gotten flagged
I asked him to try the NPR comment boards
Like to think I had something to do with it but
I am happy with the situation none the less
Looks like someone flagged imp survivor
He must have gotten nasty
I said this was the BB board and he wanted NPR :)
Wanted to thank everyone for their prayers in hopes my father and his wife made it through Hurricane Irma. They did and only very minimal damage was done to his rental property and no damage to his own home. Both were manufactured homes that usually don’t survive through a Category 2 hurricane sometimes. They didn’t lose power like so many others did either. A true blessing!
Great news!
That’s great news. My family members in Florida are also ok. Lost power and some water damage, but everyone safe and sound
Great to hear! :-)
Mine, too
Glad to hear it bbadboy. :)
Yay! Thank goodness Irma was not as bad as was predicted.
It devastated the Carribean…St. Thomas will take a very long time recovering from this. That’s where I spent my honeymoon 30 odd years ago. What used to be lush and green is now baby sh** brown. Very sad.
I know. it’s scary how mother nature can just smack us around and show us how small we really are in the grand scheme of things.
¿?????? Highest ever recorded winds in Naples, Fl. , some folks got very lucky … I went through Andrew, Charlie, Wilma and the no name, Irma was a bad’un
I was not trying to offend you. My elderly mother is in Jacksonville and it didn’t hit as hard there as we expected, so my relief is palpable in that regards. I hope all is well for you & yours tho & my thoughts are with those it did hit hard.
That is what I was trying to say, it was indeed a big storm but it bounced around the populated areas in Florida, it slammed the islands , the forecast tracks were all off .
That’s good to know, Joni. My mom also got through okay… Luckily Irma was not as bad as it looked to be at first.
That’s good T, I was wondering about your mum last night. She’s in Jacksonville right, they were showing the flooding there.
Aw thanks sis! Yeah, she had some flooding and downtown Jacksonville flooded, but she is safe & sound and that’s what’s important.
So good to hear. Prayers in numbers helped like you would not believe! :-)
All those good wishes sent out to the universe came through… :) Mother Nature can be scary. I still remember how terified & insignificant I felt after the 94 Northridge earthquake. I realized we are just tiny specks on this planet & if nature wanted to she could shake us off like fleas on a dog! haha
I’m glad your okay. Hopefully these hurricanes and fires will in the end flush and burn out any thought of climate change denial in folks ;)
I live in Maryland and we’re soon to get the backwash as we generally do when hurricanes occur in the southern region. I felt so helpless for my father who’s 82 and who’d decided to stay in a nearby hotel to wait out the storm. He still made the right decision even though I wished he’d travelled to Tennessee instead. Thankfully he and his wife survived and both his homes made it through and for that I can rest easy as well.
It is so sad to see the elderly and the disabled have to deal with the devastation. Not that it is easy for anyone but when they’re old, vulnerable and unable to fend for themselves it is especially hard to watch. Thank goodness for all the people who step up and help each other in difficult times.
I truly believe God was sending a message to all of us here. The hatred was getting out of control and we needed something more to focus on that unites us rather than divides us.
That is a lovely thought, hon. :) I wish more people thought that way…myself included. Thanks for sharing that Joni. :)
I’ve been wondering how he was doing, thanks for the update Joni girl!! That’s wonderful news, I bet you are so relieved to know your dad is okay and there is minimal damage.
Paul screwed up with Alex…you think she’s going to give you a “fair evaluation”..she wore a petty on her forehead for 2 months. You will loose again
She said she was going to vote for Paul and convince Jason to as well
Alex said she us still voting for Paul because that is what she promised, kid you not, it is on YouTube BB19 Alex salty rant, from the PopTv milkshake party, that Alex skipped
Actually liked the clip, saw a better side of Alex
Sorry if you are one of the haters but I would like to think that she is not a reprobate .
I think we should all vote Cameron for America’s Favorite. That’s the only fitting end to this farce of a season.
No, Cameron hasn’t been in the game. Kevin is the one who deserves to win AFP, for putting up with these HG’s bs.
Ahhh Paul and Christmas basking in the afterglow, heh heh heh
Josh shouldn’t be so worried about Christmas rubbing Paul’s BACK lol
Last night Paul was telling Josh not to mention that he and Xmas are in a showmance because his girl might get the wrong idea. Paul said hes just comforting Xmas. Mean while he just got out of shower put on bo,then body spray, and then aftershave and then ask Josh if he was going to sleep in room with them. Awful lot of prepping to go to bed.
I think we should all vote for Kevin he has put on a brave face with all the bulling these a$$ wipes have done to him Paul always a threat to him look how Paul got and the dirty looks he gave Kevin when he thought Kevin would win something. Kevin should win I would love to see their faces of all the big bullies to see the underdog win
At last finally someone seeing the light !!!!!! Geez Alex I hope you keep the light on upstairs . . .and convince the Jury of all that Paul has said and done . . .and I hope the Jury does NOT vote for him to win !!! But shocks the hell out of him by voting for Josh to win !!!!!!!!!!!! And then voting Kevin for AFP . . . in fact I hope Josh wins the final HOH . .and he chooses Christmas to go with him to Final 2 . .leaving Paul out in the cold with nothing !!!!
Used to be a big Paul fan, but his recent behavior suggests he has no moral compass or loyalty to anyone other than himself. Christmas is pathetically following every move or decision he makes and is therefore a mindless, co-dependent loser who’s only gotten this far based on sympathy votes. What shitty people!!!! I have a newfound appreciation for Cody’s perception of Paul.
Paul is on his way to winning half a million while Cody is working on his pool game. As much as I don’t like Paul too much he has played the best game. $500,000 versus friendship. It’s a no brainer
You are just figuring this out?
Paul’s in the BB house, trying to get to the end as the only vet and someone who only lost by 1 vote last year. People don’t act the same way in public/ a competitive environment/ a work environment as they do with their friends or behind closed doors.
Why would you have loyalty to anybody but yourself in a a game for money?
Wed. is going to be good , I want to know who won dam it, Alex will be gone GOOD, She is a piece of work indeed, lets hope Kevin squeezed out a win. unlikely but we can dream,
In order for Josh to take a shot at Paul is that Paul does not win HOH and Josh wins veto. they all could have woken up , and realize paul is the biggest threat, Yeah right, HA HA HA,
My TV listings have Hurricane Relief tonight at 7:00 CST on CBS. Is BB being preempted?
Tonight is Tuesday. BB is tomorrow.
Thanks I thought there was a special edition tonight.
Just a thank you Cap and
God Bless America !!!!!
If this does not make you want to salute
Nothing will :)
You guys are all dogging on Alex but she was an excellent player. This season brought more cunning game plays and meanness but she deserves to be praised for playing thus game when hardly anybody else did !! It was like watching birds flying!
No, no, no! She certainly was better than Christmas, but an excellent player? Meanness is not a requirement to play this game, she brought that trait all by herself. She excelled in being mean and a bully to others. She got arrogant, fat and lazy, and rode the coattails of Paul and ended up getting evicted due to her own stupidity. Nuff said.
I’m looking at the votes, and I REALLY don’t get it. Was I watching something totally different than everyone else? How can it be that Cody of all people get so many votes! He WASN’T even a good gamer. His only reason to want to take out Pual was because he “Didn’t Like Him” I think he was jealous of him from the get go. It wasn’t because of any kind of game play. He had it in for him from the start. He got a second chance, yeahhh, he changed it up a bit, but Jessica called the shots not him. In my opinion his strategy was one of the worst. If Jessica wanted to get to the end of the game she hooked up with the wrong person. So, is it just because he is a Vet or is it because of his game play that you vote him your favorite. If anything I’d rather Jessica got the votes, and she’s not even my fav to win My Favorite House Guest. I hope the votes in this poll change for the better.
Trisha TF