Big Brother 19: The Best And Worst Moments of Week 10

From an awesome guest star to an epic blindside to a major announcement, Big Brother 19 Week 10 wasn’t half bad. That means we might finally have more Ahhs than Ewws this week. That might be a first! Let’s check it out.

The Best and Worst Moments of Big Brother 19 Week 10

Eww. The Great HOH Debacle: Remember where you were when you first heard Christmas won a physical HOH competition against five other able bodies? Seriously, though, I was completely confused until we got to see it play out on Sunday night’s episode. One by one, the HGs disqualified themselves until Christmas was the last person standing (on one leg). That took about 10 minutes. It was a complete disgrace to the game of Big Brother. I have to hand it to Paul, though, he is playing one hell of a game, but it’s hard to praise him too much when there’s so much proof his fellow housemates are really, really dumb.

Ahh. Bobby Moynihan Shows Up: One of my favorite Saturday Night Live alums stopped by to host the Veto competition and he was definitely the best special guest to ever appear on Big Bother. That’s my opinion! And he’s a fan on top of that! He came in banging pots and pans and gave the best DRs of the season. Of course the best DR moment was when he called everyone dumb for not getting Paul out week one. Bobby for America’s Favorite Player! Hashtag it!

Eww. Paul Wins Veto: It doesn’t matter at this point who wins what because they’re just going to do what Paulw wants anyway. I was, however, hoping Kevin could pull out a win to either keep nominations the same or by saving Jason. Option one would have foiled the plan for the week and people would be forced to show their cards, or option two meant Alex would have been evicted.

Ahh. Alex is Blindsided: I wanted Alex to go over Jason, but the next best thing was watching her be completely blindsided by the vote. So much fun to watch.

Ahh. Josh’s Goodbye Message: Josh might be Paul’s bitch in the house, but his goodbye message to Jason basically poured all the blood onto Paul’s nice, clean hands. I didn’t think Josh had it in him, but he told Jason that Paul orchestrated the whole week. And Paul’s message following Josh’s, filled with lies, made Paul look even worse. Well-played, Josh.

Eww. Alex Wins HOH: Ugh. I knew this would happen. I wanted her to be the second evicted during the double, but here we are.

Ahh: Alex Nominates Kevin and Raven: I wanted to make this an Eww, but then I realized how ridiculous the nominees are and it made me laugh, so I decided it was actually an Ahh. How bad of a player can one person be that she doesn’t nominate Christmas and Josh after what just happened? She is so obsessed for her weird hatred of Kevin she wasted her nominations.

Ahh. Josh Wins Veto: I was beginning to wonder that if Alex or Raven won the veto, maybe Josh could be in trouble, but I highly doubt it. Alex was too set on getting Kevin out. But at least Josh secured his safety and he earned it this week for taking so many falls for Paul.

Ahh. Alex Fails At Getting Kevin Out: HAHAHAH. This is probably my favorite moment of the week. She made stupid nominations and then everyone blindsided her again by evicting Raven instead of Kevin. What a dummy.

Eww: Josh Takes The Blame: Let me get this straight. Paul promised Josh he’d vote out Raven but then he made Josh vote Kevin? So now Raven thinks Paul voted to keep her and Josh voted out out. So that’s once again keeping Paul’s hands clean. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE? Josh? Why? Paul deserves to win this season. None of these others do.

Ahh: CELEBRITY BIG BROTHER: Julie Chen dropped the biggest Big Brother news in years! Maybe ever! Celebrity Big Brother is coming to BBUS this winter. Read the details here!

What do you think the best and worst moments of the week were?



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  1. There is another side to eww Josh takes the blame. What about Josh sided with Alex and voted to evict Kevin? After all, Alex is the one still in the house, so in that aspect, Paul’s hands were not so clean. Now, if Paul had have been the one to vote to evict Kevin, I’m sure this article would have read…eww Paul takes the blame. lol

    • Here is another fine example of Josh throwing his game away. Let us FF a minute to F3 and after the final three comps. Let us for arguments sake say Josh wins the final HOH, who do you think he will take to F2? We all know that Paul will take the one he thinks he can beat but who will Josh take? Assuming that all other HG’s are evicted of course.

      • No question, he’d take Christmas over Paul. She’s his partner AND easier to beat In F2 than Paul. I think that scenario is the only way Paul loses. Everyone else takes Paul to F2, where he’d win.

    • Alex believes it was Paul who voted to evict Kevin to keep her on his good side. That is why he told Josh to vote out Kevin. That one vote has Alex believing Paul is on her side. Which we all know he isn’t.

      • I saw Josh tell her in front of Paul in the APSR that he (J) voted to evict Kevin.
        There was something between Alex & Paul that I couldn’t understand;
        then Paul told her that Raven was coming in 2nd too much…

        Anyway, that makes me think Paul had to ‘fess up to Alex that he voted to evict Raven???

  2. Paul not only had Raven thinking that he voted Kevin out but, He has Alex thinking it was Paul who evicted Kevin so he can be on her good side. Now Josh won HOH and is gunning for Alex unless she wins POV then you will know Kevin will go. Unless he surprises everyone and wins the POV. Itll be nice to have Josh nominate Paul and Kevin if Alex wins POV and then has Christmas vote out Paul and Alex vote out Kevin to have Josh break the tie and send Paul to the jury house. I mean Christmas and Josh are learning about Paul. I know they will never do it but, it would be a game changer and have Josh to win this whole thing.

    • Last night at the end of the show, right be fore they went off the air, I thought Josh said he voted out Kevin.

      • Exactly and my point is he told Alex last night right before they went off the air. Why would Alex believe Paul at this point.

      • She is dumb. She wasted a completely good HOH. Your man just got evicted. Why didn’t you just put up Christmas and Josh who sent them home? Course, Paul knew nothing of this idea. DUMB! But, I think alex deserves to go next!

      • Alex came into the house a gamer and she is awesome at comps….Somewhere along the way she lost sight of the big prize…Had she kept her smarts her and Jason would have went to final 2.. And yes Alex is at fault for Jason being evicted BOTH are at fault due to blind loyalty…

      • She got too full of herself and thought she was untouchable. People keep saying Paul is playing a good game. He’s not playing anything. He’s just sitting back and reaping the rewards of his moronic house mates. They cast this season with morons so Paul could win. And they love Christmas as well. She should have been disqualified when she had to be out of the house for more than a few hours.

      • And Paul told Alex that Raven had to go because she came in second too many times and was a strong player.

  3. Paul couldn’t have gotten evicted week 1 because he had 3 weeks of safety. Cody tried without letting anyone know, so the HGs may not have evicted him anyway.

    • You are correct. I just wish, however, that Cody’s group had stayed with him. If that had happened, they collectively could have gotten Paul out as soon as his Pendant of Protection expired. Instead, they all jumped ship, thinking Paul was there to be friends with them. Each of the last two people (Christmas and then Paul) who Cody nominated have lasted to today.

      • If Cody would have told them or at least a few of them his plans to nominate Paul, it may have kept them on his side.

      • In principle, I agree with you. Cody keeping everything secret may be how things are done in some military operations, where lower-level people are expected to just do as they are told, but it does not work well in a setting where power is always up for grabs. The problem, as Cody said to Julie in his first exit interview, is that he did not think that people on his “team” would have followed orders and/or kept quiet if they knew that they buddy, Paul, might get nominated. After all, Paul gave friendship bracelets to some of them.

  4. SPOT ON!!! Ewe Christmas belittles Josh and treats him like he is her bi!#*. Leaving her head firmly planted in Paul’s butt.

  5. Branden, I love you; but ‘Ahh’ for Celebrity Big Brother? You’re looking forward to Frankie Grande (because you KNOW he’ll be there, ejaculating jazz hands and all)? You’re looking forward to any previous guest of Celebrity Boot Camp? One of the Real Housewives franchises? A loser from Bret Michael’s “Rock of Love?” Corey Feldman? A “Teen Mom?” You’re looking forward to Dustin Diamond? Really? OK…

    • Come on now, you could have left Jazz hands name out of it and who wouldn’t want to see Screech play LOL.

      • You don’t think they’re going to get anyone but D-list ‘Celebrities, do you? C’mon, WW. I guaran-damn-tee you, that Jazz-Hands will be there. Guarantee it.

      • LOl, if that is the best they can do, then I won’t watch it. That little girl/boy just irritates my dandruff.

      • Well, his sexual orientation isn’t what bothers me. It’s…well, how can I put this, it’s HIM. Everthing about HIM.

      • If its a camera anywhere around “Sparkle” will be there ready to paw and grab any man near him….So dam sickening…I hope if he is in the house that somebody bashes him in the mouth if he attempts to maul them…

    • Oh no.. Frankie Grande, Jason, the dumb bodybuilder, Rachael? Those people aren’t celebrities. They’re veterans. Hoping for real celebrities and not just unknown creatures who are YouTube “stars”.

      • Lol…I’m whining? No, just giving my opinion…saying how I feel. Here’s another opinion, don’t read my comments. Block me. Or, you can bite me..

  6. Is there any confirmation on whether Josh voted for Kevin based on:
    1) Paul asking him to, so he could lie to Alex and say he voted for Kevin, and Josh just followed Paul’s wishes?
    2) Josh convincing Alex that Paul is not on her side, forcing Paul to admit he wanted Raven gone, and not considering Alex’s wishes to have Kevin leave the house?

    I believe it was #2 – I think Josh took his time on that vote to put some doubt into Alex’s mind that Paul is not on her side. Josh I think was hoping for Alex to turn on Paul, which would be to his benefit. An Alex POV win would allow Josh to put up Paul vs Kevin, and have Alex/Xmas split votes and Josh could be decider. A huge move for his resume, and could still convince Alex to go after Kevin at F4. However, it seems as though Alex and Xmas would vote for Paul to stay in that situation.

    I know this may sound silly – but I think Paul is in serious danger if he does not win HOH or POV at F4 and HOH at F3. As much as people believe the houseguests are being ran over by Paul – they are using him just as much to get to F4. Only Xmas would consider taking Paul to F2. Kevin and Josh end his season at either F4 or F3.

    • Seems like he is planning to try to win HoH at F3. He should still try at F4 (everyone plays for HOH at F3 anyway) because he doesn’t want to be a pawn next to Alex (if she survives this round) and risk her feisty self winning POV.

  7. I really don’t think I can stomach throwing a comp again. That was the dumbest thing ever!! This season is so lame with Paul talking to the camera like is the greatest big brother contestant ever. NO HE ISN’T, they just set him up with weak minded people knowing full well that this would happen. I really hope no one votes for him to win, I think they should let America vote! With who is left I would vote for Josh. Can’t stand Christmas, she says when she is HOH that she was going to make some big moves, what like nominating the obvious one. The only thing she has done is backdoor Jason. She should never have had to do that.

  8. After this Sunday when we get to see the comics veto not much excitement till last 10 min. Then maybe we will see if Goodner ah I mean Paul succeeded.

  9. I just checked the house feeds: 10:50 am PT Friday.
    Alex is in a bright pink shiny leotard with silver cuffs and knees down socks and shoes. She has a silver R on her chest with the silver lines out from it to the left. She was just standing there looking at HG picture board.
    Showed paul getting out of bed with his red/white striped and stars undies on putting shorts on, plus Trejo. paul goes to kitchen, sees Alex and they chat a little. He’s admiring beard in mirror above kitchen sink. paul making coffee.
    Not for sure. pink outfit/ comic comps could have been last night.

  10. If I had something I wanted to sell to somebody who doesn’t need it… I’m looking for someone like Alex.

  11. Ewwww ….. Celebrity Big Brother …… a bunch of has beens who’s looking for attention any way they can get it.

    • It’s “The Revengers”, including James, Frankie, Victor, Mama Day, Austin, Dan Gheesling, Nicole, Beast Mode, and Mr. Pectacular.

  12. I agree, Branden, that Alex made no sense by not nominating Christmas and Josh AND by her continuing obsession over Kevin.

  13. Yup! I agree. Especially when it comes to Alex. What a complete idiot! Why on earth did she put up Raven and Kevin? Oh because she hates Kevin because he’s old! Sorry honey, you yourself will one day be old! Do you have family members that are old! What a moron!
    As for Josh’s goodbye message to Jason, that was perfect although after watching Jason’s eviction interview, I’m not sure Josh’s message sunken good enough! Hopefully when Jason’s head is more clear he will realize exactly what Joshua same! Hopefully BB let him watch it again! Jason is going to go into that jury hot! So it will be interesting to see if any of the jury members vote with bitterness!
    I honestly don’t hope that they do! I prefer jury members to vote for the best player overall and not vote out of spite.
    AND that’s all I gotta say about that :-)

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