Get ready for tonight’s special Big Brother 18 results featuring who won Battle Back to secure a returning spot this season from the first five evictions. We’re ready to see the twist play out after a month of building suspense.
By the end of this show we’ll see who won each of the four competitions starting with the Berry Balanced HoH comp and running through all of them so far following tonight’s spoilers and sneak peeks. Will your favorite return to the game? Let’s find out!
We’ve got nothing but an hour of competitions to watch so it’ll be interesting to see how well that works out. Maybe we’ll get some more bonus Big Brother episodes from time to time if CBS likes the ratings we bring in so be sure to keep watching!
First round is going to feature the first two evictees of the season: Glenn & Jozea. Both are confident they’ve got what it takes, but Jozea is taking it to a whole other level as he again calls himself the Messiah and is ready to walk on logs (instead of water, he says) to win this competition. Good grief. Whoever wins this first round takes on Victor, then Bronte, and finally Tiffany.
Big Brother 18 Battle Back:
Round 1: Glenn Garcia vs Jozea Flores – Jozea wins
One little twist on the return of the Berry Balanced comp is there is a “poison berry” that will knock out your opponent’s current column of berries. You must collect 20 berries (instead of 40) but if you fall the current column of 10 is wiped out.
Jozea keeps falling but then finds his footing. Glenn decides to try for the poison berry… but he’s just a second too late and he’s too late! Wasted poison berry.
Now Jozea tries for his and… he gets Glenn. Jozea keeps making strong progress and wins. Glenn is out while Jozea moves on to the next round to face Victor.
Round 2: Victor Arroyo vs Jozea – Victor wins
They’ve changed it up and we’ve got the tennis comp from the second HoH challenge. They must bounce balls in to rackets featuring their opponent’s face. Jozea can’t aim at all. This looks near impossible. Victor gets the first one while Jozea continues to struggle.
It comes down to a tie then Victor gets one more with one left to go… Victor wins!
Round 3: Bronte D’Acquisto vs Victor – Victor wins
We’ve got the Euro Trippin’ set up and they must study scrolling pics on screens then run back to the booths and answer questions. First to finish will win.
Lots of struggles and Bronte finally starts just swapping out tiles and trying all combinations… Victor tries to do it right and wins!
Round 4: Tiffany Rousso vs Victor – Victor wins
It all comes down to this final comp and it’s a BIG one. They must build a puzzle on the wall and listen to clues in the music to help assemble it. This is HUGE and looks very tough.
Victor is cruising through but Tiffany says his pieces are in all the wrong places and she’s right. But her’s are too! They both have to shift the whole thing up a row. Who gets it first? Victor! He wins round four and is heading back in to the game.
Big Brother 18 Battle Back winner is… Victor Arroyo
Victor told me he would target Paulie then Frank, Corey, and Nicole if he got back in. BUT when the comp was over Tiffany whispered to him to trust Frank and not Day, so maybe this will change. Hmm. I’d expect him to work with Paul for sure and Paul is tight with Paulie so this should be interesting!
Are you happy with how tonight’s results turned out? Don’t forget there are lots more spoilers coming up with the HoH comp, nomination results, and Veto comp on Saturday. We should have spoilers from the first two once the Feeds are back on later tonight.
Feeds return tonight at 9PM PT (12AM ET) Join us on there with the Live Feeds’ Free Trial & see what the fuss is all about.
If the show runs at 8pm that means it has to be edited and put together, no? It’s currently 7:15p EST so I’m assuming the comps happened all day? Do we have any knowledge of who won?
BB on a Friday night, this is a treat :-)
Love it.
I can not wait to get started. 30 minutes to go!!!
I’ll bet you any amount of money that Tiffy is coming back. Not that she really beat Victor, but because she’ll cause drama. They’ll set up a comp that she’ll win or set it up that she beats Victor.
Allright, I’m ready.
Me too! Wait…for what?
Can’t wait.
me too
The messiah is coming……are you ready?
You’re not funny. you like Christmas Corey? lol
Now you’re even less funny. I give you virus.
You like to mess with us, don’t you ? LOL
Cyril has a crush on Christmas Corey.
Yea right. LOL
Do the eyes have something to do with it.
He reminds me of Pee Wee Herman when he wears his hair sweep up in the middle.
Hey, are you mad at me? ;)
Will you HUSH!!! lol
Are you sure?
yes she IS!
Stay out of this, You…
Do you think David has a chance.
You owe me some money. I predicted it would be Vic.
lol oh you did? ok I owe you. let’s bet again. Who do you think will find the secret rm? 2 players
Frank! or Bridgette.
ha..ok I go with Frank/Da Deal!
You’re on! :-)
I think Nicole and Z stumble upon it while gushing over their crushes… hahaha
Let the battles begin!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Tiff
happy BB friday.
Here we go!!! Connie Chung, Cyril!
Yay!! lets give it to Connie Chung!
And here we go.
Yea, with Julie there.
Here we go….please let this not be a disaster.
As long as the 2nd coming isn’t tonight.
I understand they experienced problems throughout the day .
Really? Hey girl!
Hey, let’s do this!
Like what? What kind of problems?
They didn’t say, just that there was a delay
What happened?
They didn’t indicate what exactly
I hope Tiffany comes back, but I think it will be Victor. Happy Friday!
both would go for paulie so that could work out
come on glenn. knock this dude out
I don’t want to see him!
That’s taped.
Duct or scotch?
Duck or scotch?
Glenn is already rubbing me the wrong way.
Maxi Mini Me..GO!!!!
you go tiny dancer. ha
Ah, shucks! I was hoping Hosanna would come out wearing only his undies.
Oh, K…Why put that thought into our heads? Lol.
oh, you guys…I can’t watch him!!!
what does the poison berry do
It would’ve been fair if all 5 play at the same time….Oh well!
Really would have been better
Well, hallelujah, that sucks.
come on vic. gotta beat that guy. yuk
Exciting, too bad Glenn. Syanaro!
There was a tiny hope for Glenn, but he is too fat.
I’ll die…I really will. If he gets back into the house, I’ll die. You may send your respects via email. Some of you have it…I give you permission to share it…because I will die if he returns. If that kid gets back into that house–as entertaining as ‘it’ might be–I’ll die.
We’ll have to be buried together. Cuz I’ll die too.
We’ll have a shared wake.
All our BB friends will come. Lol
Lol… :D
I missed the beginning, what’s wrong with him?
The question is: what’s NOT wrong with him?
Well, we don’t have to worry about that anymore
Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha big belly laugh!
Congrats ♡ lol
Now I remember whi I can’t stand Josea. It was starting to erase from my memory.
OoH..I hope Joker’s rumor is not true. come on Jozea..lose next round..please
what rumor
Yeah what rumor?
..that Jozea won ..I don’t believe it though
good he’s just bs then.
Tiffany needs to win. Hopefully Bronte beats Victor.
Oops, not so
That was taped too right after that tennis comp for HoH.
What tennis competition? What the heck am I missing?
You don’t remember that set was use for the HoH comp a few week ago ?
Yep I had a brain freeze for a moment. It’s an age thing.
Never mind. Duh
OH, different games.
I wonder who is going to get the easiest comp to do. Would that be Spelling?
I bet you do!
I’ll refrain from any ball jokes.
I don’t want to keep hearing about your balls.
Guess He is not risen.
Good, I don’t ever want to hear about him anymore.
yes let us never speak of him again.
He who must not be named!
Bye bye jozea, Syanaro
YES!!!! this game was so intense that I couldn’t sit down. Hopefully Victor will beat Tiffany.
I hope so too, but I fear they will set it up for Tiffy to win. I hope Victor can overcome it. He’s already tired.
Oh man this is intense. I usually don’t post during the show but if I’m not typing I’ll be biting my nails or stress eating lol
that looked like a hard comp
Neither do I but only way to control my nerves, LOL
does anyone know when the actual HOH comp will take place? tonight or sat
I think Julie said on Jeff Schroeder’s after-BB show that the Battle Back winner returns to the house Sunday for the HoH comp.
i figured the sunday show would be taped
That was exciting..I hope next is mental.
If Bronte is in it, you know it’ll be ‘mental.’
Maybe math. She’s so good at it. :)
im an inspiring mathmetician crime fighter
He gets on my nerves too. That friggin laugh.
I know. He’s physically competitive..but he’s dull
Never thought I’d say this, but…
THANK GOD Victor just pulled that out!
Who’s going to win????
Bye Jozea. See you never.
I’ve missed that gal sooo much.
me too
Me four.
Get her out of there. Please.
Whoever wins now, I’m okay with it. I still want it to be my Bronte though.
Her voice,,,,
I love her voice.
Bronte’s winning this will give us a quiet week. Victor and Tiff will create havoc in the house.
I prefer havoc in the house.
Bronte needs to return.
Haha love her. There’s not a single person in the house that likes you buddy. Way to rattle him Bronte.
Doesn’t he have a disadvantage
OH, this is not good for Victor.
Reunite the spy girls.
god! Bronte..just shut up and play!
That’s a pretty good comp.
It is
omg haha She/Bronte did horrible the first attempt…
Bronte is so cute.
So much for Bronte’s math skills, ha ha! All but one wrong her first try!
She went about all wrong. Good for Victor.
I’m shocked.
about what?
Victor winning
He has to win one more.
I know that. I’m surprised he beat Bronte.
Let the chaos begin!
good job vic
Well I’ll be cancelling my live feeds now.
I dont wanna pay for it.
It’s cheap
Not worth it without Bronte.
Awe ,
I do like her but she adds nothing to the game.
She does nothing to add to the feeds. Quite boring.
You know nothing Jon Snow.
I’m thinking the same thing.
lmfao. It’s a Game of Thrones reference!
Oh! Thanks. I think I’m the only one left on Earth who hasn’t watched.
I felt the same way. I literally just started watching the series last week and I’ve made it pretty far. Anyway, that was always a funny reference from the show, and your reaction was priceless :) Good times!
Glad you could have a laugh at my expense. Lol :)
Of course! :)
Never watched it.
They taped that last night after the live show.
Is it Spelling now….
im hoping julie announces to the house about the returning guest so we can see their faces tonight
They know someone’s coming back.
I kind of had the feeling that’s what will happen. But maybe that’s just wishful thinking…
They seem to be dragging it with so many commercials, but I hope they show them clips of the game to see their faces. I’m sure they each have their picks on who should come back.
I need time for my heart to settle down.
They will see the last one.
You think?
Intense game, but I’m so happy Victor won. TIffany needs to go down and i’m sure Bronte told him a few things in his ear to go after the right people.
I think she just told him not to trust anyone
She told him nobody in the house likes him. I hope he goes right back out because she’s right nobody can stand him. He will be the biggest target.
Please Tiffany beat Victor. I can’t take him.
You’ll get your wish.
I don’t like him much but I want him to beat Tiff.
… guys may have noticed I do not like the Rousso sisters….
She’s not Vanessa.
Guilt by association
Not fair
What is fair???
I agree. She’s much better than her sister.
What can I say about Bronte’s memory?..Clean
She only wanted to get to jury anyway. Her and Nat are a disgrace to the game. I’m glad she’s gone!
Well, bless her heart, she’s probably getting low on helium. Bye, Bronte.
LOL! While she’s studying quantum physics.
yet she lost the math comp
She claims she threw that comp.
Are you kidding? Oh brother.
terrible player.
You got that. :)
These comps are definitely getting harder as they go. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
It’ll be interesting to see what’s next. No HOH comp to fall back on.
I hope Victor fights that hard when he is playing for HOH and Veto.
Eeeeeeee I’m nervous *head pops*
C’mon, baby! You can do it, Tiff!
Come on Victor….It’s stock up against you, but please win.
Lose Victor, lose!
Come on Production..fix it for Tiff! lol
It’s already fixed, so…
I wouldn’t be surprise.
That’s going to be a tuff one.
Why? You know it’s already fixed..
I know the winner of this season..reliable source..seriously
Good one.
I have a good feeling Tiff is good on puzzle
Let’s hope.
lol you hear her?..looks like she got this.
No, too bad, Victor is going back in. Paul will be happy.
I hope they do. Lol
I can’t watch.
Something wrong with your TV?
NO! Too nervous. Seriously. My insides are churning. My intestines could make butter with all the churning.
Take a chill pill. hahaha
LOL! I hate you. Sure you’re not mad? Lol..want some butter?
Is it salty?
Have a cocktail.
Oh, God, this is probably the hardest comp from the final HOH comp the past couple years!
I know Tiff…it was set up for you.
I am so worried that Victor won’t make it through. Hopefully tiff will be out the door next week if she goes back. Victor needs to win and get with Da’vonne.
LMAO! Poor Jeff – he will never live down that dam clown shoe!
How come Tiffany only has to battle once?
She was the last one out.
How did they both make the same mistake?
Tiffany is sooooo bad at comps.
The only comp she won had no one watching her. I think she’s not good under pressure.
I thought she would win this one.
She really is. She just doesn’t have it in her to perform well under pressure. It’s too bad, I’ll miss her =/
NO! Although, I can’t wait to see his reaction to Paul and Paulies Bromance.
Yes I can’t wait! Paul is the biggest rat I’ve ever seen. I predict he’ll be keeping his distance from Victor because he doesn’t want Paulie’s side of the house to think he still has any loyalty left to Vic.
Oh f**k!’s Victor.
Let see their faces now.
At least he has a chance to win HOH and put Paulie up.
No Tiff
Damn I can’t stand him.
Who is he aligned with
Nobody. The whole house wanted him out except Paul. But Pauls not stupid he won’t align with him now.
Unless he wins HOH.
Hoping he doesn’t.
Did you notice Day and Frank do the high five?
Which was weird because they want each other out.
I’m laughing because isn’t that the whole point of the game, to get each other out??? Why, in my opinion, is it that Day has committed some cardinal sin???? Prey tell,
Yes thats the game but there were plenty of people to go after before her alliance. She is throwing people in her alliance under the bus. They had her back. I dont like that kind of game play. But that’s just me.
True that. It’s called stupid. Why didn’t she wait til jury time, unless production told her to go after them. We probably don’t see everything that goes on in that house.
I agree if she would of waited a few weeks she would of been in a good position. Now nobody trusts her. Frank wanted to get the strong guys out and if she wouldn’t of tried to turn Frank and Tiffany against each other she could of been working with Frank. Yep you’re right “stupid”.
Yep…it’ll be another week of feeds with that forced laughter of his.
There can’t be 2 your boys in the house.
Guess they’ll have to have a three way Bromance.
Victor said he would target Paulie.
Not if his 1st boy convinces him to let the 2nd boy stay.
I’ll get confused with 2 “your boys”.
That wench told him to trust Frank and not Da. I am so glad that she is going home.
Well, it’s true.
Da’vonne is less of a liar and manipulator than Frank. She lied to Tiff and Frank, the same way they both lied to her.
There both liars.
Day is the master liar.
Vanessa wasn’t the greatest player either, she just happened to be on a season where she was the only one playing, not to mention she didn’t win anyway!
bummed…. the reaction of Tiff going back in would have been epic. Victor better bring his A game to the HOH comp or he is back out the door.
Yay! It’s Victor! What will Natalie do? Victor? James? Victor? James?
James. She can’t stand Victor after their falling out before the feeds kicked off.
Depends. All Victor has to do is hold her hand again – and apologize.
Anybody remember who’s on Vic’s sh*t list?
haha you sure? YES!
Was Nat hanging with victory first?
Yes, she did.
Yeah, but after their falling out Week 1, she can’t stand him.
Hopefully he doesn’t win HOH
It’ll depend on the comp.
Paulie, I hope Victor wins HOH. Paulie can’t even play for HOH so he’s gonna freak outtttt
I wanna see that for a change.
I’d rather see Frank win it then Victor. That guys creeps me out.
YES! Frank.
In fact I wanna see that first, Frank winning HoH
Yep. Scrambling, fights, drama. Nothing better for an evening with the feeds.
Victor’s about to enter a completely different house than the one he left. Better learn the rules and quick.
Oh this is gonna be so goood! Hopefully Vic takes his own advice and doesn’t be too nice this time around!
Can’t wait to watch the feeds.
Lucky you.
When do you think they’ll play HOH? Sunday won’t be live.
They’ll probably follow a DE schedule for the HOH comp.
But it’s not live. I thought they’d play it maybe tonight or tomorrow.
Neither is the HOH comp following the DE.
But the HOH is usually on Thursday with POV played Sat and ceremony taped Monday. That’s why I’m thinking they’ll play HOH before Sunday.
Yeah, I agree. If they follow the post-DE schedule, then they’ll do the HOH later tonight, along with some fast nominations (probably after BBAD), which will set them up to follow their usual schedule for Sat and Mon. Just because it’s not Thursday doesn’t mean they can’t use the same strategy.
That’s what I’m hoping. I can’t wait until Sunday to find out who wins HOH. Probably won’t show it on the feeds but at least I’ll know.
My guess is what we saw in this show was last night. So they had all day for the HoH comp while the feed are down. You might only find who is HoH.
I’m hoping. I’m going to see if the feeds are up now.
They’re too expensive. Lol…
Haha. I just give up my alcohol for a week.
Report here if something is worth it.
Paulie looks SO horrible.
Look at PAUL!! He’s acting like a guilty girl friend!!!
He is happy and Victor knows that he was the only one not voting him out.
I hate the fake hugging.
not fake (:)/<
That’s so cuuuuuute. :)
HEY! I’m right HERE!!!
Here we go. Day would not have won against victor
If she would have started from the top she may have. Both Tiff and Vic made that mistake and he noticed it first.
Hello Pandora’s Box!
Secret room? What?
I bet Paulie needs to change his drawers.
I sure hope so
There you go, another twist out of BB Canada. They did that twice. The secret room.
What is that?
The secret room twist.
Yeah, but what is the secret room twist? What does that mean?
There are clue in the house about that room, if someone realize they are clue and use them to find the secret room, he/she will win the special power.
Oh…thanks. Is that like the Diamond Veto?
In BB Canada it was something like that.
Any thoughts of trying out for BB Canada Captain? I just saw a commercial where they are holding auditions.
Nah, don’t have the time for that. I have a business to run.
Take a break and go for it. You’d kick ass. Show those amateurs how the game is played. Unless you’re afraid….I’m throwing you a challenge. You send an audition tape—what can it hurt?; I’ll do Facebook. Let’s see who the bravest is.
Can’t do that to my customers. I haven’t taken a vacation since 2006. I took one sick day in the last 9 years.
You need a vacation. Even if it’s just for a day or two….but I get it. If you can’t take a break, you can’t take a break. But you’d be great!
James doesn’t look happy…neither Nat.
Yea I’m betting it will be a bit awkward getting their showmance on 0.0
Yeah, they’re so happy…and I love Paulie’s new haircut.
You and Paul.
I am damn proud of the fact. And the HG’s looked very happy.
Paul and Paulie are butt buddies now. Twinnies.
LMBO. ‘Butt buddies’—I was going to call them that—but didn’t know how people would take it. Now I know it’s OK!
The HGs should have watched the Battle on the TV as it was happening.
Paul’s face lit up.
That’s the “secret room twist” I posted last night RHAP were talking about it. a Pandora or similar
And I’m sure the power will be worked to help someone that is popular with the viewers stay in the game.
So true. Question is who’s popular with the viewers??
Not necessarily popular I think. Who will bring drama to the game. Game changer maybe..I’ll give it to Da or Frank lol..not kidding.
What’s RHAP?
Rob Has a Podcast
Thank you!
Hahaha. There u go Paulie! Hide that fear with Laughter!! That’s the spirit ;D
They’re all smiles now, but it won’t be long before the scheming starts up.
Exactly. I so want to see Vic win HOH so everyone piss their pants! The BB house can soon turn into a litter box if so :)
You get a fake smile! And you get a fake smile!
I can’t do fake smiles. It shows in my face,I can not hide it.
lol! I died laughing when Paulie got into it with Tiff at the last POV ceremony. He said something like “I was bred for this,”and then attempted to smile sweetly while he had so much anger in his eyes. He was clearly bothered. It’s hilarious how easy it is to read him.
Didn’t Paul already noticed the secret room and tried to open the door. I wonder if he’ll try again.
I will love for him to do it. As long as is not Frank or Brigitte.
I do not want Da to find it. She is very observant please please not Da.
Please, please let it be Da. She is my favorite in the house and any advantage that goes her way is fine by me. I hope Victor gets with her and not Frank.
I hope like hell Victor listens to Tiff.
I think that he will listen to Paul. Paul will let him know that the best thing is to align with Paulie, but they both will plot to get him out.
Yes, he is just that gullible and dumb!
If he does not, no better for him when they send him packing again!
She seems to be a nice woman, but let’s face it, Da’Vonne is horrible at this game.
With friends like Da you don’t need enemies.
She does talk too much and tries to align with everyone. The house thinks she is going after Frank, so hopefully they won’t go against her because of that.
You’re half right.
She would only tell lies on top of lies on him.
That’s why I wanted Tiffany to win so bad. Just to see the look on Da’s face when she walked back in.
Victor be better ready to play and win HOH otherwise, he could be in the chopping block pronto! Focus on the game and play hard to win HOH, VETO each time! That is your only chance to get further in the game! If you get your chance, start evicting people who targeted you!
I did not really like Victor when he was in the house, other than just for his looks of course, but now I want him to go after Paulie, Frank and any of those showmances.
No go after Da i have no respect for that witch.
He needs to hook up w/Frank and go after Paulie. I hope he don’t listen to Paul. Victor has no brain!
I want the secret room to be found by the most hated/undeserving player in the house. haha
Did Vanessa leave with Tiffy?
I don’t think so.
Vanessa is on World tour right now. Poker.
I wonder what power the secret room could hold?
In BB Canada it was a special veto.
Haven’t we done that all ready? The Diamond POV and POV Ball come to mind.
I love diamond power, it’s so unfair and it stings when properly executed…but the good.
I hope it’s a trip and $10K
It will probably be one of these 2.
Usually good and bad, or game advantage?..who knows. We haven’t had Pandora or similar type for a long time…this is good.
If Da finds it I hope a punishment.
lol that’s funny
Maybe safety for one week or it could be 2 boxes, one good and one bad.
I hope its something that really changes things up not just a big flop like lots of twists tend to be.
I hope Frank gets it. I hope it’s the Power of Veto!
The most undeserving are Nat, Michelle and Zac.
no way..I take it back. lol
I know you were going for Day. She might be the most hated, but she played the game. So, she’s not undeserving. Those 3 are a waste of space. I’ll even throw in Nicole too.
I hope is not Cory or Nicole.
I hope is not most of the house.
I want James, Da’vonne or even Paul to get it.
Ikr? What the hell have they done? Why are they one BB? For a vacation?
Frank is the only person there smart enough to read signs and make a connection
That would be Zakhia.
Day????? She has probably already figured it out.
Ok I was hoping for a Tiff win but Victor coming back to the house isn’t so bad because:
1. Natalie is now in a showmance with James yet she’s still interested in Victor because she always brings him up. Pretty obvious. How will she act now that Victor’s back in the house?
2. How will Victor react when he sees his boy Paul is the rat of the house and playing for the other side? Will Paul have allegiance to Vic over his new friend Paulie?
There are fun times ahead on the feeds!
Victor just isn’t that bright – I suspect he will be a quick in-‘n-out. Waste of what could have been a great twist with a better player.
He seems to be a comp beast though and he will likely need to win a lot to not be a quick re-exit. But the way he got thru the battleback, he may just do it
He’d be going up against Frank and Paulie, though. Frank is a tried and true beast and Paulie is shaping up to be one. Yes, he can’t play in this HOH, but he could still be eligible for the Veto.
He should put up Frank and Paulie and Nicole if one of them wins the veto. I want her to go, but I think the house will vote out one of the guys.
Frank will most likely try to recruit Victor. Right now he has no one he can trust aside from his Cabbage Patch Kid. Victor will obviously be gunning for Paulie, it’ll be a great move on Frank’s behalf.
I think Victor has just proven his beast status. Yay Vic!!!
Yeah I was actually just thinking the same thing – he really is a comp beast. But he hasn’t demonstrated a head for strategy.
Still, if he does well on comps he will hopefully provide some much needed challenge to the Paulie-led status quo in the house.
Yes! I wanna see Victor take Paulie out
Victor was so gullible and dumb! I hope he listens to Tiff and don’t go w/Paul or Paulie.
Tiffany coming back would’ve been better because the whole house would lose their minds! Maybe Victor can make up for his lack of sense in comp wins?
I just am happy cause Victor won and he is not targeting Da’vonne. Thats all. #PointBlankEndOfPeriod
We will see. TIffany told him not to trust her. Hopefully he will stick with her.
It’s point blank and the period.
sorry :(
If he wins HOH I think he’ll nominate dayvonne and Paulie
Why ouldn’t it have been a hot girl like Bronte or Tiffany? I didnt really care for tiffany much, she didnt really wear bikinis.
Nothing hot about those two. Bronte has a nice body, but that’s all.
Bronte is hot everywhere.
lol. Her face looks like a rat and her voice like a chipmunk. I wouldn’t have mind if she came back, but Tiffany not.
I’ve never seen rats that are as hot as bronte.
Lol. Beauy is in the eye of the beholder and I’m not into girls, so I guess you see something that I don’t.
This girl looks like Olive Oyl! Her voice is terrible! Bronte did not do one thing but talk about going to jury just to get money. Couldn’t win a comp to save her self. She was a recruit waste. I wish Tiffany would have won!
That thot is not hot.
Yeah, that voice is “smokin'” .
Perhaps we will get to hear her sing a Munchkin Song … “We represent the lolly pop guild!”
Why do people make fun of her voice? It’s cute, and she cant help it.
CBS regrets this battle back thing they didnt want victor back.
I agree.
What a waste this whole thing was.
Would’ve been a waste if no one they wanted to save was evicted, though.
Sure was. I could have done something better with my Friday night.
Bronte wouldn’t have won that last comp anyway. She was screwed from the beginning. The only one who would’ve given Victor a real run for his money is Jozea, and thank God he didn’t make it past round 2.
I agree that Bronte would likely have lost the last comp, but I was surprised she lost the photo comp to Victor. I was really expecting Bronte to beat him in the photo comp with how they made a big deal about her mental prowess. This comp was (for her) about as good a shot as she would get against Victor’s perceived strengths. But, in the end, she was just guessing while Victor continued to break down the problem and solve it. Very surprising to me…
Victor was clearly the most determined out of the five. All the other people seemed like they were reading off a teleprompter. Glenn said the usual, I’m doing this for my daughter. Jozea was………..Jozea. Bronte was dancing, as her normal peppy self. And Tiffany seemed miserable the whole time, as always.
I guess all of Bronte’s math skills, just don’t add up!
Guess she was lacking photographic memory
Tiffany talking about getting a 2nd chance she would do thing differently. Girl, you were given all the chances in the world. You escaped eviction TWICE. They killed off Bronte, so you could have another chance. Don’t be talking about second chances.
I’m so upset with this girl! She was over there watching Victor instead of pushing through to complete her puzzle
I just can’t stand how she was talking about getting a second chance. You had a second and third chance. She should’ve been evicted 4th instead of Bronte. Why didn’t she use her 2nd chance then?
She had to cheat didn’t she? Thinking she was so clever. Expect the unexpected
Yeah I’m glad she’s gone – I liked her but she turned out to just not be worth the drama and tears.
There will be another Rousso on BB19. Count on it.
I also think since Cody and Paulie was on BB, the sister may be next.
Yes. Her name is Angelina Victoria Calafiore. She will be on BB19 for sure. Count on it.
OH No! I’m having enough of these siblings!
I bet Leticia is a carbon copy of Vanessa, and Tiffany. She looks just like them. She’s an eye doctor in Florida.
Oh interesting – do you happen to have inside info? Is there another Rousso?
I know there is another younger Rousso sister.
oh wow !
She’s looks just like Vanessa, and Tiffany. She’s 27, and an eye doctor in Florida.
Who si watching the feeds? Is anyone talking to Victor?
Feeds come back 9PM PST
I’m on the East Coast and is 9:30 p.m. I thought it started.
so thats in 2 1/2 hours, right?
Well, I was hoping Tiff would come back and she and Frank could turn the house upside down and shake it like a snow-globe. Oh well. On a positive note, it’ll be fun watching Paul squirm, trying to pretend he’s not in a bromance with Paulie…that he wasn’t faithful to ‘his boy.’
I hope Frank wins HoH.
I have heard Paul saying negative things about Paulie in the DR. I think Paul is just pretending to be align with him.
Really? Hmm…somehow I’m not surprised by that, given the fact that he is..well…Paul. Lol. I just haven’t seen him much in DR. Thanks for the info!
Nah, #friendship will prevail.
I really wanted Tiff back!
My senior moments won’t let me remember what the diamond veto does.
This is from the BB Wiki The Diamond Power of Veto was introduced as the final Veto of Big Brother 4. It was essentially the same as a Golden Power of Veto because it was used for the Final 4, in which case there was only one possible replacement nominee anyway. It was used by Alison Irwin to save herself from the threat of eviction. Erika Landin was the only possible replacement because Jun Song was already up on Nomination Block and Robert Roman was the Head of Household. The Diamond POV was reintroduced in Big Brother 12 and awarded to Matt Hoffman as a gift from Pandora’s Box. The rules of the Diamond Power of Veto became more clear than when it was first introduced in season 4. It grants the bearer the power to remove a player off of Nomination Block and then select the nomination themselves, rather than deferring to the HOH for the replacement nominee. The holder of this Veto may not select either the HOH or the regular Veto holder as a replacement.
Thank you.
Now that Vic is back Paulir should watch himself
Vic has to win the HOH first.
I love that tiffany got a chance to whisper in his ear!!!!!!! Hope he’s not a dummie and doesn’t take that in. But then again this season has been nothing but disappointments. Well, except that jozea didn’t come back! That is awesome!
I wonder what this week’s HOH comp will be. I think it may use the same set as the last comp between Vic & Tiff.
My reasoning…. All of the other comps in the batteback sequence were on the same sets as the HOH comps from the last few weeks, with just a slight tweak…
* 40 balls vs 20 on the balance game plus a poison berry
* the tennis rackets from the HOH Bridgette won
* photos with many questions in booths like the HGs used in their photo based HOH
So, if it is on this set, I wonder what the comp will be? Thoughts?
Whatever it will be, I know Da’Vonne is gonna lose.
I bet James is flustered that Vic is back! LOL
The first thing Victor will do is tell the “wrong” person what Tiffany said. Davonne will know before the night’s over what she said I’m sure.
Victor need a brain, he was so dumb when he was in the house!
Exactly! Paul was trying to help him out by dropping hints, but he was too dumb to understand. I hope he stays though, cause obviously he’s one of the few that seems to really want this.
I hope he listen to Tiff! She said it lout and clear watch he go in the opposite direction! I hope not, and I hope he learned from the firs eviction.
I thought Bronte whispered to him not to trust someone, too, but I didn’t make out who she said it was…anyone know?
I thought she said no one liked him in the house.
Tiff could be the favorite to win, (by Production) Her odds are good on doing puzzle…then didn’t happen.
Don’t worry. Leticia Rousso & Angelina Calafiore will probably be on BB19 to get vengeance on their siblings. Assumiming Paulie doesn’t win (lets hope).
I miss Bronte.
I miss Jozea.
Scripted beyond my wildest and most vivid imagination.
Did anyone read the tweets Michelle sister put up about her? Michelle is terrible at home and BB!
No, what did she say?
How terrible she is. I can’t find the post now, but probably could go to Michelle’s twitter, her sister is taking care of it while she is gone.
That doesn’t surprise me.
I already know Michelle is a terrible person. But I am really curious to know what her sister said about her.
Go to her twitter if she still has it up, it was more than 1 tweet. I put up the link but I think they took it down.
whats the twitter username? that isnt a link
Sorry, she deleted the rant! Even other people said she deleted it on her twitter.
That’s okay I found a picture of her tweets on imgur. Search “Michelle’s sister’s tweets” on imgur if you want to have it to save.
I see the tweets, but even on her twitter you don’t see the actual tweets her sister made! Everyone is talking about it that’s all but the sister deleted it bcz of all the people weighing in and talking about it.
Of course as soon as I start to fall in love with the “Muffin Man” his annoying bestie is back u.u
I guess I will just keep rooting for Frank.
Who is the muffin man?
LOL! That’s what I kinda figured it is so fitting!
Fun night…we were both rooting for Victor until the last comp against Tiffany when my husband was also pulling for her at the very end. This next week should be really interesting…
I mean, Victor winning is all right I guess… I much would’ve perferred Tiffany though, its kinda upsetting!
Well she only had to win one battle to get back in the house. And she couldnt do that. Victor had to win three.
LOL! Paulie is now hanging w/Frank and Vic! Don’t be dumb boys he is noooo good!!
They all can be turncoats.
I am so pis… I thought with CBS knowing that Victor is a ticking timebomb, remember him telling his group that DR reminded him he couldn’t hit anyone, somehow they would make it that he would have eliminated.
They did. They gave him 3 nearly impossible challenges to win. But friendship prevailed.
James is a tool! Paulie pushed him into telling him who to put up on the block! I hope Frank comes after James and Nat!
So they are going to allow Day to get to jury. The person who holds a grudge, hated Vanessa, so went after her sister. I think I recall her saying something about if ”you” do me wrong I am not giving you half million dollars. Winners are suppose to win based on how they play the game. And I am not talking dirty play like she does. Ala braide-gate!
‘Braide-gate.’ LOL! Love it, jlf!
Show me in the Official CBS Big Brother handbook where it says “Winners are suppose to win based on how they play the game.” No. The person who gets the most jury votes wins. Point, blank, and the period.
I am sad that Tiff lost but I had been championing Victor the comp beast to win Battle Back so yeah bittersweet but happy for the result. Now Victor, my boy try to win the whole thing!
Btw this episode is so exciting!
It really was, wasn’t it? There were times when I couldn’t watch! Like when Jozea was on…and Bronte…Lol! Seriously, it was nerve wracking watching Tiff and Victor. I honestly couldn’t watch.
I’m pretty indifferent towards Victor. I dont love or hate him. But I have major respect for him after he won those 3 comps in a row. They were hard comps too. Tiffany only had to win one.
Tiff will be missed. I enjoyed watching her. She was definitely
mistreated by most of the housemates. Unfortunately, she could’ve potentially been a great game player, but
people only saw Vanessa when they looked at Tiff. If they weren’t
I’m pretty sure Tiffany would not have had such a raw deal. Her game
was doomed from the start though. It’s unfortunate.
But game aside, no person should be made to feel like they are a burden to talk to, or that they are a leper. That’s completely wrong. I hate seeing
people mistreated. I just want to give Tiff a big cuddle. Hope she’s
faring well after being voted out…
She had a chance to change her game after Bronte was wrongfully evicted. She evaded eviction twice. How many chances should she get?
She’s been on most house-guests’ radar for weeks, it was only a matter of time before they got her out. The 3rd time wasn’t the charm for Tiffany, in this case. I’m proud of her for escaping eviction twice. I still believe she got a raw deal. In my opinion, they never let her forget that she is Vanessa’s sister. They couldn’t see her for who she really was, Tiffany, not Vanessa’s little sister. Their approaches to the game are completely different. Sure, they look alike, sound alike, have some of the same mannerisms, but mostly everyone condemned Tiff for it, suspicious that she would blow up their games, which she hasn’t done. They blew up each others’ games, not Tiff. Da’Vonne, Frank, Nicole, and company acted as if Tiff couldn’t play the game because she’s too much like her sister. How?! She only won one competition. She’s not exactly a competition beast. What were they so afraid of?
Ughhh, I’m so upset. I love the Rousso sisters!
Don’t worry. I’m sure the younger Rousso sister, Leticia, will be on BB19. Along with Angelina Calafiore.
These players didn’t vote out Tiff, they voted out Van. That is all Paulie ever talked about. I guess he forgot his brother also played the game.
I know I’m in the minority, but I could care less….TIFFANY, please come back!
Why couldn’t you win? Why couldn’t you beat him?!!!
I seriously don’t even feel like watching this season any longer.
I was so excited in the beginning for Tiffany, now she’s not here any longer…just great…I told myself not to get too invested into having favorites, cause I always end up being disappointed…it never fails.
I feel the same way about Bronte :(
Was it just me or did the battle back episode seem cheesy and fake?