Big Brother 18 Spoilers: Who Won HoH Week 5?

Battle Back is over (spoilers here) and the Live Feeds have returned to reveal who won HoH this week after Thursday’s eviction and the returning HG joined the game once again.

Julie Chen and the BB18 HoH

Now we have the results for which HG won and who was selected as the new Head of Household. Ready to find out who will be calling the shots for nominations this week?

Big Brother 18 – Week 5 HoH winner:

  • James is the new Head of Household.

Sounds like the HGs competed in an endurance comp and we didn’t get to watch it on the Feeds. I’m FURIOUS about that. We’ve been blocked now from TWO comps that could have been on the Feeds. Utter nonsense. Highlights of the season and we’re getting blocked by production on this. Furious.

The comp was supposedly the wall comp that James won last time so no surprise here if he pulled it off, but his noms? You may be surprised. I’ve got the Nomination Spoilers right here.

What do you think of these results? Jump on the Feeds right now to see what happens next!

Nominations were on Friday already so we’ve got those spoilers for you now too. Download our Big Brother App then join us on Facebook & Twitter for the updates.



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  1. Sounds like Frank and Bridgette to me, if I’m interpreting what they’re saying right.

    Oh, and Matt, I know you’re busy trying to sort through all this, and we’re all grateful to you for that, but remember Roadkill is over, so we won’t be getting another comp or nom this week until the Veto tomorrow.

  2. I’m almost positive Frank and Bridgette got nominated. And I agree, utter trash we missed this competition. You know it was good if it lasted that long.

  3. C’mon we could’ve seen that!

    Also it’s about time James does something. He’s been invisible up till now

  4. I only watch feeds at random times, but it seems like we get fish any time something interesting is about to happen.

    • That’s why I stopped getting feeds after season 2. Season 1 never blocked and all was seen. That’s what we pay for and how it should be.

  5. One of the highlights of the BB season for me is reading about the endurance standing on the wall challenge. I don’t have the feeds but it was still suspenseful just reading about it and rooting for my favorite to win.
    I hope the producers of BB will stop this current killjoy trend of not showing the HOH endurance comps.

  6. James my have the Hoh title but it is really paulie Hoh James had no idea that frank was a target until after bronte got evited they never told James there plan from like 2 weeks ago it’s not really a big move from James when Corey, paul and paulie have planed it for weeks he is just Hoh to do there dirty work and they don’t really need James once frank is gone a big move would be to put up Corey and Nicole if one wins vote put up paulie

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