A second eviction arrived for the Big Brother 18 Houseguests last night when another HG headed off to Jury following Victor’s footsteps as the latest victim of the season. By the end of Wednesday night our Final 3 was revealed and they were off to the final endurance competition.
Victor is gone and Paul just took control so now it’s time for us to catch up with a quick run through of the nominations followed by what was a very close Veto competition. Then it was on to the live Veto Ceremony and eviction vote. Read on for our recap of the show plus an update with HoH comp results.
Ready to find out who was voted out and who makes the Final 3? Here is our live recap for Wednesday with the latest BB18 results. You can download our Big Brother App, find us on Facebook & Twitter, and get our Email Updates so you never miss anymore Big Brother spoilers all summer.
Do we even have to ask who Paul will put up? Not that it even matters with the real power sitting with the Veto this round which makes these nominations symbolic.
Big Brother 18 Week 12.5 Nominations:
- Corey
- Nicole
Off to the Power of Veto competition and the winner here will either be the sole voter of the round or get to decide who will be doing that voting if the HoH wins the comp. From what we’ve heard there were some vocal frustrations from one HG when it came to the results for this one. That’ll be interesting to see.
Big Brother 18 Week 12.5 Veto comp:
- Paul wins the Veto.
HGs had to run the bases to count up to the number of days for particular events. James was out first, Nicole second, and it all came down to one last round between Paul and Corey. VERY close competition.
The winner of this Veto will have the chance to change up the noms and determine which of the three HGs who aren’t the HoH will be the one voting. Since Paul is both HoH and the Veto winner he will pick who does that voting instead.
Big Brother 18 Week 12.5 Veto ceremony:
- Paul does not use the Veto
- Nicole & Corey remain on the Block
Now it’s time to vote with only one vote deciding who will go off to Jury tonight.
Big Brother 18 Week 12.5 Eviction vote:
- James votes to evict Corey
By a vote of 1-0, Corey Brooks has been evicted from Big Brother 18.
twitter-tweet" data-lang="en">Congrats to the Final 3 of #BB18! Season Finale next Wed @ 9:30 PM ET/PT. Paul, James, or Nicole will win $500K! pic.twitter.com/fAdro6UhdN
— Big Brother Network (@bigbrothernet) September 15, 2016
What do you think of these results? Did your favs make the cut and who do you think is best prepared for these next rounds?
Update: HoH results are in for the first part of the 3-round series!
Big Brother 18 Final HoH – Round 1:
- Find out who won Round 1 of the Final HoH
Remember there will be three rounds of the final HoH competition. Round 1 was held Wednesday night, but not on the Feeds as they’ve done for years and years. The winner there moves on to Round 3. Then Round 2 is a physical and mental comp combined and could be something along the lines or arranging items based on the order of events in the season. We’ll get that in a few days, but won’t be shown on the Feeds and we’ll have to wait to hear HGs discuss the results.
The winners of Rounds 1 and 2 face off in the third round where they’ll answer questions about Juror statements. That round will be live during next Wednesday night’s finale.
When tonight’s episode ends we’ll be going back to the Big Brother Feeds to watch the first round of the Final HoH competition! Join us on there with the Live Feeds’ Free Trial & watch all the fun!
Use promo code FALLACCESS for a 1-month free trial of the Live Feeds to watch the next comp then the start of Big Brother Over The Top which starts in two weeks from tonight!
Hopefully it’s James onto ROUND THREE!!!
James is in a good seat right now.
Very good seat but I think Nicole is in a better one. James takes her and Paul takes her.
Paul’s not taking her. I don’t care what he says.
Ok I think he will but let’s just wait and see. Last night he counted all of James votes and realized he wouldn’t win.
I’m with you I don’t believe “Mr.Friendship” for 1 second.
Doesn’t matter. Paul beats either of them in F2.
If we’re counting votes, say he’s facing Nicole. Paul has Victor, and Meech locked. The only reason Day would be voting Paul over Nicole (she seems really fond of Nicole’s gameplay) is that Paulie will be pushing for Nicole and therefore she will be hesitant to do what Paulie wants, and Bridgette will probably do whatever Day does. Nicole would have Corey, Paulie, and likely Zakiyah locked as Z seems to be doing whatever Paulie’s doing. Natalie and James would be swing votes as in order for Paul to be in F2 with Nicole Paul would have to evict James himself. James would probably be bitter against the fresh knife in his back from Paul and Natalie would vote how James would vote so I think Nicole would probably win. If Paul and James are in f2 Paul has Victor, Da’Vonne, Meech, and Bridgette locked. James would have Natalie locked down and it would come down to if Nicole voted for the best player or the person she was least bitter towards. If Nicole votes for Paul he’d win right there, and she’s probably going to be followed by Corey. Zakiyah and Paulie would go for James because for some reason Paulie feels more betrayed by Paul than James. If Paul takes Nicole I think he has a far inferior chance of winning Big Brother 18 than if he took James.
Meech votes for James over Paul and Nicole over Paul. She hates Paul more than Nicole and she loves James.
Idk about Meech hating Nicole more than Paul. When it comes down to it Meech hates Snakole because of her gameplay which Meech considered dirty and unnecessarily mean. She thought Paul was a douche sometimes but she did really like Paul for most of the game. Either way, you comment further proves my point. People keep talking about how Paul will beat either of them guaranteed but there is no chance in hell that Paul beats Nicole and there is no chance in hell that James beats Nicole. And with this win in part 2 for Nicole she is guaranteed final 2 because James was the only person who wouldn’t have taken her while Paul will. I would expect to see Nicole give her jury speech on Wednesday night and I would expect at least five keys that read Nicole to come out of that box in any scenario.
I’m sure hoping that’s what happens.
Nope ? paul called meech a c*nt in front of everyone in the house, the girls won’t foget that. paul can’t win he’s an ahole that doesn’t need the money.
i think paul will take her, i think james will take her the question for me is who will she take?
James if she wants to win 500k.
She’ll take James over Paul.
Paul can’t win against ‘the snake’. He won’t take her.
Just watch. But he won’t have to because she’s going to win it.
Ok, I hope everybody remember that the show tonight is at 8h00 pm.
Paul needs to make a great move that will shock us all.
James needs to make a great move that will shock us all.
James just needs to make an independent move!
That will be the shocking part and it will be getting rid of Nicole.
Any move will do.
Nicole and Paul should be final 2. They are playing the game.
Where is everyone?
I’m here.
Thanks Capt.
It took me a while to load this page. I think others may have the same problem.
Yea, I sent an email to Matt to fix it and he did.
Hello! Can’t wait for jury footage.
You want to see the blow up.
Oh, yay.
Big drama.
I love someone else’s drama! :-)
Me too. Wonder who blew up
Z of course.
Ok everyone who is production going to have in the F2? Lol.
I say James and Nic.
Me too.
I agree.
If there’s a BB God Nicole is voted out tonight. Wanted her gone weeks ago.
Sorry she’s going to win the game.
Wouldn’t surprise me actually. James is more loyal to her it seems.
Sheesh already,Nicole or James
The question is who production wants in F2.
That’s is my answer. Cause I want Paul to stay.
I don’t think they give a flying fig.
Hmmm, I think they do.
Yes didn’t you know they’re controlling everything. Lol
Nic and Paul.
You think production want Paul ?
I think production wants Paul and Nic and me and you.
And David.
Fasten your seatbelts :)
I think James needs to wake up and realize why Paul wants Corey out and not Nicole. He should get rid of her and make a deal with Corey.
I want Paul to stay in the game. He has played. Unlike troll James and Snake Nicole.
Mos def.
Emma, Are you watching?..I lost my connection..What site are you on?
That’s what you get for telling me to die.
I have it now, but there is no sound. lol
In my opinion, both Paul and Nicole have played the game. James, not so much. However, I truly think everyone is dismissing how much of a hypocrite Paul is when everyone’s so eager to bash Nicole. As per Paul “I have been loyal to all my alliances and everyone betrays me”… Yet he was happy to get rid of Da’vonne and Paulie whom he both gave his word to.
Don’t get me wrong, by all means people can say or think whatever they want but by people calling Nicole a snake and thinking Paul did nothing wrong is just ignorance.
I don’t remember him being happy about Day getting evicted, he wanted Bridge out. I don’t remember why he finally agreed to do what Paulie wanted, but he did. And as HOH he really didn’t have a say in it.
And he did happily evict Paulie after he realized that Paulie did not have his back like Paul thought he did. I mean he told Bridge he trusted Corey the most tried to get Zak to stay for his own reasons (not bad ones but he should have let it happen), among other things.
Oh, looks like paulie has cut his hair like Paul again
Paul nearly took James out, lol.
Hey’s crying! Aw, Paul!
In typical BB fashion, from the doghouse to the penthouse.
Trouble maker!
Haha that’s what I said.
Ugh James. You’ve done nothing but float.
And lie to Bridgette, and don’t forget what he did to Frank.
Lying is part of the game.
I agree. But, Frank is gone cause of him :(
Never a Frank fan.
Apparently it against the rules for Nicole. If she lies she turns in to a snake. :)
But ain’t floating a strategy ?
A boring one.
For us, that’s true.
Hence why I won’t be too upset if he’s in the F2.
Think of it this way – his kid has to go to college some day. And her tuition won’t pay for itself.
Awe that’s nice.
Always gotta look for that silver lining.
We finally agree on another thing!
See there’s hope. Lol
LOL Yes, that was too soon. Oh, Corey!
That was funny.
Best thing he’s said all season.
What did he say?
Something along the lines of “If you had just gotten one more question!”
Cue Nicole – “COREY!!!!”
And Corey said “too soon”
Great seeing Nicole and Corey sitting on the block! They look so cheerful!
No reason to be angry.
Seatbelts on! And bet whatever happens Meech enjoys it.
Bitter is right. Nasty jealous biatch.
Didn’t realize they had arts and crafts in the jury house.
Michelle isn’t a very happy person, eh?
Very bitter.
Preach it, Da’!!!
And Bridgette wisely jumps out of the line of fire.
I think a lot of it was staged if you ask me. Paulie was smiling most of the time he was barking at Day! I think it was a contest of who could cut down the other the best.
Stand up!!!
And enter production, lmao!!!
Paulie has no class.
Neither does Da’.
She can’t shut up.
We knew that from her.
Don’t like Paulie but never liked her either.
She didn’t give an inch.
She stood up to him and brought her child into it. Then he went after Bridgette. Da was right, he never shoots off his mouth like that to a man.
She knew Paulie hits below the belt though and didn’t want to believe how low he could go.
You can say that again.
And then Paulie starts talking with a ghetto accent.
That’s because he’s Jersey Shore trash. No offense to Jersey people, just the people on that show.
She’s no better.
He’s a pig. I have nothing else to say about that person.
Not even oink? hahaha
Well, maybe that. LOL!
Cody must be so proud.
And it’s parents.
His father said many times on Twitter that he is very proud of Paulie this year.
Not surprised.
We will have to check what he has to say tonight about that.
He’ll still support his son.
Should he do anything else? He’s a parent, for crying out loud!
Are you saying parents should defend their chidren even when they’re wrong?
It depends on the scenario. You can’t tell a parent how to treat their child. And in this scenario, having gone through the stress of BB, the best thing they can do is continue to publicly support their son (and then smack him around when they get him back in the privacy of their own home).
Wrong is wrong.
If I did something wrong my family would say they loved me but dontt support my bad choices or actions. Then I would listen to a long long lecture. Or they could say he is an adult now and will address these things himself.
He didnt get the way he is with either of those parenting options tho.
A parent can be disappointed in their child but still proud of them too.
I was thinking more of how he will try to excuse that.
He’ll blame it on Day.
Cody just tweeted: “Save the tweets about my brother. I have his back and always will. Period.”
Of course he did….I wouldn’t expect anything else from that family.
Expected..Cody is bothered..I mean the whole family is bothered. I can tell you that. They have to talk to the Press for some damage control…it’s kinda hard to defend him on social media.
You can feel that he is annoyed.
Cody even admitted that Paulie was a hot head, egotistical and irrational…not good qualities coming from a loving brother! hahaha
Am I right that Paulie is actually the older brother?
You’re right.
Paulie’s dad did an interview complaining that Paulie got a BAD edit a few weeks ago. I was shocked bc his edit was clearly much better than what went on during live feeds. SMH
I think he got a better edit than what he should have! hahaha
I have a brother and I stand up for him. But, when we fight you better give us room. Plenty of room! Blood is always thicker than water.
I wanted to hear what Cody said, though! hahaha
Wow, just wow.
That was the best fight of the season.
Of several seasons.
Hope they put the knives away in that house!
Okay, I feel sorry for Victor now. He has no idea what he’s walking into.
Paulie and Z showed their true classless colors again.
Someone really just needs to punch Paulie. He’s far too smug.
Does she smack him I hope
No! surprised she didn’t.
Well that’s disappointing. Would love to have him get smacked by a woman
Yes totally feel sorry for Vic.
He has class. They don’t
Wow if he did that to her she’s got a bad attitude. Needs anger management.
He mentioned her child. He has no class.
He was baiting her, and she reacted exactly the way he wanted her to.
Yea, exactly what he did.
She doesn’t either. She thinks she can get in anyone’s face. Always has had a chip on her shoulder shaking that head and flinging that hair.
Da’ acts just like she did on her previous BB adventure. Her mouth got her evicted a lot sooner.
Yeah. He may have said a lot of bad things, but that was not the right reaction.
And we didn’t see how they’ve been treating Z like he was saying.
Well, we saw her and Da’Vonne shouting at each other across the room after that.
Try to say something about my child. This mama bear would have knocked him out.
Production had to separate them. Clearly, they were worried for Paulie’s safety. It never should’ve gone that far. He’s a jerk, but he was also very clearly baiting her. Da’Vonne’s a loose cannon and we all know it.
AMEN AMEN AMEN, Da acted liked any mother would have. Paulie is low peirod.
Da’Vonne had every right to get angry. Paulie lowered himself that just embarrassed his family. Z also is no class act.
Very disappointed in Z.
Same! She let Paulie disrespect Da and her family
I love the way Bridgette was respecful to Z but tried to call ner on her shyte. Then Paulie attacks Bridge and Z sits there. yah Pauliie embarrassed Z on natl TV and she just sat there. Sad! I hope her Mama can get her to see the light and grow from this lesson. .
Her Mom’s probably stuck too.
She was at some point apparently. Hoping she learned some things so she can help Z stop the pattern quicker. Much love and support to them to heal.
Absolutely. Sending love and light to them both.
Turning on other women for the likes of Paulie. So sad to see this.. Thought she had finally gotten a clue
I’m afraid she’ll never learn….stuck in a cycle of abuse.
It’s sad to see played out on natl tv. I hope her mother can help her to see AND she gets some counseling. She deserves better but doesnt think she does. :(
LMAO!!! Da had to cry because she wants to beat the crap out of that pu..y. She knows that they will kick her out of the show.
Hi Victor!
Kick someone’s ass, Victor.
That’s who I meant. I’m never mentioning his name again.
He who shall not be named. I like it.
I think Victor doesn’t have a mean bone in his body.
He doesn’t. Just wishful thinking. At the end of the day though, I wouldn’t even want that kid getting hit.
No he doesn’t. And he’s pretty.
Right. Beat me to it.
I agree. Nice guy.
He has respect and treats women well. Paulie is an asshat
Yes Corey did say that. Lack of class
Production tells them what to say. They all sound like idiots.
He used a homophobic and mysognistic derogatory term. Shame on him.
Corey when he said my momma didn’t raise no b!$&? !
That’s a term that’s used a lot. Not homophobic.
Corey has posted many homophobic tweets in the past.
Not only that but he thought it was funny he and his buddies tried to set a live goat on fire. Full blown Ahole
And Paul makes racist remarks.
I don’t think you understand what that word means. It’s either that or you do not know what Paul said, but you are clearly misinformed.
I clearly DO know what that word means. Go back and watch the feeds the first two weeks. You’re the one either misinformed or wearing blinders. And I know exactly what he said which I won’t repeat. Let’s just say he was making fun of James and his race. Enough said! Maybe you think that’s fine because he’s your favorite but I don’t.
I’m a feed watcher. Paul has called James a “little Korean man”, which is NOT racist as there’s nothing hateful about that. It’s a rude statement, but to say it’s racist is a gross overstatement. Only someone privileged would attribute that to racism. Furthermore, James’s race is part of his branding, and he even mentions it frequently. And it’s no secret that he is quite short, and that’s exactly what Paul was referencing. You should take off your blinders and grab a dictionary, and stop slandering Paul with your wrong information on this popular forum.
Sorry he’s your favorite. Maybe you need to rewatch the feeds. And by the way I’ll say whatever I please. This is a public forum and he has made racist comments. You want someone like that to win speaks highly of your character.
Sure, just ignore every point that I made AND the actual quote I’ve posted. That’s what people with bad arguments do, and calling someone racist when they’ve shown nothing of the sort shows volumes about your lack of intelligence, and character.
Yeah, I sure bet you’re an absolute saint
Sounds like Da’Vonne isn’t holding any grudges.
Never thought I’d say this… Be quiet Paulie
He’s not wrong. Both Nicole and James have flown under the radar, similar to how Paul did very early on.
Nobody likes Paul.
Nicole will win it just as I predict it and James will get second place. Paul needs to make James vote Nicole out or they are all doomed.
But Paul for some reason isn’t thinking that. Omg
What happened between Paulie and Da?
They blew up the Jury House.
Huge fight.
Love fest! :)
they’re a couple now.
details please. I miss it completely
Too much to post
I rewound it 3 times. sheesh.
I’m sure there will be a youtube video up in a few hour.
Hmmmm. Baseball comp and Corey. Nicorey need to win. Coincidence?
Yep it was rigged for Paul.
James is the worst smh
James doesn’t have a strategy? Surprise Surprise Surprise.
He’s laying low.
Consistent all season.
Nat Nat Nat Nat, etc X 1000
Why the H*ll is CBS giving that jerk Paulie so much air tme. He needs to to take SEVERAL seats.
I would lose the days game. I suck just as worse as James lol
Not a fan of Paulie and not a fan of Z but really the others should butt out. It’s not their place to call her out like that. She’s an adult and responsible for her behaviour Talk to her one on one, no need to do it that way
Do it Nicole. Cry !
They played a similar comp last season, right?
Are the DR’s scripted? Is that why they sound so stiff and stilted?
I mean, you can tell Paul ALWAYS says his own words, but sometimes other people sound like they’re reading from a cue card…badly.
Badly!!! Lol. Like Nicole, Corey, and James.
Paul has always been a good actor.
Actor? What the…?
He can deliver his lines better than them. If it’s scripted, he’s more believable
Knock, knock..
Who’s there?
lol..you got me this time…oops!…i still think you were serious….i know you.
you have to refresh..i edited my answer.
You’re a jerk-wad.
He did mention one time that he had to go back in and redo a DR because they wanted to him to be more “Paul-like”.
I can tell Paul is not always using his own words.
Yeah..Corey is the worst..
I know right! Omg not going to miss his DRs. Somebody give Corey some acting lessons. Lol
I don’t think they script them completely, but I’m sure they give them certain lines to say.
Even Paul said at one time that he had to go back to the DR because they wanted him to sound more like Paul, lol
I don’t know the effects of taking and not taking ADD meds but once Corey and Natalie got their meds back, they were on fire.
That’s the plan.
Nope. He’s not my pick.
Mine neither!
Just logged my first 20 for Vic.
This was close. Corey almost got it.
Now we see how production fixed it for Paul. Corey’s button wasn’t working.
Is that what Corey was complaining to production. Smh
Oh now you change your tune since your favorite won. SMH
Production has favored Nicole and James from day 1. This cannot be disputed.
Hope that Paul pulls it off to show production that good always wins over evil or cheating.
I think he got the answers and Corey was probably told not to step on the buttons for this one.
Who knows what type of contract they signed. If Corey is really rich, then I don’t think he would not care to lose.
And here we go blah, blah, blah. What about giving Victor 3 chances? You can’t have it both ways. Your favorite wins and production has nothing to do with it but if they lose its all productions fault.
Victor had to battle back.
Nicole and James have been favored by production and allowed to break the rules repeatedly.
Of course your favorites again get a pass. Victor wouldn’t have battled back if production didn’t give him 3 chances.
That’s a very silly comparison. Sorry
To you maybe because once again were talking about your favorite. If Nicole would of been evicted twice and won her way back you’d be all over that screaming production.
His Buh-on?
Yes. That should be a requirement before they go in the house. How to pronounce “button”. Lol.
Drives me insane.
Makes my skin crawl.
Paul to win it all. Fit Vic as favorite houseguest.
To vote:
cbs dot com/shows/big_brother/americas-favorite-houseguest/
Thanks Capt!
Don’t forget you get 20 votes every day.
Oh, I won’t forget!!
Everyone: Vote for Victor for AFP!
voted for Vic 20x today – check
Lol…I just saw…I told you that I was on my way! See you tomorrow!
It already started?
Yup…don’t know why I’m telling you though. How come you so mean to me? You no like my pho no mo?
I just gave Vic 20.
Thanks K..Just gave 20 to Jozea
Cyril, you getting ready in case there’s a Second Coming, tehe?
I was waiting for Sunday, you know, the Sabbath. :)
Very fitting, don’t you think?
I just gave 20 to David.
I think this was the line that Corey was having trouble saying in the DR. He put his head down and was smiling. He was supposed to pretend to be sad, but couldn’t do it.
PAUL FOR $500,000
I hope he gets it, but I like Natalie and Da’vonne.
I agree with Victor, but not Paul. And it’s against the rules to use all caps, just saying.
What rules?? Who’s rules?
The sites rules.
Read Matt’s rules above.
12 thumbs up ????????????
Yeah, way to get the word out Met, I like your style! (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
Did my 20 votes for Vic today!
Yay! I’m going right now!
Me 2.
Paul gets all the power this week and suddenly comes down with a severe case of HOH-itis just in time for at last DR.
What’s that mean?
Big head.
Exactly. Arrogant.
–itis is inflammation..then HoH…Preparation H
Like I said.. everyine there was to get more followers or an agent… I’m voting Glenn.. he never got the chance to play.
Fair enough.
Haha your throwing your vote away.
I liked this baseball POV! Nice comp!!
She forgot the ‘ride and die’ part.
She kept simplifying it over and over again.
Corey is surprised???
James, Nicole, and Paul
America, we have our Final 3 for BB18!
Nicole should’ve been the target. I think Paul messed up
Nicole should have been the target
No way. Corey has a better shot to win with his recent track record in comps. Voters wouldn’t overlook that. Nicole hasn’t done much.
How many HOHs and vetoes did she win? I lost count.
She’s the one that got him to the end.
Do the HGs dislike Corey as much as we do though? Because getting Nicole out was my first inclination. But then I thought of the HGs perception of Corey, not mine. He didn’t really have any enemies.
Not an overwhelming reception for Corey
Did you count how many times he said “you know” ?
I couldn’t keep up if I tried…I only have 10 fingers and 10 toes. ;)
I know.
You know, I didn’t.
I thought it was. The chairs are right there instead of across the stage that’s why it wasn’t longer. .
Wasn’t it staff members in the audience. I don’t think it was full.
Yeah, right…you’ll ‘see where it goes’…right after the parties are over, it goes right down the toilet.
Final 3 HOH comp coming up!
What’s it gonna be??? (you know, besides the fact that it’s endurance)
Sorry people, Corey and Nicole will be very good friends but not a couple after the show.
I doubt it, too.
I think Nic is too good for him. she won’t see it that way tho.
Maybe Victor will go after her.
I just hope he shaves first?
Not all the way. A trim, like it was in his wall photo lol
It is out of control and, personally, I don’t like facial hair. I want my guys smooth.
Just a little. Leave some scruff.
Oh, no. Say it isn’t so! My life is over. How can I go on?
Sorry. But it wasn’t real.
Oh no. I don’t believe you even though you must be some expert on relationships.
you know that, I know that, America knows that, now someone clue in Nicole
I hate it for her. HATE it for her!!
yup, no matter what you think of her, its sad when someone gets played
Now go out there and kick butt Nicole and win this HOH.
The reception was not as big as it was for Victor.
Good for Paul!!! So proud of him!
F3 celebration underway.
Do we know if they’re gonna show the comp on the feeds? Or if it’s even gonna happen tonight?
I was wondering the same thing.
They said or I read it will be on feeds.
Are the live feeds on?
YW :)
Next week we will see if good overpowers productions antics this season when Paul wins the $500k!!
Make sure everyone uses all their 20 votes per day for Victor as America’s Favorite.
We still have time to make this season great. Let production know where you stand!
I’ll use my 20 votes a day… for either Nicole or Frank.
Yeah, my friends and I are debating which we’re gonna give our votes to. We want to vote every day as a unit.
I’m voting for Nicole.
Would it be great? Not in my opinion. But Paul winning would make me most happy, with Victor winning AFP.
I was holding out a little hope that Paul and James would reconsider today, but no. Corey was a little surprised though, so I wonder if something was said today.
They should have gotten Nicole out. But James is just floating as he has been all season. But totally would love to see Paul make it to the end because he has definitely earned it.
Victor is deserves America’s Favorite because he’s played one of the best games in BB history. ?
Yeah it would have been a great story if Victor survived 2 evictions and won the game. He is also very likable. Paul is a bit of an “a” word on the feeds sometimes, but I have a feeling he is nice in real life. He also was part of the first 3 targeted at the beginning and made it to the end. Played a very good game and actually carried Victor at times with his social game. Although to me Nicole is the most unlikeable, she has played better than James. James will only win if the jury decides they like him the most.
Well said, I’m with you on all counts (though I like Nicole more than you do). Much respect for Paul digging himself out of that early hole and surviving so many shifts. Good combo of social, strategic and physical play from him. And I’d say he played a much much much better game than Victor. Vic seems like a really good guy and a comp beast, but I can’t say anyone voted out 3 times played a great game (let alone “one of the best games in BB history”).
He played so good he was evicted 3 times. Hahaha.
It didn’t sound like the jury members were voting for Paul or even thinking about it. They only mentioned Nicole and James. I knew Da has been seeing Nicole as a good player.
Give it a rest, dude.
Please don’t be sour!! It’s a game and this is the Internet.
So happy for Paul!!
I hear ya and I like your posts, carry on Met!
Thanks so much! ?
You are very welcome. I see you taking a lot of guff here, I don’t like it at all, so I’m finally going to say something. :)
He’s always classy about it, too.
Let them post what they want, what is the big deal?
It gets annoying after a while. And after all summer of hearing it, we’re ready for it to be over.
Yes, get over it, I agree!
I meant the conspiracy theories, like the kind Met posts. There’s many of us who are over it.
I understood perfectly what you are saying. Let people post what they want, you have the power to scroll on by.
Over and over. And completely unproven rumors.
Over and over and over and over and over ……………..
just voted for Victor
Good job!! Thanks.
Let’s make history!! Vic for America’s Favorite
Just voted for Nicole.
Voting for what when BB will decide to give it to whomever they choose, just like America’s fake package.
Probably true!
Been a while since i have been on here (ill be back and active on BB OTTT) glad to see Paul won. Hopefully he takes it all the way and we can move on to the next season. This season had some good moments but i feel like it dragged on too long imo!
Happy for Paul. It dragged on because of James, Nicole and Corey.
Hindsight is 20/20 and hope Natalie realized that listening to James was a big mistake.
Well, since I don’t like to be dictated to, I’m voting for Nicole for AFP!
lol. You are a comedian.
Vote for Nicole now!
You know I’m not going to vote against my next ex husband.
Heading over to cast my votes now. We all agreed on Nicole.
Well my votes going to Victor…HANDS DOWN.
Hey, cheryl, gal. Good to see ya!
HEY BOO I miss you. I’m still here. typing less and less because our overtime at my job stated right after Labor Day. 10 hours Mon-Fri, and 5 hours on Sat, and tomorrow I start my other Job at the United Center where my Chicago Bulls and Chicago Blackhawks play. Well 4 hours of oreintation anyway. And the closer it gets to the election the longer the hours will get. Our early voting here in Chicago starts Sept 29th..
I was thinking you might be on the over the top new season of BB.
You mean the one starting on BB Access this fall?
Yes. I guess you had no time to apply for that one. You’re going to be worn out before the holidays. But don’t forget to take timeto apply for next season. Honestly, I’m counting on you.
I don’t even know when they did casting for that one, so I did’nt even hear about until they mentioned it on one of the BB shows, I wouldn’t have been able to do that one anyway because of my work, and it being an elections year and all. But you best believe I will be gunning BIGTIME FOR NEXT SUMMER. Right after the holidays in January I am going to get in the best shape that I can and hope to God that they want to pick this then 58 year old. LOL. All of us folks born in 1958 turn 58 this year….WaaaWhooooo GO 58…LOL
You’ve got two years on me girl. Spend em wisely and live it up doing so! You know I’ll be rooting for you so do your dangest. Love you, cheryl!
Yes…no Dingus Nicole!!!
That’s right….
Victor deserves it!!
I’m with you.
Yaaaaaaaaaaah James and Paul for making it to the final 3.
Jury House drama was Grrrrrrrreeeeeaaaaaaatt. Paulie’s still showing that he’s an ass no matter what. He couldn’t take Da’Vonne getting in his face and telling him the truth about himself, so what does he do, he goes below the belt and mentions her daughter. You never ever ever ever bring a parents child in any arguement that your’re having with that person. He was getting crushed by Da, so he pussyed out and said something about her daughter. He just sunk lower than he already is. Poor Z is just stupid for wanting to be with something like that..
Paulie displayed no class and Z wasn’t much better.
Da’Vonne was absolutley right to get angry at Paulie for disrespecting her family.
Agree! And he tried puffing his chest out and bragging about getting down James’ throat, When he was trying to defend the comment about him only talking down to women. Are you serious? You brag about intimidating the smallest guy in the house? Lol
I gave each HG a vote for AFP.
Hi, my name is Sharona…do you know me yet? Lol! No!!! They all went to Vic,
Hence my sarcasm, lol. I don’t think anyone would ever do that.
Why is Z next to Victor. So people can make a mistake and vote for her instead.
Um, because it’s alphabetical?
Duh for me.
I wasn’t sure. I haven’t voted yet. :)
they need to add pablo to the list for afp
‘night all…I’m off to the RHONY Reunion Finale. I have to go trash Bethany Frankle, the living skeleton. HEY! She’s the Skinny Girl Franchise owner—don’t get all up in MY grill!
Ugh, do a little extra for me, please and thank you. :D
You got it, Cookie. I’ll do it right now. “K says, ‘Shut it, Skeletor!'” How’s that?
Too nice, but will do. I’m too loopy so I trust you. :)
She’s screaming at The Countess. OH! She just walked off stage!!!
Already? Wow, that didn’t take long.
She came right back after the commercial. But I was gone for a bit. I’m going for the night now. Love you!
Bye, meany.
lol what? ..ok BLOJKED
You don’t love my pho no mo.
I went there also!
Part 3 was great. Bethany did well tonight. Cant believe Luann was upset with her about the Tom situation.
I think she may be a little delusional about that ‘romance.’ Oui?
The 2 Jets cheerleaders that were on TAR 27 are campaigning for Natalie as AFP. LOL Nothing surprising there.
Just voted 20 times for Victor for America’s Favorite.
Hope you did too!! ?????
Thanks for Voting!
You’ve reached your vote limit for today.
Tune in to the Season 18 finale on Wednesday, Sept. 21 at 9:30/8:30c to find out which Houseguest will take home $25,000.
Vote up to 20 times per day until Monday, Sept. 19 at 9:59 am PT.
I voted twice tonight – once before midnight east coast time, and once right after. It’s only 9:45 here.
Gee, James and Snakole making it to the end? It’s not like we didn’t know this was going to happen a couple of months ago. Because we did.
Exactly. Production has favored them from the start. Hopefully they realize that those two are not as well liked as they once thought.
Wow James is truly the worst BB player ever to make it this far. How’s don’t u know the dates? U literally have nothing else to do but study. Instead he chased a girl he has no chance of getting. The casting director who picked him shouldn’t be fired. He’s pointless
You are so right!
had to give most of afp votes to paul tonight but will split the rest between paul and vic. I saved 2 shows, Pauls secret service and his butter slide, sooooo funny to me when I need a really good laugh. Of final 3 , I hope paul wins it all and james comes in 2nd. Just have liked Nicoles inmature behavior with Corrrrriiiiiiieeeeeeeee. She acts like she was born under a rock. Maybe she doesn’t have tv because there are a lot cuter guys out there. She will be in for a shocker when she sees his ex-girlfriend which I project from fb post will no longer be an ex when he gets home!!!
Just tried to .vote AFP on CBS we site it said results are in James is AFP
I thought it was still open what’s the deal anyone???
u are at old site ? I just voted for vic and paul. it closes on the 19th
So sad that we won’t be seeing boring scripted DRs from Corey anymore. ??
If / When Paul wins, wouldn’t surprise me a bit if he doesn’t give vic at least 100 grand. then if vic wins AFP for the 25 gs, I will feel like it was a fair season
James hasn’t study anything so he will be out of luck like in the POV comp
Natalie and Michelle were helping him study, but he could never remember any of the answers. He probably got kicked in the head a few times.
I was just a little surprised, but not really, that Corey was upset with James for voting him out. He knew in advance he was going and didn’t have any conversations with James to stop it. Regardless of what Paul wanted, once James wasn’t put on the block, he could have voted however he wanted. When Corey was crying in the DR , I thought it’s because he also realized he was going home. Help me. Did I miss something?
I am not sure…no clear answer…lol
Sometimes, it is better to be lucky. James will be in Final 2 without working for it! Nicole will take him and Paul will take him! That is the smart move to make for both Nicole and Paul. If it was Paul and Nicole for Final 2, I think it can go either way but, probably Paul has the edge. Nicole and James in Final 2, I believe Nicole will win it!
OK, I’ll admit it I’m confused. I know Nicole promised Paul F2 but she will really take James. I haven’t seen or read of any conversations between Nicole and James so I have to assume when James says he’ll take Paul, that’s the truth. But who does Paul really planned to take. He’s very convincing when he talks to both of them and I can’t figure out which one is the truth. Any thoughts?
I know its confusing…what is gonna be wild is if James wins final HOH and makes the decision…I honestly don’t know who will be final 2…
Which ever way the wind blows at this point
When are the feeds coming back up?
When the comps are all over and HG are asleep. It’s all access.
Wow more disgusted on Da’s actions in the jury house, not surprised b/c that is who she’s been all season, her mouth never shuts up. They should have evicted right then & there on live TV. Going up in Paul’s face like that shows how evil & confrontational she is. Kept calling him a bit**. Glad she made a spectacle out of herself ?
Do you think Paulie was right for bringing her daughter into the argument?
Do you think he was right for pushing her buttons knowing just what to say to make her that mad?
What do you think about him being accused of only talking down to women, and then defending himself, by bragging that he intimidated James’, the smallest guy in the house?
I think Da got out of hand and she is most likely mad at herself for it. But it’s exactly what Paulie wanted her to do. He would have pushed her until she did it.
He definitely baited her. And from his cool demeanor, he was well aware that he won that fight.
To be honest I couldn’t understand a word either one of them were saying when they were face to face but I did hear Da yelling bit** as loud as she could. She definitely has angry issues plain & simple. Wouldn’t want to meet up with her in an dark alley. I am NOT a Paulie fan, I’m not saying that, but none of the other girls lost control as the fighting was going on. Da’s always up for a good fight & everyone knows it
I watched it over again about 3 times because I needed to hear what exactly Paulie was saying. He’s very good at being arrogant and pushing the right buttons to make a person want to pop his head right off his neck. I’m pretty sure if I had to share a house with him and he was sweet talking a friend of mine, that I knew he was just playing and coming between us, (like he’s doing to Z & Da), that I’d majorly lose my cool as well. I would have been kicked out for popping him in the mouth. I’m not saying I’m proud of that by any means but I can TOTALLY understand Da’s frustration with him. When he brought her daughter into the fight, he knew that was the button to push that would push her to the edge.
He is a total a-hole. I hope I never have to see him again, anywhere.
She was right and I was hoping she got herself kicked out by punching him in the mouth. There is nothing that he could have done unless he wanted to leave as well.
She lowered herself to his level. Not very classy.
You are supporting Paulie????? Wow. As you can read, the majority of commenters are disgusted by HIM.
Was there any mention of Paulie? All that comment did was diss Da’. Which I am in full support of. Because while he should never have done that, the only reason he did so was to get a rise out of her. And she fell for it hook, line, and sinker.
I’m not supporting Paulie, if u read my other post, I said I’m not a fan of his. But Da’s always looking for a confrontation ! All her DR sessions were bashing all the houseguests week after week. Last time she was on she was the 1st one voted out. Same attitude, you’d think she’d be more coral but I guess u can’t change bad habits. Just b/c other commenters r disgusted didn’t mean I have to go with the majority.
Paul’s experiences with Nicole and James are ones of seeing broken words and broken trust. His only real way to F2 is to win the comps, because it’s James and Nicole to the finish otherwise. Could be wrong, but I don’t know why Paul would believe a word out of either of their mouths. And if Paul gets to choose, who wouldn’t keep James, since a big win from him would be very surprising?
50/50 between James and Nicole to win the prize.
So sick of Paul! Paul has said that he is Rich and he doesn’t even need the money….hmmmm….probably cause he still lives with his Mommy and Daddy….his Mommy even said that if he win he will buy her a Bentley! Whatever!
James has shown what a Non Loyal person he really is…in this season and in HIS Season I am over him!
Nicole should Win, and deserves to WIN!
That jury footage was definitely the most heated I can remember from jury and awkward. I understood Paulie’s comment. The girls are really shunning Z. At the same time the hatred for Paulie is justified. Whew.
They told her all the things Paulie was saying behind her back and she was mad for 5 seconds b4 climbing back in bed with him.
At one point tonight she did walk over to try to get him to stop but didnt say anything to him.
I know. She has the brain mentality of a battered woman with terrible self esteem. She knows enough of what he has said and instead chooses to forgive him. Trust me I can’t explain it. I just don’t think the approach the girls have in shutting her out will work either.
I certainly don’t know what’s all going on in the Jury House, but if Z is sticking to Paulie’s hip 24/7 like she did in the House, then she would be the one helping to cut herself off from the others. I believe Paulie is a pro at isolating “his women” – it’s a must for him because other women quite naturally try to “save the victim” and that marks “the enemy” – Da and the rest of the Jury House in this case. Same old, same old .. hoping Z will see the light before it’s too late and the whole mess is carried over to another generation.
Vic will calm Paulie down! hahaha
I think Z has been doing a great job at that. Da’vonne did provoke him, but he deserved everything she said.
I think Da needs to forget about Z and just move on with her life. Is not like they knew each other before the game.
Personally I think somebody should tell Zakiyah exactly what Paulie said “after” she was evicted…surely the girl is not that desperate for a relationship.. If they have a sexual tryst in the house Paulie is using her “again”.. How can anybody be that dam stupid?? AHHH What am I saying forgetful me….. Then there is poor ignorant enamored James…That boy is in for such a let down…If he wins anything she’ll bleed him till she gets what she needs/wants and that will be it….Him and Zakiyah both just come across as pathetic…Begging attention from somebody that ain’t worth degrading their self for.. Its sad on both their parts..
All three showmances this season have been pathetic to watch. All three of them are going to end with Slam, Bam, Thank you ma’am. Done. Sad to see such desperation on national TV.
I feel worse for Z. Se is like this poor abused woman who goes back to the abusive husband and thinks she can’t do better. She can do better. My hope is she watches it on tv and stops or gets counselling. She knows enough about him. It is sad, In both cases they may have real feelings but its not worth it.
Go PAUL!!! Please be gentle and don’t throw anything at me!
Only soft rocks. LOL. I’m with you; I’d love to see a newbie beat one of the vets.
Root for whoever you want, Joni. I, however, am hoping that the racist, sexist pig comes no where near F2, no matter how good a game he’s played.
Go James!!!!! Ditto
Somebody leak who won the first comp! The suspense is agonizing!
It hasn’t started yet due to the west coast viewing of the show.
Doesn’t the entire country watch the live show at the same time, though?
3 hour delay west coast
Has it always been that way? I was under the impression that the live shows were… well, live.
Here in AZ we’re on CA time during the summer (till November), and our show tonight started at 7 p.m. (10 p.m. east coast time). So I get on line here and find out what happened between 5 and 6 p.m. our time – a full hour before our show airs.
Wow. Sucks for you guys.
And my friend from Cali has a lot of explaining to do, lol, because she used to call me during BB13’s live shows and say that she was watching it, too. While living on the west coast. Probably just said that so I wouldn’t hang up on her.
And our show airs at 7 p.m. (8 p.m. on Thursdays); the show in CA airs at 8 p.m. (9 p.m. on Thursdays). But your friend might have access to east coast feeds, which we don’t.
No. And it looks like they’re not showing the comp on the feeds either. WTH, I thought they said they were going to do this, yet all we get are Jeff highlights instead.
It just started about an hour ago and feeds are down. They’re not showing it on the feeds.
Aaaargh! Thank you! ?
Paul has to be dead on with his game. I am hoping it is James that joins Paul for the win. Everyone needs to vote for Victor as AFP.
I was reading a little bit about James bio. i’m not sure if it is factual since he is not that famous.
There isn’t much information about his military career.
He was adopted by a white family when he was a teenager due to his mom’s death and has 2 children, 1 adopted.
According to what I read Bronte and Paul were talking about him and making racist remarks about his ethnicity. She said that he needs to go back to Hong Kong a couple of times while Paul said that he needed to kick his Asian behind.
James is Korean American.
Someone had mentioned that Paul was racist, but this is the first time that I find out what he had said.
He also looks like Glenn from GOT when he was younger.
I’m surprised you didn’t hear about it sooner. It was all anyone was talking about Week 1. Well, when we weren’t mocking Jozea’s Messiah complex.
I had never heard or read about it until it was mentioned recently. I’m not sure if you were the first to mention it or someone else.
Bronte said he “should go back to Hong Kong or wherever he came from.” He “came from” South Carolina.
Pissed. Feeds are down and I think they’re playing part one of the HOH. Thought we’d be able to watch it.
Same. I think I’m just gonna go get ready for bed and put on BBAD. If I fall asleep, so be it, but hopefully the feeds will be on and BBAD will pick it up.
BBAD is running the slip-n-slide competition.
BBAD is on now and Paul won part one.
I am so annoyed that this HOH being played right now is not on the feeds. What the heck am I paying for? This has happened about 3 times this season..I have always been able to watch them in the past. Production..can I get an explanation, please? As Paul says…”pissed!”
Feeds were awful this season. They were up a little while ago…So are they doing HoH comp?
Pretty sure they are..they have been down for about an hour. I am going to keep mine and check out this Over the Top season…has to be better than this last season..hopefully!
They’re doing comp now and no feeds. I thought we were going to be able to watch. Wonder what the excuse is.
Paul pours Nicole & James a glass of champagne, then proceeds with chugging straight from the bottle!
Hahahaha fkn love this guy!
Thanks Lavendargirl! Hope all goes well with your health.?
feeds back on BBAD
Paul won part one!
Wow!! Do you really think he threw it? I would have no words for that!
That’s what they were saying. They think he’s just gonna let them battle it out and do all the work and still make it to f2. They both seem pretty irritated at him.
IMO James just does not seen to be in the same physical shape he was in B4.Or at the very least Just doesn’t seem 2 be as thirsty for the main prize.I actually think he is more concerned about the attention he will get after the show. Which considering some of his more intimate revelings makes seance.
Paul has said and shown that he doesn’t Need or Care about winning the Money! Paul still lives with his parent’s…….and he says that he is Rich! His own Mother says that her son will buy her a Bentley! That right there makes me Not want him to get any money! Plus, he has said and done such Nasty things behind everyone’s backs….I can’t stand him!
Paul deserves to win over Natalie and deadbeat James (not to sound mean). He’s earned it.
These two have had production helping them – not along but ALL the way.
This isn’t a competition about who most needs the money outside of the house. I don’t blame you for having issues with his personality, but he is playing this game to the best of his ability, unlike some others that have been very lackadaisical
I do know that maybe, I’m not sure, but from what I have read it is possible that Paul and Corey grew up with money. If they lose it won’t be the end of the world since they both have jobs when they get out.
They are both young and it sounds like their parents are the ones with the money, not them so Paul has played the best game from the remaining HGs. Corey was not a good player so he deserved to get evicted.
I do agree with you that he has been one of the most obnoxious and crude players this season and I can’t stand him, but I dislike James and Nicole even more. I think Zakhya takes the top spot for being obnoxious and crude, and Paul comes in second.
This is not Charity BB, Its a contest.or at least its supposed to be.
All consideration should be given to how hard & or well a person played the game in regards to “who should win”. Its not about who we like as a person or how much that $ would better a persons life.Both James and Nicole spent more time on their shomances than they did actually “Playing BB”. Paul weather you like him or not, even if you dint like how he played, has been playing hard all the way through this season.Regardless if how much $ his parents have.Who would you want to win if there was not a monetary prize?
That’s terrible we didn’t see this part on the feeds. Does this really advertise BB OTT very well? I don’t think so. I am happy about Paul winning. But knowing James, Paul will likely be playing Nicole in the crap shoot part 3 HoH.
I am very disappointed with James this season! I also am worried that if James wins any money that he will give any to that Fake Natalie …Natalie was so Fake! He really upset me the way he played this Game! I don’t even care that he somehow coasted his way to the top 3!
James manipulated Natalie and scared that poor girl. James shouldn’t be invited back to play ever again.
Hey Met, I hope you are having a good day. Miss seeing your comments on the new threads. :)
Thanks Gordon!! Just posted!! And thanks for your upbeat energy!
Awww, great. You are so welcome. *mwah
I agree somewhat. I think Natalie will pretend to like him a little bit longer while he spends his winnings on her. There is no TV so she may do what it takes. From watching the show I thought she genuinely liked James and his personality, but I don’t think that he is very attractive and a young girl may not look past that even if he treats her decent.
Agree with everything you said!
James has already discussed throwing the comp to Nicole. He is such a non-deserving winner..because he will for sure end up in F2…with either 50K or 500K.
HECK YEAH! Bye, Corey. Time to watch again. :)
why James he doesn’t win. I like him but no player.
I would like to know what production’s excuse is for not showing these final comps on the feeds. I am pissed. Grodner needs to tell us why.