‘Big Brother 18’ Spoilers: Who Won Final HoH Round 1 Endurance Comp?

Big Brother 18 spoilers here as the Final 3 are off to the races with the first of three rounds of competition to become the last Head of Household for the season and cast the sole eviction vote to form our Final 2 who will go before the Jury. No pressure or anything!

Big Brother HoH comp

After Wednesday night’s eviction which sent Corey Brooks off to meet his fellow evictees it was time for James Huling, Nicole Franzel, and Paul Abrahamian to head out back and face off in the endurance battle to start these three challenges. Read on for the results.

James and Paul were assuring each other before this comp that one of them would win but I hope they remember how good Nicole is at endurance comps as well. Remember all three of these HGs were the last three in the Wall comp. Let’s hope they deliver with a strong showing tonight too.

While we waited for hours and hours, the live endurance competition never arrived on the Feeds. Instead for the first time in more years than my archives of results goes back, season 11, we didn’t get to watch this competition online. Something seriously flawed is going on in production’s decision making this season and it’s shameful.

Eventually Feeds returned and we discovered the winner of the first of three rounds to become the last Head of Household this season.

Final HoH Round 1 – Endurance Comp:

  • Paul won the comp! He moves on to Round 3 on Finale night.

After the comp was over the HGs were taking showers and while James was in the bathroom Paul and Nicole whispered their plans to keep James in the middle and move on to the end together. Flashback to 10:50 PM BBT 9/14. That’s definitely Paul’s plan to cut James if he can, but what about Nicole? She asked Corey what to do and he said take James and Nicole agreed she’d be crazy to take Paul.

Nicole also worried that James and Paul had something going and was wondering if James threw that comp to Paul. When we got a chance to listen to James alone (10:58 PM BBT) he was upset with himself for falling and said he should have won that comp.

Apparently this was a modified Wall comp that included a rope which Paul said he was much better at doing and probably kept James from doing his usual squat and wait it out approach to this competition. We’ll see it play out or at least start on Friday’s episode (8/7c).

What do you think of these results? Get ready for the build up to the second round later this week which is definitely not expected to be on the Feeds. Be sure to download our Big Brother App to get those results when they’re revealed.

Want to watch what happens next? Get the 1-Month Free Trial of Live Feeds with promo code FALLACCESS and that’ll keep you covered well in to the start of Big Brother Over The Top.



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  1. Go Paul! Paul needs to win this HoH to ensure that he gets to final 2 and wins it all. James and Nicole clearly have a final 2 deal, and maybe this is vindictive of me, but I hope all their pre-season and live feeds plotting gets squashed right before the final 2, and Paul wins it all.

  2. Go Paul!!!! Thank goodness he won the first HOH! He knows he has to win the final round to ensure he’s in the F2. I think he’s playing up the deal with Nicole to convince her to take him, which is a long shot. He can do this!!! He should know the HG’s better than Nicole.

  3. Nicole and Paul think that James threw the comp because he thinks he’s making it to f2 regardless.

  4. James is a joke trying to make us believe he’s was trying to win round 1, thereby leaving all the work to Nicole’s game and he’s waltzing to F2. Such a coward lazy bum. Can’t believe people are voting hom Afp..

      • Nicole’s back at it again. Everyone lies but her. Do you think she’s suspicious because she’s such a liar?

      • Everyone’s word is sketchy. There playing a game for half a million dollars. I’d be sketchy too.

      • I agree and don’t understand it. She’s never caused drama and never called anyone out. Sure she’s said things about game play behind people’s back but everyone does that. She’s never been mean to anyone and when she was HOH the first time and Michelle, Z and Day were talking crap about Bridgette she shut it down. People that judge her because of being in a showmance really need to grow up and get over it. There’s been plenty of showmances before her and there will be plenty after her. Just like Derrick said you spend more time with someone you’re close with on BB then you would in a year. She’s young, single and is hurting nobody.

      • I’ve seen this so many times though at the reality show blogs.
        The nice, well brought up, polite, farm girl. next door type is always held to a higher standard and receives tons of abuse for just being nice.
        Some people even see evil in Nicole for some reason. No matter what she does people find evil ulterior motives and assure each other she’s a snake in the grass and is just pretending to be nice.
        Even though the cameras are on Nicole 24/7 they think Nicole is smart enough to carry off this big act of being a snake nonstop.
        When Nicole expresses contrition in the DR after lying or hurting another HG in some form a lot of folks only see evil and that she’s putting on an act.
        She’s even accused of having a goody goody act to hide her inner demonic possession of some sort.
        I try to skip over the negativity and I have to wonder what’s going on with people who can spew this sort of abuse all day long.
        Meanwhile, let’s get busy voting for Michelle over at CBS :D

      • Hahaha. I don’t think she’s faking in her DR’s either. She was crying and really felt bad about James on the block. But she even admits that she doesn’t want it to be her which is truthful. She’s been the most real person in the game I think.

      • I can’t believe Corey thought James would not evict him.
        During Corey’s interview with Julie he seemed sincere about his future with NIcole

      • Lol, and “dirty”…like when she was in the “final 4” *eye roll* alliance with P&V, and she tried to tell them that James was playing dirty….Pot, let me introduce you to kettle.

      • She reminds me of the kind of person at work that would seem nice and innocent to your face, then talk sh*t about you behind your back and then ultimately have a hand in getting you fired (and laughing about it)

      • My very first major job out of high school I worked with a lady just like this who set me up to be placed in a dead-end job. I was not a snitch and didn’t tell the truth. It affected my career while there. I left it all behind within a year. Never looked back.

      • Hope you’re in a better situation now…People don’t tell you this when you’re in school, but when you get out into “the real world,” especially with a job, sh*t gets real and brutal. Any job I’ve had as an adult has reminded me of a game of BB (without the fun comps and slop). So much politics and quiet backstabbing while smiling to your face.

      • LMAO….I’m still taking notes each season! I got “evicted” from my last job (laid-off after they gave me a 9 month assignment that turned out to be a project to eliminate my position). Bastards. At least they had to pay me.

      • Why is James a jerk? Paul is the one who says F*** every other word, Paul is the one who called Meech a C***, Paul used Victor to get this far, and Paulie is his “boy” the most disgusting HG to ever be in the cast of BB. Fans vote for James because he is a decent guy and treats everyone with respect, which you can’t say about Nichole or Paul. James may have lost his head over a girl this time but he if far from being a jerk.

      • Paul does use foul language, which I don’t care for, and he’s loud too, but he’s more entertaining than a lot of folks that have been on here. I don’t think he should have called Meech the c word either, that was harsh, but they were in a huge fight over her stealing his clothes, which didn’t get shown. She seems to be a major Cleptomaniac and that would make me angry too. Again, not justifying the c word, but just saying there was some BB editing going on there. Paul and Victor made the house funny this year, and they had to go up against a lot of obstacles. I’m rooting for Paul to win it all and Vic to win AFP.

      • Every time i hear that jackass paul say “your boy” i want to rip that stupid beard off his face and use it to wipe his butt i cant stand that guy,and i don,t like nichole much better either,and i,m disappointed in James this yr ,good thing i,m not a jury member able vote because i would abstain from voting for any of them and have them give the money to a kids charity.

      • So I retract and say all what you said, lol. Very good. You said it way better than I. But I do feel he’s a jerk for thinking he can waltz in without working it!

      • Yeah Banitap we really do agree. He shouldn’t have gotten this far. He called himself a floater last night and it p o’s me that he may get to F2.

      • He’s a nice guy but a lousy player. He relied on everyone to take him to the end and didn’t contribute anything. Should of went weeks ago. Very disappointing this season.

      • That would be Paulie or Paul ,not James i never heard James say the F word too many times this yr but paul and paulie used it every other word.from their foul mouths and i never seen james say anything bad against women ,paulie on the other hand or paul is a different story.

    • I agree with you completely. I thought James was really throwing comps, but that was his way of hiding the fact that he couldn’t do it. He is a coward. He is unable to confront people.

      • Poor Natalie. Seriously. He really manipulated her into thinking he was helping her game and how he kept her safe when all along he was ruining her game.

      • Poor Natalie? Ha, Natalie ruined James’ game as much as he ruined hers. She was whiny and manipulative, she used him and he used her. They both should be in the Jury house.

      • Called Karma. She took advantage of an unsuspecting guy, his perinatal sweet nothings in his ear. He feel for it like a gullible woman

      • And lies and blames the other person. Seems like just a beer drinking, dead brain-celked man from Texas. Hopefully, this will be his “last rodeo.”

      • Don’t forget about his 3-some antics with a stripper, and talking about his “having a hard time pulling out” that he told everyone about…I.Just.Can’t. when it comes to picturing him in bed

    • I agree with you , I’m so tired of his excuses of “I should’ve won that comp’! I’m not voting him AFP. SMH

  5. This is great news for Paul. Still troubling that Paul is seriously thinking about taking Nicole to F2. Hope it’s all a ploy.

      • Lol – so true.

        Both Nicole and James are very nauseating to watch (not to sound mean). You have Nicole who has spent laying in bed with a guy for more than 60 days and you have James who hasn’t won anything and was obsessed over Natalie and caused her to lose her game.

  6. My man Paul knows that he can’t believe a word that’s said to him by the other two. I’ve been hoping to see something out of him to substantiate that and saw it about 20 minutes ago. He’s playing those two just like they’re playing him. He was off by himself in the storage room and said, “f**k ’em! Just f**k them.”

  7. The live feeds are so boring now. Hope they could show the jury house instead.

    • Do you think Paul is really wanting to take Nicole to final 2? He’s been bashing James a lot tonight, but it easily could be for effect/Paul having some fun.

      • Not sure anymore. He knows he can’t trust neither of them. Poor guy is going to be stuck with them for a whole week.

      • It’s BB; there is no trust with anyone. Silly!
        And who is worse off… Paul or the vets? Seriously? With big mouth Paul? Ugh!!

      • I agree. He never shuts up. When I watch the feeds I usually change the camera to wherever he’s not. And even then I can still hear his big mouth in the background.

      • I think he will because he doesn’t want James to win any money at all. Nicole may be rethink her decision on taking James but you never know about her.

      • who cares if you like him or not – take him and get the 500,000 those silly girls will vote for Nicole along with Paulie & Corey. Take james… please. Nicole is such a liar saying it was James’ idea for them to turn on Paul & Vic bs I hope Paul will find out the truth.

      • You think the girls would vote for Nicole? It seemed like she pissed almost all of them off/ lied to them at some point except for maybe Zakiyah. I’m bad at predicting jury votes though…

      • She has Days vote too. All three times they showed the jury house Day said she’d probably vote for Nicole. And Natalie told James if Nicole is next to Paul she’s voting for Nicole. But they could change their minds.

      • She DOES?? Wow…Like I said, I’m bad at assuming which non-obvious jury votes will go where, but I didn’t think Day would vote for her after Frank whispered to her that Nicole was being shady (when they were doing the wall comp). Good catch

      • If it’s going to be a Paul/Nicole Final 3, I honestly think that the jury will be divided. But I think it will all come down to who played the game better, whether it’s from someone who has the odds against him all season (Paul), or someone who played a near-perfect floater’s game and managed to win comps that matter most and made moves to set herself to go further (Nicole).

        Jury management wise, I think they’re at even grounds. I do believe Vic/Paulie/Michelle have their vote on Paul. Huge question mark for Zakiyah, Da’vonne and Bridgette though as this could be their chance to get a woman finally win against a guy at final 2.

        This could very well end up in a tie with James becoming the deciding vote.

        But I have been wrong before in my guesses for F2 so anything can happen.

      • TBH, I’m trying to wean myself off of my emotional obsession with BB (I have no social life), so I have not watched the last 2 episodes…I just get my updates here and through jokers, and then depending on the outcome I’ll watch them after Finale night.

      • Really? These three are boring.

        Don’t know why production ever thought people liked Nicole or James. They lack ethics and integrity and are not very likeable.

      • ITA!! I was disappointed in EVERY past player they brought back this season…. especially Frank (no offense to Frank lovers) but…. he made my skin crawl when he was on that season with Boogie. I could barely handle watching the feeds, they were such vile, disgusting, bullies and then CBS made Frank out to be like innocent little “Opie Taylor of BB”…. puleeeeease. smh

        There were soooo many more interesting people they could have brought back this season. FR!

      • And I agree about how they’re not very likeable but every year at the end of the season when it’s down to the last 3-4 the feeds are insanely boring.

      • When there are only a few people left, the excitement and the drama on feeds would naturally simmer down as the season reaches the home stretch.

        We can’t expect anything explosive beyond that point until it shuts down for the season.

  8. Paul tells Nicole that he’s sure that James convinced them to put Vic and him on the block and flat out lies to Paul by telling him that James and Corey were super close.

    Neither Nicole or James deserve to win anything. Smh

  9. Nicole is flat out lying to Paul about how James talked Corey into putting Vic and him on the block.

    Really hope that Vic wins AFP.

    These two don’t deserve it at all.

    • Cannot STAND Nicole at this point…I was a fan of hers in her season (kind of)…but she is annoyingly snakey this season. By contrast, I can’t believe that the jury members were bitter towards Dan in his 2nd season…They have to be bitter towards Nicole

    • Well then neither does Paul because he’s lied all season too. Oh sorry that’s okay because he’s your favorite.

    • Such a snake. Why throw her supposed friend James under the bus with a LIE to protect Corey who is already out? Clearly to up her chances that Paul will take her to final 2 if he has the choice. Eventually James will see that Nicole has talked trash about him several times in this game. This game sucks. Not sure I have the stomach for this crap another season.

      • The majority of us that has observed production try to sabotage everyone but James and Nicole’s game is hoping that they stop.

        Only more reason to vote for Victor as America’s Favorite!

        Hope Paul makes it to the end and wins the $500,000. It’s just sad that James may make it to #2 and add an additional fifty grand to his veterans stipend.

  10. Paul takes James he wins $500,000

    Paul takes Nicole he wins $50,000

    It’s just sad how production has pushed James and Nicole into the F3. All the convincing in the DR worked. It’s sad.

      • No, I think they rigged the ‘baseball’ challenge for Corey to win, but you can’t get water from a stone. He appeared upset because 38 does not = 58. Lol. Anyway, I suspect they didn’t show the first comp and are not showing the second, because of 2 things:
        1. The need to protect Nicole from doing or saying anything that would come back to bite later, cause we all know THAT hasn’t already happened haha, and,
        2. The high probability that James and Nicole would openly discuss their pregame deal, as they have already been doing, and production can’t let that air.

      • No they rigged it for Paul. Corey was counting and didn’t look at his score which was a mistake but he thought he had it only production screwed up his buttons and they weren’t counting.

      • Yep they sure did. Upper physical strength sounds like a comp made just for him. I’m disappointed in production I thought they wanted Nicole to win. Lol.

      • Hey Lavendargirl (btw love your name, I love lavender)….how do you think production rigged it against Corey? Lol, just like with jury vote predictions, I’m not as perceptive with rigging :)

      • I don’t think they did. I’m joking about production because this entire season you’ve got people saying everytime someone they like didn’t win that production fixed it. So that’s why I keep mentioning production. And I exaggerate about it just so those people can see how ridiculous they sound.

    • And it’s a shame that production fixed part one if the HOH so Paul would win. Upper physical strength. Talk about a comp made just for him. Damn you production I thought you wanted Nicole to win.

      • Damn, the last veto comp was fixed for Corey to win too since he’s a baseball athlete and the comp was baseball themed made just for him. Heh.

      • I know right. But they really wanted people to think that then they screwed up Corey’s buttons so they wouldn’t count and gave Paul the veto.

      • Production purposely switched the numbers to sabotage Nicorey from winning. All three numbered buttons actually equates to zeroes. :))

      • I bet the same hand that pushed Helen off that platform in BB15 was also behind James failing to win a comp that ws made for him to win. heh

  11. Victor ranks #1 while Paul ranks #2 on Jokers.
    Nicole ranks 12th and James ranks 6.

    Da’Vonne or Bridgette would deserved the money more than James and Nicole. Even Natalie. Smh

  12. “…Paul and Nicole whispered their plans to keep James in the middle and move on to the end together.”


    • Heck, Nicole has consistently turned on people she’d led to believe she would support so while it MIGHT be that she’ll take Paul, I think it’s equally possible she will backstab Paul and take James.

  13. Wow, I am surprised. Paul won an endurance comp, wasn’t expecting that. Our boy is on fire! I had originally expected James or Nic to win the endurance round and hoped for Paul to win 2nd round. Good for him, he is continuing to play this game. Paul FTW!

    • I finally figured our that Nicole and james allow Paul to do all the work on the guise that Nicole is to win second round and take James with her.

  14. Yay Paul take James over Nicole. I read some where that James said that Natalie is probably all over Paulie…. really James …. she needs to run far from him.

  15. I have never liked the fact that a player like Paul who has played a really good game all season has his BB life depend on what a juror said. I am not sure who Paul should take if he does win that last part..I would say James…who has done nothing to deserve where he is and would have no real argument for the win. But, I don’t think Nicole would have the votes either..but she does have a better argument than James. If Nicole wins that last part..she will for sure take James…and she more than likely will, because that is always a mental comp and James has no clue.

    • I agree…but I thought it was the 3rd comp that they have to decide what the jurors actually said (the winner of #1 and #2 face off)…isn’t the 2nd some kind of weird 1/2 physical 1/2 mental? For example, when they have to jump into water and sort the faces of house guests in order of eviction.

      • Round 2 tends to be a combo of mental and physical/endurance while Part 3 is all about pure luck on guessing the right answers from random questions from the jury.


      • James..is that you? lol ;)

        I hope the jurors answer honestly in that final round. James said that he gave a different answer than he would have normally, to throw off the house guests in their final competition. Maybe he was joking

      • I am James, future ruler of the BB Universe bent on world domination and my scheme to go in and out of the house without anyone looking just so I could talk to you guys on BBN has finally worked to better my odds of winning. BWAHAHAHA.

        j/k. :D

      • And THAT statement right there is more game talk than BB James has done all season. Way to take initiative for once, and not just “vote with the house”!! lol

    • I think if it’s Paul and Nicole then Nicole would have Corey, Paulie, Z, Day and Natalies vote. Day has already said several times she’s probably voting for Nicole and Natalie said she’d vote for Nicole over Paul.

      • I’d be shocked if Natalie still voted for Nicole over James or Paul. James gets her vote no matter what in my opinion, but if its between Paul and Nicole… This is the same Nicole that Natalie threatened to never speak to James again over. This is the same Paul that she still feels genuinely guilty over turning on. So Paul definitely gets Natalie’s vote over Nicole.

        Day will definitely vote for Nicole over Paul as of right now. However… She will have to respect Paul’s ability to hang in there when that last jury member comes walking in and its still not Paul. When (not if) Paul makes it to final two, I expect some votes to potentially swing his way, especially if he’s up against Nicole.

      • When Natalie said she’d vote for Nic over Paul, it was the week of her eviction. And, if I recall, she said that AFTER having threatened James.

        I agree, however, her vote will go to James, no matter who’s he’s sitting next to.

      • of course if she thinks James is gonna get a few bucks she will back him all the to the bank to help him cash the check…

      • I didn’t say Natalie would vote for Nicole over James. We all know that. But she did tell James she would vote for Nicole over Paul. And she can’t stand Paul. Those guilty feelings lasted a day. Also she told James that out of anger after being nominated. She even told James later she didn’t mean it. And you can’t say definitely because you’re not them. Just have to wait and see.


    My wild guesses:

    Nicole/ James F2:

    Nicole: Corey, Paulie, Day, Zakiyah, Victor (?), Paul (?)
    James: Michelle, Natalie, Bridgette(?)

    Nicole/ Paul F2:

    Nicole: Corey, Paulie, Day, Zakiyah, James, Natalie (?)
    Paul: Victor, Michelle, Bridgette (?)

    Paul/ James F2:

    Paul: Victor
    James: Natalie, Michelle, Corey, Nicole, Paulie (?), Day, Zakiyah, Bridgette (basically everyone but Victor…)

    I hope I’m wrong about the Paul scenarios and he gets more votes, but what do you guys think??

      • Please be right!! I just wasn’t sure, since he might feel like the ‘Pictor’ duo turned on him.

      • I think if they really sit and think about it then based on game play Paul has to win. James lol obviously lucked through. Nothing strategic there. And Nicole well I can’t get passed her whining and I don’t know how much was actual game as opposed to luck

      • I agree on all points…I just hope that the jurors are either bitter towards Nicole (immature, I know), or strategic and reasonable towards Paul. He really did play the game the entire time, no messing around with showmances or sneaky backstabbing.

      • Over James, maybe. But he’s been talking up Nicole, so I think it’s more likely he’d vote for her.

    • I get the feeling Paul is gonna have more votes than James will considering James has been coasting throughout the game and riding coattails. As for Nicole well it’s hard to say since they both played good games though I think Paul played better.

  17. It’s funny, I’ve never agreed with the people who disliked having vets in the game because “they had their chance”. But now that it’s down to 2 vets and one clearly very strong new player, I am starting to agree with them. Especially when it’s two veteran players who not only came in with experience, but likely a pre-game ally.
    I’ve gone back and forth a lot on whether I like Paul but there’s not a doubt in my mind that he deserves to win it all.
    I admit that I gave up on following the game a week or two ago. And it’s pretty clear from some comments I’ve made that I’ve never liked Nicole. Between those facts, I may be biased. But I’m rooting for Paul.

    • Paul definitely deserves to win it all, and it wouldn’t surprise me if he’s considered one of the best to ever play the game. He has a great social game, and he’s showing that he is as much of a beast at comps as his buddy Vic is.

  18. I hope Paul wins the 3rd HOH and cut Nicole off. Her comp wins, staying off the block for so long, and her flip Flopping alliances are valid points for her winning the entire game. What the hell can James possibly say? Oh I won a HOH and that’s it. There was nothing social about his game. He just wasn’t a big enough threat at the moment for him to be evicted soon. Once the number of houseguests started to dwindle he still didn’t show up to perform at a high level. Him throwing comps isn’t a valid point for getting a half a million dollars. James already said he’s going for AFP award anyways. James is by far one of the BIGGEST SCRUBS to ever play BB, and it’s sad to think he’s granted a spot in the F2 assuming that Paul or Nicole is going try and cut each other off.

  19. Does anyone know when the 2nd HOH competition takes place? I can’t find the information anywhere I’ve looked

    • I think Matt said Round 2 takes place on the last Friday in the house which would be tonight.

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