‘Big Brother 18’: Voting Delayed – America’s Care Package Round 5

It’s your turn to vote, America, says CBS. Well, not yet at least. This week’s Big Brother America’s Care Package voting will be delayed just a bit as we await the next Big Brother 18 twist.

Update: CBS has announced Thursday’s HoH battle will be an endurance comp on your Live Feeds (get the Free Trial) and that will delay the start of the ACP vote until around 12AM PT (or later). Get ready to watch it all on the Feeds tonight!

America's Vote on Big Brother 18

This week one of the first five evicted Jurors will be returning to the game. Delaying the Care Package vote tells us when we can expect those results and how it’s impacting this final round of the ACP.

Since voting usually opens on Sundays for that week’s Care Package there’d be a problem this week. When someone comes back in the game they’d be at a significant disadvantage to the ACP twist because the other two or three options (depending on who goes & comes back) would have been all week. Say Da’Vonne returns, she wouldn’t be open for votes until Thursday night and would have less than 24 hours of votes to accumulate over say Corey who was collecting votes all week.

Of course the ideal thing would have been for this twist to end before the returning Juror happened, but too late for that now. Instead production will hold off on voting until the time when we know who all will be in the house and eligible to receive that ACP. This tells us the returning Juror competition will be held during Thursday’s live show so voting can be immediately updated and opened for the following fifteen hours.

Remember that during BB16 we saw the returning Juror competition held during the show with the sliding discs where Nicole won and even landed herself a nice big kiss from Jocasta. The next round’s HoH competition was then held later in the night once everything was cleared and set back up again. I’m expecting a similar arrangement this week.

Okay, so we’ve established there’s going to be a delay in the Care Package voting and when we’ll likely see the returning Juror twist completed. So what’s this week’s CP power? CASH!

CBS calls this one the “BB Bribe” and describes it as “the winner get $5,000 to bribe one Houseguest! Bribes may influence voting, competitions, vetoes, or nominations. The bribe can only be given to one Houseguest for one action, within the week leading up to the next eviction.”

You’ll have 20 votes each day, resetting at midnight, and the voting begins Thursday at 10PM ET (7PM PT). There’s no concern this time around about the top vote earner being evicted and it going to the next person. We’ll know exactly who is eligible while voting.

So remember that so far Natalie, James, Nicole, and Michelle have all won an ACP so they can’t receive this. It’ll either go to Corey, Paul, Victor, or whoever comes back. Of course right now it looks like Victor will be voted out so that opens us up to it still being him if he wins his way back in to the game.

Who do you want to win the BB Bribe Care Package? Vote below and share your thoughts on what’s going on here with the twist, delayed voting, and returning Juror situation.



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  1. This ACP5 is stupid! If corey for some stupid reason gets it then he can bribe Nicole to do something (as if that will be hard). and in effect Nicole gets two ACP benefits???? Can he bribe her with only $2500 and he keeps the rest?

    I’d like clarity on how this ACP can play out since it is after eviction it wont help anyone this week.

    • You know that if Doofus won it, he’d try his best to make sure Dingus got it and they could use it on their honeymoon trip (lol, in Dingus’s dreams). It seems he could do something as simple as bribing her to throw a comp when the plan all along was for her to do it? There are so many possibilities with the way the rules read. Idk, but I hope something very interesting happens regarding the CP.

      • I hope Corey doesn’t win this. You know he will somehow give it to Nicole. I don’t want Nicole to win anything. All she does is hang out in bed with Corey. Ugh! She thought she was coming back to summer camp???

      • I think she has been made to feel “safe” since before the season started and hasn’t felt the need just yet to put much effort into anything except for making Doofus’s tallywhacker stand to attention.

      • Why not Nicole is a good cuddle person and seem Corey like her too, I don’t think so it’s a bad thing if Corey win the ACP and wants to give it to Nicole it is his choise/decision

      • Yeah, this should have been the 2nd ACP with the CoHoH the 5th That way the packages increased in value so as the numbers dwindled, the package carried more value.

      • Actually it’s quite important for the right person. Next week will still be 7 HGs. Say the person who gets the ACP is on the block and he/she knows the votes would be a tie (2-2) so he/she can bribe one HG to vote in his/her favor to make it 3-1 or bribe the HoH to break the tie for him/her.
        For example like this week, if Victor gets this ACP he can bribe James to vote to keep him so he won’t be evicted

      • It’s not an ultimate power, James would still have to AGREE to it, which he very well might not.

      • I’m wondering if the fact that it’s not secret could affect it at all? I’m sure they’ll all be watching for any out of character game moves and that could make it less likely to be accepted. Just a thought. I guess we’ll have to see if it’s worth anything.

      • Given a choice at this stage of the game I’d take CoHoH over having $5k to bribe someone. And i’m sure Victor/Paul/Corey would too

    • I said the same thing on another post. It won’t be that hard, especially when the other HG’s know what the package is because the recipient has to read it in front of everyone.

    • It all depends on who Production thinks they should give it to that benefits Nicole and James game.

    • One thing I would like to point out is that the 5K is not “splittable”. So you can’t bribe someone with 2.5K and then keep the rest to yourself

  2. I miss the good ole’ days of BB where you didn’t have all of these twists, rule changes and ways to get back in the house, not once, but twice. I can’t stand it if the BB production loons find a way to bring back into the BB house, Momma Braid.

  3. OK…I went back and read Bribe rules and confused myself even more. (Not hard to do, btw) Does the recipient of the CP get the 5K because he/she was able to bribe someone? Or is the 5K to be used as the bribe?

      • So the recipient actually doesn’t receive anything? That makes no sense to me either. If the bribee gets the money for going along, does that mean Nicole, James, Nat, and Mich can’t be the ones who are bribed because they already received a CP….

      • The bribee can be any HG. But the HG who receives the 5K and hence becomes the briber can only be one of the eligible HGs.

      • How does the briber contact an HG not in the house to bribe them? This is getting too confusing for me!

      • Thanks for clarifying, I was really scratching my head. It didn’t make sense but with BB this season you never know. ;-)

      • Well, that’s stupid. The one who receives the CP should be the beneficiary of the money imo. CBS needs to make this a little clearer.

      • Makes no sense to me either, and I wouldn’t put in any effort to bribe anyone! I thought if the person does the task the briber will get the 5K.

      • Exactly. It should be their money, not the one that’s swayed. Others could be reading it wrong, or I could have been. Like I said, CBS needs more clarification on this.

      • Similar to BB10. April got a card or a check/transferable. She was allowed to bribe, but she wasn’t successful, so she gets to keep it. Now the instruction is clearer I think.. ‘can be used to bribe” so I would assume if nobody bites, you get to keep it….That’s my understanding, and that’s the only one that make sense to me…There has to be an incentive. To use it or to keep it for your self.

      • Ah haaa, this does make since, however, because they have received a CP already, there’s nothing saying that you cannot give to someone who has already received the CP. After all, there are so few people left in the game, they really have not too many choices.

  4. I’m very worried now… according to the poll, Corey is in the lead
    I ain’t sending Corey shxt!

  5. I’m voting Victor. I’m not to fonder of this care lackage anyway.. so i could care less who wins it. I hope Victor gets voted out so he can beat Paulie in the returning juror comp.

    • I’m thinking of voting for Paul to get it. He’s smart enough to think of an angle that would either help himself or make someone look bad –thinking of James who would be my bet to accept a bribe

    • You know they are putting Paul and Vic right back on the block. My hope is that Paul or Vic get the bribe and the other. One gets PoV then they can Bribe Corey to go up in their place knowing Nicole would never get him out and get Michelle out.

  6. Well tbh… even if we send this bribe to a HG that we like, 5K is probably not going to have any impact on the game

  7. Despite April trying to bribe him to use the Veto on her with $5,000 she had earned in a previous Veto competition, Dan chose to leave nominations the same.

  8. BB can’t be real w/this CP! The final CP should have been one of the best packages out of the 5. BB tends to be a joke!!

      • Corey is not a person to persuade others, I would agree if Paul gets it bcz he has the gift of gab! This is right up Paul’s alley. Only thing Corey would do is lay in the bed all day and maybe persuade Nicole to turn over!

    • I agree for several reasons. 1) The Co-HOH was clearly a superior power, and should be the last one given. 2) They are too deep in the game now to think that a $5K bribe will be effective. It would have worked out much better with more houseguests. But with $500k in sight, betraying your alliance for a bribe at this point would be foolish.

      • It ain’t a waste if u can buy a Veto…if u can buy a jury vote to keep u safe or vote another person out or maybe if u can bribe someone to throw a comp or maybe even take ur place as a have-not… Its not a bad CP if u use it wisely..If u have the gift of gab and can manipulate people then u might benefit ur game if the bribe is well thought out and u trust the person u pay to go through with the deal..

      • My point is that I don’t think anyone is going to be persuaded for $5,000 to do something against their best interest in the game. If someone uses it next week and it actually works to their advantage, then more power to them. But nobody is going to take $5,000 if it’s going to screw them in the long run.

  9. Corey is in the lead? Really? Who votes on this? I just don’t get it…at all! *sigh*

  10. i the rules,(c.p.) were alittle more clear do both get money?do thay have to keep if on takers oh forget it

  11. giving a bribe can deep six a person’s game–taking a bribe could be even worse. I wonder what happens if it goes unused?

  12. And why do I see that Corey is in the lead here? I’m so over him and Nicole. And Nicole actually admitted that she thought this was going to be BB summer camp and it’s actually been hard this time. Really? How so? She’s been in bed with Corey all day everyday, I have no idea what exactly has been so hard for her, maybe besides Corey’s wee wee. I know that’s so wrong, but it’s true =P

  13. Corey is not getting any s**t from me. Maybe another eyes of doom…I’m giving all my votes to Paul.

  14. So now I see that Michelle has put up Corey as the replacement nominee and is on side to evict Victor. Oh Michelle, open your eyes and get a backbone

    • Hopefully Vic comes right back. Out of those in the jury, maybe besides Paulie, even then I still think Vic would smoke all them.

  15. I think we all like Victor and Paul, so votes for them are split, and that leaves it open for Corey to take the win, dang it. I wish there was a way for all who support Victor and Paul to come together and decide on one of them and then I think for sure one of them (whoever we decided to throw it to) would win hands down. Maybe we should all go for Paul since we know for sure he will still be there, I’m saying this even though I’ve been voting for Victor. I will change up and choose Paul from here on out.

  16. Since when does a slug deserve a package like this?? What happened to rewarding those who have worked hard to stay in the house? ????

    Why, why why????

    Who is voting, teeny boppers???

  17. I see a lot of confusion regarding the CP. I thought that the winner of the CP got the money if they successfully managed to bribe someone in the house. But now I’m confused too…lol. One thing though…wouldn’t that be a CP that should be given in private? What’s the point of it if the entire house knows you just got $5000 to bribe someone? AND, if it IS dropped in the yard like the rest, and the money really DOES go to the person who GETS bribed, that house is going to be even MORE paranoid! lol This has to be one of the most paranoid BB houses I’ve seen. Too funny!

  18. This week has really sucked as I could not even vote. The vote page has not been accepting vote at all. I don’t see how any of them could be getting votes.

    This years Big Brother has too many chances to get back into the game. It is destroying the game and allowing the strongest competition player too many chances to take out the intellectual player.

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