‘Big Brother 18’ Spoilers: Who Won HoH Week 9?

We have your Big Brother spoilers revealing who won Head of Household following this week’s eviction episode and cliffhanger on the new HoH results. Ready to find out who won?

Julie Chen and the BB18 HoH

Paulie was just voted out and did not have the magic, golden ticket. That honor went to Paul but they’re all expired now so it’s time to move on to the Head of Household comp. The eviction show ended without any results but soon the Feeds were cut as HGs headed to the backyard to fight for control. Then we waited. And waited. And waited…

So who did win the Big Brother HoH comp tonight? Read on to find out.

Big Brother 18 – Week 9 HoH winner:

  • Natalie won Head of Household.

This was some sort of crazy, messy comp. HGs were covered in goop after Feeds were down for 5.5 hours. They all talked about how crazy and awesome it was. Oh we wouldn’t know though because yet again we were blocked out due to production’s decision to hide this “awesome” comp from us.

Just before the Feeds cut Natalie was telling James they need to flip on Paul and get him nominated after hearing from Nicole that Paul was tossing their names around. Nicole said Paulie warned him that James and Natalie were coming after Nicole and Corey. Natalie didn’t appreciate that too much. Of course it was the truth, but someone was running their mouth when they shouldn’t.

So now we know Natalie will be calling the shots for the first nominee. If Paul doesn’t win ACP then he could end up on the Block and if Natalie has now potentially teamed up with Nicole & Corey then she wouldn’t put up either of them though she might only have a deal with Nicole. The Co-HoH will get to pick the second nom though. So we’ll have to wait and see!

What do you think of these results? Jump on the Feeds right now to see what happens next!

Nominations are coming up on Friday already so get ready for those spoilers soon then Power of Veto comp will be held on Saturday. It’ll be a very busy weekend! Download our Big Brother App then join us on Facebook & Twitter for the updates.



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  1. LMAO Natalie finally wins HOH, and she has to share it. And it won’t be with James either.

  2. This care package could potentially be harmful to James’ game. Since Natalie is only Co-HOH, Victor, Corey, or Paul, or Meech could become the other HOH, and nominate James for eviction. And there is nothing James or Natalie can do about it. It would be Bridgette’s HOH all over again, when Frank screwed her over.

    • Yeah, but I don’t think there would be enough votes to evict James. Let’s say Natalie nominates Paul, and Vic wins the care package and nominates James. Assuming these stay the final nominees, the only votes would be Michelle, Corey, and Nicole. So Nicole and Corey would get to choose who goes. The cool twist about the Co-HOH is that if one HOH wins veto, he/she can veto the other HOH’s nominee.

      • You only need 2 votes to get evicted, and the only way to get evicted is to be sitting on the block come Thursday. We’ve seen house flips happen several times this season. Like when Bronte was screwed over. Nobody is safe. Especially when you only need 2 votes. And the votes are anonymous.

      • Sure the votes are anonymous, but if two of the 3 votes are Corey and Nicole, I think it’ll be pretty apparent who votes for whom. I don’t think Corey and Nicole would be stupid enough to leave Victor & Paul in the game to take out James.

  3. I’m not buying that Nicole has thrown everything as she told Corey. It might be good strategy at times, but everything?

    • She’s a weasel. She just doesn’t want Corey to think she’s a total loser for not winning any comps.

  4. Congrats to Nat, finally! Finally her cutthroat side has come out to play.
    All she cares about is make-ups in her HoH basket. And this is from someone who is furious being called a “princess” on national tv. Still, a great win. No begging to Vic to throw the comp to her this time, right, coz Vic couldn’t play.

  5. I do dread the “reading of the letter” from home by Natalie, though, it’s going to be girly girl jumping up and down sweetness and emotion overload probably with a big tablespoon of babytalk.

      • Yeah, when people say I am not a sweet person, I try to think they are referring to my not caring for desserts .. I might be wrong.

      • He has to ruin everything. Jeeez I wonder what BS he’s telling Z right now … while they are laying in bed. Double ugh.

      • Hoping there is a chill in the air. If the girl doesn’t get it after watching that tape with Da, she is destined for a world of heartache. Honestly, I might be wrong, but I don’t think Paulie wants to rekindle that.

      • I hope Z sees that Julie said that to Paulie. This girl needs as many red flags as she can get

      • When Julie asked Paulie about continuing that relationship outside of the house, Paulie gave himself an out (in case Z rejects him) by saying he “found out a few things about her he didn’t like, so ..” and Julie chimed in with “That’s a no, folks”, but I think he’ll give Z another chance to pleasure him and if it doesn’t work he will turn it around as his rejection of her. Either way he “never cared”.

      • Speaking of Paulie kissing … could you believe it when he grabbed and kissed Michelle during his ridiculous over-extended speech? Poor Michelle and poor me – I think I saw her hoohaha.

      • He takes a lot of liberties, imo, that he shouldn’t feel entitled to take…but he does feel entitled and has proven that over and over. I wish she had slapped him right then and there. And yes, the scene was very revealing.

      • Now that you brought Julie up and in the situation of numbnuts inviting himself to scoop her up, I would guess she wouldn’t slap him right there, but I would have thought she might have said something to him. I was disappointed in Julie for that whole interview.

      • Yes, I wondered why she gave a positive response when I would have thought not. Is she just another female whose insecurity allows whatever male attention comes her way?

      • I’d have to admit that when I was that age, it would have probably been more difficult to be assertive if put in that exact situation. Today is the new improved me. lol

      • Same here – I would have been proud to give what I thought was an expected positive response and at the same time feeling like I just stepped on pooh (me). Took a lot to get improved from that and as many years have gone by – there’s still batter on the toothpick!

      • That grossed me out so bad. He was a ridiculous fake with his goodbye speech. So glad he’s gone and I hope he doesn’t come back.

      • Watch out! I might grab you and kiss you! Seriously, I don’t ever want to see that ahole ever again ever never … but ..it ain’t happening .. he will be back for the comp with a chance to get back in. Ughhhhhaaaa.

      • And Julie just let him go on and on and on and on. I just don’t get why this d-head gets his way all the time.

      • Ok, the kiss was fake according to the other hgs. Secondly, mech was wearing shorts, so no one saw her hooha.

      • Ohmygoodness! You did not! She had blue shorts on. I dvr the show, and meech is clearly wearing shorts and no hooha shows. Smh

      • I still saw it. The whole thing did not show only half of it when Paulie leaned her back. I know what I saw.

      • To me, it seemed like Paulie was just setting the groundwork for it to be his idea if she happens to reject him. He covers himself in all ways almost always.

  6. Natalie may come to regret turning on Victor, Paul, and Michelle for Nicole and Corey next week if Paulie comes back and those 3 turn the tables on Natalie and James. From the talks I’ve heard this morning Paul, Victor, and Michelle are all 100% loyal to take it to the Final 5 with James and Natalie as previously discussed. I think Natalie is on the fence right now, so the care package is going to be huge this week. If Paul, Victor, or Michelle get co-HOH they are going to be pushing the original agenda and if she goes against them she leaves at least 2 people in the house this week mad at her, whereas if she goes with them to target Nicole and Corey she’d be left with only one person mad. I think ultimately she’s going to side with whichever side gets the package to avoid James being a potential target this week.

    • I surely hope so! Corey technically has a 25% chance of winning the care package but I highly doubt he will. If Natalie goes against the house she’s a bigger idiot than I thought.

      • I think Nat has proven that she is anything but an idiot. I hope she doesn’t go with Nic and Corey, though. I think she’ll see the light of day before that happens…hopefully.

      • She does think out loud a lot, so maybe we are just hearing her run through a variety of thoughts and that is what makes her look like she flip-flops.

      • Yup! lol I was typing while you posted that. The CP could play a huge role in her decision.

      • There is time. Voting for the CP isn’t over until 1:00PM EST, and I think it will be a little after that before the nom ceremony. Whoever gets the CP could change the direction Nat is going with her noms.

      • Yeah that’s nice of her I guess but Bridgette and Michelle caught on to his tricks too

  7. Blows my MIND that Natalie believes Paulie and Nicole, like what?! All day she was blabbering about how she wanted the satisfaction of putting up and sending home Corey. Apparently she’s a bigger flip flopper than Nicole. Everyone please vote Paul for the care package and set these idiots straight.

    • I have voted for Paul every day. I honestly don’t know if anything is going to override my disgust with the production and editing of this season, tho. I need to get over it.

  8. Was Paulie sitting next to Julie when she told us about the buy back? I don’t remember.

    • I’m pretty sure he was not .. I do believe it was after a commercial and he left the stage during the commercial … I have been wrong so many times, so … ? Guess I didn’t answer you!

      • Yeah, maybe he will stay with Julie and her hubby in the interim … actually, I do think he will go to Jury and he knows nothing about the comp to come back.

      • I think you are probably right if he knew about the comp, but I don’t think he did know about the comp.

      • I certainly hope that happens, even though he is a master at his own version of everything.

      • He will still go to the jury house coz he needs to show his eviction to the jurors. I want to see how they react!
        Actually it’s good for Paulie to be evicted this week. He has one week to mend the fences with Day, Z and Bridge. Tough crowd but still. So if he’s to win the buyback and somehow makes to F2, he might (again, might) have their votes.

      • If Paulie is the man of integrity he claims he is, he should throw the competition to Z.

  9. Corey always gets nice and goofy edit from the production. Yesterday his speech to Paulie made him look like a great bro. Besides he’s in a showmance with Nicole. I know this site dislikes him but who knows? I won’t be surprised if he gets the ACP.

    • According to Jokers popularity poll Nicole is # 12 and Corey is #13 so I don’t see Corey getting the care pkg.

      • Yeah but how many people are actually voting in jokers? And how many people are actually voting in CBS?
        Just because you are in a group of people who don’t like someone or something it doesn’t mean everyone feels the same way. Just my opinion tho.

      • It is the TV viewers who I think will make the difference and they have no idea what’s up if TV is all they are seeing.

      • And houseguests do have fans. So if Corey’s, Paulie’s and Nicole’s fans vote for him against split vote between Vic, Paul and Meech. Who knows?

      • If someone is making the effort to vote 20 times on CBS, it isn’t a stretch to think they go on other websites to vote as well.

      • It might also not be a stretch to think that many TV viewers do not stray from the TV or the couch. Don’t ask, don’t tell. :)

      • This doesn’t make sense, because Nicole got it last week, I highly doubt she went from being at the top to the bottom so fast….

      • And yet Nicole is #3 on this site. Clearly, the polls mean nothing, because different people frequent different sites.

    • You totally have a point and when they showed Corey talking his bro Paulie out of the depths of despair, the edit set it up to look like it was something like the infamous Rocky getting coached up to hero status.

  10. Paul and Victor are the biggest threats in the Big Brother House now that Paulie is gone. Natalie would be stupid to go after Nicole and Corey when they are weaker competitors compared to Victor and Paul. Victor and Paul can actually win that $500,000! If they get rid of Nicole and Corey which I am sure Paul and Victor which will encourage James and Natalie to do, they would be doing the dirty work while, getting targeted by Victor and Paul when Nicole and Corey is evicted! That would be dumb! Much better to compete against Corey and Nicole for HOH and VETO than, with Paul and Victor who actually wins competitions. Then, again, these house guests do not use their heads!

    • It is in Natalie’s best interests to make a move against Paul and Victor. Nicole and Corey’s chances of winning are super slim and i think the only way either of them win is by thise two sitting together in the f2

  11. Bridgette better win the battle back because I will scream otherwise. Day would be ok, but has she ever won anything?

  12. Natalie is so likeable. Great to see her pull out this HOH. Now just give Michelle co-HOH and it will be a perfect week.

  13. Yay! Go Natalie! But, why did she possibly team up with Nicorey? She hasn’t worked with them AT ALL. I don’t get that. And i wouldn’t be surprised if she put up Victor, you know she has a secret vendetta against him since he didn’t want a showmance with her.

  14. Smartest decision Natalie and James could make, Team up with Nicole and Corey…. if they take out Nicole and Corey, they become the next target because they’re a couple…. Hopefully Paulie wins back in and it’s the 5 of them taking out the rest of the backstabbers.

  15. Her talking to America is going to become brutal. Her voice is almost as bad as Nicole’s.

  16. Interesting to say the least. So who could Natalie put up on the block, Paul, Victor, Nicole, Corey and Michelle. So say she goes for the throat and puts up Paul (assuming he isn’t Co-HOH), then Victor get’s the Co-HOH care package, who would he place on the block? HMM me little brain tells me he would be pissed and put up James. Now Corey and Nicole would control who goes home this week. Michelle’s vote wouldn’t matter unless either James or Paul could pull themselves off the block. Interesting yes me likey.

    • Going with your scenario, which is definitely intriguing, if Vic or Paul won the veto, it would be used on Paul. Then Nat would have to renom Michelle, Corey, or Nic. Would Vic and Paul be able to reel Nat in or would she nom Michelle, which would send a female packing? Remember, she said she would not nom a female unless it was to be used as a pawn. All very interesting to think about, WW.

      • Yes that is interesting to think about. However, if Paul comes down, then I could see Corey going up (since that was the plan last week) and it will be tried to be played off as that was the plan all along. Then you have these people voting, Michelle, Paul and Nicole. Who do you think would team up to send someone home? Could Paul and Meech team up to send Corey home or will Paul and Nicole team up to send James home. Oh what a big decision to think about. Kicker is this, they still don’t know yet about the returning Juror. So if Paulie comes back and Nicole and Corey is still in there, it could be trouble for Paul and Victor. If Bridgette comes back, well she more than likely will be going right back out. The same for both Z and DAY. If James comes back, he will do his best to win HOH (just as I expect Paulie to do) then both Paul and Victor could be in trouble. This next weeks eviction is gonna be very interesting.

      • Ok, you just made my brain explode. There is enough to consider after we find out who gets the CP. Then you bring in the returning juror to complicate matters even further. Golly, WW. I am limited these days. You’re really pushing it. Lolol

      • I try to cover all angles and scenario’s but I must admit I may have missed something too. If your in the game at this stage of the season, you have to think more than one or two moves ahead. You have to think of every possible outcome and every possible problem that could arise. Derrick was able to do this and that is why he won his season. It is like Chess on steroids. Sit back and enjoy the show baby cause it is gonna be a bumpy ride to the end LOL.

      • I bet you are one of those Doomsday Preppers aren’t ya, WW, and always have a condom in your pocket. lol

      • At my age I am not worried about a condom LOL. I do try to prep for bad times though. Something my Dad taught me. He grew up in the Depression and learned how to stock pile things for a later use. I guess I kind of learned to do that growing up and never knew about being a prepper back then.

    • I hope whomever wins puts up James if Natalie chooses to nominate Paul or Victor. I still wish for Nicole to leave this week.

    • I hope that’s what happens. I’ve been ready for James to go for a while just to see how she acts in the house my herself.

  17. One of the dumbest things the BB HGs do is throw comps. If Natalie is planning to nominate Paul because James wants her to trust Nicole, then I hope Paul wins the package. I have been voting for Victor, but keeping Nic and Corey is not best for her game. Winning because someone gave it to you does not make you a great player. I was excited for her last week, but I really wish she would stick to the plan.

    • Natalie is making this nomination personal..Nicole told her that Paul was the first one to make the “FT” comments. She should stick with the plan and nominate Nicole and Corey..I have a feeling that Paul will be the Co-HOH…and then everything will change.

  18. Ba-bye Paulie….Hello Natalie! I am a happy camper :-) however………..
    What is this talk in the comments about the Battle of the block and Paulie maybe coming back??
    And who are you going to vote to have America’s care package??

  19. There are so many twists that I feel like at the last minute, Julie is going to say, now we’re bringing Dr. Will back into the house! This is the craziest season ever, and I cannot keep up with all the twists

  20. I can’t stand Nicole this season. All she has done is whine and lie around making out with Corey. She even told him she would tell the jury to vote for him if they were the F2. Damn girl, this is Big Brother not the Bachelor!!

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