‘Big Brother 18’ Spoilers: Who Won HoH Week 11?

Final 6 were revealed Thursday night for Big Brother 18 after we saw Michelle voted out during a tiebreaker event, the first of the season. Now we’ve got your spoiler results on who won the next HoH competition.

HoH comp in BB18 Week 11

There are three couples left in the game and James & Natalie have just realized they’ve been outmaneuvered by their former allies in both pairs. No time to dwell on the past though since a win in this week’s HoH competition will secure their pair a ride on to the Big Brother F5.

So who did win the Big Brother HoH comp tonight? Read on for the spoilers & results.

HGs have to work eggs across a mesh fence then roll them down a ramp to knock over H O H letters. Have-Nots is back again and the first three to get an egg to the Have basket will avoid that status this week.

Big Brother 18 Week 11 HoH comp:

  • 7:00 PM BBT – Waiting on the Feeds to return…
  • 7:40 PM BBT – Feeds finally start up for the comp
  • 7:42 PM BBT – All HGs but James have knocked down one of the 3 letters
  • 7:47 PM BBT – Corey targets his second letter but the egg bumps in to the letter & goes nowhere
  • 7:50 PM BBT – HGs are missing over and over after taking forever to get the egg to the ramp
  • 7:54 PM BBT – Corey gets his second letter and has the lead
  • 7:55 PM BBT – We hear that Corey also got an egg in to the Have basket
  • 8:00 PM BBT – Victor knocks over his second letter and ties Corey
  • 8:01 PM BBT – Natalie gets her second letter. Paul only has 1. James has 0.
  • 8:11 PM BBT – Natalie broke an egg on her ramp. This will hurt all future rolls.
  • 8:15 PM BBT – James is making very slow progress and still has all 3 letters left
  • 8:18 PM BBT – Victor fires an egg right through the legs of the H
  • 8:23 PM BBT – Victor rolls another egg straight through the middle of the H
  • 8:25 PM BBT – Corey hit his last letter but it goes nowhere
  • 8:31 PM BBT – Corey lands another egg on the letter but it still doesn’t move
  • 8:32 PM BBT – Paul gets his second letter. 4-way tie. James has all 3 left
  • 8:34 PM BBT – James got his first letter!
  • 8:39 PM BBT – Victor knocks down his last letter and wins HoH!

Watch out Natalie and James. They’ll go up then if the Veto doesn’t change things Natalie is more likely to go as Corey and Nicole want her out instead of James.

What do you think of these results? Jump on the Feeds right now to see what happens next!

Nominations are coming up on Friday already so get ready for those spoilers soon then Power of Veto comp will be held on Saturday. It’ll be a very busy weekend! Download our Big Brother App then join us on Facebook & Twitter for the updates.



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  1. Michelle is a mean person. She grabbed Pablo on the way out the door…she has problems…somebody better check her bag before she leaves for the jury house!

  2. Did you guys hear what I heard, Meech said on her way out of the house that Dan Geesling is her cousin in law.

  3. Looks like CBS isn’t going to show tonight’s HOH comp on the feeds. After the most boring week of feeds ever, the fans deserve to see this comp. Absolutely shameful CBS.

  4. CBS you are SOB’s. How bleeping rude to screw us paying customers out of seeing this comp live right NOW! Wow, really makes me want to cough up the cash to watch the on-line only sh*t. uhh, not.

  5. I loved her reasons to stay before the vote took place, ” Wait, that is not how Big Meech does it” so great and funny.

  6. Am I seeing that Corey has 1 egg and no one else has any?
    Oh crap. At the end they have to roll egg down a ramp and most eggs are lost at that point. Frustrating comp.

    • Can I ask you a serious question? Why do you always repeat your comments over and over?

  7. Reading what’s going on, absolutely pathetic that Natalie has to carry herself and James to this. James going for the have instead of the win makes no sense to me.

    • Corey Vic n Paulie are not HN so they are excited, guess james will be since Nat has the nevernot pass

    • Interesting how Victor Paul n Corey were talking about how Nat picked up on game shifts weeks ago and how she almost won another comp. James will go next then we will see how F4 shakes out

    • Why would James not try? He could use it on Natalie if he wanted to. Not trying makes no sense.

      • Simply because he gave up playing the BB game while on that wall last week. So disappointed in this guy.

      • I’m no fan of his, far from it I actually pretty much hate him (both seasons) but I don’t think giving Nicole that competition was giving up. He was weakening anyway he doesn’t make that deal if he’s not about to drop. He had reason to trust Nicole and she didn’t screw over him or Natalie during her HOH (other than evicting Michelle over Paul, but she still kept James and Natalie safe) and now he could play for this one.

      • I have to disagree with you Teddy. I said this in a previous thread here…James needed to win that comp. It’s too late in the game to not win HOH and control your fate. He had also been hoping and praying for the wall the whole season…he gets it and doesn’t win? Nicole would have jumped off had James convinced her, prior to showing fatigue that he would stay up there all night…”this is my comp, I have unfinished business Nicole (Vic and Paul), you and Corey are safe and we’re going to final four together, but I’m not coming down from here. No hard feelings Nicole.”

        James has also admitted that he isn’t good at mental comps…endurance is his thing. Waiting to win the next comp is not a good idea here. Win and take one of Paul and Vic out, keep yourself Nat and Meech safe for another week and solidify your final for with Nicorey.

      • James doesn’t think that far ahead. All he thinks about is if him and Natalie will survive that week, that current one in question. He was convinced that would happen (and he had reason to be) so he did what he did. Nicole looked just as steady on that wall as James did at the time it ended, I might add. I would even say slightly more steady, which is why I said James wasn’t going to last much longer anyway. I’m not saying this line of thinking is a good one for James, but that’s the way he tends to think. Which falls right in line with me thinking he’s an idiot. Which is a big part of why I don’t like him, overall.

    • They will place James and Nat and James will save Natalie in any chance. He knows the only way to be sure Nat stays on the house is getting her out of the seat. So, even if he wins, he will save Nat.

  8. Wow, could have been anyone’s comp except for James. If James was throwing it, that was stupid. Happy about Vic – he must have most comp wins ever by now.

  9. WOOOHOOO!!!! GO VIC!!!!!! Paul would have been nicer so Vic could compete next week but oh well this is still awesome! James and Natalie are definitely the noms, fingers crossed James doesn’t win veto.

      • Exactly what I want to see imo no one deserves it more than these two. I was so annoyed at Meech when she was interviewed on stage by Julie when she said no one flip flopped more than Vic. There was no one more loyal than Vic this season. He was just looking for someone to stay loyal with and everyone he tried to be loyal with turned their back on him. Starting with Pauli who thought his F3 with Victor and Paul was a joke, than James, Nat and Meech herself who again flipped on him and Paul. At least Corey and Nicole did what they said they were going to do even if they also kept Nat and James in their back pockets. Both Vic and Paul didn’t even care because Nicole and Corey kept their word. I was so happy to see Meech voted out and James and Nat deserve the same and they know it. Loved watching James and Nat realizing they made a big mistake by turning on Vic and Paul.

    • If James win he’d probably take Natalie off instead of himself. Infact I think Nat is already planting those seeds by telling James she’d take him off if she wins veto.

      • That’s possible and I thought he might too. As long as Vic nominates them as a pair, which he will at this point, one is going home.

      • I would really be shocked if James wins AFP this season. I was a fan of his and I’ve been so disappointed in his lack of gameplay. Then again I still can’t figure out how Corey won the Care Package.

  10. James move to let Nicole get the HOH at this point of the game was the most stupid move of this season. Who give HOH at this point of the game.
    Second most stupid move was not connecting with Nicole and Corey while they were in power. Stupid stupid stupid.
    James doesn’t deserve to win. Too bad for Natalie. If she would think for herself she could have gone far. And if Michele would think for herself she may be here still.
    Don’t care who wins this season.

    • James will go home this week assuming he doesn’t win veto. If he does then Natalie is toast.

    • James should have thought about his responsibility as a dad and not focus on a showmance with Natalie which will be ending as soon as the show ends.

      Vic and Paul deserve to be final 2

  11. does anyone know why there will be no have nots? There were only 3 hn places in comp and 5 were playing

  12. i laugh all those people blame meech cryn i guess it ok that nicole and paulie both cried this season no one want blame them!

  13. I’m hoping Victor puts up Nicole and Corey or Nicole and James! He does need to get rid of Paul eventually….. If Victor is not evicted he will and should win, I think in my books he is the only one who deserves it!

    • Whomever Vic noms and whomever is evicted, Vic will for sure be OTB next week unless Paul wins HoH and even then it’s a possibility.
      Neither Corey nor Nic nor whichever of Jatalie survives are going to want to compete against Vic in F4. Even Paul would probably see the wisdom in exiting Vic. Hence Vic will once again have to fight for his life for PoV…if he gets a chance and isn’t BD’d.

    • Haha That’s not happening, they just gave him 5k for nothing. It’s Nat and James sitting on the block and one of them definitely going home.

      • They’d get more viewers if they didn’t drag their stuff out. By the time Sunday comes around, we already have all of the updates from spoilers so what is the motivation to watch? They need to do their comps and noms and votes live and in a more timely manner to give us a reason to tune in. What’s the point when we already know what happened?

  14. I have to give up Big Brother after 18 seasons because they’re going Live only. I’m not paying some service when it’s always free on TV. CBS are greedy Pigs, I feel betrayed by them forcing me to pay. Disgraceful & Sickening. Money always take over. Unbelievable!!!

  15. Question for everyone… In the unlikely scenario that Paul and victor are in jury, who would they vote to win in the following f2 match ups; Corey and Nicole, Corey and James, James and Nicole. This is assuming Nat goes this week.

    • With the alliances they way they are now, in the first match-up, Nicole. In the second, Corey, and in the third, Nicole. However … since they’d both be in jury, the alliances wouldn’t be the same. So it would probably depend on who sent them there.

    • James has no chance against any of them. All members in jury except michelle want him out. They made it obvious when they came back to play jury buy back

  16. Say what you want about Victor, the guy’s gonna go down in BB history as one of the greatest competitors. Not necessarily best PLAYER, but one of the best competitors for sure.

  17. Watching the feeds I was a nervous wreck. Everytime Natalie took a shot I was praying falllllll.

  18. If anyone thinks this show isn’t rigged has their head in the sand. It’s obvious that the production team wants the Paul/Victor duo as the final two. They spent 15 minutes highlighting Victor on tonight’s show, then he again wins HOH, surprise surprise. Nicole and Corey are idiots when they can’t see that Vicpaul will win out and dispose of them right after James and Natalie are gone. I’ve given up on this show as the cast continues to be wannabe tv stars with returning favs that don’t learn from previous poor results. It has become so predictable that it is boring.

    • Those two have been the only two playing. The other 4 have just laid back and voted with the house like Derrick told Nicole and James to do. Let everyone pick each other off and stay out of the fire.

      • Actually Derek swears on numerous social media that he had no contact with Nic before the show

      • Yeah and I’m pretty certain James confirmed that she didn’t speak with Derek too. He said he spoke to Derek for 30 minutes (something like that) prior to the show.

        This whole Derek has “coached” James and Nic is way overblown IMO.

      • I agree Vic and Paul have been the only two playing and if not for them I would have stopped watching after watching all 18 seasons. Two different style players who became like brothers. Vic having to battle back to stay in the game and who loves his comp wins. Paul the one who liked to socialize and strategize and imo brought the entertainment. No one has ever taken a punishment like Red Alert and provided me with so many good belly laughs. Normally, anyone who receives a punishment just moans and groans about it. I hope these two make F2 and imo are the only ones who deserve it.

    • It is somewhat predictable. However, still a lot is pure luck. Certain comps can be rigged, but others can’t. They can be “helped” along, but certainly not rigged. I agree that at first chance, Vic & Paul will turn on Nichole & Corey. That was a BIG mistake on their part for going into F4 with two competition beasts. All Nichole has is a useless string Bean, who doesn’t seem good for much, other than laying in bed talking in a whiny voice. Yikes, is he today’s definition of a “hunk.”

      • Paulie was a bully and a sexist, his behavior was not acceptable to the production team. He was very politically incorrect so he had to go.

      • If production didn’t like his conduct they could have asked him in the DR to tone it down. Production wants villains.

  19. If Corey had any fans on here, for sure people would be raising an eyebrow at how many eggs he successfully carried over and had things stall on him. Guaranteed if that’s anybody else (especially Paul or Victor) people would be crying foul. But it’s Corey so oh well right. That’s unfortunately biased, but whatever. I look forward to seeing the competition on Sunday because from the sounds of it he dominated it and ran into bad luck. Or as some believe when it negatively affects somebody they like, “produced” luck.

      • I don’t either. I was going by the sounds of it, and I mentioned that I can’t wait to see the Sunday broadcast. Though of course, the broadcast may not show things as adequately as I would’ve liked.

        I still pretty much stand behind saying though that if something was affecting Corey only, I don’t think anybody would say anything, but if something was affecting Victor only, there’d be talk about it. People on here don’t like Corey. I’ve seen the anti-Corey bias all season long, when many times he’s deserved better. Even when he won during the DE it was more criticism and backhanded compliments than anything else.

      • I completely agree with everything you said.
        From just listening to the comp it seemed Corey was way ahead of everybody and the fact that he played college baseball led me to believe he wouldn’t have any problems winning this one.
        But suddenly Nat caught up with him ???
        We’ll just have to see how they edit it.

      • Yep. It’ll be interesting to see on TV. I know the reaction when it comes to “almost wins” is mixed, some say a win is a win and a loss is a loss, some give credit for doing well in competitions even if coming up short…

        From the sounds of it, Corey was really close here, and he lost that Dark Room HoH to Natalie by a 4-second tiebreaker after they both collected 10 discs. He was also the last one to fall in that first competition of the season, that Victor won, when they were sitting on rockets, when they were still in teams of 4.

      • It would be something to see Corey finally stop throwing the majority of comps and possibly outplay Victor – not that I want him to but I just wonder if Corey would be able to best Vic at physical comps. Should be better than watching football.

    • I didn’t see anything fishy myself. If anything Vic dominated by numbers of eggs rolled without success.

      • That guy is bound and determined to do his best to win, unlike other hg’s who threw and awful lot of comps this season

      • Yes, I agree. Corey was slow and steady, but Vic dominated in speed and the number of eggs he brought over safely, but was unable to get that last letter down until he finally did. Also, Corey went for the Have tray and Vic didn’t. Since Corey was slower he didn’t have as many tries. Nat was fast as well, but because she lifted the ramp up trying to get the letter to fall that way she ended up smashing the eggs on her ramp. Paul was slower, but all of them except James had only one letter left to knock down. I guess this just wasn’t James comp. I didn’t see anything the least bit fishy.

  20. wed night rating Big Brother (CBS) 1.8/7 6.20
    Masterchef (FOX) (8-10 p.m.) 1.4/5 4.21
    America’s Got Talent (NBC) – R 1.3/5 6.96

  21. Ratcole is the worst. She herself said that Corey was an idiot, yet she still wants to be with him. Shows her true colors, and how she views people. She only cares about looks.

    • I don’t have the feeds, but are you sure she didn’t say that with a smile? There were times in my past relationship we’d jokingly/lovingly call each other dumb, idiot, etc but we never meant it badly and nobody ever took it badly. I’m sure some will say “no wonder it’s a PAST relationship” and that’s fine if they do, but no, this was during the best of times, and it was just the rapport we had with each other — we had fun making fun of each other.

  22. last week sunday ratings Big Brother (CBS) 2.1/8 6.76
    NFL Preseason Football (NBC) (8-11 p.m.) 1.8/7 6.13
    The Simpsons (FOX) – R 1.1/4 2.57
    Celebrity Family Feud (ABC) 1.0/4 5.74

    • If the letters were super glued they were super glued for all of them. Everyone, but James was tied with the number of letters turned over.

      • Corey is tall, but he still had the same number of letters knocked over as Vic, Nat and Paul. His height didn’t prevent him from doing as well as he did. Nat was the shortest and she had the same number. All of them at different heights did the same with the exception of James. I didn’t see anything remotely rigged for Vic. Anyone except James could have gotten that final letter down. It just happened to be Vic who finally got it after trying over and over.

  23. This year Canadians could not buy the Live Feeds, but sounds like we were saving money if they are down so much. I think Meech is a very unsatisfied girl, who has a Big Jealous and mean Streak. To be a Fly on the wall in the Jury House. Hopefully they stocked up on Kleenex.

    • Don’t know why they wouldn’t let Canadians pay for live feeds this year!! Not good business sense to me.

      • I’ve always watch BB live feeds, except this year!!! I NEVER watch BB Canada, even though I live in Canada!! Can’t stand the Canadian version of the show!! I was SO dissapointed that I couldn’t get live feeds this year!! Hope I can get the online show.

      • reald that Who wants to buy online for less?

        By Elise Dalley
        Last updated: 13th August 2014
        Geo-blocking is an online practice that prevents shoppers in some countries from being able to buy products and services for cheaper prices overseas, through internet service provider (ISP) restrictions. Unfortunately, it seems that not all retailers have embraced the web as a ‘borderless world’, and geo-blocking is a popular way of forcing Australians to pay more online.

        Different prices for different countries

        Restricting access to content based on where you are in the world is a popular strategy, and it’s used far too often by multinational tech giants. Using copyright and licensing restrictions, they can set varying prices for their products in different places around the globe. The frustrating reality of geo-blocking is common for Australian consumers, and we’re often charged hefty mark-ups on products from companies like Apple, Microsoft and Amazon based on our IP address, which is the numerical address that identifies our computers and their locations.

        While Amazon, Apple and Microsoft are among the main culprits, online media streaming services like Netflix and Hulu also divide the globe into segments, only granting access to those with a certain IP address.

        Australians pay more

        A CHOICE analysis of online price discrimination in June 2013 looked at online prices for more than 200 products, and found that Australian consumers pay an average of 37% more for PC games, 26% more for software, 52% more for iTunes downloads and 28% more for computer hardware than our US counterparts. And that’s even before you add GST!

        Fortunately for Australian consumers there are other options, like Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) that let you bypass geo-blocked sites so you can access more content online and at cheaper prices.

        Is bypassing geo-blocking legal?

        The legality of getting around geo-blocking is a bit of a grey area. Some copyright experts claim that anyone who promotes devices or programs that encourage people to infringe copyright are breaking the law. However, CHOICE believes consumers who bypass measures used to geographically restrict copyrighted content should be exempt. Why? Because they’re only accessing products and services that are being provided knowingly and willingly by the copyright holder.

        It’s legal to use a virtual private network (VPN) to protect your online transactions from hackers, and there’s little definitive evidence about whether other uses of a VPN breach copyright law. It’s also important to note that circumventing geo-blocks may breach the terms and conditions of the company you’re buying from – and if you’re found out, your account could be cancelled, losing credit and access to your downloads.

        According to the ACCC, your rights when using overseas-based companies to buy products may not be protected by Australian law. While some companies like Apple have international warranties, others like Canon and Nintendo refuse to recognise products bought internationally under domestic consumer law.

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        You can use VPNs to access TV, movies and media not normally available in Australia. As a client connecting to a VPN server that’s in the same country as the site you’re attempting to access, you have unrestricted access to media and services usually not available to Australian residents.

        There are hundreds of free and paid VPN service providers available online.

        Some popular options include:

      • Who wants to buy online for less?

        By Elise Dalley
        Last updated: 13th August 2014
        Geo-blocking is an online practice that prevents shoppers in some countries from being able to buy products and services for cheaper prices overseas, through internet service provider (ISP) restrictions. Unfortunately, it seems that not all retailers have embraced the web as a ‘borderless world’, and geo-blocking is a popular way of forcing Australians to pay more online.

        Different prices for different countries

        Restricting access to content based on where you are in the world is a popular strategy, and it’s used far too often by multinational tech giants. Using copyright and licensing restrictions, they can set varying prices for their products in different places around the globe. The frustrating reality of geo-blocking is common for Australian consumers, and we’re often charged hefty mark-ups on products from companies like Apple, Microsoft and Amazon based on our IP address, which is the numerical address that identifies our computers and their locations.

        While Amazon, Apple and Microsoft are among the main culprits, online media streaming services like Netflix and Hulu also divide the globe into segments, only granting access to those with a certain IP address.

        Australians pay more

        A CHOICE analysis of online price discrimination in June 2013 looked at online prices for more than 200 products, and found that Australian consumers pay an average of 37% more for PC games, 26% more for software, 52% more for iTunes downloads and 28% more for computer hardware than our US counterparts. And that’s even before you add GST!

        Fortunately for Australian consumers there are other options, like Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) that let you bypass geo-blocked sites so you can access more content online and at cheaper prices.

        Is bypassing geo-blocking legal?

        The legality of getting around geo-blocking is a bit of a grey area. Some copyright experts claim that anyone who promotes devices or programs that encourage people to infringe copyright are breaking the law. However, CHOICE believes consumers who bypass measures used to geographically restrict copyrighted content should be exempt. Why? Because they’re only accessing products and services that are being provided knowingly and willingly by the copyright holder.

        It’s legal to use a virtual private network (VPN) to protect your online transactions from hackers, and there’s little definitive evidence about whether other uses of a VPN breach copyright law. It’s also important to note that circumventing geo-blocks may breach the terms and conditions of the company you’re buying from – and if you’re found out, your account could be cancelled, losing credit and access to your downloads.

        According to the ACCC, your rights when using overseas-based companies to buy products may not be protected by Australian law. While some companies like Apple have international warranties, others like Canon and Nintendo refuse to recognise products bought internationally under domestic consumer law.

        Bypass geo-blocked media sites?

        You can use VPNs to access TV, movies and media not normally available in Australia. As a client connecting to a VPN server that’s in the same country as the site you’re attempting to access, you have unrestricted access to media and services usually not available to Australian residents.

        There are hundreds of free and paid VPN service providers available online.

        Some popular options include:

  24. Here’s what I think should happen. James and Natalie go up. Nat wins Veto and pulls herself off, Corey goes up as a pawn and James goes home. Now take this scenario and switch James for Nat. That’s who I want to go worse than James. Seeing who won HoH this week, I see Paul and Victor going to Final 2. Neither should have much difficulty taking Nic and Corey out once James is gone. Tell me I’m wrong and I’ll go back to my corner where I’ve been the past week basically. :-)

  25. If victor goes in final 2, it’s going to be a clean sweep for him. No 1 will vote anyone but Vic knowing how hard he played.
    I think production wants Vic to win. I’m sure they have a show lined up already for Vic.

  26. Transgenderes lives matter. ❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️?❤️❤️???????????????????????????

  27. Did anyone notice, Paul’s nipples look sooo gross popping out of his tattoos!
    They almost look swollen. Ewe!

  28. Congratulations to Paul for winning Big Brother 18. Give a tip to Nicole and dumb Corey for that one.

  29. I just wanna say as a fan right now, if Victor can pull it off, I really hope he wins. Take it home baby!!!!

  30. I LOVED Michelle laying into every one before she went out. She is right, Nicole is floating her way in this game, all she cares bout is laying bed with Corey She has zero chance of winning. Paul and Victor are going to walk away with it. I don’t usually go toward conspiracy, but Victor is being given this game! I really don’t like all the chances he has had. If your evicted, that’s it! It has messed up a chance for anyone else to make a play because of this twist. Because you can’t get rid of him!I know ,whatever comp beast but it ‘s not a fair twist and it just seems rigged for him to win.

    • If he were a weakling, then it would be different. He’s earning his way forward. Most people are rewarded when they achieve their goals. He’s focused and has bee kind and has not felt the need to stomp on anyone’s feelings, all the while being civil.

      Excellent social skills in my opinion.

  31. I believe Victor should really think this out if he wants to win because he can’t play for HOH next week! The best for him to do would be take out the vets!. That away the house can choose who they want out, yes let them play it out. Nicole is a snake like Michelle said, James lost last week when he gave away HOH. so I believe they Paul and Victor will take Natalie with them to final 3 because she can’t win comps!

  32. James as person seems very nice and caring. James as a player is too nice and caring. He needs to go on to jury because he isn’t even trying to play the game.

  33. CBS is CRAZY if they think I will pay to watch BB & it’s more like they are acting for the cameras anyways

  34. Nicole’s and Cory are perfect for each other, two idiots!! They are not going to be able to beat Paul and Victor and that’s exactly what they just set themselves up for. And somebody needs to explain to Cory what a bribe actually is. What a moron!!! These two dumbass will make it to the final 4 alright and then get smashed. Victor wins BB18. Great strategy Nicole, maybe you need to look up what that word means.

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